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Abstract The ecological distribution and life history characteristics of three Rubus species, i.e., R. palmatus Thunb. var. coptophyllus (A. Gray) O. Kuntze, R. microphyllus L.f. and R. crataegifolius Bunge were investigated, with particular emphasis on the seasonal growth cycles, modes of the alternation of aerial organs, and patterns of dry matter allocation, and these features were critically compared with one another. It was found that seasonal changes of aboveground biomass are strongly related to the modes of cane alternation, to underground branching producing stolons, and to their dry matter allocation patterns. The modes of cane alternation, underground branching and dry matter allocation patterns were very similar in R. microphyllus and R. crataegifolius , taking about five months from May to September. But R. palmatus var. coptophyllus showed much more gradual replacement of aerial organs, extending over seven months from May to December. These three Rubus species are often predominant in the early successional stages of pioneer communities which develop after cutting of forests in central Japan, and differentiations of the above-mentioned life history traits found in Rubus species seem to be related to the constraints inherent in their somewhat labile, changing environments, e.g., at the forest margin or clearings produced temporarily.  相似文献   

江西悬钩子属的分类和地理分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过野外调查和查阅大量标本和文献,对江西悬钩子属植物的分类和地理分布进行了较为系统的研究。江西境内共有悬钩子属植物43种7变种2变型,其中红花悬钩子Rubus inopertus(Diels)Focke,大红泡R.eustephanus Focke ex Diels,深裂锈毛莓R.reflexus Ker var.lanceolobus Metc为江西新分布。编制了检索表,并讨论了江西悬钩子属植物的地理分布。  相似文献   

Reproduction of polyploid Rubus species is described as facultatively apomictic. Pollination is needed for seed set, but most seedlings are produced asexually by pseudogamy. Although sexual processes may occur, clonal diversity can be extremely low. We performed a pollination experiment to investigate the breeding system and used allozyme and AFLP markers to analyze genetic variation among and within seed families in R. armeniacus and R. bifrons. Pollination either with self or outcross pollen was necessary to trigger seed set. Outbreeding marginally increased the number and quality of seeds compared with selfing. The enzyme PGI revealed some genetic variation within seed families. Seven other enzyme systems were monomorphic. The more detailed AFLP analyses with five primer pairs detected the same rate of genetic variation (14-17% of seedlings were genetically distinct) and confirmed the allozyme results for the same individuals. No genetic variation was found between the seed families from within a species collected in widely separated populations, but clear species-specific differences were observed. The results support the view that polyploid Rubus species are pseudogamous apomicts with low genetic diversity among and within seed families. However, sexual reproduction occasionally occurs and contributes to the maintenance of genetic variation within natural populations.  相似文献   

报道了采自西藏墨脱县悬钩子属绢毛亚组Rubus subsect. Lineati (Focke) Yü et Lu两个中国新纪录种, 即酒红悬钩子R.calophyllus Clarke.和炫丽悬钩子R.splendidissimus Hara.  相似文献   

Abstract  Acalitus essigi , the eriophyoid mite that causes red berry disease in Rubus species (Rosaceae), was collected from the fruits of three species of weedy blackberry, R. anglocandicans , R. laudatus and R. ulmifolius , in south-west Australia. This is the first record for this species in Western Australia and these plants appear to be new host records for A. essigi , which causes uneven ripening of fruit. Information on the mite is reviewed in the context of determining its potential as a biological control agent for Rubus species, especially those that are not susceptible to Phragmidium violaceum (Uredinales), the rust fungus being released against species of European blackberry in Australia. Published records also show that A. essigi will attack a wide range of Rubus species including species of North American origin that currently escape biological control in Australia. It may also be useful for preventing the spread of commercial varieties of Rubus (e.g. raspberry and loganberry) that have escaped to become weedy. However, the mite may have limited dispersal ability and thus require redistribution.  相似文献   

