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Ehrlich and Raven's (1964) hypothesis on coevolution has stimulated numerous phylogenetic studies that focus on the effects of plant defensive chemistry as the main ecological axis of phytophagous insect diversification. However, other ecological features affect host use and diet breadth and they may have very different consequences for insect evolution. In this paper, we present a phylogenetic study based on DNA sequences from mitochondrial and protein-coding genes of species in the seed beetle genus Stator, which collectively show considerable interspecific variation in host affiliation, diet breadth, and the dispersal stage of the seeds that they attack. We used comparative analyses to examine transitions in these three axes of resource use. We argue that these analyses show that diet breadth evolution is dependent upon colonizing novel hosts that are closely or distantly related to the ancestral host, and that oviposition substrate affects the evolution of host-plant affiliation, the evolution of dietary specialization, and the degree to which host plants are shared between species. The results of this study show that diversification is structured by interactions between different selective pressures and along multiple ecological axes.  相似文献   

The beetle Mordellaria friedrichi sp. nov. is described from the Baltic amber. The new species differs from extant species of the genus in the shape of the eyes and antennae and in the ratios of the length of the pygidium and length of the elytron, pronotum, and anal sternite.  相似文献   

New genera and species of curculionid beetles from the Baltic amber, Pseudoglaesotropis martynovi gen. et sp. nov. (Anthribidae), Palaeometrioxena zherikhini gen. et sp. nov. (Belidae), Eocenorhynchites vossi gen. et sp. nov. (Rhynchitidae), and Archaeosciaphilus marshalli gen. et sp. nov. (Curculionidae), are described.  相似文献   

A new genus, Succinometrioxena n. gen., and a new species, S. poinari n. sp. (Metrioxenini: Oxycoryninae), are described from Baltic amber. This new genus resembles the recent genus Wallacexena Legalov, 2009 but differs from it by the frons with horn-like tubercles on either side, the absence of a middle pronotal carina, teeth on the side of the pronotum, the anterior margin of the pronotum lacking teeth and two long carinae on the elytra. From the fossil genus Paltorhynchus Scudder, 1893 the present fossil differs by possessing a frons with horn-like tubercles on either side, the absence of a middle pronotal carina, teeth on the sides of the pronotum, two long carinae on the elytra and short temples. From the fossil genus Archimetrioxena Voss, 1953, the new genus differs by the frons with horn-like tubercles on either side, the absence of the two truncated elytral carinae, the sides of the pronotum with teeth, short temples and a larger body size.  相似文献   

Ponomarenkylon alexandri gen. et sp. nov. (Melittommatinae) from the Late Eocene Baltic amber is described. The long filiform antennae and the apparent absence of sensillary organs, which are frequently present on modified maxillary palps in other lymexylids, are evidence of the primitive state of the new genus.  相似文献   

Smicrips gorskii sp. nov. from the Upper Eocene Baltic amber, distinguished from all congeners by the dark color and very long antennomere 2 is described.  相似文献   

Two new genera and three new species of soft-winged flower beetles (Coleoptera, Malachiidae) are described from Rovno and Baltic Eocene amber. Protocephaloncus gen. nov. with the type species P. perkovskyi sp. nov. was found in the Rovno amber. It differs from its congeners in the tribe Troglopini in the primitive sculpture of the male facial area as a longitudinal narrow depression between the eyes lacking an appendage inside, and two trapezoid impressions on both sides of the depression closer to its lower part. A transverse pronotum, slightly rounded, but not sinuate posteriorly, is also a diagnostic feature of the new genus. A new genus of the tribe Attalini, Palpattalus gen. nov., was found in the Baltic amber. The tarsal comb on the anterior second tarsomere of the male, complicatedly curved pygidium, and cylindrical apical palpomere allow the definite attribution of the genus to the tribe Attalini. The characteristically enlarged, rounded and slightly flattened 1st palpomere, possessing a long seta directed outward, of the new genus resembles similar structures found in members of the tribe Colotini, all males of which have modified and enlarged 3rd and 4th palpomeres. Probably, Palpattalus gen. nov. represents an ancestral form for these two tribes. This allows the establishment of independent status for Antholinus Mulsant and Rey, 1867 stat. resurr., with anterior tarsi in males lacking comb on the second tarsomere, in contrast to all other subgenera of Attalus Erichson, 1840. Males of two different species, Palpattalus baltiensis sp. nov. and P. eocenicus sp. nov., were found as inclusions in Baltic amber. They differ in the coloration of the elytra, yellow with black spots in Palpattalus baltiensis sp. nov. and unicolorous black in P. eocenicus sp. nov.; the shape of pygidia, longitudinal and strongly elongated in P. baltiensis and transverse and rounded in P. eocenicus, and in a number of other characters.  相似文献   

