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Microbial metagenomes are DNA samples of the most abundant, and therefore most successful organisms at the sampling time and location for a given cell size range. The study of microbial communities via their DNA content has revolutionized our understanding of microbial ecology and evolution. Iron availability is a critical resource that limits microbial communities' growth in many oceanic areas. Here, we built a database of 2319 sequences, corresponding to 140 gene families of iron metabolism with a large phylogenetic spread, to explore the microbial strategies of iron acquisition in the ocean's bacterial community. We estimate iron metabolism strategies from metagenome gene content and investigate whether their prevalence varies with dissolved iron concentrations obtained from a biogeochemical model. We show significant quantitative and qualitative variations in iron metabolism pathways, with a higher proportion of iron metabolism genes in low iron environments. We found a striking difference between coastal and open ocean sites regarding Fe(2+) versus Fe(3+) uptake gene prevalence. We also show that non-specific siderophore uptake increases in low iron open ocean environments, suggesting bacteria may acquire iron from natural siderophore-like organic complexes. Despite the lack of knowledge of iron uptake mechanisms in most marine microorganisms, our approach provides insights into how the iron metabolic pathways of microbial communities may vary with seawater iron concentrations.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus produces siderophores, lowmolecular- weight iron-chelating compounds, to obtain iron under conditions of iron deprivation. To identify genes associated with the biosynthesis of siderophore in V. vulnificus MO6-24/ O, we screened clones with mini-Tn5 random insertions for those showing decreased production of siderophore. Among 6,000 clones screened, nine such clones were selected. These clones contain the transposon inserted in VV2_0830 (GenBank accession number) that is a homolog of a nonribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS). There is an another NRPS module, VV2_0831, 49-bp upstream to VV2_0830. We named these two genes vvs (Vibrio vulnificus siderophore synthetase) A and B, respectively. Mutation of either vvsA or vvsB showed a decreased production of siderophore. The expression of an NRPS-lux fusion was negatively modulated by the presence of iron, and the regulation was dependent on Fur (ferric uptake regulator). However, the expression of the NRPS genes was still not fully derepressed in the iron-rich condition, even in fur-null mutant cells, suggesting that some other unknown factors are involved in the regulation of the genes. We also demonstrated that the NRPS genes are important for virulence of the pathogen in a mice model.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton are limited by iron (Fe) in ~40% of the world's oceans including high-nutrient low-chlorophyll (HNLC) regions. While low-Fe adaptation has been well-studied in large eukaryotic diatoms, less is known for small, prokaryotic marine picocyanobacteria. This study reveals key physiological and genomic differences underlying Fe adaptation in marine picocyanobacteria. HNLC ecotype CRD1 strains have greater physiological tolerance to low Fe congruent with their expanded repertoire of Fe transporter, storage and regulatory genes compared to other ecotypes. From metagenomic analysis, genes encoding ferritin, flavodoxin, Fe transporters and siderophore uptake genes were more abundant in low-Fe waters, mirroring paradigms of low-Fe adaptation in diatoms. Distinct Fe-related gene repertories of HNLC ecotypes CRD1 and CRD2 also highlight how coexisting ecotypes have evolved independent approaches to life in low-Fe habitats. Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus HNLC ecotypes likewise exhibit independent, genome-wide reductions of predicted Fe-requiring genes. HNLC ecotype CRD1 interestingly was most similar to coastal ecotype I in Fe physiology and Fe-related gene content, suggesting populations from these different biomes experience similar Fe-selective conditions. This work supports an improved perspective that phytoplankton are shaped by more nuanced Fe niches in the oceans than previously implied from mostly binary comparisons of low- versus high-Fe habitats and populations.  相似文献   

