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Neisseria meningitidis is a Gram-negative bacterium responsible for significant mortality worldwide. While effective polysaccharides-based vaccines exist against serogroups A, C, W135, and Y, no similar vaccine is suitable for children under 4 years against disease caused by serogroup B strains. Therefore, major vaccine efforts against this serogroup are based on outer membrane vesicles (OMVs), containing major outer membrane proteins. The OMV-based vaccine produced by the Finlay Institute in Cuba (VA-MENGOC-BC) contributed to the rapid decline of the epidemic in this Caribbean island. While the content of major proteins in this vaccine has been discussed, no detailed work of an outer membrane proteomic map of this, or any other, commercially available OMV-derived product has been published so far. Since OMVs exhibit a large bias toward a few major proteins and usually contain a high content of lipids, establishing the adequate conditions for high resolution, 2-DE of this kind of preparation was definitely a technical challenge. In this work, 2-DE and MS have been used to generate a proteomic map of this product, detailing the presence of 31 different proteins, and it allows the identification of new putative protective protein components it contains.  相似文献   

Li DQ  Wang L  Fei F  Hou YF  Luo JM;Wei-Chen  Zeng R  Wu J  Lu JS  Di GH  Ou ZL  Xia QC  Shen ZZ  Shao ZM 《Proteomics》2006,6(11):3352-3368
To better understand the molecular mechanisms underlying breast cancer metastasis and search for potential markers for metastatic progression, we have developed a highly metastatic variant of human MDA-MB-435 breast cancer cell line through in vivo stepwise selection of pulmonary metastatic cells caused by parental MDA-MB-435 cells in the athymic mice. Comparative proteomic analysis using 2-DE and LC-IT-MS revealed that 102 protein spots were reproducibly altered more than three-fold between the selected variant and its parental counterpart. Eleven differentially expressed protein spots were identified with high confidence using SEQUEST with uninterpreted tandem mass raw data. Cathepsin D precursor, peroxiredoxin 6 (PDX6), heat shock protein 27 (HSP27), HSP60, tropomyosin 1 (TPM1), TPM2, TPM3, TPM4, 14-3-3 protein epsilon, and tumor protein D54 were up-regulated in the highly metastatic variant, whereas alpha B-crystalline (CRAB) was only detected in its parental counterpart. Differential expression was confirmed for four proteins including PDX6, CRAB, TPM4, and HSP60 by real-time quantitative PCR and Western blotting analysis in our model. Immunohistochemical analysis in 80 breast cancer donors demonstrated a significant association of TPM4 (p = 0.002), HSP60 (p = 0.001), PDX6 (p = 0.002) but not CRAB (p = 0.113) staining with the presence of lymph node metastasis. In addition, TPM4 staining was also associated with clinical stage (p = 0.000), but no significant association was found between TPM4, PDX6, CRAB, and HSP60 expression and tumor size, hormone receptor, and HER-2 status (p > 0.05). The functional implication of these identified proteins was also discussed. These proteomic data are valuable and informative for understanding breast cancer metastasis and searching for potential markers for metastatic progression.  相似文献   