Though for a long time it was hypothesized that the extraordinary diversity of phytophagous insects was better explained by a synchronous pattern of co-diversification with plants, the results of recent studies have led to question this theory, suggesting that the diversification of insects occurred well after that of their hosts. In this study we address this issue by investigating the timing of diversification of a highly specialized group of seed beetles, which mostly feeds on legume plants from the tribe Indigofereae. To that purpose, a total of 130 specimens were sequenced for six genes and analyzed under a Bayesian phylogenetic framework. Based on the resulting trees we performed several analyses that allowed a better definition of the group boundaries and to investigate the status of several taxa through the use of molecular species delimitation analyses in combination with morphological evidences. In addition the evolution of host plant use was reconstructed and different molecular-dating approaches were carried out in order to assess the ages of several clades of interest. The resulting framework suggests a more ancient than previously thought origin for seed beetles, and a pattern of rapid host plant colonization. These findings call for further similar studies in other highly specialized groups of phytophagous insects.  相似文献   

The first fossil of the staphylinine tribe Diochini Casey is described and figured from an inclusion in mid-Eocene (Lutetian) Baltic amber. Diochus electrussp. n. is distinguished from its congeners and the diversity of rove beetles (Staphylinidae s.l.) is summarized briefly.  相似文献   

A new genus and species, Olemehlia krali n. g. & n. sp. (Coleoptera: Ripiphoridae: Ripidiinae), is described from Baltic amber. The newly described genus is compared with all known fossil and extant closely related genera of the subfamily Ripidiinae. It is characterised by the following combination of characters: antennae consisting of 10 antennomeres, with scape, pedicel, and antennomere 3 simple and antennomeres 4–10 uniflabellate, mouthparts reduced to a small single unpaired tubercle, postocular ommatidia absent, pronotum trapezoid without grooves or impressions, elytra without white apical spots, tarsal formula 5–5–4, hind tarsomere I shorter than three remaining combined. Diversity of Ripiphoridae in Baltic amber is discussed; key to Ripidiinae genera from Baltic amber is provided.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were performed on leaf beetles collected on flowers. Flower consumption (anthophagy) was demonstrated for adults of Donacia bicolora, D. brevitarsis, D. obscura, D. thalassina, Plateumaris discolor, Cryptocephalus laetus, C. sericeus, C. solivagus, Labidostomis longimana, Hydrothassa marginella, Phaedon concinnus, Galerucella nymphaeae, Neocrepidodera femorata, Altica oleracea, Aphthona lutescens, Longitarsus pellucidus, and larvae of Entomoscelis adonidis, H. marginella, and G. nymphaeae for the first time for all the species except for P. discolor, L. longimana, and C. sericeus. The feeding behavior was described, and the mouthparts of adults were studied. The mandibles and maxillae of the Donacia, Plateumaris, and Orsodacne species mentioned are adapted to consuming pollen. Some questions of ecology and evolution of anthophagy are discussed. An overview of literature on anthophagy in the leaf beetles is presented.  相似文献   

The first fossil nemonychid (Nemonychidae) in Burmese amber, belonging to the subfamily Rhinorhynchinae, is described and figured as Burmonyx zigrasi Davis & Engel, gen. n. and sp. n. While this specimen also comprises the first definitive record of the subfamily in the Asian continent, other compression fossils exist at least from the Yixian Formation of China and the Karatau site of Kazakhstan which may also deserve placement within this group. Although several important areas of the body are obscured by the shape and fragmented condition of the amber piece, a sufficient number of features are visible to consider adequate placement within Rhinorhynchinae, including the fairly strongly punctate elytral striae and appendiculate, nearly bifid pretarsal claws.  相似文献   

