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To clarify the role of Juvenile hormone (JH) in the induction of oosorption in females of the stink bug Plautia stali Scott (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), the effects of extirpation and implantation of the corpus cardiac‐corpus allatum complex (CC‐CA) are examined in fed and starved adults, respectively. Removal of CC‐CA induces oosorption in fed females, whereas CC‐CA implantation stimulates ovary development in starved females. Transection of the nervous connections between the brain and CC‐CA also exerts a stimulatory effect on ovary development. Uptake of yolk protein by the oocytes, assessed in terms of incorporation of a fluorescence dye, occurs on the day after food deprivation but ceases within 1 day after allatectomy. When females are deprived of food, beginning on day 3 of adult life, and treated with JH III skipped bisepoxide (JHSB3) on the same day, their ovaries develop in a dose‐dependent fashion. Approximately half of the starved females that received JHSB3 application on day 5 undergo oosorption in the terminal oocytes. This indicates that the critical starvation period for oosorption induction is approximately 2 days, and the earlier half of this period may reflect the time required for the brain to detect poor nutritional condition. During the latter half, in response to food deprivation, the brain inhibits JH biosynthesis by the corpus allatum through nervous connections, resulting in a low JH titre, which in turn induces oosorption.  相似文献   

The brown-winged green bug Plautia crossota stali Scott (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) shows a long-day photoperiodic response with respect to the control of adult diapause. The location of the photoreceptor for this response was examined by surgical removal of putative photoreceptor organs. Even after both ocelli were removed, the insects responded normally to the photoperiod. After bilateral removal of the compound eyes, the insects developed reproductive organs and the volume of the corpus allatum increased regardless of photoperiod. Therefore, the compound eyes play a major role in the reception of photic information for photoperiodism in P. c. stali. However, because removal of the bilateral compound eyes did not completely prevent the response to photoperiod, photoreceptors other than the compound eyes can also receive photic information for photoperiodism.  相似文献   

The physiological mechanisms underlying photoperiodism in insects have been studied extensively, although the associated molecular machinery remains largely unknown. In the present study, we investigate the roles of the circadian clock gene cycle (cyc) and the endocrine regulator gene myoinhibitory peptide (Mip) in the photoperiodic response of the brown‐winged green bug Plautia stali Scott (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae). Typically, adult females of this species develop their ovaries under long‐day conditions, whereas they suppress its development under short‐day conditions. We find that RNA interference (RNAi) directed against cyc causes malfunction of the circadian clock governing the locomotor activity rhythm and yields abnormal activity profiles not only under constant darkness, but also under light/dark conditions. RNAi directed against cyc and Mip disrupts the photoperiodic response in ovarian development. cyc RNAi suppresses the ovarian development even under long‐day conditions, whereas Mip RNAi induces it even under short‐day conditions. We propose that the core circadian clock gene cyc regulates the photoperiodic response and that Mip is the causal regulator of juvenile hormone biosynthesis in the corpus allatum. Neither photoperiod, nor cyc RNAi affect Mip mRNA levels, and therefore it remains unknown how the photoperiodic information is processed and mediated by Mip.  相似文献   