Phosphate (PO(4)) is an important limiting nutrient in marine environments. Marine cyanobacteria scavenge PO(4) using the high-affinity periplasmic phosphate binding protein PstS. The pstS gene has recently been identified in genomes of cyanobacterial viruses as well. Here, we analyse genes encoding transporters in genomes from viruses that infect eukaryotic phytoplankton. We identified inorganic PO(4) transporter-encoding genes from the PHO4 superfamily in several virus genomes, along with other transporter-encoding genes. Homologues of the viral pho4 genes were also identified in genome sequences from the genera that these viruses infect. Genome sequences were available from host genera of all the phytoplankton viruses analysed except the host genus Bathycoccus. Pho4 was recovered from Bathycoccus by sequencing a targeted metagenome from an uncultured Atlantic Ocean population. Phylogenetic reconstruction showed that pho4 genes from pelagophytes, haptophytes and infecting viruses were more closely related to homologues in prasinophytes than to those in what, at the species level, are considered to be closer relatives (e.g. diatoms). We also identified PHO4 superfamily members in ocean metagenomes, including new metagenomes from the Pacific Ocean. The environmental sequences grouped with pelagophytes, haptophytes, prasinophytes and viruses as well as bacteria. The analyses suggest that multiple independent pho4 gene transfer events have occurred between marine viruses and both eukaryotic and bacterial hosts. Additionally, pho4 genes were identified in available genomes from viruses that infect marine eukaryotes but not those that infect terrestrial hosts. Commonalities in marine host-virus gene exchanges indicate that manipulation of host-PO(4) uptake is an important adaptation for viral proliferation in marine systems. Our findings suggest that PO(4) -availability may not serve as a simple bottom-up control of marine phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Iron is an essential element for oceanic microbial life but its low bioavailability limits microorganisms in large areas of the oceans. To acquire this metal many marine bacteria produce organic chelates that bind and transport iron (siderophores). We have previously shown that algal-associated heterotrophic bacteria belonging to the γ-proteobacterial Marinobacter genus release the siderophore vibrioferrin (VF). The iron-VF complex was shown to be both far more photolabile than all previously examined photolabile siderophores and to generate a photoproduct incapable of re-chelating the released iron. Thus, the photo-generated iron was shown to be highly bioavailable both to the producing bacterium and its algal partner. In exchange, we proposed that algal cells produced dissolved organic matter that helped support bacterial growth and ultimately fueled the biosynthesis of VF through a light-dependent “carbon for iron mutualism”. While our knowledge of the importance of light to phototrophs is vast, there are almost no studies that examine the effects of light on microbial heterotrophs. Here, we characterize iron uptake mechanisms in “algal-associated” VF-producers. Fe uptake by a VF knock-out mutant mimics the wild-type strain and demonstrates the versatility of iron uptake mechanisms in Marinobacter VF-producers. We also show that VF-producers selectively regulate a subset of their siderophore-dependent iron uptake genes in response to light exposure. The regulation of iron uptake and transport genes by light is consistent with the light driven algal–bacterial “carbon for iron mutualism” hypothesis in the marine environment.  相似文献   

细菌内依赖TonB的外膜铁转运体的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁是细菌所必需的微量营养元素,但由于易被氧化溶解性低,生物体的利用率大大降低。细菌在进化过程中形成多种策略来吸收环境中低浓度的铁,不同类型铁的吸收通过外膜上依赖TonB的转运体(TonB-dependent transporters,TBDTs)完成,TBDTs结合不同形式的铁复合物,通过内膜上的TonB-ExbB-ExbD复合物提供能量完成转运,对其机制的研究一直是微生物基础生命活动研究中的热点问题。近年来新鉴定了一些TBDTs的结构,并对其功能和转运机制有了更深入的研究,对此进行了综述,不仅有助于进一步揭示细菌的铁转运机制,而且有助于寻找新的靶位点以开发新的治疗药物。  相似文献   

Cobalamin (vitamin B12) is a complex metabolite and essential cofactor required by many branches of life, including most eukaryotic phytoplankton. Algae and other cobalamin auxotrophs rely on environmental cobalamin supplied from a relatively small set of cobalamin-producing prokaryotic taxa. Although several Bacteria have been implicated in cobalamin biosynthesis and associated with algal symbiosis, the involvement of Archaea in cobalamin production is poorly understood, especially with respect to the Thaumarchaeota. Based on the detection of cobalamin synthesis genes in available thaumarchaeotal genomes, we hypothesized that Thaumarchaeota, which are ubiquitous and abundant in aquatic environments, have an important role in cobalamin biosynthesis within global aquatic ecosystems. To test this hypothesis, we examined cobalamin synthesis genes across sequenced thaumarchaeotal genomes and 430 metagenomes from a diverse range of marine, freshwater and hypersaline environments. Our analysis demonstrates that all available thaumarchaeotal genomes possess cobalamin synthesis genes, predominantly from the anaerobic pathway, suggesting widespread genetic capacity for cobalamin synthesis. Furthermore, although bacterial cobalamin genes dominated most surface marine metagenomes, thaumarchaeotal cobalamin genes dominated metagenomes from polar marine environments, increased with depth in marine water columns, and displayed seasonality, with increased winter abundance observed in time-series datasets (e.g., L4 surface water in the English Channel). Our results also suggest niche partitioning between thaumarchaeotal and cyanobacterial ribosomal and cobalamin synthesis genes across all metagenomic datasets analyzed. These results provide strong evidence for specific biogeographical distributions of thaumarchaeotal cobalamin genes, expanding our understanding of the global biogeochemical roles played by Thaumarchaeota in aquatic environments.  相似文献   

