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Although baculovirus-mediated gene delivery into mammalian cells has been documented in a wealth of the literature, systematic investigation of the optimal transduction conditions remains unavailable. In this work, a transduction protocol using unconcentrated baculovirus is proposed for simple and efficient gene delivery into HeLa cells. We found that approximately 75-85% of the cells could be readily transduced and express the reporter protein when virus transduction occurred for 4 h at 25 degrees C using Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline (D-PBS) as the surrounding solution. This method contrasts with previous protocols in which transduction occurs for 1 h at 37 degrees C using growth medium (e.g., DMEM) as the surrounding solution. Investigation of the physical parameters led to the findings that: 1) baculovirus uptake by HeLa cells continued for at least 4 h in the event of high virus dosage, which led to higher gene expression; 2) the half-life of baculovirus dramatically decreased at 37 degrees C; 3) EGTA pretreatment did not apparently facilitate the gene delivery when the cells grew to multilayers; and 4) lower transduction efficiency and gene expression were obtained when DMEM was used (in comparison with D-PBS and TNM-FH), suggesting that DMEM contains certain inhibitory factors for baculovirus transduction. Our data uncovered several aspects that were not investigated before and the optimized transduction conditions allowed for gene delivery as efficient as that by the protocols commonly employed by others, but eliminated the need for virus ultracentrifugation. The protocol not only represented a simpler approach, but also considerably reduced possible virus inactivation during ultracentrifugation, thus making it easier to convert the baculovirus/mammalian cell system to a tool for eukaryotic protein production on a larger scale.  相似文献   

A new set of eukaryotic expression vectors was constructed on the basis of baculoviruses. EcoRI fragments S, J, and P with the genes for late viral proteins p35 (polyhedrin), p39, and p10 were cloned from genomic DNA of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus. The promoter regions of these genes were used to construct double-and triple-promoter expression vectors. Baculovirus vectors containing an expression cassette with the cytomegalovirus promoter and the green fluorescent protein reporter gene were designed to express the cloned genes in cultured mammalian cells.  相似文献   

In this study, we established a method for Listeria monocytogenes(Lm)-mediated gene transfer into mammalian cells to manipulate the immune response of the host during infection by pathogens. We used the Lm-mediated gene transfer method in an in vivo study to manipulate host immune responses against Leishmania major(L. major )-infection. The injection of Lm modulated the susceptible host into a resistant state against L. major-infection. A more efficient protective effect was obtained with the injection of IL-12-cDNA containing Lm, and the protective effect was stronger than that of the resistant strain. The protective mechanism of Lm-injection against L. major-infection observed here appeared to be a result of the activation of the local immune system by the Lm-mediated gene transfer method. The present study is the first demonstration that a gene introduced into a host by Lm works to modulate the murine host immune response against infections in vivo. Since this system strongly induces Th1 responses and suppresses Th2 responses in infected hosts, the system can be used for controlling infectious diseases and for protection against allergic responses in the future.  相似文献   

HIV TAT介导蛋白质入哺乳细胞的方法1988年就有文献报道,但近年才日趋成熟,且广泛应用于分子生物学研究。传统的调控哺乳细胞的途径有转导目的蛋白的表达型载体、微注射目的蛋白等。与之相比,TAT介导法有操作简单、迅速、应用广泛、可控性强等优点。  相似文献   

