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Friedrich von Hagenow is renowned for his seminal inventory of the diverse invertebrate fauna from the lower Maastrichtian chalk (Upper Cretaceous) of the Isle of Rügen, Germany. Tragically, his immense collection at Stettin (today Szczecin, Poland) was almost completely destroyed during World War II, including the type material of hundreds of species established by him during the first half of the 19th century. Seven belemnite specimens from his collection rediscovered at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, as well as 14 belemnites traced at the Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie at the Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, include syntypes of four Talpina ichnospecies, labelled T. ramosa, T. solitaria, T. foliacea and T. sentiformis. To document this material, a new ‘digital cylinder seal technique’ was applied. The rediscovered material allows lectotype designations for T. ramosa and T. solitaria (now Trypanites solitarius), whereas T. foliacea and T. sentiformis, which where not formally published by von Hagenow, are regarded as nomina nuda. As a consequence, the non-topotypical neotypes of T. ramosa and T. solitaria, as designated by Ehrhard Voigt in 1972, are obsolete.  相似文献   

The new information on distribution of the red algae Neoabbottiella in the Russian Far East changes the concept of the areal of these algae and their preferred temperatures. A comparison of N. valentinae N. Klochkova et Pisareva with Schizymenia dubyi f. palmata Yamada collected by Y. Yamada from Urup Island and stored with its type and paratypes in the collection of Hokkaido University Museum (Sapporo, Japan) showed their conspecificity. Based on the data, N. valentinae was recognized as a synonym of Schizymenia dubyi f. palmata. Since this form does not possess the main generic feature of the genus Schizymenia and at the same time has well-expressed generic features of Neoabbottiella, the form S. dubyi f. palmata is transferred to this genus with the name N. palmata (Yamada) N. Klochkova et Pisareva.  相似文献   

The nymphalid Paulogramma hydarnis (Godart) (n. comb., previously in the genus Callicore) is an endangered butterfly present in a few montane sites in the Atlantic Forest in the Southeastern Brazil. The precise systematic position of P. hydarnis was previously unknown. Based on molecular data, we find that it is sister to Paulogramma pygas (Godart) (n. comb., also previously in Callicore), a common and widespread species in the Neotropics. In addition, we find that Callicore is not monophyletic and that “Callicorehydarnis (along with other species) is more related to the genus Paulogramma, and should thus be placed in that genus. The genus Paulogramma is now composed by the following species: Paulogramma pyracmon (Godart), Paulogramma eunomia (Hewitson) n. comb., Paulogramma hydarnis (Godart) n. comb., Paulogramma hystaspes (Fabricius) n. comb., Paulogramma pygas (Godart) n. comb., and Paulogramma tolima (Hewitson, 1852) n. comb. Museum specimens and field data report P. hydarnis in four sites in Southeastern Brazil. Recently, P. hydarnis was recorded for the first time at Parque Nacional do Caparaó, states of Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais, expanding its distribution about 200 km northward of the previously known limit. Although regularly recorded in some sites, most records are historic, before the 1960s, and the current conservation situation of this species is delicate, deserving attention.  相似文献   

Endelus (Kubaniellus) indicus sp. n. from India, E. (K.) lao sp. n. and E. (K.) khnzoriani sp. n. from Laos, E. (s. str.) sausai sp. n. from China, and E. (s. str.) dembickyi sp. n. from India are described, the two latter species are included in the Endelus bicarinatus Théry, 1932 species-group recently established by the author. E. collinus Obenberger, 1922 is included in this group; lectotype of this species is designated. Keys to species of the subgenus Kubaniellus and of the E. collinus group are provided. E. (K.) kareni Kalashian is for the first time recorded for Shaanxi Prov., E. pacholatkoi Kalashian, E. smaragdinus Desc. et Vill., and E collinus Obenb., for Laos (the latter species, also for Myanmar).  相似文献   

The former genera Acla Heb., Aclodes Heb., and Paraclodes Des.-Grand., are considered subgenera of the genus Uvaroviella Chop. Five new subgenera and nine new species of this genus from Ecuador and Guyana are described. Two new species names are proposed due to the secondary homonymy, and one old species name was resurrected from synonymy as a replacement name. Lectotype for U. cavicola Chop. is designated. New data on the geographical and bitopical distribution of some species are given. The paper is based on the material from the collections of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg (ZIN), and the Natural History Museum, London (NHM).  相似文献   

