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We purified native Myo2p/Cdc4p/Rlc1p (Myo2), the myosin-II motor required for cytokinesis by Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The Myo2p heavy chain associates with two light chains, Cdc4p and Rlc1p. Although crude Myo2 supported gliding motility of actin filaments in vitro, purified Myo2 lacked this activity in spite of retaining full Ca-ATPase activity and partial actin-activated Mg-ATPase activity. Unc45-/Cro1p-/She4p-related (UCS) protein Rng3p restored the full motility and actin-activated Mg-ATPase activity of purified Myo2. The COOH-terminal UCS domain of Rng3p alone restored motility to pure Myo2. Thus, Rng3p contributes directly to the motility activity of native Myo2. Consistent with a role in Myo2 activation, Rng3p colocalizes with Myo2p in the cytokinetic contractile ring. The absence of Rlc1p or mutations in the Myo2p head or Rng3p compromise the in vitro motility of Myo2 and explain the defects in cytokinesis associated with some of these mutations. In contrast, Myo2 with certain temperature-sensitive forms of Cdc4p has normal motility, so these mutations compromise other functions of Cdc4p required for cytokinesis.  相似文献   

A panel screening using cdc mutants of Schizosaccharomyces pombe identified radicicol as a potent growth inhibitor of certain mutants at the permissive temperature. The strains sensitive to radicicol were cdc7, cdc11, and cdc14, all of which are defective in early septum formation. Cytokinesis but not nuclear division of these mutants was inhibited by radicicol, but that of cells with the wild-type background was not. A biologically active derivative of radicicol with a biotin moiety at the C-11 position bound Swo1, an Hsp90 homologue in S. pombe. Increased Swo1 expression partially suppressed radicicol sensitivity of cdc14 and almost completely rescued morphological abnormalities in cdc14 and cdc7 cells induced by radicicol at the permissive temperature. On the other hand, the increased Swo1 expression did not restore septum formation at the nonpermissive temperature. These results suggest that Swo1, as a molecular chaperone, plays a role in stabilizing these temperature-sensitive proteins at the permissive temperature or in activating the cytokinesis signaling cascade.  相似文献   

Correct positioning of the cell division machinery is crucial for genomic stability and cell fate determination. The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, like animal cells, divides using an actomyosin ring and is an attractive model to study eukaryotic cytokinesis. In S. pombe, positioning of the actomyosin ring depends on the anillin-related protein Mid1p. Mid1p arrives first at the medial cortex and recruits actomyosin ring components to node-like structures, although how this is achieved is unknown. Here we show that the IQGAP-related protein Rng2p, an essential component of the actomyosin ring, is a key element downstream of Mid1p. Rng2p physically interacts with Mid1p and is required for the organization of other actomyosin ring components into cortical nodes. Failure of localization of Rng2p to the nodes prevents medial retention of Mid1p and leads to actomyosin ring assembly in a node-independent manner at nonmedial locations. We conclude that Mid1p recruits Rng2p to cortical nodes at the division site and that Rng2p, in turn, recruits other components of the actomyosin ring to cortical nodes, thereby ensuring correct placement of the division site.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis in all organisms involves the creation of membranous barriers that demarcate individual daughter cells. In fission yeast, a signaling module termed the septation initiation network (SIN) plays an essential role in the assembly of new membranes and cell wall during cytokinesis. In this study, we have characterized Slk1p, a protein-kinase related to the SIN component Sid2p. Slk1p is expressed specifically during meiosis and localizes to the spindle pole bodies (SPBs) during meiosis I and II in a SIN-dependent manner. Slk1p also localizes to the forespore membrane during sporulation. Cells lacking Slk1p display defects associated with sporulation, leading frequently to the formation of asci with smaller and/or fewer spores. The ability of slk1Δ cells to sporulate, albeit inefficiently, is fully abolished upon compromise of function of Sid2p, suggesting that Slk1p and Sid2p play overlapping roles in sporulation. Interestingly, increased expression of the syntaxin Psy1p rescues the sporulation defect of sid2-250 slk1Δ. Thus, it is likely that Slk1p and Sid2p play a role in forespore membrane assembly by facilitating recruitment of components of the secretory apparatus, such as Psy1p, to allow membrane expansion. These studies thereby provide a novel link between the SIN and vesicle trafficking during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

