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The effect of phosphorylation of calmodulin by casein kinase 2 on the calcium binding of the former was studied by measurement of terbium fluorescence. The binding of Tb3+ to calmodulin was followed by an increase in Tb3+ fluorescence at 545 nm. The terbium fluorescence of phosphorylated calmodulin increased at a lower concentration of Tb3+ than that of non-phosphorylated calmodulin, indicating that Tb3+ binding affinity of calmodulin was increased by phosphorylation. Our results suggest that the interaction between calcium and binding domain becomes stronger by phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Virginiamycin S, a type B synergimycin inhibiting protein synthesis in bacteria, competes with erythromycin for binding to the 50S ribosomal subunits; the mechanism of action of the two antibiotics is unclear. Energy-transfer experiments between virginiamycin S (which is endowed with inherent fluorescence due to its hydroxypicolinyl moiety) and fluorescent coumarinyl derivatives of ribosomal proteins L7 and L10 have been carried out to locate the binding site of this antibiotic on the ribosome. Previous studies have indicated that two L7/L12 dimers can attach respectively to a strong binding site located on the central protuberance and to a weak binding site located on the stalk of the 50S subunits and that protein L10 is located at the base of the stalk. The distance between ribosome-bound virginiamycin S and a fluorophore located at the strong binding site of proteins L7/L12 (Lys-51 of L7) was found to be 56 (+/- 15) A. Virginiamycin S, on the other hand, was located at a distance exceeding 67 A from the weak binding site of L7/L12 dimers. A fluorophore positioned on the unique cysteine (Cys-70) of protein L10 and ribosome-bound virginiamycin S proved to be more than 60 A apart. From data available on the location of proteins L7/L12 and L10, a model is proposed, whereby the virginiamycin S binding site is placed at the base of the central protuberance of the 50S subunits, in proximity of the presumptive peptidyl transferase center. The binding sites of macrolides and lincosamides (related antibiotics of the MLS group) are expected to be very close to that of virginiamycin S.  相似文献   

We have isolated an intermediate plasmic degradation product, D2, of fibrinogen that does not inhibit the polymerization of fibrin monomer but does bind Ca2+. Fibrinogen was digested to a limited extent with plasmin in the presence of Ca2+, and a "large" fragment D (fragment D1A) was isolated with a gamma-chain remnant consisting of residues 63-411. Fragment D1A was digested further in the presence of Ca2+, yielding fragment D1 (with its gamma-chain containing residues 86-411). The digestion of fragment D1 [in the presence of ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) to complex Ca2+] led to a gradual shortening of the carboxyl-terminal portion of the gamma-chain. Fragment D2 (with its gamma-chain containing residues 86-335/356) was isolated from an intermediate digest in the presence of EGTA. The Lys-338-Cys-339 peptide bond of the gamma-chain is intact in this preparation of D2, even though it is split in the isolated peptide gamma303-355 (with an intact disulfide bond at Cys-326-Cys-339). Fragment D2 does not interfere with the polymerization of fibrin monomer, whereas fragment D1 is a potent inhibitor of this polymerization. We conclude that the gamma-chain segment 356/357-411, present in fragment D1 but absent from fragment D2, is essential for maintenance of a polymerization site located in the outer (D) nodule of fibrinogen. This segment (356/357-411) is longer than two shorter ones reported earlier [Olexa, S.A., & Budzynski, A. Z. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 3544-3549; Horwitz, B.H., Váradi, A., & Scheraga, H.A. (1984) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 81, 5980-5984]; the data for the earlier reports are reinterpreted here. Finally, fragment D2 possesses a single Ca2+ binding site, as revealed by equilibrium dialysis binding studies. Since fragment D3 (with its gamma-chain containing residues 86-302) fails to bind Ca2+, we conclude that segment gamma 303-355/356 plays a crucial role in Ca2+ binding.  相似文献   

