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Growing hyphae of Gelasinospora reticulispora required a continuousdark period prior to photoinduction of perithecia. The inductivedark period was interrupted by brief exposure of the hyphaeto white light so that the formation of perithecia no longertook place. Photosensitivity of the hyphae in terms of the light-breakeffect gradually changed during the inductive dark period. Sensitivityreached its maximum at the 18th hr of the dark period when anirradiation of 1?105 ergs cm–2 of near-UV light or 4?104ergs cm–2 of blue-light was sufficient for the light-break.Red and far-red light had no effect at all. The light-breakeffect was limited to the irradiated portion of the hyphae anddid not affect any unirradiated portions. Inhibitory effecton perithecial formation of continuous white light could betotally replaced for several days with intermittent irradiationof near-UV or blue light if given for 5 min every 4 hr. (Received December 18, 1973; )  相似文献   

Hyphae of Gelasinospora reticulispora were cultured on corn meal agar in a growth tube at 25 ± 0.4°C under different light conditions. While the hyphal tip was growing, perithecia were not formed under continuous white light (ca. 2000 ergs cm?2 sec?1), but some perithecia were initiated in total darkness. However, when white light was given after a dark period, perithecial formation was greatly promoted. In these cases, perithecial formation occurred in older portion of the culture (the portion nearest the point of inoculation) at first, and then gradually spread to the younger portion. Immediately after the tip of hyphae reached the other end of the growth tube, perithecia were induced in the youngest portion of the hyphae irrespective of the photoconditions; then formation proceeded toward the older portion. This induction was not age-dependent, because in growth tubes with different lengths, perithecia always became visible ca. 24 hr after the tip of hyphae reached the other end of growth tube. The photoinhibitory effect was no longer observed thereafter, but photopromotive effect was still evident.  相似文献   

A basidiomycete, Coprinus macrorhizus produced only vegetativemycelia, when cultured under continuous darkness. Under continuouswhite light, visible tiny primordia formed on the 6th day afterinoculation, followed by normal development to fruit-bodies.Spores disseminated on the 11th day. However, when cultureswhere transferred to continuous darkness after the formationof primordia, rudimentary pilei with slender stalks formed.Abundant hairy hyphae were produced along the entire surfaceof the slender stalks. Thus, light was required-for both theinitiation and development of the fungal fruit-body. A fairy ring of primordia formed along the narrow region ofmycelia formed just prior to the exposure to light, provideda colony was pre-grown for more than 4 days in the dark, thenexposed to light for 24 hr or longer. Exposure to light for at least 48 hr during the period between24th and 96th hr after primordium initiation was required fornormal maturation of the fruit-body. This 48 hr light periodneeded for maturation of the fruit-body could be substitutedby two, 2 hr light periods given at the beginning and the endof the 48 hr period. We have tentatively concluded that lightis required at two definite stages for fruit-body developmentafter formation of the primordium. Effective wavelengths for both the initiation and developmentof fruit-bodies were in the near ultraviolet and blue regions. (Received July 24, 1972; )  相似文献   

Pharbitis nil, strain Violet, subjected to various photoperiods(24-hr cycle at 24?C) bloomed about 10 hr after light-off whenthe light period was 10 hr or longer, and about 20 hr afterlight-on when the light period was shorter. The higher the temperature(20–30?C) during the dark period, the later the time offlower-opening, with the temperature during the last half ofthe dark period having a stronger effect than that during thefirst half. In continuous dark or light, flower buds of Pharbitis openedabout every 24 hr at all temperatures tested between 20 and28?C, which suggests the participation of a circadian rhythmin determining the time of flower-opening. A light pulse given6–12 or 28–36 hr after the onset of the dark periodgreatly advanced the phase of this rhythm (8–10 hr). Phasedelay of this rhythm could not be obtained by light pulses givenat any time. (Received September 29, 1979; )  相似文献   