In fission yeast cells cortical nodes containing the protein Blt1p and several kinases appear early in G2, mature into cytokinetic nodes by adding anillin Mid1p, myosin-II, formin Cdc12p, and other proteins, and condense into a contractile ring by movements that depend on actin and myosin-II. Previous studies concluded that cells without Mid1p lack cytokinetic nodes and assemble rings unreliably from myosin-II strands but left open questions. Why do strands form outside the equatorial region? Why is ring assembly unreliable without Mid1p? We found in Δmid1 cells that Cdc12p accumulates in cytokinetic nodes scattered in the cortex and produces actin filaments that associate with myosin-II, Rng2p, and Cdc15p to form strands located between the nodes. Strands incorporate nodes, and in ∼67% of cells, strands slowly close into rings that constrict without the normal ∼25-min maturation period. Ring assembly is unreliable and slow without Mid1p because the scattered Cdc12p nodes generate strands spread widely beyond the equator, and growing strands depend on random encounters to merge with other strands into a ring. We conclude that orderly assembly of the contractile ring in wild-type cells depends on Mid1p to recruit myosin-II, Rng2p, and Cdc15p to nodes and to place cytokinetic nodes around the cell equator.  相似文献   

Hsp90 is a ubiquitous and essential molecular chaperone that plays central roles in many signaling and other cellular pathways. The in vivo and in vitro activity of Hsp90 depends on its association with a wide variety of cochaperones and cofactors, which form large multi-protein complexes involved in folding client proteins. Based on our proteomic work mapping the molecular chaperone interaction networks in yeast, especially that of Hsp90, as well as, on experiments and results presented in the published literature, one major role of Hsp90 appears to be the promotion and maintenance of proper assembly of protein complexes. To highlight this role of Hsp90, the effect of the chaperone on the assembly of the following seven complexes is discussed in this review: snoRNP, RNA polymerase II, phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase-related protein kinase (PIKK), telomere complex, kinetochore, RNA induced silencing complexes (RISC), and 26S proteasome. For some complexes, it is observed that Hsp90 mediates complex assembly by stabilizing an unstable protein subunit and facilitating its incorporation into the complex; for other complexes, Hsp90 promotes change in the composition of that complex. In all cases, Hsp90 does not appear to be part of the final assembled complex. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled:Heat Shock Protein 90 (HSP90).  相似文献   

UCS proteins have been proposed to operate as co-chaperones that work with Hsp90 in the de novo folding of myosin motors. The fission yeast UCS protein Rng3p is essential for actomyosin ring assembly and cytokinesis. Here we investigated the role of Rng3p in fission yeast myosin-II (Myo2p) motor activity. Myo2p isolated from an arrested rng3-65 mutant was capable of binding actin, yet lacked stability and activity based on its expression levels and inactivity in ATPase and actin filament gliding assays. Myo2p isolated from a myo2-E1 mutant (a mutant hyper-sensitive to perturbation of Rng3p function) showed similar behavior in the same assays and exhibited an altered motor conformation based on limited proteolysis experiments. We propose that Rng3p is not required for the folding of motors per se, but instead works to ensure the activity of intrinsically unstable myosin-II motors. Rng3p is specific to conventional myosin-II and the actomyosin ring, and is not required for unconventional myosin motor function at other actin structures. However, artificial destabilization of myosin-I motors at endocytic actin patches (using a myo1-E1 mutant) led to recruitment of Rng3p to patches. Thus, while Rng3p is specific to myosin-II, UCS proteins are adaptable and can respond to changes in the stability of other myosin motors.  相似文献   

Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells divide through the use of an actomyosin-based contractile ring. In response to perturbation of the actomyosin ring, S. pombe cells delay in a "cytokinesis-competent" state characterized by continuous repair and maintenance of the actomyosin ring and a G2 delay. This checkpoint mechanism requires the function of the Cdc14p-family phosphatase Clp1p/Flp1p and the septation initiation network (SIN). In response to cytokinetic defects, Clp1p, normally nucleolar in interphase, is retained in the cytoplasm until completion of cell division in a SIN-dependent manner. Here, we show that a phosphorylated form of Clp1p binds the 14-3-3 protein Rad24p and is retained in the cytoplasm in a Rad24p-dependent manner in response to cytokinesis defects. This physical interaction depends on the function of the SIN component, Sid2p. In the absence of Rad24p, cells are unable to maintain SIN signaling and lose viability upon mild cytokinetic stress. The requirement of Rad24p in this checkpoint is bypassed by ectopic activation of the SIN. Furthermore, SIN-dependent nuclear exclusion of Clp1p is dependent on Rad24p function. We conclude that Rad24p-mediated cytoplasmic retention of Clp1p/Flp1p is important for cell viability upon stress to the division apparatus.  相似文献   

