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Molecular bases of epithelial cell invasion by Shigella flexneri   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The pathogenesis of shigellosis is characterized by the capacity of the causative microorganism, Shigella, to invade the epithelial cells that compose the mucosal surface of the colon in humans. The invasive process encompasses several steps which can be summarized as follows: entry of bacteria into epithelial cells involves signalling pathways that elicit a macropinocitic event. Upon contact with the cell surface, S. flexneri activates a Mxi/Spa secretory apparatus encoded by two operons comprising about 25 genes located on a large virulence plasmid of 220 kb. Through this specialized secretory apparatus, Ipa invasins are secreted, two of which (IpaB, 62 kDa and IpaC, 42 kDa) form a complex which is itself able to activate entry via its interaction with the host cell membrane. Interaction of this molecular complex with the cell surface elicits major rearrangements of the host cell cytoskeleton, essentially the polymerization of actin filaments that form bundles supporting the membrane projections which achieve bacterial entry. Active recruitment of the protooncogene pp 60c-src has been demonstrated at the entry site with consequent phosphorylation of cortactin. Also, the small GTPase Rho is controlling the cascade of signals that allows elongation of actin filaments from initial nucleation foci underneath the cell membrane. The regulatory signals involved as well as the proteins recruited indicate that Shigella induces the formation of an adherence plaque at the cell surface in order to achieve entry. Once intracellular, the bacterium lyses its phagocytic vacuole, escapes into the cytoplasm and starts moving the inducing polar, directed polymerization of actin on its surface, due to the expression of IcsA, a 120 kDa outer membrane protein, which is localized at one pole of the microorganism, following cleavage by SopA, a plasmid-encoded surface protease. In the context of polarized epithelial cells, bacteria then reach the intermediate junction and engage their components, particularly the cadherins, to form a protrusion which is actively internalized by the adjacent cell. Bacteria then lyse the two membranes, reach the cytoplasmic compartment again, and resume actin-driven movement.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequences of the Salmonella typhimurium LT2 and Shigella flexneri 2B crp genes were determined and compared with those of the Escherichia coli K-12 crp gene. The Shigella flexneri gene was almost like the E. coli crp gene, with only four silent base pair changes. The S. typhimurium and E. coli crp genes presented a higher degree of divergence in their nucleotide sequence with 77 changes, but the corresponding amino acid sequences presented only one amino acid difference. The nucleotide sequences of the crp genes diverged to the same extent as in the other genes, trp, ompA, metJ, and araC, which are structural or regulatory genes. An analysis of the amino acid divergence, however, revealed that the catabolite gene activator protein, the crp gene product, is the most conserved protein observed so far. Comparison of codon usage in S. typhimurium and E. coli for all genes sequenced in both organisms showed that their patterns were similar. Comparison of the regulatory regions of the S. typhimurium and E. coli crp genes showed that the most conserved sequences were those known to be essential for the expression of E. coli crp.  相似文献   

The bacterial pathogen Salmonella penetrates the intestinal epithelium by inducing its own phagocytosis into epithelial cells. The dramatic reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton required for internalization is driven by bacterial manipulation of host signaling pathways, including activation of the Rho family GTPase Rac1 and subsequent activation of the Arp2/3 complex. However, the mechanisms linking these two events remain poorly understood. Rac1 is thought to promote activation of the Arp2/3 complex through its interaction with suppressor of cAMP receptor/WASP family verprolin-homologous (SCAR/WAVE) family proteins, but this interaction is apparently indirect. Two different Rac1 effectors have been shown to bind WAVE2: IRSp53, the SH3 domain of which binds the WAVE2 proline-rich domain, and PIR121/Sra-1, which forms a pentameric complex containing WAVE, Abi1, Nap1, and HSPC300. However, the extent to which each of these complexes contributes to Arp2/3 complex activation in the context of Salmonella infection is unclear. Here, we show that WAVE2 is necessary for efficient invasion of epithelial cells by Salmonella typhimurium. We found that although Salmonella infection strongly promotes the formation of an IRSp53/WAVE2 complex, IRSp53 is not necessary for bacterial internalization. In contrast, disruption of the PIR121/Nap1/Abi1/WAVE2/HSPC300 complex potently inhibits bacterial uptake. These results indicate that WAVE2 is an important component in signaling pathways leading to Salmonella invasion. Although infection leads to the formation of an IRSp53/WAVE2 complex, it is the association of WAVE2 with the Abi1/Nap1/PIR121/HSPC300 complex that regulates bacterial internalization.  相似文献   

