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Seed storage-protein variation at theGlu-A1,Glu-B1 andGli-B1/Glu-B3 loci in the tetraploid wild progenitor of wheat,T. dicoccoides, was studied electrophoretically in 315 individuals representing nine populations from Jordan and three from Turkey. A total of 44 different HMW-glutenin patterns were identified, resulting from the combination of 15 alleles in the A genome and 19 in the B genome. Twenty-seven new allelic variants, 12 at theGlu-A1 locus and 15 at theGlu-B1 locus, were identified by comparing the mobilities of their subunits to those previously found in bread and durum wheats. The novel variants include six alleles at theGlu-A1 locus showing both x and y subunits. The genes coding for the 1Bx and 1By subunits showed no or very little (3%) inactivity, the 1Ax gene showed a moderate degree (6.3%) of inactivity whereas the gene coding for lAy showed the highest degree of inactivity (84.8%). A high level of polymorphism was also present for the omega- and gamma-gliadins and LMW-glutenin subunits encoded by genes at the linkedGli-B1 andGlu-B3 loci (19 alleles). Some Jordanian accessions were found to contain omega-gliadin 35, gamma-gliadin 45, and LMW-2 also present in cultivated durum wheats and related to good gluten viscoelasticity. The newly-discovered alleles enhance the genetic variability available for improving the technological quality of wheats. Additionally some of them may facilitate basic research on the relationship between industrial properties and the number and functionality of HMW- and LMW-glutenin subunits.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Micronutrient malnutrition, particularly zinc and iron deficiency, afflicts over three billion people worldwide due to low dietary intake. In the current study, wild emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides), the progenitor of domesticated wheat, was tested for (1) genetic diversity in grain nutrient concentrations, (2) associations among grain nutrients and their relationships with plant productivity, and (3) the association of grain nutrients with the eco-geographical origin of wild emmer accessions.


A total of 154 genotypes, including wild emmer accessions from across the Near Eastern Fertile Crescent and diverse wheat cultivars, were characterized in this 2-year field study for grain protein, micronutrient (zinc, iron, copper and manganese) and macronutrient (calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and sulphur) concentrations.

Key Results

Wide genetic diversity was found among the wild emmer accessions for all grain nutrients. The concentrations of grain zinc, iron and protein in wild accessions were about two-fold greater than in the domesticated genotypes. Concentrations of these compounds were positively correlated with one another, with no clear association with plant productivity, suggesting that all three nutrients can be improved concurrently with no yield penalty. A subset of 12 populations revealed significant genetic variation between and within populations for all minerals. Association between soil characteristics at the site of collection and grain nutrient concentrations showed negative associations between soil clay content and grain protein and between soil-extractable zinc and grain zinc, the latter suggesting that the greatest potential for grain nutrient minerals lies in populations from micronutrient-deficient soils.


Wild emmer wheat germplasm offers unique opportunities to exploit favourable alleles for grain nutrient properties that were excluded from the domesticated wheat gene pool.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity in the seed storage-proteins encoded at theGlu-A1,Glu-B1 andGli-B1/Glu-B3 loci was studied electrophoretically in 315 individuals belonging to nine populations ofT. dicoccoides from Jordan and three from Turkey. The inter- and intra-population distribution of seed storage-protein alleles at the considered loci and its link with geographical factors were investigated. Population differentiation in seed storage-proteins was in some cases very high with very weak correlations with geographic distance. Greater gene differentiation was found within and between populations which were geographically very close in Jordan than between those from Jordan and Turkey. However the distribution of alleles appeared to be non random. Samples collected from populations at locations over 900 m above sea level were less polymorphic than those collected at lower altitudes (500–700 m), whereas the relative genetic differentiation between populations was greater between those collected at higher altitudes. Seed storage-protein differentiation was significantly correlated with the altitude of the collecting sites. Although it is difficult to point out the selective pressure of altitude per se, altitude can reflect an integration of several environmental parameters. The possible adaptive value of seed storage-proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The diversity of HMW glutenin subunits in the tetraploid wild progenitor of wheat, Triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides was studied electrophoretically in 231 individuals representing 11 populations of wild emmer from Israel. The results show that (a) The two HMW glutenin loci, Glu-A1 and Glu-B1, are rich in variation, having 11 and 15 alleles, respectively, (b) Genetic variation in HMW glutenin subunits is often severely restricted in individual populations, supporting an island population genetic model, (c) Significant correlations were found between glutenin diversity and the frequencies of specific glutenin alleles and physical (climate and soil) and biotic (vegetation) variables. Our results suggest that: (a) at least part of the glutenin polymorphisms in wild emmer can be accounted for by environmental factors and (b) the endosperm of wild emmer contains many allelic variants of glutenin storage proteins that are not present in bread wheat and could be utilized in breeding varieties with improved bread-making qualities.  相似文献   

