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The chloroplast F0F1-ATP synthase-ATPase is a tiny rotary motor responsible for coupling ATP synthesis and hydrolysis to the light-driven electrochemical proton gradient. Reversible oxidation/reduction of a dithiol, located within a special regulatory domain of the γ subunit of the chloroplast F1 enzyme, switches the enzyme between an inactive and an active state. This regulatory mechanism is unique to the ATP synthases of higher plants and its physiological significance lies in preventing nonproductive depletion of essential ATP pools in the dark. The three-dimensional structure of the chloroplast F1 gamma subunit has not yet been solved. To examine the mechanism of dithiol regulation, a model of the chloroplast gamma subunit was obtained through segmental homology modeling based on the known structures of the mitochondrial and bacterial γ subunits, together with de novo construction of the unknown regulatory domain. The model has provided considerable insight into how the dithiol might modulate catalytic function. This has, in turn, suggested a mechanism by which rotation of subunits in F0, the transmembrane proton channel portion of the enzyme, can be coupled, via the ε subunit, to rotation of the γ subunit of F1 to achieve the 120° (or 90°+30°) stepping action that is characteristic of F1 γ subunit rotation.  相似文献   

The interaction between sulfite, an efficient Mg2+-dependent F1-ATPase activator, and chloroplast CF1-ATPase was studied. The sulfite anion was shown to inhibit ADP and ATP binding to the noncatalytic sites of CF1. The stimulating activity of sulfite persists when all noncatalytic sites are nucleotide-occupied. Phosphate, a competing candidate for binding to CF1 catalytic sites, suppresses this activity. These results support the suggestion that the stimulation of Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity of CF1 is caused by sulfite binding to its catalytic sites.  相似文献   

The effect of pyrophosphate (PPi) on labeled nucleotide incorporation into noncatalytic sites of chloroplast ATP synthase was studied. In illuminated thylakoid membranes, PPi competed with nucleotides for binding to noncatalytic sites. In the dark, PPi was capable of tight binding to noncatalytic sites previously vacated by endogenous nucleotides, thereby preventing their subsequent interaction with ADP and ATP. The effect of PPi on ATP hydrolysis kinetics was also elucidated. In the dark at micromolar ATP concentrations, PPi inhibited ATPase activity of ATP synthase. Addition of PPi to the reaction mixture at the step of preliminary illumination inhibited high initial activity of the enzyme, but stimulated its activity during prolonged incubation. These results indicate that the stimulating effect of PPi light preincubation with thylakoid membranes on ATPase activity is caused by its binding to ATP synthase noncatalytic sites. The inhibition of ATP synthase results from competition between PPi and ATP for binding to catalytic sites. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2009, Vol. 74, No. 7, pp. 956–962.  相似文献   

This study of ATP and ADP binding to noncatalytic sites of membrane-bound CF1 (ATP synthase) revealed two noncatalytic sites with different specificities and affinities for nucleotides. One of these is characterized by a high affinity and specificity to ADP (Kd=2.6+/-0.3 microM). However, a certain increase in ADP apparent dissociation constant at high ATP/ADP ratio in the medium allows a possibility that ATP binds to this site as well. The other site displays high specificity to ATP. When the ADP-binding site is vacant, it shows a comparatively low affinity for ATP, which greatly increases with increasing ADP concentration accompanied by filling of the ADP-binding site. The reported specificities of these two sites are independent of thylakoid membrane energization, since both in the dark and in the light the ratios of ATP/ADP tightly bound to the noncatalytic sites were very close. The difference in noncatalytic site affinity for ATP and ADP is shown to depend on the amount of delta subunit in a particular sample. Thylakoid membrane ATP synthase, with stoichiometric content of delta-subunit (one delta-subunit per CF1 molecule), showed the maximal difference in ADP and ATP affinities for the noncatalytic sites. For CF1, with substoichiometric delta subunit values, this difference was less, and after delta subunit removal it decreased still more.  相似文献   

A kinetic analysis of ATP binding to noncatalytic sites of chloroplast coupling factor CF1 was made. The ATP binding proved to be unaffected by reduction of the disulfide bridge of the CF1 -subunit. The first-order equation describing nucleotide binding to noncatalytic sites allowed for two vacant nucleotide binding sites different in their kinetics. As suggested by nucleotide concentration dependence of the rate of nucleotide binding, the tight binding was preceded by rapid reversible binding of nucleotides. Preincubation of CF1 with Mg2+ resulted in a decreased rate of ATP binding. ATP dissociation from noncatalytic sites was described by the first order equation for similar sites with a dissociation rate constant k d (ATP) 10–3 min–1. Noncatalytic sites of CF1 were shown to be not homogeneous. One of them retained the major part of endogenous ADP after precipitation of CF1 with ammonium sulfate. Its two other sites differed in kinetic parameters and affinity for ATP. Anions of phosphate, sulfite, and especially, pyrophosphate inhibited the interaction between ATP and the noncatalytic sites.  相似文献   

