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Down-regulation of homing receptors after T cell activation   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
The specific pattern of lymphocyte localization and recirculation is important for the induction and expression of normal immune responses. In order to home to lymph nodes (LN), lymphocytes must first recognize and bind to specific high endothelial venules (HEV) in the LN. Binding to LN HEV is mediated by specific lymphocyte receptors, termed homing receptors, which are recognized by the mAb MEL-14. We examined the changes that occur in homing receptor expression after activation of murine T lymphocytes in vitro. Cells activated in MLC or by Con A undergo a 75% loss in their ability to recognize HEV, as demonstrated by a decrease in binding to HEV in vitro. Large, activated cells isolated from a primary MLC by elutriator centrifugation were completely unable to recognize HEV, whereas the small cells in the same culture continued to bind well. Flow cytometric analysis with MEL-14 showed that the activated fraction had lost expression of gp90MEL-14, the homing receptor Ag, whereas the inactivated cells remained MEL-14+. Concomitant with the loss of homing receptor expression, most of the activated cells became strongly peanut agglutinin (PNA)-positive, demonstrating a marked change in surface glycosylation. Thus, these MLC consist of two major populations of T cells--small, inactivated lymphocytes that are MEL-14+PNAlo and large, activated blast cells that are MEL-14-PNAhi. Purified MEL-14+ T cells activated by Con A gave rise to MEL-14- progeny, showing that gp90MEL-14 is lost from gp90MEL-14-positive precursors, rather than from the selective growth of MEL-14- cells. Furthermore, the loss of Ag expression on at least some activated cells is reversible in resting culture, with almost half of the cells reverting to MEL-14+ after the cessation of stimulation. These experiments show that activation of T cells results in down-regulation of surface homing receptors, resulting in their inability to recognize and bind to the endothelial surface of HEV. This suggests that the activation of T cells in vivo would result in a dramatic and physiologically significant change in their migration and localization properties which would be important during a normal immune response.  相似文献   

The migratory properties of Lyt-2- and Lyt-2+ T cells in the mouse have been investigated. In short-term in vivo homing studies, Lyt-2- T cells localized consistently more efficiently than Lyt-2+ T cells in Peyer's patches (about 1.5 times as well), whereas both populations localized roughly equivalently in peripheral lymph nodes. These homing characteristics of Lyt-2- and Lyt-2+ subsets are largely independent of their organ source. The specificity of migration appears to be determined by selective recognition of organ-specific determinants on the endothelial cells of high endothelial venules (HEV), specialized venules that mediate the exit of migrating lymphocytes from the blood: In an in vitro assay of lymphocyte binding to HEV in lymphoid organ frozen sections, Lyt-2- cells constituted a significantly and consistently greater proportion of T cells binding to Peyer's patch HEV than of those binding to peripheral node HEV. The homing and HEV recognition preferences of the Lyt subsets are reflected in differences in their in situ representation in mucosal vs nonmucosal lymphoid organs, which suggests that the selective migration of these populations may be an important factor in determining the character of local immune responses.  相似文献   

The adoptive transfer of type I diabetes in nonobese diabetic mice requires the contribution of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. To further elucidate the cellular pathway(s) of beta-cell destruction and the responsibility of each subset, high doses of committed T cells from diabetic mice purified to single subsets, were injected into syngeneic nonobese diabetic neonates. The recipients of single or mixed subsets were followed for clinical manifestations of diabetes and examined at 30 days of age for in situ lesions. None of the animals injected with either CD4+ or CD8+ T cells became overtly diabetic during the 30 days of observation whereas 8 of 23 mice inoculated with a mixture of the two subsets developed glycosuria and hyperglycemia. However, insulitis was found in 6 of the 13 mice injected with CD4+ T cells whereas only 1 of the 9 mice injected with CD8+ T cells showed marginal infiltration of the pancreas. The lesions initiated by CD4+ T cells alone were considerably less severe than those induced by the mixture of both subsets, corroborating the fact that overt disease did not occur in the former group. Together, these results suggest a distinct function for each diabetogenic T cell subset. CD4+ T cells, which have the capacity to home to the pancreas, promote in turn the influx of CD8+ effector T cells that do not by themselves accumulate in this organ. These results illustrate a novel form of T-T cell interactions leading to organ specific autoimmune lesions.  相似文献   