Summary We demonstrate that the scores and frequencies of chlortoluron (CT) and metoxuron (MX) resistance and susceptible phenotypes of wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, are correlated with ecological factors and allozyme markers. Some isozyme markers located on chromosome 6B (e.g. Adh,Est-4 and Got), which also harbours the CT and MX resistance gene, provide good genetic markers for herbicide resistance breeding. Significant correlations between herbicide and photosynthetic characters suggest that the evolution of herbicide resistance polymorphisms may be related to the process of photosynthesis in nature and predated domestication of cultivated wheat.  相似文献   

Precise mapping of a locus affecting grain protein content in durum wheat   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Grain protein content (GPC) is an important factor in pasta and breadmaking quality, and in human nutrition. It is also an important trait for wheat growers because premium prices are frequently paid for wheat with high GPC. A promising source for alleles to increase GPC was detected on chromosome 6B of Triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides accession FA-15-3 (DIC). Two previous quantitative trait locus (QTL) studies found that the positive effect of DIC-6B was associated to a single locus located between the centromere and the Nor-B2 locus on the short arm of chromosome 6B. Microsatellite markers Xgwm508 and Xgwm193 flanking the QTL region were used in this study to develop 20 new homozygous recombinant substitution lines (RSLs) with crossovers between these markers. These 20 RSLs, plus nine RSLs developed in previous studies were characterized with four new RFLP markers located within this chromosome segment. Grain protein content was determined in three field experiments organized as randomized complete block designs with ten replications each. The QTL peaks for protein content were located in the central region of a 2.7-cM interval between RFLP markers Xcdo365 and Xucw67 in the three experiments. Statistical analyses showed that almost all lines could be classified unequivocally within low- and high- protein groups, facilitating the mapping of this trait as a single Mendelian locus designated Gpc-6B1. The Gpc-6B1 locus was mapped 1.5-cM proximal to Xcdo365 and 1.2-cM distal to Xucw67. These new markers can be used to reduce the size of the DIC chromosome segment selected in marker-assisted selection programs. Markers Nor-B2 and Xucw66 flanking the previous two markers can be used to select against the DIC segment and reduce the linkage drag during the transfer of Gpc-6B1 into commercial bread and pasta wheat varieties. The precise mapping of the high GPC gene, the high frequency of recombinants recovered in the targeted region, and the recent development of a tetraploid BAC library including the Gpc-6B1 DIC allele are the first steps towards the map-based cloning of this gene.Communicated by J. Dvorak  相似文献   

Translocation frequencies (as compared to the standard chromosome arrangement typified by that in Chinese Spring) in 9 or more genotypes from each of 15 populations of Triticum dicoccoides in Israel were determined. Data also were obtained from 2 genotypes of the southernmost population (Jaba). A single population from Turkey was also investigated. There were 119 genotypes with translocations in the sample of 171 genotypes investigated (70%). The frequency of translocations in different populations varied from 0.27 to 1.00, and all populations had 1 or more genotypes with one or more translocations. Some populations such as Qazrin appeared to be homogeneous for translocations, but most populations were heterogeneous. A sample of 17 genotypes from 12 of the populations were crossed with the Langdon D-genome disomic substitutions to determine the identity of the chromosomes involved in the translocations. There were nine genotypes with translocations and with the exception of a 2A/2B translocation, none of them involved the same chromosomes. The B-genome chromosomes were involved in translocations more frequently than the A-genome chromosomes. Translocation frequencies (TF) of the various populations were correlated with environmental variables, primarily with water availability and humidity, and possibly also with soil type. In general, TF was higher in peripheral populations in the ecologically heterogeneous frontiers of species distribution than in the central populations located in the catchment area of the upper Jordan valley.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The harvesting method of wild and cultivated cereals has long been recognized as an important factor in the emergence of domesticated non-shattering ear genotypes. This study aimed to quantify the effects of spike brittleness and threshability on threshing time and efficiency in emmer wheat, and to evaluate the implications of post-harvest processes on domestication of cereals in the Near East.


