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Oligogalacturonides (OGs) are elicitors of plant defence responses released from the homogalacturonan of the plant cell wall during the attack by pathogenic micro-organisms. The signalling pathway mediated by OGs remains poorly understood, and no proteins involved in their signal perception and transduction have yet been identified. In order to shed light into the molecular pathways regulated by OGs, a differential proteomic analysis has been carried out in Arabidopsis. Proteins from the apoplastic compartment were isolated and their expression compared between control and OG-treated seedlings. 2-D gels and difference in gel electrophoresis (DIGE) techniques were used to compare control and treated proteomes in the same gel. The analysis of subcellular proteomes from seedlings allowed the identification of novel and low abundance proteins that otherwise remain masked when total cellular extracts are investigated. The DIGE technique showed to be a powerful tool to overcome the high interexperiment variation of 2-D gels. Differentially expressed apoplastic proteins were identified by MS and included proteins putatively involved in recognition as well as proteins whose PTMs are regulated by OGs. Our findings underscore the importance of cell wall as a source of molecules playing a role in the perception of pathogens and provide candidate proteins involved in the response to OGs.  相似文献   

Blood plasma is the most complex human-derived proteome, containing other tissue proteomes as subsets. This proteome has only been partially characterized due to the extremely wide dynamic range of the plasma proteins of more than ten orders of magnitude. Thus, the reduction in sample complexity prior to mass spectrometric analysis is particularly important and alternative separation methodologies are required to more effectively mine the lower abundant plasma proteins. Here, we demonstrated a novel separation approach using 2-D free-flow electrophoresis (FFE) separating proteins and peptides in solution according to their pI prior to LC-MS/MS. We used the combination of sequential protein and peptide separation by first separating the plasma proteins into specific FFE fractions. Tryptic digests of the separated proteins were generated and subsequently separated using FFE. The protein separation medium was optimized to segregate albumin into specific fractions containing only few other proteins. An optimization of throughput for the protein separation reduced the separation time of 1 mL of plasma to approximately 3 h providing sufficient material for digestion and the subsequent peptide separation. Our approach revealed low-abundant proteins (e.g., L-selectin at 17 ng/mL and vascular endothelial-cadherin precursor at 30 ng/mL) and several tissue leakage products, thus providing a powerful orthogonal separation step in the proteomics workflow.  相似文献   

Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is a leading cause of congestive heart failure. The exact mechanisms that control cardiac growth and regulate the transition to failure are not fully understood, in part due to the lack of a complete inventory of proteins associated with LVH. We investigated the proteomic basis of LVH using the transverse aortic constriction model of pressure overload in mice coupled with a multidimensional approach to identify known and novel proteins that may be relevant to the development and maintenance of LVH. We identified 123 proteins that were differentially expressed during LVH, including LIM proteins, thioredoxin, myoglobin, fatty acid binding protein 3, the abnormal spindle-like microcephaly protein (ASPM), and cytoskeletal proteins such as actin and myosin. In addition, proteins with unknown functions were identified, providing new directions for future research in this area. We also discuss common pitfalls and strategies to overcome the limitations of current proteomic technologies. Together, the multidimensional approach provides insight into the proteomic changes that occur in the LV during hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Prolonged fasting is characterized by consecutive phases, a short period of adaptation (phase 1), phase 2 (P2) characterized by fat oxidation, and phase 3 (P3) during which energy requirements are mostly derived from increased protein utilization. At this latter stage, food seeking behavior is induced. Very few circulating biomolecules have been identified that are involved in the response to prolonged fasting. To this end, rat plasma samples were compared by a proteomic approach, using 2‐DE. The results revealed a selective variation of the levels of apolipoprotein A‐IV, A‐I, and E, haptoglobin, transthyretin, plasma retinol binding‐protein, and vitamin D binding‐protein in P2 and P3. The variations in protein levels were confirmed by ELISA. Changes in mRNA levels encoding these proteins did not systematically correlate well with protein concentrations, and tissue‐specific regulation of mRNA expression was observed, underlining the complex metabolic regulation in response to food deprivation. In late fasting, the marked reduction of apolipoprotein A‐IV levels could contribute to the alarm signal that triggers refeeding. The variations of the other differentially expressed proteins are more likely related to lipid metabolism and insulin signaling alterations.  相似文献   

