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Genetically engineered pollen with a visible marker gene could be useful to monitor the movement of transgenic pollen provided there are no negative physiological or fitness effects of expressing such a gene. In this study, we measured the fitness of Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi pollen expressing the marker gene green fluorescent protein (GFP). Average pollen tube germination frequencies and pollen tube growth rates in vitro were measured in three different types of plants: (1) plants producing GFP in pollen cells only (LAT59-GFP), (2) plants synthesizing GFP under the control of a constitutive promoter (CaMV 35S) in which no GFP was produced in pollen, and (3) non-transgenic plants. Pollen synthesizing the GFP protein did not differ significantly in average pollen germination frequencies from pollen without GFP (P=0.65). Average pollen tube growth rates over a 5-h period did not differ significantly between transgenic and non-transgenic types (R2=0.89, 0.98, and 0.95, respectively, for GFP-tagged, 35S-GFP, and wild type). Overall, GFP expression in pollen grains of tobacco was not found to have an effect on pollen fitness under the controlled experimental conditions of this study.  相似文献   

* Green fluorescent protein (GFP) labeling of bacteria has been used to study their infection of and localization in plants, but strong autofluorescence from leaves and the relatively weak green fluorescence of GFP-labeled bacteria restrict its broader application to investigations of plant-bacterial interactions. * A stable and broad-host-range plasmid vector (pDSK-GFPuv) that strongly expresses GFPuv protein was constructed not only for in vivo monitoring of bacterial infection, localization, activity, and movement at the cellular level under fluorescence microscopy, but also for monitoring bacterial disease development at the whole-plant level under long-wavelength ultraviolet (UV) light. * The presence of pDSK-GFPuv did not have significant impact on the in vitro or in planta growth and virulence of phytobacteria. A good correlation between bacterial cell number and fluorescence intensity was observed, which allowed us to rapidly estimate the bacterial population in plant leaf tissue. We demonstrated that GFPuv-expressing bacteria can be used to screen plants that are compromised for nonhost disease resistance and Agrobacterium attachment. * The use of GFPuv-labeled bacteria has a wide range of applications in host-bacterial interaction studies and bacterial ecology-related research.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman (RR) spectra of green fluorescent protein (GFP) model chromophores in solution have been simulated with the CASSCF/MM methodology. Although several reports on vibrational analysis of GFP model chromophores have been recently published, the RR spectra were simulated for the first time in explicit solution with the inclusion of the counterion, as these effects are crucial for unambiguously reproducing the vibrational band assignment in the anionic form of the GFP chromophore. This strategy allows for a one-to-one correspondence of the calculated vibrational modes to the observed RR bands, concerning both the location and intensity pattern. In addition, these simulations were complemented with total energy distribution calculations to aid in the unambiguous assignment of the measured spectra. The current study helps to clarify some of the previous RR bands assignments as well as producing some new assignment for the anionic form of GFP chromophore. The explicit solvent simulations and PCM-based calculations are compared to the measured spectra, and these results demonstrate that explicit solvent simulations provide better agreement with experiment, both in terms of vibrational frequencies and intensity distribution. Figure a Correlation of explicit hydration calculations (CASSCF/6-31G*/MM) for the HBI model chromophore and experimental RR data [21]; slope = 0.982, intercept = 27.210 and regression coefficient = 0.997. b Correlation of implicit PCM calculations (CASSCF/6-31G*) for the HBI model chromophore and experimental RR data [21], slope = 1.017, intercept = −48.838 and regression coefficient = 0.984  相似文献   