Abstract Sericinus montelus overwinters as diapausing pupae. In the present study, the effects of photoperiod and temperature on diapause induction and termination of diapause are investigated. The results obtained demonstrate that high temperature can reverse the effect of short day‐lengths on diapause induction. Under an LD 12 : 12 h photoperiod, all pupae enter diapause at 15, 20 and 25 °C, whereas all pupae develop without diapause at 35 °C. No pupae enter diapause under an LD 14 : 10 h photoperiod when the temperature is above 20 °C. Photoperiodic response curves obtained at 25 and 30 °C indicate that S. montelus is a long‐day species and the critical day‐length is approximately 13 h at 25 °C. At 25 °C, the duration of diapause is shortest when the diapausing pupae are maintained under an LD 16 : 8 h photoperiod and increases under LD 14 : 10 h and LD 12 : 12 h photoperiods. Under an LD 16 : 8 h photoperiod, the duration of diapause is shortest when the diapausing pupae are maintained at 25 °C, followed by 20 and 30 °C, and then at 15 °C. These results suggest that a moderate temperature favours diapause development under a diapause‐averting photoperiod in this species. The duration of diapause induced by an LD 12 : 12 h photoperiod is significantly longer at 25 °C than those at 15, 20 and 30 °C, and is shortest at 15 °C. At 25 °C, the duration of diapause induced by LD 6 : 18, LD 12 : 12 and LD 13 : 11 h photoperiods is similar and longer than 90 days. Thus, the diapause‐inducing conditions may affect diapause intensity and a photoperiod close to the critical day‐length has significant influence on diapause intensity in S. montelus.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone III skipped bisepoxide (JHSB3), methyl (2R,3S,10R)-2,3;10,11-bisepoxyfarnesoate was recently determined as a novel juvenile hormone (JH) in a stink bug, Plautia stali. To further confirm the biological function of JHSB3 in this insect, its juvenilizing, reproduction-stimulating and diapause-terminating activities and the presence in the hemolymph were examined. Topical application of JHSB3 to last instar nymphs inhibited their metamorphosis in a dose-dependent fashion. In allatectomized and diapausing adults, JHSB3 application exerted stimulatory effects on the development of ovaries and ectadenia in females and males, respectively. JHSB3 was detected from the hemolymph of reproductively active females by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis while its titer in the hemolymph collected from diapausing adults was too low to be detected. These results demonstrated that JHSB3 has biological function as a JH in P. stali. Topical application of JHSB3, its stereoisomers and 10R-JH III also indicated that compounds with the 2R,3S-configuration were more potent than those with the 2S,3R-configuration and 2,3-double bond.  相似文献   

Reproductive dormancy in female Biprorulus bibax Breddin sampled during March-October in Southern New South Wales was terminated by exposure to 25°C under long (15h) and short (10h) photoperiods. 27% of individuals collected during March-May failed to oviposit under short days. Pre-oviposition period under short photoperiod was greates during March-June (22.4–61.7 d) and shortest during July-October (4.2–14.4 d). Under long photoperiod it was greatest in April and May (20.1–22.3 d) and shortest during June-October (4.9–16.6 d). Longevity ranged from 39.8–89.0 d, with longest lived females being collected in June and held under short days. Fecundity ranged from 51.6–164.4 and was greatest in individuals collected in June-July and held under short days. In females held under long days fecundity was greatest in March and lowest in May. These data indicate that female B. bibax pass the winter in a photoperiodically maintained reproductive diapause.  相似文献   

Ooencyrtus nezarae Ishii (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) was reared on eggs ofRiptortus clavatus (Thunberg) (Heteroptera: Alydidae) at various temperatures under long-day (L16:D8) or short-day (L10:D14) conditions. There was no diapause during egg, larval or pupal stages under any set of conditions examined. However, at 15°C under short-day conditions, vitellogenesis was arrested in all adult females and they entered diapause. At 15°C under long-day conditions, or at 20°C under short-day conditions, some adult females entered diapause. Under the latter set of conditions, the adult females laid eggs but they laid fewer eggs than under long-day conditions, Even at 25°C, under short-day conditions, adult females laid fewer eggs than under long-day conditions, and this low rate of oviposition was attributed to the retarded development of ovaries. Diapause adults reared at 15°C were more resistant to low temperature than nondiapause adults reared at 25°C.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The effects of day length on adult diapause development, associated with diapause body colour change as well as postdiapause reproduction are studied in Nezara viridula from Japan. Facultative diapause spontaneously terminates under three constant short-day and near-critical photoperiods at 25 °C without low temperature treatment. The period required for body colour change from russet to green and the precopulation and preoviposition periods differ significantly between the photoperiodic treatments, being shortest under LD 13 : 11 h, intermediate under LD 12 : 12 h and longest under LD 10 : 14 h. Photoperiodic conditions do not affect postdiapause reproductive performance: the total egg production, duration of the period of oviposition and other reproductive indices do not differ significantly between the photoperiodic conditions. The total egg production depends on the duration of the period of oviposition but not on how long females remained russet during diapause. It is concluded that diapause in N. viridula does not require low temperature for its successful completion and diapause duration affects winter survival but not postdiapause reproductive performance or longevity. Such independence of the postdiapause reproductive performance from the duration of diapause may have contributed to the continuous worldwide range expansion of this species into temperate zone.  相似文献   

