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We examined the simultaneous incorporation of [3H]thymidine and [14C]leucine to obtain two independent indices of bacterial production (DNA and protein syntheses) in a single incubation. Incorporation rates of leucine estimated by the dual-label method were generally higher than those obtained by the single-label method, but the differences were small (dual/single = 1.1 ± 0.2 [mean ± standard deviation]) and were probably due to the presence of labeled leucyl-tRNA in the cold trichloroacetic acid-insoluble fraction. There were no significant differences in thymidine incorporation between dual- and single-label incubations (dual/ single = 1.03 ± 0.13). Addition of the two substrates in relatively large amounts (25 nM) did not apparently increase bacterial activity during short incubations (<5 h). With the dual-label method we found that thymidine and leucine incorporation rates covaried over depth profiles of the Chesapeake Bay. Estimates of bacterial production based on thymidine and leucine differed by less than 25%. Although the need for appropriate conversion factors has not been eliminated, the dual-label approach can be used to examine the variation in bacterial production while ensuring that the observed variation in incorporation rates is due to real changes in bacterial production rather than changes in conversion factors or introduction of other artifacts.  相似文献   

氚标记胸腺嘧啶掺入法因其原理明确、方法简单易行、重复性好等特点在测定细菌生长速率中发挥着重要的作用。然而,相比较医学和水生生态学领域,该方法在土壤生态学研究中的应用还较少,尤其是我国此方面的研究尚未见报道。就氚标记胸腺嘧啶掺入法的原理、操作流程、影响因素、计算方法及其在土壤生态学中的应用等方面进行了综述,为该方法在我国土壤生态学领域的推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The temperature-driven adaptation of the bacterial community in peat was studied, by altering temperature to simulate self-heating and a subsequent return to mesophilic conditions. The technique used consisted of extracting the bacterial community from peat using homogenization-centrifugation and measuring the rates of thymidine (TdR) or leucine (Leu) incorporation by the extracted bacterial community at different temperatures. Increasing the peat incubation temperature from 25°C to 35, 45, or 55°C resulted in a selection of bacterial communities whose optimum temperatures for activity correlated to the peat incubation temperatures. Although TdR and Leu incorporations were significantly correlated, the Leu/TdR incorporation ratios were affected by temperature. Higher Leu/TdR incorporation ratios were found at higher temperatures of incubation of the extracted bacterial community. Higher Leu/TdR incorporation ratios were also found for bacteria in peat samples incubated at higher temperatures. The reappearance of the mesophilic community and disappearance of the thermophilic community when the incubation temperature of the peat was shifted down were monitored by measuring TdR incorporation at 55°C (thermophilic activity) and 25°C (mesophilic activity). Shifting the peat incubation temperature from 55 to 25°C resulted in a recovery of the mesophilic activity, with a subsequent disappearance of the thermophilic activity. The availability of substrate for bacterial growth varied over time and among different peat samples. To avoid confounding effects of substrate availability, a temperature adaptation index was calculated. This index consisted of the log10 ratio of TdR incorporation at 55 and 25°C. The temperature index decreased linearly with time, indicating that no thermophilic activity would be detected by the TdR technique 1 month after the temperature downshift. There were no differences between the slopes of the temperature adaptation indices over time for peat samples incubated at 55°C 3 or 11 days before incubation at 25°C. Thus, different levels of bacterial activity did not affect the temperature-driven adaptation of the bacterial community.  相似文献   

