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During the induction process of an in vitro callus culture of Argemone mexicana L. (Papaveraceae), the levels of two benzylisoquinoline alkaloids known as berberine and sanguinarine displayed opposing trends. While the berberine levels steadily decreased from the initial explant stage up to the early proliferation of unorganized parenchymatous cell masses, the sanguinarine content increased. Once the callus culture was established, sanguinarine was the primary alkaloid present and berberine could no longer be detected. However, upon shoot regeneration, the berberine accumulation recovered, but sanguinarine was found in the newly formed leafy tissue. After root formation, sanguinarine was relocated to this organ, whereas berberine was evenly distributed between both tissues. Explants from stem internodes did not form callus, and berberine—plus sanguinarine—containing axillary shoots emerged from lateral buds in the induction medium. In contrast to callus-derived shoots, no root formation was observed. Therefore, alkaloid synthesis in A. mexicana in vitro cultures is related to the level of tissue organization in different ways, and while berberine accumulation seems to require the presence of differentiated organs, this is not the case for sanguinarine. Moreover, leafy parts of rootless shoots acquired the capacity to accumulate sanguinarine, which is usually absent in aerial tissues of mature plants. However, when these shoots were rooted, sanguinarine was mainly located in the newly formed roots, while berberine was detected in the shoots at similar levels found in the roots.


Although defense responses mediated by the plant oxylipin jasmonic acid (JA) are often necessary for resistance against pathogens with necrotrophic lifestyles, in this report we demonstrate that jasmonate signaling mediated through COI1 in Arabidopsis thaliana is responsible for susceptibility to wilt disease caused by the root-infecting fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum . Despite compromised JA-dependent defense responses, the JA perception mutant coronatine insensitive 1 ( coi1 ), but not JA biosynthesis mutants, exhibited a high level of resistance to wilt disease caused by F. oxysporum . This response was independent from salicylic acid-dependent defenses, as coi1/NahG plants showed similar disease resistance to coi1 plants. Inoculation of reciprocal grafts made between coi1 and wild-type plants revealed that coi1 -mediated resistance occurred primarily through the coi1 rootstock tissues. Furthermore, microscopy and quantification of fungal DNA during infection indicated that coi1 -mediated resistance was not associated with reduced fungal penetration and colonization until a late stage of infection, when leaf necrosis was highly developed in wild-type plants. In contrast to wild-type leaves, coi1 leaves showed no necrosis following the application of F. oxysporum culture filtrate, and showed reduced expression of senescence-associated genes during disease development, suggesting that coi1 resistance is most likely achieved through the inhibition of F. oxysporum -incited lesion development and plant senescence. Together, our results indicate that F. oxysporum hijacks non-defensive aspects of the JA-signaling pathway to cause wilt-disease symptoms that lead to plant death in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The involvement of lipoxygenase (LOX, EC in elicitor-induced opium poppy defense response was investigated. Papaver somniferum L. suspension cultures were treated with abiotic elicitor methyl jasmonate (MJ), fungal elicitor (Botrytis cinerea homogenate) and phenidone (specific inhibitor of LOX) to determine the involvement of this enzyme in production of sanguinarine, the major secondary metabolite of opium poppy cultures. P. somniferum suspension cultures responded to elicitor treatment with strong and transient increase of LOX activity followed by sanguinarine accumulation. LOX activity increased in elicited cultures, reaching 9.8 times of the initial value at 10 h after MJ application and 2.9 times after B. cinerea application. Sanguinarine accumulated to maximal levels of 169.5 ± 12.5 μg g?1 dry cell weight in MJ-elicited cultures and 288.0 ± 10.0 μg g?1 dry cell weight in B. cinerea-elicited cultures. The treatment of cells with phenidone before elicitor addition, significantly reduced sanguinarine production. The relative molecular weight of P. somniferum LOX (83 kDa) was estimated by using immunobloting and its pH optimum was shown to be pH 6.5.  相似文献   

The accumulation of podophyllotoxin (PTOX) and 6-methoxypodophyllotoxin (6MPTOX) was enhanced about twofold in the suspension culture of Linum album line 2-5 aH following the addition of methyl jasmonate (MeJas) to the cultivation medium, reaching 7.69±1.45 mg/g dry weight and 1.11±0.09 mg/g dry weight, respectively. There was no increase in 6MPTOX accumulation following the addition of MeJas to suspension cells of L. album line X4SF, whereas PTOX accumulation was enhanced about tenfold to 0.49±0.10 mg/g dry weight. Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity increased immediately after the addition of MeJas to a cell suspension culture of line X4SF, reaching a maximum between 4 h and 1 day after elicitation, while cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase activity and the lignin content of the cells were not affected.  相似文献   

