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Co-evolutionary trajectories of host-parasite interactions are strongly affected by the antagonists' evolutionary potential, which in turn depends on population sizes as well as levels of recombination, mutation, and gene flow. Under similar selection pressures, the opponent with the higher evolutionary rate is expected to lead the co-evolutionary arms race and to develop local adaptations. Here, we use mitochondrial DNA sequence data and microsatellite markers to assess the amount of genetic variability and levels of gene flow in two host-parasite systems, each consisting of an ant social parasite--the European slavemaker Harpagoxenus sublaevis and the North American slavemaker Protomognathus americanus--and its two main host species. Our population genetic analyses revealed limited gene flow between individual populations of both host and parasite species, allowing for a geographic mosaic of co-evolution. In a between-system comparison, we found less genetic variability and more pronounced structure in Europe, where previous behavioural studies demonstrated strong local adaptation. Within the European host-parasite system, the larger host species Leptothorax acervorum exhibited higher levels of both genetic variability and gene flow, and previous field data showed that it is less affected by the social parasite H. sublaevis than the smaller host Leptothorax muscorum, which has genetically depleted and isolated populations. In North America, the parasite P. americanus showed higher levels of gene flow between sites, but overall less genetic diversity than its hyper-variable main host species, Temnothorax longispinosus. Interestingly, recent ecological and chemical studies demonstrated adaptation of P. americanus to local host populations, indicating the importance of migration in co-evolutionary interactions.  相似文献   

Many parasites alter the behaviour of their host to their own advantage, yet hosts often vary in their susceptibility to manipulation. The ecological and evolutionary implications of such variation can be profound, as resistant host populations may suffer lower parasite pressures than those susceptible to manipulation. To test this prediction, we assessed parasite‐induced aggressive behaviours across 16 populations of two Temnothorax ant species, many of which harbour the slavemaker ant Protomognathus americanus. This social parasite uses its Dufour's gland secretions to manipulate its hosts into attacking nestmates, which may deter defenders away from itself during invasion. We indeed find that colonies that were manipulated into attacking their Dufour‐treated nestmates were less aggressive towards the slavemaker than those that did not show slavemaker‐induced nestmate attack. Slavemakers benefited from altering their hosts’ aggression, as both the likelihood that slavemakers survived host encounters and slavemaker prevalence in ant communities increased with slavemaker‐induced nestmate attack. Finally, we show that Temnothorax longispinosus colonies were more susceptible to manipulation than Temnothorax curvispinosus colonies. This explains why T. curvispinosus colonies responded with more aggression towards invading slavemakers, why they were less likely to let slavemakers escape and why they were less frequently parasitized by the slavemaker than T. longispinosus. Our findings highlight that large‐scale geographic variation in resistance to manipulation can have important implications for the prevalence and host preference of parasites.  相似文献   

Resistance of bacteria to phages may be gained by alteration of surface proteins to which phages bind, a mechanism that is likely to be costly as these molecules typically have critical functions such as movement or nutrient uptake. To address this potential trade-off, we combine a systematic study of natural bacteria and phage populations with an experimental evolution approach. We compare motility, growth rate and susceptibility to local phages for 80 bacteria isolated from horse chestnut leaves and, contrary to expectation, find no negative association between resistance to phages and bacterial motility or growth rate. However, because correlational patterns (and their absence) are open to numerous interpretations, we test for any causal association between resistance to phages and bacterial motility using experimental evolution of a subset of bacteria in both the presence and absence of naturally associated phages. Again, we find no clear link between the acquisition of resistance and bacterial motility, suggesting that for these natural bacterial populations, phage-mediated selection is unlikely to shape bacterial motility, a key fitness trait for many bacteria in the phyllosphere. The agreement between the observed natural pattern and the experimental evolution results presented here demonstrates the power of this combined approach for testing evolutionary trade-offs.  相似文献   

