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Membrane protein insertion and folding was studied for the major outer membrane protein of Fusobacterium nucleatum (FomA), which is a voltage-dependent general diffusion porin. The transmembrane domain of FomA forms a beta-barrel that is predicted to consist of 14 beta-strands. Here, unfolded FomA is shown to insert and fold spontaneously and quantitatively into phospholipid bilayers upon dilution of the denaturant urea, which was shown previously only for outer membrane protein A (OmpA) of Escherichia coli. Folding of FomA is demonstrated by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy, by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and by single-channel recordings. Refolded FomA had a single-channel conductance of 1.1 nS at 1 M KCl, in agreement with the conductance of FomA isolated from membranes in native form. In contrast to OmpA, which forms a smaller eight-stranded beta-barrel domain, folding kinetics of the larger FomA were slower and provided evidence for parallel folding pathways of FomA into lipid bilayers. Two pathways were observed independent of membrane thickness with two different lipid bilayers, which were either composed of dicapryl phosphatidylcholine or dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine. This is the first observation of parallel membrane insertion and folding pathways of a beta-barrel membrane protein from an unfolded state in urea into lipid bilayers. The kinetics of both folding pathways depended on the chain length of the lipid and on temperature with estimated activation energies of 19 kJ/mol (dicapryl phosphatidylcholine) and 70 kJ/mol (dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine) for the faster pathways.  相似文献   

Folding of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) has been studied extensively in vitro. However, most of these studies have been conducted in dilute buffer solution, which is different from the crowded environment in the cell periplasm, where the folding and membrane insertion of OMPs actually occur. Using OmpA and OmpT as model proteins and Ficoll 70 as the crowding agent, here we investigated the effect of the macromolecular crowding condition on OMP membrane insertion. We found that the presence of Ficoll 70 significantly slowed down the rate of membrane insertion of OmpA while had little effect on those of OmpT. To investigate if the soluble domain of OmpA slowed down membrane insertion in the presence of the crowding agent, we created a truncated OmpA construct that contains only the transmembrane domain (OmpA171). In the absence of crowding agent, OmpA171 refolded at a similar rate as OmpA, although with decreased efficiency. However, under the crowding condition, OmpA171 refolded significantly faster than OmpA. Our results suggest that the periplasmic domain slows down the rate, while improves the efficiency, of OmpA folding and membrane insertion under the crowding condition. Such an effect was not obvious when refolding was studied in buffer solution in the absence of crowding.  相似文献   

Almost all proteins that reside in the outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria contain a membrane-spanning segment that folds into a unique β barrel structure and inserts into the membrane by an unknown mechanism. To obtain further insight into outer membrane protein (OMP) biogenesis, we revisited the surprising observation reported over 20 years ago that the Escherichia coli OmpA β barrel can be assembled into a native structure in vivo when it is expressed as two noncovalently linked fragments. Here, we show that disulfide bonds between β strand 4 in the N-terminal fragment and β strand 5 in the C-terminal fragment can form in the periplasmic space and greatly increase the efficiency of assembly of “split” OmpA, but only if the cysteine residues are engineered in perfect register (i.e., they are aligned in the fully folded β barrel). In contrast, we observed only weak disulfide bonding between β strand 1 in the N-terminal fragment and β strand 8 in the C-terminal fragment that would form a closed or circularly permutated β barrel. Our results not only demonstrate that β barrels begin to fold into a β-sheet-like structure before they are integrated into the OM but also help to discriminate among the different models of OMP biogenesis that have been proposed.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin is a blue-copper protein with a beta-barrel fold. Here we report that, at conditions where thermal unfolding of apo-azurin is reversible, the reaction occurs in a single step with a transition midpoint (T(m)) of 69 degrees C (pH 7). The active-site mutation His117Gly creates a cavity in the beta-barrel near the surface but does not perturb the overall fold (T(m) of 64 degrees C, pH 7). Oxidation of the active-site cysteine (Cysteine-112) in wild-type azurin, which occurs readily at higher temperatures, results in a modified protein that cannot adopt a native-like structure. In sharp contrast, Cysteine-112 oxidation in His117Gly azurin yields a modified apo-azurin that appears folded and displays cooperative, reversible unfolding (T(m) approximately 55 degrees C, pH 7). We conclude that azurin's beta-barrel is a rigid structural element that constrains the structure of its surface; a bulky modification can only be accommodated if complementary space is provided.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using bovine fibronectin as the substrate was used to demonstrate that Mannheimia haemolytica A1 binds to fibronectin. This binding to fibronectin was specific as no binding was observed with bovine fibrinogen. The binding to fibronectin was not observed if the M. haemolytica A1 cells were pretreated with trypsin or proteinase K, suggesting that it involved a protein molecule on the cell surface. Interestingly, the fibronectin-binding activity was found to be higher in an acapsular mutant compared with its parent strain. The fibronectin-binding protein was shown to be present in the outer membrane fraction of M. haemolytica A1. A 45 kDa outer membrane protein that binds to fibronectin was identified by Far-Western immunoblot analysis. This protein was purified and subjected to MS matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight analysis. The results identified it to be outer membrane OmpA based on comparison with the M. haemolytica A1 genomic sequence.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the known three-dimensional structures of trimeric porins from bacterial outer membranes. The distribution of surface-exposed residues in a direction perpendicular to the membrane is similar to that in helical membrane proteins, with aliphatic residues concentrated in the central 20 A of the bilayer. Outside these residues is a layer of aromatic residues, followed by polar and charged residues. Residues in the trimer interface are more conserved than residues not in the interface. By comparing the interface and noninterface residues, an interface preference scale has been derived that may be used as a basis for predicting interface surfaces in monomer models.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria contain a double membrane which serves for both protection and for providing nutrients for viability. The outermost of these membranes is called the outer membrane (OM), and it contains a host of fully integrated membrane proteins which serve essential functions for the cell, including nutrient uptake, cell adhesion, cell signalling and waste export. For pathogenic strains, many of these outer membrane proteins (OMPs) also serve as virulence factors for nutrient scavenging and evasion of host defence mechanisms. OMPs are unique membrane proteins in that they have a β-barrel fold and can range in size from 8 to 26 strands, yet can still serve many different functions for the cell. Despite their essential roles in cell survival and virulence, the exact mechanism for the biogenesis of these OMPs into the OM has remained largely unknown. However, the past decade has witnessed significant progress towards unravelling the pathways and mechanisms necessary for moulding a nascent polypeptide into a functional OMP within the OM. Here, we will review some of these recent discoveries that have advanced our understanding of the biogenesis of OMPs in Gram-negative bacteria, starting with synthesis in the cytoplasm to folding and insertion into the OM.  相似文献   