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is the most abundant lipoprotein particle in the plasma and a negative risk factor of atherosclerosis. By using a proteomic approach it is possible to obtain detailed information about its protein content and protein modifications that may give new information about the physiological roles of HDL. In this study the two subfractions; HDL(2) and HDL(3), were isolated by two-step discontinuous density-gradient ultracentrifugation and the proteins were separated with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and identified with peptide mass fingerprinting, using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry. Identified proteins in HDL were: the dominating apo A-I as six isoforms, four of them with a glycosylation pattern and one of them with retained propeptide, apolipoprotein (apo) A-II, apo A-IV, apo C-I, apo C-II, apo C-III (two isoforms), apo E (five isoforms), the recently discovered apo M (two isoforms), serum amyloid A (two isoforms) and serum amyloid A-IV (six isoforms). Furthermore, alpha-1-antitrypsin was identified in HDL for the first time. Additionally, salivary alpha-amylase was identified as two isoforms in HDL(2), and apo L and a glycosylated apo A-II were identified in HDL(3). Besides confirming the presence of different apolipoproteins, this study indicates new patterns of glycosylated apo A-I and apo A-II. Furthermore, the study reveals new proteins in HDL; alpha-1-antitrypsin and salivary alpha-amylase. Further investigations about these proteins may give new insight into the functional role of HDL in coronary artery diseases.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying the relationship between low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and the risk of atherosclerosis are not clear. Therefore, detailed information about the protein composition of LDL may contribute to reveal its role in atherogenesis and the mechanisms that lead to coronary disease in humans. Here, we sought to map the proteins in human LDL by a proteomic approach. LDL was isolated by two-step discontinuous density-gradient ultracentrifugation and the proteins were separated with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and identified with peptide mass fingerprinting, using matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry and with amino acid sequencing using electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. These procedures identified apo B-100, apo C-II, apo C-III (three isoforms), apo E (four isoforms), apo A-I (two isoforms), apo A-IV, apo J and apo M (three isoforms not previously described). In addition, three proteins that have not previously been identified in LDL were found: serum amyloid A-IV (two isoforms), calgranulin A, and lysozyme C. The identities of apo M, calgranulin A, and lysozyme C were confirmed by sequence information obtained after collision-induced dissociation fragmentation of peptides characteristic for these proteins. Moreover, the presence of lysozyme C was further corroborated by demonstrating enriched hydrolytic activity in LDL against Micrococcus lysodeikticus. These results indicate that in addition to the dominating apo B-100, LDL contains a number of other apolipoproteins, many of which occur in different isoforms. The demonstration, for the first time, that LDL contains calgranulin A and lysozyme C raises the possibility that LDL proteins may play hitherto unknown role(s) in immune and inflammatory reactions of the arterial wall.  相似文献   

The polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbon 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is an ubiquitously distributed environmental pollutant which can induce a broad spectrum of toxic responses in animals, including birds. In this study, we investigated the impact of 0 or 20 ng TCDD injections into the yolk of chicken eggs before start of development, on liver and ovarian protein expression in hatchlings using fluorescent two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D-DIGE) under a pH range of 4-7, combined with MS. Despite considerable interindividual variability, exposure to TCDD prior to the start of embryonic development resulted in significant changes in expression of a small set of proteins. Expression of fibrinogen gamma chain precursor in the liver and 60 kDa heat shock protein in the ovary were significantly higher as a result of the very early exposure to TCDD. NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase (42 kDa subunit) and regucalcin expression was decreased by early TCDD treatment in the liver and ovary, respectively. These proteins could not be directly linked with drug metabolism per se but are involved in blood clotting, oxidative stress, electron transport, and calcium regulation. It remains to be elucidated how these changes in the hatchling might be linked to the observed long-term consequences during posthatch life of the chicken.  相似文献   

In the present study we show results of a large-scale proteome analysis of the recently sequenced plant Arabidopsis thaliana. On the basis of a previously published sequential protein extraction protocol, we prepared protein extracts from eight different A. thaliana tissues (primary leaf, leaf, stem, silique, seedling, seed, root, and inflorescence) and analysed these by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. A total of 6000 protein spots, from three of these tissues, namely primary leaf, silique and seedling, were excised and the contained proteins were analysed by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry peptide mass fingerprinting. This resulted in the identification of the proteins contained in 2943 spots, which were found to be products of 663 different genes. In this report we present and discuss the methodological and biological results of our plant proteome analysis.  相似文献   

Extracellular proteases of Staphylococcus aureus are emerging as potential virulence factors that are relevant to the pathogenicity of staphylococcal infections. These proteases may also be involved in the proteolytic cleavage of other exoproteins released from this organism. To define the target exoproteins and their sites of cleavage by proteases, high-resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by N-terminal amino acid sequencing of exoprotein spots was performed. Two to three hundred exoprotein spots were detected at the early-stationary phase of cultures of S. aureus NCTC8325, and then at the late-stationary stage most of these high molecular protein spots became invisible due to further proteolytic degradation. As the result of N-terminal analysis, lipase, triacylglycerol lipase, orf619 protein and orf388 protein were detected as multiple spots at the early-stationary phase. We found that these exoproteins were cleaved at 3, 7, 4 and 4 different sites, respectively, by proteases. According to the M.W. and pI of each peptide spot obtained from the gel and their matches with calculated values in addition to their N-terminal sequences, we showed that the positions of putative peptides resulted from proteolytic cleavage of these proteins.  相似文献   