In this synthesis we apply coevolutionary models to the interactions between socially parasitic ants and their hosts. Obligate social parasite systems are ideal models for coevolution, because the close phylogenetic relationship between these parasites and their hosts results in similar evolutionary potentials, thus making mutual adaptations in a stepwise fashion especially likely to occur. The evolutionary dynamics of host-parasite interactions are influenced by a number of parameters, for example the parasite's transmission mode and rate, the genetic structure of host and parasite populations, the antagonists' migration rates, and the degree of mutual specialisation. For the three types of obligate ant social parasites, queen-tolerant and queen-intolerant inquilines and slavemakers, several of these parameters, and thus the evolutionary trajectory, are likely to differ. Because of the fundamental differences in lifestyle between these social parasite systems, coevolution should further select for different traits in the parasites and their hosts. Queen-tolerant inquilines are true parasites that exert a low selection pressure on their host, because of their rarity and the fact that they do not conduct slave raids to replenish their labour force. Due to their high degree of specialisation and the potential for vertical transmission, coevolutionary theory would predict interactions between these workerless parasites and their hosts to become even more benign over time. Queen-intolerant inquilines that kill the host queen during colony take-over are best described as parasitoids, and their reproductive success is limited by the existing worker force of the invaded host nest. These parasites should therefore evolve strategies to best exploit this fixed resource. Slavemaking ants, by contrast, act as parasites only during colony foundation, while their frequent slave raids follow a predator prey dynamic. They often exploit a number of host species at a given site, and theory predicts that their associations are best described in terms of a highly antagonistic coevolutionary arms race.  相似文献   

Host defences become increasingly costly as parasites breach successive lines of defence. Because selection favours hosts that successfully resist parasitism at the lowest possible cost, escalating coevolutionary arms races are likely to drive host defence portfolios towards ever more expensive strategies. We investigated the interplay between host defence portfolios and social parasite pressure by comparing 17 populations of two Temnothorax ant species. When successful, collective aggression not only prevents parasitation but also spares host colonies the cost of searching for and moving to a new nest site. However, once parasites breach the host''s nest defence, host colonies should resort to flight as the more beneficial resistance strategy. We show that under low parasite pressure, host colonies more likely responded to an intruding Protomognathus americanus slavemaker with collective aggression, which prevented the slavemaker from escaping and potentially recruiting nest-mates. However, as parasite pressure increased, ant colonies of both host species became more likely to flee rather than to fight. We conclude that host defence portfolios shift consistently with social parasite pressure, which is in accordance with the degeneration of frontline defences and the evolution of subsequent anti-parasite strategies often invoked in hosts of brood parasites.  相似文献   

Here we investigate the coevolutionary interactions between the slavemaking ant Protomognathus americanus and its Temnothorax hosts on a chemical level. We show that, although this social parasite is principally well-adapted to its hosts' cuticular hydrocarbon profile, there are pronounced differences in the fine-tuning of this adaptation. Between populations, chemical adaptation varies with host community composition, as the parasite faces a trade-off when confronted with more than one host species. In addition to adaptation of its own chemical signature, the slavemaker causes a reciprocal adjustment in its slaves' cuticular profile, the degree of which depends on the slave species. On the host side, successful parasite defence requires efficient enemy recognition, and in behavioural aggression trials, host colonies could indeed discriminate between invading slaves, which commonly accompany slavemakers on raids, and free-living conspecifics. Furthermore, hosts shifted their acceptance threshold over the seasons, presumably to reduce the costs of defence.  相似文献   

