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Plants and seedlings of Potamogeton pectinatus were obtained from tubers grown under laboratory conditions. Four plants (mean total length: 14.3 m) and two seedlings (mean height: 10.9 cm) were placed in each of twenty 1001 aquaria illuminated with fluorescent lighting. A 5 cm-thick layer of muddy sediment was then put in each aquarium together with two size-matched fish (mean size classes: 6.8, 14.1 and 23.0 g) of the species Cyprinus carpio. After four weeks, the total length of the plants in the control and small fish aquaria had increased by 71% and 3% respectively, whereas plant total length in the aquaria with medium and large fish had diminished by 33% and 76%, respectively. Few seedlings survived in the presence of the fish. The reduction in plant growth was associated with an increase in water turbidity in all treatments as a result of the benthic feeding habit of C. carpio, and of direct herbivory action in the case of medium- and large-sized fish.  相似文献   

Fennel (= Sago) pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus L.) is a submersed macrophyte of nearly cosmopolitan distribution. The plant is of worldwide ecological importance as structuring component of shallow lakes, and as food for waterfowl. We developed nine polymorphic microsatellite primers for the population genetic analysis of P. pectinatus. The loci were identified using a GA/CT‐enriched genomic library using subtractive hybridization with magnetic particles. All nine loci were highly polymorphic with 6–9 alleles and heterozygosities ranging from 0.23 to 0.80 in a subset of N = 40 genotypes from five locations.  相似文献   

In this study, we used a macrophyte model to describe the growth production and the interaction between above‐ and below‐ground organs of Potamogeton pectinatus in Lake Burullus, Egypt. Above‐ and below‐ground biomass of P. pectinatus was sampled on a monthly basis from April to December 2011 at three sites of Lake Burullus. Shoots started to grow in April, reached the maximum biomass in September and then rapidly decreased in October when they moved into the senescence stage. Tubers biomass reduced in August due to the upward translocation to shoots, but sharply increased to the maximum in October by downward translocation from shoots and roots. Potamogeton pectinatus allocated approximately 82.3% of its total biomass to shoots, 15.5% to tubers and 2.2% to roots.  相似文献   

Sabine Hilt 《Hydrobiologia》2006,564(1):95-99
In shallow lakes, submerged macrophytes contribute to the stabilization of the clear water state. If lost, a number of mechanisms prevent re-colonization. Lake Müggelsee (730 ha) lost its submerged vegetation due to increasing eutrophication and switched to phytoplankton dominance in 1970. After the reduction of nutrient loading in 1990, Potamogeton pectinatus L. started re-colonizing the lake. During the following years, it spread at a mean rate of 2.5 ha per year to all available areas <80 cm depth. Between 1993 and 1999, decreasing maximum biomass indicated hampered growth. Exclosure experiments revealed that herbivory reduced the aboveground biomass by more than 90%. Both waterfowl and fish were found to contribute to the grazing pressure despite a low abundance of the known herbivorous fish species and waterfowl in spring and summer. Protection of stands against grazing resulted in higher biomass of shoots, whereas shoot and tuber density did not change. Both shading by phytoplankton and periphyton, as well as grazing pressure, prevented the submerged vegetation of Lake Müggelsee from developing back to a dense zone that contributed to the reduction of turbidity.  相似文献   

Pilon  Jörn  Santamaría  Luis  Hootsmans  Michiel  van Vierssen  Wim 《Plant Ecology》2003,165(2):247-262
Across latitudinal gradients, environmental conditions that influenceplant growth and reproduction largely change. Here we study clonal variation inlife-cycle characteristics of the cosmopolitan water plantPotamogetonpectinatus L. across a broad latitudinal range.Two consecutive experiments were performed under standardised laboratoryconditions (photoperiod, irradiance and temperature). In the first experimentweinvestigated asexual reproduction among fifteen clones, obtained from latitudesranging from 24 to 68° N. After 90 days of growth, high-latitude clonesproduced more but smaller tubers, while the aboveground biomass was lower ascompared to the clones obtained from low latitudes.In a second experiment we studied inherent differences in early growth,morphology and photosynthesis for eleven clones (obtained from the samelatitudinal range as in experiment 1). We found high among clonal variation formost measured variables, but the number of latitude-correlated traits waslimited. The only trait that correlated with latitude was the number of leavesper plant, which increased in clones from higher latitudes.Our results agree with the hypothesis of a latitude-correlated switch inlife-cycle strategy for this species. For northern clones this results in ashort life-cycle, with an early and high investment in tuber biomass, while forlow latitude clones the length of the life-cycle is prolonged, with a delayedreproduction and increased total plant biomass.  相似文献   

