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ObjectiveTo evaluate the link between EMG findings and clinical status, the Boston questionnaire and the severity of pain in patients with pre-diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome.MethodsA total of 85 patients (133 hands) who presented to the Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation outpatient clinic consecutively with complaints of numbness, tingling, pain and weakness in their hands were evaluated for their demographic and clinical features. After the initial evaluation, the diagnosis of CTS was confirmed by EMG. Visual analog scale (VAS), the Boston Questionnaire (Symptom Severity Scale = SSS, Functional Status Scale = FSS) and nerve conduction study results (sensory conduction velocity = SCV, distal motor latency = DML, compound muscle action potential = CMAP) were enrolled.ResultsEighty-five patients (58 female and 27 male) participated in this study yielding 133 hands (73 right hands, 60 right hands) with CTS. The mean age was 48.3 ± 10.41 years. Of all patients, 68.2 % were female and 31.8 % were male. A statistically significant relationship was found between SSS and duration of symptoms, VAS, both right and left SCV, DML and CMAP. A statistically significant relationship was found between FSS and duration of symptoms, VAS and only right SCV, DML and CMAP.ConclusionThe diagnosis of CTS should be evaluated not only as an electrodiagnostic finding, but also the clinical picture of the patients. According to our results, both SSS and FSS had good correlations with VAS and the findings of EMG. Therefore, the Boston Questionnaire can provide a standardized measure of symptom severity and functional status in patients with CTS.  相似文献   

The hormonal regulation of hepatic synthesis of vitellogenin during the annual reproductive cycle was performed for the first time in the deserticole, oviparous, diurnal and herbivorous Uromastyx acanthinura, a lizard belonging to the Agamidae family. In order to elucidate what kind of estrogen receptor is involved in this process, an immunohistochemical study was performed. Changes were obtained in the labeling and cellular distribution of the estrogen and progesterone receptors according to the period of the reproductive cycle and the experimental administration of 17β-estradiol. Only the ERβ subtype was present; it was found in all phases of the cycle with a variable localization: nuclear and cytosolic during vitellogenesis, mainly cytosolic in the female with egg retention (luteal phase) and strictly cytosolic in females at sexual rest. The progesterone receptors were present only at the luteal phase and during sexual rest and disappeared completely from females after 17β-estradiol treatment in sexual rest. Our data suggested that mediation of action of the 17β-estradiol in the vitellogenin synthesis in the lizard U. acanthinura occured via ERβ. PRA and PRB could both be necessary for the negative effect of progesterone on the hepatic synthesis of vitellogenin.  相似文献   

Higher carpal tunnel pressure is related to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome. Currently, the measurement of carpal tunnel pressure is invasive and therefore, a noninvasive technique is needed. We previously demonstrated that speed of wave propagation through a tendon in the carpal tunnel measured by ultrasound elastography could be used as an indicator of carpal tunnel pressure in a cadaveric model, in which a balloon had to be inserted into the carpal tunnel to adjust the carpal tunnel pressure. However, the method for adjusting the carpal tunnel pressure in the cadaveric model is not applicable for the in vivo model. The objective of this study was to utilize a different technique to adjust carpal tunnel pressure via pressing the palm and to validate it with ultrasound surface wave elastography in a human cadaveric model. The outcome was also compared with a previous balloon insertion technique. Results showed that wave speed of intra-carpal tunnel tendon and the ratio of wave speed of intra-and outer-carpal tunnel tendons increased linearly with carpal tunnel pressure. Moreover, wave speed of intra carpal tunnel tendon via both ways of altering carpal tunnel pressure showed similar results with high correlation. Therefore, it was concluded that the technique of pressing the palm can be used to adjust carpal tunnel pressure, and pressure changes can be detected via ultrasound surface wave elastography in an ex vivo model. Future studies will utilize this technique in vivo to validate the usefulness of ultrasound surface wave elastography for measuring carpal tunnel pressure.  相似文献   