As part of the innate immune system, natural killer (NK) cells detect and lyse tumor and virus-infected cells without prior antigen-dependent recognition and expansion. To this end, they utilize dual-function organelles that combine properties of conventional lysosomes and exocytotic vesicles. Upon stimulation, these secretory lysosomes (SLs) release their cytotoxic molecules into the immunological synapse. In addition, several molecules associated with secretory vesicles become exposed on the plasma membrane. Recent studies often took advantage of the few established NK cell lines, for instance to analyze the exocytotic machinery associated with NK cell vesicles. NK cell lines and primary NK cells differ, however, substantially in the expression of "typical" surface receptors and their requirements to induce target cell lysis. Here, we directly compared the lysosomal compartments of different NK cell populations. We enriched SLs of two leukemic cell lines (YTS and NKL) and IL-2-expanded NK cells by subcellular fractionation and characterized their proteome by 2-D difference gel electrophoresis and MS. Although the overall protein composition of the lysosomal preparations was very similar and more than 90% of the proteins were present at comparable levels, we define a cell line-specific setup of functionally relevant proteins involved in antigen presentation and cytotoxic effector function.  相似文献   

Immler D  Greven S  Reinemer P 《Proteomics》2006,6(10):2947-2958
Authentic biomarkers, distilling the essence of a complex, functionally significant process in a mammalian system into a precise, physicochemical measurement have been implicated as a tool of increasing importance for drug discovery and development. However, even in spite of recent technological advances, validating a new biomarker candidate, where generation of suitable antibodies is required, is still a long-lasting task. Methods to accelerate initial validation by MS approaches have been suggested, but all methods described so far are associated with serious drawbacks, finally leading to non-generic methods of detection and quantification. Moreover, when complex body fluids are used as samples, efficient debulking strategies are crucial to open a window of analytical sensitivity in the ng/mL range, where many diagnostically relevant analytes are present. Here we report the proof-of-principle of a multi-dimensional strategy for accelerated initial validation of biomarker candidates by MS, which promises to be generally applicable, sensitive and quantitative. The method presented employs a combination of electrophoretic and chromatographic steps on the peptide level, followed by MS quantification using isotopically labeled synthetic peptides as internal standards. Our proposed workflow includes up to four dimensions, finally resulting in a desired LOD sufficient to detect and quantify diagnostically relevant analytes from complex samples. Although the current state of the method only represents a starting point for further validation and development, it reveals great potential in biomarker validation.  相似文献   



Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is widely expressed in multiple solid tumors including colorectal cancer by promoting cancer cell growth and proliferation. Therefore, the inhibition of EGFR activity may establish a clinical strategy of cancer therapy.


In this study, using human colon adenocarcinoma HT29 and SW480 cells as research models, we compared the efficacy of four EGFR inhibitors in of EGFR-mediated pathways, including the novel irreversible inhibitor 324674, conventional reversible inhibitor AG1478, dual EGFR/HER2 inhibitor GW583340 and the pan-EGFR/ErbB2/ErbB4 inhibitor. Cell proliferation was assessed by MTT analysis, and apoptosis was evaluated by the Annexin-V binding assay. EGFR and its downstream signaling effectors were examined by western blotting analysis.


Among the four inhibitors, the irreversible EGFR inhibitor 324674 was more potent at inhibiting HT29 and SW480 cell proliferation and was able to efficiently induce apoptosis at lower concentrations. Western blotting analysis revealed that AG1478, GW583340 and pan-EGFR/ErbB2/ErbB4 inhibitors failed to suppress EGFR activation as well as the downstream mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and PI3K/AKT/mTOR (AKT) pathways. In contrast, 324674 inhibited EGFR activation and the downstream AKT signaling pathway in a dose-dependent manner.