The complexity of Viperid venoms has long been appreciated by investigators in the fields of toxinology and medicine. However, it is only recently that the depth of that complexity has become somewhat quantitatively and qualitatively appreciated. With the resurgence of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and the advances in mass spectrometry virtually all venom components can be visualized and identified given sufficient effort and resources. Here we present the use of 2-DE for examining venom complexity as well as demonstrating interesting approaches to selectively delineate subpopulations of venom proteins based on particular characteristics of the proteins such as antibody cross-reactivity or enzymatic activities. 2-DE comparisons between venoms from different species of the same genus (Bothrops) of snake clearly demonstrated both the similarity as well as the apparent diversity among these venoms. Using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry we were able to identify regions of the two-dimensional gels from each venom in which certain classes of proteins were found. 2-DE was also used to compare venoms from Crotalus atrox and Bothrops jararaca. For these venoms a variety of staining/detection protocols was utilized to compare and contrast the venoms. Specifically, we used various stains to visualize subpopulations of the venom proteomes of these snakes, including Coomassie, Silver, Sypro Ruby and Pro-Q-Emerald. Using specific antibodies in Western blot analyses of 2-DE of the venoms we have examined subpopulations of proteins in these venoms including the serine proteinase proteome, the metalloproteinase proteome, and the phospholipases A2 proteome. A functional assessment of the gelatinolytic activity of these venoms was also performed by zymography. These approaches have given rise to a more thorough understanding of venom complexity and the toxins comprising these venoms and provide insights to investigators who wish to focus on these venom subpopulations of proteins in future studies.  相似文献   

Human saliva contains a large number of proteins and peptides (salivary proteome) that help maintain homeostasis in the oral cavity. Global analysis of human salivary proteome is important for understanding oral health and disease pathogenesis. In this study, large-scale identification of salivary proteins was demonstrated by using shotgun proteomics and two-dimensinal gel electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (2-DE-MS). For the shotgun approach, whole saliva proteins were prefractionated according to molecular weight. The smallest fraction, presumably containing salivary peptides, was directly separated by capillary liquid chromatography (LC). However, the large protein fractions were digested into peptides for subsequent LC separation. Separated peptides were analyzed by on-line electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) using a quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometer, and the obtained spectra were automatically processed to search human protein sequence database for protein identification. Additionally, 2-DE was used to map out the proteins in whole saliva. Protein spots 105 in number were excised and in-gel digested; and the resulting peptide fragments were measured by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry and sequenced by LC-MS/MS for protein identification. In total, we cataloged 309 proteins from human whole saliva by using these two proteomic approaches.  相似文献   

Vâlcu CM  Schlink K 《Proteomics》2006,6(5):1599-1605
Protein extraction procedure and the reducing agent content (DTT, dithioerythritol, tributyl phosphine and tris (2-carboxyethyl) phosphine (TCEP)) of the sample and rehydration buffers were optimised for European beech leaves and roots and Norway spruce needles. Optimal extraction was achieved with 100 mM DTT for leaves and needles and a mixture of 2 mM TCEP and 50 mM DTT for roots. Performing IEF in buffers containing hydroxyethyldisulphide significantly enhanced the quality of separation for all proteins except for acidic root proteins, which were optimally focused in the same buffer as extracted.  相似文献   

Cutler P  Heald G  White IR  Ruan J 《Proteomics》2003,3(4):392-401
Separation of complex mixtures of proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) is a fundamental component of current proteomic technology. Quantitative analysis of the images generated by digitization of such gels is critical for the identification of alterations in protein expression within a given biological system. Despite the availability of several commercially available software packages designed for this purpose, image analysis is extremely resource intensive, subjective and remains a major bottleneck. In addition to reducing throughput, the requirement for manual intervention results in the introduction of operator subjectivity, which can limit the statistical significance of the numerical data generated. A key requirement of image analysis is the accurate definition of protein spot boundaries using a suitable method of image segmentation. We describe a method of spot detection applicable to 2-DE image files using a segmentation method involving pixel value collection via serial analysis of the image through its range of density levels. This algorithm is reproducible, sensitive, accurate and primarily designed to be automatic, removing operator subjectivity. Furthermore, it is believed that this method may offer the potential for improved spot detection over currently available software.  相似文献   

