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The binding of the tide compounds to soybean agglutinin was investigated using 13C-NMR spectroscopy. The equilibrium constant for the binding of N-acetyllactosamine was found to be smaller than that obtained for the binding of ovalbumin (1.1 X 10(3) vs. 7.4 X 10(3) M-1). Only two binding sites per lectin tetramer were determined for the binding of ovalbumin, which is half the number of binding sites reported for the binding of small ligands to the lectin. Steric interference between the bulky ovalbumin molecules is believed to be the reason for the observed decrease in the apparent number of binding sites on the lectin.  相似文献   

Four kinds of tetravalent double-headed glycoclusters [(LacNAc)4-DHGs] were designed with linkers of varying lengths consisting of alkanedioic carboxyamido groups (C6, C12, C18 and C24) between two bi-antennary LacNAc-glycosides. These glycoclusters served as high-affinity cross-linking ligands for the LacNAc-binding lectin Erythrina cristagalli agglutinin (ECA). The binding activity and cross-linking between each ligand and ECA were characterized by a hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), a quantitative precipitation assay and dynamic light scattering (DLS). For the precipitation assay and DLS measurement, the synthesized (LacNAc)4-DHGs were found to be capable of binding and precipitating the ECA as multivalent ligands. ITC analysis indicated the binding of (LacNAc)4-DHGs was driven by a favorable enthalpy change. Furthermore, the entropy penalty from binding (LacNAc)4-DHGs clearly decreased in a spacer length-dependent manner. The binding affinities of flexible (LacNAc)4-DHGs (C18 and C24) with long spacers were found to be more favorable than those of the clusters having short spacers (C6 and C12). These results were supported by molecular dynamics simulations with explicit water molecules for the tetravalent glycoclusters with ECA. We concluded that the subtle modification in the epitope-presenting scaffolds exerts the significant effect in the recognition efficiency involved in the LacNAc moieties by ECA.  相似文献   

Erythrina cristagalli agglutinin, a dimeric lectin [J. L. Iglesias, et al. (1982) Eur. J. Biochem.123, 247–252] was shown by equilibrium dialysis to be bivalent for 4-methylumbelliferyl-β-d-galactoside. Upon binding to the lectin, this ligand showed a difference absorption spectrum with two maxima (at 322 and 336 nm) of equal intensity (Δ? = 1.2 × 103m?1 cm?1). A similar spectrum with a comparable value of Δ? was obtained with 4-methylumbelliferyl-N-acetyl-β-d-galactosaminide. Binding of methyl-α-d-galactoside, lactose, and N-acetyllactosamine all produced small but equally intense protein difference spectra with a maximum (Δ? = 2.8 × 102 M?1 cm?1) at 291.6 nm. Upon binding of N-dansyl-d-galactosamine to the lectin, there was a fivefold increase in fluorescence intensity of this ligand. The association constant for N-dansyl-d-galactosamine was caused by a very favorable ΔS° of the dansyl group without affecting the strictly carbohydrate-specific character of binding. N-Dansyl-d-galactosamine was employed as a fluorescent indicator ligand in substitution titrations. This involved the use of simple carbohydrates, N-acetyllactosamine, and oligosaccharides which occur in the carbohydrate units of N-glycoproteins; the latter were Gal(β → 4)GlcNAc(β1 → 2)Man, Gal(β1 → 4)GlcNAc(β1 → 6)Man, and Gal(β1 → 4)GlcNAc(β1 → 6)[Gal(β1 → 4)GlcNAc(β1 → 2)]Man. The titrations were performed at two temperatures to determine the thermodynamic parameters. In the series N-acetyl-d-galactosamine, methyl-α-d-galactoside, and lactose, ?ΔH° increased from 24 to 41 kJ mol?1; it increased further for N-acetyllactosamine and then remained unchanged for the N-acetyllactosamine-containing oligosaccharides (55 ± 1 kJ mol?1). This indicated that the site specifically accommodated the disaccharide structure with an important contribution of the 2-acetamido group in the penultimate sugar. Beyond this, no additional contacts seemed to be formed. This conclusion also followed from considerations of ΔS° values which became more unfavorable in the above series (?23 to ?101 ± 4 J mol?1 K?1); the most negative value of ΔS° was observed with N-acetyllactosamine and the three N-acetyllactosamine-containing oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

