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印楝愈伤组织开矿及其印楝素含量测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
取印楝不同器官作外植体,研究培养基和继代次数对愈伤组织生长及其印楝素生物合成的影响。印楝的不同器官(根、叶、茎及皮)均能诱导出愈伤组织,这些愈伤组织均有合成印楝素的能力。其中以叶诱导的愈伤组织生长速率及印楝素含量为最高。含有较低铵盐的B5培养基有利于细胞生长,含有较高铵盐的MS培养基有利于印楝素积累,不含铵盐的White培养基对两者均不利。愈伤组织继代2-3代,有利于愈伤组织生长和印楝素合成。  相似文献   

印楝愈伤组织形成及其印楝素含量测定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
取印楝(AzadirachtaindicaA.Juss)不同器官作外植体,研究培养基和继代次数对愈伤组织生长及其印楝素(Azadirachtin)生物合成的影响.印楝的不同器官(根、叶、茎及皮)均能诱导出愈伤组织,这些愈伤组织均有合成印楝素的能力.其中以叶诱导的愈伤组织生长速率及印楝素含量为最高.含有较低按盐的B5培养基有利于细胞生长,含有较高铵盐的MS培养基有利于印楝素积累,不含铰盐的White培养基对两者均不利.愈伤组织继代2—3代,有利于愈伤组织生长和印楝素合成。  相似文献   

印楝油对印楝素的增效作用和保护作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
印楝油对印楝素具有增效作用,印楝素A和印楝种子石油醚抽提物和印楝种子植物油分别按1:10(m/m)混用处理斜纹夜蛾3龄幼虫,共毒系数分别为150.17和226.87,印楝素B和两者混用后的共毒系数分别为166.00和242.18。印楝种子植物油对印楝素具有保护作用,在54℃下热贮7d,印楝油(甲醇:印楝油=9-1,v/v)对印楝素A和印楝素B的保护效果分别为56.96%和50.86%;热贮14d,保护效果分别为26.72%和38.42%。  相似文献   

印楝愈伤组织的培养条件及对印楝素含量的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
由于印楝(AzadirachtaindicaA.Luss)提取物对农业、仓库和卫生害虫具有明显的拒食、抑制生长发育、忌避、毒杀、内吸和不育等活性,并有高效、低毒、无环境污染、不易引起昆虫抗药性等优点〔1〕,受到人们的关注。但是,它的自然分布有限,我国...  相似文献   

高成杰  唐国勇  李昆  谢青海 《生态学报》2013,33(6):1964-1972
以元谋干热河谷10年生印楝和大叶相思为研究对象,采用分层挖掘法对印楝纯林、大叶相思纯林及印楝×大叶相思混交林根系生物量及其分布特征进行研究.结果表明:印楝×大叶相思混交林根系总生物量为2.707 t/hm2,介于印楝纯林(2.264t/hm2)和大叶相思纯林(3.405 t/hm2)之间.混交林内主根总生物量为1.057 t/hm2,为印楝纯林和大叶相思纯林的69.9%和69.7%,而除粗根外,混交林内其它径级的侧根(中根、小根和细根)生物量均介于印楝纯林和大叶相思纯林之间,分别为印楝纯林的228.7%、120.1%、450.0%,为大叶相思纯林的71.3%、65.8%和48.8%.干热河谷印楝和大叶相思人工林根系在土壤表层分布比例大,尤其足0-0.2 m土层内,其根系生物量占根系总生物量的63.6%-76.3%.根系垂直累积生物量与土壤深度可用二次方程拟合,拟合方程的二阶导数表明,垂直方向上,印楝纯林根系分布较混交林均匀,而混交林较大叶相思纯林均匀.  相似文献   

为了明确印楝素A和印楝素B生物活性的差异,选用印楝素A和印楝素B对棉铃虫生长发育的影响进行了比较研究。结果表明:印楝素A和印楝素B对棉铃虫3龄幼虫具有良好的拒食活性,5μg/mL处理48 h对棉铃虫3龄幼虫的拒食率分别为85.17%和69.02%。分别用含有药剂(1μg/mL)的饲料饲喂棉铃虫5龄幼虫,结果表明:印楝素A和印楝素B能够明显抑制棉铃虫5龄幼虫的体重增长,处理14 d后幼虫的体重分别下降50.28%和43.08%,仅有少量个体化蛹,化蛹率分别为26.67%和13.33%。进一步的羽化结果表明:经印楝素A和印楝素B处理的虫蛹均未能完成羽化。综合各阶段试验结果来看,印楝素A和印楝素B的生物活性存在差异,印楝素B对棉铃虫生长发育的抑制作用高于印楝素A。  相似文献   

