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When 14CO2 was fed to flag leaf laminae at 20 d post-anthesis,the transport organs between the leaf and the grains containedappreciable 14C in glutamine, glutamate, serine, alanine, threonineand glycine. Smaller amounts of 14C were present in gamma-aminobutyricacid (GABA), aspartate and cysteine. Other amino acids whichwere labelled in the source leaf were not labelled in the transportorgans. The export of labelled glutamine, serine, glycine andthreonine from the source leaf was favoured in comparison tothe other amino acids mentioned. Threonine accumulated, andwas subsequently metabolised, in the rachis. [14C]GABA alsoaccumulated in the rachis. In the grains, the relative amountof soluble [14C]alanine increased with chase time. This wasprobably due to de novo synthesis and reflected the specialrole of alanine in grain nitrogen metabolism. Wheat, Triticum aestivum, 14CO2, amino acids, transport, carbon metabolism  相似文献   

The interactions between the assimilation and transport of nitrogenand carbon were investigated in barley and spinach leaves. Bothplants were fumigated with NH3 (1 mg m–3 and the contentof amino acids, sucrose and carbon intermediates of amino acidmetabolism were analysed in the leaves, apoplast and phloemsap. The following changes took place in the C- and N-metabolismof barley leaves during 5 h of fumigation with NH3 (a) The contentsof amino acids, especially glutamine, largely increased andthe contents of sucrose, 2-oxoglutarate, phosphoenolpyruvate,and glycerate-3-phosphate declined. (b) A decrease in the phophoenolpyruvatecontent was accompanied by an increased activity of phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxylase. (c) The altered cytosolic concentrations of aminoacids and sucrose during NH3 fumigation correlated with similarchanges in the apoplast and phloem sap. The altered percentageof each amino acid relative to the total amino acid concentrationin the cytosol, caused by NH3 fumigation, is reflected in theapoplast and the phloem sap. The results indicate that the concentrations of amino acids in the cytosol determine their concentrationsin the phloem. Key words: Amino acids, ammonia fumigation, barley leaves, C: N partitioning, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, phloem sap, spinach leaves  相似文献   

In the aquatic liverwort Riccia fluitans the regulation of theplasma membrane H+/amino acid symport has been investigated.Cytosolic pH (pHc), membrane potential (Em) and membrane conductancehave been measured and related to transport data, (i) The releaseof [14C]amino acids is strongly stimulated by cytosolic acidification,induced by the external addition of acetic acid, a decreasein external K+, and in the change from light to dark. On average,a decrease in pHc of 0.5 to 0.6 units corresponded with a 4-foldstimulation in amino acid efflux. (ii) External pH changes havefar less effect on substrate transport than the cytosolic pHshifts of the same order. (iii) The inwardly directed positivecurrent, induced by amino acids, is severely inhibited by cytosolicacidification. (iv) Fusicoccin (FC) stimulates amino acid uptakewithout considerable change in proton motive force. (v) Whenthe proton motive force is kept constant, the uptake of aminoacids into Riccia thalli is much lower than when the pump isdeactivated. It is suggested that both the proton pump activityand cytosolic pH are the dominant factors in the regulationof the H+/amino acid symport across the plasma membrane of Ricciafluitans, and it is concluded that the proton motive force isnot a reliable quantity to predict and interpret transport kinetics. Key words: Amino acid, cytosolic pH, pH-sensitive electrode, proton motive force, regulation, Riccia fluitans  相似文献   

An intensity/time study of the taste of selected amino acidswas carried out. Intensity, persistence and total gustatoryresponse were assessed at five concentrations. Ten amino acidswere assessed for sweetness and eleven amino acids were assessedfor bitterness, four amino acids being assessed for both sweetnessand bitterness. Both a linear function and a power function,I = Kcn (where I is taste intensity, c is concentration, K isa constant and n is the exponent of taste intensity), were fittedto the data. The accession efficiencies for taste recognitionand taste detection were found. Kinetic equations were usedto find Km, the affinity of the receptor site for the sapidmolecule. Limited relationships between chemical structure ofthe amino acids and their temporal properties were found.  相似文献   