The importance of light to the induction of nitrate reductase activity in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was studied. Activity in etiolated leaves in darkness stayed at a low endogenous level even while large amounts of nitrate were actively accumulated. Light was required for any increase in activity, though the requirement may be satisfied to a limited extent before nitrate is available. Nitrate reductase activity was induced in the dark in green leaves which had not previously had nitrate but were supplied nitrate at the beginning of the dark period. If the nitrate then made available was sufficient, nitrate reductase activity increased until the effect of the previous light treatment was exhausted. Activity then decreased even though nitrate uptake continued. Upon returning the leaves to light, enzymatic activity increased again, as expected. Nitrate uptake was eliminated as an experimental variable by giving dark-grown plants nitrate, then detaching the leaves for induction studies. Under these conditions light saturation occurred between 3600 and 7700 lux at exemplary periods of illumination. At intensities of 3600 lux and above, activity increased sharply after a 6-hour lag period. As light intensity was decreased below 3600 lux the lag period became longer. Thus, when sufficient nitrate was available, the extent of induction of nitrate reductase activity was regulated by light.  相似文献   

Inoue Y  Furuya M 《Plant physiology》1975,55(6):1098-1101
Action spectra for photoinduction of perithecia after different lengths of dark period were determined with apically growing mycelium of a sordariaceous fungus Gelasinospora reticulispora. When hyphae were exposed to monochromatic light in near ultraviolet and visible regions, reciprocity between intensity and exposure time was observed within the range of incident energy used. The resulting action spectrum determined after a dark period of 48 hours showed a peak at 460 nm with shoulders at 420 and 480 nm and another peak at 370 nm, indicating minima at 410, 430, and 470 nm. After 72 hours darkness the spectrum was very similar to the above, except that the major peak shifted to 450 nm and the near ultraviolet region was somewhat less effective. In both cases, wavelengths longer than 520 nm showed no effect.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to better understand the inhibitoryeffect of lightduring the dark-induced process of fruit-bodysporulation of Coprinus congregatus Bull, ex Fr. Light-initiatedfruit-body primordia were subjected to different dark periodsinterrupted by a short blue light break at different times.The sporulating response depended on the duration of the darkperiod following the light break. For any inductive dark periodlonger than 3.5 h, a period of darkness lasting half as longas the inductive night completely inhibited fruit-body maturationwhen given after the light break (dark inhibitory process).Longer dark periods after the light break causedrecovery ofthe maximal sporulating response (dark recovery process). Theeffects of the dark inhibitory and the dark recovery processwere alternately reversible, the sporulating response dependingon the duration of darkness after the last light break. Studyof the time course of sporulation showed that a new dark-inducedprocess of fruit-body sporulation was initiated by the beginningof the dark period after the light break. (Received August 2, 1982; Accepted May 6, 1983)  相似文献   

WEBB  D. T. 《Annals of botany》1983,52(4):543-547
The ability of aseptically cultured Macrozamia communis seedlingsto form apogeotropic root nodules in light and darkness wasexamined. In darkness, apogeotropic root nodules developed atthe junction of the primary-root and the cotyledonary node.More acropetally formed lateral-roots were not nodular and weretypical ageotropic or plagiotropic secondary-roots. When thesecultures were exposed to light, all of the roots became typical,apogeotropic cycad root nodules. Light stimulated dichotomousbranching of nodules previously formed in the dark. Nodulesexposed to light were more papillose than those maintained indarkness. Light also inhibited primary and secondary-root elongation. Macrozamia communis, cycad apogeotropism, dichotomous branching, light induction, root nodulation sterile culture  相似文献   

A single dark period of longer than 8 hr induced flowering inLemna paucicostata 441 cultured in E medium. Monochromatic lightsof 450, 550, 650 and 750 nm with a half-power bandwidth of 9nm given for 10 min at the 8th hour of a 14-hr dark period inhibitedflowering. The fluence rates required for 50% inhibition were10, 0.5, 0.1 and 3 µmol m–2. sec–1, respectively.When applied between the 4th and the 10th hour of the dark period,lights of 450, 550 and 650 nm were inhibitory showing a maximumeffect at the 8th hour. But 750-nm light completely inhibitedflowering when applied at any time during the first 8 hr ofthe dark period. The inhibitory effect of 750-nm light givenat the beginning of the dark period was totally reversed bya subsequent exposure to 650-nm light, and the fluence-responsecurves for the effect of 750-nm light given at the 0, 4th and8th hour were essentially the same. This suggests that the presenceof PFR is crucial for the floral initiation throughout the first8 hr of the inductive dark period. The role of phytochrome inthe photoperiodic flower induction of L. paucicostata is discussed. (Received January 4, 1982; Accepted March 19, 1982)  相似文献   

