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Cell and Tissue Biology - The chromosomes of the Indian muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak, 2n = 6 in females and 2n = 7 in males) are described using the methods of G-, C-, CDAG-, and AgNOR-staining, and...  相似文献   

20 0 1年10月至2 0 0 2年9月在海南大田国家级自然保护区采用直接观察和在不同生境类型分层抽样进行网捕的方法研究了保护区内赤麂种群的数量、年龄结构、群体大小和组成等。结果显示,赤麂主要生活在落叶季雨林和有刺灌丛中,种群数量为716 13±4 7 6 2只,种群密度为5 4 5±3 6只/km2 。该种群的年龄结构呈倒三角形,成体最多,占6 2 5 0 % ,亚成体占2 8 85 % ,幼体最少,占9 6 2 %。成年个体的雌雄性比是1 32∶1 0 0 ,亚成体为1 5 0∶1 0 0 ,幼体是1 5 0∶1 0 0。群平均大小为1 32只,其中独居个体最多,占总观察次数的6 8 31% ;2只群次之,占31 15 % ;3只群最少,占0 5 5 % ;没有观察到3只以上的群  相似文献   

The heterochromatin in Indian muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak) is located at the periphery of primary constrictions of all the chromosomes. The X chromosome contains significantly larger amounts of heterochromatin than the rest of the complement by C-banding technique. However, the small portion of C-band region was found to be resistant by restriction endonuclease HaeIII (5'...GG decreases CC...3') and was clearly visible on the nucleus. Therefore, the position of this large heterochromatic segment is examined at somatic metaphases. The distribution of the heterochromatin of the X chromosome observed in Indian muntjac is contrary to the general pattern observed in other species, i.e., the chromosomes consisting greater amount of heterochromatin are located more peripherally than those with lesser amount. However, the smaller Y chromosome (Y1) is frequently found at the periphery. The present findings suggest that the role of heterochromatin organization in the nucleus vary between different heterochromatic segments of the same species and vary from species to species.  相似文献   

The identification, morphology, and banding pattern of the chromosomes of the Indian muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak) are described. A diagrammatic representation of the banding pattern as revealed by various techniques is presented following the nomenclature suggested by Paris Conference (1971) for human chromosomes. The Y2 chromosome and the neck of the X chromosome are late replicating based on observations made with the use of a bromodeoxuridine plus Giemsa technique. Most of the G-bands are early replicating, contrary to earlier findings based on autoradiography.  相似文献   

We have used human chromosome-specific painting probes forin situhybridization on Indian muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak vaginalis,2n= 6, 7) metaphase chromosomes to identify the homologous chromosome regions of the entire human chromosome set. Chromosome rearrangements that have been involved in the karyotype evolution of these two species belonging to different mammalian orders were reconstructed based on hybridization patterns. Although, compared to human chromosomes, the karyotype of the Indian muntjac seems to be highly rearranged, we could identify a limited number of highly conserved homologous chromosome regions for each of the human chromosome-specific probes. We identified 48 homologous autosomal chromosome segments, which is in the range of the numbers found in other artiodactyls and carnivores recently analyzed by chromosome painting. The results demonstrate that the reshuffling of the muntjac karyotype is mostly due to fusions of huge blocks of entire chromosomes. This is in accordance with previous chromosome painting analyses between various Muntjac species and contrasts the findings for some other mammals (e.g., gibbons, mice) that show exceptional chromosome reshuffling due to multiple reciprocal translocation events.  相似文献   

赤麂线粒体全基因组的序列和结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提取赤麂细胞株总DNA,参照我们实验室已测定的同属动物小麂线粒体全基因组序列设计引物,PCR扩增、测序、拼接,获得赤麂线粒体全基因组序列并进行生物信息学分析。赤麂线粒体全基因组序列全长16354bp。定位了22个tRNA基因、2个rRNA基因、13个蛋白编码基因和1个D-loop区。赤麂与小麂及其它哺乳动物线粒体的基因组结构相同,它们的序列同源性都较高。  相似文献   

