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A model of the dynamics of a single metapopulation with space-limited subpopulations (J. Roughgarden and Y. Iwasa, 1986, Theor. Pop. Biol. 29, 235–261) is extended to include interspecific competition for space. The location and stability of steady states for the regional competition community are analyzed; a necessary condition for stable regional coexisitence of many species, and the condition for successful invasion of a new species into a region, are derived. General results are (1) the number of species that can coexist in a regional competition community is less than or equal to the number of distinct types of local habitats in the region and (2) for any pair of species coexisting in a regional community, say species-i and species-j, there is at least one place where species-i has a higher productivity relative to its larval mortality rate than species-j, and at least one place where species-j has a higher productivity relative to its larval mortality rate than species-i. A regional competition community consisting of two species competing for the space in two local habitats is analyzed using a graphical classification. If both local habitats are net “sources” of larvae for the regional populations of both species, then the qualitative results of interspecific competition on a regional scale are the same as those of the classical two-species Lotka-Volterra competition equations. If one of the local habitats is a net “sink” for larvae of one or more of the metapopulations, then additional results are possible: (1) The existence of a species may require the presence of its competitor. (2) A species which cannot invade an empty regional community may be able to invade if another species is present, and may then displace the first species leaving a regional community that again has one species. (3) A second species may invade a regional community containing one species with the end result that both become extinct.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of metapopulations offers insights into the genetic consequences of local extinction and recolonization. We studied allozyme variation in rock pool metapopulations of two species of waterfleas (Daphnia) with the aim to understand how these dynamics influence genetic differentiation. We screened 138 populations of D. magna and 65 populations of D. longispina from an area in the archipelago of southern Finland. The pools from which they were sampled are separated by distances between 1.5 and 4710 m and located on a total of 38 islands. The genetic population structure of the two species was strikingly similar, consistent with their similar metapopulation ecology. The mean F(PT) value (differentiation among pools with respect to the total metapopulation) was 0.55 and a hierarchical analysis showed that genetic differentiation was strong (>0.25) among pools within islands as well as among whole islands. Within islands, pairwise genetic differentiation increased with geographic distance, indicating isolation by distance due to spatially limited dispersal. Previous studies have shown strong founder events occurring during colonization in our metapopulation. We suggest that the genetic population structure in the studied metapopulations is largely explained by three consequences of these founder events: (i) strong drift during colonization, (ii) local inbreeding, which results in hybrid vigour and increased effective migration rates after subsequent immigration, and (iii) effects of selection through hitchhiking of neutral genes with linked loci under selection.  相似文献   

Journal of Mathematical Biology - In insect respiration, oxygen from the air diffuses through a branching system of air-filled tubes to the cells of the body and carbon dioxide produced in cellular...  相似文献   

Wang R  Wang Y  Lei G  Xu R  Painter J 《Biochemical genetics》2003,41(3-4):107-118
We analyzed genetic differentiation within metapopulations of two species of checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas aurinia and Melitaea phoebe, in China. To generate genetic information, we used a new molecular technique, DALP – direct amplified length polymorphism. AMOVA results showed that most of the variation occurred among individuals within local populations of both E. aurinia and M. phoebe. However, while there was differentiation among local population in E. aurinia (P < 0.001), there was no subdivision in metapopulation of M. phoebe (P = 0.210). This is consistent with the behavior of M. phoebe adults being more dispersive than E. aurinia. Within the M. phoebe metapopulation, three neighboring patches were always occupied during the observation period (1998–2000). In addition, the number of individuals in these three populations accounted for the majority of M. phoebe larvae, and hence we conclude that the M. phoebe metapopulation might exist as a source-sink metapopulation. On the other hand, the E. aurinia metapopulation is an example of a classical metapopulation. Therefore, the conservation management of these two species should reflect these differences.  相似文献   

