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Cadherins are critically involved in tissue development and tissue homeostasis. We demonstrate here that neuronal cadherin (N-cadherin) is cleaved specifically by the disintegrin and metalloproteinase ADAM10 in its ectodomain. ADAM10 is not only responsible for the constitutive, but also for the regulated, shedding of this adhesion molecule in fibroblasts and neuronal cells directly regulating the overall levels of N-cadherin expression at the cell surface. The ADAM10-induced N-cadherin cleavage resulted in changes in the adhesive behaviour of cells and also in a dramatic redistribution of beta-catenin from the cell surface to the cytoplasmic pool, thereby influencing the expression of beta-catenin target genes. Our data therefore demonstrate a crucial role of ADAM10 in the regulation of cell-cell adhesion and on beta-catenin signalling, leading to the conclusion that this protease constitutes a central switch in the signalling pathway from N-cadherin at the cell surface to beta-catenin/LEF-1-regulated gene expression in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Fibronectin is a principal component of the extracellular matrix. Soluble fibronectin molecules are assembled into the extracellular matrix as insoluble, fibrillar strands via a cell-dependent process. In turn, the interaction of cells with the extracellular matrix form of fibronectin stimulates cell functions critical for tissue repair. Cross-talk between cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix adhesion complexes is essential for the organization of cells into complex, functional tissue during embryonic development and tissue remodeling. Here, we demonstrate that fibronectin matrix assembly affects the organization, composition, and function of N-cadherin-based adherens junctions. Using fibronectin-null mouse embryonic myofibroblasts, we identified a novel quaternary complex composed of N-cadherin, β-catenin, tensin, and actin that exists in the absence of a fibronectin matrix. In the absence of fibronectin, homophilic N-cadherin ligation recruited both tensin and α5β1 integrins into nascent cell-cell adhesions. Initiation of fibronectin matrix assembly disrupted the association of tensin and actin with N-cadherin, released α5β1 integrins and tensin from cell-cell contacts, stimulated N-cadherin reorganization into thin cellular protrusions, and decreased N-cadherin adhesion. Fibronectin matrix assembly has been shown to recruit α5β1 integrins and tensin into fibrillar adhesions. Taken together, these studies suggest that tensin serves as a common cytoskeletal link for integrin- and cadherin-based adhesions and that the translocation of α5β1 integrins from cell-cell contacts into fibrillar adhesions during fibronectin matrix assembly is a novel mechanism by which cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesions are coordinated.  相似文献   

Epidermal Notch signalling: differentiation, cancer and adhesion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Notch pathway plays an important role in regulating epidermal differentiation. Notch ligands, receptors and effectors are expressed in a complex and dynamic pattern in embryonic and adult skin. Genetic ablation or activation of the pathway reveals that Notch signalling promotes differentiation of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and interfollicular epidermal lineages and that Notch acts as an epidermal tumour suppressor. Notch signalling interacts with a range of other pathways to fulfil these functions and acts via RBP-Jkappa dependent and independent mechanisms. The effects on differentiation can be cell autonomous and non-autonomous, and Notch contributes to stem cell clustering via modulation of cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Cadherins, a family of transmembrane cell-cell adhesion receptors, require interactions with the cytoskeleton for normal function. To assess the mechanisms of these interactions, we studied the effect of exogenous expression of a mutant N-cadherin, cN390 delta; on epithelial cell-cell adhesion. The intracellular domain of cN390 delta was intact but its extracellular domain was largely deleted so that this molecule was not functional for cell adhesion. cDNA of cN390 delta was attached to the metallothionein promoter, and introduced into the keratinocyte line PAM212 expressing endogenous E- and P-cadherin. When the expression of cN390 delta was induced by Zn2+, cadherin-dependent adhesion of the transfected cells was inhibited, resulting in the dispersion of cell colonies, although their contacts were maintained under high cell density conditions. In these cultures, cN390 delta was expressed not only on the free surfaces of the cells but also at cell-cell junctions. The endogenous cadherins were concentrated at cell-cell junctions under normal conditions. As a result of cN390 delta expression, however, the endogenous cadherins localizing at the cell-cell junctions were largely diminished, suggesting that these molecules were replaced by the mutant molecules at these sites. As a control, we transfected the same cell line with cDNA of a truncated form of N-cadherin cadherin whose intracellular C terminus had been deleted leaving the extracellular domain intact. This molecule had no effect on cell-cell adhesion, nor did it localize to cell-cell contact sites. We also found that the association of the endogenous cadherins with alpha- and beta-catenins and plakoglobin was not affected by the expression of cN390 delta, which also formed a complex with these molecules, suggesting that no competition occurred between the endogenous and exogenous cadherins for these cytoplasmic proteins. These and other additional results suggest that the nonfunctional cadherins whose intracellular domain is intact occupy the sites where the endogenous cadherins should localize, through interactions with the cytoskeleton, and inhibit the cadherin adhesion system.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,135(6):1643-1654
E-cadherin is a transmembrane glycoprotein that mediates calcium- dependent, homotypic cell-cell adhesion and plays an important role in maintaining the normal phenotype of epithelial cells. Disruption of E- cadherin activity in epithelial cells correlates with formation of metastatic tumors. Decreased adhesive function may be implemented in a number of ways including: (a) decreased expression of E-cadherin; (b) mutations in the gene encoding E-cadherin; or (c) mutations in the genes that encode the catenins, proteins that link the cadherins to the cytoskeleton and are essential for cadherin mediated cell-cell adhesion. In this study, we explored the possibility that inappropriate expression of a nonepithelial cadherin by an epithelial cell might also result in disruption of cell-cell adhesion. We showed that a squamous cell carcinoma-derived cell line expressed N-cadherin and displayed a scattered fibroblastic phenotype along with decreased expression of E- and P-cadherin. Transfection of this cell line with antisense N- cadherin resulted in reversion to a normal-appearing squamous epithelial cell with increased E- and P-cadherin expression. In addition, transfection of a normal-appearing squamous epithelial cell line with N-cadherin resulted in downregulation of both E- and P- cadherin and a scattered fibroblastic phenotype. In all cases, the levels of expression of N-cadherin and E-cadherin were inversely related to one another. In addition, we showed that some squamous cell carcinomas expressed N-cadherin in situ and those tumors expressing N- cadherin were invasive. These studies led us to propose a novel mechanism for tumorigenesis in squamous epithelial cells; i.e., inadvertent expression of a nonepithelial cadherin.  相似文献   

