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The small G protein Arf1 regulates Golgi traffic and is activated by two related types of guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF). GBF1 acts at the cis-Golgi, whereas BIG1 and its close paralog BIG2 act at the trans-Golgi. Peripheral membrane proteins such as these GEFs are often recruited to membranes by small G proteins, but the basis for specific recruitment of Arf GEFs, and hence Arfs, to Golgi membranes is not understood. In this paper, we report a liposome-based affinity purification method to identify effectors for small G proteins of the Arf family. We validate this with the Drosophila melanogaster Arf1 orthologue (Arf79F) and the related class II Arf (Arf102F), which showed a similar pattern of effector binding. Applying the method to the Arf-like G protein Arl1, we found that it binds directly to Sec71, the Drosophila ortholog of BIG1 and BIG2, via an N-terminal region. We show that in mammalian cells, Arl1 is necessary for Golgi recruitment of BIG1 and BIG2 but not GBF1. Thus, Arl1 acts to direct a trans-Golgi-specific Arf1 GEF, and hence active Arf1, to the trans side of the Golgi.  相似文献   

The prototypical DOCK protein, DOCK180, is an evolutionarily conserved Rac regulator and is indispensable during processes such as cell migration and myoblast fusion. The biological activity of DOCK180 is tightly linked to its binding partner ELMO. We previously reported that autoinhibited ELMO proteins regulate signaling from this pathway. One mechanism to activate the ELMO-DOCK180 complex appears to be the recruitment of this complex to the membrane via the Ras-binding domain (RBD) of ELMO. In the present study, we aimed to identify novel ELMO-interacting proteins to further define the molecular events capable of controlling ELMO recruitment to the membrane. To do so, we performed two independent interaction screens: one specifically interrogated an active GTPase library while the other probed a brain cDNA library. Both methods converged on Arl4A, an Arf-related GTPase, as a specific ELMO interactor. Biochemically, Arl4A is constitutively GTP-loaded, and our binding assays confirm that both wild-type and constitutively active forms of the GTPase associate with ELMO. Mechanistically, we report that Arl4A binds the ELMO RBD and acts as a membrane localization signal for ELMO. In addition, we report that membrane targeting of ELMO via Arl4A promotes cytoskeletal reorganization including membrane ruffling and stress fiber disassembly via an ELMO-DOCK1800-Rac signaling pathway. We conclude that ELMO is capable of interacting with GTPases from Rho and Arf families, leading to the conclusion that ELMO contains a versatile RBD. Furthermore, via binding of an Arf family GTPase, the ELMO-DOCK180 is uniquely positioned at the membrane to activate Rac signaling and remodel the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Once overlooked as an evolutionary vestige, the primary cilium has recently been the focus of intensive studies. Mounting data show that this organelle is a hub for various signaling pathways during vertebrate embryonic development and pattern formation. However, how cilia form and how cilia execute the sensory function still remain poorly understood. Cilia dysfunction is correlated with a wide spectrum of human diseases, now termed ciliopathies. Various small GTPases, including the members in Arf/Arl, Rab, and Ran subfamilies, have been implicated in cilia formation and/or function. Here we review and discuss the role of one particular group of small GTPase, Arf/Arl, in the context of cilia and ciliopathy.  相似文献   

Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is a pleiotropically genetic disorder, whose etiology is linked to cilia. Mutations in the Arf/Arl-family GTPase Arl6 have been recently shown to be responsible for BBS type 3. Here we show that BBS mutations alter the guanine nucleotide-binding properties of Arl6. Specifically, substitution of 31st Threonine to Arginine selectively abrogates the GTP-binding ability of Arl6 without affecting GDP-binding/dissociating properties. Furthermore, all the BBS mutations in Arl6 result in low expression of the mutant proteins, which can be restored by the inhibition of the proteasome. These findings implicate that Arl6 mutants are destabilized and eliminated by the proteasome in cells, probably due to the altered nucleotide-binding properties.  相似文献   