Long-term dynamics in rock pool Daphnia metapopulations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Metapopulations of Daphnia longispina , D. magna and D. pulex on 16 islands containing 507 rock pools were studied over 17 yr (autumns 1982–1998). Two yearly samples were taken representing early and late summer conditions. A local extinction was assumed when a species was absent from a pool for more than one year. Average yearly extinction rates, calculated from probability of survival in age grouped data, were close to 20%, and number of extinctions was on average balanced by the number of colonizations. Extinction rates during the first year following colonization were 45–50% in all species, but later decreased to low values. In first-year data, single species populations of D. magna had lower extinction rates than in multi-species pools. In later years all species combinations had similar extinction rates. The average proportion of rock pools occupied by D. longispina in any given year was 0.178, by D. magna 0.169 and by D. pulex 0.056. In 22% of cases, coexistence was observed. 71% of the pools were colonized at least once. The distribution of shortest colonization distances was left-skewed, and median distances (7–8 m) were same in all species. The distribution of colonizations mostly corresponded to the expected frequencies calculated as the product of frequencies of source and target pools. Both D. longispina and D. magna colonized pools already occupied with a somewhat higher probability than empty pools. Probably owing to variation of habitat quality, Daphnia populations in some rock pools appear to be less prone to extinction, providing sources of dispersal to patches with higher extinction risk. The system appears to be at an approximate equilibrium, with several characteristics close to classical metapopulation system.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that genetic diversity and genetic differentiation may strongly vary among populations of the same species depending on population turnover and local population sizes. Yet, despite the importance of these predictions for evolutionary and conservation issues, empirical studies comparing high‐turnover and low‐turnover populations of the same species are scarce. In this study, we used Daphnia magna, a freshwater crustacean, as a model organism for such a comparison. In the southern/central part of its range, D. magna inhabits medium‐sized, stable ponds, whereas in the north, it occurs in small rock pools with strong population turnover. We found that these northern populations have a significantly lower genetic diversity and higher genetic differentiation compared to the southern/central populations. Total genetic diversity across populations was only about half and average within‐population diversity only about a third of that in southern/central populations. Moreover, an average southern population contains more genetic diversity than the whole metapopulation system in the north. We based our analyses both on silent sites and microsatellites. The similarity of our results despite the contrasting mutation rates of these markers suggests that the differences are caused by contemporary rather than by historical processes. Our findings show that variation in population turnover and population size may have a major impact on the genetic diversity and differentiation of populations, and hence may lead to differences in evolutionary processes like local adaptation, hybrid vigour and breeding system evolution in different parts of a species range.  相似文献   

In metapopulations, only a fraction of all local host populations may be infected with a given parasite species, and limited dispersal of parasites suggests that colonization of host populations by parasites may involve only a small number of parasite strains. Using hosts and parasites obtained from a natural metapopulation, we studied the evolutionary consequences of invasion by single strains of parasites in experimental populations of the cyclical parthenogen Daphnia magna. In two experiments, each spanning approximately one season, we monitored clone frequency changes in outdoor container populations consisting of 13 and 19 D. magna clones, respectively. The populations were either infected with single strains of the microsporidian parasites Octosporea bayeri or Ordospora colligata or left unparasitized. In both experiments, infection changed the representation of clones over time significantly, indicating parasite-mediated evolution in the experimental populations. Furthermore, the two parasite species changed clone frequencies differently, suggesting that the interaction between infection and competitive ability of the hosts was specific to the parasite species. Taken together, our results suggest that parasite strains that invade local host populations can lead to evolutionary changes in the genetic composition of the host population and that this change is parasite-species specific.  相似文献   

Despite many ecological and evolutionary studies, the history of several species complexes within the freshwater crustacean genus Daphnia (Branchiopoda, Anomopoda) is poorly understood. In particular, the Daphnia longispina group, comprising several large-lake species, is characterized by pronounced phenotypic plasticity, many hybridizing species and backcrossing. We studied clonal assemblages from lakes and ponds comprising daphnids from several species complexes. In order to reveal patterns of reticulate evolution and introgression among species, we analysed three data sets and compared nuclear, mtDNA and morphological divergence using animals from 158 newly established clonal cultures. By examining 15 nuclear and 11 mitochondrial (12S/16S rDNA) genetic characters (allozymes/restriction enzymes), and 48 morphological traits, we found high clonal diversity and discontinuities in genotypic and morphological space which allowed us to group clones by cytonuclear differentiation into seven units (outgroup D. pulex). In contrast to six groups emerging from nuclear divergence (related to three traditional species, D. cucullata, D. galeata, D. hyalina and three pairwise intermediate hybrids), a seventh group of clones was clearly resolved by morphological divergence: distinct mtDNA haplotypes within one nuclear defined cluster, ‘D. hyalina’, resembled traditional D. hyalina and D. rosea phenotypes, respectively. In other nuclear defined clusters, association between mtDNA haplotype and morphology was low, despite hybridization being bidirectional (reciprocal crosses). Morphological divergence was greatest between young sister species which are separated on the lake/pond level, suggesting a significant role for divergent selection during speciation along with habitat shifts. Phylogenetic analyses were restricted to four cytonuclear groups of clones related to species. mtDNA and nuclear phylogenies were consistent in low genetic divergence and monophyly of D. hyalina and D. rosea. Incongruent patterns of phylogenies and different levels of genetic differentiation between traditional species suggest reticulate evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

