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Effects of ultraviolet radiation on corals and other coral reef organisms   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The discovery of the importance of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) as a factor affecting the biology of coral reefs dates only to about 1980. Interest has heightened during the past five years owing to the demonstration of loss of stratospheric ozone through human activities. We have only begun to document gross, qualitative effects of UVR on coral reef organisms, usually in experiments comparing the biological response to the presence or absence of UVR through the use of UV-cutoff filters, or to varying levels of UVR in transplantation studies. Most such studies have not distinguished between the effects of UVA (320–400 nm) and those of UVB (290–320 nm), although in the context of global change involving stratospheric ozone loss, it is the latter wavelengths that are relevant. To date we have been addressing physiological and ecological questions, not yet attempting to evaluate quantitatively the impact of forecast increases in solar UVB penetration. Interacting and synergistic effects of UVR with increased temperature, pollutants, sedimentation, visible light, etc. have scarcely been studied but will be essential to understanding and predicting the fate of coral reefs under conditions of global change. Here we comprehensively review the effects of UVR on corals and other reef macroorganisms, mindful that although much is known of proximal effects, little of this knowledge is directly useful in making long-term predictions regarding the health of coral reefs. We conclude that even small anthropogenic increases in UVB levels will have sublethal physiological manifestations in corals and other reef organisms, but that this will have relatively small impact on the distribution of reef corals and coral reefs, perhaps affecting their minimum depths of occurrence.  相似文献   

Evolutionary patterns in tropical marine reef fish feeding   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The majority of tropical reef fishes are acanthopterygians. Most of them are percomorphs and thus are likely monophyletic. In accordance to modern systematics, the primitive types among the latter are large-mouthed suction feeders. Species from advanced families often have biting oral jaws with a reduced number and complexly shaped teeth. Mouth sizes decrease from the primitive towards the advanced reef fishes when ranked according to increasing family numbers (Nelson 1984). To create a functional resource axis, Randall's (1967) and Hobson's (1974) data on tropical reef fish feeding were re-interpreted by ranking food items from mobile to sessile prey. The primitive paracantho pterygian and acanthopterygian reef fishes are large-mouthed, suction-feeding predators on mobile prey. Most of the advanced, small-mouthed species are browsers and grazers, but often feed on mobile prey too. Obligatory specialists (monophagous and unable to switch) seem to be relatively rare among modern reef fishes. The trends stated above indicate a wealth of parallel developments in many advanced families of reef fishes towards small, often biting oral jaws. This parallelism may be the result of comparable regimes of selection pressures in reefs and of the need for newly evolved species to establish themselves within the already existing guilds.  相似文献   

The first decade of the new millennium saw a flurry of experiments to establish a mechanistic understanding of how climate change might transform the global biota, including marine organisms. However, the biophysical properties of the marine environment impose challenges to experiments, which can weaken their inference space. To facilitate strengthening the experimental evidence for possible ecological consequences of climate change, we reviewed the physical, biological and procedural scope of 110 marine climate change experiments published between 2000 and 2009. We found that 65% of these experiments only tested a single climate change factor (warming or acidification), 54% targeted temperate organisms, 58% were restricted to a single species and 73% to benthic invertebrates. In addition, 49% of the reviewed experiments had issues with the experimental design, principally related to replication of the main test‐factors (temperature or pH), and only 11% included field assessments of processes or associated patterns. Guiding future research by this inventory of current strengths and weaknesses will expand the overall inference space of marine climate change experiments. Specifically, increased effort is required in five areas: (i) the combined effects of concurrent climate and non‐climate stressors; (ii) responses of a broader range of species, particularly from tropical and polar regions as well as primary producers, pelagic invertebrates, and fish; (iii) species interactions and responses of species assemblages, (iv) reducing pseudo‐replication in controlled experiments; and (v) increasing realism in experiments through broad‐scale observations and field experiments. Attention in these areas will improve the generality and accuracy of our understanding of climate change as a driver of biological change in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   



The aims were to test the role of temperature in latitudinal patterns of egg size and investigate maternal investment trade-offs among coral taxa.


Global, from 34° S to 34° N.

Time period


Major taxa studied

Reef coral species from the order Scleractinia.