ARNO is a soluble guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for the Arf family of GTPases. Although in biochemical assays ARNO prefers Arf1 over Arf6 as a substrate, its localization in cells at the plasma membrane (PM) suggests an interaction with Arf6. In this study, we found that ARNO activated Arf1 in HeLa and COS-7 cells resulting in the recruitment of Arf1 on to dynamic PM ruffles. By contrast, Arf6 was activated less by ARNO than EFA6, a canonical Arf6 GEF. Remarkably, Arf6 in its GTP-bound form recruited ARNO to the PM and the two proteins could be immunoprecipitated. ARNO binding to Arf6 was not mediated through the catalytic Sec7 domain, but via the pleckstrin homology (PH) domain. Active Arf6 also bound the PH domain of Grp1, another ARNO family member. This interaction was direct and required both inositol phospholipids and GTP. We propose a model of sequential Arf activation at the PM whereby Arf6-GTP recruits ARNO family GEFs for further activation of other Arf isoforms.  相似文献   

The Arf6-specific exchange factor EFA6 coordinates membrane trafficking with actin cytoskeleton remodeling. It localizes to the plasma membrane where it catalyzes Arf6 activation and induces the formation of actin-based membrane ruffles. We have shown previously that the pleckstrin homology (PH) domain of EFA6 was responsible for its membrane localization. In this study we looked for the partners of the PH domain at the plasma membrane. Mutations of the conserved basic residues suspected to be involved in the binding to phosphoinositides redistribute EFA6-PH to the cytosol. In addition, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) breakdown also leads to the solubilization of EFA6-PH. Direct binding measured by surface plasmon resonance gives an apparent affinity of approximately 0.5 microm EFA6-PH for PI(4,5)P2. Moreover, we observed in vitro that the catalytic activity of EFA6 is strongly increased by PI(4,5)P2. These results indicate that the plasma membrane localization of EFA6-PH is based on its interaction with PI(4,5)P2, and this interaction is necessary for an optimal catalytic activity of EFA6. Furthermore, we demonstrated by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and Triton X-100 detergent solubility experiments that in addition to the phophoinositides, EFA6-PH is linked to the actin cytoskeleton. We observed both in vivo and in vitro that EFA6-PH interacts directly with F-actin. Finally, we demonstrated that EFA6 could bind simultaneously filamentous actin and phospholipids vesicles. Our results explain how the exchange factor EFA6 via its PH domain could coordinate at the plasma membrane actin cytoskeleton organization with membrane trafficking.  相似文献   

Arf proteins are important regulators of cellular traffic and the founding members of an expanding family of homologous proteins and genomic sequences. They depart from other small GTP-binding proteins by a unique structural device, which we call the 'interswitch toggle', that implements front–back communication from the N-terminus to the nucleotide binding site. Here we define the sequence and structural determinants that propagate information across the protein and identify them in all of the Arf family proteins other than Arl6 and Arl4/Arl7. The positions of these determinants lead us to propose that Arf family members with the interswitch toggle device are activated by a bipartite mechanism acting on opposite sides of the protein. The presence of this communication device might provide a more useful basis for unifying Arf homologs as a family than do the cellular functions of these proteins, which are mostly unrelated. We review available genomic sequences and functional data from this perspective, and identify a novel subfamily that we call Arl8.  相似文献   

ARF1 and ARF6 are distant members of the ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) small G-protein subfamily. Their distinct cellular functions must result from specificity of interaction with different effectors and regulators, including guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs). ARF nucleotide-binding site opener (ARNO), and EFA6 are analogous ARF-GEFs, both comprising a catalytic "Sec7" domain and a pleckstrin homology domain. In vivo ARNO, like ARF1, is mostly cytosolic, with minor localizations at the Golgi and plasma membrane; EFA6, like ARF6, is restricted to the plasma membrane. However, depending on conditions, ARNO appears active on ARF6 as well as on ARF1. Here we analyze the origin of these ARF-GEF selectivities. In vitro, in the presence of phospholipid membranes, ARNO activates ARF1 preferentially and ARF6 slightly, whereas EFA6 activates ARF6 exclusively; the stimulation efficiency of EFA6 on ARF6 is comparable with that of ARNO on ARF1. These selectivities are determined by the GEFs Sec7 domains alone, without the pleckstrin homology and N-terminal domains, and by the ARF core domains, without the myristoylated N-terminal helix; they are not modified upon permutation between ARF1 and ARF6 of the few amino acids that differ within the switch regions. Thus selectivity for ARF1 or ARF6 must depend on subtle folding differences between the ARFs switch regions that interact with the Sec7 domains.  相似文献   

