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Three new oxyuroid nematode species of the family Pharyngodonidae are described from the intestine of freshwater catfishes in Brazil (River Paraná), two of them being representatives of new monotypic genera: Ichthyouris brasiliensis n. sp. from Pterygoplichthys aculeatus, Brasilnema pimelodellae n. g., n. sp. from Pimelodella gracilis, and Parasynodontisia petterae n. g., n. sp. from Rhinelepis aspera. I. brasiliensis n. sp. differs from the only other congeneric species, I. ro, mainly in the absence of a pair of plate-like structures in the male caudal region, shorter caudal alae, the presence of a pair of conspicuous lateral spines at the level of the anal opening in the female and by other features. Brasilnema n. g. is characterised mainly by a hexagonal oral opening, a broad buccal capsule containing three teeth, a simple spicule and an amphidelphic uterus, whereas Parasynodontisia n. g. is characterised by a triangular oral opening and an amphidelphic uterus in the female; both genera possess six small, triangular, circumoral lamellae slightly raised above the apical surface. The paper includes a key to the pharyngodonid genera whose species are parasitic in fishes.  相似文献   

P Glöer  V Pešić 《ZooKeys》2012,(219):11-61
Using published records and original data from recent field work and revision of Iranian material of certain species deposited in the collections of the Natural History Museum Basel, the Zoological Museum Berlin, and Natural History Museum Vienna, a checklist of the freshwater gastropod fauna of Iran was compiled. This checklist contains 73 species from 34 genera and 14 families of freshwater snails; 27 of these species (37%) are endemic to Iran. Two new genera, Kaskakia and Sarkhia, and eight species, i.e., Bithynia forcarti, Bithynia starmuehlneri, Bithynia mazandaranensis, Pseudamnicola georgievi, Kaskakia khorrasanensis, Sarkhia sarabensis, Valvata nowsharensis and Acroloxus pseudolacustris are described as new to science; Ecrobia grimmi (Clessin & Dybowski, 1888), Heleobia dalmatica (Radoman, 1974) and Hippeutis complanatus (Linnaeus, 1758) are reported for the first time from Iran. Additional field work is highly desirable for a more appropriate evaluation of the extant freshwater snail biodiversity in Iran.  相似文献   

A well resolved phylogeny of the Agaricaceae based on partial rpb2 sequences is presented from a wide geographic and systematic sampling of the family and compared to phylogenies based on nrLSU and tef1 sequences. A smaller dataset of the family focusing on the Agaricus clade of nrITS sequences and a combined dataset were used to determine the position of several white-spored taxa from northern Thailand. Two new genera are described from Thailand. Coniolepiota accommodates Lepiota spongodes, a gray-lilac-purple floccose white-spored species with a wide distribution in tropical Asia; Eriocybe has a white wooly felt-like covering of pileus and stipe, white spores and is described with one new species E. chionea, so far known only from northern Thailand. These new genera are closely related to three genera with colored spores (viz. Agaricus, Heinemannomyces and Clarkeinda) and not to other white-spored taxa.  相似文献   

Singchia Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, a new orchid genus, is established based on the new species S. malipoensis Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen found in southeast Yunnan, China. The new genus is related to Pteroceras, from which it differs by having a lip with its basal margins immovably adnate to the lower part of the pendent column foot, a thin-walled spur, and very unequally and deeply split pollinia, each with a distinct caudicle. In addition to a discussion on Ascocentrum pusillum, a species of questionable placement, another new genus, namely Gunnaria S. C. Chen ex Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, is set up and a new combination, namely G. pusilla (Aver.) Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, is made. The new genus Gunnaria differs from its allyAscocentrum by having a cross-shaped pollinarium, sulcate or split pollinia, each with a distinct caudicle attached to a common linear stipe much longer than either pollinia or viscidium, and strongly incurved side lobes of the lip.  相似文献   

Morphological characters used in comasterid taxonomy are reappraised. As a result, form and distribution of pinnule combs are newly promoted as primary characters of generic recognition. Form and arrangement of cirri and division series, as used by A. H. Clark (1931), are rejected as characters important in recognizing taxa higher than species. Five of 12 comasterid genera reported as occurring in Australian waters (H. L. Clark, 1946) are critically examined. Of these genera, Comantheria A. H. Clark, 1909b is referred to the synonymy of Comanthus A. H. Clark, 1908a, Comanlhoides A. H. Clark, 1931 is referred to the synonymy of Cenolia A. H. Clark, 1916b, and Comanthina A. H. Clark, 1909b is maintained. In addition, two new genera are described. These genera are related by the occurence of the first brachial syzygy at 3 + 4 on all arms. Twenty-six species within the five genera are now recognized in Australian waters. Nine new species are described, and the 17 existing species are rediagnosed and critically reappraised. The revision involves taxa distributed throughout the Indo-west Pacific region, as far west as S Africa.  相似文献   

Raja HA  Tanaka K  Hirayama K  Miller AN  Shearer CA 《Mycologia》2011,103(6):1421-1432
During independent surveys of freshwater ascomycetes in Japan and USA two new species of Lindgomyces were collected from submerged wood in freshwater. These species are described and illustrated based on morphological data and phylogenetic relationships based on analyses of nuclear ribosomal sequence data (partial SSU and LSU, and ITS). Lindgomyces apiculatus, collected in Japan, is characterized by immersed to erumpent, globose to subglobose ascomata; fissitunicate, cylindrical to clavate asci; and fusiform, one-septate ascospores with acute ends and short terminal appendages. Lindgomyces lemonweirensis, collected in Wisconsin, USA, differs from L. apiculatus in having clavate to cymbiform asci and oblong to fusiform ascospores that are distinctively multiguttulate and surrounded by an oval, ephemeral gelatinous sheath. The new species formed a strongly supported clade within the family Lindgomycetaceae (Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes) based on analyses of combined SSU and LSU sequence data. In addition phylogenetic analyses with ITS sequence data support the establishment of the new taxa as separate species within Lindgomyces because they were separated from each other and other Lindgomyces species based on maximum likelihood bootstrap and Bayesian analyses.  相似文献   