We compiled a comprehensive geo-referenced global dataset of egg sizes (diameter or volume) and fecundity (number of eggs per area) for colonial corals (Scleractinia; 123 species, 5359 observations and 39 localities), substantially enhanced by new field collections (>88% of observations). We used Bayesian phylogenetic multilevel models to test for Rass' rule (a hypothesized negative relationship between egg size and temperature); we also included other environmental variables and life history traits. We also tested whether a trade-off exists between egg size and fecundity in broadcast spawning hermaphroditic corals with horizontal symbiont transmission (HHT).


We found a significant relationship between coral egg size and symbiont transmission. Eggs from coral species with vertical symbiont transmission were c. 18.8% smaller than those from species with horizontal symbiont transmission. We also found non-significant relationships between egg size and sea surface temperature (SST) for broadcast spawning corals and between egg size and fecundity specifically for HHT species.

Main conclusions

Contrary to recognized latitudinal patterns of egg size across taxa, our study does not provide support for Rass' rule in corals. Additionally, our findings do not support a maternal investment trade-off between egg size and fecundity for HHT species. Our study used a phylogenetic framework that should be a standard practice when studying interspecific variation, including investigation of maternal investment and identification of the influence of multiple predictors on larval fitness (egg size), in addition to trade-offs affecting propagule influx (fecundity). Both these functional traits are vital and have direct consequences for population maintenance and connectivity in sessile organisms, such as corals.  相似文献   

Loss of symbiotic zooxanthellae, or bleaching is one of the first visible signs of thermal stress. Critical threshold temperatures for coral bleaching vary geographically, but can be expressed universally as fixed increments relative to the historical mean local summer maximum. Bleaching can be induced by short-term exposure (i.e. 1–2 days) at temperature elevations of 3°C to 4°C above normal summer ambient or by long-term exposure (i.e. several weeks) at elevations of 1°C to 2°C. Corals in both tropical and subtropical locations live at temperatures close to their lethal limits during the summer months. Temperature elevations above summer ambient, but still below the bleaching threshold, can impair growth and reproduction. Temperature and light interact synergistically; high light accelerates bleaching caused by elevated temperature. Bleaching susceptibility is correlated with respiration rate. Any factor that increases respiration (such as high incident light) accelerates bleaching at higher temperatures. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a detrimental factor associated with solar radiation. Increased UV due to thinning of the earth's protective ozone layer may aggravate bleaching and mortality caused by global warming. A warming trend in Hawaiian waters has been observed over the past decade. In 1986, 1987 and 1988 Hawaiian corals were perilously close to their bleaching threshold during the summer months, and localized bleachings did occur. In some cases, local warming of surface water on shallow reef flats exceeded this threshold temperature and caused localized coral bleaching. In other cases, heating of large mesoscale eddies in the lee of the larger islands apparently caused wide-scale bleaching of the most sensitive coral species (Pocillopora meandrina) to depths of 20 m. A continuation of the warming trend in Hawaii would lead to mass bleachings similar to those observed recently in other geographic locations.  相似文献   

The largest marine biodiversity hotspot straddles the Indian and Pacific Oceans, driven by taxa associated with tropical coral reefs. Centred on the Indo‐Australian Archipelago (IAA), this biodiversity hotspot forms the ‘bullseye’ of a steep gradient in species richness from this centre to the periphery of the vast Indo‐Pacific region. Complex patterns of endemism, wide‐ranging species and assemblage differences have obscured our understanding of the genesis of this biodiversity pattern and its maintenance across two‐thirds of the world's oceans. But time‐calibrated molecular phylogenies coupled with ancestral biogeographic estimates have provided a valuable framework in which to examine the origins of coral reef fish biodiversity across the tropics. Herein, we examine phylogenetic and biogeographic data for coral reef fishes to highlight temporal patterns of marine endemism and tropical provinciality. The ages and distribution of endemic lineages have often been used to identify areas of species creation and demise in the marine tropics and discriminate among multiple hypotheses regarding the origins of biodiversity in the IAA. Despite a general under‐sampling of endemic fishes in phylogenetic studies, the majority of locations today contain a mixture of potential paleo‐ and neo‐endemic fishes, pointing to multiple historical processes involved in the origin and maintenance of the IAA biodiversity hotspot. Increased precision and sampling of geographic ranges for reef fishes has permitted the division of discrete realms, regions and provinces across the tropics. Yet, such metrics are only beginning to integrate phylogenetic relatedness and ancestral biogeography. Here, we integrate phylogenetic diversity with ancestral biogeographic estimation of lineages to show how assemblage structure and tropical provinciality has changed through time.  相似文献   