An Analysis of Spore Discharge in Sordaria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sordaria fimicola can develop mature perithecia from which sporesare discharged when grown in darkness or in light. Under conditionsof alternating dark and light (12 hrs.: 12 hrs.) each day, sporedischarge is periodic with a low rate during the dark period,succeeded by a gradual rise to a relatively high rate in thelight period followed by a decline before the onset of the nextdark period. There is no trace of an endogenous rhythm. Transferfrom darkness to light always leads to an increase in the rateof discharge, and from light to dark to a decrease. The heightof the peak of discharge rate attained in light following adark period seems to be related to the length of the precedingdark period. Experiments with light of different colours but of roughly thesame energy value show that it is the blue rays that are mainlyeffective. From cultures of filter-paper yeast-extract mediuman orange pigment can be extracted with a maximum absorption,in the visible spectrum, at 470 mµ. It is possible thatthis is important in connexion with the sensitivity of the fungusto blue light.  相似文献   

The relations between leaf age and polyribosome levels werestudied with dark-and light-grown maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings.In general, polyribosome levels decline with the period of growthin darkness. Light induces an increase in the polyribosome levelin dark-grown seedlings. The response can be detected after30 min exposure to light. Seven or eight-day-old dark-growncorn seedlings, used in the present study, have high levelsof polyribosomes when greened in the light. This is indicativeof healthy seedlings, competent in protein synthesis. The polyribosomelevels in iron deficient maize plants were significantly differentfrom plants grown under complete nutrient solution, while thereis no significant difference among plants suffering differentdegrees of iron deficiency. (Received November 18, 1977; )  相似文献   

Megoura produces parthenogenetic virginoparae in long day conditions, gamic oviparae in short days. The nature of this photoperiodic response has been analysed by rearing parent apterae in a wide range of circadian and non-circadian light cycles. By varying the light and dark components independently in a two-component cycle it has been established that the time measuring function is associated primarily with the dark period. There is no evidence that an endogenous circadian oscillation is implicated: thus (a) the ‘short day’ response is abolished by ‘night interruptions’ positioned in the early or late night. But this bimodal response pattern remains unchanged when the duration of the ‘main’ photoperiod is varied from ca. 6 hr to at least 25·5 hr. The stability of the maxima within the scotophase is inconsistent with the ‘coincidence’ models of photoperiodic timing that have been proposed. It is suggested that the essential timing process operates on the hour-glass principle, beginning anew with the onset of each period of darkness; (b) night interruption experiments employing very long (up to 72 hr) scanned dark periods yielded response maxima explicable in terms of the hour-glass hypothesis but did not reveal any circadian relationship between the maxima.The ‘dark reaction’ comprises a sequence of four stages, definable by the effects of light. Stage 1, extending from dark hr 0 to ca. 2·5, is fully photoreversible: at the next dark period the entire timing sequence is repeated up to the 9·5 hr critical night length. Towards the end of stage 1 reversibility is gradually lost and after a light interruption the reaction is resumed from a later time equivalent than dark hr 0; the subsequent critical night length is therefore reduced. The extent of the photoreversal is related to light duration. The period of maximum light insensitivity (stage 2) is attained at the end of the fourth hour. From ca. dark hr 5 to just short of the critical night length light exerts an increasingly promotive action which favours the production of virginoparae. This dark process is not photoreversible. Stage 4, which begins at hr 9·5, marks the end of the timing sequence. Light will not then annul the non-promotive action of the previous long night.Light has three effects which are determined by its duration and position within the cycle. The two terminal effects, mentioned above, are associated with the interception of dark stages 1 and 3 by either short (1 hr) or longer photoperiods. Light also prepares or primes the dark period timer. Thus the critical length is increased, and timing accuracy lost, if the preceding photoperiod is less than ca. 6 hr. Light during stage 4 has a priming action but no terminal function. Repeated cycles are ‘read’ in various ways, depending on the cycle structure. For example, if light intercepts stage 3, a two-component cycle is interpreted as the overlapping sequence light/dark/light. One and the same photoperiod then acts terminally in respect of the preceding dark period and as a primer for the next dark period.There is also a mechanism for summing the promotive effects produced by repeated interruption of dark stage 3. With complex (four-component) cycles both halves of the same cycle may contribute. ‘Product accumulation’ falls below threshold if the frequency of presentation of a given promotive cycle is too low. This occurs if there are very long, relatively non-promotive dark components. Such cycles are accepted as ‘continuous darkness’.  相似文献   