A synthetic progestin, 16α-ethyl-21-hydroxy-19-nor-4-pregnene-3,20-dione (ORG 2058), was utilized to measure progesterone receptors from the rabbit uterus. This steroid has a high affinity for both cytosol and nuclear receptors, with KD values of 1.2 nM (at 0–4°C) and 2.3 nM (at 15°C), respectively. Administration of estradiol-17β or a non-steroidal antiestrogen, tamoxifen, for 5 days to estrous rabbits led to a progressive rise in the cytosol receptor levels: from 34 000 to 120 000 (estradiol-17β) and 80 000 (tamoxifen) receptors/ cell, without any major influence on the nuclear receptor content. A single intravenous injection of progesterone (5 mg/kg) elicited a 3-fold increase in the mean nuclear receptor content at 30 min after injection (from 18 000 to 48 000 receptors/nucleus). Nuclear receptor accumulation was short-lived and returned to control levels within 4 h after treatment. A second dose of progesterone given 24 h later doubled the nuclear receptor level (from 18 000 to 35 000 receptor/nucleus). The concomitant decline in the cytosol receptor content was twice that accounted for by the nuclear receptor accumulation (70 000 vs. 30 000, and 40 000 vs. 17 000 receptors/cell, after the first and second progesterone injection, respectively). Following progesterone administration, the cytosol receptor level reached a nadir by 30 min, exhibited minimal replenishment within the ensuing 24 h, and remained at approx. 50% of the pretreatment values. After a single dose or two consecutive doses of progesterone, total uterine progesterone receptor content declined to about 60% of the level prior to each dose, a nadir being reached at 2 h after treatment.  相似文献   

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a clinical disorder resulting from the compression of the median nerve. The available evidence regarding the association between computer use and CTS is controversial. There is some evidence that computer mouse or keyboard work, or both are associated with the development of CTS. Despite the availability of pressure measurements in the carpal tunnel during computer work (exposure to keyboard or mouse) there are no available data to support a direct effect of the increased intracarpal canal pressure on the median nerve.  相似文献   

A thorough knowledge of the normal physiological fluctuations in estrogen-(ER) and progesterone receptors (PgR) is essential to characterize the changes in ER and PgR in the abnormal endometrium. We investigated the distribution of ER and PgR in frozen human cycling endometrial tissue using the commercially available ER-and PgR-ICA kits. Two-fold end-point titration (EPT) of ER and PgR antibodies was implemented to semi-quantitate more accurately ER and PgR. Semiquantitation of ER and PgR using EPT was significantly correlated to results obtained using either simple scoring or enzyme-immunoassay (EIA) methods. ER and PgR staining fluctuated in relation to the menstrual cycle. In most subphases PgR exceeded ER in both epithelial and stromal cells. Highest levels of ER and PgR were demonstrated in the glands of the functionalis in mid-to-late proliferative phases, whereas both receptors were almost undetectable by immunohistology in the glands of mid-to-late secretory phases. Endometrial stromal cells had high and nearly constant EPT values for PgR, but low values for ER througout the menstrual cycle. EPT values for ER and PgR were generally higher in the basalis than in the functionalis but showed similar cyclic fluctuations. Our results further substantiate the view that the response to hormonal stimulation is cell-type specific, and suggest differences in steroid metabolism according to cell type and layer.  相似文献   

Lactation is associated with suppression of reproductive function, the duration of which depends on the number of young suckled and food availability. Although previous studies have documented increasing responsivity to the positive feedback effects of estrogen on luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion with time postpartum, changes in the ability of estrogen to stimulate sexual behavior across these time points and the influence of food restriction on response to estrogen have not been investigated. Thus, we compared the ability of exogenous estrogen administration to stimulate proceptive and receptive behavior in ad libitum fed and food restricted rats on Days 15 and 20 postpartum. Because the ability of estrogen to induce sexual behavior depends on activation of both estrogen receptors and estrogen-induced progesterone receptors, a second study compared estrogen and progesterone-ir within the VMH and MPOA in similar groups. Finally, we investigated the role of the high levels of progesterone typical of lactation in the suppression of estrogen-induced sexual behavior by transient blockade of the progesterone receptor using RU486. As expected there was an increase across time in the ability of estrogen to stimulate sexual behavior that correlated with an increased ability of estrogen to induce progesterone receptors in the MPOA that was most evident in ad libitum fed rats. RU486 administration concomitant with estrogen administration increased solicitation behavior and was most effective in ad libitum fed rats suggesting an inhibitory role of progesterone on estrogen-induced sexual proceptivity in lactating rats.  相似文献   