The subgenus Pocusogetus Rtt. of the genus Otiorhynchus Germ. is revised. The subgenus includes O. rosti Strl., O. shapovalovi Davidian et Yunakov, O. obsulcatus Strl., O. fischtensis Rtt., and O. gusakovi sp. n. closely related to O. fischtensis (both from Mt. Fisht, the Western Caucasus). O. fischtensis is transferred from the subgenus Vicoranius Rtt., its lectotype is designated. A key to species of Pocusogetus is given. The systematic position of the subgenera Pocusogetus and Vicoranius in the genus Otiorhynchus is discussed. New data on the geographical distribution and ecology of the little-known species of the subgenera Obvoderus Rtt., Pseudoprovadilus Magnano, and Clypeorhynchus Yunakov et Arzanov are given. Some features of ecological differentiation between Otiorhynchus species in the alpine and subalpine zones of the Caucasus are discussed.  相似文献   

Five new species of the genus Telenomus, subgenus Telenomus [Telenomus (T.) decoratus Kononova, sp. n., T. (T.) erectus Kononova, sp. n., T. (T.) notus Kononova, sp. n., T. (T.) clarus Kononova, sp. n., and T. (T.) gratus Kononova, sp. n.], collected from the Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Russia (Kunashir Island), are described for the first time. T. (T.) decoratus differs from the species with the mesoscutum bearing parapsidal furrows in the oblong tergite II with alveolate sculpture. T. (T.) erectus is closely related to T. (T.) lachesis Kozlov et Kononova and can be distinguished by the longer thorax and abdominal tergite I with longitudinal rugae. T. (T.) notus differs from the similar T. (T.) erectus in the sculpture and shape of the abdomen and coloration of the legs. T. (T.) clarus differs from T. (T.) lineolatus Kozlov in the sculpture of the frontal depression: granulate in T. (T.) clarus and smooth and lustrous in T. (T.) lineolatus. T. (T.) gratus is similar to T. (T.) atropos; its specific features are the head much wider than long and the smooth and lustrous tergite I.  相似文献   

Two little-known species of praying mantises, Severinia turcomaniae (Saussure, 1872) and Rivetina nana Mistshenko, 1967, are reported for the faunas of Russia and Europe for the first time based on the material collected in Astrakhan Province of Russia. New data on the morphology, ecology, and distribution of these species are given. The male genitalia of S. turcomaniae and the female of R. nana are described for the first time. The lectotype of Oxythespis turcomaniae Saussure, 1872 is designated and deposited in the collection of the Zoological Museum of the Moscow University. The synonymy of O. turcomaniae and Mantis wagneri Kittary, 1849 is shown to be insufficiently justified; M. wagneri is provisionally placed in the genus Severinia Finot, 1902. Since R. nana Lindt, 1968 is most probably not a synonym of R. nana Mistshenko, 1967 but a separate species, a substitute name R. pseudonana Shcherbakov nom. n. is proposed for the former. Some characters traditionally used for the identification of Rivetina species are shown to be significantly variable and thus unreliable. A key to 11 praying mantis species of the Russian fauna is provided. The recent discovery of S. turcomaniae and R. nana in the northern Caspian Sea region is assumed to reflect the expansion of the natural ranges of thermophilic species caused by increasing aridity of the climate.  相似文献   

