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Iron overload could promote the generation of free radicals and result in deleterious cellular damages. A physiological increase of oxidative stress has been observed in pregnancy. A routine iron supplement, especially a combined iron and vitamin C supplementation, without biological justifications (low hemoglobin [Hb] and iron stores) could therefore aggravate this oxidative risk. We investigated the effect of a daily combined iron supplementation (100 mg/d as fumarate) and vitamin C (500 mg/d as ascorbate) for the third trimester of pregnancy on lipid peroxidation (plasma TBARS), antioxidant micronutriments (Zn, Se, retinol, vitaminE, (β-carotene) and antioxidant metalloenzymes (RBC Cu-Zn SOD and Se-GPX). The iron-supplemented group (n=27) was compared to a control group (n=27), age and number of pregnancies matched. At delivery, all the women exhibited normal Hb and ferritin values. In the supplemented group, plasma iron level was higher than in the control group (26.90±5.52 mmol/L) and TBARs plasma levels were significantly enhanced (p<0.05) (3.62±0.36 vs 3.01±0.37 mmol/L). No significant changes were observed in plasma trace elements and red blood cell antioxidant metalloenzymes. Furthermore, the α-tocopherol plasma level was lowered in the iron-supplemented groups, suggesting an increased utilization of vitamin E. These data show that pharmalogical doses of iron, associated with high vitamin C intakes, can result in uncontrolled lipid peroxidation. This is predictive of adverse effects for the mother and the fetus. This study illustrates the potential harmful effects of iron supplementation when prescribed only on the assumption of anemia and not on the bases of biological criteria.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that plasma extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) activity reflects the zinc nutriture of healthy pregnant women. Sixty-three women were selected from 580 African-American women who participated in a clinical trial to evaluate the effect of prenatal zinc supplementation on pregnancy outcome. Half of the women received zinc (25 mg/d) and the other half was given a placebo from about 19 wk gestation to delivery. In the trial, a positive effect of zinc supplementation on birthweight was observed, indicating that the population as a whole had suboptimal zinc nutriture. Using plasma samples obtained during the trial, EC-SOD activities were measured and the values were compared with plasma zinc concentrations and plasma alkaline phosphatase activities. Plasma EC-SOD activities in our subjects were lower than previously published values for healthy adults in Korea. Although plasma EC-SOD activity may reflect severe zinc deficiency, it is not a sensitive marker for marginal deficiency status. Plasma EC-SOD activities did not prove to be a better indicator of zinc nutriture of pregnant women than either plasma zinc or plasma alkaline phosphatase activities.  相似文献   

Preeclampsia is an important cause of maternal and perinatal mortality worldwide. The etiology of this relatively common medical complication of pregnancy, however, remains unknown. We studied the relationship between maternal leukocyte selenium, zinc, and copper concentrations and the risk of preeclampsia in a large hospital-based case-control study. One hundred seventy-one women with proteinuric pregnancy-induced hypertension (with or without seizures) comprised the case group. Controls were 184 normotensive pregnant women. Leukocytes were separated from blood samples collected during the patients’ postpartum labor and delivery admission. Leukocyte concentrations for the three cations were measured by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Concentrations for each cation were reported as micrograms per gram of total protein. Women with preeclampsia had significantly higher median leukocyte selenium concentrations than normotensive controls (3.23 vs 2.80 μg/g total protein, p<0.0001). Median leukocyte zinc concentrations were 31% higher in preeclamptics as compared with controls (179.15 vs 136.44 μg/g total protein, p<0.0001). Although median leukocyte copper concentrations were slightly higher for cases than controls, this difference did not reach statistical significance (17.72 vs 17.00 μg/g total protein, p=0.468). There was evidence of a linear increase in risk of preeclampsia with increasing concentrations of selenium and zinc. The relative risk for preeclampsia was 3.38 (adjusted odds ratio [OR]=3.38, 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.53–7.54) among women in the highest quartile of the control selenium distribution compared with women in the lowest quartile. The corresponding relative risk and 95% CI for preeclampsia was 5.30 (2.45–11.44) for women in the highest quartile of the control zinc distribution compared with women in the lowest quartile. There was no clear pattern of a linear trend in risk with increasing concentration of leukocyte copper concentrations (adjusted for linear trend in risk =0.299). Our results are consistent with some previous reports. Prospective studies are needed to determine whether observed alterations in selenium and zinc concentrations precede preeclampsia or whether the differences may be attributed to preeclampsia-related alterations in maternal and fetal-placental trace metal metabolism.  相似文献   