Outer membrane protein A (OmpA) of Escherichia coli is a beta-barrel membrane protein that unfolds in 8 M urea to a random coil. OmpA refolds upon urea dilution in the presence of certain detergents or lipids. To examine the minimal requirements for secondary and tertiary structure formation in beta-barrel membrane proteins, folding of OmpA was studied as a function of the hydrophobic chain length, the chemical structure of the polar headgroup, and the concentration of a large array of amphiphiles. OmpA folded in the presence of detergents only above a critical minimal chain length of the apolar chain as determined by circular dichroism spectroscopy and a SDS-PAGE assay that measures tertiary structure formation. Details of the chemical structure of the polar headgroup were unimportant for folding. The minimal chain length required for folding correlated with the critical micelle concentration in each detergent series. Therefore, OmpA requires preformed detergent micelles for folding and does not adsorb monomeric detergent to its perimeter after folding. Formation of secondary and tertiary structure is thermodynamically coupled and strictly dependent on the interaction with aggregated amphiphiles.  相似文献   

Results of studies, mostly using the outer membrane, 325 residue protein OmpA, are reviewed which concern its translocation across the plasma membrane and incorporation into the outer membrane ofEscherichia coli. For translocation, neither a unique export signal, acting in a positive fashion within the mature part of the precursor, nor a unique conformation of the precursor is required. Rather, the mature part of a secretory protein has to be export-compatible. Export-incompatibility can be caused by a stretch of 16 (but not 8 or 12) hydrophobic residues, too low a size of the polypeptide (smaller than 75 residue precursors), net positive charge at the N-terminus, or lack of a turn potential at the same site. It is not yet clear whether binding sites for chaperonins (SecB, trigger factor, GroEL) within OmpA are importantin vivo. The mechanism of sorting of outer membrane proteins is not yet understood. The membrane part of OmpA, encompassing residues 1 to about 170, it thought to traverse the membrane eight times in antiparallel -sheet conformation. At least the structure of the last -strand (residues 160–170) is of crucial importance for membrane assembly. It must be amphiphilic or hydrophobic, these properties must extend over at least nine residues, and it must not contain a proline residue at or near its center. Membrane incorporation of OmpA involves a conformational change of the protein and it could be that the last -strand initiates folding and assembly in the outer membrane.  相似文献   

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Many outer membrane proteins (OMPs) in Gram-negative bacteria possess known beta-barrel three-dimensional (3D) structures. These proteins, including channel-forming transmembrane porins, are diverse in sequence but exhibit common structural features. We here report computational analyses of six outer membrane proteins of known 3D structures with respect to (1) secondary structure, (2) hydropathy, and (3) amphipathicity. Using these characteristics, as well as the presence of an N-terminal targeting sequence, a program was developed allowing prediction of integral membrane beta-barrel proteins encoded within any completely sequenced prokaryotic genome. This program, termed the beta-barrel finder (BBF) program, was used to analyze the proteins encoded within the Escherichia coli genome. Out of 4290 sequences examined, 118 (2.8%) were retrieved. Of these, almost all known outer membrane proteins with established beta-barrel structures as well as many probable outer membrane proteins were identified. This program should be useful for predicting the occurrence of outer membrane proteins in bacteria with completely sequenced genomes.  相似文献   