We have established a SYBR Green-based realtime PCR method using AnyDirect solution, which enhances PCR from whole blood, for direct amplification of the virA gene of Shigella flexneri and the invA gene of Salmonella typhimurium from human feces without prior DNA purification. When we compared the efficiency of conventional or realtime PCR amplification of the virA and invA genes from the supernatant of boiled feces supplemented with S. flexneri and S. typhimurium in the presence or absence of AnyDirect solution, amplification products were detected only in reactions to which AnyDirect solution had been added. The detection limit of real-time PCR was 1 x 10(4) CFU/g feces for S. flexneri and 2 x 10(4) CFU/g feces for S. typhimurium this sensitivity level was comparable to other studies. Our real-time PCR assay with AnyDirect solution is simple, rapid, sensitive, and specific, and allows simultaneous detection of S. flexneri and S. typhimurium directly from fecal samples without prior DNA purification.  相似文献   

Vanadium haloperoxidases and the bacterial class A nonspecific acid phosphatases have a conserved active site. It is shown that vanadate-substituted recombinant acid phosphatase from Shigella flexneri (PhoN-Sf) and Salmonella enterica ser. typhimurium (PhoN-Se) in the presence of H2O2 are able to oxidize bromide to hypobromous acid. Vanadate is essential for this activity. The kinetic parameters for the artificial bromoperoxidases have been determined. The Km value for H2O2 is about the same as that for the vanadium bromoperoxidases from the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum. However, the Km value for Br- is about 10-20 times higher, and the turnover values of about 3.4 min-1 and 33 min-1 for PhoN-Sf and PhoN-Se, respectively, are much slower, than those of the native bromoperoxidase. Thus, despite the striking similarity in the active-site structures of the vanadium haloperoxidases and the acid phosphatase, the turnover frequency is low, and clearly the active site of acid phosphatases is not optimized for haloperoxidase activity. Like the native vanadium bromoperoxidase, the vanadate-substituted PhoN-Sf and PhoN-Se catalyse the enantioselective sulfoxidation of thioanisole.  相似文献   

~~Screening and identification of Shigella flexneri 2a virulence-related genes induced after invasion of epithelial cells1. Jin, Q., Yuan, Z., Xu, J., Wang, Y., Shen, Y., Lu, W., Wang, J., Liu, H., Yang, J., Yang, P., Zhang, X., Zhang, J., Yang, G, Wu, H., Qu, D., Dong, J., Sun, L., Xue, Y, Zhao, A., Gao, Y., Zhu, J., Kan, B., Ding, K.. Chen, S., Cheng, H., Yao, Z., He, B., Chen, R., Ma, D., Qiang, B., Wen, Y, Hou, Y., Yu, J., Genome sequence of Shigella flexneri 2…  相似文献   

The Type Three Secretion System (T3SS), or injectisome, is a macromolecular infection machinery present in many pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. It consists of a basal body, anchored in both bacterial membranes, and a hollow needle through which effector proteins are delivered into the target host cell. Two different architectures of the T3SS needle have been previously proposed. First, an atomic model of the Salmonella typhimurium needle was generated from solid-state NMR data. The needle subunit protein, PrgI, comprises a rigid-extended N-terminal segment and a helix-loop-helix motif with the N-terminus located on the outside face of the needle. Second, a model of the Shigella flexneri needle was generated from a high-resolution 7.7-Å cryo-electron microscopy density map. The subunit protein, MxiH, contains an N-terminal α-helix, a loop, another α-helix, a 14-residue-long β-hairpin (Q51–Q64) and a C-terminal α-helix, with the N-terminus facing inward to the lumen of the needle. In the current study, we carried out solid-state NMR measurements of wild-type Shigella flexneri needles polymerized in vitro and identified the following secondary structure elements for MxiH: a rigid-extended N-terminal segment (S2-T11), an α-helix (L12-A38), a loop (E39-P44) and a C-terminal α-helix (Q45-R83). Using immunogold labeling in vitro and in vivo on functional needles, we located the N-terminus of MxiH subunits on the exterior of the assembly, consistent with evolutionary sequence conservation patterns and mutagenesis data. We generated a homology model of Shigella flexneri needles compatible with both experimental data: the MxiH solid-state NMR chemical shifts and the state-of-the-art cryoEM density map. These results corroborate the solid-state NMR structure previously solved for Salmonella typhimurium PrgI needles and establish that Shigella flexneri and Salmonella typhimurium subunit proteins adopt a conserved structure and orientation in their assembled state. Our study reveals a common structural architecture of T3SS needles, essential to understand T3SS-mediated infection and develop treatments.  相似文献   