A thymidine incorporation technique was used to determine the tolerance of a soil bacterial community to Cu, Cd, Zn, Ni, and Pb. An agricultural soil was artificially contaminated in our laboratory with individual metals at three different concentrations, and the results were compared with the results obtained by using the plate count technique. Thymidine incorporation was found to be a simple and rapid method for measuring tolerance. Data obtained by this technique were very reproducible. A linear relationship was found between changes in community tolerance levels obtained by the thymidine incorporation and plate count techniques (r = 0.732, P < 0.001). An increase in tolerance to the metal added to soil was observed for the bacterial community obtained from each polluted soil compared with the community obtained from unpolluted soil. The only exception was when Pb was added; no indication of Pb tolerance was found. An increase in the tolerance to metals other than the metal originally added to soil was also observed, indicating that there was multiple heavy metal tolerance at the community level. Thus, Cu pollution, in addition to increasing tolerance to Cu, also induced tolerance to Zn, Cd, and Ni. Zn and Cd pollution increased community tolerance to all five metals. Ni amendment increased tolerance to Ni the most but also increased community tolerance to Zn and, to lesser degrees, increased community tolerance to Pb and Cd. In soils polluted with Pb increased tolerance to other metals was found in the following order: Ni > Cd > Zn > Cu. We found significant positive relationships between changes in Cd, Zn, and Pb tolerance and, to a lesser degree, between changes in Pb and Ni tolerance when all metals and amendment levels were compared. The magnitude of the increase in heavy metal tolerance was found to be linearly related to the logarithm of the metal concentration added to the soil. Threshold tolerance concentrations were estimated from these linear relationships, and changes in tolerance could be detected at levels of soil contamination similar to those reported previously to result in changes in the phospholipid fatty acid pattern (Å. Frostegård, A. Tunlid, and E. Bååth, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59: 3605-3617, 1993).  相似文献   

Rates of primary and bacterial production in Little Crooked Lake were calculated from the rates of incorporation of H14CO3 and [methyl-3H]thymidine, respectively. Growth rates of bacteria in diluted natural samples were determined for epilimnetic and metalimnetic bacterial populations during the summers of 1982 and 1983. Exponential growth was observed in these diluted samples, with increases in cell numbers of 30 to 250%. No lag was observed in bacterial growth in 14 of 16 experiments. Correlation of bacterial growth rates to corresponding rates of thymidine incorporation by natural samples produced a conversion factor of 2.2 × 1018 cells produced per mole of thymidine incorporated. The mass of the average bacterial cell in the lake was 1.40 × 10−14 ± 0.05 × 10−14 g of C cell−1. Doubling times of natural bacteria calculated from thymidine incorporation rates and in situ cell numbers ranged from 0.35 to 12.00 days (median, 1.50 days). Bacterial production amounted to 66.7 g of C m−2 from April through September, accounting for 29.4% of total (primary plus bacterial) production during this period. The vertical and seasonal distribution of bacterial production in Little Crooked Lake was strongly influenced by the distribution of primary production. From April through September 1983, the depth of maximum bacterial production rates in the water column was related to the depth of high rates of primary production. On a seasonal basis, primary production increased steadily from May through September, and bacterial production increased from May through August and then decreased in September.  相似文献   

In stratified Lake Vechten, The Netherlands, protozoan grazing was estimated on the basis of uptake of fluorescently labeled bacteria and compared with bacterial production estimated on the basis of thymidine incorporation. By using a grazer-free mixed bacterial population from the lake in continuous culture, an empirical relationship between cell production and thymidine incorporation was established. Thymidine incorporation into total cold-trichloroacetic-acid-insoluble macromolecules yielded a relatively constant empirical conversion factor of ca. 1018 (range, 0.38 × 1018 to 1.42 × 1018) bacteria mol of thymidine−1 at specific growth rates (μ) ranging from 0.007 to 0.116 h−1. Although thymidine incorporation has been assumed to measure DNA synthesis thymidine incorporation appeared to underestimate the independently measured bacterial DNA synthesis by at least 1.5- to 13-fold, even if all incorporated label was assumed to be in DNA. However, incorporation into DNA was found to be insignificant as measured by conventional acid-base hydrolysis. Methodological problems of the thymidine technique are discussed. Like the cultures, Lake Vechten bacteria showed considerable thymidine incorporation into total macromolecules, but no significant incorporation into DNA was found by acid-base hydrolysis. This applied not only to the low-oxygen hypo- and metalimnion but also to the aerobic epilimnion. Thus, the established empirical conversion factor for thymidine incorporation into total macromolecules was used to estimate bacterial production. Maximum production rates (141 × 106 bacteria liter−1 h−1; μ, 0.012 h−1) were found in the metalimnion and were 1 order of magnitude higher than in the epi- and hypolimnion. In all three strata, the estimated bacterial production was roughly balanced by the estimated protozoan grazing. Heterotrophic nanoflagellates were the major consumers of the bacterial production and showed maximum numbers (up to 40 × 106 heterotrophic nanoflagellates liter−1) in the microaerobic metalimnion.  相似文献   