A diverse collection of tetraploid wheat genotypes, consisting of Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides – the wild progenitor of domesticated wheat – traditional landraces, modern cultivars (T. turgidum ssp. durum) and 150 recombinant (wild × modern) inbred lines, was used in replicated controlled threshing experiments to quantify the effects of spike brittleness and threshability on threshing time and efficiency.

Key Results

The transition from a brittle hulled wild phenotype to non-brittle hulled phenotype (landraces) was associated with an approx. 30 % reduction in threshing time, whereas the transition from the latter to non-brittle free-threshing cultivars was associated with an approx. 85 % reduction in threshing time. Similar trends were obtained with groups of recombinant inbred lines showing extreme phenotypes of brittleness and threshability.


In tetraploid wheat, both non-brittle spike and free-threshing are labour-saving traits that increase the efficiency of post-harvest processing, which could have been an incentive for rapid domestication of the Near Eastern cereals, thus refuting the recently proposed hypothesis regarding extra labour associated with the domesticated phenotype (non-brittle spike) and its presumed role in extending the domestication episode time frame.  相似文献   

Summary Allozymic variation in proteins encoded by 47 loci was analyzed electrophoretically in 1983/4 and 1984/5 in 356 individual plants of wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, from a microsite at Tabigha, north of the Sea of Galilee, Israel. Each year the test involved two 100-meter transects, each equally subdivided into basalt and terra rossa soil types, and comparisons were based on 16 common polymorphic loci. Significant genetic differentiation, genetic phase disequilibria, and genome organization according to soil type were found over very short distances. Our results suggest that allozyme polymorphisms in wild emmer wheat are partly adaptive, and that they differentiate at both single and multilocus structures primarily from environmental stress of such ecological factors as soil type, topography, and temporal changes, probably through aridity stress.  相似文献   

The mRNAs encoding the chlorophyll a/b binding (cab) proteins of the light harvesting system were monitored in the wild cereals, wild emmer wheat,Triticum dicoccoides, and wild barley,Hordeum spontaneum, the progenitors of all cultivated wheats and barley, respectively. Significantly different mRNA levels were detected at different time points during the day, with generally low levels around sunrise, sunset and midnight, and maximum levels around noon. These results indicate that a diurnal control of thecab gene expression is present in these ancient species.  相似文献   