During a survey of endophytic fungi from the cactus Tacinga inamoena in a Brazilian tropical dry forest (Caatinga) some undescribed ascomycetous fungi were isolated. These fungi are characterized by superficial and immersed, globose to subglobose, smooth or hairy ascomata, bitunicate asci, and muriformly septate, ellipsoidal ascospores. Multigene phylogenetic analyses using sequences from partial ITS, SSU and LSU nrDNA and the translation elongation factor 1-alpha gene (tef1) demonstrated a monophyletic clade accommodating these endophytic fungi in the class Dothideomycetes, closely related to the order Tubeufiales. Based on morphological features and phylogenetic analyses, these fungi could not be placed in the order Tubeufiales, in the new order Wiesneriomycetales, or any other known genus in the class Dothideomycetes. Thus, two new genera (Bezerromyces, with B. brasiliensis and B. pernambucoensis, and Xiliomyces with X. brasiliensis), a new family (Bezerromycetaceae) and a new order (Bezerromycetales) are introduced to accommodate these novel taxa. Our phylogenetic analyses also demonstrated that the clade accommodating Wiesneriomycetaceae represents a new order, here introduced as Wiesneriomycetales.  相似文献   

The new genera Itysa and Lethia , of the Iridaceae, are proposed; the former with two species, I. gardneri (Bak.) Rav., from northeastern Brazil, and I. venezolensis Rav., from Venezuela, the former based on Calydorea gardneri Baker, the latter described as new. Lethia is based on Herbertia umbellata Klatt.  相似文献   

Two new Hyphomycetes collected from Jaipur, Rajasthan, India are described.Panchanania jaipurensis gen. et sp.n., collected on dead and dying twigs ofGrewia salvifolia has characteristic solitary stalked blastospores, each with a dark-coloured head and paler stalk, on sympodulae borne on synnemata.Phragmospathula phoenicis gen. et sp.n., collected on dead leaf rachis ofPhoenix sp. has characteristic solitary spathulate phragmospores (blastospores) which are dark-coloured in the middle and paler at the ends and are produced on short conidiophores capable of proliferation from within. On the basis of the mode of development of the spores, both fungi are placed in the Torulaceae Corda emend. Subram.  相似文献   

Campbell J  Shearer CA 《Mycologia》2004,96(4):822-833
Two pyrenomycetes in the Annulatascaceae described from freshwater, Annulatascus triseptatus and Ascolacicola austriaca, are reported from North and South America for the first time. Both species occur commonly on submerged wood in the U.S.A. The two taxa are similar morphologically in having black coriaceous ascomata, cylindrical necks, septate paraphyses, cylindrical pedicellate asci with prominent apical rings and three-septate ascospores. Molecular data demonstrates that Annulatascus is polyphyletic, with A. triseptatus on a clade widely separated from the type species of the genus, A. velatisporus. Ascolacicola austriaca is on a monophyletic clade within the Annulatascaceae as sister taxon of A. triseptatus. Based on morphological data and phylogenetic analyses of 28S rDNA sequence data, new genera Annulusmagnus and Ascitendus are established for Annulatascus triseptatus and Ascolacicola austriaca, respectively.  相似文献   

Hamana K  Itoh T 《Microbios》2001,104(408):105-114
Cellular polyamines of eight new thermophilic archaebacteria were investigated to determine the chemotaxonomic significance of polyamine distribution profiles. Hyperthermoacidophilic Caldivirga maquilingensis belonging to the family Thermoproteaceae of the Crenarchaeota have a unique polyamine profile comprising spermidine, norspermidine and norspermine as the major polyamines. Within the order Thermococcales of the Euryarchaeota, the major polyamines of an extremely thermophilic terrestrial species of Thermococcus, T. zilligii, were spermidine and agmatine, whereas hyperthermophilic submarine species of Thermococcus and hyperthermophilic submarine Palaeococcus ferrophilus contained a quaternary branched penta-amine, N4-bis(aminopropyl)spermidine, as a major polyamine. A hyperthermophilic methanogen, Methanothermus sociabilis, belonging to Euryarchaeota, contained spermidine and spermine as the major polyamine.  相似文献   

Two new genera and species of Gastrotricha are described from the psammon of a freshwater body in Brazil: Redudasys fornerise and Arenotus strixinoi. The former is the first undoubted member of the order Macrodasyida recorded from a freshwater environment. It is characterized by the reduction in number of adhesive tubes, the absence of male sexual organs and the presence of a well-developed protonephridial system. The latter belongs to the order Chaetonotida (family Chaetonotidae) and is characterized by the uniform body covering with a thick layer of soft homogeneous cuticle. A possible mode of colonization of fresh waters by marine Macrodasyida, involving colonization of freshwater areas underlying marine beaches, is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe and illustrate a new species, Lindgomyces angustiascus, from submerged wood in lotic and lentic habitats from Florida, North Carolina and Wisconsin, USA. The new species is characterized by black, partially immersed, flattened, globose ascomata; fissitunicate, long, slender, obclavate asci; and one-septate, hyaline, fusiform ascospores with bipolar appendages, each covered with a gelatinous cap. Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian analyses of partial 18S nrDNA and 28S nrDNA, as well as the entire nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2) region support the placement and establishment of this new species in the Lindgomycetaceae, Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes. Chemical analysis of the organic extract of L. angustiascus revealed the presence of 6E,9E-octadecadienoic acid and ergosterol peroxide as major secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

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