Coevolutionary theory predicts that the most common long‐term outcome of the relationships between brood parasites and their hosts should be coevolutionary cycles based on a dynamic change selecting the currently least‐defended host species, given that when well‐defended hosts are abandoned, hosts will be selected to decrease their defences as these are usually assumed to be costly. This is assumed to be the case also in brood parasite‐host systems. Here I examine the frequency of the three potential long‐term outcomes of brood parasite–host coevolution (coevolutionary cycles, lack of rejection, and successful resistance) in 182 host species. The results of simple exploratory comparisons show that coevolutionary cycles are very scarce while the lack of rejection and successful resistance, which are considered evolutionary enigmas, are much more frequent. I discuss these results considering (i) the importance of different host defences at all stages of the breeding cycle, (ii) the role of phenotypic plasticity in long‐term coevolution, and (iii) the evolutionary history of host selection. I suggest that in purely antagonistic coevolutionary interactions, such as those involving brood parasites and their hosts, that although cycles will exist during an intermediate phase of the interactions, the arms race will end with the extinction of the host or with the host acquiring successful resistance. As evolutionary time passes, this resistance will force brood parasites to use previously less suitable host species. Furthermore, I present a model that represents the long‐term trajectories and outcomes of coevolutionary interactions between brood parasites and their hosts with respect to the evolution of egg‐rejection defence. This model suggests that as an increasing number of species acquire successful resistance, other unparasitized host species become more profitable and their parasitism rate and the costs imposed by brood parasitism at the population level will increase, selecting for the evolution of host defences. This means that although acceptance is adaptive when the parasitism rate and the costs of parasitism are very low, this cannot be considered to represent an evolutionary equilibrium, as conventional theory has done to date, because it is not stable.  相似文献   

Hosts can utilize different types of defense against the effects of parasitism, including avoidance, resistance, and tolerance. Typically, there is tremendous heterogeneity among hosts in these defense mechanisms that may be rooted in the costs associated with defense and lead to trade‐offs with other life‐history traits. Trade‐offs may also exist between the defense mechanisms, but the relationships between avoidance, resistance, and tolerance have rarely been studied. Here, we assessed these three defense traits under common garden conditions in a natural host–parasite system, the trematode eye‐fluke Diplostomum pseudospathaceum and its second intermediate fish host. We looked at host individuals originating from four genetically distinct populations of two closely related salmonid species (Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar and sea trout, Salmo trutta trutta) to estimate the magnitude of variation in these defense traits and the relationships among them. We show species‐specific variation in resistance and tolerance and population‐specific variation in resistance. Further, we demonstrate evidence for a trade‐off between resistance and tolerance. Our results suggest that the variation in host defense can at least partly result from a compromise between different interacting defense traits, the relative importance of which is likely to be shaped by environmental components. Overall, this study emphasizes the importance of considering different components of the host defense system when making predictions on the outcome of host–parasite interactions.  相似文献   

Social parasites exploit societies, rather than organisms, and rear their brood in social insect colonies at the expense of their hosts, triggering a coevolutionary process that may affect host social structure. The resulting coevolutionary trajectories may be further altered by selection imposed by predators, which exploit the abundant resources concentrated in these nests. Here, we show that geographic differences in selection imposed by predators affects the structure of selection on coevolving hosts and their social parasites. In a multiyear study, we monitored the fate of the annual breeding attempts of the solitary nesting foundresses of Polistes biglumis wasps in four geographically distinct populations that varied in levels of attack by the congeneric social parasite, P. atrimandibularis. Foundress fitness depended mostly on whether, during the long founding phase, a colony was invaded by social parasites or attacked by predators. Foundresses from each population differed in morphological traits and reproductive tactics that were consistent with selection imposed by their natural enemies and in ways that may affect host sociality. In turn, parasite traits were consistent with selection imposed locally by hosts, implying a geographic mosaic of coevolution in this brood parasitic interaction.  相似文献   

The macrogeographic dispersal of unionoid mussels is largely dependent on movement by their host fish. The snuffbox mussel Epioblasma triquetra (Unionoida) and other congeners use a novel trapping behaviour to parasitize potential host fish with their larvae (glochidia). Common logperch (Percina caprodes) trapped by E. triquetra survive the trapping behaviour, whereas other darter species (Etheostoma and Percina) do not, thus, making the P. caprodesE. triquetra relationship a good candidate system for a coevolutionary study. We hypothesized that the geographic genetic structure of E. triquetra should closely match that of its host, albeit with greater interpopulation divergences as a result of its dependency on the host for dispersal. Mantel tests of parallel pairwise matrices of population divergence (Jost's D) and genetic assignment tests based on microsatellite DNA data showed that the genetic population structures of both species were broadly, but not perfectly, congruent. Therefore, it appears that P. caprodes are not solely responsible for the genetic population structure observed for snuffbox and may not necessarily be the mussel's only host across its entire range. This suggests the potential for a geographic mosaic for coevolution in unionoids and darters. The findings of the present study reinforce the need for a joint study and conservation of unionoids and host fish aiming to protect these coevolved taxa. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 669–685.  相似文献   