Two stripe-rust resistance genes, YrH52 and Yr15, derived from the Israeli wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, have been located on chromosome 1B. The main objectives of the present study were to increase marker density in the vicinity of YrH52 gene by means of AFLP, RAPD and microsatellite markers, to improve the map of another T. dicoccoides-derived stripe-rust resistance gene Yr15 using microsatellite markers, and to preliminarily discriminate these two genes. Additional 26 marker loci comprising 20 AFLPs, three RAPDs, and three microsatellites were found to be linked to YrH52 gene. An updated genetic map consisting of 45 marker loci, in the region of YrH52 gene, was constructed with a total map length of 107.7 cm. The mean interval length was 0.96 cm in the region Xgwm359b–P55M53b carrying YrH52 gene. YrH52 was bracketed by Xgwm413 (Nor1 and UBC212a) and Xgwm273a (Xgwm273d) with map distance of 1.3 and 2.7 cm from either side, respectively. Eight additional microsatellite markers were found to be linked with Yr15, and the linkage map of Yr15 gene was thus obviously improved. In the YrH52-mapping population, no crossover was detected in the interval UBC212a (Xgwm413)–Yr15Nor1, and YrH52 was located distally outside this interval. It may suggest that YrH52 is different from Yr15 even though both of them are derived from T. dicoccoides and are mapped on chromosome 1BS. The large number of molecular makers revealed in the present study would be helpful for the marker-assisted introgression of the T. dicoccoides-derived YrH52 and Yr15 stripe-rust resistance genes into elite cultivars of wheat, and the high-density map would accelerate the map-based cloning of the two genes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Allozymic variation in proteins encoded by 48 loci was analyzed electrophoretically in 1984 and 1985 in 137 individual plants of wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, from a microsite in Yehudiyya, northeast of the Lake of Galilee, Israel. The test involved two climatic microniches in the open Tabor oak forest (1) sunny between trees and (2) shady under trees' canopies. Significant genetic differentiation at single-, two- and multilocus structures was found between neighboring climatic niches, which were only separated by a few meters. Our results suggest that allozyme polymorphisms in wild emmer wheat are partly adaptive, and differentiate primarily at the multilocus level by climatic factors presumably related to aridity stress.  相似文献   

The domestication of wheat was instrumental in spawning the civilization of humankind, and it occurred through genetic mutations that gave rise to types with non-fragile rachises, soft glumes, and free-threshing seed. Wild emmer (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides), the tetraploid AB-genome progenitor of domesticated wheat has genes that confer tenacious glumes (Tg) that underwent genetic mutations to give rise to free-threshing wheat. Here, we evaluated disomic substitution lines involving chromosomes 2A and 2B of wild emmer accessions substituted for homologous chromosomes in tetraploid and hexaploid backgrounds. The results suggested that both chromosomes 2A and 2B of wild emmer possess genes that inhibit threshability. A population of recombinant inbred lines derived from the tetraploid durum wheat variety Langdon crossed with a Langdon — T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides accession PI 481521 chromosome 2B disomic substitution line was used to develop a genetic linkage map of 2B, evaluate the genetics of threshability, and map the gene derived from PI 481521 that inhibited threshability. A 2BS linkage map comprised of 58 markers was developed, and markers delineated the gene to a 2.3 cM interval. Comparative analysis with maps containing the tenacious glume gene Tg-D1 on chromosome arm 2DS from Aegilops tauschii, the D genome progenitor of hexaploid wheat, revealed that the gene inhibiting threshability in wild emmer was homoeologous to Tg-D1 and therefore designated Tg-B1. Comparative analysis with rice and Brachypodium distachyon indicated a high level of divergence and poorly conserved colinearity, particularly near the Tg-B1 locus. These results provide a foundation for further studies involving Tg-B1, which, together with Tg-D1, had profound influences on wheat domestication.  相似文献   

The conservation of the linear order (colinearity) of genetic markers along large chromosome segments in wheat and rice is well established, but less is known about the microcolinearity between both genomes at subcentimorgan distances. In this study we focused on the microcolinearity between a 2.6-cM interval flanked by markers Xcdo365 and Xucw65 on wheat chromosome 6B and rice chromosome 2. A previous study has shown that this wheat segment includes the Gpc-6B1 locus, which is responsible for large differences in grain protein content (GPC) and is the target of a positional cloning effort in our laboratories. Twenty-one recombination events between Xcdo365 and Xucw65 were found in a large segregating population (935 gametes) and used to map 17 genes selected from rice chromosome 2 in the wheat genetic map. We found a high level of colinearity between a 2.1-cM region flanked by loci Xucw75 and Xucw67 on wheat chromosome 6B and a 350-kb uninterrupted sequenced region in rice chromosome arm 2S. Colinearity between these two genomes was extended to the region proximal to Xucw67 (eight colinear RFLP markers), but was interrupted distal to Xucw75 (six non-colinear RFLP markers). Analysis of different comparative studies between rice and wheat suggests that microcolinearity is more frequently disrupted in the distal region of the wheat chromosomes. Fortunately, the region encompassing the Gpc-6B1 locus showed an excellent conservation between the two genomes, facilitating the saturation of the target region of the wheat genetic map with molecular markers. These markers were used to map the Gpc-6B1 locus into a 0.3-cM interval flanked by PCR markers Xucw79 and Xucw71, and to identify five candidate genes within the colinear 64-kb region in rice.  相似文献   