Progesterone and estradiol play an important role in the regulation of lung functions such as ventilation and vasoconstriction. The genomic actions of progesterone and estradiol are mediated by their nuclear receptors: progesterone receptors (PR) and estrogen receptors (ER). These actions are linked to interactions between steroid receptors and some cofactors that function as coactivators or corepressors. In this work we determined the content of PR isoforms, ER-beta, one coactivator (SRC-1), and one corepressor (SMRT) in the lung of both female rats during the estrous cycle and intact males by Western blot. The rat lung presented a higher content of PR-A than that of PR-B during the estrous cycle. The highest content of both PR isoforms was observed on the day of proestrus whereas the lowest one was found on the day of estrus. In contrast, the content of ER-beta was the lowest on the day of proestrus and it increased at estrus. The content of SRC-1 and SMRT increased on the day of diestrus. SRC-1 content decreased at proestrus and estrus, while SMRT content decreased at proestrus and increased again at estrus. In the lung of adult male rats the content of PR isoforms, ER-beta and SMRT was lower than in that of females, whereas the content of SRC-1 was similar in both sexes. Our results suggest a sexual dimorphism in the content of PR, ER-beta, and SMRT in the rat lung as well as a relation of their content to the physiological levels of progesterone and estradiol.  相似文献   

In the present study, resorption/abortion was induced between days 25 and 45 of gestation with aglepristone (group IRA, n=10). The aim was to observe the change in the distribution of progesterone (PR) and estrogen receptors (ER), in comparison to a group of spontaneous resorptions/abortions (group SRA, n=5), and a further group of normal healthy pregnant animals, ovariohysterectomized between days 25 and 45 of gestation (controls, n=7). The receptors were assessed by means of immunohistochemistry (IHC) and RT-PCR, at the placental and interplacental sites of the uterine horn as well as in the corpus uteri. Significant differences were observed between the controls on one side and the groups of resorption/abortion on the other side. The total scores of the progesterone receptors (TPR) in the placental and interplacental part of the uterine horn, was significantly lower in the endometrial stromal cells (ESC) of the control group than in those of the SRA- and IRA-group, respectively (placenta: 5.8 vs. 6.5 and 6.7, p<0.01; interplacental sites: 5.6 vs. 6.6 and 6.6, p<0.05). In contrary, the total scores of the estrogen receptors (TER) at interplacental sites and the corpus uteri, respectively, was significantly higher in the myometrial smooth muscle cells (MSMC) and the ESC (p<0.05) of the controls. We therefore conclude, that the here observed differences between groups point to an up-regulation of TPR- and a down-regulation of TER-scores in endometrial stromal cells at different uterine sites during resorption/abortion, which indicates a special role of these cells.  相似文献   

目的探讨雌(Estrogen,E2)、孕激素(Progesterone,P4)对同期发情与自然发情小鼠子宫内膜中孕激素受体(Progesterone receptor,PR)分布的影响。方法45只同日龄雌鼠,根据处理方式的不同随机分为5组:自然发情组(对照组)、同期发情组、卵巢摘除组、P4处理组和E2处理组,5组小鼠在见栓后第4、6、8天分别取样后,采用免疫组织化学法观察小鼠子宫内膜中PR的分布变化情况。结果免疫组织化学染色结果显示,5个处理组小鼠子宫内膜的三种细胞中都有PR存在;同期发情组小鼠子宫内膜中三种类型细胞PR的表达与自然发情组差异有显著性(P〈0.05);P4处理组小鼠子宫内膜中三种类型细胞PR的表达在见栓第4、6天显著低于卵巢摘除组(P〈0.05);E2处理组小鼠子宫内膜腺上皮和间质中PR在第4、6、8天时都显著高于卵巢摘除组(P〈0.05),而在腔上皮中则显著低于卵巢摘除组(P〈0.05)。结论同期发情处理与自然发情小鼠的子宫内膜上PR的分布,都受E2和P4的特异诱导而变化。  相似文献   

Regulation of the immune response is necessary to allow successful pregnancy. Asymmetric IgG antibodies are involved in fetal maintenance. We have previously demonstrated that estrogen (E2) and progesterone (P4) modulate the synthesis of asymmetric antibodies but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Since IL-6 and a progesterone-induced blocking factor (PIBF) were shown to regulate asymmetric antibody synthesis, in this work we analyzed whether E2 and P4 were able to modulate IL-6 signal transduction pathways and the ability of P4 to induce PIBF synthesis, in hybridoma B cells was also evaluated. We found that the IL-6 treatment induced an increase in the expression of gp130 and JAK1 by the hybridoma. E2 and P4 diminished the IL-6-induced gp130 expression in a dose-dependent manner, whereas the expression of JAK1 was not significantly affected. At 10(-6)M concentration, the steroids inhibited the phosphorylation of gp130 and diminished the IL-6-induced STAT3 phosphorylation and traslocation to the nucleus. Maximal PIBF expression was observed when the hybridoma was cultured with 10(-10)M P4, compared to the control (p<0.05). Results demonstrate two molecular mechanisms, the modulation of the IL-6R signal transduction pathway and PIBF induction, which could be involved in the immunoregulatory role of sexual steroids during pregnancy.  相似文献   