The luteinizing hormone chorionic gonadotropin receptor (LHCGR) is a G(s)-coupled GPCR that is essential for the maturation and function of the ovary and testis. LHCGR is internalized following its activation, which regulates the biological responsiveness of the receptor. Previous studies indicated that ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF)6 and its GTP-exchange factor (GEF) cytohesin 2 regulate LHCGR internalization in follicular membranes. However, the mechanisms by which ARF6 and cytohesin 2 regulate LHCGR internalization remain incompletely understood. Here we investigated the role of the ARF6 signaling pathway in the internalization of heterologously expressed human LHCGR (HLHCGR) in intact cells using a combination of pharmacological inhibitors, siRNA and the expression of mutant proteins. We found that human CG (HCG)-induced HLHCGR internalization, cAMP accumulation and ARF6 activation were inhibited by Gallein (βγ inhibitor), Wortmannin (PI 3-kinase inhibitor), SecinH3 (cytohesin ARF GEF inhibitor), QS11 (an ARF GAP inhibitor), an ARF6 inhibitory peptide and ARF6 siRNA. However, Dynasore (dynamin inhibitor), the dominant negative mutants of NM23-H1 (dynamin activator) and clathrin, and PBP10 (PtdIns 4,5-P2-binding peptide) inhibited agonist-induced HLHCGR and cAMP accumulation but not ARF6 activation. These results indicate that heterotrimeric G-protein, phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase (PI3K), cytohesin ARF GEF and ARF GAP function upstream of ARF6 whereas dynamin and clathrin act downstream of ARF6 in the regulation of HCG-induced HLHCGR internalization and signaling. In conclusion, we have identified the components and molecular details of the ARF6 signaling pathway required for agonist-induced HLHCGR internalization.  相似文献   



Many studies implicate Arf6 activity in Rac-mediated membrane ruffling and cytoskeletal reorganization. Although Arf6 facilitates the trafficking of Rac1 to the plasma membrane and in many cases Arf6 activation leads to the activation of Rac1, the details of how Arf6 influences Rac function remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

The ADP ribosylation factors (Arfs) are a family of small, ubiquitously expressed and evolutionarily conserved guanosine triphosphatases that are key regulators of vesicular transport in eukaryotic cells (D'Souza-Schorey C, Chavrier P. ARF proteins: roles in membrane traffic and beyond. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2006;7:347-358). Although Arfs are best known for their role in the nucleation of coat protein assembly at a variety of intracellular locations, it is increasingly apparent that they are also integral components in a number of important signaling pathways that are regulated by extracellular cues. The activation of Arfs is catalyzed by a family of guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), referred to as the Sec7 family, based on homology of their catalytic domains to the yeast Arf GEF, sec7p. While there are only six mammalian Arfs, the human genome encodes 15 Sec7 family members, which can be divided into five classes based on related domain organization. Some of this diversity arises from the tissue-specific expression of certain isoforms, but all mammalian cells appear to express at least six Arf GEFs, suggesting that Arf activation is under extensive regulatory control. Here we review recent progress in our understanding of the structure, localization and biology of the different classes of Arf GEFs.  相似文献   