Chemical Composition of Bleeding Xylem Sap from Kiwifruit Vines   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A study of the chemical composition and charge balance was madeof bleeding xylem sap collected from excised one-year-old extensionshoots of healthy, Mn-deficient, Mn-toxic and Zn-deficient kiwifruitvines (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson)immediately prior to leafburst. The exudates were analysed formacronutrient cations and anions, trace elements, amino acids,organic acids and sugars. Major charged species measured wereCa (13.3 mM), K (8.9 mM), Mg (5.6 mM), malate (12.5 mM) andphosphate (5.8 mM). Glutamine (12 mM) was the predominant Ncarrier identified, accounting for 58 per cent of the totalN followed by NO2-N (4.5 per cent), NH4+-N (3.5 per cent)and arginine-N (2.9 per cent). Approximately 22 per cent ofthe N was in a hydrolysable proteinaceous fraction comprisingmainly glutamine and glutamate. Eighteen free proteinaceousamino acids were idetified in sap, the most abundant being glutamine,glutamic acid, valine, isoleucine and phenylalanine. Computersimulation of the chemical composition predicted that in additionto hydrated cations, ion pairs formed between inorganic components(SO42–, HPO42–, H2PO4) and cations (Ca2+,Mg2+, Mn2+), plus metal-organic ligand complexes (Ca Malate,Zn Malate, FeCit, CuHis, CuGln) are important species involvedin translocation. The solubility product of hydroxyapatite wasexceeded in all exudates although in vitro precipitation wasnot observed. To achieve electroneutrality with the componentsmeasured, however, formation of precipitate precursors (hydroxyapatitenuclei) had to be assumed. Irregularities in Mn nutrition (butnot Zn) were clearly indicated by the elemental compositionof exudate suggesting the use of sap analysis as a possiblepre-season indicator of nutritional status for this species. Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson, kiwifruit, xylem sap composition, trace metals, amino acids, organic acids  相似文献   

The role ofintracellular pH (pHi) in regulation of AE2 function inXenopus oocytes remains unclear. We therefore compared AE2-mediated 36Cl efflux fromXenopus oocytes during imposed variation of extracellular pH(pHo) or variation of pHi at constantpHo. Wild-type AE2-mediated 36Clefflux displayed a steep pHo vs. activity curve, withpHo(50) = 6.91 ± 0.04. SequentialNH2-terminal deletion of amino acid residues in tworegions, between amino acids 328 and 347 or between amino acids 391 and510, shifted pHo(50) to more acidic values by nearly 0.6 units. Permeant weak acids were then used to alter oocytepHi at constant pHo and were shown to beneither substrates nor inhibitors of AE2-mediated Cltransport. At constant pHo, AE2 was inhibited byintracellular acidification and activated by intracellularalkalinization. Our data define structure-function relationships withinthe AE2 NH2-terminal cytoplasmic domain, which demonstratesdistinct structural requirements for AE2 regulation by intracellularand extracellular protons.


After removal of the embryo from developing seeds of Pisum sativum,the ‘empty’ ovules (seed coats without enclosedembryo) were filled with a solution (pH 5.5) containing mannitol(usually 400 mM) to which various salts were added. A solutioncontaining two isotopes ((a) [2H]-sucrose/[–14C]aminoisobutyricacid (AIB) or (b) [3H]valine/[14C]asparagine mixture) was administeredto the plant via the petiole subtending the fruiting node, and[2H]solute and [14C]solute unloading from the seed coat wasmeasured, in pulse-labelling experiments of about 5 h. The presenceof 25 or 50 mM K+ in the ‘empty’ ovule enhancedthe release of sucrose from the seed coat particularly duringthe first hours of the experiment, but the stimulating effectof K+ on the release of labelled solutes derived from aminoacids was much smaller. The presence of 25 mM CaCl2 did notaffect the release of sucrose or amino acids from the seed coat.The effect of K+ on sucrose and amino acid release is explainedas an inhibition of sucrose and amino acid resorption from theseed coat apoplast into seed coat cells, after unloading fromthe seed coat unloading sites. It is suggested that amino acidrelease is much less affected by K+ than sucrose release, becausefar less resorption of amino acids by seed coat parenchyma cellstakes place during amino acid transport into the seed coat cavity. Pisum sativum, pea, assimilate transport, assimilate unloading, seed-coat exudate, seed development, sucrose resorption, surgical treatment  相似文献   