Argentine Potamogeton pectinatus L. was grown in The Netherlands under laboratory conditions at four light intensities (50, 100, 150 and 200 µE m–2 s–1), and photosynthetic performance was evaluated after about 1, 2 and 3 months of growth. At these moments, chlorophyll-a and -b and tissue N and P content were also determined. During the growing period, plant lengths and number of secondary shoots were measured. In the field in Argentina, photosynthetic performance of P. pectinatus was also measured at different light intensities created by artificial shading at various times during the growing season. Field and laboratory photosynthetic results were in good agreement. P. pectinatus showed a significant plasticityin its photosynthesis, rather than in morphology. A fairly constant maximum photosynthetic rate with reduced light enabled the plants to maintain netproduction rates rather unaffected at low light intensities. Still, it can be predicted that increasing turbidity from 1–2 m–1 at present to 3 m–1 could lead to a strongly light-limited growth which should reduce the present weed problem considerably. Such a turbidity increase might be achieved by the introduction of a fairly dense bottom-feeding fish population like Common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.).  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1987,28(2):103-112
Photoperiods of 10 or 12 h enhanced vegetative propagule production by Potamogeton nodosus Poir. and P. pectinatus L. The proportion of plants producing vegetative propagules and the number and weight of propagules per plant increased over time, and were greatest after 8 weeks. Maximum vegetative propagule production was 12±6 tubers per plant (mean±S.D.; n=7) for P. pectinatus and 5±3 for P. nodosus. Tuber or winter-bud dry weight accounted for 38 or 27% of total plant dry weight, respectively, for plants grown for 56 days under a 10-h photoperiod. Vegetative propagules appeared to be produced instead of new shoot tissue under short-day conditions. Chlorophyll a and carotenoid content were lower for P. nodosus at short photoperiods, but not for P. pectinatus. The changes in chlorophyll a:b and carotenoid:ratio chlorophyll a suggest that synthesis/degradation of these pigments is tightly coupled and that short photoperiods may initiate senescence in P. nodosus.  相似文献   

Understanding the correlation between genetic diversity and species diversity in freshwater communities is important to elucidate the influences of local selective forces on the genetic diversity of local aquatic plant populations across different communities. This study employed amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) to assess the genetic diversity of Potamogeton pectinatus L. populations between two sister-lakes with contrasting trophic levels, eutrophic and oligotrophic, in the Yunnan Plateau in southwest of China. The results showed high genetic differentiation between eutrophic lake and oligotrophic lake. The genetic distances between P. pectinatus populations were significantly correlated with the species evenness, but not with difference in species richness of aquatic plant communities. The results underpinned that genetic diversity at inter-population levels and local species diversity in plant communities are positively correlated. In addition, our results also suggested that habitat types might play an important role in the genetic diversity of the P. pectinatus populations between these two lakes.  相似文献   

Elongation by dark-grown shoots of Potamogeton pectinatus tuberswas enhanced by the absence of oxygen. This promoting effectwas located in the stem and was stronger under water than ina gas phase and also stronger in unsparged water compared tosparged water. Anaerobic shoots elongated under water by almost13 cm in 5 d. This was the outcome of longer cells of the steminternodes and of some cell division coupled with leaf extensionwhich continued in the absence of oxygen, but at a slower rate.Continued attachment to a starch-filled tuber was required forsignificant anaerobic elongation, which could be sustained forat least 14 d. Switching intact, growing tubers from aerobicto anaerobic conditions stimulated stem extension within 24h. Conversely, stem elongation was slowed when tubers were transferredfrom an anaerobic to an aerobic environment. A marked gravitropicresponse occurred in anaerobic conditions, which involved bothstem and leaf tissue, and indicated that active internal growth-regulatingmechanisms continued to operate without oxygen. Shoot extension by tubers was also stimulated by hypo-aerobicconditions (5–8 kPa O2) compared with fully aerated solutions(20.8 kPa O2). This acceleration was smaller than that obtainedby the complete removal of oxygen, but still involved stem ratherthan leaf growth. Unlike elongation by apical shoots of tubers,that by shoot tips of rhizomes taken from mature light-grownplants was strongly inhibited by lack of oxygen, and in somecases shoot tips died within 5 d. All shoots and leaves werehighly aerenchymatous and the gas-filled lacunae were connectedby side-pores. Key words: Water plants, environmental stress, Potamogeton pectinatus, elongation, anaerobiosis, gravitropism  相似文献   