The density of recruits of scleractinian corals on settlement plates at Lord Howe Island, a small isolated sub-tropical island 630 km off the Australian coastline, was within the range of values reported for comparable studies on the Great Barrier Reef. However, there was a difference in the relative abundance of taxonomic groups, with recruitment at Lord Howe Island during the summer of 1990/91 dominated by corals from the Family Pocilloporidae, Family Poritidae, and sub-genus Acropora (Isopora) (in order of abundance). By contrast, on the Great Barrier Reef, recruits are generally predominantly species from the Family Acroporidae (other than the Acropora (Isopora) group). Both the recruits and the established coral communities at Lord Howe Island are dominanted by corals which release brooded planulae, as opposed to the pattern of mass-spawning with external fertilisation more typical of Great Barrier Reef corals. I hypothesise that the release of brooded planulae would be advantageous in an isolated reef community because (a) brooded larvae can travel large distances and survive the journey to the isolated reef and/or (b) brooded larvae have a shorter period before they are competent to settle and are therefore more likely to be retained on the parental reef once a population has been established.  相似文献   

Recent studies in Hawaii have contributed much to the understanding of the ecology and evolution of Hawaiian corals and are forcing a reevaluation of our basic concepts concerning the zoogeography, ecology, taxonomy and population biology of these important reef-forming organisms. Geographic isolation rather than physical adversity of the environment seems largely to have determined the number of coral species that are found in Hawaii, but the physical environment controls growth of Hawaiian species with increasing latitude along the archipelago. Annual broadcast spawning has recently been shown to be the dominant mode of sexual reproduction, rather than brooding of larvae on a lunar cycle as previously believed. Asexual reproduction through colony fragmentation or by production of asexually produced larvae is now known to result in extensive representation of a single genotype in some coral populations.  相似文献   

Huang D 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e34459
A substantial proportion of the world's living species, including one-third of the reef-building corals, are threatened with extinction and in pressing need of conservation action. In order to reduce biodiversity loss, it is important to consider species' contribution to evolutionary diversity along with their risk of extinction for the purpose of setting conservation priorities. Here I reconstruct the most comprehensive tree of life for the order Scleractinia (1,293 species) that includes all 837 living reef species, and employ a composite measure of phylogenetic distinctiveness and extinction risk to identify the most endangered lineages that would not be given top priority on the basis of risk alone. The preservation of these lineages, not just the threatened species, is vital for safeguarding evolutionary diversity. Tests for phylogeny-associated patterns show that corals facing elevated extinction risk are not clustered on the tree, but species that are susceptible, resistant or resilient to impacts such as bleaching and disease tend to be close relatives. Intensification of these threats or extirpation of the endangered lineages could therefore result in disproportionate pruning of the coral tree of life.  相似文献   

In the marine realm, the tropics host an extraordinary diversity of taxa but the drivers underlying the global distribution of marine organisms are still under scrutiny and we still lack an accurate global predictive model. Using a spatial database for 6336 tropical reef fishes, we attempted to predict species richness according to geometric, biogeographical and environmental explanatory variables. In particular, we aimed to evaluate and disentangle the predictive performances of temperature, habitat area, connectivity, mid‐domain effect and biogeographical region on reef fish species richness. We used boosted regression trees, a flexible machine‐learning technique, to build our predictive model and structural equation modeling to test for potential ‘mediation effects’ among predictors. Our model proved to be accurate, explaining 80% of the total deviance in fish richness using a cross‐validated procedure. Coral reef area and biogeographical region were the primary predictors of reef fish species richness, followed by coast length, connectivity, mid‐domain effect and sea surface temperature, with interactions between the region and other predictors. Important indirect effects of water temperature on reef fish richness, mediated by coral reef area, were also identified. The relationship between environmental predictors and species richness varied markedly among biogeographical regions. Our analysis revealed that a few easily accessible variables can accurately predict reef fish species richness. They also highlight concerns regarding ongoing environmental declines, with region‐specific responses to variation in environmental conditions predicting a variable response to anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   