How can antiparasite defence traits evolve even if they do not directly benefit their carriers? An example of such an indirect defence is rebellion of enslaved Temnothorax longispinosus ant workers against their social parasite Temnothorax americanus, a slavemaking ant. Ant slaves have been observed to kill their oppressors' offspring, a behaviour from which the sterile slaves cannot profit directly. Parasite brood killing could, however, reduce raiding pressure on related host colonies nearby. We analyse with extensive computer simulations for the Temnothorax slavemaker system under what conditions a hypothetical rebel allele could invade a host population, and in particular, how host–parasite dynamics and population structure influence the rebel allele's success. Exploring a wide range of model parameters, we only found a small number of parameter combinations for which kin selection or multilevel selection could allow a slave rebellion allele to spread in the host population. Furthermore, we did not detect any cases in which the reduction of raiding pressure in the close vicinity of the slavemaker nest would substantially contribute to the inclusive fitness of rebels. This suggests that slave rebellion is not costly and perhaps a side‐effect of some other beneficial trait. In some of our simulations, however, even a costly rebellion allele could spread in the population. This was possible when host–parasite interactions led to a metapopulation dynamic with frequent local extinctions and recolonizations of demes by the offspring of few immigrants.  相似文献   

The dispersal of parasites is critical for epidemiology, and the interspecific vectoring of parasites when species share resources may play an underappreciated role in parasite dispersal. One of the best examples of such a situation is the shared use of flowers by pollinators, but the importance of flowers and interspecific vectoring in the dispersal of pollinator parasites is poorly understood and frequently overlooked. Here, we use an experimental approach to show that during even short foraging periods of 3 h, three bumblebee parasites and two honeybee parasites were dispersed effectively onto flowers by their hosts, and then vectored readily between flowers by non-host pollinator species. The results suggest that flowers are likely to be hotspots for the transmission of pollinator parasites and that considering potential vector, as well as host, species will be of general importance for understanding the distribution and transmission of parasites in the environment and between pollinators.  相似文献   

Mating signals that increase attractiveness of males to femalescan also increase conspicuousness of the signaler to predatorsand parasites. We investigated the acoustic preference of speciesof blood-sucking flies of the genus Corethrella (Diptera: Corethrellidae),which eavesdrop on the sexual advertisement signals of túngarafrogs (Physalaemus pustulosus). Male frogs of this species facultativelyproduce 2 types of mating calls: simple (whines alone) and complex(whines and chucks). We tested the acoustic preference of theflies and their ability to locate their host when the frogsproduce simple or complex calls. The flies exhibited phonotaxisto both types of calls but were preferentially attracted tocomplex calls. We show that acoustic information alone is sufficientfor the flies' accurate localization of calling frogs. Complexcalls, however, were not approached at closer distance or withdecreased landing error (i.e., proportion of landings outsidethe target) than simple calls, suggesting that call structuredoes not influence localization performance. Female túngarafrogs and frog-eating bats (Trachops cirrhosus) also prefercomplex to simple túngara frog calls. Thus, intendedand unintended receivers with different ear morphologies exhibitthe same preference for a specific túngara frog calltype. This result is discussed in the context of the evolutionof call attractiveness in a communication network.  相似文献   