Summary Male and female flowers of the dioecious perennial herb Rubus chamaemorus L. are similar in general appearance. However, female flowers are somewhat smaller, do not produce any pollen, and contain very small amounts of nectar. Syrphids and bumblebees, which are important pollinators of R. chamaemorus, showed a strong preference for male flowers. Male flowers were also less often rejected by flower visitors than were female flowers, and two different groups of syrphid species stayed longer in male than in female flowers. These observations suggest that female flowers of R. chamaemorus attract pollinators by deceit.Hand-pollination experiments indicated that pollen availability limited seed production of R. chamaemorus in female dominated habitats but not in areas with an equal floral sex ratio. We suggest that the relative importance of factors limiting female reproductive success is not constant, but is influenced by the floral sex ratio of the population. This should apply also to other dioecious species that show variable sex ratios on either a local or regional scale.  相似文献   

悬钩子属种质的评价   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
在进行了7省悬钩子资源调查的基础上,在南京建立了悬钩子属田间基因库。3年来对田间基因库内保存并开花结果的30个种进行了开花结果性状的记栽和评价。内容包括果实特征,糖、酸、维生素类、氨基酸、矿质元素含量分析,染色体计数等。分析了种间和种内多样性物存在及在良种选育中利用的可能性。  相似文献   

报道了采自西藏墨脱县悬钩子属绢毛亚组Rubus subsect.Lineati (Focke) Yü et Lu两个中国新纪录种,即酒红悬钩子R.calophyllus Clarke.和炫丽悬钩子R splendidissimus Hara.  相似文献   

选择青藏高原东南林线地区优势植物薄毛海绵杜鹃为对象,研究薄毛海绵杜鹃结实特性和萌发特性随海拔(4183—4673 m)、坡度、坡向等环境梯度的变化规律。对比了不同环境条件下薄毛海绵杜鹃果实的长、宽、重量、单果种子数、种子千粒重等结实特性;并测试了不同环境所产种子的萌发对温度和光照的响应。结果表明:(1)在高海拔低温胁迫环境下,薄毛海绵杜鹃的生殖投入加大,果实大且质量重,种子数量多但质量轻;(2)坡向是影响单果种子数量的主要环境因子,阴坡单果种子数显著大于阳坡,生活在阴坡的薄毛海绵杜鹃的繁衍能力更强;(3)较高和较低土壤湿度都会影响薄毛海绵杜鹃的种子质量,中等土壤湿度(28.3%—32.5%)薄毛海绵杜鹃种子萌发能力最强;(4)薄毛海绵杜鹃的种子是需光性种子,在黑暗条件下几乎不萌发;(5)在光照条件下,温度对种子萌发率和萌发速率有显著影响,高温(25/5℃)有助于提高萌发率并促使萌发进程显著提前。研究揭示了不同海拔薄毛海绵杜鹃结实和萌发特性与环境之间的关系,为薄毛海绵杜鹃的种质资源保护和气候变化背景下藏东南林线动态预测提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

秦巴山区悬钩子植物的种质资源   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
秦巴山区有野生悬钩子38种12变种,是我国悬钩子属植物比较集中的分布区之一,对秦巴山区悬钩子种质资源的系统调查和综合分析结果表明:1.悬钩子类果实中维生素类(尤其是维生素E)和SOD等生物活性物质的含量异常高,蛋白质、氨基酸、有机酸和矿质元素含量不同程度地高于栽培水果,是一种急待开发利用的野生果树。2.黄果悬钩子、粉枝莓、华中悬钩子、弓茎悬钩子、喜阴悬钩子、插田泡、茅莓、山莓和高粱泡等具有直立生长、植株健壮、少刺或无刺、丰产、抗寒耐旱等经济性状,是悬钩子类果树选种和育种的优良种质材料,其中有些种类还可以直接引种栽培。3.悬钩子植物的美化环境和水土保持作用及药用保健价值也应受到重视。  相似文献   

悬钩子属植物资源及其利用   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
悬钩子属Rubus L.植物资源丰富,分布广泛,我国已发表201种98变种,种类之多仅次于北美中心,在分布上自西向东,自南而北有逐渐减少的趋势,西南部为分布中心,利用上有果用和药用两个主要途径,本文在进行国内资源考察的基础上,回顾了国内外悬钩子属植物的利用历史及其栽培化进程,并提出了我国野生悬钩子属植物中具有圈在果用潜力的11个种,本属许多种类是生态适应性很强的地被植物,从保护环境的角度出发,其在水土保持和美化环境方面的价值也值得注意。  相似文献   