Copper (Cu) is one of the most abundant trace metals in all organisms, involved in a plethora of cellular processes. Yet elevated concentrations of the element are harmful, and interestingly prokaryotes are more sensitive for environmental Cu stress than humans. Various transport systems are present to maintain intracellular Cu homeostasis, including the prokaryotic plasmid‐encoded multiprotein pco operon, which is generally assigned as a defense mechanism against elevated Cu concentrations. Here we structurally and functionally characterize the outer membrane component of the Pco system, PcoB, recovering a 2.0 Å structure, revealing a classical β‐barrel architecture. Unexpectedly, we identify a large opening on the extracellular side, linked to a considerably electronegative funnel that becomes narrower towards the periplasm, defining an ion‐conducting pathway as also supported by metal binding quantification via inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. However, the structure is partially obstructed towards the periplasmic side, and yet flux is permitted in the presence of a Cu gradient as shown by functional characterization in vitro. Complementary in vivo experiments demonstrate that isolated PcoB confers increased sensitivity towards Cu. Aggregated, our findings indicate that PcoB serves to permit Cu import. Thus, it is possible the Pco system physiologically accumulates Cu in the periplasm as a part of an unorthodox defense mechanism against metal stress. These results point to a previously unrecognized principle of maintaining Cu homeostasis and may as such also assist in the understanding and in efforts towards combatting bacterial infections of Pco‐harboring pathogens.  相似文献   

Orme R  Douglas CW  Rimmer S  Webb M 《Proteomics》2006,6(15):4269-4277
Bacterial colonisation and biofilm formation on the surface of urinary catheters is a common cause of nosocomial infection, and as such is a major impediment to their long-term use. Understanding the mechanisms of biofilm formation on urinary catheters is critical to their control and will aid the future development of materials used in their manufacture. In this report we have used proteomic analysis coupled with immunoassays to show that the major outer membrane protein (OmpA) of Escherichia coli is overexpressed during biofilm formation. A series of synthetic hydrogels being developed for potential use as catheter coatings were used as the substrata and OmpA expression was increased in biofilms on all these surfaces, as well as being a feature of both a laboratory and a clinical strain of E. coli. Up-regulation of OmpA may, therefore, be a common feature of E. coli biofilms. These findings present OmpA as a potential target for biofilm inhibition and may contribute to the rational design of biofilm inhibiting hydrogel coatings for urinary catheters.  相似文献   

The outer membrane of a Gram‐negative bacterium is a crucial barrier between the external environment and its internal physiology. This barrier is bridged selectively by β‐barrel outer membrane proteins (OMPs). The in vivo folding and biogenesis of OMPs necessitates the assistance of the outer membrane chaperone BamA. Nevertheless, OMPs retain the ability of independent self‐assembly in vitro. Hence, it is unclear whether substrate–chaperone dynamics is influenced by the intrinsic ability of OMPs to fold, the magnitude of BamA–OMP interdependence, and the contribution of BamA to the kinetics of OMP assembly. We addressed this by monitoring the assembly kinetics of multiple 8‐stranded β‐barrel OMP substrates with(out) BamA. We also examined whether BamA is species‐specific, or nonspecifically accelerates folding kinetics of substrates from independent species. Our findings reveal BamA as a substrate‐independent promiscuous molecular chaperone, which assists the unfolded OMP to overcome the kinetic barrier imposed by the bilayer membrane. We additionally show that while BamA kinetically accelerates OMP folding, the OMP primary sequence remains a vital deciding element in its assembly rate. Our study provides unexpected insights on OMP assembly and the functional relevance of BamA in vivo.  相似文献   

Pasteurella multocida (Pm) is the causative agent of atrophic rhinitis in swine. This study aimed to discover biofilm inhibitors against swine Pm to counteract antibiotic resistance and decrease virulence. The virulence factor outer membrane protein A (OmpA) was targeted. A library of drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was used to perform virtual screening against PmOmpA. The top-scoring compounds had no effect on the growth of Pm serotype A or D. Mycophenolate mofetil showed the highest efficacy in inhibiting biofilm formation by Pm serotype A, with an IC50 of 7.3 nM. For Pm serotype D, indocyanine green showed the highest effect at an IC50 of 11.7 nM. Nevertheless, these compounds had no effect on an established biofilm of Pm. This study offers an alternative way to prevent biofilm formation by Pm that could also be applied to other pathogens.  相似文献   

