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Tumor cellular senescence induced by genotoxic treatments has recently been found to be paradoxically linked to the induction of “stemness.” This observation is critical as it directly impinges upon the response of tumors to current chemo-radio-therapy treatment regimens. Previously, we showed that following etoposide (ETO) treatment embryonal carcinoma PA-1 cells undergo a p53-dependent upregulation of OCT4A and p21Cip1 (governing self-renewal and regulating cell cycle inhibition and senescence, respectively). Here we report further detail on the relationship between these and other critical cell-fate regulators. PA-1 cells treated with ETO display highly heterogeneous increases in OCT4A and p21Cip1 indicative of dis-adaptation catastrophe. Silencing OCT4A suppresses p21Cip1, changes cell cycle regulation and subsequently suppresses terminal senescence; p21Cip1-silencing did not affect OCT4A expression or cellular phenotype. SOX2 and NANOG expression did not change following ETO treatment suggesting a dissociation of OCT4A from its pluripotency function. Instead, ETO-induced OCT4A was concomitant with activation of AMPK, a key component of metabolic stress and autophagy regulation. p16ink4a, the inducer of terminal senescence, underwent autophagic sequestration in the cytoplasm of ETO-treated cells, allowing alternative cell fates. Accordingly, failure of autophagy was accompanied by an accumulation of p16ink4a, nuclear disintegration, and loss of cell recovery. Together, these findings imply that OCT4A induction following DNA damage in PA-1 cells, performs a cell stress, rather than self-renewal, function by moderating the expression of p21Cip1, which alongside AMPK helps to then regulate autophagy. Moreover, this data indicates that exhaustion of autophagy, through persistent DNA damage, is the cause of terminal cellular senescence.  相似文献   

Time-lapse films were made of PC13 embryonal carcinoma cells, synchronized by mitotic shake off, in the absence and presence of retinoic acid. Using a method based on the transition probability model, cell cycle parameters were determined during the first five generations following synchronization. In undifferentiated cells, cell cycle parameters remained identical for the first four generations, the generation time being 11–12 hr. In differentiating cells, with retinoic acid added at the beginning of the first cycle, the first two generations were the same as controls. The duration of the third generation, however, was increased to 15.7 hr while the fourth and fifth generation were approximately 20 hr, the same as in exponentially growing, fully differentiated cells. The increase in generation time of dividing cells was principally due to an increase in the length of S phase. Cell death induced by retinoic acid also occurred principally in the third and subsequent generations. Cell population growth was then significantly less than that expected from the generation time derived from cycle analysis of dividing cells. Cells lysed frequently as sister pairs suggesting susceptibility to retinoic acid toxicity determined in a generation prior to death. Morphological differentiation, as estimated by the area of substrate occupied by cells, was shown to begin in the second cell cycle after retinoic acid addition. These results demonstrate that as in the early mammalian embryo, differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells to an endoderm-like cell is also accompanied by a decrease in growth rate but that this is preceded by acquisition of the morphology characteristic of the differentiated progeny.  相似文献   

Embryonal carcinoma(EC) cells, the undifferentiated stem cells of teratocarcinomas, have many properties in common with pluripotent embryonic cells, and thus provide an excellent system for studying the early events involved in embryonic development and stem cell differentiation. We have isolated three novel mutants with temperature-sensitive(ts) cell growth that were able to differentiate at a non-permissive temperature for cell growth. These mutations affect the progression of the cell cycle, leading to the transient accumulation of cells in a specific phase, the S phase, of the cell cycle, which is likely to be the primary cause of stem cell differentiation of EC cells at non-permissive temperature. Isolation of these mutants strongly supports the notion that there is a close association between the inhibition of DNA synthesis and EC cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Postoperative hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) recurrence and metastasis throw great threaten to its overall survival (OS). This paper focus on exploring the prognostic significance of NANOG and OCT4 expression in HCC recurrence and OS after liver transplantation. Eighty-six patients who meet University of California San Francisco (UCSF) criteria and underwent liver transplantation in Tianjin First Central Hospital between August 2010 and August 2013 were included. Expression of NANOG and OCT4 was determined by immunohistochemistry. The relationships between NANOG and OCT4 expression with tumor recurrence, tumor count, histology stage, lymph node metastasis (LNM) and microvascular invasion (MVI) were explored through the χ2 test and Cox regression analysis. We found that 19/26 and 20/24 patients with positive expression of NANOG and OCT4 relapsed. Combination of NANOG and OCT4 expression was indicated as valuable prognostic signature for HCC recurrence prediction (P < 0.0011). Besides, we identified other key factors with significant correlations with recurrence, such as LNM (P = 0.011) and MVI (P = 0.024). Strikingly, recurrence sites could significantly affect recurrence time (P = 0.0062) and patients with recurrence in transplanted liver have longer recurrence time. In conclusions, we analyzed the relationships between NANOG/OCT4 expression, clinicopathology features, HCC recurrence, and OS after liver transplantation for the first time. Combination of NANOG, OCT4, LNM, histopathological stage, and MVI may be predictor for HCC recurrence posttransplantation. Comprehensive of histopathological stage grade and LNM were considered as prognosis factor for OS after liver transplantation. This should be helpful for treatment method selection for HCC patients after liver transplantation.  相似文献   



