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We have been investigated the possibility of B-Z transition in ZnTMPyP-DNA interaction based on the observation of spectroscopic data. In this study, we found drastic change in the AFM image of supercoiled plasmid DNA when it was interacted with TMPyPs indicating that the considerable amount of unwinding of double helix or B-Z transition is induced by the drug-DNA interaction. Such phenomena were not observed for other cationic drugs examined.  相似文献   

Axonal degeneration after traumatic brain injury and nerve compression is considered a common underlying cause of temporary as well as permanent disability. Because a proper functioning of neural network requires phase coherence of all components, even subtle changes in circuitry may lead to network failure. However, it is still not possible to determine which axons will recover or degenerate after injury. Several groups have studied the pressure threshold for axonal injury within a nerve, but difficulty accessing the injured region; insufficient imaging methods and the extremely small dimensions involved have prevented the evaluation of the response of individual axons to injury. We combined microfluidics with atomic force microscopy and in vivo imaging to estimate the threshold force required to 1), uncouple axonal transport without impairing axonal survival, and 2), compromise axonal survival in both individual and bundled axons. We found that rat hippocampal axons completely recover axonal transport with no detectable axonal loss when compressed with pressures up to 65 ± 30 Pa for 10 min, while dorsal root ganglia axons can resist to pressures up to 540 ± 220 Pa. We investigated the reasons for the differential susceptibility of hippocampal and DRG axons to mechanical injury and estimated the elasticity of live axons. We found that dorsal root ganglia axons have a 20% lower elastic modulus than hippocampal axons. Our results emphasize the importance of the integrity of the axonal cytoskeleton in deciding the axonal fate after damage and open up new avenues to improve injury diagnosis and to identify ways to protect axons.  相似文献   

The stiffness of erythrocytes in patients (N=45) suffering from certain disorders, such as coronary disease, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus has been assessed using the Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and compared with that in a group of healthy individuals (N=13). For each blood sample, around 20 erythrocytes were selected at random and the stiffness of each one was probed in 20-30 arbitrarily chosen points. From these results, distributions of the cell Young's modulus (YM) were determined. Average values and widths of YM distributions significantly increased in samples taken from diabetes mellitus patients and cigarette smokers, as compared to those taken from healthy donors. At the same time, the average values of YM were found to increase as a function of the patient's age. We demonstrated that the atomic force microscope is a very sensitive tool for determination of cell stiffness with every prospect of a routine application as a diagnostic tool in quantitative analysis of the physiological and pathological states of red blood cells.  相似文献   

The contrast in atomic force microscope images arises from forces between the tip and the sample. It was shown recently that specific molecular interaction forces may be measured with the atomic force microscope; consequently, we use such forces to map the distribution of binding partners on samples. Here we demonstrate this concept by imaging a streptavidin pattern with a biotinylated tip in a novel imaging mode called affinity imaging. In this mode topography, adhesion, and sample elasticity are extracted online from local force scans. We show that this technique allows the separation of these values and that the measured binding pattern is based on specific molecular interactions.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor-attachment protein (SNAP) receptors (SNAREs) on the fusion of egg L-α-phosphatidylcholine bilayers using atomic force microscope (AFM) spectroscopy. AFM measurements of the fusion force under compression were acquired to reveal the energy landscape of the fusion process. A single main energy barrier governing the fusion process was identified in the absence and presence of SNAREs in the bilayers. Under compression, a significant downward shift in the fusion dynamic force spectrum was observed when cognate v- and t-SNAREs were present in the opposite bilayers. The presence of vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP) and binary syntaxin and SNAP 25 in the apposed bilayers resulted in a reduction in the height of the activation potential by ∼1.3 kBT and a >2-fold increase in the width of the energy barrier. The widening of the energy barrier in the presence SNAREs is interpreted as an increase in the compressibility of the membranes, which translates to a greater ease in the bilayer deformation and subsequently the fusion of the membranes under compression. Facilitation of membrane fusion was observed only when SNAREs were present in both bilayers. Moreover, addition of the soluble cytoplasmic domain of VAMP, which interferes with the interaction between opposing v- and t-SNAREs, prevented such facilitation. These observations implicated the interaction between the cytoplasmic domains of opposing SNAREs in the observed fusion facilitation, possibly by destabilizing the bilayers through pulling on their transmembrane segments. Our AFM compression measurements revealed that SNARE-mediated membrane fusion proceeded through a sequence of two ∼5 nm collapses of the membrane, an observation that is consistent with the existence of a hemifused state during the fusion process.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscope investigation of large-circle DNA molecules   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wu A  Yu L  Li Z  Yang H  Wang E 《Analytical biochemistry》2004,325(2):293-300
A circular bacterial artificial chromosome of 148.9kbp on human chromosome 3 has been extended and fixed on bare mica substrates using a developed fluid capillary flow method in evaporating liquid drops. Extended circular DNA molecules were imaged with an atomic force microscope (AFM) under ambient conditions. The measured total lengths of the whole DNA molecules were in agreement with sequencing analysis data with an error range of +/-3.6%. This work is important groundwork for probing single nucleotide polymorphisms in the human genome, mapping genomic DNA, manipulating biomolecular nanotechnology, and studying the interaction of DNA-protein complexes investigated by AFM.  相似文献   