Our studies indicated that the novel irreversible EGFR inhibitor 324674 may have a therapeutic application in colon cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Butyric acid and sphingomyelin (SM) affect colonic tumorigenesis. We examined the potential link between butyrate stimulation and SM metabolism in colonic and hepatic cancer cell lines. After incubating HT29 and HepG2 cells with butyrate and other short-chain fatty acids, we found that butyrate increased acid but not neutral or alkaline sphingomyelinase (SMase) activity by 10- to 20-fold. The effects occurred after 16 h of incubation and were associated with reduced SM and phosphatidylcholine contents and increased ceramide levels. Northern blotting showed increased acid SMase mRNA levels in these cells after butyrate stimulation. Propionate was less potent, and acetate had no effect. No similar changes of acid phosphatase could be identified. At concentrations that increased acid SMase expression, butyrate inhibited cell proliferation, activated caspase 3, and induced apoptosis. However, the antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of butyrate preceded the changes of acid SMase and were not affected by knocking down acid SMase expression by small, interfering RNA. In addition, butyrate-induced acid SMase expression was not affected by blocking the caspase pathway. In conclusion, butyrate regulates SM metabolism by stimulating acid SMase expression in colon and liver cancer cells, but the increased acid SMase is not a critical mechanism for initiating the anticancer effects of butyrate.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the deadliest cancers with few treatment options. It is a hypervascular tumor in which angiogenesis plays a critical role in its progression. Tumor capillary endothelial cells (TECs) in HCC are known to originate from liver sinusoid endothelial cells, which then go through a capillarization process to become morphologically as well as functionally different TECs. In this work, we investigated proteins differentially expressed between freshly isolated TECs and sinusoid endothelial cells from well‐formed rat HCC using 2‐D DIGE coupled with MALDI‐TOF/TOF MS. Thirty‐eight unique proteins were identified to be differentially expressed more than twofold between the two endothelial cell types. Amongst the differentially expressed proteins, two novel endothelial markers, EH domain‐containing protein 3 and galectin‐3, were confirmed by Western blot and immunohistochemistry in both rat and human HCC samples. We showed that EH domain‐containing protein 3 is significantly down‐regulated in TECs, but galectin‐3 is up‐regulated. We propose possible roles of these two proteins in tumor vessel development in HCC.  相似文献   

The small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) is a small group of proteins that are reversibly attached to protein substrates to modify their functions. The large scale identification of protein SUMOylation and their modification sites in mammalian cells represents a significant challenge because of the relatively small number of in vivo substrates and the dynamic nature of this modification. We report here a novel proteomics approach to selectively enrich and identify SUMO conjugates from human cells. We stably expressed different SUMO paralogs in HEK293 cells, each containing a His(6) tag and a strategically located tryptic cleavage site at the C terminus to facilitate the recovery and identification of SUMOylated peptides by affinity enrichment and mass spectrometry. Tryptic peptides with short SUMO remnants offer significant advantages in large scale SUMOylome experiments including the generation of paralog-specific fragment ions following CID and ETD activation, and the identification of modified peptides using conventional database search engines such as Mascot. We identified 205 unique protein substrates together with 17 precise SUMOylation sites present in 12 SUMO protein conjugates including three new sites (Lys-380, Lys-400, and Lys-497) on the protein promyelocytic leukemia. Label-free quantitative proteomics analyses on purified nuclear extracts from untreated and arsenic trioxide-treated cells revealed that all identified SUMOylated sites of promyelocytic leukemia were differentially SUMOylated upon stimulation.  相似文献   

Plutonium can enter the body through different routes and remains there for decades; however its specific biochemical interactions are poorly defined. We, for the first time, have studied plutonium-binding proteins using a metalloproteomic approach with rat PC12 cells. A combination of immobilized metal ion chromatography, 2D gel electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry was employed to analyze potential plutonium-binding proteins. Our results show that several proteins from PC12 cells show affinity towards Pu4+-NTA (plutonium bound to nitrilotriacetic acid). Proteins from seven different spots in the 2D gel were identified. In contrast to the previously known plutonium-binding proteins transferrin and ferritin, which bind ferric ions, most identified proteins in our experiment are known to bind calcium, magnesium, or divalent transition metal ions. The identified plutonium interacting proteins also have functional roles in downregulation of apoptosis and other pro-proliferative processes. MetaCore™ analysis based on this group of proteins produced a pathway with a statistically significant association with development of neoplastic diseases.  相似文献   