Many of the more than 20 mammalian proteins with N-BAR domains control cell architecture and endocytosis by associating with curved sections of the plasma membrane. It is not well understood whether N-BAR proteins are recruited directly by processes that mechanically curve the plasma membrane or indirectly by plasma-membrane-associated adaptor proteins that recruit proteins with N-BAR domains that then induce membrane curvature. Here, we show that externally induced inward deformation of the plasma membrane by cone-shaped nanostructures (nanocones) and internally induced inward deformation by contracting actin cables both trigger recruitment of isolated N-BAR domains to the curved plasma membrane. Markedly, live-cell imaging in adherent cells showed selective recruitment of full-length N-BAR proteins and isolated N-BAR domains to plasma membrane sub-regions above nanocone stripes. Electron microscopy confirmed that N-BAR domains are recruited to local membrane sites curved by nanocones. We further showed that N-BAR domains are periodically recruited to curved plasma membrane sites during local lamellipodia retraction in the front of migrating cells. Recruitment required myosin-II-generated force applied to plasma-membrane-connected actin cables. Together, our results show that N-BAR domains can be directly recruited to the plasma membrane by external push or internal pull forces that locally curve the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Cytohesin is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor that regulates members of the ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) family of small GTPases. All of the members of the cytohesin family (including ARNO, ARNO3, and the newly characterized cytohesin-4) have a similar domain distribution consisting of a Sec7 homology domain, a pleckstrin homology domain, and an N-terminal coiled coil. In this study, we attempt to identify proteins that interact specifically with the coiled coil motif of cytohesin. Yeast two-hybrid screening of a B cell library using the cytohesin N terminus as bait, identified CASP, a scaffolding protein of previously unknown function, as a binding partner. CASP contains an internal coiled coil motif that is required for cytohesin binding both in vitro and in COS-1 cells. The specificity of the coiled coil of CASP is not restricted to cytohesin, however, because it is also capable of interacting with other members of the cytohesin/ARNO family, ARNO and ARNO3. In immunofluorescence experiments, CASP localizes to perinuclear tubulovesicular structures that are in close proximity to the Golgi. These structures remain relatively undisturbed when the cells are treated with brefeldin A. In epidermal growth factor-stimulated COS-1 cells overexpressing cytohesin and CASP, cytohesin recruits CASP to membrane ruffles, revealing a functional interaction between the two proteins. These observations collectively suggest that CASP is a scaffolding protein that facilitates the function of at least one member of the cytohesin/ARNO family in response to specific cellular stimuli.  相似文献   

Arf6 is an isoform of Arf that localizes at the periphery of the cell where it has an essential role in endocytotic pathways. Its function does not overlap with that of Arf1, although the two proteins share approximately 70% sequence identity and they have switch regions, whose conformation depends on the nature of the guanine nucleotide, with almost identical sequences. The crystal structure of Arf6-GDP at 2.3 A shows that it has a conformation similar to that of Arf1-GDP, which cannot bind membranes with high affinity. Significantly, the switch regions of Arf6 deviate by 2-5 A from those of Arf1. These differences are a consequence of the shorter N-terminal linker of Arf6 and of discrete sequence changes between Arf6 and Arf1. Mutational analysis shows that one of the positions which differs between Arf1 and Arf6 affects the configuration of the nucleotide binding site and thus the nucleotide binding properties of the Arf variant. Altogether, our results provide a structural basis for understanding how Arf1 and Arf6 can be distinguished by their guanine nucleotide exchange factors and suggest a model for the nucleotide/membrane cycle of Arf6.  相似文献   

The small GTP-binding protein ADP-ribosylation factor 6 (Arf6) is involved in plasma membrane/endosomes trafficking. However, precisely how the activation of Arf6 regulates vesicular transport is still unclear. Here, we show that, in vitro, recombinant Arf6GTP recruits purified clathrin-adaptor complex AP-2 (but not AP-1) onto phospholipid liposomes in the absence of phosphoinositides. We also show that phosphoinositides and Arf6 tightly cooperate to translocate AP-2 to the membrane. In vivo, Arf6GTP (but not Arf6GDP) was found associated to AP-2. The expression of the GTP-locked mutant of Arf6 leads to the plasma membrane redistribution of AP-2 in Arf6GTP-enriched areas. Finally, we demonstrated that the expression of the GTP-locked mutant of Arf6 inhibits transferrin receptor internalization without affecting its recycling. Altogether, our results demonstrated that Arf6GTP interacts specifically with AP-2 and promotes its membrane recruitment. These findings strongly suggest that Arf6 plays a major role in clathrin-mediated endocytosis by directly controlling the assembly of the AP-2/clathrin coat.  相似文献   