菹草对湖泊沉积物磷状态的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
武昌野芷湖湾菹草(PotamogetoncrispusL.)生物量较高位置的沉积物显示明显较高的磷吸附指数,以及据Langmuir方程:C/X=C/Xm+K×1/Xm导出的最大吸附量与吸附强度,这一结果在不同时期与不同采样深度均有体现,故提高沉积物磷的吸附能力应为菹草维持水体较低营养水平的重要机制。铁结合态磷是沉积物磷的主要存在形式,吸附能力的提高可由有机质及其与铁的相互作用部分地得到解释。不同时期菹草生物量较高的沉积物表现明显较低的碱性磷酸酶活性与最大反应速度,降低沉积物有机磷的酶促分解速率应为菹草维持水体低营养水平的另一机制。  相似文献   

Electron microscope studies have shown that Potamogeton pectinatusL. accumulates lead in the cell walls where it is probably boundaccording to Donnan equilibria. The plasmalemma acts as a barrierto the influx of lead, though pinocytotic invaginations mayconvey some metal into the protoplast and render it non-toxic.With high, toxic lead treatments, deposits were observed inthe cytoplasm and within the chloroplasts. The accumulationof lead in the cell walls and the pinocytotic inclusions, asa feature of lead-tolerant species, is discussed. The data suggesta rapid penetration of ions through the thin cuticle of submergedangiosperms and absorption into the protoplast.  相似文献   

Fourteen samples of sago pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus L.) and associated invertebrates were collected every two weeks over a single season of plant growth in a large monospecific pondweed-bed located in Coyote Hills Marsh (Alameda Co., California, USA), using pull-up samplers that collect plants, epiphytic macroinvertebrates, and microcrustaceans throughout the water column. The macro-invertebrate fauna was dominated by insects, primarily chironomids. Semi-aquatic neustonic taxa, including an aphid and a springtail, were common; this is in contrast with most aquatic plant-invertebrate studies, in which neustonic insects are seldom collected because of sampling bias. Over the entire season, P. pectinatus biomass and the densities of four insect taxa (Anopheles spp. mosquitoes, Hydrellia sp. brineflies, Ademon sp. parasitic wasps, and coenagrionid damselflies) were significantly correlated. These correlations resulted from both similar overall phenologies of the plant and each of the insect taxa, and ecological relationships in which P. pectinatus provides either a specialized habitat or food source. macroinvertebrate numbers were highest in mid-summer, when P. pectinatus forms a dense floating canopy; microcrustaceans were more common during plant senescence in early autumn. Individuals of some taxa may be distributed in proportion to plant biomass; this occurred commonly in damselflies, perhaps as a result of territoriality in these nymphs.  相似文献   

Tubers of Potamogeton pectinatus L., an aquatic pondweed, over-winter in the anoxic sediments of rivers, lakes and marshes. Growth of the pre-formed shoot that emerges from the tuber is remarkably tolerant to anoxia, with elongation of the stem occurring faster when oxygen is absent. This response, which allows the shoot to reach oxygenated waters, occurs despite a 69-81% reduction in the rate of ATP production, and it is underpinned by several physiological and metabolic adaptations that contribute to efficient energy usage. First, extension of the pre-formed shoot is the result of cell expansion, without the accumulation of new cellular material. Secondly, after over-wintering, the tuber and pre-formed shoot have the enzymes necessary for a rapid fermentative response at the onset of growth under anoxia. Thirdly, the incorporation of [(35)S]methionine into protein is greatly reduced under anoxia. The majority of the anoxically synthesized proteins differ from those in aerobically grown tissue, implying an extensive redirection of protein synthesis under anoxia. Finally, anoxia-induced cytoplasmic acidosis is prevented to an unprecedented degree. The adaptations of this anoxia-tolerant plant tissue emphasize the importance of the mechanisms that balance ATP production and consumption in the absence of oxygen.  相似文献   