为了明确印楝素A和B活性差异的机理,本研究比较了印楝素A和印楝素B对粉纹夜蛾Trichoplusia ni离体培养胚胎细胞系BTI-Tn-5B1-4的毒性。结果表明:印楝素A与印楝素B对BTI-Tn-5B1-4细胞具有良好的增殖抑制活性,处理后3 d,其IC50值分别为2.9 μg/mL和9.85 μg/mL,印楝素A的细胞毒力显著高于印楝素B。倒置显微镜观察发现,印楝素A和印楝素B处理可导致细胞变形,贴壁能力下降,并出现明显空泡,印楝素A的影响明显高于印楝素B。流式细胞仪检测结果表明,印楝素可导致BTI-Tn-5B1-4细胞体积显著膨大,印楝素A处理细胞体积增大程度显著高于印楝素B;印楝素可以明显影响BTI-Tn-5B1-4细胞膜电位,1.25 μg/mL印楝素A和印楝素B处理后3 d,细胞DiBAC4(3)荧光强度分别增加88.12%和55.37%,印楝素A的影响显著高于印楝素B。荧光显微镜观察发现,印楝素对BTI-Tn-5B1-4细胞核具有明显影响,印楝素B的影响明显高于印楝素A,印楝素B处理后,细胞核受损细胞数更多,受损程度更严重。结果显示印楝素A和印楝素B的细胞作用机理存在差异,本研究从细胞学水平解释了印楝素的生长发育抑制作用机理。  相似文献   

印楝素对亚洲玉米螟幼虫生长发育的影响   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
本文报道印楝素对亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis Guene幼虫生长发育的抑制作用和引起幼虫各器官的病变症状。用含20ppm印楝素的人工饲料饲喂亚洲玉米螟3—4龄幼虫2天,然后换入正常饲料,可使幼虫期显著延长,最后不能化蛹而死亡。印楝素对幼虫的作用是缓慢的,虫体受药后还可发育一个龄期。处理幼虫的行为失常,取食动作逐渐消失,主要靠消耗体内的水分和脂肪来维持生命。幼虫的胸足变黑,胸部出现褐色斑,这些部位的表皮分层不正常,真皮细胞坏死或自溶。处理幼虫的大脑萎缩,生殖器官和前胸腺肿大,前胸腺细胞膜厚而松散,血淋巴中β-蜕皮酮含量显著降低。从整个中毒症状来看,印楝素可能作用于亚洲玉米螟幼虫的神经和内分泌系统,从而逐渐引起各器官的病变。  相似文献   

元江干热河谷植物叶片解剖和养分含量特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了元江干热河谷旱田植物(旱季可浇灌,水分较好)和山坡半萨王纳植被中(自然状况,水分较差)共20种的叶片形态解剖特征,以及7种山坡植物叶片养分含量特征.结果表明,山坡植物叶片比叶重大,气孔密度大,气孔长度小,海绵组织/栅栏组织的值小等.元江干热河谷山坡植物叶片养分含量低,1.3%>Ca>N>K>1%>Mg>P>S.除氮元素外,其它元素种间差别1~3倍.与热带植物群落叶片养元素含量相比,热带雨林>元江山坡植物>东南亚沙地旱生林和巴西矮卡廷加群落,表明元江干热河谷植物叶片具有明显的旱生性形态解剖特征,且叶片养分含量也较低.  相似文献   

云南引种印楝实生种群的表型变异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为了揭示印楝(Azadirachta indica)实生种群表型变异程度和变异规律, 以云南引种印楝人工林为研究对象, 基于9个种群90个单株14个表型性状严格细致的测量, 采用单因素方差分析、巢式方差分析、相关分析、协方差主成分分析(S法)和非加权配对算术平均法(UPGMA)聚类分析等数理方法, 分析了种群的表型变异。结果表明: 印楝种内表型性状在种群间和种群内均存在着较丰富的差异, 种群内的变异大于种群间的变异, 种群间的分化相对较小。对表型性状进行的变异系数多重比较和协方差主成分分析(S法)均显示, 结实和种子化学成分相关性状的变异是造成印楝表型变异的主要来源。利用种群间欧氏距离进行的UPGMA聚类分析结果进一步表明, 印楝9个种群可以分为4类, 表型性状并没有严格依地理距离而聚类。研究结果为印楝的遗传改良工作奠定了基础, 为制定育种策略和人工经营对策提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