Cell suspension cultures of Taxus canadensis and Taxus cuspidata rapidly produced paclitaxel (Taxol) and other taxoids in response to elicitation with methyl jasmonate. By optimizing the concentration of the elicitor, and the timing of elicitation, we have achieved the most rapid accumulation of paclitaxel in a plant cell culture, yet reported. The greatest accumulation of paclitaxel occurred when methyl jasmonate was added to cultures at a final concentration of 200 microM on day 7 of the culture cycle. The concentration of paclitaxel increased in the extracellular (cell-free) medium to 117 mg/day within 5 days following elicitation, equivalent to a rate of 23.4 mg/L per day. Paclitaxel was only one of many taxoids whose concentrations increased significantly in response to elicitation. Despite the rapid accumulation and high concentration of paclitaxel, its concentration never exceeded 20% of the total taxoids produced in the elicited culture. Two other taxoids, 13-acetyl-9-dihydrobaccatin III and baccatin VI, accounted for 39% to 62% of the total taxoids in elicited cultures. The accumulation of baccatin III did not parallel the pattern of accumulation for paclitaxel. Baccatin III continued to accumulate until the end of the culture cycle, at which point most of the cells in the culture were dead, implying a possible role as a degradation product of taxoid biosynthesis, rather than as a precursor.  相似文献   

Transglutaminase (EC (TGase) activity has been localized in homogenates of rat Leydig cells and seminiferous tubules and is present in cytosol and membrane fractions. The enzyme has a requirement for Ca2+ and when the acceptor substrate casein was deleted from the assay mixture, incorporation of [14C]putrescine into cytosolic and membrane fractions occurred. Transglutaminase was also detected in Sertoli cells cultured in serum-free medium. Sertoli cells reside within the seminiferous tubule and are involved in normal spermatogenesis. Sertoli cell TGase has a strict requirement for Ca2+ and is not activated by Mg2+. Activation of the enzyme occurs with as little as 0.3 microM Ca2+; however, consistent with intracellular calcium levels, maximum stimulation occurred at 1.9 mM Ca2+. Sertoli cell TGase activity is markedly stimulated if the cells are cultured in 10% fetal bovine serum rather than in serum-free medium. Inhibition of Sertoli cell TGase by monodansylcadaverine concomitantly decreased the response of the cells to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)-induced secretion of cAMP but did not change basal cAMP levels. These data suggest that TGase may play a facilitative rather than an absolute role in activation of Sertoli cells by FSH and the resultant secretion of cellular products. This may occur through modulation of activities of membrane and cytosolic components by TGase.  相似文献   


Plant in vitro culture is a platform for producing secondary metabolites that combines safety, quality and low environmental impact. Besides, it is possible to increase the accumulation of these compounds by different strategies, such as elicitation. In this work, we analyzed the effects of the combination of methyl jasmonate (MeJ) and two cyclodextrins (CDs) on the production of anthraquinones (AQs) in cell cultures of Rubiaceae (Morinda citrifolia and Rubia tinctorum). These secondary metabolites have been traditionally used as dyes and have interesting therapeutic applications. The experiments were designed according to a full factorial design of two factors (MeJ and a CD) in two levels (0 and 0.1 mM for MeJ, and 0 and 20 mM of the CD). MeJ and (2-hydroxypropyl)-β-cyclodextrin (HPCD) synergistically increased intracellular AQ content in suspension cultures of R. tinctorum, and, to a lesser extent, in suspension cultures of M. citrifolia. Combination of MeJ with another CD, 2-methyl-β-cyclodextrin, led to a more intense and later increase in AQ content in cell cultures of R. tinctorum when compared to MeJ–HPCD treatment. However, the combination of CD and MeJ failed to induce a drastic AQ release to the culture media. Nevertheless, our results show that combination of strategies (using a CD and MeJ) was successful to increase secondary metabolite accumulation in suspension cultures. To our knowledge, this is the first report of synergistic effect of MeJ and CD on AQ accumulation in plant in vitro cultures.


Fusarium oxysporum invades its host plants through the roots and colonizes the vascular system. It produces a great variety of cell-wall degrading enzymes (CWDE), such as cellulases, xylanases, pectinases and proteases. Our group has purified and characterized an endopolygalacturonase (PG1), two exopolygalacturonases (PG2 and PG3), an endoxylanase (XYL1) and an endo pectatelyase (PL1). We have isolated the following CWDE-encoding genes: pg1, pgx4, pg5, xyl2, xyl3, prt1 and pl1. Gene expression in different culture conditions has been determined by Northern analysis. The occurrence of these genes in different formae speciales has been analyzed by Southern analysis and PCR. All these genes are expressed during different stages of the interaction with the host plant indicating a possible role in pathogenesis. At present, targeted gene disruption is being carried out, in order to determine the role of each gene in the pathogenicity process.  相似文献   

Adventitious roots of ginseng were treated with methyl jasmonate (MJ) up to 150 microM and cultured for 40 days. Up to 100 microM MJ inhibited the root growth but increase ginsenoside accumulation. In a two-stage bioreactor culture, total ginsenosides, after elicitation with 100 microM MJ peaked after 10 days at 48 mg g(-1) dry wt and then dropped sharply. Of the two groups of ginsenosides (Rb and Rg), higher amounts of Rb accumulated in the adventitious roots.  相似文献   