Tracheal antimicrobial peptides (TAP) are expressed primarily in respiratory epithelial cells of cattle. The TAP expression is inducible upon challenge with bacteria and bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In pigs, a promoter that can be activated by bacterial infection has yet to be identified. The objective of this study was to use green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a reporter gene to determine the function and inducibility of the bovine TAP promoter in porcine primary tracheal epithelial cells. Thus, evaluating the feasibility of using this promoter to direct transgene expression in porcine cells.The percentage of GFP expressing cells increased in response to LPS challenge in both a dose-dependent and time-dependent manner (p < 0.05). Moreover, when the intensity of the GFP fluorescence was measured, it was observed that the percentage of cells that have a high intensity of GFP fluorescence, also increased gradually as LPS dose increased, the difference between the unchallenged (control) and challenged group become statistically significant at the concentration of 100 ng/mL after 36 h LPS challenge (p < 0.05). The level of induced-expression driven by the TAP promoter was 67.8 +/-12.2% that of the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. The intensity of GFP fluorescence by the TAP promoter was 39.8 +/- 7.6% when compared to the expression driven by the CMV promoter. These data suggest the TAP promoter functions at a lower, but comparable, level to the strong CMV promoter.Our data demonstrated that the bovine TAP promoter was functional in porcine primary tracheal epithelial cells. The ability of the TAP promoter to control gene expression in an inducible manner in the porcine respiratory tract presents an important application potential in transgenic animal studies.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein under acrosin promoter were used to study the role of the Golgi complex and of the cytoskeleton during early development of the acrosomic system in exactly defined stages of the seminiferous epithelial cycle during in vitro differentiation. First acrosin expression was found uniformly in the cytoplasm of stage IV pachytene spermatocytes. The steady-state level increased up to stage X pachytene spermatocytes, and in diakinetic primary spermatocytes, acrosin started to accumulate into the Golgi complex. During step 2 of spermiogenesis, several small fluorescent proacrosomic granules were seen in various parts of the Golgi complex, and they fused to a solid acrosomic system at step 3. In cultured stage I-III seminiferous tubule segments, nocodazole slowed down acrosin incorporation and increased the distance of the acrosomic system from the nucleus. Follicle stimulating hormone had an opposite effect by increasing density of the acrosomic system together with activation of the surrounding microtubule network. The observations suggest that microtubules have an important function during the early differentiation of the acrosomic system.  相似文献   

We have investigated the action of seryl-histidine dipeptide (SH)on Green Fluorescent Protein (GFPxm) by SDS-PAGE and fluorescence techniques. It was found that 1 mmol SH showed a 75 units protease K (PK)-like cleavage effect at 50 °C, pH 6.5–7.5. Compared with the results of SH cleavage on BSA, SDS-PAGE experiments showed no obvious fragments resulting from SH cleavage of GFPxm. SH quenched the GFPxm fluorescence greatly prior to cleavage. When the SH concentration reached 150 mM, the fluorescence quenching phenomena stopped. Compared with seryl-histidine dipeptide, the individual amino acids Ser and His, and these two amino acids mixed together, showed no effects on the spectral characteristics of GFPxm nor cleavage of GFPxm. Further study of the SH protein cleavage mechanism might provide insight for protease mechanisms and biomacromolecule evolution.  相似文献   

Summary We have investigated the action of seryl-histidine dipeptide (SH) on Green Fluorescent Protein (GFPxm) by SDS-PAGE and fluorescence techniques. It was found that 1 mmol SH showed a 75 units protease K (PK)-like cleavage effect at 50°C, pH 6.5–7.5. Compared with the results of SH cleavage on BSA, SDS-PAGE experiments showed no obvious fragments resulting from SH cleavage of GFPxm. SH quenched the GFPxm fluorescence greatly prior to cleavage. When the SH concentration reached 150 mM, the fluorescence quenching phenomena stopped. Compared cleavage. When the SH concentration reached 150 mM, the fluorescence quenching phenomena stopped. Compared with seryl-histidine dipeptide, the individual amino acids Ser and His, and these two amino acids mixed together, showed no effects on the spectral characteristics of GFPxm nor cleavage of GFPxm. Further study of the SH protein cleavage mechanism might provide insight for protease mechanisms and biomacromolecule evolution.  相似文献   