Nine new species of scelionids collected in Japan, Israel, and the Ukraine, Calotelea shimurai Kononova et Fursov, C. japonica Kononova, C. stellae Kononova, Calliscelio recens Kononova, C. floridum Kononova, C. parilis Kononova, C. ordo Kononova, Oxyscelio florum Kononova, and O. perpensum Kononova, are described. A brief morphological characteristics of the mentioned genera and some data on the geographical distribution of these species are given. Calotelea shimurai differs from C. striola Kononova in the sculpture of the metasoma (tergites I–III striate, whereas in C. striola striation present only on tergites I and II), fore-wing venation (stigmal vein of C. shimurai 0.43 times as long as postmarginal vein and 1.75 times as long as marginal one; in C. striola, stigmal vein 0.52 times as long as postmarginal vein and 1.3 times as long as marginal one), and the length of the metasoma (in C. shimurai and C. striola, metasoma 4.0 and 2.3 times as long as wide, respectively). Calotelea shimurai parasitizes in eggs of the dragonflies Aeshna nigroflava Martin, Planaeschna milnei Selys, and Boyeria macachlani (Aeshnidae, Odonata). C. japonica is closely related to C. originalis Kozlov and Kononova, but differs from it in the sculpture of the metasoma (metasomal tergites with longitudinal wrinkles against the bright smooth background; in C. originalis, tergites I and II with longitudinal wrinkles against the alveolate background), in the coloration of fore wing (infuscate in C. japonica and dark, with dark transverse stripes in C. originalis). C. stellae differs from C. artus Kozlov and Kononova in the more flattened mesoscutum (C. artus with protruding mesoscutum) and the sculpture of the metasomal tergites (in C. stellae, only petiolus and tergite II striate, while in C. artus, such striation present on tergites I–IV). C. stellae was reared from eggs of unidentified Orthoptera. C. recens is closely related to C. parilis Kononova. It can be distinguished by the fore-wing venation (C. recens has stigmal vein, which is twice as long as marginal vein and 0.66 times as long as postmarginal one; stigmal vein of C. parilis is 3 times as long as marginal vein and 0.83 times as long as postmarginal one), by the sculpture of the metasoma, and coloration of the coxae (yellow in C. recens and black in C. parilis). C. floridum is similar to C. mediterranea Kieffer, but can be identified by the length of the postmarginal vein, which is 3 times as long as the stigmal vein, whereas C. mediterranea has the postmarginal vein, which is only twice as long as the stigmal one. C. floridum also differs in the sculpture of the metasoma (C. floridum has all the metasomal tergites with longitudinal lines, while C. mediterranea has only metasomal petiolus with the same sculpture and tergites II–IV with alveolate sculpture, tergites V and VI are slightly stippled) and in the coloration of the legs, which are yellow (as coxae), while C. mediterranea has brownish black legs. C. parilis resembles C. recens, but differs from it in the fore-wing venation, sculpture of the metasoma, and coloration of the coxae. C. ordo differs from the closely related C. ruficollis Kozlov et Kononova in the head sculpture, which is finely alveolate in C. ordo and finely granulate in C. ruficollis. Oxyscelio florum is closely related to O. perpensum, but differs from it in the coloration of the body and size of the antennal segments, stigmal and postmarginal veins, and metasomal tergites. O. perpensum is closely related to O. florum. The main distinguishing morphological characters are similar to those in O. florum. O. perpensum was reared from eggs of unidentified Orthoptera.  相似文献   

Chrysolina (Semenowia) chalcea (Weise, 1889), Ch. (Pezocrosita) cyanopurpurea (Ballion, 1878), and Ch. (Chrysocrosita) fuyunica Chen, 1961 are redescribed. A male (topotype) of Ch. cyanopurpurea was examined for the first time. Ch. belousovi Lopatin, 2000 is a new junior synonym of Ch. cyanopurpurea; Ch. bienkowskii Lopatin, 2000 is a new junior synonym of Ch. chalcea. The taxonomic position of all the taxa mentioned is discussed.  相似文献   

Microchelonus species of the M. retusus group differ from the other members of the subgenus Microchelonus s. str. (characterized primarily by the 16-segmented female antennae and deepened apical abdominal opening of the male) in their elongate carapace of female abdomen more strongly narrowed apically than toward base. The first key to 45 species of this group, including 7 new species, is given: M. alexeevi Tobias, 1986 (apicalis Alexeev, 1971); M. angustiventris Tobias, 1986; M. apicalis Papp, 1971; M. arnoldii (Tobias, 1964); M. artus Tobias, 1986; M. cisapicalis Tobias, 1989; M. crassitarsus Tobias, 1989; M. dolosus Tobias, 1989; M. elenae Tobias, 1995; M. erosus Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838 (analipennis Fahringer, 1934; hungaricus Szépligeti, 1896; frivalaldszkyi Shenefelt, 1973); M. heraticus Tobias, 1985; M. hofferi Tobias et Lozan, 2006; M. jonaitisi Tobias, 2000; M. justus Tobias, 1989; M. kievorum sp. n. (Ukraine); M. kiritshenkoi (Tobias, 1976); M. klugei Tobias, 2001; M. kopetdagicus (Tobias, 1966) (caucasicus Abdinbekova, 1967, syn. n.); M. korinthiacus sp. n. (Greece); M. kozlovi (Tobias, 1961); M. longirimosus Tobias, 1995; M. madridi sp. n. (Spain); M. marshakovi Tobias, 1986; M. mediterraneus sp. n. (Greece); M. microphthalmus (Wesmael, 1838) (dilatus Papp, 1971); M. mikhaili Tobias, 1989; M. mirabilis (Tobias, 1972); M. morrocanus sp. n. (Morocco); M. nachitshevanicus (Abdinbekova, 1971); M. ononicus Tobias, 2000; M. pamiricus (Voinovskaya-Kriger, 1928); M. retrusus Tobias, 1989; M. retusus (Nees, 1813) (caudatus Thomson, 1874); M. stenogaster Tobias, 1995; M. sternaus (Tobias, 1964); M. subcaudatus (Tobias, 1971); M. subjustus sp. n. (Spain); M. sulcatus Jurine, 1908 (rimulosus Thomson, 1874; rimatus Szépligeti, 1896); M. tersakkanicus Tobias, 2001; M. tjanshanicus Tobias, 1995; M. turcius sp. n. (Turkey); M. volgensis Tobias, 1986; M. xenia Tobias, 2000; M. zorkuli Tobias, 1991.  相似文献   