A modified ‘cold chase’ technique was used to study tight [14C]ADP and [14C]ATP binding to noncatalytic sites of chloroplast ATP synthase (CF0F1). The binding was very low in the dark and sharply increased with light intensity. Dissociation of labeled nucleotides incorporated into noncatalytic sites of CF0F1 or CF1 reconstituted with EDTA-treated thylakoid membranes was also found to be light-dependent. Time dependence of nucleotide dissociation is described by the first order equation with a k d of about 5 min−1. The exposure of thylakoid membranes to 0.7–24.8 μM nucleotides leads to filling of up to two noncatalytic sites of CF0F1. The sites differ in their specificity: one preferentially binds ADP, whereas the other – ATP. A much higher ATP/ADP ratio of nucleotides bound at noncatalytic sites of isolated CF1 dramatically decreases upon its reconstitution with EDTA-treated thylakoid membranes. It is suggested that the decrease is caused by conformational changes in one of the α subunits induced by its interaction with the δ subunit and/or subunit I–II when CF1 becomes bound to a thylakoid membrane.  相似文献   

The ATP synthase of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is composed of 20 different subunitswhose primary structure is known. The organization of proteins that constitute the membranousdomain is now under investigation. Cysteine insertions combined with the use of nonpermeantmaleimide reagents and cross-linking reagents showing different lengths and specificitycontribute to the knowledge of the location of the N- and C-termini of the subunits involved in thestator of the enzyme and their organization. This review summarizes data on yeast ATP synthaseobtained in our laboratory since 1980.  相似文献   

A homodimer of b subunits constitutes the peripheral stalk linking the F1 and F0 sectors of the Escherichia coli ATP synthase. Each b subunit has a single-membrane domain. The constraints on the membrane domain have been studied by systematic mutagenesis. Replacement of a segment proximal to the cytoplasmic side of the membrane had minimal impact on F1F0 ATP synthase. However, multiple substitutions on the periplasmic side resulted in defects in assembly of the enzyme complex. These mutants had insufficient oxidative phosphorylation to support growth, and biochemical studies showed little F1F0 ATPase and no detectable ATP-driven proton pumping activity. Expression of the b N2A,T6A,Q10A subunit was also oxidative phosphorylation deficient, but the b N2A,T6A,Q10A protein was incorporated into an F1F0 complex. Single amino acid substitutions had minimal reductions in F1F0 ATP synthase function. The evidence suggests that the b subunit membrane domain has several sites of interaction contributing to assembly of F0, and that these interactions are strongest on the periplasmic side of the bilayer.  相似文献   

The catalytic transition state of ATP synthase has been characterized and modeled by combined use of (1) Mg-ADP–fluoroaluminate, Mg-ADP–fluoroscandium, and corresponding Mg-IDP–fluorometals as transition-state analogs; (2) fluorescence signals of -Trp331 and -Trp148 as optical probes to assess formation of the transition state; (3) mutations of critical catalytic residues to determine side-chain ligands required to stabilize the transition state. Rate acceleration by positive catalytic site cooperativity is explained as due to mobility of -Arg376, acting as an arginine finger residue, which interacts with nucleotide specifically at the transition state step of catalysis, not with Mg-ATP- or Mg-ADP-bound ground states. We speculate that formation and collapse of the transition state may engender catalytic site / subunit-interface conformational movement, which is linked to -subunit rotation.  相似文献   

ATP synthases are motor complexes comprised of F0 and F1 parts that couple the proton gradient across the membrane to the synthesis of ATP by rotary catalysis. Although a great deal of information has been accumulated regarding the structure and function of ATP synthases, their motor functions are not fully understood. For this reason, we performed the alignments and analyses of the protein sequences comprising the core of the ATP synthase motor complex, and examined carefully the locations of the conserved residues in the subunit structures of ATP synthases. A summary of the findings from this bioinformatic study is as follows. First, we found that four conserved regions in the sequence of subunit are clustered into three patches in its structure. The interactions of these conserved patches with the and subunits are likely to be critical for energy coupling and catalytic activity of the ATP synthase. Second, we located a four-residue cluster at the N-terminal domain of mitochondrial OSCP or bacterial (or chloroplast) subunit which may be critical for the binding of these subunits to F1. Third, from the localizations of conserved residues in the subunits comprising the rotors of ATP synthases, we suggest that the conserved interaction site at the interface of subunit c and (mitochondria) or (bacteria and chloroplasts) may be important for connecting the rotor of F1 to the rotor of F0. Finally, we found the sequence of mitochondrial subunit b to be highly conserved, significantly longer than bacterial subunit b, and to contain a shorter dimerization domain than that of the bacterial protein. It is suggested that the different properties of mitochondrial subunit b may be necessary for interaction with other proteins, e.g., the supernumerary subunits.  相似文献   