Small GTP-binding proteins of the Ras superfamily play diverse roles in intracellular trafficking. In order to perform these functions, the proteins must associate with specific donor vesicles and be recycled after fusion of these vesicles with their acceptor membrane target. Recent results have identified a number of lipid modifications of these proteins, occurring at the N- or C-termini, that contribute to their membrane binding. Recycling appears, in some cases, to be mediated by soluble proteins that bind the lipid-modified tails, removing them from the membrane and allowing their reutilization via the cytosol.  相似文献   

The GTPases Arl1 and Ypt6 are involved in the intracellular transport of vesicles and their fusion with the trans-Golgi network. This work is focused on comparing the roles of these GTPases in the tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells to an increased concentration of alkali metal cations and other stress factors. We studied the phenotypes of arl1 or ypt6 deletions in combination with the deletions of genes encoding alkali-metal-cation transporters (ena1-4, nha1, nhx1, and kha1). Salt sensitivity of the arl1 and ypt6 mutants was shown to be independent of the tested cation transporters and electrochemical membrane potential. Phenotype manifestations of ypt6 deletion were usually more prominent than those of arl1 (cells were more sensitive to KCl, NaCl, LiCl, hygromycin B, increased temperature, and increased pH). At suboptimal temperature, the growth inhibition of arl1 and ypt6 mutants was approximately the same, and low pH was the only condition where arl1 mutants grew even worse than ypt6 mutants. Overexpression of the ARL1 gene suppressed the phenotypes of ypt6 deletion; however, this did not work vice versa (additional copies of YPT6 could not replace ARL1). Our results suggest partially overlapping functions of the GTPases in resistance to various stress factors, with Ypt6 being more efficient under physiological conditions and Arl1 more versatile when overexpressed.  相似文献   

Takida S  Wedegaertner PB 《FEBS letters》2004,567(2-3):209-213
Heterotrimeric G proteins are lipid-modified, peripheral membrane proteins that function at the inner surface of the plasma membrane (PM) to relay signals from cell-surface receptors to downstream effectors. Cellular trafficking pathways that direct nascent G proteins to the PM are poorly defined. In this report, we test the proposal that G proteins utilize the classical exocytic pathway for PM targeting. PM localization of the G protein heterotrimers alpha s beta 1 gamma 2 and alpha q beta 1 gamma 2 occurred independently of treatment of cells with Brefeldin A, which disrupts the Golgi, or expression of Sar1 mutants, which prevent the formation of endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi transport vesicles. Moreover, the palmitoylation of alpha q was unaffected by Brefeldin A treatment, even though the palmitoylation of SNAP25 was blocked by Brefeldin A. Non-palmitoylated mutants of alpha s and alpha q failed to stably bind to beta gamma and displayed a dispersed cytoplasmic localization when co-expressed with beta gamma. These findings support a refined model of the PM trafficking pathway of G proteins, involving assembly of the heterotrimer at the endoplasmic reticulum and transport to the PM independently of the Golgi.  相似文献   

Arf GTPases regulate membrane trafficking and actin dynamics. Grp1, ARNO, and Cytohesin-1 comprise a family of phosphoinositide-dependent Arf GTPase exchange factors with a Sec7-pleckstrin homology (PH) domain tandem. Here, we report that the exchange activity of the Sec7 domain is potently autoinhibited by conserved elements proximal to the PH domain. The crystal structure of the Grp1 Sec7-PH tandem reveals a pseudosubstrate mechanism of autoinhibition in which the linker region between domains and a C-terminal amphipathic helix physically block the docking sites for the switch regions of Arf GTPases. Mutations within either element result in partial or complete activation. Critical determinants of autoinhibition also contribute to insulin-stimulated plasma membrane recruitment. Autoinhibition can be largely reversed by binding of active Arf6 to Grp1 and by phosphorylation of tandem PKC sites in Cytohesin-1. These observations suggest that Grp1 family GEFs are autoregulated by mechanisms that depend on plasma membrane recruitment for activation.  相似文献   

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