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目的研究及观察SD大鼠和巴马小型猪皮肤的正常比较组织学。方法取SD大鼠和巴马小型猪不同部位的皮肤进行石蜡切片、HE染色,光学显微镜观察。结果两种动物的皮肤组织学结构在以下方面存在着显著差异:1.SD大鼠的毛囊成簇分布,平均3~9成群,而巴马小型猪的毛囊较稀少;2.SD大鼠表皮较薄,没有透明层,基底细胞缺乏异质性,真皮与表皮连接面平坦,没有皮钉;而在巴马小型猪皮肤表皮和真皮连接区,有上下交错的表皮皮钉和真皮乳头;3.SD大鼠的真皮结构相对松散,真皮血管系统不发达,而巴马小型猪皮肤的真皮网织层和乳头层交界的地方,水平分布着很多的浅表小静脉和小动脉丛,这种血管分布的方式与人类皮肤中的血管分布极为类似;4.SD大鼠的汗腺只局限于足垫的皮肤,汗腺上皮只有一种细胞类型,腺细胞呈立方形或矮柱状,胞核圆形,导管短而弯曲,由两层上皮细胞组成。而巴马小型猪皮肤的汗腺是顶泌汗腺,分布于真皮和脂肪相接的真皮深层,分泌部为粗管,管腔大,盘曲成团。腺细胞呈立方形或扁平,胞核圆形或长梭形。腺细胞与基膜之间也有肌上皮细胞。导管较细而直,开口于毛囊上段。  相似文献   

记述了产自四川省自贡市的一具蜥脚类幼年个体材料。根据枢椎极短而高,颈神经棘低、上缘平直、前后延长,背神经棘呈横宽的板状,中部颈肋的前突分叉等特征将它命名为一新属新种——张氏大安龙Daanosaurus zhangi gen.etsp.nov.,并将它归入巧龙亚科Bellusaurinae。  相似文献   

四川自贡发现合川马门溪龙新材料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶勇  欧阳辉  傅乾明 《古脊椎动物学报》2001,39(4):266-271,T001
记述了产自四川自贡上侏罗统的一具较完整的蜥脚类恐龙骨架 ,将其归入合川马门溪龙 (Mamenchisaurushochuanensis)中。新材料的发现弥补了合川种正型标本的不足 ,对合川种的特征作了重要补充 ,同时也使我们对马门溪龙的末端尾椎形态有了新的认识。  相似文献   

五种紫萼藓科植物茎及叶的解剖学观察   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
王虹 《植物研究》2002,22(1):T001-T002
对紫萼藓科紫萼藓属中的5种植物,运用石蜡切片法和扫描电镜法,对其茎的结构及叶表皮角质层皱褶、孔及纹饰等特征进行观察分析,结果表明:长枝紫萼藓(Grimmia elongata Kaulf.)茎呈多棱形,片状附属物沿叶腹面表皮连成带状,而叶背面角质层纹饰呈辐射状的裂片;圆蒴紫萼藓(Grimmia a pocarpa Hedw.)茎、叶细胞中内含物非常浓厚,细胞不透明,中助的角质层纹饰呈纵向的线状;高山紫萼藓(Grimmia alpicola Sw.ex Hedw.)中肋宽厚,孔呈梯形排列,叶背面角质层皱褶呈“菊花状”纹饰,叶腹面孔口处有“眼皮状”鳞片覆盖;卵叶紫萼藓(Grimmia o-valis(Hedw.)Lindb.)茎无明显的中轴部;中肋“导水细胞”发达,叶表面密布粗疣和网状排列的大孔,且孔深陷;毛尖紫萼藓(Grimmia pilifera P.Beauv.)茎的外皮部和内皮部之间有一层“鞘状”物质,叶背面孔的形状呈挤压状。  相似文献   

The benthic deep-sea class Sorberacea (Tunicata) is revised. All known species are redescribed and figured and seven new species are added. Diagnoses of the genera Sorbera, Gasterascidia, Oligotrema and Hexadactylus are given. The new generic name Hexadactylus replaces Hexacrobylm and a tabular key to the 12 species is provided. Hypotheses about the evolutionary processes in the Sorberacea are proposed and a comparison with Ascidiacea is given. The geographical distribution of sorberacean species and biogeographical affinities are discussed. The bathymetric distribution is particularly large since this class is characteristic of deep-sea bottoms.  相似文献   