Rabbit and human ClC-2GCl channels are voltagesensitive and activated by protein kinase A and low extracellular pH.The objective of the present study was to investigate the mechanism involved in acid activation of the ClC-2GCl channel and to determinewhich amino acid residues play a role in this acid activation. Channelopen probability(Po) at ±80 mV holding potentials increased fourfold in a concentration-dependent manner with extracellular H+concentration (that is, extracellular pH,pHtrans), with anapparent acidic dissociation constant of pH 4.95 ± 0.27. 1-Ethyl-3(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide-catalyzed amidation of the channel with glycine methyl ester increasedPo threefold atpHtrans 7.4, at which the channelnormally exhibits lowPo. Withextracellular pH reduction (protonation) or amidation, increasedPo was due to asignificant increase in open time constants and a significant decreasein closed time constants of the channel gating, and this effect wasinsensitive to applied voltage. With the use of site-directedmutagenesis, the extracellular region EELE (amino acids416-419) was identified as the pH sensor and amino acid Glu-419was found to play the key or predominant role in activation of theClC-2G Cl channel byextracellular acid.


The effects of NO-3 and NH+4 nutrition on hydroponically grownwheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) were assessedfrom measurements of growth, gas exchange and xylem sap nitrogencontents. Biomass accumulation and shoot moisture contents ofwheat and maize were lower with NH+4 than with NO-3 nutrition.The shoot:root ratios of wheat plants were increased with NH+4compared to NO-3 nutrition, while those of maize were unaffectedby the nitrogen source. Differences between NO-3 and NH+4-fedplant biomasses were apparent soon after introduction of thenitrogen into the root medium of both wheat and maize, and thesedifferences were compounded during growth. Photosynthetic rates of 4 mM N-fed wheat were unaffected bythe form of nitrogen supplied whereas those of 12 mM NH+4-fedwheat plants were reduced to 85% of those 12 mM NO-3-fed wheatplants. In maize supplied with 4 and 12 mM NH+4 the photosyntheticrates were 87 and 82% respectively of those of NO-3-fed plants.Reduced photosynthetic rates of NH+4 compared to NO-3-fed wheatand maize plants may thus partially explain reduced biomassaccumulation in plants supplied with NH+4 compared to NO-3 nutrition.Differences in the partitioning of biomass between the shootsand roots of NO-3-and NH+4-fed plants may also, however, arisefrom xylem translocation of carbon from the root to the shootin the form of amino compounds. The organic nitrogen contentof xylem sap was found to be considerably higher in NH+4- thanin NO-3-fed plants. This may result in depletion of root carbohydrateresources through translocation of amino compounds to the shootin NH+4-fed wheat plants. The concentration of carbon associatedwith organic nitrogen in the xylem sap of maize was considerablyhigher than that in wheat. This may indicate that the shootand root components of maize share a common carbon pool andthus differences induced by different forms of inorganic nitrogenare manifested as altered overall growth rather than changesin the shoot:root ratios.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Triticum aestivum, wheat, Zea mays, maize, nitrogen, growth, photosynthesis, amino acids, xylem  相似文献   

The metabolic transformation of glycolate to glycine occurringin photosynthesizing cells of Chromatium was investigated bythe radioisotopic technique and by amino acid analysis. By analyzingthe distribution of radiocarbon upon feeding [1-14C] glycolate,[2-14C] glyoxylate and [1-14C] glycine to bacterial cells, itwas demonstrated that glycolate is converted to glycinc viaglyoxylate, and both glycolate and glycine are excreted extracellularly.Although the formation of serine was barely detected by theabove two techniques in both N2 and O2 atmospheres, it was foundthat 14CO2 is evolved quite markedly from both [1-14C] glycolateand [1-14C] glycine fed to the Chromatium cells. Analyticalresults of transient changes in amino acid compositions underatmospheric changes of N2O2 and by the addition of exogenousglycolate in N2 confirm the notion that glycolate is convertedto glycine. Acidic amino acids (glutamic acid and aspartic acid)appear to take part in glycine formation as amino donors. Theformation of glycine from glycolate in a N2 atmosphere suggeststhat an unknown glycolate dehydrogenation reaction may operatein the overall process. 1 This is paper XXXVII in the series ‘Structure and Functionof Chloroplast Proteins’. Paper XXXVI is ref. (5). Theresearch was supported in part by grants from the Ministry ofEducation of Japan (No. 111912), the Toray Science Foundation(Tokyo) and the Naito Science Foundation (Tokyo). (Received July 14, 1976; )  相似文献   