Retroviral-mediated gene transfer into mammalian cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Retroviruses may be used as genetic vectors to transfer genes into mammalian cells with high efficiency. We have shown that the N2 vector will transfer a functional bacterial gene for neomycin resistance (NeoR) into more than 80% of mouse spleen foci. A derivative of the N2 vector was constructed to study transfer and expression of the human gene for adenosine deaminase (ADA) in mammalian lymphoid and hematopoietic stem cells. This vector, termed SAX, contains the human ADA cDNA with an SV40 promoter in addition to the NeoR gene. The SAX vector was found to efficiently transfer and express the ADA gene in an ADA-deficient human T-cell line. Gene transfer by SAX using an autologous nonhuman primate bone marrow transplant model resulted in expression of the human ADA gene in peripheral blood cells of treated animals. Human bone marrow treated with SAX produced 1%-2% of colonies in vitro that were expressing the vector genes. Transfer of genes into circulating hematopoietic stem cells of fetal sheep in utero was most efficient; vector gene expression was evident in 20%-40% of hematopoietic colonies. Therefore, retroviral vectors are capable of transferring functional genes into a wide variety of mammalian lymphoid and hematopoietic cells. Such vectors may be useful for clinical trials of gene therapy, that is, the correction of genetic diseases by insertion of a normal gene into a patient's defective cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Baculovirus transduction of cultured mammalian cells is typically performed by incubating the cells with virus using culture medium (e.g. Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM)) as the surrounding solution. However, we previously uncovered that DMEM hinders the baculovirus-mediated gene transfer. METHODS: In this study, we systematically explored the influences of promoter and medium constituents on the transduction efficiency by using different recombinant viruses and surrounding solutions for transduction, followed by flow cytometric analyses. Whether the key medium component impeded baculovirus binding to the cells and subsequent virus entry was investigated by immunofluorescence/confocal microscopy and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR). RESULTS: We demonstrated that the poorer transduction by using DMEM as the surrounding solution is independent of the promoter. Examination of the medium constituents group by group revealed that the balanced salt solution suppresses the baculovirus transduction. By omitting individual salt species in the balanced salt solution, we surprisingly uncovered that NaHCO(3), a common buffering agent, exerts the inhibitory effects in a concentration-dependent manner. Intriguingly, NaHCO(3) did not debilitate the baculovirus, nor did it inhibit virus binding to the cells. Instead, NaHCO(3) inhibited baculovirus transduction by reducing the intracellular virus number. CONCLUSIONS: To our best knowledge, this is the first report unraveling the significance of NaHCO(3) in gene transfer. Our finding suggests that baculovirus-mediated gene transfer can be readily enhanced by omitting NaHCO(3) from the medium during the transduction period.  相似文献   

To explore the potential of baculovirus serving as a gene delivery vector in tissue engineering of articular cartilage, the efficiencies of baculovirus-mediated gene delivery into primary rat chondrocytes were evaluated and the transduction protocol commonly employed by others (using concentrated virus at multiplicity of infection [MOI] 200 for 1 h) was found to be ineffective (<1%). Therefore, a modified protocol was adopted, which markedly enhanced the efficiency (68%). Optimization of the transduction parameters, such as incubation time (8 h), temperature (25 degrees C), and surrounding solutions (PBS), further increased the efficiency to 88% and prolonged the duration of expression to 21 days, suggesting that the cells previously considered nonpermissive to baculovirus transduction may be reexamined for their permissiveness using alternative transduction protocols. The elevated efficiency correlated well with increased virus uptake upon extended incubation time, as demonstrated by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR). The Q-PCR also revealed the degradation of viral DNA over culture time. Although the virus transduction somewhat hindered the cell proliferation, growth rate could be restored in the long-term culture. More importantly, transduced cells could secrete articular cartilage-specific type II collagen and glycosaminoglycan as well as mock-transduced cells, confirming that normal differentiation state of rat chondrocytes is retained upon baculovirus transduction. Taken together, these data indicate that baculovirus is a safe and highly efficient gene delivery vehicle into rat chondrocytes.  相似文献   

Quadrat analysis was used to investigate the spatial distribution of seven mammalian cell lines in culture. The number of cells in replicate unit areas of the culture was determined, and the variance to mean ratio used as an index of random and nonrandom spatial distribution. Only mouse SV3T3 cells distributed themselves randomly throughout the entire culture growth cycle. The remaining six lines all assumed a nonrandom distribution at some point in their growth cycles. Mouse L929 cells displayed avoidance behavior, and spaced themselves at regular intervals in a uniform spatial distribution. The five remaining lines (mouse S180, rat C6, hamster CHO, canine MDCK, and human BeWo) formed multicellular clusters, and were distributed aggregatively rather than randomly. Random walk migration can account for the random distribution of SV3T3 cells. Random walk combined with contact inhibition of movement provides a satisfactory explanation for the uniform distribution of L929 cells. Random walk and contact inhibition are incompatible with cell clustering, however. Thus other mechanisms of motility or adhesiveness must contribute to cell clustering. It is possible that random walk and contact inhibition may be less common components of cell movement than generally assumed.  相似文献   