Zhou S  Bailey MJ  Dunn MJ  Preedy VR  Emery PW 《Proteomics》2005,5(11):2739-2747
We report the results of a systematic investigation to quantify the losses of protein during a well-established two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE) procedure. Radioactively labelled proteins ([(14)C]bovine serum albumin and a homogenate prepared from the liver of a rat that had been injected with [(35)S]methionine) were used, and recovery was quantified by digesting pieces of gel in H(2)O(2) and subjecting the digests to liquid scintillation counting. When samples were loaded onto the first dimension immobilised pH gradient strips by in-gel rehydration, recovery of protein from the strips was 44-80% of the amount of protein loaded, depending on the amount of protein in the sample. Most of the unrecovered protein appeared to have adhered to the reswelling tray. Losses during isoelectric focusing (IEF) were much smaller (7-14%), although approximately 2% of the protein appeared to migrate from sample strips to adjacent blank strips in the focussing apparatus. A further 17-24% of the proteins were lost into the buffers during equilibration prior to running in the second dimension. Losses during the second dimension run and subsequent staining with SYPRO Ruby amounted to less than 10%. The overall loss during 2-DE was reduced by approximately 25% when proteins were loaded onto the IEF strips using sample cups instead of by in-gel rehydration. These extensive and variable losses during the 2-DE procedure mean that spot intensities on 2-DE gels cannot be used to derive reliable, quantitative information on the amounts of proteins present in the original sample.  相似文献   

Platelets play a key role in the control of bleeding and wound healing, contributing to the formation of vascular plugs. Under pathologic circumstances, they are involved in thrombotic disorders, including heart disease. Since platelets do not have a nucleus, proteomics offers a powerful alternative approach to provide data on protein expression in these cells, helping to address their biology. In this publication we extend the previously reported analysis of the pI 4-5 region of the human platelet proteome to the pI 5-11 region. By using narrow pI range two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) for protein separation followed by high-throughput tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) for protein identification, we were able to identify 760 protein features, corresponding to 311 different genes, resulting in the annotation of 54% of the pI 5-11 range 2-DE proteome map. We evaluated the physicochemical properties and functions of the identified platelet proteome. Importantly, the main group of proteins identified is involved in intracellular signalling and regulation of the cytoskeleton. In addition, 11 hypothetical proteins are reported. In conclusion, this study provides a unique inventory of the platelet proteome, contributing to our understanding of platelet function and building the basis for the identification of new drug targets.  相似文献   

To investigate aberrant plasma proteins in lung cancer, we compared the proteomic profiles of serum from five lung cancer patients and from four healthy volunteers. Immuno-affinity chromatography was used to deplete highly abundant plasma proteins, and the resulting plasma samples were separated into eight fractions by anion-exchange chromatography. Quantitative protein profiles of the fractionated samples were generated by two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis, in which the experimental samples and the internal control samples were labeled with different dyes and co-separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This approach succeeded in resolving 3890 protein spots. For 364 of the protein spots, the expression level in lung cancer was more than twofold different from that in the healthy volunteers. These differences were statistically significant (Student's t-test, p-value less than 0.05). Mass spectrometric protein identification revealed that the 364 protein spots corresponded to 58 gene products, including the classical plasma proteins and the tissue-leakage proteins catalase, clusterin, ficolin, gelsolin, lumican, tetranectin, triosephosphate isomerase and vitronectin. The combination of multi-dimensional liquid chromatography and two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis provides a valuable tool for serum proteomics in lung cancer.  相似文献   

Little is known about what happens to transmembrane proteins (TMP) in 2-DE. In order to obtain more insight into the whereabouts of these proteins we prepared membrane-enriched synaptosomes from rat frontal cortex and washed them with 7 M urea or Na(2)CO(3). From each preparation, 200 microg protein was loaded on 2-DE gels covering the 4-7 and 6-11 pH ranges, respectively. MALDI-MS/MS analysis detected only 3 TMP among 421 identified spots. However, when the samples had been washed with Na(2)CO(3), only few well-focused spots remained detectable on the gel covering the pH 6-11 range. Instead, a heavily ruthenium-stained smear became visible at the upper edge of the gel at the location where the samples had been applied by cup loading. LC-MS/MS analysis revealed that this smear contained 38 unfocused TMP with up to 12 transmembrane helices. After transfer to the second dimension, no major areas of protein staining were left on the IPG strips. This indicates that after extraction and denaturation the TMP may form high-molecular aggregates, due to their "hydrophobic interactions". These aggregates enter the IPG strips, but do not focus regularly. They are then transferred onto the 2-DE-gels, where they remain caught at the upper edge.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the extent to which differences in spot intensity can be reliably recognized between two groups of two-dimensional electrophoresis gels (pH 4-7, visualized with ruthenium fluorescent stain) each loaded with different amounts of protein from rat brain (power analysis). Initial experiments yielded only unsatisfactory results: 546 spots were matched from two groups of 6 gels each loaded with 200 microg and 250 microg protein, respectively. Only 72 spots were higher (p<0.05), while 58 spots were significantly lower in the 250-microg group. The construction of new apparatuses that allowed the simultaneous processing of 24 gels throughout all steps between rehydration and staining procedure considerably lowered the between-gel variation. This resulted in the detection of significant differences in spot intensities in 77-90% of all matched spots on gel groups with a 25% difference in protein load. This applied both when protein from 24 biological replicates was loaded onto two groups of 12 gels and when two pooled tissue samples were each loaded onto 6 gels. At a difference of 50% in protein load, more than 90% of all spots differed significantly between two experimental groups.  相似文献   