In this investigation, the concentration levels of hair elements of calcium, iron, and zinc were measured in pregnant women from Tianjin metropolis, China. The subjects were 93 cases of pregnant women who had been suffering from calcium, iron, or zinc deficiency judged by blood tests at the mid-term of the second trimester or early in the third trimester. Of these 93 cases, 82 subjects had their hair element levels measured when the blood tests were conducted. Then, they were supplied with mineral element nutrients of gluconic acidic zinc (noted as Zn-nutrient), gluconic acidic calcium (Ca-nutrient), or/and ferrous sulfate (Fe-nutrient) which were correspondent to the deficient element(s) for more than 2 mo before 84 subjects returned to hospital for further diagnoses and had their hair element levels measured for the second time. Finally, in the third trimester or nearparturient phase, 13 subjects had their hair element levels measured again. Except for the deficiencies of calcium, iron, or/and zinc, these subjects were all healthy without symptoms of any diseases. The concentrations of hair Ca, Fe, and Zn were measured by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry. These concentrations of the three hair elements measured at three different times were statistically analyzed. From the analyses, it was clear that hair concentrations of Ca, Fe, and Zn could reflect the effects of supplementation. Also, the mutual resistant effects among Ca-, Fe-, and Zn-nutrients were revealed. However, by appropriate combination, the mutual resistant effects could be depressed and mutual promotional effects might be enhanced. Finally, it could be concluded that mineral element deficiencies might be convalesced by adequate compensations of mineral element nutrients.  相似文献   

A number of essential trace elements play a major role in various metabolic pathways. Selenium (Se), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and iron (Fe) are essential trace elements that have been studied in many diseases, including autoimmune, neurological, and psychiatric disorders. However, the findings of previous research on the status of trace elements in patients with schizophrenia have been controversial. We studied these elements in patients with a DSM-IV diagnosis of schizophrenia and compared them with sex- and age-matched healthy controls. Plasma Cu concentrations were significantly higher (p<0.01) and Mn and Fe concentrations were lower (p<0.05 and p<0.05, respectively) in schizophrenic patients than in controls. Se and Zn concentrations and protein levels did not differ between patients and healthy controls. These observations suggest that alterations in essential trace elements Mn, Cu, and Fe may play a role in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. However, findings from trace element levels in schizophrenia show a variety of results that are difficult to interpret.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although an information campaign concerning periconceptional folic acid supplementation was launched in 1998 in Shanxi Province, China, the prevalence of neural tube defects in rural areas was reported as high as 140 per 10,000 births in 2002. The blood folate concentrations and the practice of folic acid supplementation among pregnant women in rural areas of the province are described. METHODS: A total of 483 pregnant women (mean gestation, 8.1 weeks) in a rural area of Shanxi were interviewed. Nonfasting blood samples and information on folic acid supplementation were collected. Folate concentrations in plasma and erythrocytes were determined by a microbiological assay. RESULTS: The mean concentrations of plasma and erythrocyte folate for pregnant women was 10.4 nmol/liter and 375.8 nmol/liter, respectively. Deficiencies of plasma and erythrocyte folate were observed in 20.9% and 47.6% of women, respectively. Seasonal variations were noted in the prevalence of folate deficiency, with significantly lower plasma folate concentrations in spring and summer and lower erythrocyte folate concentrations in seasons other than summer. Among pregnant women, <10% reported having taken or currently taking folic acid, and virtually no women (0.6%) took folic acid as recommended. CONCLUSIONS: Women in rural areas had low plasma and erythrocyte folate levels, and folate deficiency was highly prevalent in the area. Few women followed the recommendations regarding folic acid supplementation, and the information campaign in Shanxi was unsuccessful. These findings suggest the urgent need for combined strategies in rural areas to fortify grain with folic acid and promote folic acid supplements for childbearing-age women.  相似文献   