The human cell lines FTC-133 and CGTH W-1, both derived from patients with thyroid cancer, assemble to form different types of spheroids when cultured on a random positioning machine. In order to obtain a possible explanation for their distinguishable aggregation behaviour under equal culturing conditions, we evaluated a proteomic analysis emphasising cytoskeletal and membrane-associated proteins. For this analysis, we treated the cells by ultrasound, which freed up some of the proteins into the supernatant but left some attached to the cell fragments. Both types of proteins were further separated by free-flow IEF and SDS gel electrophoresis until their identity was determined by MS. The MS data revealed differences between the two cell lines with regard to various structural proteins such as vimentin, tubulins and actin. Interestingly, integrin α-5 chains, myosin-10 and filamin B were only found in FTC-133 cells, while collagen was only detected in CGTH W-1 cells. These analyses suggest that FTC-133 cells express surface proteins that bind fibronectin, strengthening the three-dimensional cell cohesion.  相似文献   

HepG‐2 cells are widely used as a cell model to investigate hepatocellular carcinomas and the effect of anticancer drugs such as doxorubicin, an effective antineoplastic agent, which has broad antitumoral activity against many solid and hematological malignancies. To investigate the effect of doxorubicin on the protein pattern, we used complementary proteomic workflows including 2‐D gel‐based and gel‐free methods. The analysis of crude HepG2 cell extracts by 2‐D DIGE provided data on 1835 protein spots which was then complemented by MS‐centered analysis of stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture‐labeled cells. The monitoring of more than 1300 distinct proteins, including proteins of the membrane fraction provides the most comprehensive overview on the proteome of the widely used model cell line HepG2. Of the proteins monitored in total, 155 displayed doxorubicin‐induced changes in abundance. Functional analysis revealed major influences of doxorubicin on proteins involved in protein synthesis, DNA damage control, electron transport/mitochondrial function, and tumor growth. The strongest decrease in level was found for proteins involved in DNA replication and protein synthesis, whereas proteins with a function in DNA damage control and oxidative stress management displayed increased levels following treatment with doxorubicin compared with control cells. Furthermore, the doxorubicin‐associated increase in levels of multiple forms of keratins 8, 18, and 19 and other structural proteins revealed an influence on the cytoskeleton network.  相似文献   

Tiam1 (T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis-inducing protein 1), a guanine nucleotide exchange factor that activates Rac, is a colorectal cancer metastasis-related gene. In this study, we aimed to better understand the mechanism underlying Tiam1-mediated metastasis. We applied gene microarray and proteome analysis and compared expression of genes and proteins in a stable Tiam1-silencing colorectal cancer cell line and in a control cell line. Our analysis identified three genes, high-mobility group box1 (HMGB1), annexin IV (ANXA4) and phosphoglycerate mutase 1 (PGAM1) that were associated with Tiam1. Analysis of these proteins, which may be directly or indirectly regulated by Tiam1, may provide insight into the role and mechanism of Tiam1 in colorectal cancer metastasis.  相似文献   

The complexity of Viperid venoms has long been appreciated by investigators in the fields of toxinology and medicine. However, it is only recently that the depth of that complexity has become somewhat quantitatively and qualitatively appreciated. With the resurgence of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and the advances in mass spectrometry virtually all venom components can be visualized and identified given sufficient effort and resources. Here we present the use of 2-DE for examining venom complexity as well as demonstrating interesting approaches to selectively delineate subpopulations of venom proteins based on particular characteristics of the proteins such as antibody cross-reactivity or enzymatic activities. 2-DE comparisons between venoms from different species of the same genus (Bothrops) of snake clearly demonstrated both the similarity as well as the apparent diversity among these venoms. Using liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry we were able to identify regions of the two-dimensional gels from each venom in which certain classes of proteins were found. 2-DE was also used to compare venoms from Crotalus atrox and Bothrops jararaca. For these venoms a variety of staining/detection protocols was utilized to compare and contrast the venoms. Specifically, we used various stains to visualize subpopulations of the venom proteomes of these snakes, including Coomassie, Silver, Sypro Ruby and Pro-Q-Emerald. Using specific antibodies in Western blot analyses of 2-DE of the venoms we have examined subpopulations of proteins in these venoms including the serine proteinase proteome, the metalloproteinase proteome, and the phospholipases A2 proteome. A functional assessment of the gelatinolytic activity of these venoms was also performed by zymography. These approaches have given rise to a more thorough understanding of venom complexity and the toxins comprising these venoms and provide insights to investigators who wish to focus on these venom subpopulations of proteins in future studies.  相似文献   