To construct a recombinant strain of Listeria monocytogenes for the expression of heterologous genes, homologous recombination was utilized for insertional mutation, targeting its listeriolysin O gene (hly). The gene encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP) was used as the indicator of heterologous gene expression. The gene gfp was inserted into hly downstream from its promoter and signal sequence by an overlapping extension polymerase chain reaction, and was then cloned into the shuttle plasmid pKSV7 for allelic exchange with the L. monocytogenes chromosome. Homologous recombination was achieved by growing the electro-transformed L. monocytogenes cells on chloramphenicol plates at a non-permissive temperature. Sequencing analysis indicated correct insertion of the target gene in-frame with the signal sequence. The recombinant strain expressed GFP constitutively as revealed by fluorescence microscopy. The mutant strain L. monocytogenes hly-gfp lost its hemolytic activity as visualized on the blood agar or when analyzed with the culture supernatant samples. Such insertional mutation resulted in a reduced virulence of about 2 logs less than its parent strain L. monocytogenes 10403s as shown by the 50%-lethal-dose assays in the mouse and embryonated chicken egg models. These results thus demonstrate that mutated L. monocytogeues could be a potential carrier for the expression of heterologous passenger genes or could act as an indicator organism in the food industry.  相似文献   

新城疫病毒是理想的新型活病毒疫苗载体,具有巨大的优势和应用前景。采用生产实践中广泛应用、免疫效果良好的NDV LaSota弱毒疫苗株,建立了反向遗传操作系统。在此基础上,进一步构建了表达绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)的重组NDV基因组cDNA克隆,成功救获了重组病毒rLaSota-EGFP,病毒F1代尿囊病毒液按1×104EID50接种9~10日龄SPF鸡胚尿囊腔,接种后分别于24h、48h、72h及96h收获尿囊液,检测平均HA滴度分别为28、210.3、211.3和211,每mL尿囊液病毒量EID50分别为108.64、109.22、109.21和109.64,重组病毒与亲本株生长滴度在相近时间达到峰值,生长动力学特性与亲本株无明显差异。各代次重组病毒按1×106EID50病毒量接种9~10日龄SPF鸡胚,96h内完全不致死鸡胚。救获重组病毒保持了LaSota弱毒疫苗亲本毒株对鸡胚良好的高滴度生长适应和低致病特性,并且鸡胚连续传9代次仍保持GFP的稳定表达及生物学特性不变。重组病毒rLaSota-EGFP的成功救获为开展新城疫病毒活载体疫苗研制提供了可行的技术平台。  相似文献   

The green fluorescent protein (GFP), its variants, and the closely related GFP-like proteins possess a wide variety of spectral properties that are of widespread interest as biological tools. One desirable spectral property, termed photoswitching, involves the light-induced alteration of the optical properties of certain GFP members. Although the structural basis of both reversible and irreversible photoswitching events have begun to be unraveled, the mechanisms resulting in reversible photoswitching are less clear. A novel GFP-like protein, Dronpa, was identified to have remarkable light-induced photoswitching properties, maintaining an almost perfect reversible photochromic behavior with a high fluorescence to dark state ratio. We have crystallized and subsequently determined to 1.7 A resolution the crystal structure of the fluorescent state of Dronpa. The chromophore was observed to be in its anionic form, adopting a cis co-planar conformation. Comparative structural analysis of non-photoactivatable and photoactivatable GFPs, together with site-directed mutagenesis of a position (Cys62) within the Dronpa chromophore, has provided a basis for understanding Dronpa photoactivation. Specifically, we propose a model of reversible photoactivation whereby irradiation with light leads to subtle conformational changes within and around the environment of the chromophore that promotes proton transfer along an intricate polar network.  相似文献   

The green fluorescent protein (GFP) asFP499 from Anemonia sulcata is a distant homologue of the GFP from Aequorea victoria. We cloned the asFP499 gene into a mammalian expression vector and showed that this protein was expressed in the human lymphoblast cell line Ramos RA1 and in the embryonic kidney 293T cell line (HEK 293T). In HEK 293T cells, asFP499 was localized mainly in the cytoplasm, suggesting that the protein was excluded from the nucleus. We identified (194)LRMEKLNI(201) as a candidate nuclear export signal in asFP499 and mutated the isoleucine at position 201 to an alanine. Unlike the wildtype form, the mutant protein was distributed throughout the cytoplasm and nucleus. This is the first report of a GFP that contains a functional NES.  相似文献   