In recent years, a great number of studies have investigated the possible role of trace elements in the etiology and pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoartritis (OA). We studied synovial fluid and plasma concentrations of selenium (Se), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and iron (Fe) in patients with RA and OA and compared them with sex- and age-matched healthy subjects. Plasma albumin levels were measured as an index of nutritional status. Plasma Se, Cu, and Zn concentrations were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and Fe concentrations were determined by the colorimetric method. Although plasma and synovial fluid Se concentration were found to be significantly lower (p<0.05, and p<0.05, respectively), Cu concentrations were significantly higher in patients with RA than those of healthy subjects and OA (p<0.05 and p<0.05, respectively). There were no significant differences in plasma and synovial fluid Zn concentrations and albumin levels among three groups (p>0.05). On the other hand, synovial fluid Cu and Fe concentrations were significantly higher in patients with OA than those of healthy subjects (p<0.05). There was a significantly positive correlation between synovial fluid Se−Cu values and Zn−Fe values in patients with RA. Our results showed that synovial fluid and plasma trace element concentrations, excluding Zn, change in inflammatory RA, but not in OA. These alterations in trace element concentrations in inflammatory Ra might be a result on the changes of the immunoregulatory cytokines.  相似文献   

Deficiency in the intake of trace elements, such as copper (Cu), iron (Fe), selenium (Se), and zinc (Zn), is very common in the general population of most developing countries. A preliminary study in India and Pakistan showing the plasma levels of Zn and Fe indicates that approx 50% of the subjects who participated have low levels of both Fe and Zn, suggesting a marginal deficiency. The low plasma levels of these elements are more pronounced in females. The mean levels of Ze, Cu, and Fe in the plasma of 83 subjects were 0.71 ± 0.11, 0.96 ± 0.10, and 0.80 ± 0.12 mg/L, respectively. The Cu:Zn ratio in the plasma was 1.43 ± 0.16. Three groups of 15 subjects each were given three different levels of oral supplements of Zn (15, 30, and 45 mg of Zn as Zn gluconate) for 6 wk, and blood samples were analyzed during various intervals. Plasma concentration of Zn increased significantly (p < 0.001) in all the groups after 4 wk of supplementation and reached almost normal levels after 6 wk. Along with the increase in Zn, there was a significant decrease(p < 0.001) in plasma Cu levels. There were no changes in the concentration of Fe during the supplementation period. The supplementation was well tolerated by most subjects. The results of this pilot study indicate that Zn supplementation is a practical possibility comparable to that of Fe supplementation in order to prevent marginal Zn deficiency in vulnerable groups in the general population of developing countries.  相似文献   

Sodium selenate has been supplemented to all agricultural fertilizers used in Finland since 1984. We followed the changes in selenium, cadmium, zinc and copper content in Finnish human milk between the years 1987 and 1993-1995. A total of 257 milk samples was collected, four weeks after delivery, in two areas: In Helsinki, an urban area, and in Kuopio, a rural area, where elevated copper concentrations have been found in the bedrock. Direct atomic absorption spectrophotometric methods without digestion were used for the analyses. The dependence of trace element content on study time, living area, smoking habits, fish eating frequency, and parity of mothers was studied by analysis of covariance. Inter-element correlations and correlations with mothers' age and fat content in milk were studied by partial correlation. Significant increases were observed in mean selenium (16.4 microg/l and 18.9 microg/l, p < 0.001) and in fat contents (3.4% and 4.0%, p < 0.001), whereas significant decreases were seen in mean zinc (3.00 mg/l and 1.47 mg/l, p < 0.001), copper (0.52 mg/l and 0.43 mg/l, p < 0.001) and cadmium contents (0.095 microg/l and 0.062 microg/l, p < 0.01). In 1987, zinc had a positive correlation with copper and fat. Copper correlated inversely with the mothers' age. In 1993-1995, selenium correlated positively with copper, and zinc correlated inversely with mothers' age. Mothers living area had an effect on copper content in milk. Our results confirm that selenium supplementation to fertilizers in Finland has increased the selenium level in human maternal milk and most likely it also has an effect on the zinc and copper concentrations in maternal milk.  相似文献   