Comprehensive molecular profiling of human tumor tissue specimens at the DNA, mRNA and protein level is often obstructed by a limited amount of available material. Homogenization of frozen tissue samples in guanidine isothiocyanate followed by ultracentrifugation over cesium chloride allows the simultaneous extraction of high‐molecular weight DNA and RNA. Here, we present a protocol for quantitative proteome analysis using the high‐salt protein fraction obtained as supernatant after ultracentrifugation for nucleic acid extraction. We applied this method to extracts from primary human brain tumors and demonstrate its successful application for protein expression profiling in these tumors using 2‐D DIGE, MS and Western blotting.  相似文献   

Li DQ  Wang L  Fei F  Hou YF  Luo JM;Wei-Chen  Zeng R  Wu J  Lu JS  Di GH  Ou ZL  Xia QC  Shen ZZ  Shao ZM 《Proteomics》2006,6(11):3352-3368
To better understand the molecular mechanisms underlying breast cancer metastasis and search for potential markers for metastatic progression, we have developed a highly metastatic variant of human MDA-MB-435 breast cancer cell line through in vivo stepwise selection of pulmonary metastatic cells caused by parental MDA-MB-435 cells in the athymic mice. Comparative proteomic analysis using 2-DE and LC-IT-MS revealed that 102 protein spots were reproducibly altered more than three-fold between the selected variant and its parental counterpart. Eleven differentially expressed protein spots were identified with high confidence using SEQUEST with uninterpreted tandem mass raw data. Cathepsin D precursor, peroxiredoxin 6 (PDX6), heat shock protein 27 (HSP27), HSP60, tropomyosin 1 (TPM1), TPM2, TPM3, TPM4, 14-3-3 protein epsilon, and tumor protein D54 were up-regulated in the highly metastatic variant, whereas alpha B-crystalline (CRAB) was only detected in its parental counterpart. Differential expression was confirmed for four proteins including PDX6, CRAB, TPM4, and HSP60 by real-time quantitative PCR and Western blotting analysis in our model. Immunohistochemical analysis in 80 breast cancer donors demonstrated a significant association of TPM4 (p = 0.002), HSP60 (p = 0.001), PDX6 (p = 0.002) but not CRAB (p = 0.113) staining with the presence of lymph node metastasis. In addition, TPM4 staining was also associated with clinical stage (p = 0.000), but no significant association was found between TPM4, PDX6, CRAB, and HSP60 expression and tumor size, hormone receptor, and HER-2 status (p > 0.05). The functional implication of these identified proteins was also discussed. These proteomic data are valuable and informative for understanding breast cancer metastasis and searching for potential markers for metastatic progression.  相似文献   

In this study we applied narrow‐range peptide IEF to plasma or pleural effusion prior to LC/MS/MS. Two methods for narrow‐range IEF were run; IPG strips and free‐flow electrophoresis. Data from this study was compared with cell line data to evaluate the method performance in body fluids. To test the methods potential in quantitative biomarker discovery studies, plasma and pleural effusion from patients with lung adenocarcinoma (n=3) were compared with inflammatory pleuritis (n=3) using iTRAQ quantification. Using narrow‐range IEF on the peptide level we were able to identify and quantify 282 proteins in plasma and 300 proteins in pleural effusion. These body fluid proteomes demonstrated high degree of overlap; however, more proteins significantly differently altered levels related to adenenocarcinoma were found in pleural effusion compared with plasma, suggesting enrichment of lung tissue‐related proteins in pleural effusion. Nine proteins were chosen for initial validation with Western blot, and one protein (NPC2) was chosen for further validation using imunohistochemistry. Overall, the quantitative results from IEF/LC/MS/MS showed good correlation with the results from Western blot and imunohistochemistry, showing the potential of this methodology in quantitative biomarker discovery studies.  相似文献   

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