朱磊 《动物学杂志》2013,48(3):474-479
采用石蜡切片技术对白胸苦恶鸟(Amaurornis phoenicurus)的消化道进行了组织学观察.结果表明,食管皱襞发达,黏膜上皮为复层扁平上皮,食管腺发达,颈段多于胸段,黏膜肌层为一层纵肌,厚约0.06 ~0.26 mm.肌层为一层厚约0.19~0.27mm的环肌.腺胃被覆单层柱状上皮,固有层内有单管腺和复管腺两种腺体,单管腺仅深约0.11 ~0.20 mm;复管腺厚约1.19~1.26 mm,占管壁的77.8% ~80.4%.肌胃的类角质层发达,厚约0.16~0.24 mm.肌胃腺呈管状,与类角质层突起形成皱襞.肌层发达,由内环外纵两层平滑肌构成.肠绒毛无分支和中央乳糜管,十二指肠绒毛长而密集,空肠绒毛呈细长指状,直肠绒毛长且呈叶状.十二指肠与直肠肠绒毛内有大量致密淋巴小结,盲肠绒毛短,肠腺少.  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对国产凤尾蕨科( Pteridaceae ) 2 属30 种4 变种植物孢子进行了观察。其中凤尾蕨属( Pteris) 29 种4 变种, 孢子三裂缝, 辐射对称; 极面观为钝三角形, 赤道面观为半圆形或超半圆形; 孢子极轴长26~54μm, 赤道轴长34~97μm; 外壁厚, 形成孢子表面纹饰的轮廓; 周壁薄, 紧贴于外壁上; 多数种类孢子外壁具沿赤道加厚的赤道环, 孢子表面呈瘤块状、疣块状, 或隆起的脊连成网状或拟网状等纹饰, 有的种类具近极脊和远极脊。凤尾蕨属植物孢子的形态稳定, 种间差异明显, 但孢子形态特征与孢子体的形态特征是不相关的。栗蕨属( Histiopteris) 植物孢子为单裂缝, 两侧对称, 极面观椭圆形, 赤道面观豆形; 孢子极轴长22~23μm, 赤道轴长29~36μm; 周壁很薄, 由外壁形成孢子纹饰的轮廓; 表面呈粗的块状纹饰。从孢子形态上看, 栗蕨属与凤尾蕨属有很大差异, 将其放在一个科中不合适。  相似文献   

The spore morphology of 30 species 4 variety of 2 genera of Pteridaceae from China was investigated under scanning electron microscope (SEM) . Among them, 29 species 4 variety belong to the genus Pteris . The spores of Pteris are trilete , radiosymmetrical , subtriangular in polar view and hemispherical or subhemispherical in equatorial view . The polar axes are 26 - 54μm long , and equatorial axes are 34 - 97μm long . The perispore is thin and the surface ornamentation is formed by the exospore . The types of ornamentation are tuberculiform-rugulate , verruciform-rugulate or lophate , the spore of most species with the equatoial flange, some species with proximal ridge and distal ridge . The spore morphology of Pteris is stable, and the difference between species is distinct , but the features of spore and sporophyte are not related. The spore of Histiopteris is monolete and bilaterally symmetrical, elliptical in polar view and kidney-shaped in equatorial view . The polar axes are 22 - 23μm long , and equatorial axes are 29 - 36 μm long . The perispore is thin and the surface ornamentation is formed by the exospore . The surface is rugulate . The spore morphology of Histiopteris and Pteris is very differential , put genus Histiopteris in family Pteridaceae is not suitable, according to the feature of spore morphology .  相似文献   

记述了产自四川自贡大山铺中侏罗世峨眉龙属一新种——焦氏峨眉龙(Omeisaurus jiaoisp.nov.)。新种为大型蜥脚类恐龙,以如下特征区别于其他蜥脚类:前、中部背椎为典型的后凹型,后部背椎为双平型,背椎神经棘呈高大棒状,不分叉;尾椎为弱双凹型,第一尾椎不具扇形尾肋;第一脉弧短小且与第一尾椎关联;锁骨长大;肱骨和股骨细长而圆实;肱骨与股骨长度之比为0.83,尺骨与肱骨长度之比为0.72,胫骨与股骨长度之比为0.63。  相似文献   