Camouflage strategies are common in insect social parasites. Being accepted into an alien colony as a dominant nestmate favours behavioural and morphological adaptations to mimic a specific odour. In Polistes social parasites, abdominal tegumental glands are involved in this camouflage strategy. These glands secreting cuticular hydrocarbons are connected with a modified cuticular area of the last gastral sternite of female wasps, named Van der Vecht's organ, whose secretion is involved in rank and dominance recognition. The size of this exocrine area has been demonstrated to be under selective pressure in Polistes, as a response to an efficient dominance recognition. Because chemical and behavioural integration differs between parasitic species, we carried out a comparison of Van der Vecht's organ size between the three Polistes social parasites and their respective hosts. The parasites Polistes sulcifer and Polistes semenowi, capable of a rapid chemical mimicry and specialized to exploit a lowland host, also show an enlarged Van der Vecht's organ. Conversely, the parasite Polistes atrimandibularis, specialized on a mountain species and showing a slow chemical integration, has a smaller organ. The time available for the parasite to tune up its chemical mimicry, before the emergence of workers to be accepted as a dominant nestmate, appears to be the most important selective pressure acting on the size of this abdominal organ. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013 , 109 , 313–319.  相似文献   

Patterns associated with the evolution of parasite diversity, speciation and diversification were analysed using Dactylogyrus species (gill monogeneans) and their cyprinid hosts as a model. The aim of this study was to use this highly specific host–parasite systems to review: (1) the diversity and distribution of Dactylogyrus species, (2) the patterns of organization and structure of Dactylogyrus communities, (3) the evolution and determinants of host specificity and (4) the mode of Dactylogyrus speciation and co‐evolutionary patterns in this Dactylogyrus–cyprinid systems. Dactylogyrus are a highly diverse group of parasites, with their biogeography and distribution clearly linked to the evolutionary history of their cyprinid hosts. The coexistence of several Dactylogyrus species on one host is facilitated by increasing niche distances and the differing morphology of their reproductive organs. The positive interspecific and intraspecific interactions seem to be the most important factors determining the structure of Dactylogyrus communities. Host specificity is partially constrained by parasite phylogeny. Being a strict specialist is an ancestral character for Dactylogyrus, being the intermediate specialists or generalists are the derived characters. The evolution of attachment organ morphology is associated with both parasite phylogeny and host specificity. Considering larger and long‐lived hosts or hosts with several ecological characters as the measures of resource predictability, specialists with larger anchors occurred on larger or longer‐living fish species. Intra‐host speciation, a mode of speciation not often recorded in parasites, was observed in Dactylogyrus infecting sympatric cyprinids. Sister parasite species coexisting on the same host occupied niches that differed in at least one niche variable. Intra‐host speciation, however, was not observed in Dactylogyrus species of congeneric hosts from geographically isolated areas, which suggested association by descent and host‐switching events.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that resistance to parasitism entails costs. Consequently, hosts evolving in the absence of parasites are predicted to invest less in costly resistance mechanisms than hosts consistently exposed to parasites. This prediction has, however, rarely been tested in natural populations. We studied the susceptibility of three naïve, three parasitized and one recently isolated Asellus aquaticus isopod populations to an acanthocephalan parasite. We found that parasitized populations, with the exception of the isopod population sympatric with the parasite strain used, were less susceptible to the parasite than the naïve populations. Exposed but uninfected (resistant) isopods from naïve populations, but not from parasitized populations, exhibited greater mortality than controls, implying that resistance entails survival costs primarily for naïve isopods. These results suggest that parasites can drive the evolution of host resistance in the wild, and that co‐existence with parasites may increase the cost‐effectiveness of defence mechanisms.  相似文献   

Standard epidemiological theory predicts that parasites, which continuously release propagules during infection, face a trade‐off between virulence and transmission. However, little is known how host resistance and parasite virulence change during coevolution with obligate killers. To address this question we have set up a coevolution experiment evolving Nosema whitei on eight distinct lines of Tribolium castaneum. After 11 generations we conducted a time‐shift experiment infecting both the coevolved and the replicate control host lines with the original parasite source, and coevolved parasites from generation 8 and 11. We found higher survival in the coevolved host lines than in the matching control lines. In the parasite populations, virulence measured as host mortality decreased during coevolution, while sporeload stayed constant. Both patterns are compatible with adaptive evolution by selection for resistance in the host and by trade‐offs between virulence and transmission potential in the parasite.  相似文献   