Germ cells arise from a small group of cells that express markers of pluripotency including OCT4. In humans formation of gonadal compartments (cords in testis, nests in ovary) takes place during the 1st trimester (6–8 weeks gestation). In the 2nd trimester germ cells can enter meiotic prophase in females whereas in males this does not occur until puberty. We have used qRTPCR, Westerns and immunohistochemical profiling to determine which of the germ cell subtypes in the human fetal gonads express OCT4, DAZL and VASA, as these have been shown to play an essential role in germ cell maturation in mice.  相似文献   

Mouse P19 embryonal carcinoma cells can differentiate into various cell types depending on culture conditions. Here we show that the expression of the mesodermal genes Brachyury (Bra) and Goosecoid (Gsc) are under regulatory control in P19 cells. When P19 cells were cultured in a tissue culture dish in the presence of serum, Bra and Gsc were unexpectedly expressed. Expression of Bra and Gsc was greatly reduced with culture time, and expression levels at 144 h of culture were below 25% those at 48 h of culture. Members of the Tgf-beta family such as Activin and Nodal have been known to up-regulate expression of mesodermal genes. Treatment with SB431542, an Alk4/5/7 inhibitor, decreased Bra and Gsc in a dose-dependent manner, whereas it induced the expression of the neuroectodermal genes Mash-1 and Pax-6. Quantitative RT-PCR and dsRNAi transfection indicated Nodal as a possible ligand responsible for the regulation of Bra and Gsc. In addition, exogenous Nodal increased expression of Bra and Gsc in a dose-dependent manner. Serum concentration in culture medium positively related to expression of Nodal, Bra, Gsc, and Cripto, which encodes a membrane-tethered protein required for Nodal signaling. Addition of the culture supernatant of P19 cells at 144 h of culture to medium decreased expression of these genes. The present study reveals that stimulation and inhibition of the Nodal pathway increases mesodermal genes and neuroectodermal genes, respectively, indicating the importance of control of Nodal and Cripto expression for mesodermal formation and neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Differentiation of P19 EC cells along different pathways into derivatives resembling cells of the three embryonic germ layers is accompanied by characteristic differences in modulation of expression of each of the three retinoic acid receptor genes, RAR alpha, -beta and -gamma. Differentiation induced by addition of RA to P19 EC cells cultured in monolayer is accompanied by a rapid increase in expression of both RAR alpha and -beta. Induction of RAR beta occurs in a characteristic biphasic manner, suggesting that multiple factors and/or different mechanisms are involved in controlling its expression. RAR beta mRNA is induced to a far higher level during early aggregation in the presence of RA than during early differentiation in monolayer, suggesting that the direction of differentiation depends on the number and/or ratio of alpha and beta type of RA receptors. Aggregation of P19 EC cells in the presence of RA, but not DMSO, is accompanied by repression of RAR gamma, suggesting that the expression of RAR beta and RAR gamma during neuroectodermal differentiation is mutually exclusive. The effects of RA on RAR expression are significantly greater in G1 than in S-phase of the cell cycle. These results extend previous observations that commitment to differentiation is cell cycle dependent and indicates that critical target gene regulation in response to RA has to take place in G1 for differentiation to occur.  相似文献   

Consistent with the excellent clinical results in testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT), most cell lines derived from this cancer show an exquisite sensitivity to Cisplatin. It is well accepted that the high susceptibility of TGCT cells to apoptosis plays a central role in this hypersensitive phenotype. The role of the tumor suppressor p53 in this response, however, remains controversial. Here we show that siRNA-mediated silencing of p53 is sufficient to completely abrogate hypersensitivity not only to Cisplatin but also to non-genotoxic inducers of p53 such as the Mdm2 antagonist Nutlin-3 and the proteasome inhibitor Bortezomib. The close relationship between p53 protein levels and induction of apoptosis is lost upon short-term differentiation, indicating that this predominant pro-apoptotic function of p53 is unique in pluripotent embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells. RNA interference experiments as well as microarray analysis demonstrated a central role of the pro-apoptotic p53 target gene NOXA in the p53-dependent apoptotic response of these cells. In conclusion, our data indicate that the hypersensitivity of TGCT cells is a result of their unique sensitivity to p53 activation. Furthermore, in the very specific cellular context of germ cell-derived pluripotent EC cells, p53 function appears to be limited to induction of apoptosis.  相似文献   