中国特有植物血水草属的解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

扬子鳄皮肤腺结构与发育的初步观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
扬子鳄有三种皮肤腺:背腺、泄殖腔麝腺和下颌腺。背腺位于背中线左右两侧第二行鳞片下方,其确切位置个体间差异很大,如表1。幼鳄背腺形态多种多样,但显示出是一种退化器官,未观察到腺开口,也未观察到半成鳄和成鳄的背腺,因此扬子鳄背腺可能不具功能。泄殖腔麝腺位于泄殖腔腹唇内,梨形,腺管开口于泄殖腔腹壁,成体腺腔很大,腺的底部壁较厚,腺细胞明显地分成若干小叶,其它部位壁较薄,小叶不明显,属全泌腺,分泌油脂物,繁殖期特别发达,但性未成熟个体亦具功能,是一种信息素下颌腺位于下颌后方两侧皮肤内,圆柱状,脉管开口于下颌腹侧皮肤表面,成体腺腔不规则,腺壁厚,从包囊到腺腔,腺细胞可明显地分成三个区,属全泌腺,分泌油脂物,在繁殖期特别发达,此腺到性成熟才具功能。  相似文献   

A classification of the Ericaceae: subfamilies and tribes   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The variation shown by 60 characters (morphological, anatomical, embryological, chemical and cytological) is tabulated for the whole of the Ericaceae. The reliability of the characters and the observations on them are discussed, and it is emphasized that many characters are difficult to use because they are rarely restricted to one taxon. Six subfamilies are recognized. Within the Rhododendroideae seven tribes are recognized, the monogeneric Daboecieae being new; Epigaea is transferred to the Rhododendroideae from the Andromedeae and Diplarche from the Diapensiaceae. Calluna is placed in a new monotypic tribe within the Ericoideae. The extended Vaccinioideae includes the Arbutoideae; five tribes are recognized, of which the Enkiantheae and Cassiopeae are new. The Pyroloideae and Monotropoideae are left unchanged: a new subfamily, the Wittsteinioideae, includes the deviant monotypic genus Wittsteinia. A key to subfamilies, and to genera of the Pyroloideae, Rhododendroideae and superior-ovaried Vaccinioideae is given.  相似文献   

Nostoc commune which belongs to blue-green algae has been observed with microscope, scanning and transmission electron microscopes. The following special structures are found: 1. The structure in thallus is spongiform with an uneven surface. 2. The filaments made up of torulose cells are tortuous with different length, some are piled up, some are branchy, and the others arrange in a circle. 3. The cell wall of torulose cell is five-layered. The outermost layer is ripply and inlays with neighbour cells. 4. Torulose cells are typical prokaryote. The thylakoids disperse in the peripheral plasma. The nucleoplasm exists in the center of the cell. There are structured granules, polyhedral and polyphosphate bodies interspersing in cytoplasm. Ribosomes and phycobilins are found on the surface of thylakoid. 5. The heterocyst is surrounded by a thicking sheath. This is an additional envelope outside the cell wall and can be called “cell envelope”. In the cell envelope exist a transparent layer and a dense electron layer with hemispherical nodule in which there is an channel interlinking up with neighbour cell. 6. The reproductive manner of N. commune is of horizontal split, and the direction of split is different.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of muscle cells in Siboglinum fiordicum (Pogonophora)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two different muscle types are found in the body of Siboglinum fiordicum: body wall muscle and blood vessel muscle. Both are of a myomesothelial type. The myofibrils of the body wall muscle are non-striated and consist of thick and thin myofilaments. Scattered dense bodies and attachment plaques are described. The sarcoplasmic reticulum forms a three-dimensional network in the myofibrils and only peripheral couplings are observed. The thick filaments are of a paramyosin type and have a diameter ranging from 400-1500 A. The blood vessels muscle is non-striated, but sometimes a sarcomere-like organization has been observed. Both thick and thin filaments are present. The thick filaments have a diameter of 250-400 A and lack transverse striations. Dense bodies and attachment of plaques are few. The sparse sarcoplasmic reticulum is restricted to the myofibril periphery where it makes peripheral couplings with sarcolemma. The luminal surface of the vessels is lined by a basal lamina with collagen-like inclusions. No endothelium is found. The body wall muscle and the blood vessel muscle are compared with other muscle types described in invertebrates.  相似文献   