黑麂线粒体基因组序列分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用PCR产物直接测序方法测定了黑麂线粒体基因组全序列 ,初步分析了其基因组特点并定位了各基因的位置 .结果显示 :黑麂的线粒体基因组全序列长度为 1 6 35 7bp ,可编码 2 2种tRNA、2种rRNA、1 3种蛋白质 ,碱基组成及基因位置与小麂、赤麂和其它哺乳类动物的线粒体基因组相似 ;模拟电子酶切图谱与先前的报道基本一致 ;基于细胞色素b的全基因序列 ,分别以最大简约法、N J法、最大似然数法与其它 1 4种鹿类动物的相应序列进行了聚类分析 ,构建出相似的系统进化树 :初步确定了麂亚科动物在鹿科中处于与鹿亚科、北美鹿亚科并列的进化地位 .在此基础上 ,进一步以黑麂、赤麂、小麂的线粒体编码RNA和编码蛋白质的基因序列构建系统进化树 ,分析了三者的亲缘关系 .结果表明 :黑麂和赤麂亲缘关系较近 ,是较新的物种 ,而小麂是较为原始的物种  相似文献   

A note on the food of Muntjac deer (Muntiacus reevesi)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(5):541-554
The Dubois Collectie comprises around 1000 isolated fossil teeth of Muntiacus muntjak from the Padang Highlands in Sumatra. The majority were retrieved from one of the three fossil cave sites Lida Ajer, Sibrambang or Jambu. Lida Ajer is the only cave, for which exact location, geology as well as the age of the fossiliferous deposits are known. Using the mesowear method, we searched for differences in the dietary signal of Muntiacus muntjak and thus in the paleoenvironments of the three caves. Muntiacus muntjak from either one of the caves does not differ significantly in the composition of its diet, showing a mixed feeder signal. The samples of Lida Ajer and Sibrambang illustrate an increase of the mixed feeding component, which could be the result of higher seasonality.  相似文献   

麂属(Muntiacus)是亚洲热带、亚热带分布的中小型森林鹿科动物类群(马世来等,1986)。全球现生麂类共有13种(IUCN,2018),中国记载有8种(蒋志刚等,2017)。由于在分类上长期以来存在的混乱与变动,麂属一些物种在中国的分布与状况尚不明朗,东喜马拉雅区域特有的贡山麂(M.goregshanensis)便是其中之一。  相似文献   

The constitutive heterochromatin of the Indian muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak) was examined following digestion with various restriction endonucleases (AluI, HaeIII, HinfI, and MboI), as well as by selective fluorescence staining with distamycin A plus 4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. Distinct areas within the C-bands were found to have characteristic staining patterns which were more conspicuous in the sex chromosomes. Two dot-like structures resistant to AluI were found in the X and Y1 chromosomes in the same position as the nucleolus organizer regions.  相似文献   

小麂、黑麂、赤麂精母细胞联会复合体的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本工作以界面铺张——硝酸银染色技术,对小麂(Muntiacus reeuesi)、黑麂(M.crinifrons)和赤麂(M.muntjak)的精母细胞联会复合体(Syna ptonemal complex,SC)进行亚显微结构的比较研究。结果表明: 1.SC的平均相对长度和臂比指数同有丝分裂细胞相应染色体的数值有很好的一致性。根据SC的相对长度和臂比指数绘制了三种麂的SC组型图。雄性黑麂减数分裂前期形成一个复杂的易位多价体,意味着其核型的演化过程涉及两次染色体易位和一次臂间倒位。 2.在减数分裂前期,性染色体的形态和行为同常染色体的有明显差异,如性染色体嗜银性较强,配对延迟等。XY的配对起始于早粗线期,在中粗线期,Y的全长均同X配对;XY-SC开始解体于晚粗线期。 3.在粗线期,X染色体未配对区域出现自身折叠,形成“发夹”状结构。这种“发夹”结构的形成,可能是在性染色体的进化过程中,X染色体通过不对称易位得到的重复片段在减数分裂前期同源配对的一种细胞学表现。  相似文献   