从元谋栽培印楝Azadirachta indica的枝叶中分离得到15个化合物,结构类型有三萜、倍半萜、甾体等。经波谱解析鉴定为nimbin(1),6-deacetylnimbin(2),6-deacetylnimbinene(3),nimbinene(4),azadiradi-one(5),7-acetoxy-elema-1,3-dien-8-ol(6),1-naphthalenone(7),acarusnol(8),colvane-2β,9α-diol(9),乌苏酸(10),马斯里酸(11),2α-羟基乌苏酸(12),猕猴桃酸B(13),2α,3α,4β-trihydroxypregnan-16-one(14),2β,3β,4β-trihydroxypregnan-16-one(15)。化合物6~15为首次从该植物中分离得到。  相似文献   

Introduction – Melia azedarach adapted to cool climates was selected as rootstocks for vegetative propagation of Azadirachta indica. Cleft grafting of A. indica on M. azedarach rootstock showed excellent survival. Little is known about the chemistry of grafting. Objective – The roots, stems, leaves and seeds of this graft were examined in order to verify if grafted A. indica would produce limonoids different from those found in non‐grafted plants. Intact matured fruits were also studied to verify if they were free of meliatoxins. Methodology – After successive chromatographic separations the extracts afforded several limonoids. HPLC‐MS/MS and MALDI‐MS were used to develop sensitive methods for detecting azadirachtin on all aerial parts of this graft and meliatoxins in fruits, respectively. Results – The stem afforded the limonoid salannin, which was previously found in the oil seeds of A. indica. Salannin is also found in the root bark of M. azedarach. Thus, the finding of salannin in this study suggests that it could have been translocated from the M. azedarach rootstock to the A. indica graft. HPLC‐MS/MS analyses showed that azadirachtin was present in all parts of the fruits, stem, flowers and root, but absent in the leaves. The results of MALDI‐MS analyses confirmed the absence of meliatoxins in graft fruits. Conclusion – This study showed that A. indica grafted onto M. azedarach rootstock produces azadirachtin, and also that its fruits are free of meliatoxins from rootstocks, confirming that this graft forms an excellent basis for breeding vigorous Neem trees in cooler regions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The density of neem trees in parts of Malindi District in eastern Kenya was assessed to determine the sustainability of their use in the local woodcarving industry. Size and age structure of neem populations under different ownership were analyzed to establish the Annual Allowable Cut. Neem is an excellent carving wood and the available quantities along the Kenyan coast are sufficient to sustainably supply the industry of the whole country. However, because the resource comes from small farm holdings and the supply system to carving groups is not well established, further efforts are required to introduce a management regime that could be certified under the standards of the Forest Stewardship Council.  相似文献   

A comparative evaluation for the efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis and neem seed oil on Phthorimaea operculella has been carried out in the field and store. These two preparations were almost equally effective on the potato tuber moth infestation. The percentage of infestation was reduced through successive application of either preparations in the field up to harvest. No synergism was observed upon using combination of the two preparations. In the store, neem seed oil (500 ppm) was highly protective and was as effective as sevin. A combination of both neem and B.t. (Delfin) significantly protects the tubers. This suggests the possible use of either neem seed oil or B.t. in combating the insect pest in the field or during storage.  相似文献   

