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The ability of splenic T-cells to regulate Friend murine leukemia virus replication in lipopolysaccharide-activated target B-cells infected in vitro was investigated. Removal of the T-cell fraction from spleen cells resulted in an 8- to 10-fold enhancement in the number of productively infected cells in the remaining B-cell-enriched fraction, as compared with unseparated spleen cells, and the addition of increasing numbers of purified T-cells to isolated B-cells prior to infection resulted in a directly proportional reduction in the number of B-cells releasing infectious progeny virus. Separation of splenic T-cells into Lyt 2- and Lyt 2+ T-cells before addition to infected B-cell cultures resulted in inhibition of infection only with the Lyt 2- T-cells; Lyt 2+ T-cells did not inhibit infection, even at high 1:1 ratios. Similarly, separation of splenic T-cells into L3T4+ and L3T4- T-cells before addition resulted in inhibition by L3T4+ but not L3T4- T-cells. Also, cytotoxic treatment of splenic T-cells with monoclonal anti-L3T4 antibody and complement before addition to B-cell cultures destroyed the regulatory effects. Finally, depletion of macrophages from both T-cells and B-cells before infection and coculture had no effect on the ability of T-cells to regulate B-cell infection. Collectively these results demonstrate that L3T4+ T-cells can inhibit Friend murine leukemia virus replication in target B-cells. Culture of isolated splenic T-cells with Friend murine leukemia virus in vitro resulted in the induction of alpha/beta but not interferon-gamma synthesis and in some experiments interferon-containing supernatants from T-cell-virus cultures were able to mediate suppression of B-cell infection with Friend helper virus; the addition of antibody specific for interferon-alpha/beta to cultures inhibited the ability of T-cells to regulate B-cell infection.  相似文献   

Retroviral interference is manifested in chronically infected cells as a decrease in susceptibility to superinfection by virions using the same cellular receptor. The pattern of interference reflects the cellular receptor specificity of the chronically infecting retrovirus and is mediated by the viral envelope glycoprotein, which is postulated to bind competitively all cellular receptors available for viral attachment. We established retroviral interference in mice by infecting them with Friend murine leukemia virus and them measured susceptibility to superinfection by challenging the mice with the erythroproliferative spleen focus-forming virus. Infection of approximately 10% of nucleated splenocytes rendered mice 1% as susceptible to superinfection as untreated controls. The magnitude of this effect was the same in mice incapable of producing neutralizing antibodies or genetically deficient for T cells. The results indicated that retroviral interference in vivo was established rapidly with infection of a fraction of the host cell population and that the decrease in susceptibility to superinfection occurred without a detectable contribution by immunologic factors.  相似文献   

Establishment of the antiviral state by interferon does not impair differentiation of Friend cells. Interferon actually produces an increase in dimethylsulfoxide-induced hemoglobin synthesis. However, both the constitutive production and the induction of leukemia virus in these cells are inhibited by interferon.  相似文献   

Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MuLV), an erythroleukemogenic replication-competent retrovirus, induces leukemia in its host after a long latency. However, the early effects of infection may determine the pathway that eventually leads to malignant transformation. To determine how F-MuLV affects host cell proliferation soon after infection, BALB/c mice were inoculated with virus and then were assayed for susceptibility to appropriately pseudotyped spleen focus-forming virus (SFFV) as an indicator of erythropoietic activity. Twelve-week-old mice exposed to F-MuLV for 9 days were more susceptible (by a factor of 30) to superinfection by SFFV than were nonviremic mice. To test whether increased susceptibility was the result of increased hematopoietic activity, hematopoietic progenitors from the spleens of F-MuLV-infected mice were enumerated with a clonal culture assay. Nine days after inoculation with F-MuLV, the numbers of colony-forming progenitors increased by a factor of 4. Morphological analysis of the cultured colonies showed that erythroid, granulocytic, monocytic, and mixed granulocytic-monocytic progenitors all had increased. Thus, F-MuLV more rapidly induced a generalized increase in hematopoiesis than has previously been reported. The splenic hyperplasia induced by F-MuLV soon after infection may explain its ability to accelerate leukemogenesis in mice also infected by the polytropic Friend mink cell focus-forming virus.  相似文献   

Several strategies allow viruses to elude the surveillance of the immune system and to establish persistent infection in the host. One of such mechanisms is the immunosuppression caused by the direct infection and functional impairment of immune cells. Human Herpes virus type 6 (HHV-6) is a typical immunosuppressive agent, as suggested by its tropism for both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, B cells, monocytes/macrophages, megakaryocytes and NK cells. In this study the production of IL-10 and IL-12 by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was evaluated during HHV-6 infection "in vitro". Our results demonstrate that HHV-6 up-regulates IL-10 production by PBMC. Furthermore, our data suggest that rhIFN gamma addition counteracts the effect of HHV-6 in promoting IL-10 release. To gain more insight into the role of IFN gamma, anti-IFN gamma monoclonal antibodies were added to PBMC stimulated with LPS. Neutralization of endogenous IFN gamma upregulated IL-10 release. Furthermore, HHV-6 infection inhibited IFN gamma release induced by LPS in PBMC. No basal production of IL-12 was found in PBMC. Moreover, HHV-6 infection did not induce IL-12 release by PBMC. On the contrary, IL-12 was detected in the supernatants of PBMC treated with LPS with or without rhIFN gamma. In these experimental conditions the further addition of HHV-6 markedly impaired IL-12 production. Moreover, the neutralization of IL-10 resulted in a significant up-regulation of IL-12. Finally our data suggest that the immunodysregulation induced by HHV-6 could be accounted for by a shift from a Th-1 to a Th-2 type cytokine profile.  相似文献   