Five new species of the subgenus Xanthempis Bezzi are described from the Caucasus: Empis (Xanthempis) annae sp. n. (Russia: Krasnodar Territory), E. (X.) grichanovi sp. n. (Russia: Krasnodar Territory; Georgia), E. (X.) pseudoconcolor sp. n. (Russia: Krasnodar and Stavropol territories; Georgia: Abkhazia), E. (X.) teberdaensis sp. n. (Russia: Karachay-Cherkessia), and E. (X.) zamotajlovi sp. n. (Russia: Krasnodar Territory and Adygea). The females of E. (X.) alanica Shamshev and E. (X.) kovalevi Shamshev are described for the first time. New data on the distribution of some previously described species are reported. The geographical distribution of Xanthempis is discussed. A key to Xanthempis species from the Caucasus is compiled.  相似文献   

Sphenoptera (Tropeopeltis) barclayi sp. n. from RSA, S. (T.) kubani sp. n. from Kenya, S. (T.) makarovi sp. n. from Somalia and S. (Archideudora) karagyanae sp. n. from Tanzania are described. The name S. sansibarica Harold, 1878, nom. resurr. is resurrected, and the replacement name S. haroldi Jakovlev, 1902, syn. n. is placed to synonyms. Lectotypes of S. atomarioides Obenberger, 1926, S. capigena Obenberger, 1926, S. helena Obenberger, 1926, S. kimberleyensis Obenberger, 1926, S. nectariphila Obenberger, 1926, S. perpusilla Obenberger, 1926, S. semiusta Obenberger, 1926, S. steineili Obenberger, 1926, S. stichai Obenberger, 1926, S. maderi Obenberger, 1926, S. monstrosa Abeille de Perrin, 1907, S. sansibarica Harold, 1878, S. arrowi Obenberger, 1926, S. deudoroides Obenberger, 1926, S. sebakwensis Obenberger, 1926, S. promontorii Obenberger, 1926, S. zambesiensis Obenberger, 1926, and S. gillmani Obenberger, 1926 are designated.  相似文献   

The Thinodromus lunatus species group is revised. The following new species are described: Thinodromus (s. str.) cattiensis sp. n. from Vietnam, Thinodromus (s. str.) forsteri sp. n. from southern Thailand, Thinodromus (s. str.) himalayensis sp. n. from Nepal and northern India, Thinodromus (s. str.) inconspicuus sp. n. from southern China, Thailand, and Vietnam, and Thinodromus (s. str.) spotus sp. n. from southern China. The following new synonymy is established: Thinodromus (s. str.) deceptor (Sharp, 1889) = Thinodromus (s. str.) gravelyi (Bernhauer, 1926), syn. n.; = Thinodromus (s. str.) reitterianus (Bernhauer, 1938), syn. n. Lectotypes are designated for Trogophloeus lunatus Motschulsky, 1857, Trogophloeus pustulatus Bernhauer, 1904, Trogophloeus socius Bernhauer, 1904, Trogophloeus sumatrensis Bernhauer, 1915, Trogophloeus lewisi Cameron, 1919, Trogophloeus gravelyi Bernhauer, 1926, Trogophloeus reitterianus Bernhauer, 1938, and Trogophloeus unipustulatus Cameron, 1941. A key is presented to all the species of the Thinodromus lunatus group.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis gene FERONIA (FER) regulates cell elongation and fertility. Although the function of FER in promoting plant growth and regulating fructification in dicotyledon Arabidopsis has been investigated, how homologous FERONIA-like receptors (FLRs) function in the monocotyledon rice crop is little known. In this study, we generated flr1 and flr2 T-DNA insertion null mutants and investigated potential role of FLRs in rice yield. We observed that both FLR1 and FLR2 were involved in tillering of rice, but at different levels. Interestingly, FLR1 and FLR2 showed different functions related to fertility, and FLR1 might be specifically involved in rice male gametophyte development. With these similar but different functions, we suggest that FLR1 and FLR2 might function in complementary ways to regulate the yield of rice. The similar and different functions of FLR1 and FLR2 also suggest that there might be differentiation from FER to the duplication of FLRs, with FLR1 and FLR2 taking on partial functions from FER.  相似文献   

