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We have studied the virulence for mice of Candida albicans strains with different proteinase activity in the culture. The mortality rates for mice infected with the type Ia strains, which secrete proteinase whose activity porsisted for a week in vitro, were higher than those infected with the type Ib strains, which secrete proteinase whose activity declined at 2 or 3 days in vitro and the type II proteinase-deficient strains. This was substantiated by the number of colony-forming units (CFU) recovered from kidneys of mice infected with C. albicans. In the kidney tissues of mice infected with the type Ia strains, extensive invasion by fungal cells and the secretion of proteinase were histologically demonstrated, while in those infected with the type Ib and II strains fungal cells were rarely found. However, the mice infected with the type Ib strain NUM 978 were an exception; the recovery of CFU from the kidney was high, but the animals survived longer. Histologically, Candida cells were not colonized but interspersed in the tissue. Type II strain NUM 584 was found to be moderately virulent when infected at a high dose. These observations indicate that the proteinase plays a role in type Ia strains but that other factors are involved in the type Ib or II strains for the establishment of pathogenicity of C. albicans.  相似文献   

Proteolysis and pathogenicity of Candida albicans strains   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
F. Staib 《Mycopathologia》1969,37(4):345-348
Summary Proteolysing strains ofCandida can be recognized in serum-protein-agar pH 5.0 (SPA pH 5.0) and can be isolated from clinical specimens on the basis of their proteolytic activity after addition of Penicillin, Streptomycin and Chloromycetin to the medium.When injected into white mice, only the proteolysing strains ofC. albicans cause extensive peritonitis and infection of all viscera. This possible association of proteolytic properties and pathogenic action ofC. albicans strains is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Proteolysierende Stämme der GattungCandida können auf Serum-Protein-Agar pH 5,0 (SPA pH 5,0) mit Antibiotica-Zusatz aus klinischen Untersuchungsmaterialien anhand ihrer Proteolyse-Aktivität isoliert werden. Diese stammspezifische Enzym-Aktivität kann mit Hilfe der Folin-Technik bestimmt und in Beziehungen zu pathologisch-anatomischen Veränderungen im Tierexperiment gebracht werden, nachdem in der weißen Maus nur proteolysierendeC. albicans-Stämme eine ausgedehnte Peritonitis und Infektion der parenchymatösen Organe verursacht haben. Inwieweit eine Beziehung zwischen diesen Eigenschaften und der noch ungeklärten Menschen-Pathogenität vonC. albicans-Stämmen besteht, muß weiteren Untersuchungen vorbehalten bleiben.

This investigation was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Presented at the 4th meeting of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology, New Orleans, July 31st–August 2nd, 1967.  相似文献   

Strains of a human pathogenic yeast, Candida albicans, have (A) intronless, (B) intron-containing, and (C) a mixture of intron-containing and intronless 26S rRNA genes. To elucidate the significance of these three genotypes in pathogenesis, we measured two major virulence factors, extracellular proteinase and phospholipase activity, in 56 clinical isolates of C. albicans, and investigated the relationship between genotype and enzymatic activity. The genotype B strains had significantly higher proteinase and phospholipase activities than genotypes A or C. These results suggest that to understand the pathogenesis of C. albicans, the genotypes should be considered.  相似文献   

cDNA of an aspartic proteinase secreted by Candida albicans No. 114 was isolated using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The primary structure of the enzyme was deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the cDNA and compared with the structures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteinase A and vacuolar aspartyl proteinase of C. albicans. The mature aspartic proteinase consisted of 341 amino acid residues, and was 17.6 and 15.3% identical with the proteinase A and the aspartyl proteinase, respectively. Two active aspartic acid sites and the amino acids near those sites were conserved in the aspartic proteinase. We also showed that there is another gene of aspartic proteinase than that of strain ATCC10231 reported by Hube et al (J. Med. Vet. Mycol. 29 (1991)) in the same C. albicans genome, both in that strain and in No. 114.  相似文献   