The comparison of two-dimensional (2-D) gel images from different samples is an established method used to study differences in protein expression. Conventional methods rely on comparing images from at least 2 different gels. Due to the high variation between gels, detection and quantification of protein differences can be problematic. Two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (Ettan trade mark DIGE) is an emerging technique for comparative proteomics, which improves the reproducibility and reliability of differential protein expression analysis between samples. In the application of DIGE different samples are labelled with mass and charge matched spectrally resolvable fluorescent dyes and are then separated on the same 2-D gel. Using an Escherichia coli lysate "spiked" with varying amounts of four different known proteins, we have tested a novel experimental design that exploits the sample multiplexing capabilities of DIGE, by including a standard sample in each gel. The standard sample comprises equal amounts of each sample to be compared and was found to improve the accuracy of protein quantification between samples from different gels allowing accurate detection of small differences in protein levels between samples.  相似文献   

Tao Q  Wang Z  Zhao H  Baeyens WR  Delanghe JR  Huang L  Ouyang J  He D  Zhang X 《Proteomics》2007,7(19):3481-3490
A novel chemiluminescence (CL)-based imaging method capable of directly detecting proteins in polyacrylamide gels after electrophoresis is proposed. Human serum proteins are presently detected by a direct CL imaging method after native 2-D PAGE. As a consequence, some proteins, including haptoglobin (Hp), Hp precursor, hemopexin (Hpx) precursor, Ig alpha-1 chain C region, and Complement C3 precursor can be detected and identified by MS and MS/MS techniques. These proteins are all acute phase proteins, which have been defined as biomarkers for certain diseases. Moreover, serum proteins from healthy people and cirrhotic patients were analyzed. A decrease in Hp spots for cirrhotic patients could be confirmed. The CL imaging conditions were optimized, including the concentrations of H(2)O(2) and luminol. The process of CL detection of proteins is simple, and there is no need for specialized equipment. In comparison with the traditional CBB-R250 staining method, the detection sensitivity was improved and the detection period decreased about 70 times. Hence, this technique possesses potentials as a rapid, convenient, and inexpensive analytical technique for protein detection and for the diagnosis of diseases.  相似文献   

Proteins of haloarchaea are remarkably unstable in low-ionic-strength solvents and tend to aggregate under standard two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis conditions, causing strong horizontal streaking. We have developed a new approach to generate 2-D maps of halophilic proteins which included washing cells with 1.5 M Tris-HCl buffer. In addition, proteins were precipitated with acetone, solubilized with urea and thiourea in the presence of the sulfobetaine detergent 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylamino]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS), reduced with tributylphosphine (TBP), and separated with microrange strips of immobilized pH gradients (pH 3.9-5.1). This combination enabled the construction of highly reproducible 2-D maps of Haloferax volcanii proteins.  相似文献   

Biochemical studies of lipoproteins have shed light on their composition, highly contributing to the comprehension of their function. Due to the complexity of their structure, however, an in-depth structural analysis, in terms of components and PTMs, may still unravel important players in physiological and pathological processes of lipid metabolism. In this study, we performed a protein map of very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) using a 2-DE MALDI-TOF/TOF proteomic approach. Several VLDL-associated apolipoproteins were identified, including five isoforms of apoE, three isoforms of apoC-IV, and one isoform each of apoC-III, apoM, apoA-I, and apoA-IV. Notably, we also identified seven isoforms of apoL-I and two isoforms of prenylcysteine lyase as new VLDL-associated proteins. Furthermore, we were able to identify PTM of apoE, which was found to be differently O-glycosylated at Thr212 residue, and PTM of apoL-I which we described, for the first time, to be phosphorylated at Ser296. While the physiological relevance of our finding remains to be assessed, we believe that our results will be useful as reference for future studies of VLDL structure in specific physiopathological conditions.  相似文献   

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