The interaction of DMPC (L-alpha-dimyristoyl-1,2-diterradecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoch oli ne, C36H72NO8P) lipid-coated Si3N4 surfaces immersed in an electrolyte was investigated with an atomic force microscope. A long-range interaction was observed, even when the Si3N4 surfaces were covered with nominally neutral lipid layers. The interaction was attributed to Coulomb interactions of charges located at the lipid surface. The experimental force curves were compared with solutions for the linearized as well as with exact solutions of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation. The comparison suggested that in 0.5 mM KCl electrolyte the DMPC lipids carried about one unit of charge per 100 lipid molecules. The presence of this surface charge made it impossible to observe an effective charge density recently predicted for dipole layers near a dielectric when immersed in an electrolyte. A discrepancy between the theoretical results and the data at short separations was interpreted in terms of a decrease in the surface charge with separation distance.  相似文献   

Image visibility is a central issue in analyzing all kinds of microscopic images. An increase of intensity contrast helps to raise the image visibility, thereby to reveal fine image features. Accordingly, a proper evaluation of results with current imaging parameters can be used for feedback on future imaging experiments. In this work, we have applied the Laplacian function of image intensity as either an additive component (Laplacian mask) or a multiplying factor (Laplacian weight) for enhancing image contrast of high‐resolution AFM images of two molecular systems, an unknown protein imaged in air, provided by AFM COST Action TD1002 ( http://www.afm4nanomedbio.eu /), and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) particles imaged in liquid. Based on both visual inspection and quantitative representation of contrast measurements, we found that the Laplacian weight is more effective than the Laplacian mask for the unknown protein, whereas for the TMV system the strengthened Laplacian mask is superior to the Laplacian weight. The present results indicate that a mathematical function, as exemplified by the Laplacian function, may yield varied processing effects with different operations. To interpret the diversity of molecular structure and topology in images, an explicit expression for processing procedures should be included in scientific reports alongside instrumental setups. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have investigated the time course of the degradation of a supported dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer by phospholipase A2 in aqueous buffer with an atomic force microscope. Contact mode imaging allows visualization of enzyme activity on the substrate with a lateral resolution of less than 10 nm. Detailed analysis of the micrographs reveals a dependence of enzyme activity on the phospholipid organization and orientation in the bilayer. These experiments suggest that it is possible to observe single enzymes at work in small channels, which are created by the hydrolysis of membrane phospholipids. Indeed, the measured rate of hydrolysis of phospholipids corresponds very well with the enzyme activity found in kinetic studies. It was also possible to correlate the number of enzymes at the surface, as calculated from the binding constant to the number of starting points of the hydrolysis. In addition, the width of the channels was found to be comparable to the diameter of a single phospholipase A2 and thus further supports the single-enzyme hypothesis.  相似文献   