The isolated epsilon subunit of F(1)-ATPase from thermophilic Bacillus PS3 (TF(1)) binds ATP [Y. Kato-Yamada, M. Yoshida, J. Biol. Chem. 278 (2003) 36013]. The obvious question is whether the ATP binding concern with the regulation of ATP synthase activity or not. If so, the epsilon subunit even in the ATP synthase complex should have the ability to bind ATP. To check if the ATP binding to the epsilon subunit within the ATP synthase complex may occur, the gammaepsilon sub-complex of TF(1) was prepared and ATP binding was examined. The results clearly showed that the gammaepsilon sub-complex can bind ATP.  相似文献   

Beef-heart mitochondrial F1F0-ATP synthase contained six molecules of bound inorganic phosphate (Pi). This phosphate exchanged completely with exogenous 32Pi when the enzyme was exposed to 30% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and then returned to a DMSO-free buffer (Beharry and Bragg 2001). Only two molecules were replaced by 32Pi when the enzyme was not pretreated with DMSO. These two molecules of 32Pi were not displaced from the enzyme by the treatment with 1 mM ATP. Similarly, two molecules of bound 32Pi remained on the DMSO-pretreated enzyme following addition of ATP, that is, four molecules of 32Pi were displaced by ATP. The ATP-resistant 32Pi was removed from the enzyme by pyrophosphate. It is proposed that these molecules of 32Pi are bound at an unfilled adenine nucleotide-binding noncatalytic site on the enzyme. Brief exposure of the enzyme loaded with two molecules of 32Pi to DMSO, followed by removal of the DMSO, resulted in the loss of the bound 32Pi and in the formation of two molecules of bound ATP from exogenous ADP. A third catalytic site on the enzyme was occupied by ATP, which could undergo a Pi ATP exchange reaction with bound Pi The presence of two catalytic sites containing bound Pi is consistent with the X-ray crystallographic structure of F1 (Bianchet, et al., 1998). Thus, five of the six molecules of bound Pi were accounted for. Three molecules of bound Pi were at catalytic sites and participated in ATP synthesis or Pi ATP exchange. Two other molecules of bound Pi were present at a noncatalytic adenine nucleotide-binding site. The location and role of the remaining molecule of bound Pi remains to be established. We were unable to demonstrate, using chemical modification of sulfhydryl groups by iodoacetic acid, any gross difference in the conformation of F1F0 in DMSO-containing compared with DMSO-free buffers.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial ATP synthases shares many structural and kinetic properties with bacterial and chloroplast ATP synthases. These enzymes transduce the energy contained in the membrane's electrochemical proton gradients into the energy required for synthesis of high-energy phosphate bonds. The unusual three-fold symmetry of the hydrophilic domain, F1, of all these synthases is striking. Each F1 has three identical subunits and three identical subunits as well as three additional subunits present as single copies. The catalytic site for synthesis is undoubtedly contained in the subunit or an , interface, and thus each enzyme appears to contain three identical catalytic sites. This review summarizes recent isotopic and kinetic evidence in favour of the concept, originally proposed by Boyer and coworkers, that energy from the proton gradient is exerted not directly for the reaction at the catalytic site, but rather to release product from a single catalytic site. A modification of this binding change hypotheses is favored by recent data which suggest that the binding change is due to a positional change in all three subunits relative to the remaining subunits of F1 and F0 and that the vector of rotation is influenced by energy. The positional change, or rotation, appears to be the slow step in the process of catalysis and it is accelerated in all F1F0 ATPases studied by substrate binding and by the proton gradient. However, in the mammalian mitochondrial enzyme, other types of allosteric rate regulation not yet fully elucidated seem important as well.  相似文献   

An extremely small reaction chamber with a volume of a few femtoliters was developed for a highly sensitive detection of biological reaction. By encapsulating a single F(1)-ATPase (F(1)) molecule with ADP and an inorganic phosphate in the chamber, the chemomechanical coupling efficiency of ATP synthesis catalyzed by reversely rotated F(1) was successfully determined (Rondelez et al., 2005a, Nature, 444, 773-777). While the alpha3beta3gamma subcomplex of F(1) generated ATP with a low efficiency (approximately 10%), inclusion of the epsilon subunit into the subcomplex enhanced the efficiency up to 77%. This raises a new question about the mechanism of F(0)F(1)-ATP synthase (F(0)F(1)): How does the epsilon subunit support the highly coupled ATP synthesis of F(1)? To address this question, we measured the conformational dynamics of the epsilon subunit using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) at the single-molecule level. The experimental data revealed epsilon changes the conformation of its C-terminus helices in a nucleotide-dependent manner. It is plausible that the conformational change of epsilon switches the catalytic mode of F(0)F(1) for highly coupled ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