Localization of a trifluoperazine binding site on troponin C   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
J Gariépy  R S Hodges 《Biochemistry》1983,22(7):1586-1594
Trifluoperazine (TFP) was shown to interact with the cyanogen bromide fragment 9 (CB9) (residues 84-135) of rabbit skeletal troponin C and with a synthetic peptide representing the N-terminal region of CB9. The phenothiazine did not affect the calcium binding property of CB9 as observed by proton magnetic resonance and circular dichroism spectroscopies. The calculated calcium binding constants for CB9 in the presence and absence of trifluoperazine were identical (KCa2+ = 1.3 X 10(5) M-1). Localization of the trifluoperazine binding site was achieved by analyzing the 1H NMR spectrum of CB9 and of a synthetic fragment corresponding to residues 90-104 of CB9. Drug-induced shifting and broadening of the ring protons of phenylalanine residues and the methyl resonances of alanine, leucine, and isoleucine residues suggest that the segment 95-102 is in close proximity to the phenothiazine aromatic region. The neighboring negative side chains in the peptide sequence also suggest that the single positive charge present on the piperazine nitrogens of trifluoperazine may interact with them and sterically block a region of interaction of calmodulin (CaM) and troponin C (TnC) with modulated proteins such as phosphodiesterase. Primary sequence analysis of CaM and troponin C reveals that a homologous hydrophobic region to site 3 is also found in the N-terminal region of site 1 of both calcium binding proteins. Binding of TFP to CB9 occurs both in the presence and absence of calcium since the hydrophobic region in these small fragments is completely accessible to TFP whether calcium is present or not. The dissociation constant of the drug to apoCB9 (8 microM) was obtained by ellipticity measurements at 222 nm and was comparable to the 5 microM value obtained by Levin and Weiss [Levin, R. M., & Weiss, B. (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 540, 197-204] for calcium-saturated rabbit skeletal troponin C.  相似文献   

Terbium (Tb3+) luminescence has been used to investigate the interactions of adriamycin with a specific calcium binding protein, in the plasma membrane of GH3/B6 pituitary tumor cells. The luminescence intensity and lifetime of the Tb3+-GH3/B6 complex was quenched in the presence of adriamycin. According to Stern-Volmer analysis, the quenching of Tb3+-GH3/B6 luminescence was by both membrane bound adriamycin (Ka = 3.7 x 10(5) M-1) and free adriamycin (kq = 7.3 x 10(7) M-1 s-1). The data suggests that, the calcium binding site at the outer surface of the membrane is collisionally accessible to freely diffusing adriamycin; and, that the toxin receptor site is located near the bound metal ion.  相似文献   

Robert F. Steiner 《Biopolymers》1984,23(6):1121-1135
The interactive binding by calmodulin of Ca2+ and 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate (1,8-ANS) has been examined. In the presence of saturating levels of Ca2+, calmodulin develops one moderately strong binding site for 1,8-ANS, plus one or more weaker sites. The binding of 1,8-ANS by unliganded, or singly liganded, calmodulin is slight; the development of a strong binding site, as well as the characteristic fluorescence enhancement and CD spectrum, requires the binding of two Ca2+ ions. Little further change occurs on binding additional Ca2+ ions.  相似文献   

A peptide ranging from residue 229 to 240 of the D1 protein of Photosystem (PS) II was synthesized and lanthanides were used as candidates of calcium. Fluorescence and FTIR spectroscopy were used to test the conformational adaptation after lanthanide additions. Fluorescence spectroscopy showed that the synthetic peptide provides lanthanide binding site, and that glutamic acids are involved in lanthanide binding. Resolution enhancement techniques were combined with band curve-fitting procedures to quantitate the FTIR spectral information from the amide 1 bands. The relative areas of these component bands indicate that lanthanide induced a substantial decrease in the amount of unordered structure and turns, while a corresponding increase in the amount of -helix and open loop was also observed. This indicates that a relatively compact structure of the synthetic peptide is formed if lanthanides are applied. The results may reflect on the physiological and biochemical function of calcium in PS II, including preventing D1 from trypsin digestion.Abbreviations DCMU 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - FTIR Fourier transform infrared - FSD Fourier self-deconvolution - PS Photosystem - QB Secondary plastoquinone electron acceptor of PS II  相似文献   