The "geographic mosaic" approach to understanding coevolution is predicated on the existence of variable selection across the landscape of an interaction between species. A range of ecological factors, from differences in resource availability to differences in community composition, can generate such a mosaic of selection among populations, and thereby differences in the strength of coevolution. The result is a mixture of hotspots, where reciprocal selection is strong, and coldspots, where reciprocal selection is weak or absent, throughout the ranges of species. Population subdivision further provides the opportunity for nonadaptive forces, including gene flow, drift, and metapopulation dynamics, to influence the coevolutionary interaction between species. Some predicted results of this geographic mosaic of coevolution include maladapted or mismatched phenotypes, maintenance of high levels of polymorphism, and prevention of stable equilibrium trait combinations. To evaluate the potential for the geographic mosaic to influence predator-prey coevolution, we investigated the geographic pattern of genetically determined TTX resistance in the garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis over much of the range of its ecological interaction with toxic newts of genus Taricha. We assayed TTX resistance in over 2900 garter snakes representing 333 families from 40 populations throughout western North America. Our results provide dramatic evidence that geographic structure is an important component in coevolutionary interactions between predators and prey. Resistance levels vary substantially (over three orders of magnitude) among populations and over short distances. The spatial array of variation is consistent with two areas of intense evolutionary response by predators ("hotspots") surrounded by clines of decreasing resistance. Some general predictions of the geographic mosaic process are supported, including clinal variation in phenotypes, polymorphism in some populations, and divergent outcomes of the interaction between predator and prey. Conversely, our data provide little support for one of the major predictions, mismatched values of interacting traits. Two lines of evidence suggest selection is paramount in determining population variation in resistance. First, phylogenetic information indicates that two hotspots of TTX resistance have evolved independently. Second, in the one region that TTX levels in prey have been quantified, resistance and toxicity levels match almost perfectly over a wide phenotypic and geographic range. However, these results do not preclude the role the nonadaptive forces in generating the overall geographic mosaic of TTX resistance. Much work remains to fill in the geographic pattern of variation among prey populations and, just as importantly, to explore the variation in the ecology of the interaction that occurs within populations.  相似文献   

Elevated risk of disease transmission is considered a major cost of sociality, although empirical evidence supporting this idea remains scant. Variation in spatial cohesion and the occurrence of social interactions may have profound implications for patterns of interindividual parasite transmission. We used a social network approach to shed light on the importance of different aspects of group-living (i.e. within-group associations versus physical contact) on patterns of parasitism in a neotropical primate, the brown spider monkey (Ateles hybridus), which exhibits a high degree of fission–fusion subgrouping. We used daily subgroup composition records to create a ‘proximity’ network, and built a separate ‘contact’ network using social interactions involving physical contact. In the proximity network, connectivity between individuals was homogeneous, whereas the contact network highlighted high between-individual variation in the extent to which animals had physical contact with others, which correlated with an individual''s age and sex. The gastrointestinal parasite species richness of highly connected individuals was greater than that of less connected individuals in the contact network, but not in the proximity network. Our findings suggest that among brown spider monkeys, physical contact impacts the spread of several common parasites and supports the idea that pathogen transmission is one cost associated with social contact.  相似文献   

In light of the dynamic nature of parasite host ranges and documented potential for rapid host shifts, the observed high host specificity of most parasites remains an ecological paradox. Different variants of host‐use trade‐offs have become a mainstay of theoretical explanations of the prevalence of host specialism, but empirical evidence for such trade‐offs is rare. We propose an alternative theory based on basic features of the parasite life cycle: host selection and subsequent intrahost replication. We introduce a new concept of effective burst size that accounts for the fact that successful host selection does not guarantee intrahost replication. Our theory makes a general prediction that a parasite will expand its host range if its effective burst size is positive. An in silico model of bacteria‐phage coevolution verifies our predictions and demonstrates that the tendency for relatively narrow host ranges in parasites can be explained even in the absence of trade‐offs.  相似文献   

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