J K Heath 《Cell》1978,15(1):299-306
A xenogeneic antiserum (PG-1) raised against the germ cells of the 13.5d p.c. mouse conceptus reacts with the fetal germ cells of both sexes and adult male germ cells, but not with any nongerminal tissue that has been tested. PG-1 can also react with the EC cells of four different teratocarcinoma cell lines. There are, however, marked differences in the absorptive capacity of the different EC cell lines. The antigen(s) recognized by the antiserum are confined to only a proportion of cells in some EC lines. This antiserum has a number of potential applications in studies of the origin and development of the mouse germ cell lineage.  相似文献   

A double immunofluorescence method was developed for the monitoring of proliferation and differentiation of F9 embryonal carcinoma cells. Cytokeratin filament expression was used as a marker for differentiation, and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)/cyclin or bromodeoxyuridine labeling were used as markers for proliferation. F9 cells had a high proliferation rate and were cytokeratin-filament-negative. Upon treatment with retinoic acid and dibutyryl cyclic AMP, cytokeratin-filament-positive cells with differentiated phenotype appeared. After 3 days, the extent of proliferation of cytokeratin-filament-positive cells was comparable to, but after 5 days significantly lower than, that of cytokeratin-filament-negative cells in the same culture. In differentiating F9 cells, cytokeratin filament expression is associated with, and even slightly precedes, the dramatic decrease in the rate of proliferation.  相似文献   

The study of gene functions in complex genetic environments such as mammalian cells would greatly benefit from systems allowing a tight control of gene expression. The tetracycline-inducible gene expression system and the site-specific Cre/loxP recombination system have gained increasing popularity for conditional expression and gene disruption. To facilitate the analysis of gene functions in a cell autonomous system, we have established an F9 murine embryonal carcinoma cell line, constitutively expressing both the doxycycline-controlled transactivator rtTA and the tamoxifen-dependent Cre recombinase Cre-ER(T). The expression of a reporter gene placed under the control of tetracycline operators was induced about 1000-fold by doxycycline, and tamoxifen-induced excision of a loxP-flanked DNA segment occurred in all cells. This genetically engineered cell line, which allows, upon simple ligand addition, sophisticated genetic manipulations, such as sequential inactivation of loxP-flanked genes, and tightly controlled reexpression of their cDNAs, should be a valuable tool for studying mammalian gene functions.  相似文献   

In many animals, the germ line is specified by a distinct cytoplasmic structure called germ plasm (GP). GP is necessary for primordial germ cell (PGC) formation in anuran amphibians including Xenopus. However, it is unclear whether GP is a direct germ cell determinant in vertebrates. Here we demonstrate that GP acts autonomously for germ cell formation in Xenopus.EGFP-labeled GP from the vegetal pole was transplanted into animal hemisphere of recipient embryos. Cells carrying transplanted GP (T-GP) at the ectopic position showed characteristics similar to the endogenous normal PGCs in subcellular distribution of GP and presence of germ plasm specific molecules. However, T-GP-carrying-cells in the ectopic tissue did not migrate towards the genital ridge. T-GP-carrying cells from gastrula or tailbud embryos were transferred into the endoderm of wild-type hosts. From there, they migrated into the developing gonad. To clarify whether ectopic T-GP-carrying cells can produce functional germ cells, they were identified by changing the recipients, from the wild-type Xenopus to transgenic Xenopus expressing DsRed2. After transferring T-GP carrying cells labeled genetically with DsRed2 into wild-type hosts, we could find chimeric gonads in mature hosts. Furthermore, the spermatozoa and eggs derived from T-GP-carrying cells were fertile. Thus, we have demonstrated that Xenopus germ plasm is sufficient for germ cell determination.  相似文献   

Mouse P19 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells express on their surfaces a Thy-1 glycoprotein. The expression of Thy-1 at the mRNA and protein levels is down-regulated during differentiation induced by retinoic acid (RA). Thy-1 is also expressed in human NTERA-2 EC cells, but its expression is not down-regulated during RA-induced differentiation. As a first step towards understanding differential regulation of the mouse and human Thy-1 gene in EC cells, we have introduced genomic DNA fragments encompassing the mouse or human Thy-1 gene into NTERA-2 and P19-derived cells and analyzed surface properties of the transfectants. In the transient transfection assay, both mouse and human Thy-1 genes were expressed on cell surfaces at comparable levels. P19-derived stable transfectants exhibited great clonal variations in the expressions of the transfected Thy-1 gene products, which in part reflected copy numbers. There was no simple correlation between the expression of the transfected Thy-1 gene and two stem cell surface markers, TEC-1 and TEC-4. In the course of differentiation induced by RA several clones with a surface phenotype of EC cells exhibited a significant decrease in the expression of the transfected mouse Thy-1, whereas expression of the human Thy-1 was less efficiently down-regulated. The results suggest the presence of multiple cis- and trans-acting elements controlling expression of the mouse and human Thy-1 genes in P19 EC cells and their differentiated derivatives.  相似文献   

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