Fibronectin and tenascin are large extracellular matrix proteins that interact with each other and with integrin receptors to regulate cell growth and movement. They are both modular proteins composed of independently folded domains (modules) that are arranged in linear fashion. Fibronectin is a covalent dimer and tenascin is a hexamer. The site on tenascin to which fibronectin binds has been localized to type III modules 3-5. In this study we use surface plasmon resonance to examine the interaction between various fragments of fibronectin and tenascin to further characterize and localize the binding sites. We found that tenascin fragments that contain type III modules 3-5 bind primarily to the N-terminal 29-kDa hep-1/fib-1 domain, which contains the first five type I modules of fibronectin. The dissociation constant, K(d), is approximately 1 microm. The binding site on fibronectin appears to be cryptic in the whole molecule in solution but is exposed on the proteolytic fragments and probably when fibronectin is in the extended conformation.  相似文献   

Verotoxins (VTs) from Escherichia coli elicit human vascular disease as a consequence of specific binding to globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) receptors on endothelial cell surfaces. Molecular models based on the VT1 crystal structure were used previously to investigate the structural basis for receptor recognition by VT1 and other verotoxins. Interestingly, these model-based predictions of glycolipid binding to VT1 differ somewhat from recently published structural data from cocrystals of the VT1 B-subunit (VT1B) and an analogue of the sugar moiety of Gb3. In this study, fluorescence spectroscopy was used to test model-based predictions of the location of Gb3 binding on the B-subunit pentamer of VT1. Resonance energy transfer was used to calculate the distance from a coumarin probe used to replace the acyl tail of Gb3 and the single tryptophan residue (Trp34) present within each VT1B monomer. The observed energy transfer efficiency (greater than 95%) suggests that these two moieties are approximately 13.3 A apart when a single distance is assumed. This distance is consistent with proposed models for the fit of Gb3 within the "cleft site" of the VT1 B-subunit. When the distances from Trp34 to the other coumarinGb3 molecules (bound to each of the four remaining monomers within the VT1B pentamer) are taken into consideration, it appears likely that the coumarin-modified Gb3 analogue used in this study associates with the previously proposed receptor binding site II of VT1. This is consistent with an observed binding preference of VT2c for coumarinGb3. To provide additional information on the association of Gb3 with the VT1 B-subunit, the influence of Gb3 glycolipid binding on the accessibility of Trp34 to different quenching agents in solution was then examined. Taken together, the data suggest that coumarin-labeled Gb3 preferentially binds to site II on VT1 in a position that is consistent with the previously described molecular models.  相似文献   