The metabolism of glucose to glycogen in the liver of fasted and well-fed rats was investigated with 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy using [1,2-(13)C2]glucose as the main substrate. The unique spectroscopic feature of this molecule is the 13C-13C homonuclear coupling leading to characteristic doublets for the C-1 and C-2 resonances of glucose and its breakdown products as long as the two 13C nuclei remain bonded together. The doublet resonances of [1,2-(13)C2]glucose thus provide an ideal marker to follow the fate of this exogenous substrate through the metabolic pathways. [1,2-(13)C2]Glucose was injected intraperitoneally into anesthetized rats and the in vivo 13C-NMR measurements of the intact animals revealed the transformation of the injected glucose into liver glycogen. Glycogen was extracted from the liver and high resolution 13C-NMR spectra were obtained before and after hydrolysis of glycogen. Intact [1,2-13C2]glucose molecules give rise to doublet resonances, natural abundance [13C]glucose molecules produce singlet resonances. From an analysis of the doublet-to-singlet intensities the following conclusions were derived. (i) In fasted rats virtually 100% of the glycosyl units in glycogen were 13C-NMR visible. In contrast, the 13C-NMR visibility of glycogen decreased to 30-40% in well-fed rats. (ii) In fed rats a minimum of 67 +/- 7% of the exogenous [1,2-(13)C2]glucose was incorporated into the liver glycogen via the direct pathway. No contribution of the indirect pathway could be detected. (iii) In fasted rats externally supplied glucose appeared to be consumed in different metabolic processes and less [1,2-(13)C2]glucose was found to be incorporated into glycogen (13 +/- 1%). However, the observation of [5,6-(13)C2]glucose in liver glycogen provided evidence for the operation of the so-called indirect pathway of glycogen synthesis. The activity of the indirect pathway was at least 9% but not more than 30% of the direct pathway. (vi) The pentose phosphate pathway was of little significance for glucose but became detectable upon injection of [1-(13)C]ribose.  相似文献   

Glycophorin BN was reductively [13C]methylated and the 13C chemical shift of the N-terminal [13C]dimethyl-leucine residue was monitored as a function of pH. These results were compared to the pH-dependent chemical shift studies of the N-terminal [13C]dimethylleucine residues of intact glycophorin AN and N-terminal glyco-octapeptide AN. The results indicate that the titration data for [13C]dimethylleucine of glycophorin BN more closely resembles the titration data observed for the [13C]dimethylleucine residue of the N-terminal glyco-octapeptide AN rather than for the [13C]dimethylleucine residue of intact glycophorin AN. Integration of the 13C resonances indicated that glycophorin BN contains 3-4 lysine residues.  相似文献   

Labelling experiments with [2-13C]- and [1,2-13C]acetate showed that both photopigments of Anacystis nidulans, chlorophyll a and phycocyanobilin, share a common biosynthetic pathway from glutamate. The fate of deuterium during these biosynthetic events was studied using [2-13C, 2-2H3]acetate as a precursor and determining the labelling pattern by 13C NMR spectroscopy with simultaneous [1H, 2H]-broadband decoupling. The loss of 2H (ca 20%) from the precursor occurred at an early stage during the tricarboxylic acid cycle. After formation of glutamate there was no further loss of 2H in the assembly of the cyclic tetrapyrrole intermediates or during decarboxylation and modification of the side-chains. Thus the labelling data support a divergence in the pathway to cyclic and linear tetrapyrroles after protoporphyrin IX.  相似文献   

13C-NMR spectroscopy was used as a noninvasive approach to study the metabolism of [1,3-13C]octanoate in rat liver. Using a properly adjusted surface coil a liver selection of better than 90% was achieved in the intact animal without abdominal surgery. After infusion of [1,3-13C]octanoate via the jugular vein different patterns of metabolites were observed depending on the physiological state of the rat. In the fasted animal, the major metabolites were those of the Krebs cycle while in the diabetic animal ketogenic end products were predominant. As a fatty acid of medium chain length octanoate is imported into the inner mitochondrial space without control by the carnitine acyl transferase system. Hence, the metabolic differences observed between diabetic and fasted rats result from an intramitochondrial control mechanism. The in vivo 13C-NMR results therefore support previous biochemical in vitro studies which concluded that a major control of ketone body production occurs in the inner mitochondrial space, presumably via the redox potential of the liver. As an unexpected result, 13C-NMR provides evidence for the transitory esterification of the infused 13C-labeled octanoic acid. The corresponding 13C-NMR chemical shifts are typical for glycerides.  相似文献   

