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The procedures for the preparation of silica capillaries coated with titanium oxide or aluminum oxide are developed. These inorganic coated capillaries are studied for their applicability in capillary electrophoresis. The points of zero charge are measured as pH 5 and pH 7 for titanium oxide- and aluminum oxide-coated capillaries, respectively. Both titanium oxide and aluminum oxide coatings give better protein separations in comparison to the use of fused-silica capillaries. Separation efficiency of lysozyme as model protein is measured in the range of 20 000 theoretical plates/m of inorganic coated capillaries. However, the hydrophobic interaction between proteins and modified capillary wall possibly contributes to the tailing of observed protein peaks.  相似文献   

Normal and thioglycollate-stimulated mouse peritoneal macrophages were studied by means of cell electrophoresis. Electrophoretic mobility of normal macrophages was reduced 33% in the presence of rabbit gamma globulin (RGG), whereas, the mobility of thioglycollate-stimulated macrophages was lower than normal macrophages, and not altered in the presence of RGG. Albumin and the (Fab)2 fragment of RGG had little effect on the mobility of normal macrophages, and nonaggregated RGG had less effect than aggregated RGG in reducing electrophoretic mobility.  相似文献   

Structural studies on the carbohydrates of Groups A, C, and A-variant (AV) streptococci have utilized periodate oxidation, permethylation analysis, and immunochemical comparison of intact and periodate-oxidized polysaccharides. The data indicate that a similar 1,2- and 1,3-linked rhamnose chain is present in both the A and AV carbohydrates. The group A carbohydrate contains in addition N-acetylglucosamine residues at nonreducing terminals, whereas the AV is a homopolymer of rhamnose. There is some evidence that Group Ccarbohydrate contains the same rhamnose chain, but structural comparisons to the A and AV carbohydrates are complicated by the presence of intrachain N-acetylgalactosamine residues. Periodate oxidation and permethylation analysis show that while approximately 50% of the N-acetylgalactosamine of the Group C carbohydrate occupies terminal positions, the remainder is present as 1,3-linked units. Removal of the nonreducing terminal hexosamine units from the Group A carbohydrate by periodate treatment significantly enhanced its cross-reactivity with AV antiserum, whereas no enhancement was observed after similar treatment of the Group C carbohydrate. The data indicate the presence of an alpha-1,3-linked N-acetylgalactosamine disaccharide at the nonreducing terminal of the Group C carbohydrate.  相似文献   

Pulsed NMR spectroscopy has been used to study Na+ binding to several simple carbohydrates in aqueous solution. Changes in the 23Na spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) were monitored to indicate complex formation between sodium ions and a ligand. It was found that Na+ interacts with these hydroxy-compounds in a manner similar to other metal cations, but very weakly. Among the sugars investigated, c i s-inositol forms the strongest complexes with the stability constant about 1.2 M?1 (if 1:1 complexes are assumed). A qualitative study of competition between Na+ and Ca2+ was done, indicating that both cations have the same binding sites.  相似文献   

Mono- and oligosaccharides and modified sugars have been studied quantitatively for their capacity to inhibit the agglutination reaction between Vicia faba lectin and yeast cells. The results seem to parallel the specificity of carbohydrate binding reported for concanavalin A.  相似文献   

Infrared spectroscopy was used to investigate the changes in bands assigned to phospholipids and proteins in dehydrated and rehydrated sarcoplasmic reticulum. The changes in CH2 and CH3 stretching bands, amide bands, and phosphate stretching bands are similar to shifts in frequency seen for those bands in phospholipid and protein preparations during thermotropic phase transitions and hydration. IR studies on dry trehalose-sarcoplasmic reticulum mixtures show similar results; with increasing trehalose concentration in the dry mixtures, amide and phosphate bands shift to frequencies characteristic of hydrated samples. Changes in bands assigned to OH deformations in the trehalose suggest that the interaction between the carbohydrate and membrane is by means of hydrogen bonding between these OH groups and membrane components.  相似文献   

A revised CHARMM-type molecular mechanics potential-energy function has been developed for use in the dynamical simulation of simple carbohydrates in aqueous solution. Atomic charges used in this parameterization were taken to be those previously determined to be appropriate for hydrogen-bonded systems, and the various force-constants were selected by the nonlinear least-squares matching of the calculated normal-mode frequencies and minimum-energy structure to experiment as a function of the parameter set. The new function was found to represent the vibrational spectrum and ring pucker of - -glucopyranose as well as previously studied potentials, while incorporating the charges necessary for the simulation of condensed phases. Molecular dynamics simulations of the motions of - -glucopyranose in vacuo in both the 1C4 and 4C1 conformation were conducted, and compared to the results of previous simulations using another potential-energy function. The revised potential function was found to produce a -glucose molecule less flexible in vacuo than had been previously observed.  相似文献   

The nature of complementary binding sites on the surfaces of hamster gametes has been analysed using mono- and oligosaccharides, glycoproteins and glycosidases in an in vitro system. The binding of capacitated spermatozoa to the zona pellucida was inhibited by several mono- and oligosaccharides related to fucose, galactose, and acetylated amino sugars, but not by unrelated sugars. Several glycoproteins with prosthetic carbohydrate groups rich in or terminated by galactose or N-acetylglucosamine residues were also potent inhibitors of fertilization. Of all the glucoproteins tested, two plasma glycoproteins, α1-acid glycoproteins (orosomucoid) and fetuin were most effective. In their native form they were non-inhibitory but their desialylated (galactoseterminated) forms completely prevented the sperm-zona binding. Agalacto-orosomucoid with N-acetylglucosamine terminals also inhibited fertilization. The treatment of capacitated spermatozoa with α- -fucosidase, α- -galactosidase and β-N-acetylhexosaminidase, but not with other glycosidases, trypsin and arylsulphatase, resulted in the complete inhibition of fertilization. Inhibitory saccharides and glycosidases did not interfere with sperm motility and had no effect on sperm-oolemma fusion. The pretreatment of cumulus-free oocytes with these agents did not inhibit sperm zona pellucida binding either. These results provide evidence that sperm-zona pellucida binding is mediated by ligands on the sperm surface containing fucose, galactose, N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylgalactosamine residues.  相似文献   