The filamentous ascomycete A. nidulans produces two major siderophores: it excretes triacetylfusarinine C to capture iron and contains ferricrocin intracellularly. In this study we report the characterization of two siderophore biosynthetic genes, sidA encoding l-ornithine N(5)-monooxygenase and sidC encoding a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase respectively. Disruption of sidC eliminated synthesis of ferricrocin and deletion of sidA completely blocked siderophore biosynthesis. Siderophore-deficient strains were unable to grow, unless the growth medium was supplemented with siderophores, suggesting that the siderophore system is the major iron assimilatory system of A. nidulans during both iron depleted and iron-replete conditions. Partial restoration of the growth of siderophore-deficient mutants by high concentrations of Fe(2+) (but not Fe(3+)) indicates the presence of an additional ferrous transport system and the absence of an efficient reductive iron assmilatory system. Uptake studies demonstrated that TAFC-bound iron is transferred to cellular ferricrocin whereas ferricrocin is stored after uptake. The siderophore-deficient mutant was able to synthesize ferricrocin from triacetylfusarinine C. Ferricrocin-deficiency caused an increased intracellular labile iron pool, upregulation of antioxidative enzymes and elevated sensitivity to the redox cycler paraquat. This indicates that the lack of this cellular iron storage compound causes oxidative stress. Moreover, ferricrocin biosynthesis was found to be crucial for efficient conidiation.  相似文献   

Genetics and assembly line enzymology of siderophore biosynthesis in bacteria.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The regulatory logic of siderophore biosynthetic genes in bacteria involves the universal repressor Fur, which acts together with iron as a negative regulator. However in other bacteria, in addition to the Fur-mediated mechanism of regulation, there is a concurrent positive regulation of iron transport and siderophore biosynthetic genes that occurs under conditions of iron deprivation. Despite these regulatory differences the mechanisms of siderophore biosynthesis follow the same fundamental enzymatic logic, which involves a series of elongating acyl-S-enzyme intermediates on multimodular protein assembly lines: nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS). A substantial variety of siderophore structures are produced from similar NRPS assembly lines, and variation can come in the choice of the phenolic acid selected as the N-cap, the tailoring of amino acid residues during chain elongation, the mode of chain termination, and the nature of the capturing nucleophile of the siderophore acyl chain being released. Of course the specific parts that get assembled in a given bacterium may reflect a combination of the inventory of biosynthetic and tailoring gene clusters available. This modular assembly logic can account for all known siderophores. The ability to mix and match domains within modules and to swap modules themselves is likely to be an ongoing process in combinatorial biosynthesis. NRPS evolution will try out new combinations of chain initiation, elongation and tailoring, and termination steps, possibly by genetic exchange with other microorganisms and/or within the same bacterium, to create new variants of iron-chelating siderophores that can fit a particular niche for the producer bacterium.  相似文献   

The regulatory logic of siderophore biosynthetic genes in bacteria involves the universal repressor Fur, which acts together with iron as a negative regulator. However in other bacteria, in addition to the Fur-mediated mechanism of regulation, there is a concurrent positive regulation of iron transport and siderophore biosynthetic genes that occurs under conditions of iron deprivation. Despite these regulatory differences the mechanisms of siderophore biosynthesis follow the same fundamental enzymatic logic, which involves a series of elongating acyl-S-enzyme intermediates on multimodular protein assembly lines: nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS). A substantial variety of siderophore structures are produced from similar NRPS assembly lines, and variation can come in the choice of the phenolic acid selected as the N-cap, the tailoring of amino acid residues during chain elongation, the mode of chain termination, and the nature of the capturing nucleophile of the siderophore acyl chain being released. Of course the specific parts that get assembled in a given bacterium may reflect a combination of the inventory of biosynthetic and tailoring gene clusters available. This modular assembly logic can account for all known siderophores. The ability to mix and match domains within modules and to swap modules themselves is likely to be an ongoing process in combinatorial biosynthesis. NRPS evolution will try out new combinations of chain initiation, elongation and tailoring, and termination steps, possibly by genetic exchange with other microorganisms and/or within the same bacterium, to create new variants of iron-chelating siderophores that can fit a particular niche for the producer bacterium.  相似文献   

