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鱼腾飞  冯起  刘蔚  司建华  席海洋  陈丽娟 《生态学报》2012,32(22):7009-7017
生态输水作为一项改善黑河下游生态环境的人工输水工程,研究土壤水盐与地表植被对输水的响应对于下游植被的恢复与重建具有重要的理论和实践意义。以2001年和2010年野外土壤和植物样方调查资料为基础,探讨了黑河下游土壤水盐对生态输水的响应及其与植被生长的关系,结果表明:(1)输水后不同深度土壤含水率的增加幅度依次为:胡杨林>柽柳林>草地;(2)不同群落土壤含盐量的增加幅度依次为:苦豆子>柽柳>梭梭>胡杨;同时,土壤盐分主要以HCO3-和Na+为主的轻度盐化土向以SO42-、Cl-及Ca2+等为主的中度和强度盐化土转化;(3)以胡杨为例,土壤含水率小于6%时,密度和冠幅与土壤含水率呈正相关,但大于6%时,冠幅和密度分别介于40-70 m2和0.5-5株/100m2之间;同样,土壤水溶性盐含量小于1%时,密度和冠幅与土壤含水率呈正相关,但大于1%时,密度在0.5-5株/100m2之间,造成上述结果的原因更多是群落的一种"自然稀疏"现象。  相似文献   

Vitis vinifera L. berries are non-climacteric fruits that exhibit a double-sigmoid growth pattern, and at the point known as 'veraison', which is just before the beginning of the second period of rapid fruit growth, these berries undergo several abrupt physiological changes. Cell pressure probe was used to examine the in situ turgor (P) of cells in the mesocarp during berry development and in response to plant water deficits. Initial tests comparing attached and detached berries demonstrated that cell P was stable for up to 48 h after detachment from the vine, provided that water loss from the berry was prevented. Cell P at pre-dawn was on the order of 0.25 MPa pre-veraison (PreV) and was reduced by an order of magnitude to 0.02 MPa post veraison (PostV). Cell P declined slightly but significantly with depth from the berry surface PreV, but not PostV. When water was withheld from potted vines, cell P declined about 0.2 Mpa, as pre-dawn vine water potential declined about 0.6 MPa over 12 d, whereas cell P was completely insensitive to a 1.10 MPa decrease in pre-dawn vine water potential after veraison. Rewatering of stressed plants also resulted in a 24 h recovery of cell P before, but not after veraison. The substantial decline in cell P around veraison is consistent with the decline in berry firmness that is known to occur at this time, and the PostV insensitivity of P to changes in vine water status is consistent with current hypotheses that the PostV berry is hydraulically isolated from the vine. The fact that a measurable P of about 0.02 MPa and typical cell hydraulic/osmotic behaviour were exhibited in PostV berries, however, indicates that cell membranes remain intact after veraison, contrary to many current hypotheses that veraison is associated with a general loss of membrane function and cellular compartmentation in the grape berry. We hypothesize that cell P is low in the PostV berry, and possibly other fleshy fruits, because of the presence of regulated quantities of apoplastic solutes.  相似文献   

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