Applications of neem, Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae), to rice-fields were evaluated with the dual objective of controlling the culicine mosquito vectors of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) and enhancing the grain yield. Since crude neem products deteriorate under improper storage conditions, a laboratory bioassay was developed to screen neem cake powder against mosquito larvae, Culex quinquefasciatus. Only samples of neem giving over 90% bioassay mortality were used in field trials. When good quality neem cake powder was applied at the dose of 500 kg/ha, either alone or coated over urea, there was a striking reduction in the abundance of late instar culicine larvae and pupae. Only fourteen pupae were obtained over a period of 13 weeks in neem cake powder treated plots, and four in those treated with neem coated urea, compared with 101 in control plots. Both treatments were significantly less than the control, but on par with one another. In another field trial, neem cake coated urea was tested at 500 and 250 kg neem/ha in combination with water management practices. No reduction in efficacy was noted at the lower dose. Larval abundance in plots under water management alone did not differ significantly from the controls, but was significantly reduced when water management was combined with neem products. Two stable formulations, 'Neemrich-I' (lipid rich) and 'Neemrich-II' (azadirachtin rich), also gave good suppression of immature culicines. All the treatments with neem also gave higher grain yield than the control.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss has a great nutritional value and delicious taste. A 90-days experimental trial was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary leaf extract of neem tree Azadirachta indica as a feeding supplement on the growth performance and proximate composition of O. mykiss. Four experimental diets were designed as T1 (with 5% A. indica leaf extract), T2 (with 7% of A. indica leaf extract), T3 (with 10% A. indica leaf extract), and T4 (control group feed with a regular diet with 0% A. indica leaf extract). The average initial weight of fry 0.4 ± 0.14 g was stocked at 25 fish/tank with two replicates per treatment (4 × 2 = 8). After 90 days of the experimental trial, One-way ANOVA showed significant differences in final body weight, weight gain, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, and survival rate among the treatment groups (p < 0.05). The highest final body weight (48.10 g) and weight gain (47.70 g) was observed in T2 with 7% A. indica leaf extract, which was significantly different from the other treatments (p < 0.05). The lowest FCR was recorded in T2 (1.90), which was significantly different compared to other treatment groups (p < 0.05). Inclusion of A. indica leaf extract in formulated feed for rainbow trout had significant effects in the hepatosomatic index, viscerosomatic index and Fulton’s condition factor (p < 0.05), but there was no significant difference in the survival rate of rainbow trout fry treated with different experimental diets (p > 0.05). The phenomenal regression indicates that 7.5% A. indica inclusion is optimum for best growth performance for rainbow trout under a controlled environment. Thus, the present study suggests that the dietary leaf extract has performed an excellent nutritional supplement by enhancing growth performance and health conditions of rainbow trout in the hatchery conditions.  相似文献   

A new limonoid, 7‐O‐acetyl‐7‐O‐debenzoyl‐22‐hydroxy‐21‐methoxylimocinin ( 2 ), and two new flavonoids, 3′‐(3‐hydroxy‐3‐methylbutyl)naringenin ( 7 ) and 4′‐O‐methyllespedezaflavanone C ( 9 ), along with nine known compounds, including two limonoids, 1 and 3 , and seven flavonoids, 4 – 6, 8 , and 10 – 12 , were isolated from a MeOH extract of the flowers of Azadirachta indica A.Juss. var. siamensis Valeton (Siamese neem tree; Meliaceae). The structures of new compounds were elucidated on the basis of extensive spectroscopic analysis and comparison with literature data. All of these compounds were evaluated for their melanogenesis‐inhibitory activities in B16 melanoma cells induced with α‐melanocyte‐stimulating hormone (α‐MSH). Compound 2 (16.9% melanin content at 30 μM ), 6‐deacetylnimbin ( 3 ; 49.6% melanin content at 100 μM ), and kaempferide ( 10 ; 41.7% melanin content at 10 μM ) exhibited inhibitory effects with no, or almost no, toxicity to the cells (81.0–111.7% cell viability). In addition, evaluation of their cytotoxic activities against HL60, A549, AZ521, and SK‐BR‐3 human cancer cell lines, isoazadironolide ( 1 ), 4′‐O‐methyl‐8‐prenylnaringenin ( 5 ), euchrestaflavanone A ( 8 ), 9 , and 3‐methoxy‐3′‐prenylnaringenin ( 12 ) revealed potent cytotoxicities against one or more cell lines with IC50 values in the range of 4.5–9.9 μM .  相似文献   

Essential oils from three species of plants comprising three plant families were obtained by Clevenger-type water distillation. The major compounds in these essential oils were identified with GC-MS and their insecticidal activity against adult cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover tested with dosage-mortality bioassays. We examined mortality only for viviparous adults because sizeable aphid populations on cucumber (Cucurbitaceae) hosts are largely produced by these wingless, parthenogenic females. Three of the oils were directly applied to aphid females in randomised blocks at 25?±?2?°C and 60?±?5% R.H. and under a L16:D8 photoperiod. Essential oils were mixed with a non-toxic emulsifying agent, Tween 80. Results show adverse contact effects of essential oils studied in the control of cotton aphid. Probit analysis and LC50 at concentrations at different exposures showed aphids were incapacitated and killed by aliphatic aldehydes, phenols and monocyclic terpenes contained in Azadirachta indica, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Laurus nobilis. LC50 on cotton aphid, for azadirachtin eucalyptus and laurel essential oils were respectively 5389, 9515 and 13730?ppm. In the current study, efficacy in respect to the contact toxicity (LC50) followed the order: A. indica?>?E. camaldulensis?>?L. nobilis after 24?h treatment. Our results show quantitative and qualitative differences in the chemical composition and insecticidal activities of our essential oils. All oils became insect toxic as concentration increased. According to the results, essential oils of all the three plants have the potential to be employed in the pest management programmes that can be used in protection of greenhouse conditions against cotton aphid.  相似文献   

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