An actomyosin-based contractile ring provides the forces necessary for cell cleavage in several organisms [1-3]. Myosin II is an essential component of the actomyosin ring and has also been detected as a "spot" in interphase Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells [4-5]. It is currently unknown if this myosin II-containing spot is important for cytokinesis. In this study, we characterize this myosin II-containing spot using a combination of genetic and cell biological analyses. Whereas myosin II at the actomyosin ring undergoes rapid turnover, myosin II at the spot does not. Maintenance of the myosin II-containing spot is independent of F-actin function. Interestingly, maintenance of this myosin II spot in interphase requires the function of Rng3p, a UCS domain-containing protein, the Caenorhabditis elegans homolog of which has recently been shown to be a cochaperone for myosin II assembly [6]. Disassembly of the spot in interphase prevents actomyosin ring formation in the subsequent mitosis, implying that the spot might represent a progenitor that is important for assembly of the actomyosin ring. Given that mitosis represents a short period of the fission yeast cell cycle, organization of this progenitor structure in interphase might ensure proper assembly of the actomyosin ring and successful cell division.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae heat-shock protein (Hsp)40, Ydj1p, is involved in a variety of cellular activities that control polypeptide fate, such as folding and translocation across intracellular membranes. To elucidate the mechanism of Ydj1p action, and to identify functional partners, we screened for multicopy suppressors of the temperature-sensitive ydj1-151 mutant and identified a yeast Hsp110, SSE1. Overexpression of Sse1p also suppressed the folding defect of v-Src kinase in the ydj1-151 mutant and partially reversed the alpha-factor translocation defect. SSE1-dependent suppression of ydj1-151 thermosensitivity required the wild-type ATP-binding domain of Sse1p. However, the Sse1p mutants maintained heat-denatured firefly luciferase in a folding-competent state in vitro and restored human androgen receptor folding in sse1 mutant cells. Because the folding of both v-Src kinase and human androgen receptor in yeast requires the Hsp90 complex, these data suggest that Ydj1p and Sse1p are interacting cochaperones in the Hsp90 complex and facilitate Hsp90-dependent activity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Myosins are motor proteins involved in processes like cell motility, vesicle transport, or cytokinesis. In a variety of organisms, a novel group of proteins forming the UCS (UNC-45/CRO1/SHE4) domain-containing family are essential for proper myosin function. The Saccharomyces cerevisae UCS domain protein She4p is involved in two myosin-requiring events, endocytosis and mRNA localization. RESULTS: In contrast to UCS domain proteins from other organisms that interact with class II myosins, we demonstrate that She4p associates with yeast class I and class V myosins. She4p binds to motor domains of class V myosin Myo4p and class I myosin Myo5p, and this binding depends on She4p's UCS domain. In vivo, She4p is essential for the function and localization of Myo3p, Myo4p, and Myo5p (but not of Myo2p) and for colocalization of class I myosins with cortical actin patches. In vitro, She4p stimulates binding of Myo5p to filamentous actin. Wild-type She4p, but not a mutant lacking the UCS domain, accumulates in a cap-like structure at the bud tip. This localization requires Myo2p and actin, suggesting a Myo2-dependent mechanism by which She4p is targeted to the bud cap. Localization of She4p is essential for proper positioning and myosin-actin association of cortical Myo5p. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that She4p is a novel myosin motor domain binding protein and operates as a localized regulator of myosin function of class I and likely class V myosins.  相似文献   

Correct positioning of the cell-division plane is crucial for cell function in all organisms. The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe divides by utilizing an actomyosin-based contractile ring and is an attractive model for the study of cytokinesis. The metazoan anillin-related protein Mid1p stimulates medial assembly of the division septum by recruiting actomyosin-ring components to the medial cortex. Here, we describe an inhibitory mechanism, involving the cell-end-localized polarity determinants Tea1p, Tea4p/Wsh3p, and Pom1p (tip complex), which prevents division-septum assembly at the cell ends. While Mid1p and the tip complex are dispensable for cell viability, their simultaneous loss leads to lethality. The FER/CIP homology protein Cdc15p, which organizes the actomyosin ring and cell membranes during cytokinesis, is a candidate for regulation by the tip complex. Since dual regulation of division-site placement is also seen in nematodes, such regulation might be a general feature of eukaryotic cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Hsp70 and Hsp90 protein chaperones cooperate in a protein-folding pathway required by many "client" proteins. The co-chaperone Sti1p coordinates functions of Hsp70 and Hsp90 in this pathway. Sti1p has three tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domains. TPR1 binds Hsp70, TPR2a binds Hsp90, and the ligand for TPR2b is unknown. Although Sti1p is thought to be dedicated to the client folding pathway, we earlier showed that Sti1p regulated Hsp70, independently of Hsp90, in a way that impairs yeast [PSI+] prion propagation. Using this prion system to monitor Sti1p regulation of Hsp70 and an Hsp90-inhibiting compound to monitor Hsp90 regulation, we identified Sti1p mutations that separately affect Hsp70 and Hsp90. TPR1 mutations impaired Sti1p regulation of Hsp70, but deletion of TPR2a and TPR2b did not. Conversely, TPR2a and TPR2b mutations impaired Sti1p regulation of Hsp90, but deletion of TPR1 did not. All Sti1p mutations variously impaired the client folding pathway, which requires both Hsp70 and Hsp90. Thus, Sti1p regulated Hsp70 and Hsp90 separately, Hsp90 is implicated as a TPR2b ligand, and mutations separately affecting regulation of either chaperone impair a pathway that is dependent upon both. We further demonstrate that client folding depended upon bridging of Hsp70 and Hsp90 by Sti1p and find conservation of the independent regulation of Hsp70 and Hsp90 by human Hop1.  相似文献   