The field of genetic diversity in protists, particularly phytoplankton, is under expansion. However, little is known regarding variation in genetic diversity within populations over time. The aim of our study was to investigate intrapopulation genetic diversity and genetic differentiation in the freshwater bloom-forming microalga Gonyostomum semen (Raphidophyceae). The study covered a 2-year period including all phases of the bloom. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to determine the genetic structure and diversity of the population. Our results showed a significant differentiation between samples collected during the two blooms from consecutive years. Also, an increase of gene diversity and a loss of differentiation among sampling dates were observed over time within a single bloom. The latter observations may reflect the continuous germination of cysts from the sediment. The life cycle characteristics of G.?semen, particularly reproduction and recruitment, most likely explain a high proportion of the observed variation. This study highlights the importance of the life cycle for the intraspecific genetic diversity of microbial species, which alternates between sexual and asexual reproduction.  相似文献   

We studied the development of genetic differentiation and postzygotic isolation in experimental metapopulations of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch. A genetically diverse starter population was made by allowing six inbred sublines to interbreed. Then three migration patterns were tested: no migration, or one or three immigrants per subpopulation per generation. Variations in four traits were investigated: allozymes, acaricide resistance, diapause, and hatchability. In the allozymes, acaricide resistance, and diapause, genetic variation among subpopulations became high in metapopulations with no migration, but not in the others, which showed that one immigrant is enough to prevent genetic differentiation. Hatchability, which was decreased by interbreeding among the six sublines, gradually recovered in succeeding generations. In metapopulations with no migration, hatchability was reduced again after in-migration at the 15th generation. Different karyotypes or coadapted gene complexes can survive in different subpopulations by genetic drift, and both Wolbachia-infected and -noninfected subpopulations may be selected, which would lead to postzygotic isolation between isolated subpopulations. Our results indicate that sampling effects such as genetic drift or stochastic loss of Wolbachia produce postzygotic isolation in laboratory populations of spider mite.  相似文献   

Deep‐sea hydrothermal vents provide ephemeral habitats for animal communities that depend on chemosynthetic primary production. Sporadic volcanic and tectonic events destroy local vent fields and create new ones. Ongoing dispersal and cycles of extirpation and colonization affect the levels and distribution of genetic diversity in vent metapopulations. Several species exhibit evidence for stepping‐stone dispersal along relatively linear, oceanic, ridge axes. Other species exhibit very high rates of gene flow, although natural barriers associated with variation in depth, deep‐ocean currents, and lateral offsets of ridge axes often subdivide populations. Various degrees of impedance to dispersal across such boundaries are products of species‐specific life histories and behaviours. Though unrelated to the size of a species range, levels of genetic diversity appear to correspond with the number of active vent localities that a species occupies within its range. Pioneer species that rapidly colonize nascent vents tend to be less subdivided and more diverse genetically than species that are slow to establish colonies at vents. Understanding the diversity and connectivity of vent metapopulations provides essential information for designing deep‐sea preserves in regions that are under consideration for submarine mining of precious metals.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial 16S rDNA and CO I gene were used as molecular markers for the analysis of the genetic diversity and differentiation of Daphnia galeata populations in nine water bodies in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. In the combined 16S rDNA and CO I gene sequences, 54 variable sites and 44 haplotypes were observed among 219 individuals belonging to nine D. galeata populations. Average haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity were, respectively, 0.72% and 0.56%. The F‐statistics (FST) value of the D. galeata populations was 0.149. According to the results of the neutral test, D. galeata in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River had experienced a bottleneck effect in the history. Molecular variance analysis indicated that the genetic differentiation of the D. galeata populations mainly occurred within populations (85.09%). Greater genetic differentiations of D. galeata among individuals within populations appeared in the populations from the Huaihe River basin, whereas smaller genetic differentiations occurred in the populations from the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Strong gene flows were all observed between Group I (four populations from the middle reaches of the Yangtze River) and Group ΙΙ (three populations from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River), and Group ΙΙΙ (two populations from the Huaihe River basin). The effective migration rates (M) were 851.49 from Group I to Group ΙΙ and 685.96 from Group I to Group ΙΙΙ, respectively. However, no significant relationship was observed between the genetic differentiation and geographical distance of the nine populations (r = .137, p > .05). Results suggested that the genetic differentiation of D. galeata in the water bodies in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River resulted mainly from geographical isolation.  相似文献   