The water permeability properties of a series of epithelial barriers (the toad urinary bladder [TUB], the rat caecum [RC], the distal human colon [DHC], and the human amnion [HA] were studied in different experimental conditions. Three parameters were simultaneously determined: the water permeability coefficient in the presence of a transepithelial hydrostatic gradient (Phydr); the water permeability coefficient in the presence of an osmotic gradient (Posm); and the transepithelial potential difference (dV). All experiments were performed with the same experimental device, allowing comparison of the permeability properties of the barriers tested. The results obtained were: (1) TUB (N = 8): Phydr = 0.079 +/- 0.008 cm/s; Posm = 0.0004 +/- 0.0002 cm/s; dV = 31 +/- 5 mV; (2) TUB after ADH (N = 8): Phydr = 0.093 +/- 0.012 cm/s; Posm = 0.0065 +/- 0.0011 cm/s; dV = 52 +/- 8; (3) RC (N = 10): Phydr = 0.18 +/- 0.02 cm/s; Posm = 0.0019 +/- 0.0004 cm/s; dV = 3.9 +/- 0.1 mV; (4) RC adapted to a high K diet (N = 10): Phydr = 0.21 +/- 0.02 cm/s; Posm = 0.0018 +/- 0.0006 cm/s; dV = 4.5 +/- 0.5 mV; (5) DHC (N = 6): Phydr = 0.22 +/- 0.03 cm/s; Posm = 0.002 +/- 0.05 cm/s; dV = 15 +/- 3 mV; (6) HA (N = 10): Phydr = 0.32 +/- 0.05 cm/s; Posm = 0.0154 +/- 0.0015; dV = 0. The results show a good correlation between Phydr and dV, but not between dV and Posm or between Posm and Phydr.  相似文献   

Stem cell-based regeneration depends partly on the delivery of stem cells to the damaged area. Recently in Nature Medicine, Sackstein et al. (2008) report that ex vivo fucosylation of surface CD44 promoted efficient adhesive interactions of manipulated mesenchymal stem cells with marrow vasculature and subsequent homing to endosteal surfaces.  相似文献   

Ocular pigment epithelium (PE) cells promote the generation of T regulators (PE-induced Treg cells). Moreover, T cells exposed to PE acquire the capacity to suppress the activation of bystander T cells via TGFbeta. Membrane-bound TGFbeta on iris PE cells interacts with TGFbeta receptors on T cells, leading to the conversion of T cells to CD8(+) Treg cells via a cell contact-dependent mechanism. Conversely, soluble forms of TGFbeta produced by retinal PE cells can convert CD4(+) T cells into Treg cells in a manner that is independent of cell contact. In this study, we looked at the expression of immunoregulatory factors (TGFbeta, thrombospondins, CD59, IL-1 receptor antagonist, etc.) in PE cells as identified via an oligonucleotide microarray. Several thrombospondin-binding molecules were detected, and thus we focused subsequent analyses on thrombospondins. Via the conversion of latent TGFbeta to an active form that appears to be mediated by thrombospondin 1 (TSP-1), cultured iris PE and retinal PE cells induce a PE-induced Treg cell fate. After conversion, both ocular PE and PE-induced Treg cells express TSP-1. Regulatory T cell generation was amplified when the T cells also expressed TSP-1. In addition, PE-induced Treg cells significantly suppressed activation of bystander T cells via TSP-1. These results strongly suggest that the ability of ocular PE and PE-induced Treg cells to suppress bystander T cells depends on their capacity to produce TSP-1. Thus, intraocular TSP-1 produced by both ocular parenchymal cells and regulatory T cells is essential for immune regulation in the eye.  相似文献   