Several members of the family Enterobacteriaceae were examined for differences in extreme acid survival strategies. A surprising degree of variety was found between three related genera. The minimum growth pH of Salmonella typhimurium was shown to be significantly lower (pH 4.0) than that of either Escherichia coli (pH 4.4) or Shigella flexneri (pH 4.8), yet E. coli and S. flexneri both survive exposure to lower pH levels (2 to 2.5) than S. typhimurium (pH 3.0) in complex medium. S. typhimurium and E. coli but not S. flexneri expressed low-pH-inducible log-phase and stationary-phase acid tolerance response (ATR) systems that function in minimal or complex medium to protect cells to pH 3.0. All of the organisms also expressed a pH-independent general stress resistance system that contributed to acid survival during stationary phase. E. coli and S. flexneri possessed several acid survival systems (termed acid resistance [AR]) that were not demonstrable in S. typhimurium. These additional AR systems protected cells to pH 2.5 and below but required supplementation of minimal medium for either induction or function. One acid-inducible AR system required oxidative growth in complex medium for expression but successfully protected cells to pH 2.5 in unsupplemented minimal medium, while two other AR systems important for fermentatively grown cells required the addition of either glutamate or arginine during pH 2.5 acid challenge. The arginine AR system was only observed in E. coli and required stationary-phase induction in acidified complex medium. The product of the adi locus, arginine decarboxylase, was responsible for arginine-based acid survival.  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium secreted proteins (Ssp) were previously implicated in epithelial cell invasion. Here we describe four genes ( sspB , sspC , sspD , and sspA ), located between spaT and prgH , which encode proteins of 63, 42, 36, and 87 kDa, respectively. These Ssp are homologous to Shigella flexneri secreted proteins lpaB, lpaC, lpaD and lpaA. A non-invasive mutant with a transposon insertion in sspC lacks Ssp of 87,42 and 36 kDa. Complementation analyses show that sspC and sspD encode the 42 and the 36 kDa Ssp, while the 87 kDa Ssp is encoded by sspA . sspC and sspD , but not sspA are required for invasion. Amino-terminal sequencing shows that SspC and SspA are secreted without amino-terminal processing. We further demonstrate that Ssp secretion requires proteins encoded by prgHIJK , homologous to the Shigella lpa secretion system, since SspA is abundantly secreted by wild-type bacteria but is completely retained within the cellular fraction of a prgHIJK mutant. A precipitate containing abundant SspC and three other major Ssp of 63,59 and 22 kDa was isolated from culture supernatants of wild-type bacteria. These data indicate that major secreted invasion determinants of S. typhimurium are structurally and functionally homolgous to S. flexneri lpa proteins.  相似文献   

Virulent bacteria of the genus Yersinia secrete a number of virulence determinants called Yops. These proteins lack typical signal sequences and are not posttranslationally processed. Two gene loci have been identified as being involved in the specific Yop secretion system (G. Cornelis, p. 231-265, In C. E. Hormache, C. W. Penn, and C. J. Smythe, ed., Molecular Biology of Bacterial Infection, 1992; S. C. Straley, G. V. Plano, E. Skrzypek, P. L. Haddix, and K. A. Fields, Mol. Microbiol. 8:1005-1010, 1993). Here, we have shown that the lcrB/virB locus (yscN to yscU) encodes gene products essential for Yop secretion. As in previously described secretion apparatus mutants, expression of the Yop proteins was decreased in the yscN/U mutants. An lcrH yscR double mutant expressed the Yops at an increased level but did not secrete Yops into the culture supernatant. The block in Yop expression of the ysc mutants was also circumvented by overexpression of the activator LcrF in trans. Although the Yops were expressed in elevated amounts, the Yops were still not exported. This analysis showed that the ysc mutants were unable to secrete Yops and that they were also affected in the negative Ca(2+)-regulated loop. The yscN/U genes showed remarkably high homology to the spa genes of Shigella flexneri and Salmonella typhimurium with respect to both individual genes and gene organization. These findings indicate that the genes originated from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Entry into host cells is an essential feature in the pathogenicity of Salmonella spp. The inv locus of Salmonella typhimurium encodes several proteins which are components of a type III protein secretion system required for these organisms to gain access to host cells. We report here the identification of several proteins whose secretion into the culture supernatant of S. typhimurium is dependent on the function of the inv-encoded translocation apparatus. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the genes encoding two of these secreted proteins, SipB and SipC, indicated that they are homologous to the Shigella sp. invasins IpaB and IpaC, respectively. An additional gene was identified, sicA, which encodes a protein homologous to IpgC, a Shigella protein that serves as a molecular chaperone for the invasins IpaB and IpaC. Nonpolar mutations in sicA, sipB, and sipC rendered S. typhimurium unable to enter cultured epithelial cells, indicating that these genes are required for bacterial internalization.  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium cultured with physiological levels of calcium are significantly enhanced in their ability to penetrate HeLa cells in vitro. Increased infectivity was not observed in magnesium-supplemented media, but was demonstrated in calcium-supplemented minimal defined or calcium-supplemented cation-deficient media. Invasion enhancement was observed for a number of S. typhimurium strains and ranged from 28–390% over calcium-deficient controls. Enhanced HeLa cell infectivity was not dependent on the presence of an autonomous 60-MDa plasmid.  相似文献   

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