Summary The sperm of cotton were observed in the pollen tube in the style. They are true cells but relatively simple in organization. The nuclei are small and each contains a single, very small nucleolus. Nuclear pores are common and heterochromatin lines the nuclear membrane. The plastids and mitochondria are so reduced in internal structure that it is impossible to separately identify them. The suggestion is put forward that only mitochondria are present in the sperm. Dictyosomes are few but appear to be producing large numbers of vesicles. Single membrane vesicles of a large range of sizes are common. ER is scarce but polysomes are numerous.  相似文献   

食蚊鱼的消化道由口咽腔、食道、肠和肛门组成。口咽腔内有味蕾分布。食道粘膜为复层扁平上皮,粘膜内有粘液细胞。肠可分为前后两段,皱襞高度、肌层厚度有差异。消化腺包括肝脏和胰腺。肝小叶不明显,雌雄肝脏的显微结构不同。胰腺呈弥散型,一部分分布在肝脏内,另一部分和消化道伴生。讨论了食蚊鱼消化系统的特点与食性的关系。  相似文献   

Fumio Iwata 《Hydrobiologia》1988,156(1):115-124
Summary The polystiliferous hoplonemertean Sagaminemertes nagaiensis (Iwata, 1957) has been redescribed.A distinct pre-cerebral region is wanting. The rhynchocoel opens directly at the tip of the head, whilst the mouth opens seperately below the ventral commissure of the brain which is situated at the anterior end of the head. The dorsal ganglia are well developed and extend posteriorly far behind the ventral ganglia. The cerebral sense organs are situated behind the brain and possess posterior ciliated canals. Cephalic glands are poorly represented, but ocelli are well developed. The sickle-shaped basis of the proboscis bears about 20 central stylets. The caecal appendages of the rhynchocoel are arranged pseudometamerically throughout the body. The foregut is straight, consisting of mouth, oesophagus, stomach and pylorus. Intestinal caeca and lateral diverticula are present. The cephalic lacunae have no anterior anastomosis. A cerebral lacuna is present, there is a rhynchocoel vessel, but transverse vessels are absent. The protonephridia extend throughout the foregut region. Mature spermatogonia are well developed.A systematic discussion of Sagaminemertes nagaiensis suggests that it is taxonomically close to Siboganemertes weberi in the archireptantic family Siboganemertidae.  相似文献   

鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina)生长特征   总被引:34,自引:4,他引:30  
以调查统计的方法研究了矮嵩草草甸内鹅藏委陵菜无性生长特征。研究结果表明:匍匐茎只有1条的鹅绒委陵菜最多,占52.86%,匍匐茎有4条的鹅绒委陵菜只占4.29%,同一鹅绒委陵菜无性系中,随着匍匐茎数目的增多,分株数,间隔子数,茎总长和匍匐茎比节间重变小,分株一般在第二级或第三级最高,末级较高;间隔子一般以第二、第三或第四级为最长,最末一级较长,第一级最短,随鹅绒委陵菜匍匐茎数目的增多,用于繁殖的匍匐茎和分株的干重比例逐渐增加。  相似文献   

Materials consisting of macro-molecules that are set in a structure and interact via contact interactions are investigated. The analysis is analytical, based on the methodology developed for granular materials by Jenkins J.T. and Koenders M.A. “The incremental response of random aggregates of round particles” European Physics Journal E., 13, 2004 113–123. The stiffness tensor is obtained and the results are screened for auxetic properties. Two-dimensional materials are investigated. For regular packings isotropic and anisotropic structures are examined. It is demonstrated that isotropic materials in this category are never auxetic. Heterogeneous materials are also analysed. It is shown that auxetic behaviour is enhanced when structural variation is present. By contrast, auxetic behaviour is suppressed when constitutive heterogeneity is present. The results of the analysis may be employed to scrutinize numerical simulations.  相似文献   

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