A significant proportion of arable land in south-western Australia is highly susceptible to subsoil compaction, which limits access of roots of wheat to water and nutrients at depth. Genotypic variation in the ability of roots to penetrate a hardpan has been reported for other cereals, using a pot technique, where a thin wax-layer of paraffin wax and petroleum jelly is placed in a soil column to simulate a hardpan. Previously we have modified and validated this technique for measuring root penetration ability of wheat seedlings under contrasting water regimes. Here we report on a series of five experiments (runs), two in well-watered and three in drought stress conditions, which evaluated seminal and nodal root penetration ability through thin wax layers among 24 Australian wheat cultivars and breeding lines (entries). These results were compared with observations on their rooting depths in two contrasting soil types in field trials, including a sandy duplex that contained a hardpan and a red clay that increased in soil strength with depth. Nodal roots ceased growth early under soil water deficit, and water uptake was instead dependant on seminal roots under conditions imposed in the pots. Plants were then reliant on the ability of seminal roots to penetrate the wax layer. Eight entries had superior root penetration ability in both well-watered and drought stressed conditions. Roots of three other entries, which failed to penetrate the wax layers, died under drought stress conditions. In field trials, there was a significant interaction between site and entry for maximum root depth. Our results from the pot studies and field trials indicate that there exists genotypic variation in root traits that are required to penetrate uniformly hard soil, dry soil or soil containing a hardpan. As four of the eight superior entries also showed superior root penetration ability at both sites in the field, there was an overall consistency, but there were exceptions at individual field sites. Factors likely to result in such exceptions were discussed, and topics for further research identified.  相似文献   

Summary In a twin study, we have shown that wild emmer wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, the progenitor of all cultivated wheats, harbours important genetic variation (Vg) in photosynthetic characteristics. This Vg resides within and between populations and ecogeographical regions in Israel, which is the center of origin and diversity of wild emmer wheat. Here we analyzed, by univariate and multivariate methods, the significant differentiation of variation in photosynthetic characteristics of 107 genotypes from 27 populations of wild emmer in Israel, distributed in three ecogeographical regions including central, xeric (northern cold and eastern warm) marginal, and mesic (western) marginal populations. The highest photosynthetic efficiency was displayed by populations of the xeric marginal region, but most variation for photosynthetic capacity occurs between accessions within ecogeographical regions and populations. Genotypes and populations of T. dicoccoides having high photosynthetic capacity can be identified by climatic factors and isozyme markers. The identification by genetic markers, if substantiated by testcrosses, can facilitate the maximization of conservation, in situ or ex situ, and utilization of these photosynthetic genetic resources for improvement of hexaploid wheat (T. aestivum).  相似文献   

Highly fertile F1 hybrids were made between Triticum turgidum L. ssp. turgidum (2n = 28, AABB) and Aegilops tauschii Coss. (2n = 14, DD) without embryo rescue and hormone treatment. The F1 plants had an average seed set of 25%. Approximately 96% of the F2 seeds were able to germinate normally and about 67% of the F2 plants were spontaneous amphidiploid (2n = 42, AABBDD). Cytological analysis of male gametogenesis of the F1 plants showed that meiotic restitution is responsible for the high fertility. A mitosis-like meiosis led to meiotic restitution at either of the two meiotic divisions resulting in unreduced gametes. Test crosses of the T. t. turgidumAe. tauschii amphidiploid with Ae. variabilis and rye suggested that the mitosis-like meiosis is controlled by one or more nuclear genes that continue to function in derived lines. This discovery indicates a potential application of such genes in producing double haploids.  相似文献   