Candida albicans is a dimorphic fungus that causes severe opportunistic infections in humans. Recent advances in molecular biology techniques applied to this organism (transformation systems, gene disruption strategies, new reporter systems, regulatable promoters) allow a better knowledge of both the molecular basis of dimorphism and the role of specific genes in Candida morphogenesis. These same molecular approaches together with the development of appropriate experimental animal models to analyze the virulence of particular mutants, may help to understand the molecular basis of Candida virulence.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activity of medically important yeasts was tested in both YCB-BSA agar and medium. All of 134 strains of Candida albicans, 13 of 18 strains of Candida tropicalis and 11 of 18 strains of Candida parapsilosis had this activity, while none of 52 Candida glabrata strains or of 11 Cryptococcus neoformans strains tested had proteolytic activity. Strains of C. albicans fell into five groups based on the level and time-course of in vitro proteinase productivity. Five strains randomly selected from each group were tested for pathogenicity in mice. The strain possessing the strongest pathogenicity was used to purify proteinase. The molecular weight of the proteinase was approximately 44,000 daltons and its isoelectric point was pH 4.2. Optimal pH of the proteinase was 3.2 and the enzyme was stable below pH 7.0 and lost its activity above pH 8.0 at 37 C in a 60-min incubation. The 23 amino acid sequence of the proteinase N-terminus was determined.  相似文献   

Candida albicans and some other pathogenic Candida species, when grown in a medium containing a protein as a sole source of nitrogen, secrete an acid proteinase. Culture supernatants were assayed for proteinase activity, and were also analysed by Western blotting with antibodies raised and affinity-purified against proteinase of C. albicans. Proteinases secreted by C. tropicalis and C. parapsilosis were antigenically related to that of C. albicans, but had different molecular masses. The proteinases secreted by C. lipolytica, C. rugosa and C. lusitaniae were not antigenically related. The kinetics of proteinase secretion by C. albicans were monitored by activity and by Western blotting. With BSA as the nitrogen source, proteinase secretion increased exponentially until about 16 h. Culture supernatants of BSA-grown cultures accumulated proteinase to about a 1000-fold higher level than those of ammonium-sulphate-grown cultures. In vivo labelling experiments showed that proteinase was not detectably accumulated in the cells, but was secreted immediately after synthesis. Immunoprecipitation of in vitro translated poly(A)-containing RNA identified a putative pre-protein of about 54 kDa. As well as BSA, other proteins (haemoglobin, ovalbumin, histone), peptone and tryptone, when used as nitrogen sources, could induce proteinase, but to different levels. When Casamino acids or an amino acid mixture (equivalent to the composition of BSA) was used as nitrogen source, no induction was observed. Ammonium sulphate, or any other ammonium salt, repressed secretion of proteinase.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleic acid-deficient strains of Candida albicans.   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
We analyzed a series of germ tube-negative variants isolated from Candida albicans 3153A for deoxyribonucleic acid content. As analyzed by flow microfluorometry, the deoxyribonucleic acid level in these variant strains was 50% of that of the parental strain and equivalent to that of haploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This finding was confirmed by comparison of survival rates when exposed to the mutagens ultraviolet light, ethyl methane sulfonate, and methyl methane sulfonate. The diameter of the variant cells as compared to the diameter of the parental 3153A strain showed a relationship similar to that of the diameters of haploid versus diploid S. cerevisiae. These results indicate that those strains may be representative of the imperfect stage of C. albicans.  相似文献   

Abstract Mannan synthetase activity has been investigated in Candida albicans , strain 4918, as well as in two relatively avirulent, cerulenin-resistant mutant derivative strains, 4918-2 and 4918-10. In addition, investigations pertaining to the effects of the agents, cerulenin and sodium butyrate, on the level of mannan synthetase activity during the yeast to hyphal transition of these strains have been performed. The results show that mannan synthetase activity in yeast cells of both mutant strains is consistently higher than that observed in the parental strain. Similarly, the profile of enzyme activity exhibited by the mutant strains as morphogenesis proceeds differs from that of the wild-type. Sodium butyrate has no significant effect on enzyme activity in these strains, but the presence of cerulenin results in alterations in mannan synthethase activity during morphogenesis of strain 4918.  相似文献   