Eurydema rugosa Motschulsky (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) entered adult diapause under a short-day photoperiod, whether the food was leaves or seeds of Brassica napus L. Under a long-day photoperiod, adults raised on leaves became reproductive. However, adults raised on seeds entered diapause even under a long-day photoperiod, although they were nutritionally better than leaves in respect of mortality and weight gain in the nymphal period. It is suggested that E. rugosa uses the status of the host plant as a cue for timing the diapause induction.
Résumé E. rugosa Motschulsky (Hétérop. Pentatomidae) entre en diapause imaginale en jours courts, lorsqu'il s'alimente avec des feuilles ou des graines de Brassica napus L. En jours longs, les adultes élevés sur feuilles se reproduisent; par contre, élevés sur graines, ils entrent en diapause, bien que leur alimentation ait été meilleure que sur feuilles à en juger par la mortalité et le gain de poids pendant le dernier stade larvaire. On suggère que E. rugosa utilise l'état de la plante hôte comme moyen de régler l'induction de la diapause.

The effects of photoperiodic conditions of larval development and adult maturation (L : D = 12 : 12 vs. 18 : 6) and different diets (sugar solution, frozen eggs of Sitotroga cerealella, different numbers of aphids Myzus persicae, and their combinations) on survival, reproductive maturation and fecundity of Harmonia axyridis were studied in laboratory conditions. The fundamental aim of the work was to distinguish between cue effect of diet (neurohormonal triggering of reproduction) and direct effect of diet (nutritional maintenance of reproduction). When adults were kept under short‐day conditions, the proportion of ovipositing females decreased and the duration of the pre‐oviposition period increased. Moreover, a strong reaction to the direction of changes in the day length was demonstrated: when larvae and pupae developed at long day and adults were transferred to short day, the proportion of ovipositing females was much lower than in individuals that were permanently kept under short‐day conditions. The percentage of ovipositing females, the rate of their reproductive maturation and the average daily fecundity gradually increased in the following succession of diets: ‘sugar + 5 aphids per day < sugar + eggs < sugar + eggs + 5 aphids per day < sugar + 100 aphids per day’. However, dissection showed that most of the non‐laying females fed on these diets (particularly those kept under long‐day conditions) have started reproductive maturation, while even first stages of oogenesis were not found in females fed on sugar solution alone. We conclude that cue effect of diet (reproductive activation) can be achieved almost independently of the number of prey consumed, while nutritional effects (the rate of reproductive maturation and fecundity) are sensitive both to the quality and quantity of food.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of photoperiod and temperature on the duration of the nymphal period, diapause induction and colour change in adults of Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) from Japan was studied in the laboratory. At 20 °C, the developmental period for nymphs was significantly shorter under LD 10 : 14 h (short day) and LD 16 : 8 h (long day) than under intermediate photoperiods, whereas at 25 °C it was slightly shorter under intermediate than short- and long-day conditions. It is assumed that photoperiod-mediated acceleration of nymphal growth takes place in autumn when day-length is short and it is unlikely that nymphal development is affected by day-length under summer long-day and hot conditions. Nezara viridula has an adult diapause controlled by a long-day photoperiodic response. At 20 °C and 25 °C in both sexes, photoperiodic responses were similar and had thresholds close to 12.5 h, thus suggesting that the response is thermostable within this range of temperatures and day-length plays a leading role in diapause induction. Precopulation and preoviposition periods were significantly longer under near-critical regimes than under long-day ones. Short-day and near-critical photoperiods induced a gradual change of adult colour from green to brown/russet. The rate of colour change was significantly higher under LD 10 : 14 h than under LD 13 : 11 h, suggesting that the colour change is strongly associated with diapause induction. The incidences of diapause or dark colour did not vary among genetically determined colour morphs, indicating that these morphs have a similar tendency to enter diapause and change colour in response to short-day conditions.  相似文献   