1. The restricted scale of most prior studies of genetic diversity in daphniid populations provides limited information on the geographical patterning of gene frequencies. The present study addresses this gap by examining allozymic divergence in populations of the most broadly distributed daphniid in the warm temperate regions of North America, Daphnia obtusa, across its range.
2. Local populations of this species show the gene frequency differentiation typical of other daphniids. In contrast to other daphniids with broad distributions, however, further divergence is apparent at a larger geographical scale, with North American D. obtusa fragmented into three lineages showing largely allopatric distributions. The three lineages are based primarily on allele frequency shifts at three polymorphic loci and are represented by eastern, central and south-western groupings.
3. Because of this pattern of differentiation, there is no simple monotonic relationship between geographical distance and genetic divergence. Instead, local metapopulations belonging to a specific lineage show little genetic divergence over several thousand km, while marked shifts in gene frequency occur over a few hundred km in regions where different lineages are in contact.  相似文献   

1. The restricted scale of most prior studies of genetic diversity in daphniid populations provides limited information on the geographical patterning of gene frequencies. The present study addresses this gap by examining allozymic divergence in populations of the most broadly distributed daphniid in the warm temperate regions of North America, Daphnia obtusa, across its range.
2. Local populations of this species show the gene frequency differentiation typical of other daphniids. In contrast to other daphniids with broad distributions, however, further divergence is apparent at a larger geographical scale, with North American D. obtusa fragmented into three lineages showing largely allopatric distributions. The three lineages are based primarily on allele frequency shifts at three polymorphic loci and are represented by eastern, central and south-western groupings.
3. Because of this pattern of differentiation, there is no simple monotonic relationship between geographical distance and genetic divergence. Instead, local metapopulations belonging to a specific lineage show little genetic divergence over several thousand km, while marked shifts in gene frequency occur over a few hundred km in regions where different lineages are in contact.  相似文献   

The diversity-disease hypothesis states that decreased genetic diversity in host populations increases the incidence of diseases caused by pathogens (= monoculture effect) and eventually influences ecosystem functioning. The monoculture effect is well-known from crop studies and may be partially specific to the artificial situation in agriculture. The effect received little attention in animal populations of different diversities. Compared with plants, animals are mobile and exhibiting social interactions. We followed the spread of a microsporidian parasite in semi-natural outdoor Daphnia magna populations of low and high genetic diversity. We used randomly selected, naturally occurring host genotypes. Host populations of low diversity were initially monoclonal, while the host populations of high diversity started with 10 genotypes per replicate. We found that the parasite spread significantly better in host populations of low diversity compared with host populations of high diversity, independent of parasite diversity. The difference was visible over a 3-year period. Host genotypic diversity did not affect host population density. Our experiment demonstrated a monoculture effect in independently replicated semi-natural zooplankton populations, indicating that the monoculture effect may be relevant beyond agriculture.  相似文献   

Although the temperate regions of South America are known to have a diverse daphniid fauna, there has been no genetic evaluation of the existing taxonomic system or of the affinities between the North and South American faunas. The present study analyses mitochondrial DNA sequences and allozyme variation to investigate species diversity in 176 Daphnia populations from Argentina. This work established the presence of at least 15 species in Argentina, six of which are either undescribed or are currently misidentified and two of which represent range extensions of North American taxa. Eleven of the Argentine species appear endemic to South America, while the remaining four also occur in North America. In the latter cases, the close genetic similarity between populations from North and South America indicates the recent exchange of propagules between the continents. While biological interactions and habitat availability have undoubtedly contributed to the observed species distributions, chance dispersal has apparently played a dominant role in structuring large-scale biogeographical patterns in this genus and probably in other passively-dispersed organisms.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 171−205.  相似文献   