Growth and nitrate reductase activity (NRA) of Atropa belladonnacells were studied in medium supplemented with NaNO3, NH4NO3,and amino acid precursors to tropane alkaloids. Growth and NRAwere stimulated by NH4+ and by proline, by proline plus ornithine,but not by glutamate, in NO3-containing medium. Testedamino acids inhibited neither utilization of inorganic nitrogennor growth. (Received September 30, 1988; Accepted August 28, 1989)  相似文献   

Inhibition of chorda tympani nerve responses to sugars and aminoacids by CuCl2 and ZnCl2 was studied in ddy mice. Responsesto sugars (sucrose, fructose, glucose and maltose) and Na saccharinwere markedly depressed after adaptation of the tongue to 0.1mM CuCl2 or ZnCl2. No significant difference in the amount ofinhibition by either salt was found among sugars. The concentration-responsecurve for sucrose was shifted towards the right along the abscissaby treating the tongue with CuCl2 or ZnCl2 at 0.1 mM. Reciprocalplots of the concentration-response relationship yielded straightlines, which intersected at a point along the ordinate. Theresults indicate that binding of surcrose as well as other sugarsto sweet receptor molecules is competitively inhibited by Cu2+or Zn2+. Responses to amino acids (Gly, L-Ala, L-Ser, L-Pro,L-Val and D-Trp) were either slightly or scarcely inhibitedby 0.1 mM CuCl2 or ZnCl2. Reciprocal plots of the concentration-responserelationship for Gly before and after adaptation of the tongueto either metal salt failed to yield straight lines. It is proposedthat amino acids would bind to a small proportion of sweet receptormolecules and, in addition, stimulate other receptor mechanismsresponsible for initiating impulses in fibers responsive totaste stimuli other than sucrose.  相似文献   

In hydroponically grown Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill. cv.F144 the site of NO3 reduction and assimilation withinthe plant was shifted from the shoot to the root by salinity.Uptake of NO3 from the root solution was strongly inhibitedby salinization. Consequently, NO3 concentrations inthe leaf, stem and root tissues as well as the nitrate reductaseactivities of the leaves were lower in salinized than in controlplants. Lower NO3, but higher reduced-N, concentrationswere observed in the xylem sap as a result of the enhanced participationof the root in NO3 reduction in salinized plants. Lowerstem K+ concentrations and leaf malate concentrations were foundin salinized compared to control plants which indicates reducedfunctioning of the K+–shuttle in the salinized plants. Incorporation of inorganic carbon by the root was determinedby supplying a pulse of NaH14CO3 followed by extraction andseparation of the labelled products on ion exchange resins.The rate of H14CO3 incorporation was c. 2-fold higherin control than in salinized plants. In salinized plants theproducts of H14CO3 incorporation within the roots werediverted into amino acids, while the control plants divertedrelatively more 14C into organic acids. Products of inorganiccarbon incorporation in the roots of salinized plants providean anaplerotic source of carbon for assimilation of reducedNO3 into amino acids, while in control plants the productswere predominantly organic acids as part of mechanisms to maintainionic balance in the cells and in the xylem sap. Key words: Tomato, nitrate, PEPc, respiration, salinity  相似文献   