The incorporation of [3H]thymidine by axenic cultures of anaerobic bacteria was investigated as a means to measure growth. The three fermentative strains and one of the methanogenic strains tested incorporated [3H]thymidine, whereas the sulfate-reducing bacterium and two of the methanogenic bacteria were unable to incorporate [3H]thymidine during growth. It is concluded that the [3H]thymidine incorporation method underestimates bacterial growth in anaerobic environments.  相似文献   

The effects of 3,5-dichlorophenol, 2,4-dinitrophenol, and potassium dichromate on natural bacterial assemblages were examined by means of [3H]thymidine incorporation into trichloroacetic acid-insoluble material. Results from a large number of coastal marine and freshwater samples suggest the following. (i) The effects of the three toxicants included reductions in the bacterial cell number as well as changes in rates of [3H]thymidine incorporation and in [3H]thymidine incorporation per cell. The concentrations that inhibited [3H]thymidine incorporation by 50% ranged from 3 to 11 mg liter−1 for 3,5-dichlorophenol, 6 to 10 mg liter−1 for 2,4-dinitrophenol, and 21 to 123 mg liter−1 for potassium dichromate, with a tendency to higher values in bacterial assemblages from more eutrophic environments. (ii) The effects of 3,5-dichlorophenol and potassium dichromate determined by [3H]leucine incorporation into bacterial protein were similar or larger than those obtained from [3H]thymidine incorporation. (iii) Two to four hours of exposure to the toxicants was necessary before stable maximum effects were found in [3H]thymidine incorporation. (iv) Storage of natural environmental samples should be avoided, since tests with water stored for 1 to 3 days sometimes produced results different from results obtained from in situ tests. (v) The effects of 3,5-dichlorophenol, 2,4-dinitrophenol, and potassium dichromate on natural bacterial assemblages were relatively constant during periods with different growth rates in the assemblages, during various periods of the year, and between samples from freshwater and marine localities. With some precautions, [3H]thymidine incorporation can be used as a quick and sensitive method for determining the effects of toxicants on aquatic bacterial assemblages from natural environmental samples.  相似文献   

A mutant of Escherichia coli lacking the catabolic enzyme thymidine phosphorylase readily incorporates exogenous thymidine into deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) even when provided at concentrations as low as 0.2 mug/ml. Incorporation by this prototrophic strain occurs specifically into DNA, since, with radioactively labeled thymidine, (i) more than 98% is incorporated into alkali-stable material, (ii) at least 90% is recovered as thymine after brief formic acid hydrolysis, and (iii) at least 90% is incorporated into material with the buoyant density of DNA. During growth in medium containing thymidine, the bacteria obtain approximately half of their DNA thymines from the exogenous thymidine and half from endogenous synthesis. The thymines and cytosines of DNA can be simultaneously and specifically labeled by thymidine-2-(14)C and uridine-5-(3)H, respectively. The mutant, which does not degrade thymidine, retains the ability to degrade the thymidine analogue 5-bromodeoxyuridine.  相似文献   

Thymidine uptake, its phosphorylation, and incorporation into DNA were studied in a fast-growing sugar-beet (Beta vulgaris L.) cell suspension. A high rate and specificity of thymidine uptake were observed: total uptake reached a steady-state level for 3 min. The average kinetic constants for thymidine uptake were calculated for eight-day-old cells at 20°C as K M = 25 M and V max = 11.6 pmol/(min mg fr wt). The values of K M for thymidine phosphorylation in vivo (53.2 M) and K M for thymidine kinase (EC, which we purified earlier from broad bean seedlings, were of the same order of magnitude. The kinetics of thymidine phosphorylation in vivo displayed two distinct phases, which were determined by external thymidine concentration. Above 100 M thymidine, the rate of the process tended to rise, indicating the possible involvement of another mechanism for thymidine phosphorylation, most likely with the participation of nonspecific nucleoside phosphotransferase (NPT; EC A further stage of thymidine salvage, its incorporation into DNA, occurred with a high affinity for thymidine phosphates; K M = 2.8 M. The presence of other nucleosides (uridine or a high concentration of adenosine) in the medium markedly inhibited thymidine uptake. Nevertheless, these nucleosides did not diminish the percentage of thymidine phosphates of total thymidine uptake, which pointed to the specificity of thymidine phosphorylation and the insignificance of NPT activity. The analogue of thymidine, 5"-amino-2",5"-dideoxythymidine, known as thymidine kinase inhibitor, had no effect on thymidine uptake. The data presented provide evidence that the main route of the thymidine salvage in fast-growing sugar-beet suspension engages thymidine kinase, and NPT is activated only when nucleosides flood the cell.  相似文献   