A simple method for rendering atomic force microscope tips and cantilevers hydrophilic or hydrophobic through glow discharge in an appropriate gas atmosphere is introduced. Force curves at different humidities of these modified cantilevers were taken on freshly cleaved mica (hydrophilic surface) and on a monolayer of dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine transferred onto mica (hydrophobic surface) to characterize the behavior of the cantilevers on hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces. Furthermore, Langmuir-Blodgett bilayers, with a dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine bottom layer and a dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine top layer, were imaged in the constant force mode in a multimode atomic force microscope in air under controlled humidity conditions. The friction and elasticity signal were recorded parallel to the topography. By varying the force exerted by the tip on the sample, different layers of the Langmuir-Blodgett system could be removed or flattened. Removal exposed underlying layers that exhibited a different friction and elasticity behavior. Furthermore, force scans with tips rendered hydrophobic were taken on the different layers of the sample to characterize the hydrophilic/hydrophobic nature of the layers. Only by combining the results obtained by the different methods can the structure of the lipid layer systems be identified.  相似文献   

This work presents a methodology to measure and quantitatively interpret force curves on supported lipid bilayers in water. We then use this method to correlate topographic imaging contrast in atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of phase-separated Langmuir-Blodgett bilayers with imaging load. Force curves collected on pure monolayers of both distearoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DSPE) and monogalactosylethanolamine (MGDG) and dioleoylethanolamine (DOPE) deposited at similar surface pressures onto a monolayer of DSPE show an abrupt breakthrough event at a repeatable, material-dependent force. The breakthrough force for DSPE and MGDG is sizable, whereas the breakthrough force for DOPE is too small to measure accurately. Contact-mode AFM images on 1:1 mixed monolayers of DSPE/DOPE and MGDG/DOPE have a high topographic contrast at loads between the breakthrough force of each phase, and a low topographic contrast at loads above the breakthrough force of both phases. Frictional contrast is inverted and magnified at loads above the breakthrough force of both phases. These results emphasize the important role that surface forces and mechanics can play in imaging multicomponent biomembranes with AFM.  相似文献   

Wang JY  Wang LP  Ren QS 《Biophysical chemistry》2007,131(1-3):105-110
Atomic force microscope (AFM) has been used to visualize the morphological change on the surface of erythrocyte membrane before and after oxidation. A smooth surface of intact erythrocyte cell was observed, while treatment by ferrous ion and ascorbate induced hemolysis of intact erythrocytes, generated many holes with average size of 146.6 +/- 33.2 nm in diameter (n=28) on membrane surface as seen by AFM. Ghost membrane and its inside-out vesicles were also used for the experiment. Skeleton structure and protein vesicles could be observed on the surface of an intact erythrocyte membrane before oxidation. Sendai virus induced fusion of inside-out vesicles seemed suppress peroxidation, while no such effect was observed in ghost membrane and erythrocyte systems.  相似文献   

This study investigated the fusion of apposing floating bilayers of egg L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine (egg PC) or 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. Atomic force microscope measurements of fusion forces under different compression rates were acquired to reveal the energy landscape of the fusion process under varied lipid composition and temperature. Between compression rates of approximately 1000 and approximately 100,000 pN/s, applied forces in the range from approximately 100 to approximately 500 pN resulted in fusion of floating bilayers. Our atomic force microscope measurements indicated that one main energy barrier dominated the fusion process. The acquired dynamic force spectra were fit with a simple model based on the transition state theory with the assumption that the fusion activation potential is linear. A significant shift in the energy landscape was observed when bilayer fluidity and composition were modified, respectively, by temperature and different cholesterol concentrations (15% < or = chol < or = 25%). Such modifications resulted in a more than twofold increase in the width of the fusion energy barrier for egg PC and 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine floating bilayers. The addition of 25% cholesterol to egg PC bilayers increased the activation energy by approximately 1.0 k(B)T compared with that of bilayers with egg PC alone. These results reveal that widening of the energy barrier and consequently reduction in its slope facilitated membrane fusion.  相似文献   