The presence of potentially autoreactive T cells is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for the development of autoimmune disease. However, the relationship between T cell response and susceptibility to disease is not straightforward. In this report, we use experimental allergic encephalomyelitis as a model to demonstrate that subtle alterations of the T cell response to an encephalitogenic epitope are sufficient to cause a dramatic decrease in disease susceptibility. Transgenic expression of a fusion protein of hen egg lysozyme and an encephalitogenic peptide of myelin basic protein (MBP) residues 84-105, coexpressed with MHC class II, causes profound tolerance to hen egg lysozyme, while maintaining a near normal response to MBP. Detailed analysis of the T cell repertoire of transgenic animals using a panel of T cell hybridomas revealed a highly selective loss of one minor component of the response to the MBP84-104 region. Despite this, transgenic animals were highly resistant to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis induction with the MBP peptide, indicating that minor changes to the T cell repertoire may result in major alterations in disease susceptibility. Possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

Establishment and maintenance of a polarized epithelium relies on the integration of signaling cascades, acquisition of specialized trafficking circuits and establishment of a unique cytoarchitecture. Defects in any of these processes can adversely affect cell polarity and cause defects in specific organs and systemic disease. Mutations that disrupt the proper transport of individual plasma membrane proteins, or inactivate components of the epithelial-specific trafficking machinery, have severe functional consequences. Links between renal diseases and defects in trafficking, differentiation or signaling, highlight the delicate balance between these parameters which, when altered, precipitates a loss of renal function.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence indicates that regulatory T (Treg) cells control development of various diseases both systemically and locally. However, molecular mechanisms involved in Treg cell homing remain elusive. We have shown previously that alphabetaTCR(+)CD3(+)CD4(-)CD8(-) double-negative (DN) Treg cells selectively accumulate in tolerant allografts to maintain localized immune regulation. However, the molecular mechanism leading to the accumulation of DN Treg cells in tolerant grafts was not known. Our cDNA microarray analysis revealed significant up-regulation of chemokine receptor CXCR5 mRNA in DN Treg clones compared with nonregulatory clones. In this study, we examined the importance of CXCR5 in mediating DN Treg migration. Compared with CD4 and CD8 T cells, both primary DN Treg cells and clones constitutively express high levels of CXCR5 protein, enabling them to migrate toward increasing CXCL13 gradients in vitro. After infusion into recipient mice, CXCR5(+) DN Treg clones, but not their CXCR5(-) mutants, preferentially accumulated in cardiac allografts and could prevent graft rejection. Furthermore, we found that allogeneic cardiac allografts express high levels of CXCL13 mRNA compared with either recipient native hearts or nontransplanted donor hearts. Ab neutralization of CXCL13 abrogated DN Treg cell migration in vitro and prevented in vivo homing of DN Treg clones into allografts. These data demonstrate that DN Treg cells preferentially express CXCR5, and interaction of this chemokine receptor with its ligand CXCL13 plays an important role in DN Treg cell migration both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Protozoan parasites cause severe morbidity and mortality in humans worldwide, especially in developing countries where access to chemotherapeutic agents is limited. Although parasites initially evoke a robust immune response, subsequent immunity fails to clear infection, ultimately leading to the chronic stage. This enigmatic situation was initially addressed in chronic viral models, where T cells lose their function, a phenomenon referred to as 'exhaustion'. However, recent studies demonstrate that this paradigm can be extended to protozoan diseases as well, although with notable differences. These studies have revealed that T cell responses generated against Toxoplasma gondii, Plasmodium sp., and Leishmania sp. can become dysfunctional. This review discusses T cell exhaustion in parasitic infection, mechanisms of development, and a possible role in disease outcome.  相似文献   

Active inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is often associated with simultaneous inflammation in the skin, eyes and joints. Inflammatory disease in the liver can also occur in patients with IBD but seems to be independent of inflammation in the bowel. In this Opinion article, we propose that the hepatic complications of IBD are mediated by long-lived mucosal T cells that are recruited to the liver in response to aberrantly expressed endothelial-cell adhesion molecules and chemokines that are normally restricted to the gut. Similar mechanisms might explain why certain diseases are associated with site-specific tissue distributions and might point to new therapeutic strategies that are based on modulating tissue-specific lymphocyte homing.  相似文献   