Z Vali  H A Scheraga 《Biochemistry》1988,27(6):1956-1963
Affinity chromatography of active site inhibited thrombin on immobilized fragments derived from the central (desAB-NDSK) and terminal (D1) globular domains of fibrinogen revealed that the site responsible for the binding of thrombin at its secondary fibrin binding site is located in the central domain. Chromatography of various domains of the central nodule (desAB-NDSK, fibrinogen E, and fibrin E) having nonidentical amino acid sequences showed that all of these fragments are capable of binding to PMSF-thrombin-Sepharose, suggesting that the thrombin binding site resides within the peptide regions common to all of these fragments: alpha(Gly17-Met51), beta(Val55-Met118), and gamma(Tyr1-Lys53). Competitive affinity chromatography of the same binding domains revealed that there is no detectable difference in their binding constants to PMSF-thrombin-Sepharose, indicating that the alpha(Lys52-Lys78), beta(Gly15-Lys54)/(Tyr119-Lys122), and gamma(Thr54-Met78) peptide segments do not contribute significantly to the binding of thrombin. Chromatography of the isolated chains of fibrinogen E showed that the alpha(Gly17-Lys78) peptide region itself contains a strong binding site for PMSF-thrombin-Sepharose. The location of the binding site suggests that the secondary site interaction may play an important role in determining the cleavage specificity of thrombin on fibrinogen and can affect the rate of release of the fibrinopeptides. Affinity chromatography of fragments prepared from polymerized fibrin showed that cross-linked DD (D x D) itself does not bind to thrombin, whereas the D x DE complex remained attached to the column, suggesting that the binding site on fragment E for thrombin is distinct from its binding site for D x D.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Localization of a felodipine (dihydropyridine) binding site on calmodulin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The fluorescent dihydropyridine calcium antagonist drug felodipine binds to calmodulin (CaM) in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Its binding can be regulated by the interaction of CaM antagonist drugs through allosteric mechanisms [Mills, J.S., & Johnson, J.D. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 4897]. Here, we have examined the binding of a nonspecific hydrophobic fluorescent probe molecule TNS (toluidinylnaphthalenesulfonate) and of felodipine to CAM and several of its proteolytic fragments. While TNS interacts with sites on both the amino-terminal half of the protein [proteolytic fragment TR1C (1-77)] and carboxy-terminal half [proteolytic fragment TR2C (78-148)], felodipine binding shows more selectivity. It binds in a Ca2+-dependent manner to the proteolytic fragments TM1 (1-106) and TR2E (1-90) but exhibits only weak affinity for TR1C (1-77) and TR2C (78-148). Furthermore, felodipine exhibits selectivity over TNS and trifluoperazine (TFP) in blocking the tryptic cleavage between residues 77 and 78. These studies indicate a selective binding of felodipine to a hydrophobic site existing in residues 1-90 and suggest that productive binding requires amino acids in the region 78-90. Although the felodipine binding site is preserved in fragment 1-106, the allosteric interactions between the prenylamine and the felodipine binding sites that are observed with intact CaM are not observed in this fragment. Rather, prenylamine simply displaces felodipine from its binding site on this fragment. Our results are consistent with calmodulin containing not less than two allosterically related hydrophobic drug binding sites. One of these sites (felodipine) appears to be localized in region 1-90 and the other one in region 78-148.  相似文献   

Localization of the ATP binding site on alpha-tubulin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The binding site for ATP to tubulin was established by use of the photoaffinity label [gamma-32P]N3ATP. Photolysis of the analog in the presence of tubulin resulted in covalent modification of the protein as revealed by autoradiography of electropherograms. Scanning the autoradiograms showed that the ATP analog was bound mainly to the alpha subunit of the tubulin dimer; the alpha subunit was two to three times more radioactive than was the beta subunit. The location of a particular site on the alpha subunit was further defined by peptide maps. The alpha and beta subunits from affinity-labeled tubulin were separated and digested with Staphylococcus protease. Radioactivity was found predominantly in one peptide band from the alpha subunit. The location of the [gamma-32P]N3ATP binding site on the alpha subunit distinguishes it from the previously known exchangeable GTP binding site which is on the beta subunit. Moreover, excess GTP did not compete with [gamma-32P]N3ATP binding. The ATP binding site is distinct from the nonexchangeable GTP binding site. The GTP content of tubulin was the same after dialysis in 0.5 mM ATP as it was following dialysis against ATP-free buffer. Proof that the binding site for [gamma-32P]N3ATP is the same as that for ATP was obtained by competition experiments. In the presence of ATP, photolysis of the affinity analog did not label the alpha subunit preferentially.  相似文献   