光周期和温度对亚洲玉米螟滞育诱导的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée)属兼性滞育昆虫, 其滞育特性与种群利用适生境的最大化和季节性活动密切相关。解析季节性因素如光周期和温度对其滞育的诱导作用可为预测种群发生动态提供科学依据。本实验在HPS 500型和HPG-320H型自动控制环境气候箱中, 测定了RH 80%下温度20℃, 27℃和30℃与11个光周期组合对吉林农安(NA)、 河北衡水(HS)、 广东惠州(HZ)和海南海口(HK)等4个地理种群的滞育诱导作用。结果表明: 光周期、 温度及其交互作用均对亚洲玉米螟滞育诱导具有重要影响, 其中光周期在滞育诱导中起主导作用。在20℃条件下, 其光周期反应曲线属典型的长日照反应型, 临界光周期随种群分布的地理纬度降低而缩短, 4个地理种群NA, HS, HZ和HK的临界日昼长依次为14 h 3 min, 13 h 59 min, 13 h 32 min和13 h 7 min, 最有效的滞育诱导光周期是日昼长12 h。另一方面, 随种群分布纬度升高, 其对光周期诱导滞育的敏感性降低。温度为27℃时, 其光周期反应曲线为短日照 长日照反应型, 各种群有两个临界光周期, 临界日昼长依次为12 h 50 min和13 h 32 min, 11 h 35 min和13 h 8 min, 12 h 58 min和13 h 1 min, 以及11 h 50 min和12 h 26 min, 且最有效的滞育诱导光周期范围的滞育率明显低于20℃。一定温度范围内(20℃~27℃), 随温度升高, 临界光周期缩短; 温度达到30℃时则滞育显著被抑制, 滞育率仅为4.3%或更低。这些结果说明温度对亚洲玉米螟滞育的光周期诱导具有很强的补偿作用。因此, 在自然界亚洲玉米螟的滞育属具有温度补偿作用的长日照反应型昆虫, 临界光周期随地理纬度北移而增长; 种群滞育的短日照 长日照反应型特性可能是产生局部世代种群的重要内因。  相似文献   

低温和光周期对绿盲蝽越冬卵滞育解除和发育历期的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了探讨温度和光周期对绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum Meyer-Dür越冬卵滞育解除和发育历期的影响, 系统调查了绿盲蝽越冬卵在不同温度和不同光照组合下的孵化率和孵化时间, 结果显示:绿盲蝽的越冬卵均为滞育卵,低温和光周期对绿盲蝽越冬卵的滞育解除均有影响。2℃的低温处理能够显著促进其滞育解除,在0~65 d范围内,随着低温处理时间增长,其滞育解除时间缩短,未经低温处理的越冬卵T50为68.5 d,低温处理65 d的T50为12.25 d,绿盲蝽越冬卵在2℃低温处理65 d后完全解除滞育;在0~40 d范围内,低温处理时间越长,绿盲蝽越冬卵的孵化率越高,在25℃、全光照的条件下不经低温处理的孵化率为68.65%,低温处理40 d后在25℃的条件下的孵化率达到99.46%。在20~26℃范围内,绿盲蝽越冬卵的滞育后发育历期随着温度的上升而缩短, 随着光周期的延长而缩短。结果说明低温处理能够提高绿盲蝽越冬卵滞育解除率,但不是其滞育解除的必要条件,低温处理与自然变温对绿盲蝽滞育解除的作用相似;高温和长光照能够促进绿盲蝽的滞育解除,缩短发育历期。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Photoperiod is the primary factor controlling termination of adult diapause in the fungus beetle, Stenotarsus rotundus Arrow (Endomychidae: Coleoptera), in a tropical lowland forest. at 9 N. An LD 13:11 h cycle stimulated rapid development of the gonads and flight muscles in both sexes: development was eventually initiated in an LD 12:12 h cycle but was slower. Beetles showed a graded response to intermediate photoperiods. Males consistently initiated gonad development earlier than females, but both sexes developed flight muscles at the same time.
Moisture also influences development: oocytes and flight muscles developed more rapidly at high humidity than at the naturally prevailing low humidity during the dry season. Testis development was less influenced by humidity.
In the field, male gonad development began in late January, suggesting that the beetle can perceive an extremely slight increase in daylength. Ovaries did not contain any visible oocytes before March, but oocyte development was apparent in all females by April. Egg maturation was completed after dispersal from the aggregation site. Females have larger corpora allata than males. These glands increased in size in March when oocyte and/or flight muscle development was initiated. The timing of full development of flight muscles varied slightly from year to year.
Thus, the increase in daylength occurring during the dry season appears to be the cue primarily responsible for development of the reproductive systems and flight muscles. High humidity enhances this response and further prepares the beetles for an active reproductive period at the onset of the wet season.  相似文献   