This study explored the utility of1H and13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study a standard synaptosomally enriched fraction (P2 pellet) made from rat cerebrum. The preparations contained high concentrations of N-acetylaspartate and -aminobutyric acid and low concentrations of glutamine, indicating that they were in fact rich in neuronal cytosol. The metabolic competence of the preparation was assessed by quantitative measurements of its ability to convert [1-13C]glucose into lactate, glutamate, aspartate, and other metabolites under well oxygenated conditions in 30 minutes. The minimum mean glycolytic rate was 0.8 mM glucose/min and the flow through the tricarboxylic acid cycle was equivalent to 0.2 mM glucose/min.Abbreviations ppm parts per million (chemical shift scale) - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - GABA -aminobutyric acid - PBS phosphate-buffered normal saline solution - TSP 3-trimethylsilylpropionate During the performance of these studies Dr. A.P. Burlina was on leave from Instituto di Clinica delle Malattie Nervose e Mentali, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.  相似文献   

G Zomer  H Wynberg  N M Drayer 《Steroids》1984,44(4):283-292
The preparation of [1,2,3,4-13C] testosterone and of [1,2,3,4-13C] estradiol by total synthesis is described. The 13C labels are introduced by alkylating intermediate 1 with [1,2,3,4-13C]l-iodo-3,3-ethylenedioxybutane (2) to obtain intermediate 10. Hydrolysis of the ketal function, cyclization, aromatization and removal of protective groups gave [1,2,3,4-13C] estradiol. Labeled testosterone was prepared by methylating intermediate 10 and by subsequent treatment with acid. The labeled steroids can be used as tracers for in vivo metabolic studies and as internal standards for the development of definitive gc-ms quantitative methods.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The generation of C2- and C3-deuterated l-lactate was monitored by 13C NMR in human erythrocytes exposed to d-[1-13glucose, d-[2-13C]glucose or d-te-13C]glucose and incubated in a medium prepared in D2O.
  • 2.2. The results suggested that the deuteration of the C1 of d-fructose 6-phosphate in the phosphoglucoisomerase reaction, the deuteration of the C1 of d-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate in the sequence of reactions catalyzed by triose phosphate isomerase and aldolase and the deuteration of the C3 of pyruvate in the reaction catalyzed by pyruvate kinase were all lower than expected from equilibration with D2O.
  • 3.3. Moreover, about 40% of the molecules of pyruvate generated by glycolysis apparently underwent deuteration on their C3 during interconversion of the 2-keto acid and l-alanine in the reaction catalyzed by glutamate-pyruvate transaminase.
  • 4.4. The occurrence of the latter process was also documented in cells exposed to exogenous [3-13C]pyruvate.
  • 5.5. This methodological approach is proposed to provide a new tool to assess in intact cells the extent of back-and-forth interconversion of selected metabolic intermediates.

Metabolic profiling is defined as the simultaneous assessment of substrate fluxes within and among the different pathways of metabolite synthesis and energy production under various physiological conditions. The use of stable-isotope tracers and the analysis of the distribution of labeled carbons in various intermediates, by both mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy, allow the role of several metabolic processes in cell growth and death to be defined. In the present paper we describe the metabolic profiling of Jurkat cells by isotopomer analysis using (13)C-NMR spectroscopy and [1,2-(13)C(2)]glucose as the stable-isotope tracer. The isotopomer analysis of the lactate, alanine, glutamate, proline, serine, glycine, malate and ribose-5-phosphate moiety of nucleotides has allowed original integrated information regarding the pentose phosphate pathway, TCA cycle, and amino acid metabolism in proliferating human leukemia T cells to be obtained. In particular, the contribution of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and transketolase activities to phosphoribosyl-pyrophosphate synthesis was evaluated directly by the determination of isotopomers of the [1'-(13)C], [4',5'-(13)C(2)]ribosyl moiety of nucleotides. Furthermore, the relative contribution of the glycolysis and pentose cycle to lactate production was estimated via analysis of lactate isotopomers. Interestingly, pyruvate carboxylase and pyruvate dehydrogenase flux ratios measured by glutamate isotopomers and the production of isotopomers of several metabolites showed that the metabolic processes described could not take place simultaneously in the same macrocompartments (cells). Results revealed a heterogeneous metabolism in an asynchronous cell population that may be interpreted on the basis of different metabolic phenotypes of subpopulations in relation to different cell cycle phases.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle can utilize many different substrates, and traditional methodologies allow only indirect discrimination between oxidative and nonoxidative uptake of substrate, possibly with contamination by metabolism of other internal organs. Our goal was to apply 1H- and 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to monitor the patterns of [3-13C]lactate and [1,2-13C]acetate (model of simple carbohydrates and fats, respectively) utilization in resting vs. contracting muscle extracts of the isolated perfused rat hindquarter. Total metabolite concentrations were measured by using NADH-linked fluorometric assays. Fractional oxidation of [3-13C]lactate was unchanged by contraction despite vascular endogenous lactate accumulation. Although label accumulated in several citric acid cycle (CAC) intermediates, contraction did not increase the concentration of CAC intermediates in any muscle extracts. We conclude that 1) the isolated rat hindquarter is a viable, well-controlled model for measuring skeletal muscle 13C-labeled substrate utilization; 2) lactate is readily oxidized even during contractile activity; 3) entry and exit from the CAC, via oxidative and nonoxidative pathways, is a component of normal muscle metabolism and function; and 4) there are possible differences between gastrocnemius and soleus muscles in utilization of nonoxidative pathways.  相似文献   