Mihalyi E 《Biophysical chemistry》2004,112(2-3):131-140
Calcium binding curves of human and bovine fibrinogen were obtained by using a calcium sensitive electrode. The two were identical and showed 2 high, 2-3 medium and more than 15 low affinity sites. Differential scanning calorimetry at neutral pH demonstrated the presence of the D and E domains of fibrinogen; however, at pH 3.5 the D-domain was split into two. The presence of the subdomains was demonstrated also by digestion by pepsin at this pH. Combination of digestion of fibrinogen and of its fragments with different enzymes and temperatures identified up to 12 subdomains in the original molecule. Clotting of fibrinogen by thrombin at pH 7.0 was investigated also by differential scanning calorimetry. In the absence of Ca2+ clotting elicited a 40% increase in the enthalpy of thermal denaturation of the D domain of fibrinogen, but the position of the peak increased only by 0.4 degrees C. However, with clotting in the presence of 10(-3) M calcium the former increased by 70-75% and the latter by 11.0 degrees C, while these parameters of the E-domain remained unchanged. Changes of bound calcium during clotting were also measured with the calcium sensitive electrode. These had to be corrected, because the drop in free calcium was partly compensated by release of some calcium that was already bound to fibrinogen. Log of the half time of calcium uptake plotted against log thrombin concentration indicated a first order process with respect to thrombin concentration, moreover, the rate determined corresponded to that of the conformation change measured by calorimetry. The calcium uptake was correlated with release of the fibrinopeptides. Release of fibrinopeptide B follows parallel to binding of calcium and that of fibrinopeptide A is about fourfold faster. Polymerization and formation of thick bundles of fibrin is connected with release of fibrinopeptide A. Clotting with Ancrod, an enzyme that releases only fibrinopeptide A, showed only minimal binding of calcium. The polymerization inhibiting tetrapeptide Gly-Pro-Arg-Pro also depressed binding of calcium. These data suggest that a calcium-binding site must be in the proximity of the site of release of fibrinopeptide B and of a polymerization site.  相似文献   

The kinetics of Ca2+ dissociation from fluo-3 was measured using stopped flow fluorimetry. Analysis of dissociation revealed, in contrast to other commonly used fluorescent Ca2+ indicators, a biexponential behaviour with two distinct dissociation rates of 550 s-1 and 200 s-1 at physiological pH and room temperature. The dissociation rate constant of the fast phase increases to 700 s-1 at physiological temperature, whereas that of the slow phase does not change markedly. While the rate constants do not depend on pH between 6.6 and 7.8, the dissociation turns out to be monoexponential at pH 5.86. The association rate of Ca2+ to fluo-3 could not be measured within the mixing dead time and is estimated to be above 10(9) M-1 s-1. Since the rate constants of fluo-3 are larger than those of other fluorescent Ca2+ indicators, fluo-3 is well suited for investigations of Ca2+ oscillations in biological systems.  相似文献   

Luminescence measurements show that apoferritin binds three Tb(III) atoms per subunit in accordance with crystallographic evidence. Fe(II) competes with Tb(III) for at least some of the binding sites. This competition may be the molecular basis for the inhibition of iron incorporation into apoferritin brought about by Tb(III). Ca(II), which is generally replaced by Tb(III) in Ca(II) binding proteins, does not compete with the lanthanide for binding to apoferritin.  相似文献   

Localization of the tubulin binding site for tau protein   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Limited proteolysis of tubulin with subtilisin resulted in the removal of the carboxyl-terminal moiety of tubulin subunits. The remaining peptides from both alpha and beta tubulin lacking the carboxyl terminal did not bind to tau factor nor to MAP2 or MAP1. The carboxyl-terminal fragments bind to tau factor and MAP2 and both compete for the same binding sites in the tubulin molecule. Our results suggest that the carboxyl-terminal region of tubulin is a regulatory domain for the assembly of tubulin and the site for interaction with MAPs.  相似文献   