Iron is an essential element for oceanic microbial life but its low bioavailability limits microorganisms in large areas of the oceans. To acquire this metal many marine bacteria produce organic chelates that bind and transport iron (siderophores). While it has been hypothesized that the global production of siderophores by heterotrophic bacteria and some cyanobacteria constitutes the bulk of organic ligands binding iron in the ocean because stability constants of siderophores and these organic ligands are similar, and because ligand concentrations rise sharply in response to iron fertilization events, direct evidence for this proposal is lacking. This lack is due to the difficulty in characterizing these ligands due both to their extremely low concentrations and their highly heterogeneous nature. The situation for characterizing photoactive siderophores in situ is more problematic because of their expected short lifetimes in the photic zone. An alternative approach is to make use of high sensitivity molecular technology (qPCR) to search for siderophore biosynthesis genes related to the production of photoactive siderophores. In this way one can access their “biochemical potential” and utilize this information as a proxy for the presence of these siderophores in the marine environment. Here we show, using qPCR primers designed to detect biosynthetic genes for the siderophores vibrioferrin, petrobactin and aerobactin that such genes are widespread and based on their abundance, the “biochemical potential” for photoactive siderophore production is significant. Concurrently we also briefly examine the microbial biodiversity responsible for such production as a function of depth and location across a North Atlantic transect.  相似文献   



Different iron transport systems evolved in Gram-negative bacteria during evolution. Most of the transport systems depend on outer membrane localized TonB-dependent transporters (TBDTs), a periplasma-facing TonB protein and a plasma membrane localized machinery (ExbBD). So far, iron chelators (siderophores), oligosaccharides and polypeptides have been identified as substrates of TBDTs. For iron transport, three uptake systems are defined: the lactoferrin/transferrin binding proteins, the porphyrin-dependent transporters and the siderophore-dependent transporters. However, for cyanobacteria almost nothing is known about possible TonB-dependent uptake systems for iron or other substrates.  相似文献   

放线菌中铁载体生物合成机制研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
铁载体是由微生物产生,对铁元素具有高亲和性的小分子化合物。这类天然产物所展现的结构多样性引起人们对其生物合成机制的极大兴趣。目前已有研究报道的铁载体生物合成途径主要有2种,一是直接由非核糖体肽合成酶(Nonribosomal peptide synthetases,NRPSs)家族的多酶复合体负责合成,另一种是以不依赖于NRPS(NRPS-independent,NIS)的方式,由一类特殊合成酶家族参与合成。在过去的十多年中,铁载体生物合成成为天然产物生物合成研究领域的热点之一,其中几种依赖于NRPS途径合成的铁载体生物合成机制已得到充分阐明,而对NIS方式合成的铁载体研究也获得了诸多进展。作为放线菌的一类重要次级代谢产物,通过遗传学、化学等手段对放线菌所产生铁载体生物合成途径的遗传学和生物化学研究,能够为发展新的抗菌药物提供契机,同时也能加深我们对这一类生物活性物质形成机制的认识。综述近期该研究方向的进展。  相似文献   

Iron is a member of a small group of nutrients that limits aquatic primary production. Mechanisms for utilizing iron have to be efficient and adapted according to the ecological niche. In respect to iron acquisition cyanobacteria, prokaryotic oxygen evolving photosynthetic organisms can be divided into siderophore‐ and non‐siderophore‐producing strains. The results presented in this paper suggest that the situation is far more complex. To understand the bioavailability of different iron substrates and the advantages of various uptake strategies, we examined iron uptake mechanisms in the siderophore‐producing cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. Comparison of the uptake of iron complexed with exogenous (desferrioxamine B, DFB) or to self‐secreted (schizokinen) siderophores by Anabaena sp. revealed that uptake of the endogenous produced siderophore complexed to iron is more efficient. In addition, Anabaena sp. is able to take up dissolved, ferric iron hydroxide species (Fe′) via a reductive mechanism. Thus, Anabaena sp. exhibits both, siderophore‐ and non‐siderophore‐mediated iron uptake. While assimilation of Fe′ and FeDFB are not induced by iron starvation, FeSchizokinen uptake rates increase with increasing iron starvation. Consequently, we suggest that Fe′ reduction and uptake is advantageous for low‐density cultures, while at higher densities siderophore uptake is preferred.  相似文献   

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