The effects of 24 hr cycle skeleton photoperiodic schedulesinvolving two short light pulses on flowering in Lemna perpusillahave been studied. Simulation of complete photoperiods by correspondingskeletal ones is nearly perfect for all photoperiods up to 8hr and is unstable for periods of 9 to 13 hr. A jump in theresponse phase appears when skeleton photoperiods ranging from12 to 13hr are given. For all skeleton photoperiods longer than14 hr the phase is entrained so that it agrees with that givenby skeleton photoperiods of complemental lengths. That is, askeleton photoperiod of 18 hr is equivalent to that of 6 (=24–18) hr. Simulation is largely related to whether thesecond pulse is locked on to "dawn" or to "sunset" dependingon when it falls during the dark period following the firstpulse. The inductive action of skeleton photoperiods that gives unstableentrainment depends on the length of a preliminary dark periodgiven before the plant receives the first pulse, since in theseskeleton schedules the sensitive zone to the second pulse shiftswith the length of the preliminary darkness. Thus, we tentatively conclude that the circadian oscillationin L. perpusilla involves an entrainment mechanism and thatphotoperiodic induction is contingent on the coincidence oflight and a specific inductive phase in oscillation. (Received September 18, 1968; )  相似文献   

The physical properties and photosynthetic metabolism of synchronizedcells of Chlorella pyrenoidosa are described. Cells, synchronizedby successive periods of light and dark, photosynthesized understeady-state conditions for 30 min with 14CO2. Pool sizes ofmetabolic intermediate compounds, and rates of flow of carbonthrough these pools, were determined. Cell properties and metabolismwere studied for cells just divided, at three periods duringthe growing stage, at the time of maximum DNA synthesis, justprior to division (after continuous light, and after 5 hr darkness),and following division after continuous light for 37 hr. Changes in pool sizes and flow rates are correlated with relativeshifts between amino acid and protein synthesis, which is greatestduring the growing period and DNA-synthesizing stage, and sucrosesynthesis, which is greatest in the divided cells (after darkness)and pre-division cells (after darkness). The effects of thestage of cell growth and of a prior period of darkness can beseparated to some extent by these studies, and in some respectsare additive. Specific sites of metabolic regulation discerned in these experimentsinclude the following: 1) Ribulose diphosphate carboxylase,2) fructose diphosphatase and sedoheptulose diphosphatase, 3)the synthesis of sucrose, probably at the reaction between fructose-6-phosphateand uridine diphosphoglucose to give sucrose phosphate and uridinediphosphate, 4) amino acid synthesis, at the level of nitratereduction, and 5) amino acid synthesis, at the level of carbonflow from the photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle to aminoacid carbon skeletons. (Received October 31, 1969; )  相似文献   

Seeds of Jussiaea suffruticosa reach high germination percentagesonly when exposed to long periods of continuous illumination.The light reaction may be repeatedly reversed by short exposuresto red and far red light, thus being mediated by the phytochromesystem. Seeds also germinate at high percentages if exposedto various cycles of 1 hr light and 24 hr of darkness at 20°C.If the temperature in the periods of darkness is raised up to30°C or lowered to 10°C the promotive effect of lightis inhibited. High temperatures (35°C) during imbibitionhave a promotive effect, whereas a pure O2 atmosphere decreasesthe response to light. KNO3 and kinetin enhance the responseto light but do not provoke germination in the dark. Only ifseed coats are punctured or removed does germination in thedark occur. (Received January 14, 1969; )  相似文献   

Zonation in growing mycelia of Fusarium solani was induced by diurnal light/dark cycles. Only those parts of the hyphae that grew in darkness for less than 20 hours developed a zone of conidia after illumination. In continuous darkness, in continuous illumination, or after a transition from light to darkness, a conidiation zone failed to appear. Only light periods exceeding a few seconds but lasting less than 21 hours during a 24 hour light/dark cycle induced zonation. This zonation was not caused by periodic staling of the growth medium.  相似文献   