Summary The ability to transfer mammalian genes parasexually has opened new possibilities for gene mapping and fine structure mapping and offers great potential for contributing to several aspects of mammalian biology, including gene expression and genetic engineering. The DNA transferred has ranged from whole genomes to single genes and smaller segments of DNA. The transfer of whole genomes by cell fusion forms cell hybrids, which has promoted the extensive mapping of human and mouse genes. Transfer, by cell fusion, of rearranged chromosomes has contributed significantly to determining close linkage and the assignment of genes to specific chromosomal regions. Transfer of single chromosomes has been achieved utilizing microcells fused to recipient cells. Metaphase chromosomes have been isolated and used to transfer single-to-multigenic DNA segments. DNA-mediated gene transfer, simulating bacterial transformation, has achieved transfer of single-copy genes. By utilizing DNA cleaved with restriction endonucleases, gene transfer is being employed as a bioassay for the purification of genes. Gene mapping and the fate of transferred genes can be examined now at the molecular level using sequence-specific probes. Recently, single genes have been clones into eucaryotic and procaryotic vectors for transfer into mammalian cells. Moreover, recombinant libraries in which entire mammalian genomes are represented collectively are a rich new source of transferable genes. Methodology for transferring mammalian genetic information and applications for mapping mammalian genes is presented and prospects for the future discussed. Presented in the symposium on Gene Transfer, Differentiation and Neoplasia in Plant and Animal Cells at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, Seattle, Washington, June 10–14, 1979. This symposium was supported in part by Grant CA 26748 from the National Cancer Institute, DHEW, and Grant RD-67 from the American Cancer Society. Supported by NIH grants HD 05196 and GM 20454 and by MOD grants 1-485 and 1-692.  相似文献   

Efficient gene transfer into murine embryonic stem cells by nucleofection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Genetic manipulation of embryonic stem (ES) cells is performed by non-viral as well as viral transfection methods. We tested the recently developed nucleofection method delivering plasmid DNA directly into the nucleus for the introduction of a plasmid encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) into murine ES cells. Cell viability decreased from 77% before to 40% 24 h after nucleofection. Transfection effciencies in viable stem cells were between 85% and 96% with high levels of EGFP expression [mean fluorescence intensity (MFI): 630 +/- 90] 24 h after nucleofection. After a two week culture in geneticin (G418) selection medium, nearly 50% of the stem cells were EGFP positive and continued transgene expression (MFIs: 120-240) for a two further weeks. We conclude that nucleofection is an efficient nonviral gene transfer method for the introduction of genes into murine ES cells.  相似文献   

Due to their abundance and accessibility, mesothelial cells may be suitable tools for recombinant reagent expression by gene transfer. Genetically modified porcine mesothelial cells (PMCs) may have the potential for the treatment of vascular diseases in humans. We studied the effect of various transfection reagents on the primary culture of PMCs and human mesothelial cells (HMCs). The cells were transfected with a plasmid encoding a reporter gene (luciferase or green fluorescent protein [GFP]) under the control of the cytomegalovirus promoter. Transfection was achieved using cationic lipids (DOSPER and DOTAP) or calcium phosphate/deoxyribonucleic acid coprecipitation or Fugene 6. Results showed that Fugene 6 was the most efficient and reproducible transfection reagent with both PMCs and HMCs. With Fugene 6, luciferase activity in PMCs (1.5 x 10(8) relative light units [RLU]/10(6) cells) was at least 2.5-fold higher than with the other transfection reagents, and it was 100-fold higher than in HMCs. However, the proportion of transfected cells expressing GFP was only 1%. These preliminary findings open up new avenues for developing experimental studies on the use of genetically modified PMCs.  相似文献   