Co-trimoxazole (trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole) causes a decrease in the uptake of labelled thymidine in lymphocytes cultured in the presence of phytohaemagglutinin. This phenomenon was observed in 60% of 25 subjects. In cultures affected by the drug the mean suppression was 84%. A small decrease in thymidine uptake was noted with trimethoprim and sulphamethoxazole separately, but the effect was much more pronounced with the combination of the two drugs. The mechanism responsible for this phenomenon is discussed. The action is probably not due to the ability of these drugs to interfere with folic acid metabolism and it is likely that there is no direct effect on DNA synthesis.The suppression of thymidine uptake by lymphocytes in vitro in the presence of co-trimoxazole may not have any obvious clinical significance. However, in view of a report of an immunosuppressive action of trimethoprim in mice, it is possible that the leucopenia observed in some patients treated with this drug may have been caused by a similar mechanism.These experiments show that lymphocytes in vitro are suppressed by co-trimoxazole in concentrations comparable to, or smaller than, those found in vivo under normal therapeutic conditions. They are therefore likely to be clinically relevant.  相似文献   

Production and specific growth rates of attached and free-living bacteria were estimated in an oligotrophic marine system, La Salvaje Beach, Vizcaya, Spain, and in a freshwater system having a higher nutrient concentration, Butron River, Vizcaya, Spain. Production was calculated from [methyl-3H]thymidine incorporation by estimating specific conversion factors (cells or micrograms of C produced per mole of thymidine incorporated) for attached and free-living bacteria, respectively, in each system. Conversion factors were not statistically different between attached and free-living bacteria: 6.812 × 1011 and 8.678 × 1011 μg of C mol−1 for free-living and attached bacteria in the freshwater system, and 1.276 × 1011 and 1.354 × 1011 μg of C mol−1 for free-living and attached bacteria in the marine system. Therefore, use of a unique conversion factor for the mixed bacterial population is well founded. However, conversion factors were higher in the freshwater system than in the marine system. This could be due to the different trophic conditions of the two systems. Free-living bacteria contributed the most to production in the two systems (85% in the marine system and 67% in the freshwater system) because of their greater contribution to total biomass. Specific growth rates calculated from production data and biomass data were similar for attached and free-living bacteria.  相似文献   

Thymidine is poorly incorporated into deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of Escherichia coli. Its incorporation is greatly increased by uridine, which acts in two ways. Primarily, uridine competitively inhibits thymidine phosphorylase (E.C.2.4.4), and thereby prevents the degradation of thymidine to thymine which is not incorporated into normally growing E. coli. Uridine also inhibits induction of the enzyme by thymidine. It prevents the actual inducer, probably a deoxyribose phosphate, from being formed rather than competing for a site on the repressor. The inhibition of thymidine phosphorylase by uridine also accounts for inhibition by uracil compounds of thymine incorporation into thymine-requiring mutants. Deoxyadenosine also increases the incorporation of thymidine, by competitively inhibiting thymidine phosphorylase. Deoxyadenosine induces the enzyme, in contrast to uridine. But this is offset by a transfer of deoxyribose from deoxyadenosine to thymine. Thus, deoxyadenosine permits incorporation of thymine into DNA, even in cells induced for thymidine phosphorylase. This incorporation of thymine in the presence of deoxyadenosine did not occur in a thymidine phosphorylase-negative mutant; thus, the utilization of thymine seems to proceed by way of thymidine phosphorylase, followed by thymidine kinase. These results are consistent with the data of others in suggesting that wild-type E. coli cells fail to utilize thymine because they lack a pool of deoxyribose phosphates, the latter being necessary for conversion of thymine to thymidine by thymidine phosphorylase.  相似文献   