Plasma essential trace elements, selenium, copper, zinc, and iron concentrations and the levels of immunoregulatory cytokines, interleukin-1β (IL-1β), interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2r), IL-6, IL-8, and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) were evaluated in patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) to investigate a possible role of these cytokines on selenium, zinc, copper, and iron homeostasis in CL patients. Plasma albumin levels were measured as an index of nutritional status. Plasma selenium, zinc, and iron concentrations, and IL-2r levels were significantly lower, and copper concentrations and IL-1β, IL-8, IL-6 and TNF-α levels were significantly higher in patients with CL than those of healthy controls. There was no significant difference in plasma albumin levels between two groups. There were positive important correlations between plasma selenium and IL-2r, copper and IL-6, and copper and IL-1β, and negative correlations between selenium and IL-8, iron and TNF-α, and zinc and IL-1β contents in patients with CL. Our results showed that plasma trace element contents change in patients with CL. These changes may not be a result of a specific deficiency from dietary inadequacies or imbalances, but, probably, a result of a part of the defense strategies of an organism that is regulated by immunoregulatory cytokines.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare levels of four elements (zinc, copper, selenium, and iron) in the serum and tissue of 68 breast tumor patients (benign and malignant), from a teaching hospital in central Taiwan. Samples of normal tissue (5 cm away from tumor) were also taken from patients with malignant tumors. Only serum was taken from the 25 healthy persons in the control group. Results showed that Zn, Cu, Se, Fe, Cu/Zn, Cu/Se, and Cu/Fe were present in different amounts in the serum of each of the three groups. Zn and Se levels were lower in the serum of the two tumor groups compared to the control group. In tissue samples, Zn, Cu, Se, and Fe concentrations were different in each of the three groups. The malignant tissue had the highest levels of all four elements. In advanced-stage malignant tumors, levels of Cu and the ratios of Cu/Fe and Cu/Zn (in both serum and tissue) were highest. The ratios of serum Cu/Zn, Cu/Fe, and Cu/Se were also higher in malignant patients. The cutoff value of serum Cu/Zn was 1.2 (sensitivity and specificity were both 100%). The Cu/Zn ratio was highest in the advanced stages of cancer and was a better diagnostic tool for breast cancer than Cu/Se and Cu/Fe. The authors suggest that change of trace elements in serum and tissue might be useful and significant as biomarkers involving the initial plastic process.  相似文献   

BackgroundLiterature data indicate the benefit of magnesium (Mg) supplementation. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of short-term Mg supplementation on iron status in healthy female participants.MethodsOne hundred healthy female students of the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Pharmacy participated the study during eleven intervention days. Students ingested Mg preparations with the same dose of the active substance. The analysis included the measurement of serum iron, unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBC), total iron binding capacity (TIBC), total Mg (tMg), ionized Mg (iMg), complete blood count, met-, carboxyand oxy-haemoglobin (metHgb, COHgb, O2Hgb). Transferrin concentrations and percentage of transferrin saturation (SAT) were calculated manually. The association among the analyzed biochemical parameters was examined using polynomial regression. A principal component analysis (PCA) was used for the evaluation of interdependence between the analyzed parameters.ResultsA statistically significant trend for change in O2Hgb (%) by tertiles of iMg concentrations was found (P = 0.029). Serum tMg reached significant positive correlation with the SAT at concentration levels greater than 0.9 mmol/L, after 11 days of intervention (R2=0.116). Ionized Mg in a concentration higher than 0.6 mmol/L is positively correlated with SAT and serum Fe (R2=0.214; 0.199, respectively). PCA revealed variability of 64.7% for two axes after 11 days.ConclusionsMg supplementation leads to an improvement in the certain iron status parameters even in individuals with optimal levels of these indices. However, caution should be exercised when supplementing Mg, and laboratory monitoring of the interaction is required.  相似文献   