Summary Allozyme variation in the tetraploid wild progenitor of wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, was studied for the proteins encoded by about 50 gene loci in 457 individuals representing 12 populations from Israel. Six spikelet morphological traits were measured in the same populations. The results indicate that: (a) 16 loci (= 32%) were monomorphic in all 12 populations, 15 loci (= 30%) were locally polymorphic, and 19 loci (= 38%) were regionally polymorphic. All polymorphic loci (but one) displayed high levels of polymorphism ( 10%). In Israel, the proportion of polymorphic loci per population, P, in wild wheat averaged 0.25 (range, 0.16–0.38), and the genetic diversity index, He averaged 0.07, (range, 0.03 – 0.12). (b) Altogether there were 110 alleles at the 50 putative loci tested (c) Genetic differentiation of populations included regional and local patterns: (i) The coefficients of genetic distance between populations were high (mean D = 0.10 range, 0.02 – 0.25), and indicated sharp genetic differentiation over short distances, (ii) Common ( 10%) but sporadic and localized alleles were frequent (76%), and (iii) Rare alleles were few (only 5 alleles). (d) The patterns of allozyme and spikelet variation in the wild gene pool were significantly correlated with, and partly predictable by, water factors, including those of precipitation, evaporation, and relative humidity as well as of soil type, (e) All six spikelet characters showed statistically significant variation among localities and (f) Allozymic variation was correlated with spikelet variation.These results suggest in T. dicoccoides: (i) the operation of natural selection in population genetic structure, (ii) local adaptive genetic differentiation caused by diversifying selection through climate and soil, and (iii) the guidelines for sampling these resources for use in wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   

Wheat grain yield production in the rain-fed areas is limited by water deficits during crop growth. A greenhouse experiment was conducted during spring 1992 at ICARDA, Tel Hadya, Syria, with eight genotypes representing two Triticum species (Triticum turgidum var. durum and Triticum aestivum L.) under four soil-moisture regimes (95%, 75%, 55%, and 35% field capacity) to study the effect of water deficit on leaf development. The phyllochron was similar in the two species across the watering regimes. The range in variation in phyllochron among the genotypes was similar in the two species. Phyllochron response to water stress among genotypes was distinct in the driest regime in both species. Cham 6 (T. aestivum) and Gallareta (T. turgidum var. durum) had similar phyllochron across all moisture regimes whereas in other genotypes phyllochron was higher in the dries regime. Leaf area decreased with increasing moisture stress. Triticum turgidum var. durum genotypes were later in flowering as they had, on average, one leaf more than Triticum aestivum genotypes with similar leaf appearance rates.  相似文献   

Accumulation of protein and starch in grain is a key process determining grain yield and quality in wheat. Under drought or waterlogging, endogenous plant hormone levels will change and may have an impact on the yield and quality of wheat. In a greenhouse experiment, four winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties differing in grain protein content, Heimai 76, Wanmai 38, Yangmai 10 and Yangmai 9, were subjected to drought (SRWC = 4550%, DR), waterlogging (WL) and moderate water supply (SRWC = 7580%, CK), beginning from 4 days post-anthesis (DPA) to maturity. On the 10 (grain enlargement stage) and 20 (grain filling stage) DPA, endogenous abscisic acid (ABA), gibberellins (GA1+3), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and zeatin riboside (ZR) were determined in sink and source organs of wheat plants by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The patterns of hormonal changes were similar in four varieties. The ABA levels were much higher under DR and WL than under CK. Compared with CK, GA1+3 levels in whole-plant under DR and WL changed a little at 10 DPA, but markedly decreased under DR and WL at 20 DPA. Changes of endogenous IAA level under DR and WL exhibited a complicated pattern, depending on organs and growth stages. Particularly at the 20 DPA, the mean levels of IAA in roots, leaves and grains decreased significantly under DR and WL. In comparison with CK, ZR levels in all organs significantly decreased under DR and WL at both stages. The correlation analyses between yields and contents of starch and protein in grains and levels and ratios of four hormones in source and sink organs indicated that the changes in yield and content of grain starch and protein under DR and WL were associated with the reduced IAA, ZR and GA1+3 levels and elevated ABA level in plants, especially in grains. It was proposed that the changed levels of endogenous hormones under post-anthesis DR and WL might indirectly affect protein and starch accumulation in grains by influencing the regulatory enzymes and processes.  相似文献   

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