The indole C-2(delta 1) carbon of Trp 62 in hen egg-white lysozyme was selectively labeled with 13C through a series of reactions involving N'-formylkynurenine 62-lysozyme with K13CN, NaBH4-reduction, and acid-catalyzed dehydration. [delta 1-13C]Trp 62-lysozyme in which Trp 62 is labeled with 90% 13C has the same chemical and enzymatic properties as the native protein. The reverted lysozyme gave a single 13C-NMR signal at 125 ppm. pH-titration of the 13C signal indicated a transition at pH 3.9 for the free enzyme. In the presence of (GlcNAc)3, the resonance signals were shifted 0.5-1 ppm upfield, and the transitions in the titration curve were observed at pH 3.9 and 6.5. Asp 52 and Glu 35 were assigned to the groups with pKas of 3.9 and 6.5, respectively. In [2-13C]AHT 62-lysozyme, which has 3-(2-amino-3-hydroxy-3H-[2-13C]indol-3-yl)alanine (AHT) at position 62, AHT 62 behaved quite differently from Trp 62 on pH-titration of the 13C-label. These results suggest that a conformational change around Trp 62 is induced upon ionization of the catalytic residue and that the structural flexibility of the side chain of this aromatic residue in the substrate binding site is closely related to the function of lysozyme.  相似文献   

Perchloric acid extracts of LLC-PK1/Cl4 cells, a renal epithelial cell line, incubated with either [2-13C]glycine L-[3-13C]alanine, or D,L-[3-13C]aspartic acid were investigated by 13C-NMR spectroscopy. All amino acids, except labelled glycine, gave rise to glycolytic products and tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) intermediates. For the first time we also observed activity of gamma-glutamyltransferase activity and glutathione synthetase activity in LLC-PK1 cells, as is evident from enrichment of reduced glutathione. Time courses showed that only 6% of the labelled glycine was utilized in 30 min, whereas 31% of L-alanine and 60% of L-aspartic acid was utilized during the same period. 13C-NMR was also shown to be a useful tool for the determination of amino acid uptake in LLC-PK1 cells. These uptake experiments indicated that glycine, alanine and aspartic acid are transported into Cl4 cells via a sodium-dependent process. From the relative enrichment of the glutamate carbons, we calculated the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase to be about 61% when labelled L-alanine was the only carbon source for LLC-PK1/Cl4 cells. Experiments with labelled D,L-aspartic, however, showed that about 40% of C-3-enriched oxaloacetate (arising from a de-amination of aspartic acid) reached the pyruvate pool.  相似文献   

Summary To raise the yields for the production of 14C-labelled zearalenone in Fusarium cultures the influence of growth conditions and known effectors or precursors of toxin biosynthesis was studied. Benzoic acid and 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid used as precursors decreased toxin formation; in the presence of different pesticides such as 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, however, toxin production increased up to 140%. The known pathway of zearalenone biosynthesis could be confirmed from the relative extents of 13C-incorporation into the zearalenone molecule by incubating Fusarium graminearum DSM 4529 with d-(+)-[1-13C]glucose as carbon source. When grown in the presence of d-[U-14C]glucose or [2-14C]malonic acid the strain produced [14C]zearalenone with specific activities of 0.07 and 0.09 Ci/mg, the 14C-incorporation rates being 0.34% and 0.48%, respectively.  相似文献   