Ethyl 4-(4-hydroxyphenyl) methylidene- 2-methyl-5-oxoimidazolacetate (HBMIA) is a model chromophore of green fluorescent protein. The electronic structure of HBMIA in aqueous solution phase is studied using a hybrid method of quantum chemistry and statistical mechanics, RISM-SCF-SEDD. The solvatochromic shift is correctly reproduced by the present computations.  相似文献   

The green fluorescent protein (avGFP), its variants, and the closely related GFP-like proteins are characterized structurally by a cyclic tri-peptide chromophore located centrally within a conserved beta-can fold. Traditionally, these GFP family members have been isolated from the Cnidaria although recently, distantly related GFP-like proteins from the Bilateria, a sister group of the Cnidaria have been described, although no representative structure from this phylum has been reported to date. We have determined to 2.1A resolution the crystal structure of copGFP, a representative GFP-like protein from a copepod, a member of the Bilateria. The structure of copGFP revealed that, despite sharing only 19% sequence identity with GFP, the tri-peptide chromophore (Gly57-Tyr58-Gly59) of copGFP adopted a cis coplanar conformation within the conserved beta-can fold. However, the immediate environment surrounding the chromophore of copGFP was markedly atypical when compared to other members of the GFP-superfamily, with a large network of bulky residues observed to surround the chromophore. Arg87 and Glu222 (GFP numbering 96 and 222), the only two residues conserved between copGFP, GFP and GFP-like proteins are involved in autocatalytic genesis of the chromophore. Accordingly, the copGFP structure provides an alternative platform for the development of a new suite of fluorescent protein tools. Moreover, the structure suggests that the autocatalytic genesis of the chromophore is remarkably tolerant to a high degree of sequence and structural variation within the beta-can fold of the GFP superfamily.  相似文献   

Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) are ubiquitous hosts of rickettsiae (Rickettsiaceae: Rickettsia), obligate intracellular bacteria that occur as a continuum from nonpathogenic arthropod endosymbionts to virulent pathogens of both arthropod vectors and vertebrates. Visualization of rickettsiae in hosts has traditionally been limited to techniques utilizing fixed tissues. We report epifluorescence microscopy observations of unfixed tick tissues infected with a spotted fever group endosymbiont, Rickettsia monacensis, transformed to express green fluorescent protein (GFP). Fluorescent rickettsiae were readily visualized in tick tissues. In adult female, but not male, Ixodes scapularis infected by capillary feeding, R. monacensis disseminated from the gut and infected the salivary glands that are crucial to the role of ticks as vectors. The rickettsiae infected the respiratory tracheal system, a potential dissemination pathway and possible infection reservoir during tick molting. R. monacensis disseminated from the gut of capillary fed I. scapularis nymphs and was transstadially transmitted to adults. Larvae, infected by immersion, transstadially transmitted the rickettsiae to nymphs. Infected female I. scapularis did not transovarially transmit R. monacensis to progeny and the rickettsiae were not horizontally transmitted to a rabbit or hamsters. Survival of infected nymphal and adult I. scapularis did not differ from that of uninfected control ticks. R. monacensis did not disseminate from the gut of capillary fed adult female Amblyomma americanum (L.), or adult Dermacentor variabilis (Say) ticks of either sex. Infection of I. scapularis with R. monacensis expressing GFP provides a model system allowing visualization and study of live rickettsiae in unfixed tissues of an arthropod host.  相似文献   