In vitro folding studies of outer membrane beta-barrels have been invaluable in revealing the lipid effects on folding rates and efficiencies as well as folding free energies. Here, the biophysical results are summarized, and these kinetic and thermodynamic findings are considered in terms of the requirements for folding in the context of the cellular environment. Because the periplasm lacks an external energy source the only driving forces for sorting and folding available within this compartment are binding or folding free energies and their associated rates. These values define functions for periplasmic chaperones and suggest a biophysical mechanism for the BAM complex.  相似文献   

Membrane protein folding has suffered from a lack of detailed kinetic studies, particularly with regard to the insertion of denatured protein into lipid bilayers. We present a detailed in vitro kinetic study of the association of a denatured, transmembrane alpha helical protein with lipid vesicles. The mechanism of folding of Escherichia coli diacylglycerol kinase from a partially denatured state in urea has been investigated. The protein associates with lipid vesicles to give a protein, vesicle complex with an apparent association constant of 2 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1). This association rate approaches the diffusion limit of the protein, vesicle reaction. The association of the protein with lipid vesicles is followed by a slower process occurring at observed rate of 0.031 s(-1), involving insertion into the bilayer and generation of a functional oligomer of diacylglycerol kinase. Protein aggregation competes with vesicle insertion. The urea-denatured protein monomers begin to aggregate as soon as the urea is diluted. This aggregation is faster than the association of the protein with vesicles so that most protein aggregates before it inserts into a vesicle. Increasing the vesicle concentration favours insertion of protein monomers, but at high vesicle concentrations monomers are primarily in separate vesicles and do not associate to form functional oligomers. Irreversible aggregation limits the yield of functional protein, while the data also suggest that lipid vesicles can reverse another aggregation reaction, leading to the recovery of correctly folded protein.  相似文献   

Beta-barrel membrane proteins are found in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria, mitochondria, and chloroplasts. Although sequence motifs have been studied in alpha-helical membrane proteins and have been shown to play important roles in their assembly, it is not clear whether over-represented motifs and under-represented anti-motifs exist in beta-barrel membrane proteins. We have developed probabilistic models to identify sequence motifs of residue pairs on the same strand separated by an arbitrary number of residues. A rigorous statistical model is essential for this study because of the difficulty associated with the short length of the strands and the small amount of structural data. By comparing to the null model of exhaustive permutation of residues within the same beta-strand, propensity values of sequence patterns of two residues and p-values measuring statistical significance are calculated exactly by several analytical formulae we have developed or by enumeration. We find that there are characteristic sequence motifs and antimotifs in transmembrane (TM) beta-strands. The amino acid Tyr plays an important role in several such motifs. We find a general dichotomy consisting of favorable Aliphatic-Tyr sequence motifs and unfavorable Tyr-Aliphatic antimotifs. Tyr is also part of a terminal motif, YxF, which is likely to be important for chaperone binding. Our results also suggest several experiments that can help to elucidate the mechanisms of in vitro and in vivo folding of beta-barrel membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Research into the folding mechanisms of integral membrane proteins lags far behind that of water-soluble proteins, to the extent that the term protein folding is synonymous with water-soluble proteins. Hydrophobic membrane proteins, and particularly those with transmembrane alpha-helical motifs, are frequently considered too difficult to work with. We show that the stored curvature elastic stress of lipid bilayers can be used to guide the design of efficient folding systems for these integral membrane proteins. The curvature elastic stress of synthetic phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylethanolamine lipid bilayers can be used to control both the rate of folding and the yield of folded protein. The use of a physical bilayer property generalises this approach beyond the particular chemistry of the lipids involved.  相似文献   

A growing class of proteins in biological processes has been found to be unfolded on isolation under normal solution conditions. We have used NMR spectroscopy to characterize the structural and dynamic properties of the unfolded and partially folded states of a 52-residue alanine-rich protein (Ala-14) at temperatures from -5 degrees C to 40 degrees C. At 40 degrees C, alanine residues in Ala-14 adopt phi and psi angles, consistent with a significant ensemble population of polyproline II conformation. Analysis of relaxation rates in the protein reveals that a series of residues, Gln 35-Ala 36-Ala 37-Lys 38-Asp 39-Asp 40-Ala 41-Ala 42, displays slow motional dynamics at both -5 degrees C and 40 degrees C. Temperature-dependent chemical shift changes indicate that this region is the site of helix initiation. The remaining N-terminal residues become increasingly dynamic as they extend from the nucleation site. The C terminus remains dynamic and changes less with temperature, indicating it is relatively unstructured. Ala-14 provides a high-resolution portrait of the unfolded state and the process of helix nucleation and propagation in the absence of tertiary contacts, information that bears on early events in protein folding.  相似文献   

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