The use of vortex flow filtration for harvesting cells or conditioned medium from large scale bioreactors has proven to be an efficient, low shear method of cell concentration and conditioned medium clarification. Several 8–10 L batches of the human histiocytic lymphoma U-937 cell line (ATCC CRL 1593) were concentrated to less than 1 L by vortex flow filtration through a 3.0 m membrane. An aggressive filtration regimen caused a 17% loss of cell viability and a 32% loss of IL-4 receptor binding capacity when compared to a batch centrifuged control. A reduction of the rotor speed from 1500 to 500 RPM and reduction of system back pressure from 10 to 0 PSIG resulted in cell viability and IL-4 binding capacity comparable to the control. Several 10 L batches of baculovirus infected Sf-9 cells were also concentrated to less than 1 L by vortex flow filtration through a 3.0 m membrane. SDS-PAGE analysis of filtrate samples showed that aggressive filtration caused cell damage which led to contamination of the process stream by cellular lysate. When rotor speed was reduced to 500 RPM and system back pressure was reduced to 0 PSIG, the amount of contaminating lysate proteins in filtrate samples was comparable to a batch centrifuged control.  相似文献   

Anchorage-dependent HeLa cells were successfully cultured on two fibrous materials (A07 and R100) with porosities of 75-125 and 40 mum, void fractions of 92% and 81%, and fiber diameters of 7.6 and 10.2 mum, respectively, in 100-mL spinner flasks and 2-L stirred tank bioreactors. The matrix was formed into a fixed vertical spiral configuration. All cultures displayed rapid (/=95%) to the matrix, uniform coverage of the immobilizing area with viable cells, and no significant amount of cell debris in the medium. Spinner flask cultures indicated that the denser material R100 showed better results in terms of final cell density. The growth of HeLa cells on material R100 in both culture systems was similar to that observed in tissue culture dishes (specific growth rate approximately 0.03-0.04 h(-1), maximum cell density of 8 x 10(6)-9 x 10(6) cells . mL(-1), and yields of 0.4 x 10(8) cells . mM(-1) on glucose and 2 x 10(8)-3 x 10(8) cells . mM(-1) on glutamine). Scale-up of this culture technique in a 2-L bioreactor under perfusion with pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) control yielded cell densities of up to 1.6 x 10(6) cells . mL(-1). Two other anchorage-dependent mammalian cells (ADC) known to be cultured with difficulty in roller bottles or with micro carriers were easily grown on material R100 in spinner flasks. The performance of this culture technique was compared to other ADC culture systems.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper, we describe a simple technique to introduce DNA into cells through cracks and/or pores in cell membranes caused by intracellular ice crystal formation induced by liquid nitrogen. We mixed mouse BALB 3T3 cells and pSV2-neo DNA and froze the cell suspension under various conditions to determine those optimum for the introduction of DNA into mammalian cells. We found that brief treatment with liquid nitrogen, which showed only moderate cell killing, resulted in the induction of G-418 resistant colonies. These results suggest that this new technique is useful for transfection of genes into mammalian cells. This work was supported by a Grant-in Aid from the Ministry of Health and Welfare for the Comprehensive 10-Year Strategy for Cancer Control, Japan.  相似文献   

昆虫杆状病毒应用于哺乳动物基因治疗的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杆状病毒是一类宿主特异性的昆虫病毒。昆虫杆状病毒表达系统是一个高效的真核表达系统,被广泛用于在昆虫细胞或昆虫幼虫中生产外源蛋白质。杆状病毒不能感染哺乳动物,却可以进入不同物种和组织来源的多种哺乳动物细胞,并在合适的哺乳动物启动子控制下表达外源基因。杆状病毒在哺乳动物细胞中不能复制,对细胞没有毒性,加上杆状病毒本身具有基因组大、可操作性好等优点,作为哺乳动物基因治疗的载体,将治疗基因传递给哺乳动物细胞已受到了广泛关注。在此就杆状病毒作为基因治疗载体的最新研究进展进行了阐述并探讨其发展趋势。  相似文献   

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