Eighty-five isolates of Candida recovered from three hundred and fifty diverse clinical sources, viz. respiratory tract (sputum, bronchial washing,bronchoalveolar lavage, tracheal aspirate), blood, urine, high vaginal swab, skin and plastic devices, were studied in detail for their morphological and biochemical characters. Seven species of Candida were identified, viz., C. albicans (45.8%), C. tropicalis (24.7%), C. parapsilosis (10.5%), C. krusei (7.0%), C. kefyr (7.0%), C. guilliermondii (3.5%), and C. glabrata (1.1%). C. albicans was the predominant species isolated from all clinical specimens, except blood from which C. krusei was most frequently (38.4%) recovered. Out of 39 isolates of C. albicans, 26 (66.6%) and 19 (48.7%) exhibited strong proteinase and phospholipase activity respectively. There was a higher prevalence of proteinase producing strains amongst the vaginal and skin isolates than that in urinary and respiratory isolates. Also a greater number of phospholipase producing strains was observed in the vaginal and urinary isolates than that in the respiratory and skin isolates.  相似文献   

An alanine conjugate of a Candida albicans geranylgeranyl transferase I inhibitor was synthesized to facilitate its uptake into the fungal cell. The antifungal activity of CaGGTase-Ala conjugate is demonstrated. It is also shown that the CaGGTase-Ala conjugate affects prenylation of endogenous Rho1p, but has no effect on prenylation of endogenous Ras1p.  相似文献   

Atypical isolates of Candida albicans which failed to produce germ tubes in routine diagnostic procedures were examined for their ability to produce germ tubes in various media. Bovine serum was more effective than defined media for induction of germ tubes in the majority of isolates. A few strains formed appreciable germ tubes only in bovine serum with added thioglycollate or cysteine. One strain did not produce germ tubes in any medium. Germ-tube maturation appeared to be dependent upon mitochondrial RNA polymerase activity. The failure by an isolate to produce germ tubes, particularly in tests without strictly controlled conditions, does not preclude the possibility that the organism is C. albicans.  相似文献   

R Rüchel  R Tegeler  M Trost 《Sabouraudia》1982,20(3):233-244
Randomly selected strains of Candida albicans were grown with bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a single nitrogen source. From all strains tested, culture supernatant contained carboxyl proteinase (E.C.3.4.23) as has been shown that with hemoglobin as a substrate and by specific inhibition with pepstatin-A. According to the separation pattern of BSA fragments, secretory proteinases from C. albicans belong to at least three groups. We have purified the partially proteolytic enzyme of strain 113 and have compared its properties with those of the totally proteolytic enzyme of strain CBS 2730. Both enzymes have virtually identical molecular weight (ca. 44,000) and cross-react immunologically; they differ in pH optimum, isoelectric point, substrate specificity, and resistance against alkali. IgG1, which is the prevalent immunoglobulin of human serum, was not cleaved by enzyme 113. Immunoglobulins A1, A2 and secretory component were cleaved by both enzymes, which points to a role of the secretory proteinases in the persistence of yeasts on mucous membranes. Differences in the course of alkaline denaturation indicate that only a fraction of strain-specific proteinases is capable to convey long-range effects in the host.  相似文献   

The aspartate proteinase inhibitor pepstatin A has been shown previously to reduce the adherence of Candida albicans yeast cells to human surfaces. This suggests that in addition to their presumed function facilitating tissue penetration, the secreted aspartate proteinases (Saps) of this fungal pathogen may have auxiliary roles as cellular adhesins. We therefore examined the relative adherence of yeast cells of a parental wild-type strain of C. albicans in relation to yeast cells of strains harbouring specific disruptions in various members of the SAP gene family in an otherwise isogenic background. The adhesiveness of Δsap1, Δsap2 and Δsap3 null mutants and a triple Δsap 4–6 disruptant was examined on three surfaces – glass coated with poly-l-lysine or a commercial cell-free basement membrane preparation (Matrigel) and on human buccal epithelial cells. Pepstatin A reduced adherence to all surfaces. Adherence of the each of the single SAP null mutants to these three substrates was either reduced or not affected significantly compared to that of the parental strain. The adherence of the Δsap4–6 mutant was reduced on poly-l-lysine and Matrigel, but increased on buccal cells. The results suggest that in addition to a primary enzymatic role, various SAPs may also act singly or synergistically to enhance the adhesiveness to C. albicans cells to certain human tissues.  相似文献   