Fv-4 is a mouse gene that dominantly confers resistance to infection with Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MuLV) (S. Suzuki, Jpn. J. Exp. Med. 45:473-478, 1975). Despite complete resistance to ecotropic MuLV infection in mice carrying the Fv-4 gene, it is known that cells carrying the resistance gene in tissue culture do not always show resistance as extensive as that in vivo (H. Yoshikura and T. Odaka, JNCI 61:461-463, 1978). To investigate the immunological effect on resistance in vivo, we introduced the Fv-4 gene into BALB/c nude mice (Fv-4-/- nude[nu/nu]) by mating them with Fv-4 congenic BALB/c mice (Fv-4r/r nude+/+) and examined the susceptibility of the F2 progeny to F-MuLV. All BALB/c nude mice without the Fv-4 gene (Fv-4-/- nude[nu/nu]) were permissive to F-MuLV and developed erythroleukemia within 2 weeks after virus inoculation. The BALB/c nude mice with the Fv-4 gene (Fv-4r/r nude[nu/nu]) did not develop leukemia, and no or little virus was detected in the spleen 7 weeks after virus inoculation. The resistance to F-MuLV was dominant in (Fv-4 congenic BALB/c x BALB/c nude) F1 mice with the Fv-4r/- nude(nu/+) genotype as strictly as in (Fv-4 congenic BALB/c x BALB/c) F1 mice with the Fv-4r/- nude+/+ genotype. However, almost all BALB/c nude mice with the Fv-4r/- nude(nu/nu) genotype developed the disease within 7 weeks, and the virus was detected in all of their spleens even in the mice without leukemia. These results show that the resistance caused by the Fv-4 gene is recessive in nude mice and dominant in BALB/c mice. Some immunological effects, perhaps cell-mediated immunity, may play important roles in the resistance to F-MuLV infection in vivo in addition to the dosage effect of the Fv-4 product.  相似文献   

Interference in Friend virus infection in vitro.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

A dominant negative mutant Friend murine leukemia virus (FMLV) env gene was cloned from an immunoselected Friend erythroleukemia cell. The mutant env had a point mutation which resulted in a Cys-to-Arg substitution at the 361st amino acid in the FMLV envelope protein (Env). The mutant Env was retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and accumulated because of its slow degradation. The NIH 3T3 cells expressing the mutant env were resistant to ecotropic Moloney MLV (MoMLV) penetration, suggesting that the mutant Env traps the ecotropic MLV receptors in the ER. When the mutant env gene was transfected into and expressed in the cells persistently infected with MoMLV, the wild-type Env was trapped in the ER, and the MoMLV production was suppressed. Thus, the mutant Env accumulating in the ER trans-dominantly and efficiently interfered with the ecotropic MLV infection at both the early and the late stages.  相似文献   

Cloned 3T3FL cells were synchronized in G1 phase of the cell cycle by deprivation of multiplication stimulatory activity of serum and were then infected with Moloney leukemia virus. Eclipse period of virus could be made to vary from less than 10 to 34 h. All virus release was completely dependent and occurred immediately after the first mitosis following serum reconstitution. Virus yield was not affected by the time of virus inoculation as related to the cell DNA synthetic phase. Colchicine arrested the cells in mitosis and prevented the formation of infectious virus. Viral proteins p10, p30, and gp71 were assayed in cell lysates during the growth curve of virus in synchronized cells. The group-specific determinants of each protein were measured in a competition radioimmunoassay. None of the virus proteins appeared during the eclipse period of the virus. All three proteins appeared simultaneously, coincident with mitosis, and continued to rise during the G1 phase. The absolute quantities of each protein were proportional to the amount of Moloney leukemia virus produced. The relative amounts of some of the viral proteins in the cell did not correspond to their content in purified virions suggesting several possible mechanisms of control.  相似文献   

The factors that control oncornavirus formation were analyzed in Friend leukemia cells that undergo hematopoiesis when treated with dimethyl sulfoxide. Suspension cultures of Ostertag FSD-1 cell line were found to enter a G or resting state at the end of their proliferative phase and to simultaneously cease producing helper and dependent components of Friend virus. Whereas the decline in virus production is at least 100-fold, rates of cellular RNA and protein synthesis are only slightly lower in resting than in growing cells. Both resting and growing cells contain similarly large concentrations of the viral proteins P(30) and P(12). Dimethyl sulfoxide induces hemoglobin synthesis in growing cells, but its effects on virus production appear to be indirect results of its action to inhibit cell growth and thus to delay entry of cells into the G resting state. Furthermore, variant cell lines were obtained with differing abilities to synthesize virus or hemoglobin. Some lines no longer produce infectious virus, although they all harbor murine leukemia virus genes which are expressed to varying extents. The major internal protein of these oncornaviruses, P(30), is synthesized in large amounts by all of the cell lines. These results suggest that Friend virus production is not coinduced with erythroid differentiation, as had been proposed, but rather is controlled by a cellular growth cycle.  相似文献   

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