In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, wee1 encodes a tyrosine kinase that inhibits entry into mitosis by phophorylating Cdc2, the universal cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) that regulates the G2/M transition in all eukaryotic cells. A search for suppressors of the G2 arrest caused by overexpression of wee1 led to the isolation of a new allele of swo1 (named swo1-w1), the gene coding for chaperone Hsp90, which is required to stabilise Wee1. The swo1-w1 allele carries a glycine to aspartic acid substitution at amino acid 155 that results in a partial loss of Hsp90 function. Cells bearing the swo1-w1 mutation in combination with the point mutation cdc2-33 or cdc2-M26 showed severe mitotic defects. Genetic interactions were not observed in combination with point mutations in other cdc genes, suggesting that Cdc2 specifically interacts with Hsp90. This synthetic lethal swo1-w1 cdc2-33 (or cdc2-M26) strain had normal levels of Cdc2 protein and histone H1 phosphorylation activity, indicating that Hsp90 is required to enable Cdc2 to interact with its mitotic substrates or regulators, rather than for its proper folding or stabilisation. In a wild-type background, swo1-w1 mutant cells were sensitive to temperature as well as to other stress agents, such as KCl, ethanol and formamide. Under these stressful growth conditions, the swo1-w1 cells displayed anaphase B arrest and aberrant septation patterns, indicating that a subset of proteins involved in mitosis and cytokinesis is highly dependent on chaperone Hsp90 for function. Received: 31 July 1998 / Accepted: 6 November 1998  相似文献   

In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, wee1 encodes a tyrosine kinase that inhibits entry into mitosis by phophorylating Cdc2, the universal cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) that regulates the G2/M transition in all eukaryotic cells. A search for suppressors of the G2 arrest caused by overexpression of wee1 led to the isolation of a new allele of swo1 (named swo1-w1), the gene coding for chaperone Hsp90, which is required to stabilise Wee1. The swo1-w1 allele carries a glycine to aspartic acid substitution at amino acid 155 that results in a partial loss of Hsp90 function. Cells bearing the swo1-w1 mutation in combination with the point mutation cdc2-33 or cdc2-M26 showed severe mitotic defects. Genetic interactions were not observed in combination with point mutations in other cdc genes, suggesting that Cdc2 specifically interacts with Hsp90. This synthetic lethal swo1-w1 cdc2-33 (or cdc2-M26) strain had normal levels of Cdc2 protein and histone H1 phosphorylation activity, indicating that Hsp90 is required to enable Cdc2 to interact with its mitotic substrates or regulators, rather than for its proper folding or stabilisation. In a wild-type background, swo1-w1 mutant cells were sensitive to temperature as well as to other stress agents, such as KCl, ethanol and formamide. Under these stressful growth conditions, the swo1-w1 cells displayed anaphase B arrest and aberrant septation patterns, indicating that a subset of proteins involved in mitosis and cytokinesis is highly dependent on chaperone Hsp90 for function.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint is a surveillance mechanism that ensures the fidelity of chromosome segregation in mitosis. Here we show that fission yeast casein kinase II (CK2) is required for this checkpoint function. In the CK2 mutants mitosis occurs in the presence of a spindle defect, and the spindle checkpoint protein Mad2p fails to localize to unattached kinetochores. The CK2 mutants are sensitive to the microtubule depolymerising drug thiabendazole, which is counteracted by ectopic expression of mad2+. The level of Mad2p is low in the CK2 mutants. These results suggest that CK2 has a role in the spindle checkpoint by regulating Mad2p.  相似文献   

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