Cleavage of human big endothelin-1 by Candida albicans aspartic proteinase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract A Candida albicans aspartic proteinase (CAP), one of the secretory proteinases of Candida albicans , is thought to be a possible virulence factor in Candida albicans infection. Whereas endothelin-1 is found as an endothelium-derived strong vasoconstrictive peptide, it is known to have a role in the maintenance of vascular homeostasis and tissue survival. Endothelin-1 is generated from a precursor form of endothelin-1, the so-called big endothelin-1. It has recently been reported that cathepsin D, E and pepsin, which are aspartic proteinases, convert big endothelin-1 to endothelin-1. In this study, the relationship between CAP and big endothelin-1 was studied. High performance liquid chromatography analysis revealed that big endothelin-1 was cleaved into several amino acid sites by CAP, but endothelin-1 was not converted from big endothelin-1. CAP cleaved big endothelin-1 at different sites when compared with that of other known aspartic proteinases, and it suppressed endothelin-1 production through the degradation of big endothelin-1. CAP may break homeostatic mechanism of endothelin-1 in Candida albicans infectious lesion.  相似文献   

A serine proteinase (ycaB) from the yeast Candida albicans A.T.C.C. 10261 was purified to near homogeneity. The enzyme was almost indistinguishable from yeast proteinase B (EC, and an Mr of 30,000 for the proteinase was determined by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. The initial site of hydrolysis of the oxidized B-chain of insulin, by the purified proteinase, was the Leu-Tyr peptide bond. The preferential degradation at this site, analysed further with N-blocked amino acid ester and amide substrates, demonstrated that the specificity of the proteinase is determined by an extended substrate-binding site, consisting of at least three subsites (S1, S2 and S'1). The best p-nitrophenyl ester substrates were benzyloxycarbonyl-Tyr p-nitrophenyl ester (kcat./Km 3,536,000 M-1 X S-1), benzyloxycarbonyl-Leu p-nitrophenyl ester (kcat./Km 2,250,000 M-1 X S-1) and benzyloxycarbonyl-Phe p-nitrophenyl ester (kcat./Km 1,000,000 M-1 X S-1) consistent with a preference for aliphatic or aromatic amino acids at subsite S1. The specificity for benzyloxycarbonyl-Tyr p-nitrophenyl ester probably reflects the binding of the p-nitrophenyl group in subsite S'1. The presence of S2 was demonstrated by comparison of the proteolytic coefficients (kcat./Km) for benzyloxycarbonyl-Ala p-nitrophenyl ester (825,000 M-1 X S-1) and t-butyloxycarbonyl-Ala p-nitrophenyl ester (333,000 M-1 X S-1). Cell-free extracts contain a heat-stable inhibitor of the proteinase.  相似文献   

Summary A plasmid vector (denoted pRC2312) was constructed, which replicates autonomously in Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans. It contains LEU2, URA3 and an autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) from C. albicans for selection and replication in yeasts, and bla (ampicillin resistance) and ori for selection and replication in E. coli. S. cerevisiae AH22 (Leu) was transformed by pRC2312 to Leu at a frequency of 1.41 × 105 colonies per g DNA. Transformation of C. albicans SGY-243 (Ura-) to Ura+ with pRC2312 resulted in smaller transformant colonies at a frequency of 5.42 × 103 per g DNA where the plasmid replicated autonomously in transformed cells, and larger transformant colonies at a frequency of 32 per g DNA, in which plasmid integrated into the genome. Plasmid copy number in yeasts was determined by a DNA hybridization method and was estimated to be 15±3 per haploid genome in S. cerevisiae and 2–3 per genome in C. albicans replicative transformants. Multiple tandem integration occurred in integrative transformants and copy number of the integrated sequence was estimated to be 7–12 per diploid genome. The C. albicans ADE2 gene was ligated into plasmid pRC2312 and the construct transformed Ade strains of both C. albicans and S. cerevisiae to Ade+. The vector pRC2312 was also used to clone a fragment of C. albicans genomic DNA containing an aspartic proteinase gene. C. albicans transformants harboring this plasmid showed a two-fold increase in aspartic proteinase activity. However S. cerevisiae transformants showed no such increase in proteinase activity, suggesting the gene was not expressed in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

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