Based on the complete genome sequence of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) ZJI strain, seven pairs of primers were designed to amplify a cDNA fragment for constructing the plasmid pNDV/ZJI, which contained the full-length cDNA of the NDV ZJI strain. The pNDV/ZJI, with three helper plasmids, pCIneoNP, pCIneoP and pCIneoL, were then cotransfected into BSR-T7/5 cells expressing T7 RNA polymerase. After inoculation of the transfected cell culture supernatant into embryonated chicken eggs from specific-pathogen-free (SPF) flock, an infectious NDV ZJI strain was successfully rescued. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene was amplified and inserted into the NDV full-length cDNA to generate a GFP-tagged recombinant plasmid pNDV/ZJIGFP. After cotransfection of the resultant plasmid and the three support plasmids into BSR-T7/5 cells, the recombinant NDV, NDV/ZJIGFP, was rescued. Specific green fluorescence was observed in BSR-T7/5 and chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cells 48h post-infection, indicating that the GFP gene was expressed at a relatively high level. NDV/ZJIGFP was inoculated into 10-day-old SPF chickens by oculonasal route. Four days post-infection, strong green fluorescence could be detected in the kidneys and tracheae, indicating that the recombinant GFP-tagged NDV could be a very useful tool for analysis of NDV dissemination and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Because of its unusual spectroscopic properties, green fluorescent protein (GFP) has become a useful tool in molecular genetics, biochemistry and cell biology. Here, we computationally characterize the behavior of two GFP constructs, designed as bioprobes for enzymatic triggering using intramolecular fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). These constructs differ in the location of an intramolecular FRET partner, an attached chemical chromophore (either near an N-terminal or C-terminal site). We apply the temperature replica exchange molecular dynamics method to the two flexible constructs in conjunction with a generalized Born implicit solvent model. The calculated rate of FRET was derived from the interchromophore distance, R, and orientational factor, kappa(2). In agreement with experiment, the construct with the C-terminally attached dye was predicted to have higher energy transfer rate than observed for the N-terminal construct. The molecular basis for this observation is discussed. In addition, we find that the orientational factor, kappa(2), deviates from the commonly assumed value, the implications of which are also considered.  相似文献   

绿色荧光蛋白——照亮生命科学的一盏明灯   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
单永立  李艳  朱学良 《生命科学》2008,20(6):850-855
绿色荧光蛋白的发现及应用具有划时代的重要意义,它不仅为当代生物学研究提供了极为实用的基本研究手段,并且在此基础上改造发展和发现了一系列荧光蛋白,拓展了应用范围。这使得对微观生物学的研究也可以进入一个时空结合,研究鲜活动态过程的新时代。本文主要回顾总结了绿色荧光蛋白的发现、优化改造及其应用。  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is useful for studying protein trafficking in plant cells. This utility could potentially be extended to develop an efficient secretory reporter system or to enable on-line monitoring of secretory recombinant protein production in plant cell cultures. Toward this end, the aim of the present study was to: (1) demonstrate and characterize high levels of secretion of fluorescent GFP from transgenic plant cell culture; and (2) examine the utility of GFP fluorescence for monitoring secreted recombinant protein production. In this study we expressed in tobacco cell cultures a secretory GFP construct made by splicing an Arabidopsis basic chitinase signal sequence to GFP. Typical extracellular GFP accumulation was 12 mg/L after 10 to 12 days of culture. The secreted GFP is functional and it accounts for up to 55% of the total GFP expressed. Findings from culture treatments with brefeldin A suggest that GFP is secreted by the cultured tobacco cells via the classical endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi pathway. Over the course of flask cultures, medium fluorescence increased with the secreted GFP concentrations that were determined using either Western blot or enzyme-linked immunoassay. Real-time monitoring of secreted GFP in plant cell cultures by on-line fluorescence detection was verified in bioreactor cultures in which the on-line culture fluorescence signals showed a linear dependency on the secreted GFP concentrations.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteins provide a potentially facile tool for identification of well expressed, properly behaved membrane proteins for biochemical and structural study. Here, we present a GFP-expression survey of >300 membrane proteins from 18 bacterial and archaeal extremophiles, organisms expected to be rich sources of membrane proteins having robust biophysical properties. We find that GFP-fusion fluorescence intensity is an excellent indicator of over-expression potential. By employing a follow-up optimization protocol using a suite of non-GFP constructs and different expression temperatures, we obtain 0.5–15 mg L−1 expression levels for 90% of the tested candidate proteins that pass the GFP screen. Evaluation of the results suggests that certain organisms may serve as better sources of well-expressed membrane proteins than others, that the degree to which codon usage matches the expression host is uncorrelated with success rate, and that the combination of GFP screening and expression optimization is essential for producing biochemically tractable quantities of material.  相似文献   

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