We studied the role of progesterone receptor (PR) in the display of female sexual behavior during postpartum estrus in rats. Adult female rats were treated with the PR antagonist, RU486 (1.25 and 5 mg), 3 h after parturition and sexual behavior was evaluated throughout the first postpartum day. Estradiol and progesterone serum levels changed during the first 24 h postpartum. The highest estradiol and progesterone levels were found at 9 and 12 h postpartum, respectively. The predominant PR isoform in the hypothalamus and the preoptic area was PR-A during postpartum day. The content of PR-A increased at 6 h postpartum in the hypothalamus and the preoptic area, and decreased in both regions at 9 h. PR-B content only increased in the preoptic area at 12 h postpartum. The highest display of lordotic and proceptive behaviors were found at 12 h postpartum. The treatment with 1.25 and 5 mg of RU486 respectively reduced lordosis by 61% and 92% at 12 h postpartum. These results suggest that PR is essential in the display of postpartum estrus in rats.  相似文献   

The rabbit model is commonly used to study carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). It has been proposed that the subsynovial connective tissue (SSCT) in the carpal tunnel may play a role in the etiology of CTS, but the material properties of the rabbit SSCT are unknown. The purpose of this study was to develop a method to measure the shear properties of the rabbit SSCT. In six rabbit cadaver forepaws, the excursion of the third digit flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) and load to failure of the SSCT were measured in a custom device. The mean excursion to full flexion in this model was 7.08 mm (S.D. 0.77). The mean shearing force at full flexion was 317 mN (S.D. 166). At full flexion percentage of maximum shear force in the SSCT was 54.5% (S.D. 19.4). The mean energy absorbed at full flexion was 0.29 mJ (S.D. 0.31). The mean excursion needed to reach 5% of the maximum shear force was 3.04 mm (S.D. 0.99). The testing model presented in this study demonstrates structural parameters to evaluate the shear properties of the SSCT in a rabbit model. The data presented could be used for estimating sample sizes in a more comprehensive study of the effect of CTS on the SSCT properties.  相似文献   

Summary Cell nuclei containing progesterone receptor were identified immunohistochemically in the hypothalamus and forebrain of the domestic hen using an antiserum to the steroid binding B subunit (110 kDa) of chicken oviduct progesterone receptor and the avidin-biotin complex procedure. Cell nuclei containing progesterone receptor were widely distributed in the anterior, medial and basal hypothalamus with the highest density occurring in the lamina terminalis and the preoptic area. Abundant, though less intensely reacting progesterone receptor was present in cell nuclei in the tuberal infundibular area and in the internal zone of the median eminence. A large group of cell nuclei containing progesterone receptor occurred in the dorsal anterior hypothalamus between the anterior commissure and the lateral ventricle. This group of nuclei extended anteriorly into the telencephalon. A small number of cell nuclei containing progesterone receptor was also found in the ventral telencephalon in the region of the nucleus accumbens.  相似文献   

Estrogen-alpha receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) were examined immunohistochemically in uteri of normal bitches, in uteri of bitches with cystic endometrial hyperplasia-mucometra (CEH-M) and in uteri of bitches with endometritis-pyometra (E-P), under exogenous progesterone treatment.In the CEH-M group, the ER- and PR-scores of all uterine cell types were higher than the ER- and PR-scores of normal uteri, although these differences were not always statistically significant. The ER-scores of E-P group were significantly lower than the ER-scores of the normal uteri and CEH-M group. The PR-scores of the E-P group tended to be higher than the PR-scores of the normal uteri, except for the surface epithelium, although these differences were not statistically significant. Exogenous progesterone treated bitches with CEH-M or E-P showed reduced ER- and PR-scores in the different uterine cell types, compared with the corresponding nontreated CEH-M or E-P group.The differences in ER and PR expression between CEH-M and E-P suggest different factors in the pathogenesis of both entities. Although, these changes in ER and PR expression do not seem to be directly involved in the pathogenesis of CEH-M and E-P. It is suggested that for CEH-M and progestin induced CEH-M a hormone dependent pathway is responsible. For P, the trigger may be bacterial infection.  相似文献   

Both sodium molybdate and Percoll density gradient stabilize the hormone-binding capacities of the estrogen and progestin receptors and individually increase the recovery of these receptors in prepared cytosols of the separated mouse vaginal epithelium and fibromascular wall. Their effects are additive. The concentrations of estrogen receptors are similar in the epithelial and fibromuscular comparaments, whereas progestin receptor concentrations are higher in the epithelium.  相似文献   

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