Formula-fed infants often have lower serum selenium levels than breast-fed infants. Although no deleterious effects have been correlated to this finding, supplementation of formula with selenium is considered. In this study, we investigated the uptake and retention by suckling rat pups of 75Se from selenite, selenate, and selenomethionine added to infant formula. The molecular distribution of 75Se in liver, kidney, intestine, and plasma was followed by gel-filtration chromatography on Superose 12. 75Se-uptake was most rapid from selenomethionine (70% at 1 hr), followed by selenate (51%) and selenite (29%). This difference was explained by a higher retention of 75Se in the stomach and small intestinal wall of pups given selenite supplement. Plasma distribution of 75Se as studied by gel filtration was also different, with a higher proportion of 75Se from selenomethionine being protein-bound than from selenite or selenate. Similarly, a larger proportion of 75Se from selenomethionine became protein-bound in the liver than from selenite or selenate. In conclusion, although whole body retention after 24–48 hr was similar, the metabolic fate of selenium varies considerably with the form of selenium added to formula. Further studies are needed to study the long-term consequences of selenium accumulated in different body compartments.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to evaluate the status of plasma essential trace element selenium (Se), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and iron (Fe) concentrations and the effect of these elements on oxidative status in patients with childhood asthma. Plasma Se, Mn, Cu, and Zn concentrations were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) and Fe concentrations, malondialdehyde (MDA), and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were determined by the colorimetric method. The plasma MDA/TAC ratio was calculated as an index of oxidative status. Plasma albumin levels were measured to determine nutritional status. Plasma Fe concentrations, MDA levels and the MDA/TAC ratio were significantly higher (p<0.001, p<0.001, and p<0.01, respectively) and Se and Mn concentrations and TAC were lower (p<0.01, p<0.05, and p<0.01, respectively) in patients when compared to the healthy subjects. Plasma Zn, Cu, and albumin levels were not found to be significantly different in patients and controls (p>0.05). There were positive relationships between plasma MDA and Fe (r=0.545, p<0.001) and TAC and Se (r=0.485, p<0.021), and a negative correlation between TAC and MDA values (r= −0.337, p<0.031) in patients with childhood asthma. However, there was no correlation between these trace elements and albumin content in patient groups. These observations suggest that increased Fe and decreased Se concentrations in patients with childhood asthma may be responsible for the oxidant/antioxidant imbalance.  相似文献   