Cell-culture assays are routinely used to analyze autocrine signaling systems, but quantitative experiments are rarely possible. To enable the quantitative design and analysis of experiments with autocrine cells, we develop a biophysical theory of ligand accumulation in cell-culture assays. Our theory predicts the ligand concentration as a function of time and measurable parameters of autocrine cells and cell-culture experiments. The key step of our analysis is the derivation of the survival probability of a single ligand released from the surface of an autocrine cell. An expression for this probability is derived using the boundary homogenization approach and tested by stochastic simulations. We use this expression in the integral balance equations, from which we find the Laplace transform of the ligand concentration. We demonstrate how the theory works by analyzing the autocrine epidermal growth factor receptor system and discuss the extension of our methods to other experiments with cultured autocrine cells.  相似文献   

Activation of the phenolic pathway is known to be part of a defense response against cell wall-derived elicitors from pathogens. Many examples of a defense response by increasing the synthesis of phenolic compound against the elicitor were demonstrated in the past, but the elicitor structure has so far been poorly characterized. Our results indicate that a disaccharide fraction containing the following structure: alpha-D-mannopyranosyl (1-->2)alpha/beta-D-glucopyranosyl and alpha-D-mannopyranosyl (1-->x) inositol, isolated from Fusarium oxysporum L., promotes rapid and transient phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity in Rubus fructicosus cells at nanomolar concentration. The disaccharides were isolated by size-exclusion chromatography directly from extracts obtained by alkaline treatment of F. oxysporum mycelium. Their structure was determined by 500-MHz-1H-NMR spectroscopy combined with methylation analysis and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

bstract Suspension cultures of Coleus blumei (Lamiaceae) treated with either an elicitor preparation from the culture medium of the phytopathogenic oomycete Pythium aphanidermatum or with methyl jasmonate enhanced accumulation of rosmarinic acid approximately threefold. The specific activities of phenylalanine ammonia lyase and rosmarinic acid synthase were also enhanced after addition of the fungal elicitor. The addition of methyl jasmonate transiently increased activities of phenylalanine ammonia lyase and hydroxyphenylpyruvate reductase, whereas the activity of rosmarinic acid synthase was not stimulated and the activity of tyrosine aminotransferase was slightly and constantly enhanced. Methyl jasmonate stimulated rosmarinic acid accumulation not only when added directly to the culture medium, but also when it could reach the cells only via the gas phase. Received: 2 April 1997 / Revision received:16 June 1997 / Accepted: 15 September 1997  相似文献   

Suspension cultures of Papaver bracteatum Arya II Lindl., grown without hormone in the presence of conidial extracts of Verticillium dahliae Kleb., accumulate millimolar quantities of the benzophenanthridine alkaloid, sanguinarine. Under the fluorescence microscope, the elicitor-treated cells display an orange-yellow fluorescence characteristic of sanguinarine, primarily near the periphery of the cells. Electron-microscopic inspection showed the presence of slightly dilated endoplasmic reticulum and of electron-dense protuberances on the tonoplast of large central vacuoles. These osmiophilic aggregates lining the tonoplast bud into spherical bodies, appear to become detached from the membrane and are released into the vacuole. Upon subcellular fractionation of elicited cells on Renografin step gradients, sanguinarine was found to be distributed in all bands but with 86% concentrated in the gradient pellet. Analysis of the pellet by electron microscopy showed that it contained electron-dense fragments similar to the osmiophilic bodies observed on the tonoplast of intact elicited cells. In elicited cell cultures, most of the sanguinarine was recovered from medium in a 100·g sedimenting, cell-free, particulate fraction accounting for as much as 85% of the media sanguinarine and 62% of the total sanguinarine. The sanguinarine-rich 100·g media pellet was determined to be two-thirds protein, one-third RNA and was essentially devoid of phenolics, phospholipid and DNA. The pellet consisted of electrondense material and cytoplasmic remnants resembling those found in the Renografin pellet and tonoplast aggregates of intact cells. When placed under hypotonic conditions or extracted with aqueous buffer, pH 3–11, the pellet did not release sanguinarine. These observations provide evidence for storage of sanguinarine at electron-dense deposits which occur on the tonoplast and as freely floating bodies in vacuoles.Abbreviations BA N6-benzyladenine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - EM electron microscopy - ER endoplasmic reticulum - HPLC high-pressure liquid chromatography - MRST Murashige and Skoog's revised tobacco medium  相似文献   

The effects of temperatures ranging from 10°C to 35°C on sterol and fatty acid production and hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA reductase (EC 1.1,1.34, HMGCoA reductase) activity have been examined. Growth, based on dry weight, was maximal at 25°C to 30°C. Sterol production and the reductase activity were highest at 15°C after 28~32 hr incubation when the total fatty acids were minimal. Fatty acid unsaturation generally increased with decrease in temperature.  相似文献   

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