Calcium plays a crucial role in regulating the growth and differentiation of cultured keratinocytes. However, the mechanism(s) of this regulation is not clear. Prior studies have shown that intracellular free calcium (Cai) increases with keratinocyte differentiation. In this study, in order to evaluate the role of cytosolic free calcium and organelle-bound calcium in keratinocyte differentiation, we quantitated and localized calcium pools in keratinocytes, utilizing the fluorescence probe indo-1 and ion-capture cytochemistry, respectively. Cai of undifferentiated keratinocytes was 80–120 nM, whereas Cai of differentiated keratinocytes was 200–300 nM depending on the extent of differentiation. The Cai of individual cells in an undifferentiated colony was heterogeneous (60–160 nM) with larger cells displaying higher Cai. Heterogeneity also was observed in the intracellular calcium-containing precipitates in the different layers of stratifying keratinocyte cultures using the cytochemical technique. Calcium precipitates were abundant in the lower cell layers, progressively decreasing apically, with the uppermost layer devoid of precipitates. Calcium-containing precipitates appeared as fine-tocoarse electron-dense granules on the plasma membrane, within the cytosol, mitochondria, nucleus, and vacuolar organelles. Whereas ionomycin in the presence of extracellular calcium increased the amount of intracellular calcium precipitates, EGTA removed calcium precipitates from organelles. Unlike intact epidermis, keratinocytes displayed no extracellular calcium reservoirs. Putative calcium binding sites, visualized by trivalent lanthanum (La) binding, were abundant on cell membranes and desmosomes of basaloid cells, but decreased in the upper cell layers. These studies revealed differences in the distribution of free ionic calcium (as determined by the fluorescence technique) and organelle-bound calcium (as determined by the cytochemical technique). Striking differences were also observed in calcium localization between intact epidermis and cultured epidermal cells. The localization pattern of calcium in cultured keratinocytes may reflect the hyperproliferative state of these cells, as in psoriatic epidermis, and/or the absence of a normal permeability barrier in these submerged cultures. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Experiments are described which suggest that structural features are related to the existence of three high affinity calcium-binding sites in the fibrinogen molecule. The circular dichroism spectra analysis shows that the binding of calcium to this protein does not entail an overall conformational change. However several calcium-induced protective effects may be observed: 1. At pH 5.0 calcium-free fibrinogen is slightly acid-denatured. This denaturation is counteracted by the presence of calcium, whereas magnesium ions have no effect. 2. A temperature transition shift of 3 degrees C is measured in the presence of bound calcium during thermal denaturation, whereas magnesium ions have no effect. 3. Resistance to proteolysis by plasmin is observed when calcium is bound to fibrinogen. The velocity of the splitting of the earliest plasmin-succeptible bonds is reduced in the presence of calcium, whereas magnesium ions have no effect. It can be concluded from these results that the calcium binding centers are located in a more or less flexible zone of the molecule probably involving the C-terminal part of the Aalpha chain. And that the calcium divalent cation stabilizes a more compact structure of the fibrinogen molecule.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out at pH 7.0 and gamma/2 0.15 before addition of CaCl2 or EDTA. Clotting time, tau, at 3.03 microM fibrinogen and 0.91 u/ml thrombin was determined for equilibrium systems. With added Ca2+, tau decreases, from tau 0 at 0 added Ca2+ (mean, 29.7 +/- 3 s), by approximately 3 s at 5 mM added Ca2+. With added EDTA, tau increases sigmoidally from tau 0 at 0 EDTA to a maximum (mean tau m = 142 +/- 23 s) at approximately 200 microM EDTA. tau then decreases slightly to a minimum at approximately 1.3 mM and finally increases to infinity at approximately 10 mM EDTA. Between 0 and 1.3 mM EDTA, effects on clotting time are completely reversed by adding Ca2+ and, after equilibration at 400 microM EDTA, tau is independent of EDTA concentration. Thus, up to 400 microM EDTA, effects on clotting time are attributed to decreasing fibrinogen bound Ca2+. Between 5 mM Ca2+ and 200 microM EDTA it is assumed that an equilibrium distribution of fibrinogen species having 3, 2, 1, or 0 bound calcium ions is established and that a clotting time is determined by the sum of products of species fractional abundance and pure species clotting time. Analysis indicates that pure species clotting times increase proportionately with decreasing Ca2+ binding, binding sites are nearly independent, and the microscopic association constant for the first bound Ca2+ is approximately 4.9 X 10(6) M-1. Effects of adding Ca2+ at times t1 after thrombin addition to systems initially equilibrated at 200 microM EDTA were determined. Analysis of the relation between tau and t1 indicates that as Ca2+ binding decreases, rate constants for release of B peptides decrease less than those for release of A peptides. As EDTA concentration is increased above 1.3 mM, inhibitory effects of EDTA and CaEDTA progressively increase.  相似文献   

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