(13)C NMR monitored the dynamics of exchange from specific hydrogens of hepatic [2-(13)C]glutamate and [3-(13)C]aspartate with deuterons from intracellular heavy water providing information on alpha-ketoglutarate/glutamate exchange and subcellular compartmentation. Mouse livers were perfused with [3-(13)C]alanine in buffer containing or not 50% (2)H(2)O for increasing periods of time (1 min < t < 30 min). Liver extracts prepared at the end of the perfusions were analyzed by high resolution (13)C NMR (150.13 MHz) with (1)H decoupling only and with simultaneous (1)H and (2)H decoupling. (13)C-(2)H couplings and (2)H-induced isotopic shifts observed in the glutamate C2 resonance, allowed to estimate the apparent rate constants (forward, reverse; min(-1)) for (i) the reversible exchange of [2-(13)C]glutamate H2 as catalyzed mainly by aspartate aminotransferase (0.32, 0.56), (ii) the reversible exchange of [2-(13)C]glutamate H3(proS) as catalyzed by NAD(P) isocitrate dehydrogenase (0.1, 0.05), and (iii) the irreversible exchanges of glutamate H3(proR) and H3(proS) as catalyzed by the sequential activities of mitochondrial aconitase and NAD isocitrate dehydrogenase of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (0.035), respectively. A similar approach allowed to determine the rates of (1)H-(2)H exchange for the H2 (0.4, 0.5) or H3(proR) (0.3, 0.2) or the H2 and H3(proS) hydrogens (0.20, 0.23) of [3-(13)C]aspartate isotopomers. The ubiquitous subcellular localization of (1)H-(2)H exchange enzymes and the exclusive mitochondrial localization of pyruvate carboxylase and the tricarboxylic acid cycle resulted in distinctive kinetics of deuteration in the H2 and either or both H3 hydrogens of [2-(13)C]glutamate and [3-(13)C]aspartate, allowing to follow glutamate and aspartate trafficking through cytosol and mitochondria.  相似文献   

We have recorded site-directed solid-state 13C NMR spectra of [3-13C]Ala- and [1-13C]Val-labeled bacteriorhodopsin (bR) as a typical membrane protein in lipid bilayers, to examine the effect of formation of two-dimensional (2D) lattice or array of the proteins toward backbone dynamics, to search the optimum condition to be able to record full 13C NMR signals from whole area of proteins. Well-resolved 13C NMR signals were recorded for monomeric [3-13C]Ala-bR in egg phosphatidylcholine (PC) bilayer at ambient temperature, although several 13C NMR signals from the loops and transmembrane alpha-helices were still suppressed. This is because monomeric bR reconstituted into egg PC, dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) or dipalmytoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers undergoes conformational fluctuations with frequency in the order of 10(4)-10(5) Hz at ambient temperature, which is interfered with frequency of magic angle spinning or proton decoupling. It turned out, however, that the 13C NMR signals of purple membrane (PM) were almost fully recovered in gel phase lipids of DMPC or DPPC bilayers at around 0 degrees C. This finding is interpreted in terms of aggregation of bR in DMPC or DPPC bilayers to 2D hexagonal array in the presence of endogenous lipids at low temperature, resulting in favorable backbone dynamics for 13C NMR observation. It is therefore concluded that [3-13C]Ala-bR reconstituted in egg PC, DMPC or DPPC bilayers at ambient temperature, or [3-13C]Ala- and [1-13C]Val-bR at low temperature gave rise to well-resolved 13C NMR signals, although they are not always completely the same as those of 2D hexagonal lattice from PM.  相似文献   

Clostridium pasteurianum 2(4Fe-4S) ferredoxin has been reductively methylated using [13C]formaldehyde and sodium cyanoborohydride. Lys3 and the N-terminal alanine, the only amines in the protein, are both dimethylated by this procedure. 13C-NMR titration of the apo, oxidized and reduced modified ferrodoxin indicate that the lysine pK is slightly over 10 in all three forms of the protein. In contrast, the N-terminal alanine shifts from a pK of 7.7 in the apoprotein to greater than 9 in both the oxidized and reduced modified ferredoxin. The unexpectedly high pK observed for the N-terminus is consistent with the presence of an ion pair in both the oxidized and reduced native forms of the protein. The methylated ferrodoxin is considerably less stable than the native protein, indicating an important role for the amines in protein stability.  相似文献   

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