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The comparative study of a large assortment of liquid and solid culture media used for the cultivation of streptococci in laboratory practice in the USSR and abroad was carried out with the aim of selecting the optimal media for the laboratory diagnosis of group B. streptococci. Liquid media were tested with the use of 7 streptococcal reference strains, and some of these media, found to yield the best results, were selected for tests on clinical material. The use of liquid accumulation media was shown to permit the isolation of group B. streptococcal strains which could not be detected by the direct inoculation of clinical material into dishes with blood agar. The character of hemolysis induced by group B. streptococci in solid media with 5% of blood added was found to depend on the composition of the medium and the conditions of cultivation.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of 167 strains of beta-hemolytic streptococci of group A was studied with the method of serial dilutions on a solid agar medium for cultivation of streptococci. The medium was developed at the I. I. Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera. It does not require addition of blood or serum. The strains were found to be highly sensitive to penicillin, cephalothin and erythromycin. The number of the strains resistant to tetracycline, streptomycin, gentamycin, levomycetin (chloramphenicol) and ristomycin amounted to 51, 36, 23, 1.8 and 1.8 per cent, respectively. One of the strains (0.6 per cent) was resistant to lincomycin. Strains with multiple resistance were isolated. The necessity of regular control of distribution of antibiotic resistance among staphylococci is indicated.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of 125 strains of group B streptococci isolated from newborns, their mothers and personnel in a maternity home was studied with respect to 12 antibiotics: benzylpenicillin, ampicillin, methicillin, cephalotin, erythromycin, lincomycin, levomycetin (chloramphenicol), oxacillin, tetracycline, streptomycin, gentamicin and ristomycin. The method of serial dilutions in a solid medium was applied. All the strains were sensitive to ristomycin and erythromycin. The predominating number of the strains were sensitive to lincomycin, levomycetin and the beta-lactam antibiotics. Strains resistant or moderately resistant to benzylpenicillin, ampicillin, oxacillin, methicillin and cephalotin were detected. The majority of the strains were resistant to streptomycin, tetracycline and gentamicin. Multiple antibiotic resistance with 2-7 determinants was revealed in 11.2 per cent of the strains. The antibiotic sensitivity of the strains isolated from the newborns, their mothers and the personnel in the maternity home was on the whole similar or insignificantly differed.  相似文献   

Five nutrient media used for determination of microbial sensitivity to antibiotics, i.e. beaf-peptone agar, Hottinger pancreatic beaf infusion agar, sprat hydrolysate nutrient agar of the Dagestan Research Institute of Nutrient Media, Muller-Chintone agar from Bulgaria and "Oxoid" agar for determination of microbial sensitivity were studied comparatively. The media were compared with respect to the growth density with the use of different test-cultures and the clearance of the inhibition growth zones around the discs containing different antibiotics. The best results were obtained with the use of sprat hydrolysate nutrient agar. Further studies on the medium standardization are necessary.  相似文献   

Summary Diethylpyrocarbonate (DPC), when added at about 1g/l to culture media is able to sterilize them. DPC kills all the contaminating microorganisms, and in contact with water it decomposes to ethanol and carbon dioxide in amounts not inhibiting the growth of plant cells. The plant cells cultivated on media treated by DPC did not show changes in their basic characteristics.  相似文献   

The study of phage-sensitive strains of group A streptococci of different serological types, isolated from glomerulonephritis patients in Czechoslovakia, has confirmed the data previously obtained in Moscow. As revealed in this study, all strains of type 12, containing M-antigen, are sensitive to group 1 phage from the phage collection used in the investigation. Some of the strains of type 12, containing M-antigen and isolated from healthy carriers, have also proved to be sensitive to group 1 phages. Thus, streptococcal strains of type 12, containing M-substance and found to be the main causative agents of glomerulonephritis, have shown similar phage sensitivity when isolated in different geographical zones. For this reason, group 1 phages can be used for the detection of some "nephritogenic" strains among the population.  相似文献   

We have examined the toxicity of over twenty antibiotics to protoplast-derived cells of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. The least toxic antibiotics are the betalactams: ampicillin, carbenicillin and the cephalosporins can be used to provide broad spectrum antimicrobial activity without significant toxicity to plant cells. Similar broad spectrum activity can also be obtained by combining rifampicin and trimethoprim. Other antibiotics which may be useful are erythromycin and colistin. The aminoglycosides are not recommended.  相似文献   

Cell extract and spent culture supernatant proteins from Streptococcus pyogenes Manfredo strain (type M5) were each separated to give 22 narrow range molecular weight fractions by blot-elution from SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Eluted samples and unfractionated proteins were screened for T cell stimulatory activity using human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy adults in proliferation assays. Responses were measured in 4- and 7d cultures. Responses to a wide range of cell extract proteins were revealed by fractionation, the degree of response to each fraction varying between donors. Unfractionated culture supernatant proteins elicited proliferative responses by PBMC from all individuals examined. Responses to culture supernatant fractions containing 25–33 kDa proteins could be attributed to known superantigens. Furthermore, samples from culture supernatants containing higher molecular weight fractions (>45 kDa) elicited responses in 50% of donors in 7d cultures, suggesting that these fractions contained common recall antigens. The efficacy of using electroeluted samples to identify T lymphocyte stimulatory proteins was confirmed by demonstrating that a known superantigen of S. pyogenes Manfredo strain, streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin C (SPEC), could be fractionated successfully using this method and its activity recovered. Our results show that human T cell responses to group A streptococci involve a remarkably wide range of both cell-associated and released streptococcal proteins.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate: the frequency of aerobic vaginitis, susceptibility of the GBS isolated from vagina of non-pregnant women with and without cervicitis to selected antibiotics and chemotherapeutics and the proinflammatory cytokines production by HeLa, THP-I, U - 937 cells after stimulation by vaginal GBS. Our results indicated low frequency of the aerobic vaginitis -4.5% among non-pregnant young women and ability of the vaginal GBS to release proinflammatory cytokines by human cell lines in vitro.  相似文献   

Indirect immunofluorescence has shown a similarity between the antigen components of group A streptococcus L-forms and human thymus myoid cells. An analogous antigen (or antigens) is present in the cytoplasmic membrane of human myocardial cell fibers. The depletion of antiserum to the streptococcal L-forms both by the culture of L-forms grown in meat or casein media and by the homogenate of the cardiac muscle leads to the inhibition of immunofluorescence. The depletion of serum by the homogenate of other tissues (liver) or by L-form culture does not virtually affect the immunofluorescence intensity. According to the authors' opinion, the similarity of antigens of group A streptococcus L-forms to the antigenic components of organ tissues is likely to be responsible for long-term persistence of the microorganisms under consideration and to favour, in some cases, the occurrence of autoantibodies. The latter circumstance might lead to pathological changes in organs containing cross-reacting antigens.  相似文献   

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