The diagnostic significance of molecular markers was assessed for the most common somatic aberrations at the K-ras, TP53, CDKN2A, and MADH4 loci, as well as less common mutations of BRCA1, BRCA2, and CHEK2, arising in preinvasive stages of sporadic adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. The study was performed on paired primary pancreatic adenocarcinoma and normal pancreatic tissue specimens obtained from 37 Russian patients. Surgical adenocarcinoma specimens were subjected to manual microdissection. Mutations of K-ras codon 12 were found in 24 tumor specimens (0.65), but not in normal pancreatic tissue specimens. Mutations of BRCA1 (185delAG, 300T > G, 4153delA, 4158A > G, 5382insC), BRCA2 (695insT, 6174delT), and CHEK2 (1100delC) were not found. The informativeness of allelic losses did not differ significantly among the three tumor suppressor loci and was 60% for TP53 (GDB186817) and CDKN2A (D9S974 + D9S162) and 65.7% for MADH4 (D18S363 + D18S474) (t = 0.48). The CDKN2A locus had the highest LOH frequency of 0.95. For TP53 and MADH4 the LOH frequency was 0.62 and 0.70, respectively. In 80% of adenocarcinomas, at least one locus was characterized with LOH. The overall informativeness of the combined data on K-ras mutations and loss of heterozygosity at 9p, 17p, and 18q was 85.7%. Only 9% of the tumors were characterized with microsatellite instability.  相似文献   

Originally described as a monotypical genus with unclear taxonomic position from Sudan, Meroctenus Gemminger et Harold, 1868 is treated as a polytypical genus of the Selenophori genus group with two subgenera: Meroctenus s. str. and Xenodochus Andrewes, 1941, stat. n. (the latter was previously considered a distinct genus). Within Meroctenus, two species are recognized: M. (Meroctenus) crenulatus Chaudoir, 1843 (type species) and M. (M.) mediocris (Andrewes, 1936), comb, n., transferred to Meroctenus s. str. from Xenodochus. A new subspecies M. (M.) crenulatus orientalis subsp. n. is described from Pakistan. Diagnoses of the genus Meroctenus in new interpretation as well as of its two subgenera are discussed, and a taxonomic review of the subgenus Meroctenus s. str. with a key to the species and subspecies is provided. The following synonymy is proposed: Meroctenus Gemminger et Harold, 1868 = Paregaploa Müller, 1947, syn. n.; Meroctenus crenulatus (Chaudoir, 1843) = Egaploa (Paregaploa) conviva Müller, 1947, syn. n. Lectotypes are designated for Ctenomerus crenulatus Chaudoir, 1843 and Xenodus mediocris Andrewes, 1936.  相似文献   

A complex of the heteropteran genera centering around Peribalus Mulsant et Rey and Holcostethus Fieber is considered. The genus Dryadocoris Kirkaldy reveals no relationship with the above genera and is believed to represent a separate clade of the family Pentatomidae. The genera Peribalus and Holcostethus are revised. The former includes three subgenera: Peribalus s. str. with two species, Asioperibalus subgen. n. (type species Cimex inclusus Dohrn) with six species, and Tianocoris subgen. n. (type species Holcostethus manifestus Kiritshenko) with two species. Holcostethus embraces two subgenera: Holcostethus s. str. and the monotypic Enigmocoris subgen. n. (type species H. fissiceps Horváth). Two new species are described: Peribalus tianshanicus sp. n. from the Tien Shan Mts. and P. przewalskii sp. n. from the northern part of China (Huan He River). P. capitatus Jakovlev and P. vernalis (Wolff) are downgraded to subspecies of P. strictus (F.). P. ovatus Jakovlev is synonymized with P. inclusus (Dohrn). Two new monotypic genera related to the revised complex of genera are established, Paraholcostethus gen. n. (type species Peribalus breviceps Horváth) and Himalayastethus gen. n. (type species H. pilosus sp. n. from Kashmir). A key to, and morphometric characters for all the taxa considered are provided. The key characters, including both male and female genitalia, are illustrated, and distributional maps are given.  相似文献   

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