In mammals and plants, the cell nucleus is organized in dynamic macromolecular domains involved in DNA and RNA metabolism. These domains can be visualized by light and electron microscopy and their composition analyzed by using several cytochemical approaches. They are composed of chromatin or ribonucleoprotein structures as interchromatin and perichromatin fibers and granules, coiled bodies, and nuclear bodies. In plants, DNA arrangement defines chromocentric and reticulated nuclei. We used atomic force microscopy to study the in situ structure of the plant cell nucleus. Samples of the plants Lacandonia schismatica and Ginkgo biloba were prepared as for electron microscopy and unstained semithin sections were mounted on glass slides. For comparison, we also examined entire normal rat kidney cells using the same approach. Samples were scanned with an atomic force microscope working in contact mode. Recognizable images of the nuclear envelope, pores, chromatin, and nucleolus were observed. Reticulated chromatin was observed in L. schismatica. Different textures in the nucleolus of G. biloba were also observed, suggesting the presence of nucleolar subcompartments. The observation of nuclear structure in situ with the atomic force microscope offers a new approach for the analysis of this organelle at high resolution.  相似文献   

Mutation of polycystin-1 (PC1) is the major cause of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. PC1 has a predicted molecular mass of ~460 kDa comprising a long multidomain extracellular N-terminal region, 11 transmembrane regions, and a short C-terminal region. Because of its size, PC1 has proven difficult to handle biochemically, and structural information is consequently sparse. Here we have isolated wild-type PC1, and several mutants, from transfected cells by immunoaffinity chromatography and visualized individual molecules using atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging. Full-length PC1 appeared as two unequally sized blobs connected by a 35 nm string. The relative sizes of the two blobs suggested that the smaller one represents the N-terminus, including the leucine-rich repeats, the first polycystic kidney disease (PKD) domain, and the C-type lectin motif, while the larger one is the C-terminus, including the receptor for egg jelly (REJ) domain, all transmembrane domains, and the cytoplasmic tail. The intervening string would then consist of a series of tandem PKD domains. The structures of the various PC1 mutants were all consistent with this model. Our results represent the first direct visualization of the structure of PC1, and reveal the architecture of the protein, with intriguing implications for its function.  相似文献   

Mammalian gastric mucin, at high concentration, is known to form a gel at low pH, behavior essential to the protection of the stomach from auto-digestion. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements of dilute solutions of porcine gastric mucin in an aqueous environment in the pH range 6-2 provide a direct visualization of extended fiberlike molecules at pH 6 that aggregate at pH 4 and below forming well-defined clusters at pH 2. The clusters consist of 10 or less molecules. AFM images of mucin at high concentration at pH 2 reveal clusters similar to those seen in the dilute solutions at low pH. We also imaged human gastric mucus revealing a network having a "pearl necklace" structure. The "pearls" are similar in size to the clusters found in the purified porcine gastric mucin gels. AFM images of deglycosylated mucin reveal that the deglycosylated portions of the molecule re-fold into compact, globular structures suggesting that the oligosaccharide chains are important in maintaining the extended conformation of mucin. However, the oligosaccharides do not appear to be directly involved in the aggregation at low pH, as clusters of similar size are observed at pH 2 in both native and deglycosylated mucin.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy of microfibrils in primary cell walls   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Davies LM  Harris PJ 《Planta》2003,217(2):283-289
Examination of angiosperm primary cell walls by transmission electron microscopy shows that they contain microfibrils that probably consist of cellulose microfibrils surrounded by associated non-cellulosic polysaccharides. Previous studies using solid-state (13)C NMR spectroscopy have shown that the cellulose is all crystalline with crystallites of cross-sectional dimensions of 2-3 nm. However, it is not known if each microfibril contains only one, or more than one crystallite because there is no agreement about the dimensions of the microfibrils. Partially hydrated primary cell walls isolated from onion ( Allium cepa L.) and Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. were examined by atomic force microscopy and the microfibril diameters determined. The cell walls of both species contained tightly interwoven microfibrils of uniform diameter: 4.4+/-0.13 nm in the onion and 5.8+/-0.17 nm in A. thaliana. The effect was also examined of extracting the A. thaliana cell walls to remove pectic polysaccharides. The microfibrils in the extracted cell walls of A. thaliana were significantly narrower (3.2+/-0.13 nm) than those in untreated walls. The results are consistent with the microfibrils containing only one cellulose crystallite.  相似文献   

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