The lungs face the immunologic challenge of rapidly eliminating inhaled pathogens while maintaining tolerance to innocuous Ags. A break in this immune homeostasis may result in pulmonary inflammatory diseases, such as allergies or asthma. The observation that alveolar epithelial type II cells (Type II) constitutively express the class II MHC led us to hypothesize that Type II cells play a role in the adaptive immune response. Because Type II cells do not express detectable levels of the costimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86, we propose that Type II cells suppress activation of naive T cells. Purified murine Type II cells were unable to activate T cells to specific Ag or in an alloreactive assay. Although IFN-gamma treatment up-regulated class II MHC expression, it did not alter the ability of the Type II cells to activate T cells. Rather, the Type II cells were able to suppress T cells from subsequent activation to specific Ag in an Ag-dependent manner. Priming T cells with Type II cells and Ag resulted in T cells that were suppressed to further activation, even after removal from the Type II cells. Thus, Type II cells of the lung help tolerate T cells to nonpathogenic environmental Ags.  相似文献   

The exit of lymphocytes from the interstitium of the lung, across the bronchial epithelium and into the airway lumen, is known as egression, or luminal clearance. Egression is important for immune surveillance and the resolution of inflammation, but the mechanisms involved are unknown. We show that egression of human T cells across the bronchial epithelium is a multistep process, driven in part by a polarized transepithelial gradient of CXCL11 that is up-regulated in patients with chronic obstructive airways disease. Previous studies have shown that T cells can migrate across a disrupted bronchial epithelium, but we provide evidence that egression does not require epithelial injury, and can take place across an intact epithelial barrier. After negotiating the extracellular matrix, the T cell adheres to the basal surface of the bronchial epithelial cell using alpha(4) and leukocyte function associated-1 integrins before crossing the epithelium in an leukocyte function associated-1-dependent way. We demonstrate an egression-dependent decrease in transepithelial resistance across the epithelium without gross alteration in tight-junction proteins. The process of egression has been relatively overlooked when considering the control of leukocyte trafficking in the lung and other epithelial organs. This study highlights the role of the respiratory epithelium in the trafficking of T lymphocytes from the pulmonary interstitium and into the large airways, during the onset and resolution of pulmonary inflammation.  相似文献   

T cell precursors enter the chick thymus in three waves during embryonic life. Each wave of thymocyte precursors colonizing the thymus gave rise to a similar TCR V beta repertoire in thymus, spleen and intestine both in terms of V beta 1 and J beta usage as well as in the length of V beta-D beta-J beta junctions. Seventeen V beta 1s were utilized, and a new J beta segment was found. In the progeny of the third wave, more nucleotides were deleted at the 5' end of the J beta segment, but the overall size of the CDR3 was conserved by a concomitant increase of N nucleotide addition at the V beta-D beta-J beta junctions during rearrangement. This CDR3 modification was observed in the spleen but not in the intestine, implying that progeny of the third wave migrate preferentially to the spleen, a possibility that was confirmed by adoptive cell transfers into congenic chickens. Very low frequencies of non-productive rearrangements in the intestine suggested that negative selection may occur in this organ. The present analysis indicates that V beta 1+ T cells in spleen and intestine are primarily of thymic origin, this colonization of both organs occurs in waves and is not characterized by preselection of the TCR V beta 1 repertoire.  相似文献   

The general properties of chemokines and their receptors are described, and the perspectives raised for cellular therapy are discussed. Specific examples are provided in the cases of the CXC chemokine SDF1 and of chemokines ligands of CCR5.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T regulatory cells (nTregs) regulate lung allergic responses through production of IL-10 and TGF-β. nTregs from CD8(-/-) mice failed to suppress lung allergic responses and were characterized by reduced levels of Foxp3, IL-10, and TGF-β, and high levels of IL-6. Administration of anti-IL-6 or anti-IL-6R to wild-type recipients prior to transfer of CD8(-/-) nTregs restored suppression. nTregs from IL-6(-/-) mice were suppressive, but lost this capability if incubated with IL-6 prior to transfer. The importance of CD8 in regulating the production of IL-6 in nTregs was demonstrated by the loss of suppression and increases in IL-6 following transfer of nTregs from wild-type donors depleted of CD8(+) cells. Transfer of nTregs from CD8(-/-) donors reconstituted with CD8(+) T cells was suppressive, and accordingly, IL-6 levels were reduced. These data identify the critical role of CD8-T regulatory cell interactions in regulating the suppressive phenotype of nTregs through control of IL-6 production.  相似文献   

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