Manganese Oxidation by Bacterial Isolates from the Indian Ridge System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The abundance and activity of culturable manganese-oxidizing bacteria were assessed from near-bottom water samples of the tectonically active Carlsberg Ridge. Retrievable counts as colony forming units (CFU) on dilute nutrient agar medium (dilNA = 2 gm l−1 nutrient broth+2% agar) and on dilNA supplemented with 1, 2 and 3 mM MnCl2·4H2O were in the order of 106 CFU l−1. Retrievability of heterotrophs ranged from non-detectable levels (ND) to 2.82 × 106 CFU l−1. The retrievable counts on Mn amended dilNA ranged from ND to 3.21× 106, 1.47 × 106 and 1.45 × 106 CFU l−1 on 1, 2 and 3 mM, respectively. About 87% of the Mn tolerant isolates (n = 39) showed taxonomic affinities to Pseudomonas I and II sp. Two representative strains CR35 and CR48 (CR–Carlsberg Ridge) isolated on manganese-supplemented media were tested for their ability to tolerate a range of Mn amendments from 1 nM to 100 mM in terms of growth and respiration. CR35 represents 66% of the total CFU (3.04 × 106 CFU l−1), while CR48 represented only 6% of the total CFU (1.05 × 106 CFU l−1). The colonies of these two isolates were dark brown in color suggesting precipitation of Mn as oxide. Tests for the effect on growth and respiration were conducted in media simulating heterotrophic (amended with 0.01% glucose) and lithotrophic (unamended) conditions. Maximum stimulation in growth and respiration of CR35 occurred at 100 μM Mn both in unamended and amended media. At levels of Mn greater than 100 μM the counts decreased steadily. Total respiring cells of CR48 were stimulated to a maximum at 1 μM Mn in unamended medium and 1 nM in amended medium. Total cells counts for the same decreased beyond 100 μM Mn in unamended and 1 nM in amended medium. The isolates were tested for their ability to oxidize Mn ammendments from 1 μM to 10 mM Mn. At the end of a 76-day incubation period, there was evidence of manganese oxide precipitation at high Mn concentrations (≥1 mM) as a dark brown coloration on the sides of culture tubes. Highest Mn oxidation rates were observed at 10 mM Mn(II) concentration with CR35 oxidizing 27 and 25 μM Mn day−1 in unamended and amended condition, respectively. CR48 oxidized Mn at the rate of 26 μM Mn day−1 in unamended medium and 35 μM Mn day−1 in amended medium. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations of both isolates revealed free-living cells in clustered matrices ≈2 μm diameter. Energy dispersive spectrum of the cell matrix of CR35 cultured in 1 mM Mn detected 30% Mn, while the cell aggregates of CR48 harbored 7–10% Mn. The relatively high specific activity of these mixotrophic bacteria under relatively oligotrophic conditions suggests that they may be responsible for scavenging dissolved Mn from the Carlsberg Ridge waters and could potentially participate in oxidation.  相似文献   

Thymidine incorporation by the microbial community on standing dead leaves of Spartina alterniflora did not obey many of the assumptions inherent in the use of the technique in planktonic systems. Incorporation rates of [methly-3H]thymidine were nonsaturable over a wide concentration range (101 to 105 nM). Owing to metabolism by both fungi and bacteria, a major fraction of the radiolabel (mean, 48%) appeared in protein. Extraction of the radiolabeled macromolecules was inefficient, averaging 8.8%. Based on an empirically derived conversion factor, 4 × 1018 cells · mol of thymidine−1, doubling times ranged from 4 to 69 h for the epiphytic bacterial assemblage.  相似文献   