Puberty associated with intense physical activity results in oxidation stress. Zinc supplementation may benefit antioxidant capacity although it may also affect iron and copper status. This study evaluated the effect of zinc supplementation on antioxidant, zinc and copper status of physically active male football players (13 years ± 0.4 years), divided in two groups and studied during 12 weeks: Zn‐supplemented (Zn‐SUP, 22 mg Zn d?1 as zinc gluconate, n = 21) and placebo (PLA, n = 26). At baseline, there was no significant difference in biochemical indices between the two groups. After treatment, plasma zinc and erythrocyte iron increased in both groups (p < 0.001); urinary zinc increased (p < 0.001) only in Zn‐SUP, and erythrocyte zinc decreased (p = 0.002) only in PLA. Plasma iron and copper decreased (p = 0.01 and p = 0.015, respectively) only in Zn‐SUP. Plasma ferric‐reducing ability and plasma conjugated dienes increased, and erythrocyte osmotic fragility decrease in both groups, although the latter two were significantly lower in Zn‐SUP compared to PLA (p < 0.01). In conclusion, our study indicates that the use of 22 mg d?1 of supplemental zinc during 12 week in adolescent athletes did not affect growth, improved markers of antioxidant status but reduced plasma iron and copper. Therefore, it appears that the use of zinc supplementation by healthy adolescent athletes benefits their antioxidant capacity but impairs copper and iron nutritional status. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hematological effects of oral supplementation of zinc to training athletes are reported in the present study. A total of 30 subjects between 16 and 22 yr of age volunteered to participate in a 4-wk study. They were equally divided into three groups. Group 1 acted as resting controls receiving daily doses of 3 mg Zn/kg body wt. Group 2 was actively engaged in wrestling and exercised for 90–120 min, 5 d a week. Group 3 was also actively engaged in wrestling and exercised for 90–120 min, 5 d a week, but they were supplemented with 3 mg Zn/kg body wt per day. The erythrocyte, leukocyte, and thrombocyte counts and the hemoglobin values of all subjects participating in the study were measured before and after exercise at the beginning and at the end of the 4-wk study period. In all groups, there were no significant differences in the measured parameters before and after exercise. At the end of the supplementation period, the parameters of the subjects in groups 1 and 3 were significantly higher than those of group 2, both before (p<0.005) and after (p<0.05) exercise. These results suggest that zinc supplementation has a positive effect on hematological parameters in athletes.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte metallothionein (E-MT) is considered a promising index of zinc status in humans, since it may be more sensitive than other biochemical indices to changes in dietary zinc. However, conditions of high zinc demand with substantial redistribution of tissue zinc and specific changes in hormone profile, such as pregnancy, may have an influence on E-MT levels in addition to dietary zinc. In this study, we compared E-MT concentrations in relation to other biochemical zinc indices in healthy pregnant women at delivery (n=40) and nonpregnant women (n=22) with similar habitual dietary zinc intakes (average 13.3 mg/d). Pregnant women had lower serum zinc and albumin-bound serum zinc, but higher levels of {ie115-1}-macroglobulin-bound serum zinc than the nonpregnant women. Erythrocyte zinc (E-Zn) was similar in both groups, but E-MT (mean±SE) was slightly but significantly (p<0.05) higher in the pregnant women (2.9±0.09 nmol/g protein) compared to nonpregnant women (2.6±0.06 nmol/g protein). A significant correlation was observed between E-MT and E-Zn in the nonpregnant women (r=0.70;p<0.001), consistent with the role of intracellular zinc in the regulation of metallothionein synthesis. However, such correlation was not observed in the pregnant women, suggesting that E-MT levels in pregnancy may be influenced by factors related to the pregnant state.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The role of Helicobacter pylori infection in iron deficiency during pregnancy is limited. The aim of the present study was to assess the relationship between Helicobacter infection and levels of iron stores in pregnant mice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Female C57BL/6 mice were either inoculated with 10(8) H. pylori, Helicobacter felis or water. In the nonpregnant study, 15 mice from each group were sacrificed after 4 and 20 weeks of infection. In the pregnancy study, after 6 weeks of infection all female mice were mated and approximately 2 weeks after mating, half of the pregnant mice (n = 9/group) from each group were sacrificed. The remaining mice were allowed to give birth, and approximately 4 weeks after birth, mice were asphyxiated with CO2, followed by heart puncture, and killed by cervical dislocation. Serum ferritin and iron were determined with a micro-particle enzyme immunoassay method and by a timed-endpoint method. RESULTS: Serum iron levels in mice infected with H. felis were significantly (p < .05) lowered compared to control (24%) and H. pylori (27%)-infected mice at 4 weeks of infection. Serum iron in the control, H. pylori and H. felis groups were significantly (p < .05) elevated at 20 weeks by 39, 26 and 77%, respectively, compared to 4 weeks of infection. H. felis-infected mice had a significantly (p < .05) decreased serum ferritin level during pregnancy (61%) compared to H. pylori-infected mice. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that H. felis but not H. pylori infection causes an acute iron deficiency in normal and pregnant mice.  相似文献   

The effect of rutin on total antioxidant status as well as on trace elements such as iron, copper, and zinc in mouse liver and brain were studied. Mice were administrated with 0.75 g/kg or 2.25 g/kg P. O. of rutin for 30 d consecutively. Following the treatment, the activity of total antioxidant status, catalase, Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase, Mn-superoxide dismutase, zinc, copper, and iron were measured in mouse liver and brain. The results showed that rutin significantly increased the antioxidant status and Mn-superoxide dismutase activities in mouse liver, but it had no effect on these variables in the brain. Treatment with a higher concentration of rutin significantly decreased catalase activity and iron, zinc, and copper contents in mouse liver; it also resulted in a slower weight gain for the first 20 d. These results indicate that rutin taken in proper amount can effectively improve antioxidant status, whereas at an increased dosage, it may cause trace element (such as iron, zinc, and copper) deficiencies and a decrease in the activities of related metal-containing enzymes.  相似文献   

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