Living organisms rely on the FoF1 ATP synthase to maintain the non-equilibrium chemical gradient of ATP to ADP and phosphate that provides the primary energy source for cellular processes. How the Fo motor uses a transmembrane electrochemical ion gradient to create clockwise torque that overcomes F1 ATPase-driven counterclockwise torque at high ATP is a major unresolved question. Using single FoF1 molecules embedded in lipid bilayer nanodiscs, we now report the observation of Fo-dependent rotation of the c10 ring in the ATP synthase (clockwise) direction against the counterclockwise force of ATPase-driven rotation that occurs upon formation of a leash with Fo stator subunit a. Mutational studies indicate that the leash is important for ATP synthase activity and support a mechanism in which residues aGlu-196 and cArg-50 participate in the cytoplasmic proton half-channel to promote leash formation.  相似文献   

In contrast to everted mitochondrial inner membrane vesicles and eubacterial plasma membrane vesicles, the ATPase activity of chloroplast ATP synthase in thylakoid membranes is extremely low. Several treatments of thylakoids that unmask ATPase activity are known. Illumination of thylakoids that contain reduced ATP synthase (reduced thylakoids) promotes the hydrolysis of ATP in the dark. Incubation of thylakoids with trypsin can also elicit higher rates of ATPase activity. In this paper the properties of the ATPase activity of the ATP synthase in thylakoids treated with trypsin are compared with those of the ATPase activity in reduced thylakoids. The trypsin-treated membranes have significant ATPase activity in the presence of Ca2+, whereas the Ca2+-ATPase activity of reduced thylakoids is very low. The Mg2+-ATPase activity of the trypsinized thylakoids was only partially inhibited by the uncouplers, at concentrations that fully inhibit the ATPase activity of reduced membranes. Incubation of reduced thylakoids with ADP in Tris buffer prior to assay abolishes Mg2+-ATPase activity. The Mg2+-ATPase activity of trypsin-treated thylakoids was unaffected by incubation with ADP. Trypsin-treated membranes can make ATP at rates that are 75–80% of those of untreated thylakoids. The Mg2+-ATPase activity of trypsin-treated thylakoids is coupled to inward proton translocation and 10 mM sulfite stimulates both proton uptake and ATP hydrolysis. It is concluded that cleavage of the γ subunit of the ATP synthase by trypsin prevents inhibition of ATPase activity by the ε subunit, but only partially overcomes inhibition by Mg2+ and ADP during assay.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial ATP synthase is a molecular motor that drives the phosphorylation ofADP to ATP. The yeast mitochondrial ATP synthase is composed of at least 19 differentpeptides, which comprise the F1 catalytic domain, the F0 proton pore, and two stalks, oneof which is thought to act as a stator to link and hold F1 to F0, and the other as a rotor.Genetic studies using yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have suggested the hypothesis thatthe yeast mitochondrial ATP synthase can be assembled in the absence of 1, and even 2, ofthe polypeptides that are thought to comprise the rotor. However, the enzyme complexassembled in the absence of the rotor is thought to be uncoupled, allowing protons to freelyflow through F0 into the mitochondrial matrix. Left uncontrolled, this is a lethal process andthe cell must eliminate this leak if it is to survive. In yeast, the cell is thought to lose ordelete its mitochondrial DNA (the petite mutation) thereby eliminating the genes encodingessential components of F0. Recent biochemical studies in yeast, and prior studies in E. coli,have provided support for the assembly of a partial ATP synthase in which the ATP synthaseis no longer coupled to proton translocation.  相似文献   

The role of αPhe-291 residue in phosphate binding by Escherichia coli F1F0-ATP synthase was examined. X-ray structures of bovine mitochondrial enzyme suggest that this residue resides in close proximity to the conserved βR246 residue. Herein, we show that mutations αF291D and αF291E in E. coli reduce the ATPase activity of F1F0 membranes by 350-fold. Yet, significant oxidative phosphorylation activity is retained. In contrast to wild-type, ATPase activities of mutants were not inhibited by MgADP-azide, MgADP-fluoroaluminate, or MgADP-fluoroscandium. Whereas, 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-Cl) inhibited wild-type ATPase essentially completely, ATPase in mutants was inhibited maximally by ∼75%, although reaction still occurred at residue βTyr-297, proximal to αPhe-291 in the phosphate-binding pocket. Inhibition characteristics supported the conclusion that NBD-Cl reacts in βE (empty) catalytic sites, as shown previously by X-ray structure analysis. Phosphate protected against NBD-Cl inhibition in wild-type but not in mutants. In addition, our data suggest that the interaction of αPhe-291 with phosphate during ATP hydrolysis or synthesis may be distinct.  相似文献   

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