The percentage of [methyl-3H]thymidine incorporated into samples from a dimictic eutrophic lake and retained on polycarbonate membranes of 3.0-, 1.0-, and 0.2-μm pore size was studied in a lake with filamentous cyanobacteria as the dominant phytoplankton type throughout the period of thermal stratification. Water samples were also examined by epifluorescence microscopy for evidence of algal senescence and bacterial colonization of intact and damaged cyanobacterial filaments. A small percentage (2 to 20%) of bacterial activity was retained by filters with pore sizes ≥ 1 μm in epilimnetic samples. Epilimnetic samples also had a small percentage of cyanobacterial filaments, either intact or damaged, which were visibly colonized by bacteria in summer and fall samples. A significant proportion (20 to 35%) of bacterial activity was retained by filters with pore sizes ≥ 1 μm in samples collected from the metalimnion and hypolimnion during late summer and fall. The proportion of damaged cyanobacterial filaments was higher in these samples than in those from the epilimnion or from those obtained early in the summer. Furthermore, the filaments in these samples were more heavily colonized by bacteria. Overall, particle-bound production accounted for only 2 to 19% of total bacterial production from April to August in all water layers. It appears that the supply of colonizable particles (damaged cyanobacterial filaments) is an important factor affecting the level of particle-bound bacterial activity in this lake.  相似文献   

Diversity of Bacterial Isolates from Commercial and Homemade Composts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The diversity of heterotrophic bacterial isolates of three commercial and two homemade composts was studied. The commercial composts were produced from poultry litter (PC), sewage sludge (SC), municipal solid waste (MC), and homemade composts (thermal compost [DC] and vermicompost [VC]) from food wastes. The taxonomic and physiological diversity of the heterotrophic culturable bacteria was assessed using phenotypic and genotypic characterization and the analysis of the partial 16S rRNA gene sequence. Composts DC and SC presented the higher genotypic diversity, as could be inferred from the number of distinct genotypic patterns observed, 28 and 21, respectively. Gram-positive bacteria, mainly Firmicutes, were predominant in all the composts. Some organisms related with taxa rarely reported in composts, as Rhodanobacter spathiphylli, Moraxella osloensis, Lysobacter, Corynebacterium, Pigmentiphaga kullae, and new taxa were also isolated. The highest relative proportion of isolates able to degrade starch was found in compost SC (>70%), to degrade gelatine in compost DC (>70%), to degrade Tween 80 in compost PC (>90%), and to degrade poly-epsilon-caprolactones in compost DC (>80%). Compost MC presented the lowest relative proportions of isolates able to degrade starch (<25%), gelatine (<20%), and poly-epsilon-caprolactone (<40%). When compared with the others, the homemade composts presented higher relative proportions of Gram-positive isolates able to inhibit the target organisms Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In compost MC, none of the Gram-positive isolates was able to inhibit those targets.  相似文献   

The relationship between bacterial growth and incorporation of [methyl-3H]thymidine in oligotrophic lake water cultures was investigated. Prescreening, dilution, and addition of organic and inorganic nutrients were treatments used to prevent bacterivory and stimulate bacterial growth. Growth in unmanipulated samples was estimated through separate measurements of grazing losses. Both bacterial number and biovolume growth responses were measured, and incorporation of [3H]thymidine in both total macromolecules and nucleic acids was assayed. The treatments had significant effects on conversion factors used to relate thymidine incorporation to bacterial growth. Cell number-based factors ranged from 1.1 × 1018 to 38 × 1018 cells mol of total thymidine incorporation−1 and varied with treatment up to 10-fold for the same initial bacterial assemblage. In contrast, cell biovolume-based conversion factors were similar for two treatment groups across a 16-fold range of [3H]thymidine incorporation rates: 5.54 × 1017 μm3 mol of total thymidine incorporation−1 and 15.2 × 1017 μm3 mol of nucleic acid incorporation−1. Much of the variation in cell number-based conversion factors was related to changes in apparent mean cell volume of produced bacteria. Phosphorus addition stimulated [3H]thymidine incorporation more than it increased bacterial growth, which resulted in low conversion factors.  相似文献   

Lesley SM 《Plant physiology》1980,65(6):1224-1228
Sugarcane cells growing in suspension culture degrade exogenous thymidine, releasing thymine. Thymine is not utilized for DNA synthesis. Thymine is rapidly catabolized to β-aminoisobutyric acid which is found within the cell. Thymidine in the medium is used for DNA synthesis. The label of [2-14C]thymidine is lost as 14CO2, but the label of [3H]methylthymidine is found in the cell as [3H]β-aminoisobutyric acid, some of which is used for the synthesis of other cell components. The degradation of thymidine can be partially inhibited by addition of certain substituted pyrimidines.  相似文献   

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