Electrokinetic studies of urine-oxalic acid systems with increasing concentration of oxalic acid in urine have been carried out across urinary bladder membranes. It has been found that electro-osmotic flux and streaming current decrease with increase in concentration of oxalic acid in urine while hydrodynamic flux and streaming potential increase with increase in concentration. Kinetic energy term (alpha 1) and polarizability term (alpha 2) have been computed for these systems and it has been found that polarizability decreases much faster with increase in concentration of oxalic acid in urine. Electrokinetic energy conversion of these systems have been computed and it has been found that electrokinetic energy conversion is maximum for urine and it decreases with increase in concentration of oxalic acid in urine. Poor energy conversion may lead to sluggish flushing action which may ultimately lead to formation of urinary calculi in the bladder and so present study may be of some use in predicting electrophysiology of the bladder.  相似文献   

Perchlorate (ClO4-) contamination of groundwater has recently become a major concern across the nation. Electrokinetic (EK) extraction with the simultaneous EK injection of organic material to promote degradation could allow for the efficient removal of perchlorate while simultaneously promoting degradation of perchlorate. Column experiments were conducted to evaluate the technology. Lactate and glycine served as organic substrates to promote degradation after injection into the columns as well as maintaining the pH near neutral. Removal of perchlorate from contaminated materials kaolin, sand, and a natural soil historically contaminated by perchlorate was controlled by the ionic flux of perchlorate and not by transport from the osmotic flux which was only significant for kaolin experiments. Perchlorate was removed from contaminated sand and clay below our detection limits (5 ppb). Both lactic acid and glycine were successfully injected into clay and a sand matrix. Results from a contaminated site soil indicate that the Chemical Oxygen Demand was increased after electrokinetic injection of glycine and lactate. Experiments using soil from a contaminated site confirmed that EK can be used to both remove perchlorate and stimulate bioremediation by the injection of lactate or glycine. The use of EK technology to both remove and provide for continued source removal by bioremediation offers a potential new tool to treat low permeability systems.  相似文献   

The redistribution of surface receptors induced by the binding of concanavalin A to different types of lymphoid cells was studied by the techniques of cell electrophoresis and fluorescence microscopy. The cells studied included, splenic lymphocytes from normal healthy as well as terminally leukaemic mice, thymocytes from mice of varying ages from newborns to adults and antigen sensitised or educated lymphocytes. These cells were in different stages of growth and/or differentiation. The nature and especially the behaviour of surface receptors in response to treatment with concanavalin A under capping conditions differed markedly but appeared to be dependent on the differentiational status of the cells. On this basis, the adult thymocytes were found to consist of two sub-populations differing in their proliferative and differentiational status. The proportions of these varied during their ontogenic development. Lymphocytes specifically committed to an antigen bound concanavalin A but were found to be incapable of bringing about the redistribution of the surface receptor-ligand complexes.  相似文献   

Perchlorate (ClO4?) contamination of groundwater has recently become a major concern across the nation. Electrokinetic (EK) extraction with the simultaneous EK injection of organic material to promote degradation could allow for the efficient removal of perchlorate while simultaneously promoting degradation of perchlorate. Column experiments were conducted to evaluate the technology. Lactate and glycine served as organic substrates to promote degradation after injection into the columns as well as maintaining the pH near neutral. Removal of perchlorate from contaminated materials kaolin, sand, and a natural soil historically contaminated by perchlorate was controlled by the ionic flux of perchlorate and not by transport from the osmotic flux which was only significant for kaolin experiments. Perchlorate was removed from contaminated sand and clay below our detection limits (5 ppb). Both lactic acid and glycine were successfully injected into clay and a sand matrix. Results from a contaminated site soil indicate that the Chemical Oxygen Demand was increased after electrokinetic injection of glycine and lactate. Experiments using soil from a contaminated site confirmed that EK can be used to both remove perchlorate and stimulate bioremediation by the injection of lactate or glycine. The use of EK technology to both remove and provide for continued source removal by bioremediation offers a potential new tool to treat low permeability systems.  相似文献   

Electro-osmosis and streaming-potential measurements were made across a testosterone-plug membrane, using water and aqueous solutions of d-glucose as permeants. The electrophoretic velocity of testosterone particles dispersed in these solutions was also measured, experiments being confined to the range where linear flux-force relationships hold. Phenomenological coefficients were evaluated by using these linear relations, and the results analyzed inthe light of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes. Saxen's relationship holds between electro-osmosis and streaming potential. Concentration dependence of the various phenomenological coefficients was also examined. Cross-phenomenological coefficients were found to decrease with increase in the concentration of d-glucose solutions. The results are explained on the basis of strong hydrogen-bonding between d-glucose and the surrounding water molecules. Such membrane parameters as pore size, average number of pores, and the membrane constant were evaluated. Electro-osmotic and electrophoretic data were used to estimate the zeta potential, in order to characterize the membrane-permeant interface. The dependence of the zeta potential on the concentration was also examined.  相似文献   

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