In March 1989, most of the corals near Coral Bay, off the north-western coastline of Australia, spawned several nights earlier than usual. Flood, rather than ebb, tides at the time of spawning combined with light north-west winds and low swell conditions to restrict the dispersal of coral propagules and, as a result, large amounts of coral spawn were trapped in the bay, forming extensive slicks. Fish and other animals began to die almost immediately, and over the next few days, over 1 million fish, representing at least 80 species, were washed ashore. A survey of the benthic communities revealed extensive mortality of corals and other reef animals over an area of about 3 km2. Live coral cover in this area decreased from 42.9% to 9.4% and several large coral colonies up to 10 m in diameter were killed. The observed mortality was presumably the result of hypoxia (oxygen depletion) created initially by the respiratory demand of the coral spawn and maintained by the biological oxygen demand of the decomposing spawn slicks and dead animals. Anecdotal reports of corals and other reef animals dying in the vicinity of coral spawn slicks on other reefs in Western Australia suggest that this phenomenon may be a relatively common event on shallow coral reefs where coral mass spawning occurs. These records and observations document, for the first time, a new source of natural disturbance that has a significant influence on the community structure of some coral reefs.  相似文献   

We study a model for the community dynamics of marine sessile organisms with space limitation both in recruitment and in growth. We consider an open population in which recruits are supplied from a pelagic pool of larvae produced by adults in distant habitats. Assumptions are: the larval settlement rate is proportional to the amount of free space and to the abundance of larvae in the water column. The growth rate of settled individuals increases with the fraction of free space within the local habitat. We study the competition between two morphotypes with different rates of recruitment, growth, and mortality. When adult mortality is low, following a major disturbance that creates bare patch, the space is quickly filled by larval recruitment and adult growth. Then the morphotype composition changes slowly and converges to the equilibrium that is strongly affected by mortality. We also examine several other limiting cases in which one of the three demographic processes occurs either very slowly or very quickly. Based on the model behavior, we discuss the possible factors responsible for the spatial variation in the morphotype composition observed in coral communities. The dominance of branching corals in protected sites can be explained by their faster growth than tabular corals. The dominance of tabular corals in exposed sites can be explained either by lower mortality or by faster recruitment than branching corals.  相似文献   

Acropora is the most diverse genus of reef-building corals in the world today. It occurs in all three major oceans; it is restricted to latitudes 31 degrees N-31 degrees S, where most coral reefs occur, and reaches greatest diversity in the central Indo-Pacific. As an exemplar genus, the long-term history of Acropora has implications for the evolution and origins of present day biodiversity patterns of reef corals and for predicting their response to future climate change. Diversification of Acropora was thought to have occurred in the central Indo-Pacific within the previous two million years. We examined Eocene fossils from southern England and northern France and found evidence that precursors of up to nine of 20 currently recognized Acropora species groups existed 49-34 Myr, at palaeolatitudes far higher than current limits, to 51 degrees N. We propose that pre-existing diversity contributed to later rapid speciation in this important functional group of corals.  相似文献   

The first study on coexistence of reef benthic organisms in Brazilian coral reefs was done in three localities of the Abrolhos Archipelago. Organisms were recorded in concentric circle samples (10 and 20 cm in diameter) randomly laid on transects. Type and frequency of "coexistence events" between pairs of organisms were determined. Most frequent organisms (massive and branched coralline algae, Favia gravida, and Agaricia agaricites) also had many significant positive coexistence events. These results might be related to the abundances of these organisms. The most frequent coral (Siderastrea stellata), however, exhibited only a few significant coexistence events (9% of 32 tests). Since the great majority of events were positive, and since there was high variation in the species/groups involved in significant events in different localities, benthic communities of Abrolhos Archipelago may well be structured primarily by abiotic rather than biotic factors.  相似文献   

The density of scleractinian corals on portions of two reefs in the Grenadine Islands, W. I. has been investigated by direct observation by SCUBA divers. Grid, transect, and random quadrat methods were compared with total samples to determine the precision and accuracy of these techniques. Transect methods were generally satisfactory provided at least 15% of a 400 m2 total grid area was included in the sample. The data strongly indicated clumped distributions of all species, although numerical analysis does not indicate the distinct zones reported by other workers. Species associations based on Jaccard's coefficient and cluster analysis showed possible similarities in physical requirements, although few strong associations were found. Data based on 4 m2 quadrats generally provided a more reliable estimate of species associations than did data based on 1 m2 quadrats. It is suggested that surveys of these reef types may be better based on a number of parallel transects rather than a single transect, and that well-defined zones are more likely to be the exception than the rule.  相似文献   

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