近年来对我国9个省的悬钩子属植物资源进行了调查采集,并在南京中山植物园建立了田间种质库进行观察研究。本文报导在云南省悬钩子资源调查中发现的1个新种和5个新变种,它们是:Rubus godongensis Gu et Li, R. biflorus Buch.-Ham.ex Smith var.spinocalycinus Gu et Li, R. glabricarpus Cheng var.eglandulosus Gu et Li, R. gongshanensis Yü et Lu var.eglandulosus Gu et Li, R. parvifolius L.var.purpureus Gu et Li, R. viburnifolius Focke var.apetalus Gu etLi.  相似文献   

贵州悬钩子属(蔷薇科)一新种--务川悬钩子   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了贵州省务川县发现的悬钩子属Rubus(蔷薇科Rosaceae)一新种——务川悬钩子R.wuchuanensis S.Z.He。该种在体态上与锯叶悬钩子R.wuzhianus L.T.Lu&Boufford相近,区别在于其叶片卵状披针形,边缘疏生小锯齿;叶柄较短,长0.7-1cm;花序为顶生稀疏总状花序,具花8-10朵:花梗长3.55cm;花瓣先端具骤突尖头。  相似文献   

The ability of some introduced plant species to outperform native species under altered resource conditions makes them highly productive in ecosystems with surplus resources. However, ruderal native species are also productive when resources are available. The differences in abundance among invasive and non-invasive ruderal plants may be related to differences in ability to maintain access to or store resources for continual use. For a group of ruderal species in the Pacific Northwest of North America (invasive Rubus armeniacus; non-invasive R. ursinus, R. parviflorus, R. spectabilis, and Rosa nutkana), we sought to determine whether differences in functional morphological traits, especially metrics of water access and storage, were consistent with differences in water conductance and growth rate. We also investigated the changes in these traits in response to abundant vs. limited water availability. Rubus armeniacus had among the largest root systems and cane cross-sectional areas, the lowest cane tissue densities, and the most plastic ratios of leaf area to plant mass and of xylem area to leaf area, often sharing its rank with R. ursinus or Rosa nutkana. These three species had the highest water conductance and relative growth rates, though Rubus armeniacus grew the most rapidly when water was not limited. Our results suggest that water access and storage abilities vary with morphology among the ruderal species investigated, and that these abilities, in combination, are greatest in the invasive. In turn, functional morphological traits allow R. armeniacus to maintain rapid gas exchange rates during the dry summers in its invaded range, conferring on it high productivity.  相似文献   

几种野生悬钩子家化的生物学基础研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在对中国7个省区悬钩子属(Rubus L.)资源调查的基础上,选出蓬(R.hirsutus Thunb.)、掌叶覆盆子(R.chingii Hu)、山莓(R.corchorifolius L.)和高粱泡(R.lambertianus Ser.)4个野生种进行栽培化研究。本文报道4个种的生长结果习性、物候期、营养需要、花芽分化过程以及繁殖习性,并提出了一系列栽培措施。  相似文献   

以额济纳荒漠绿洲胡杨根蘖幼苗为研究对象,通过对绿洲内胡杨分布的3种主要生境内根蘖幼苗的调查,得出如下结论。近年来绿洲内胡杨种群的更新几乎完全依赖于无性繁殖更新,种子萌发产生的幼苗在调查地内没有发现。河岸沙丘地及胡杨林下地的根蘖幼苗中,3龄幼苗所占比重最大,龄级越小的根蘖苗在群落中的数量越少;在河水漫灌后的林间空地,2龄幼苗的数量最多。水漫灌后的林间空地中根蘖幼苗密度显著大于其余两生境内根蘖幼苗密度,同时该生境内每段胡杨根系萌生出的不定芽也大于另两生境。随着龄级增加,未枯枝根蘖幼苗的比率逐渐减小。根蘖幼苗的萌发点分布于土层30cm以内的根系上,分布深度大于30cm的根系不能萌发出根蘖幼苗。  相似文献   