When [l-14C]-malonate was supplied to discs cut from matureleaves of Coffea arabica, 14CO2 was released (approximately12% of the total CO2 respired) and organic acids of the Krebscycle, uronic acids, sugars and amino acids became radioactive.There was no incorporation of MC into either lipids or phenoliccompounds. The formation of glucose from malonate has not beenobserved in other studies with plant tissues. The synthesisof labelled glucose together with an active pentose phosphatepathway that is stimulated by malonate explains the accumulationof radioactive phosphogluconate in the leaf discs. Tentativeproposals are made for pathways to account for the results obtained. Key words: Coffee leaves, Malonate metabolism, Pentose phosphate pathway  相似文献   

Metabolism of Inorganic Carbon Taken Up by Roots in Salix Plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The metabolic products of inorganic carbon taken up throughthe roots from nutrient solution were studied in willow plants.Willow cuttings (Salix cv. Aquatica gigantea) were suppliedwith unlabelled or 14C-labelled NaHC03 for 1, 5, 10, and 24h in light or in darkness. After feeding, the plants were dividedinto six samples (upper and lower leaves and corresponding stems,cuttings and roots), which were frozen in liquid N2. Freeze-driedground samples were extracted into water-soluble, chloroform-solubleand insoluble fractions. The water-soluble fraction was furtherseparated into basic, acidic, and neutral fractions by ion-exchangechromatography. In the light experiment pronase treatment wasused to separate the insoluble fraction into proteins and insolublecarbohydrates. After I h feeding time, most of the 14C was fixed into organicacids and amino acids both in light and in darkness in all partsof the plants. In the roots a large part of the l4C-carbon wasincorporated into the protein and insoluble fractions alreadyduring short feeding times, and the amounts incorporated increasedwith time. In the leaves, after 1 and 5 h the main labelledcompounds were the organic acids and amino acids, but after10 h about half of the total 14C was in protein and in the insolublefraction. A further analysis of amino acids and organic acidswith HPLC showed that C-4 acids were labelled initially andthat over time the proportion of different acids changed. These results indicate that the metabolism of carbon in rootsmight take place via ß-carboxylation of PEP. Partof the fixed 14C is transported from the roots, probably asamino acids and organic acids, to the shoot. In roots the C-4acids are metabolized further into structural compounds (proteinsand insoluble carbohydrates). Key words: DIC, Salix, roots, metabolism, HPLC  相似文献   

The paralytic shellfish poison prducing dinoflagellate Gymnodiniuncatemrum was subjected to changes in salinity, phosphate, ammoniumand nitrate using continuous culture and batch culture methods.In contrast with other algae, this species showed very slowchanges in the concentration of intracellular amino acids, inthe Gln:Glu ratio, and, in contrast with Alrsandnum spp., onlyslow changes in toxin content, during such events as N-feedingof Ndeprived cells or during nutrient deprivation. This organismwas found to be very susceptible to disturbance; maximum growthrates around 0.25–0.3 day–1 with a minimum C:N massratio of 5.5, were attained when cultures were only disturbedby sampling once a day. P-deprived cells were larger (twicethe usual C content of 4 ng C cell–1 and volume of 20pl). The content of free amino acids was always low (5% of cell-N),with low contributions made by arginine (the precursor for paralyticshellfish toxins). Cells growing using ammonium had the lowestC:N ratios and the highest proportion of intracellular aminoacids as arginine. The toxin profile (equal mole ratios of dcSTX,GTX5, dcGT2/3 C1 and C2, and half those values for C3 and C4)was stable and the toxin concentration varied between 0.2 and1 mM STX equivalents (highest when ammonium was not limiting,lowest in P-deprived cells, though as the latter were largertoxin per cell was not so variable). Decreased salinity didnot result in increases in toxin content. Significant amountsof amino acids (mainly serine and glycine, with a total oftenexceeding 4 µM) accumulated in the growth medium duringbatch growth even though the cultures were not bacteria free. 4Present address: Instituto Español de Oceanografia,Apdo 1552, 36280, Vigo, Spain  相似文献   