A wild bean weevil,Kytorhinus sharpianus Bridwell (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), has a multivoltine life cycle and enters a hibernal larval diapause at the fourth instar under a short daylength (Shimada & Ishihara, 1991). Here, we investigated their diapause incidence under different photoperiods at 24°C and 27°C. The critical photoperiods for diapause induction were 14.5 h at 24°C and 14 h at 27°C. The stages susceptible to diapause-inducing stimuli were estimated by transferring larvae of various instars from long days to short days and vice versa. Then we investigated the incidence of larval diapause. The sensitive stage was estimated to be from the third to early fourth instar. Though larval diapause, which was induced under a short daylength, was terminated only by increasing the daylength, the termination was more synchronized by an exposure to a low temperature followed by increasing temperature, irrespective of photoperiod.  相似文献   

Diapausing larvae of Eurytoma amygdali Enderlein (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae) were collected in early August and late September. They were subjected to various photoperiod and temperature regimens for up to 20 weeks, then kept at L16:D8 and 19 °C for another 14 to 26 weeks for diapause to be terminated and pupation to take place. Photoperiod did not affect diapause completion. It was confirmed that the two morphologically distinct diapause stages have different temperature requirements for their completion. The first diapause stage was completed synchronously at temperatures between 16 and 19 °C. A higher temperature of 26 °C delayed diapause development. The second stage required lower temperatures between 4 and 10 °C. Spontaneous termination of diapause was observed at constant 19 °C. When applied to the first diapause stage for 20 weeks, low temperatures made the larvae refractory to subsequent intermediate temperatures. The first stage was thus maintained until a higher temperature of 26 °C made the larvae regain their ability to respond to the intermediate temperatures and complete this stage. Larvae grown in Retsou almonds had a higher diapause intensity than larvae grown in Truoito almonds. The results suggest that, in nature, the high temperatures of late summer and early autumn are likely to maintain the first diapause stage. Subsequently, the less warm temperatures of autumn allow the completion of the first stage by late autumn, and the low temperatures of late autumn and of winter allow the completion of the second diapause stage by mid winter.  相似文献   

InEurydema rugosa Motschulsky (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), the type of food supplied (i.e. seeds or leaves of the brown mustard,Brassica juncea Hemsel) and photoperiod, which control the induction of adult diapause, do not play a role in the initiation of reproduction after overwintering. A temperature above 13.2°C was required to start reproduction. After its initiation, however, short-day conditions on seeds induced diapause again in some adults. Although a diet of seeds under long-day conditions, in common with short-day conditions, induced diapause in young adults (Numata & Yamamoto, 1990), it did not reinduce diapause in adults after overwintering. Thus,E. rugosa that had overwintered became sensitive to diapause-inducing photoperiod again but not to dietary factors.  相似文献   