九龙山保护区黑麂栖息地选择的季节变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年7月至2006年6月,以浙江省九龙山国家级自然保护区上寮坑保护站为中心,在其周围随机设置6条样线,每隔200m地面距离设置固定样方,共设定442个20m×20m的固定样方,并在其中设置灌木测量样方442个,草本植物盖度测量样方2210个。分春、夏、秋、冬4季记录样方的植被类型、乔木盖度、灌木盖度、草本盖度、坡位、坡度、坡向、食物丰富度、海拔、人为干扰距离和水源距离等11类生态因子,并用痕迹法检查样方是否被黑麂利用。通过Vanderloeg选择系数(Wi)和Scavia选择指数(Ei)研究影响黑麂栖息地利用和选择性的各生态因子,并采用主成分分析的方法研究影响黑麂栖息地选择的关键因子,得到了黑麂栖息地选择的主要特征及其季节变化。结果表明:黑麂总体上倾向选择在针阔混交林、乔木盖度60%-80%、灌木盖度中等(20%-60%)、草本盖度中等(20%-60%)、食物丰富度高(68%)和人为干扰距离远的生境,对海拔高度和坡位的选择表现出季节迁移性。  相似文献   

苏铁  吴钥  张恩迪 《四川动物》2007,26(4):768-773
化学物质被认为是哺乳动物标记行为信息传递的主要载体,而标记在鹿科动物的竞争雌性资源中具有重要的作用,因此本文重点对雄性黑麂的化学标记与雌性化学信息存留点的关系进行了行为学研究。观察发现面腺标记(利用额腺和眶下腺)是雌雄黑麂共有的化学标记行为,而行为性排尿和刨地行为(利用蹄腺)则仅为雄性具有的标记行为;躺卧不具有化学标记作用,而排粪在化学标记上的作用则难以确定。同时分析表明,雄性黑麂更倾向于在靠近雌性化学信息存留区的区域进行化学标记,且可能会因竞争压力的增大而扩大领域范围。  相似文献   

近年来,分子细胞遗传学研究已基本证实了染色体的串联融合(端粒-着丝粒融合)是麂属动物核型演化的主要重排方式。尽管染色体串联融合的分子机制还不清楚,但通过染色体的非同源重组,着丝粒区域的卫星DNA被认为可能介导了染色体的融合。以前的研究发现在赤麂和小麂染色体的大部分假定的串联融合位点处存在着非随机分布的卫星DNA。然而在麂属的其他物种中,这些卫星DNA的组成以及在基因组中的分布情况尚未被研究。本研究从黑麂和费氏麂基因组中成功地克隆了4种卫星DNA(BMC5、BM700、BM1.1k和FM700),并分析了这些卫星克隆的特征以及在小麂、黑麂、贡山麂和费氏麂染色体上的定位情况。结果表明,卫星I和IIDNA(BMC5,BM700和FM700)的信号除了分布在这些麂属动物染色体的着丝粒区域外,也间隔地分布在这些物种的染色体臂上。其研究结果为黑麂、费氏麂和贡山麂的染色体核型也是从一个2n=70的共同祖先核型通过一系列的串联融合进化而来的假说提供了直接的证据。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the validity of the hypothesis that the 2n=46 karyotype of the Chinese muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi) could have evolved through 12 tandem fusions from a 2n=70 hypothetical ancestral karyotype, which is still retained in Chinese water deer (Hydropotes inermis) and brown-brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira). Combining fluorescence-activated chromosomal sorting and degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction, we generated chromosome-specific DNA paint probes for 13 M. gouazoubira chromosomes and most of the M. reevesi chromosomes with the exception of 18, 19 and X. These paint probes were used for fluorescence in situ hybridisation to chromosomal preparations of M. reevesi, H. inermis and M. gouazoubira. Chromosome-specific paint probes from M. reevesi chromosomes 1–5 and 11 each delineated more than one homologous pair (18 pairs in total) on the metaphases of H. inermis and M. gouazoubira. All the other probes from M. reevesi and probes from M. gouazoubira each hybridised to one pair of homologous chromosomes or regions. The C5 probe, derived from centromeric satellite sequences of M. reevesi, hybridised to the centromeric regions of all chromosomes of these three species. Most interestingly, several non-random interstitial signals, which are apparently localised to the putative fusion points, were found on chromosomes 1–5 and 11 of M. reevesi. Both the reciprocal painting patterns and localisation of the C5 probe demonstrate that M. reevesi chromosomes 1–5 and 11 could have evolved from 18 different ancestral chromosomes through 12 tandem fusions, thus providing direct molecular cytogenetic support for the tandem fusion hypothesis of karyotype evolution in M. reevesi. Received: 10 October 1996; in revised form: 18 December 1996 / Accepted: 27 December 1996  相似文献   

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