Cratoneuron filicinum, a drought-sensitive moss, and Tortularuralis, a drought-tolerant moss, fix CO2 non-autotrophicallyat a rate of about 1.2 and 2.2 µmol h–1 g–1dry wt. respectively. During drying, T. ruralis fixes CO2 atan undiminished rate until the tissue loses about 60% of theinitial fresh weight. Thereafter, CO2 fixation rapidly declinesto zero. Dark CO2 fixation by C.filicinum declines steadilyduring the dehydration period. On rehydration, dark CO2 fixationis resumed immediately in T. ruralis but not in C.filicinum.When dried T. ruralis is equilibrated with an atmosphere ofnearly 100% relative humidity, its weight increases to about40% of the original fresh weight and dark CO2 fixation resumesat a rate about 60% of the fresh moss. In C.filicinum thereis only a small increase in weight and little CO2 fixation inthe dark. The non-autotrophically fixed carbon, in both mossesstudied, is incorporated into amino acids (more than 60% ofthe total, mainly into aspartate, alanine and glutamate) andorganic acids (less than 40% of the total, mainly into malate).It is suggested that on rehydration immediate availability ofNADPH, known to be produced by transhydrogenation from NADHduring dark CO2 fixation, may be an important factor in therepair of drought-induced cellular damage by reductive biosynthesisof membrane components and other cellular constituents. Key words: Mosses, Dehydration, Rehydration, Dark CO2 fixation, Amino acids, Organic acids, NADPH, Drought tolerance.  相似文献   

KOUCHI  H.; YONEYAMA  T. 《Annals of botany》1984,53(6):883-896
Nodulated soya bean (Glycine max L.) plants at the early floweringstage were allowed to assimilate 13CO2 under steady-state conditions,with a constant 13C abundance, for 8 h in the light. The plantswere either harvested immediately or 2 d after the end of the13CO2 feeding, divided into young leaves (including flower buds),mature leaves, stems+petioles, roots and nodules; the 13C abundancein soluble carbohydrates, organic acids, amino acids, starchand poly-ß-hydroxybutyric acid was determined witha gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The rapid turnover of 13C in the sucrose pools observed in allorgans of the plants showed that sucrose was the principal materialin the translocation stream of primary products of photosynthesis.At the end of the 13CO2 exposure, sucrose in the mature leavesas the major source organs and in the stems+petioles was labelledwith currently assimilated carbon to about 75 per cent, whereasa much higher labelling of sucrose was found in the roots andin the nodules. This suggests the existence of two or more compartmentedpools of sucrose in mature leaves and also in stems+petioles. The relative labelling patterns of individual organic acidsand amino acids were similar in various plant organs. However,the rapid turnover of succinate and glycine was characteristicof nodules. Treatment with a high concentration of nitrate inthe nutrient media increased the turnover rate of amino acidcarbon in shoot organs and roots, while it markedly decreasedthe labelling of amino acids in nodules. The cyclitols, exceptfor D-pinitol, were significantly labelled with assimilated13C in mature leaves, but in nodules, the labelling was verymuch less. In the nodules, which were actively fixing atmospheric nitrogen,a large proportion (80–90 per cent) of currently assimilatedcarbon was found as sucrose and starch at the end of the 13CO2feeding. This was also true of the roots. On the other hand,in young growing leaves, the distribution of currently assimilatedcarbon into sucrose, starch and other soluble compounds wasmuch less. This suggests that a large amount of carbon assimilatedby and translocated to young leaves was used to make up structuralmaterials, mainly protein and cell wall polymers synthesis,during the light period. Glycine max L., soya bean, 13CO2 assimilation, carbon metabolism in nodules  相似文献   

Leaves of three C4 plants, Setaria italica, Pennisetum typhoides,and Amaranthus paniculatus possessed five- to ten-fold higheractivities of a (Na+-K+)-dependent ATPase than those of twoC3 plants, Oryza sativa and Rumex vesicarius. Na+-K+ ATPasefrom leaves of Amarathus exhibited an optimal pH of 7?5 andan optimal temperature of 35 ?C. It required 40 mM K+ and 80mM Na+ for maximal activity. Ouabain partially inhibited (Na+-K+)-dependentATPase activity in leaves of C4 plants. Ouabain also blockedthe movement of label from initially formed C4 acids into endproducts in leaves of only C4 plants, Setaria and Amaranthusbut not in a C3 plant, Rumex. We propose that Na+-K+ ATPasemay mediate transfer of energy during active transport of C4acids from mesophyll into the bundle sheath.  相似文献   

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