Delobel B  Delobel A 《Oecologia》2006,149(3):428-443
Because of their particular biology, seed beetles exhibit a strong relationship with their larval host plants. In Europe, however, field data have long been scarce and unreliable. The results of Legume seed collections of nearly 1,000 samples belonging to 292 species from various locations in Europe are summarized. The status of current Bruchidius species groups is amended on morphological and phylogenetic bases. Recent advances in the knowledge of phylogenetic structures of both Fabaceae and Bruchinae provide a new picture of Bruchinae–Fabaceae interactions. It reveals a certain level of host conservatism. The hypothesis of radiative adaptation seems the most compatible with observed data.According to currently accepted phylogenies, seed beetles constitute a sister group to Sagrinae within the family Chrysomelidae (see discussion in Lingafelter and Pakaluk 1997). For convenience, we have, however, retained the name Bruchidae.  相似文献   

The feeding behavior of adult leaf beetles (41 species from 18 genera and 8 subfamilies) was studied for the first time. Beetles of the genera Chrysolina, Chrysomela, Cryptocephalus, Galeruca, Gastrophysa, Labidostomis, Leptinotarsa, Timarcha, and Cassida stigmatica gnaw a leaf from the edge, whereas the representatives of Donacia, Galerucella, Lema, Lilioceris, Oulema, Phyllobrotica, Plagiodera, Zeugophora, Hypocassida, and most species of Cassida gnaw the leaf plane. In addition, adults of Lilioceris merdigera and Donacia clavipes feed on young leaves rolled into a tube. New host plants are reported for the first time: Hyoscyamus niger for the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle and Naumburgia thyrsiflora for Galerucella grisescens.  相似文献   

Three new monotypical genera of leaf beetles are described: Aoriopsis eocenicus n. gen, n. sp. and Acolaspoides longipes n. gen., n. sp. from the subfamily Eumolpinae, and also Crepidocnema yantarica n. gen., n. sp. from the subfamily Alticinae. Short reviews of known fossil records of the mentioned subfamilies are given and position of the new genera discussed.  相似文献   

Wolbachia endosymbionts are widespread among insects and other arthropods, often causing cytoplasmic incompatibility and other reproductive phenotypes in their hosts. Recently, possibilities of Wolbachia-mediated pest control and management have been proposed, and the bean beetles of the subfamily Bruchinae are known as serious pests of harvested and stored beans worldwide. Here we investigated Wolbachia infections in bean beetles from the world, representing seven genera, 20 species and 87 populations. Of 20 species examined, Wolbachia infections were detected in four species, Megabruchidius sophorae, Callosobruchus analis, C. latealbus and C. chinensis. Infection frequencies were partial in M. sophorae but perfect in the other species. In addition to C. chinensis described in the previous studies, C. latealbus was infected with two distinct Wolbachia strains. These Wolbachia strains from the bean beetles were phylogenetically not closely related to each other. Among world populations of C. chinensis, some Taiwanese populations on a wild leguminous plant, Rhynchosia minima, exhibited a peculiar Wolbachia infection pattern, suggesting the possibility that these populations comprise a distinct host race or a cryptic species.  相似文献   

A new genus, Baltoraea gen. nov., two new species of this genus, B. insignis sp. nov. and B. simillima sp. nov., and three other new species, Cybocephalus (Cybocephalus) balticus sp. nov., C. (C.) electricus sp. nov. and C. (C.) kerneggeri sp. nov. are described from the Late Eocene Baltic amber. The systematic position of the genus Baltoraea and presumable bionomics of the new sap beetles are discussed.  相似文献   

A new extinct rove beetle, Palaeomesoporus electiricus gen. et sp.n., is described from a single specimen of Eocene Baltic amber. This fossil beetle is placed in the tribe Mesoporini, a ‘basal’ group of the mega-diverse subfamily Aleocharinae. Palaeomesoporus is easily discriminated from other mesoporine genera due to its less-developed antennal club, longer and slender elytron lacking a sinuate posterior margin, and prominently shorter mesotarsus. This finding sheds light on the paleodiversity and evolutionary history of the tribe and ‘basal’ Aleocharinae.  相似文献   

Nineteen species of seed-beetles belonging to the subfamily Bruchinae (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) were collected in Xinjiang, China. Of these, the following four were new records for China: Bruchus affinis Frolich, 1799, Bruchus atomarius L., 1761, Bruchus loti Paykull, 1800 and Kytorhinus kergoati Delobel & Legalov, 2009. We provide an annotated checklist, illustrations and a key to the 19 species.  相似文献   

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