【目的】为明确诱导管侧沟茧蜂Microplitis tuberculifer 滞育的主要因子,在田间和室内研究了不同温度和光周期下管侧沟茧蜂的滞育率和滞育茧的最佳冷藏温度。【方法】田间实验分别从8月31日到9月25日每隔5 d在室外罩笼内释放管侧沟茧蜂寄生的粘虫幼虫,待寄生蜂结茧后统计子代蜂的滞育率。室内实验共设5个不同温度(16℃, 18℃, 20℃, 22℃和24℃)和7个不同光周期(6L:18D, 8L:16D, 10L:14D, 12L:12D, 14L:10D, 16L:8D和18L:6D),分别统计寄生蜂在各个处理条件下的滞育率。【结果】在河北中部地区秋季自然条件下,8月底当日平均气温为24.4℃,日平均光照时间为12 h 51 min 时,少数蛹(5.08%)开始进入滞育;9月25日,当日平均气温为17.2℃,日平均光照时间为11 h 36 min以下时,几乎所有蛹个体进入滞育,滞育率达到99.70%。在室内人工控制条件下,当温度为22℃以上,无论光周期如何变化,管侧沟茧蜂不能进入滞育,所结茧全部为非滞育茧。温度为22℃以下存在光周期反应,在温度16℃, 18℃和20℃,光周期10L:14D时形成滞育茧数量最多,滞育率分别为100%, 89.75% 和 29.58%。可见温度和光周期二者共同影响管侧沟茧蜂的滞育。滞育茧在0℃左右条件下冷藏 240 d 和5℃左右环境条件下冷藏180 d, 成虫的羽化率和寄生能力与发育茧差异不显著(P>0.05);0℃条件下冷藏300 d,滞育茧仍有79%可以正常羽化。【结论】该寄生蜂在秋季进入滞育主要是低温条件和短光照反应相互作用的结果,滞育茧在0℃和5℃温度下至少可以保存240 d。这些结果对管侧沟茧蜂的大规模繁殖和滞育茧的保存具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Abstract Mummified pistachios containing fully grown diapause larvae of Eurytoma plotnikovi Nikol'skaya (Hym., Eurytomidae) were collected in early August and late September in coastal northern Greece and subjected to various photoperiod and temperature treatments, then maintained at 19 or 26°C and a long-day (LD 16:8 h), a changing, or a short-day (LD 10:14 h) photoperiod until pupation. In larvae of early August (beginning of diapause) subjected for 20 weeks to 19°C under a long, a changing, or a short photophase, followed by 19°C and a long photophase, 50% of the larvae pupated after 24, 18 and 13 weeks respectively. After exposure for 20 or even 12 weeks to a short photophase and low temperatures (10 or 4°C), pupation occurred after only 7–8 weeks and was more synchronous. The ranges of temperature for diapause development and post-diapause morphogenesis overlap. After exposure for 12 weeks to short days and low temperature, larvae of late September pupated much sooner under long days than under short days and sooner at 26° than at 19°C. E.plotnikovi depends on both temperature and photoperiod for diapause development, low temperature having a strong favourable effect on the earlier part and long day on the later part of diapause. In a few larvae of another pistachio seed wasp, Megastigmus pistaciae Walker, after a long enough period of low temperatures, diapause was terminated normally at 26°C and long days, or at 19°C and long or short days.  相似文献   

Abstract. .The effects of photoperiod and low temperature on diapause termination in the yellow-spotted longicorn beetle, Psacothea hilaris (Pascoe) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), were examined using a population from Ino, Japan. Diapausing insects obtained by rearing larvae under short daylength (12 or 13 h) at 25oC were subjected to various treatments. When the photoperiod was changed at the same temperature, diapausing larvae showed a long-day response with a critical daylength between 13.5 and 14h. The diapause was terminated and consequently pupation occurred if the daylength was longer than 13.5 h. Chilling the diapausing larvae at 10oC for 30 or more days also terminated diapause in most larvae irrespective of the photoperiods during and after chilling treatment. In contrast, the post-chilling photoperiod had a critical effect on development of diapausing larvae chilled for only 15 days.  相似文献   

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