To clarify the adaptive significance of seed dormancy, the effects of burial duration were examined for two deciduousRubus species:Rubus palmatus var.coptophyllus andRubus parvifolius, which are found mainly in relatively stable, shaded sites and disturbed sites, respectively. In early summer, newly ripened seeds were buried under litter on the soil surface in a pine forest, and germination tests were carried out for the seeds retrieved from the soil litter after 0 (not buried), 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 or 9 months of burial. In general, the germination percentages increased and light requirements for germination decreased with increased burial duration. The percentage of seeds germinated with alternating temperatures in darkness also increased with increasing burial duration for both species. After 8 or 9 months of burial (corresponding to the next germination season in the field), the percentage of non-dormant seeds (including germination under alternating temperatures in the dark) was about 80% and 40% forR. palmatus var.coptophyllus andR. parvifolius, respectively. These seed dormancy traits of the twoRubus species may explain the differences in germination strategy in their habitats:R. palmatus var.coptophyllus seems to have adapted to the seasonal occurrence of favorable growing conditions after the dormancy breakage, whileR. parvifolius seems to have adapted to favorable conditions created by temporally unpredictable disturbances.  相似文献   

We used nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer region (ITS 1 - 5.8S - ITS 2; ITS) sequences to generate the first phylogeny of Rubus based on a large, molecular data set. We sampled 57 taxa including 20 species of subgenus Rubus (blackberries), one to seven species from each of the remaining 11 subgenera, and the monotypic and closely related Dalibarda. In Rubus, ITS sequences are most informative among subgenera, and variability is low between closely related species. Parsimony analysis indicates that Rubus plus Dalibarda form a strongly supported clade, and D. repens may nest within Rubus. Of the subgenera with more than one species sampled, only subgenus Orobatus appears monophyletic. Three large clades are strongly supported: one contains all sampled species of nine of the 12 subgenera; another includes extreme Southern Hemisphere species of subgenera Comaropsis, Dalibarda, and Lampobatus; and a third clade consists of subgenus Rubus plus R. alpinus of subgenus Lampobatus. Rubus ursinus appears to be a hybrid between a close relative of R. macraei (subgenus Idaeobatus, raspberries) and an unidentified subgenus Rubus species. ITS sequences are generally consistent with biogeography and ploidy, but traditionally important morphological characters, such as stem armature and leaf type, appear to have limited phylogenetic value in Rubus.  相似文献   

We studied the effects on the phenology, growth and reproduction of 19 Mediterranean species, of elevating the atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) to twice-ambient. Intact monoliths were taken from an old-field and put, during a six month growing season, into growth chambers in which external climatic conditions were mimicked and [CO2] was regulated. Fruit set time was significantly changed in six species under elevated [CO2] and leaf and branch senescence accelerated in most species. Grasses had fewer leaves and legumes were more branched at peak production under elevated [CO2] than under ambient. Plant seed number was not significantly changed under elevated [CO2], whereas the reproductive effort of grasses was significantly depressed. Reproductive and vegetative characteristics showed related responses to [CO2], as species with enhanced biomass had a hastened fruit set time, a higher number of fruits per plant and a higher reproductive biomass under elevated [CO2] than under ambient conditions, while species with depressed biomass had a delayed fruit set time, a lower number of fruits per plant and a lower reproductive biomass. Our results also show a high interspecific variability in [CO2] response, but some trends emerged at the family level: the production of vegetative and reproductive modules were depressed in grasses and slightly stimulated in legumes.  相似文献   

悬钩子叶片的营养成分   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
对中国东南部28种悬钩子叶片的营养成分进行了分析,结果表明悬钩子叶片含丰富的人体必需营养素和小分子抗氧化剂,具有营养的保健双重价值。叶片中某种营养成分含量的高低表现出种和种内不同产地的差异,而与该属内的组别无关。文章就悬钩子叶片的特点及其利用价值和利用方向进行了评价。  相似文献   

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