The effects of light on the accumulation of bacteriochlorophylland carotenoids were investigated in an aerobic photosyntheticbacterium, Roseobacter denitrificans during anaerobic respiration.Accumulation of pigments occurred in darkness but not in whitelight, with the growth rate being similar under both dark andlight conditions. Once pigments had accumulated during growthin darkness, subsequent irradiation with white light did notresult in degradation of the accumulated pigments, an indicationthat the pigments were stabilized in the membranes. The presentresults, therefore, exclude the possibility of inhibition ofthe accumulation of the photosynthetic pigments by the photochemicaldegradation of the pigments in the presence of molecular oxygenand light (blue light). The action spectrum for the inhibitionof the accumulation of the pigments showed that light at 470nm was the most effective and light at wavelengths longer than500 nm had little inhibitory effect. Together with previousresults [Shimada et al. (1992) Plant Cell Physiol. 33: 471],the present data suggest that a signal-transduction system associatedwith an unidentified blue pigment(s) is involved in the inhibitionof the accumulation of the photosynthetic pigments in R. denitrificans. (Received May 6, 1992; Accepted September 21, 1992)  相似文献   

Polarotropic response was induced by short-term irradiationwith polarized red light in single-celled protonemata of thefern Adiantum capillus-veneris L. that had been grown apicallyunder red light for 6 days then for 15 hr in the dark. Sequentialobservation of the apical growth with a time-lapse video systemshowed that the direction of apical growth changed within 30min after the brief irradiation. Microbeam irradiation withpolarized red light of the subapical, dark-grown flank of theapical, 5–15 µm region of the protonema inducedthe polarotropic response most effectively. When both sidesof the flank were irradiated simultaneously with different fluencesof polarized red light with the same vibrating plane of 45°with protonemal axis, polarotropism took place normally, ifthe fluence ratio, B/A (B: fluence given to the side towardwhich the protonema should bend in polarotropism, A: fluencegiven to the other side) was not less than one-half. But, ifthe ratio became less than that, the protonemata no longer showedpolarotropism, they grew toward the side of higher fluence dependingon the difference in fluences between both sides. (Received August 1, 1981; Accepted September 29, 1981)  相似文献   

Pharbitis seedlings grown in total darkness or continuous far-redirradiation were exposed to 30 min of red irradiation followedby a dark period, and in vivo phytochrome in their cotyledonswas photometrically assayed at various times. Loss of photo-reversibilityof Pfr after the exposure to red light occurred without darkreversion to Pr in cotyledons of both seedlings. Pfr decay inthe former cotyledons was mostly prevented in the first 30 minunder red light illumination, while that in the latter occurredwithout such a lag phase. Pfr was no longer photometricallydetectable by the eighth hr after irradiation at both 18?C and25?C. No evidence has yet been obtained to show a correlation betweenphotometrically detectable phytochrome in vivo and the red far-redreversible responses of flowering. (Received August 6, 1974; )  相似文献   

Goto  Ken 《Plant & cell physiology》1979,20(3):513-521
Two types of clocks, i.e., the circadian oscillator and thehourglass mechanism, which under continuous light and darknessrespectively control the mutually inverse temporal changes inthe activities of Cyt-NAD-GPD and Chl-NADP-GPD of Lemna gibbaG3, were studied. Both clocks controlled the apparent Km values,not the Vmax values, of the GPD reactions for their substrateand coenzymes. A red light pulse inserted 3 hr after the onsetof the dark period eliminated the sigmoidal changes in darkness,but evoked rhythmical changes which otherwise did not occurin continuous darkness. Thus, the photosynthetic rhythm, ifpresent, would not sustain the GPD rhythms. This effect of ared light pulse was not nullified by a subsequent far red lightpulse. A far red light pulse given at the 3rd hour of an extendeddark period made conspicuous the sigmoidal changes in activityof GPDs in the dark period, and its effect was nullified bya subsequent red light pulse, suggesting that phytochrome isinvolved in the hourglass mechanism. (Received September 26, 1978; )  相似文献   

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