Disturbance, interspecific interaction and diversity in metapopulations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Metapopulation diversity patterns depend on the relations among the timescales of local biological interactions (predation, competition), the rates of dispersal among local populations and the patterns of disturbance. We investigate these relationships using a family of simple non-linear Markov chain models. We consider three models for interspecific competition; if the species are identified with early and late successional species, the models describe the facilitation, inhibition and tolerance models of ecological succession. By adding a third competing species we also compare transitive competitive hierarchies and intransitive competitive networks. Finally, we examine the effects of predation in mediating coexistence among competing prey species. In each model we find circumstances in which biotic or abiotic disturbance can increase both local and regional diversity, but those circumstances depend on the various timescales in the model in ways that arc neither obvious nor trivial.  相似文献   

We estimated neutral diversity of 21 European cattle breeds with 105 microsatellites. Nine of them resembled unselected Balkan Buša strains with diffuse breeding barriers and the 12 others were strongly differentiated, isolated breeds. Because of the impact of neutral genetic diversity on long-term population adaptive capacity, we discuss the long-term outcome of different conservation priorities in a subdivided metapopulation of the investigated cattle breeds. The optimal contribution to a pool of total genetic diversity allocated more than 95% of long-term relevant neutral diversity to virtually unselected strains of the Balkan Buša, while the maximization of total variance preferred inbred breeds. Current artificial selection methods, such as genomic selection sped up and a recovery of underestimated traits becomes quickly impossible. We emphasize that currently neutral and even deleterious alleles might be required for future genotypes in sustainable and efficient livestock breeding and production systems of a 21st century. We provide cumulative evidences that long-term survival relies on genetic complexity and complexity relies on allelic diversity. Our results suggest that virtually unselected, nonuniform strains harbor a crucial proportion of neutral diversity and should be conserved with high global priority. As one example, we suggest a cooperative maintenance of the nondifferentiated, highly fragmented, and fast vanishing metapopulation of Balkan Buša.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that genetic variation should be reduced at range margins, but empirical support is equivocal. Here, we used genotyping‐by‐sequencing technology to investigate genetic variation in central and marginal populations of two species in the marine gastropod genus Crepidula. These two species have different development and dispersal types and might therefore show different spatial patterns of genetic variation. Both allelic richness and the proportion of private alleles were highest in the most central populations of both species, and lower at the margin. The species with low dispersal, Crepidula convexa, showed high degrees of structure throughout the range that conform to the pattern found in previous studies using other molecular markers. The northernmost populations of the high‐dispersing species, Crepidula fornicata, are distinct from more central populations, although this species has been previously observed to have little genetic structure over much of its range. Although genetic diversity was significantly lower at the range margin, the absolute reduction in diversity observed with these genomewide markers was slight, and it is not yet known whether there are functional consequences for the marginal populations.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and differentiation of Kermode bear populations   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Kermode bear is a white phase of the North American black bear that occurs in low to moderate frequency on British Columbia's mid-coast. To investigate the genetic uniqueness of populations containing the white phase, and to ascertain levels of gene flow among populations, we surveyed 10 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci, assayed from trapped bear hairs. A total of 216 unique bear genotypes, 18 of which were white, was sampled among 12 localities. Island populations, where Kermodes are most frequent, show approximately 4% less diversity than mainland populations, and the island richest in white bears (Gribbell) exhibited substantial genetic isolation, with a mean pairwise FST of 0.14 with other localities. Among all localities, FST for the molecular variant underlying the coat-colour difference (A893G) was 0.223, which falls into the 95th percentile of the distribution of FST values among microsatellite alleles, suggestive of greater differentiation for coat colour than expected under neutrality. Control-region sequences confirm that Kermode bears are part of a coastal or western lineage of black bears whose existence predates the Wisconsin glaciation, but microsatellite variation gave no evidence of past population expansion. We conclude that Kermodism was established and is maintained in populations by a combination of genetic isolation and somewhat reduced population sizes in insular habitat, with the possible contribution of selective pressure and/or nonrandom mating.  相似文献   

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