It has been argued that waterfowl and fish may threaten growth of submerged macrophytes, especially in spring during the early growth phase when plant biomass is low. A small reduction of biomass at that time might delay growth or decrease subsequent productivity. We investigated the impact of waterfowl and large fish on the spring growth of fennel pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatusL.) by employing an exclosure experiment in the macrophyte-dominated clear-water Lake Mogan, Turkey. Birds and large fish were excluded from eight plots and both in situvegetation and macrophytes kept in pots were compared to eight open plots. Also, to investigate the effect of periphyton on plant growth it was removed from half of the pot plants. Exclusion of waterfowl and fish may decrease predation on macroinvertebrates, which in turn may affect periphyton, and macrophyte growth, why macroinvertebrates also were sampled. Waterfowl density was high (15–70 ind. of coot, Fulica atraL. ha–1), abundance of submerged plants was also high with a surface coverage of 70–80%, and benthivorous fish were present, mainly tench, (Tinca tincaL.) and carp, (Cyprinus carpioL.). Exclusion of waterfowl and large fish did not significantly affect the spring growth of pondweed; neither plants growing in situnor kept in pots. Removal of periphyton from the plants in the pots did not favour growth. The density of macroinvertebrates was not affected by the exclusion of waterfowl and large fish, but it was positively related to aboveground biomass of fennel pondweed. We suggest that even if waterfowl and large fish are in high densities, their effect on fennel pondweed spring growth in lakes with abundant submerged vegetation, such as Lake Mogan, is low.  相似文献   

Changes occurring during aging and senescence of leaves of a submerged aquatic angiosperm ( Potamogeton pectinatus L.) were studied. Total chlorophyll and chlorophylls a and b were maximal in mature, and minimal in old leaves. The chlorophyll a to b ratio was highest in mature leaves. During senescence, the chlorophyll content and the ratio of chlorophyll a to b decreased. The content of DNA, RNA, protein and dry weight, and the activity of alkaline pyrophosphatase decreased while free amino acids, the activity of protease, RNase and acid pyrophosphatase, and the ratio of acid to alkaline pyrophosphatase activity increased during aging and senescence. Kinetin (0.23 m M ) deferred leaf senescence by delaying the loss of chlorophyll, protein, nucleic acids and dry weight, and reducing the rise in free amino acids, the activity of protease, RNase and acid pyrophosphatase and the ratio of acid to alkaline pyrophosphatase activity; while both 0.69 m M ethrel and 0.075 m M ABA hastened senescence. Kinetin pretreatment for an optimum period (12 h) followed by ethrel or ABA treatment partially erased the senescence-promoting effect of the latter. But treatments in a reverse order markedly reduced the delaying effect of kinetin on senescence.  相似文献   

Forty populations of Potamogeton pectinatus L. were sampled from around the Baltic Sea basin. Analysis of 62 ISSR 'loci' showed that the number of clones per population is very variable but shows a tendency to decrease with latitude. Analysis of molecular variance revealed that, overall, just over half the variability is stored within populations and just under half between them (phi(ST) 0.496). In pairwise comparisons, most populations are significantly differentiated. Genetic distance between populations, as measured by phi(ST), increases with geographical distance. Levels of population differentiation, however, are lower on the southeastern Swedish coast than elsewhere, a reduction correlated with the importance of this area as a staging post for the massive migrations of waterfowl from arctic Russia and western Siberia. Cumulative plots of phi(ST) against geographical distance along this coast suggest that, although it does not prevent significant population differentiation, bird traffic reduces it over distances of 150-200 km.  相似文献   

Dark-grown shoots of tubers of the aquatic monocot Potamogön pectinatus L. elongated more strongly in anaerobic than aerobic solutions over 5 days. The response was located in the stem rather than the leaf. Anaerobic carbon dioxide (CO2) production was similar to that in aerobic conditions. Approximately half the anaerobic stem extension was attributed to acidification of the submerging medium by respiratory CO2. Sparging with an anaerobic gas mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen to remove dissolved CO2 inhibited stem elongation and prevented acidification of the medium. Similarly, supplying CO2 anaerobically promoted stem elongation while acidifying the medium. Carbon dioxide was also active on aerobic shoots. The effect of CO2 on anaerobic stem extension could be mimicked with an acidic buffer. Anaerobic stem extension was inhibited by exogenous abscisic acid (ABA), while gibberellic acid and the gibberellin-biosynthesis inhibitor paclobutrazol proved inactive. Exogenous indole-3-acetic acid promoted stem extension in the absence of oxygen. A strong gravitropic response by anaerobic stems of P. pectinatus was inhibited by the auxin-efflux inhibitor naphthylphthalamic acid.  相似文献   

Data on germination of tubers and subsequent growth of young plants of Potamogeton pectinatus were recorded at different depths of the water column in Lake Nainital. The depth of euphotic zone is about 5 m. Tubers were placed at 1, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10 m water depth in brass net bags. A highly significant negative correlation was found between depth on one hand and germination percentage of tubers, length of shoots and number of leaves on the other hand. Germination of tubers was positively related to pH, dissolved oxygen and temperature of water.  相似文献   

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