Intercellular adhesion, signalling and the cytoskeleton   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Connections between the cytoskeleton and intercellular junctions profoundly influence cell shape and motility. It is becoming increasingly clear that in addition to structural functions, components of the adhesion apparatus also possess signalling capabilities. Recent studies suggest that their dual function may provide the means to integrate changes in morphology and gene expression during tissue and organ development.  相似文献   

Cadherin dimers in cell-cell adhesion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While the critical function of classic cadherin in cell-cell junctions is well established, the molecular mechanism of cadherin-based adhesion remains unclear. The elusive but principal part of this adhesion process is the cadherin-cadherin interaction maintaining the intercellular contacts. This interaction is believed to be weak, suggesting that the adhesive contacts are strengthened by the cytoskeleton-dependent clustering of numerous cadherin molecules. An examination of cadherin homodimers in living cells has shown, however, that cadherin adhesive interaction is surprisingly strong. This observation implies that the strength of the adhesive contacts is regulated by the processes disintegrating cadherin dimers. The molecular structure of these dimers and mechanisms potentially responsible for their dynamics in living cells are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

The establishment of the apical-basal axis is a critical event in plant embryogenesis, evident from the earliest stages onwards. Polarity is evident in the embryo sac, egg cell, zygote, and embryo-suspensor complex. In the embryo-proper, two functionally distinct meristems form at each pole, through the localized expression of key genes. A number of mutants, notably of the model genetic organism Arabidopsis thaliana, have revealed new gene functions that are required for patterning of the apical-basal axis. There is now increasing evidence that two particular modes of signalling, via auxin and cell wall components, play important roles in co-ordinating the gene expression programmes that define determinative roles in the establishment of polarity.  相似文献   

Extracellular Ca(2+) (Ca(2+)(o)) is a critical regulator that promotes differentiation in epidermal keratinocytes. The calcium sensing receptor (CaR) is essential for mediating Ca(2+) signaling during Ca(2+)(o)-induced differentiation. Inactivation of the endogenous CaR-encoding gene CASR by adenoviral expression of a CaR antisense cDNA inhibited the Ca(2+)(o)-induced increase in intracellular free calcium (Ca(2+)(i)) and expression of terminal differentiation genes, while promoting apoptosis. Ca(2+)(o) also instigates E-cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion, which plays a critical role in orchestrating cellular signals mediating cell survival and differentiation. Raising Ca(2+)(o) concentration ([Ca(2+)](o)) from 0.03 to 2 mm rapidly induced the co-localization of alpha-, beta-, and p120-catenin with E-cadherin in the intercellular adherens junctions (AJs). To assess whether CaR is required for the Ca(2+)(o)-induced activation of E-cadherin signaling, we examined the impact of CaR inactivation on AJ formation. Decreased CaR expression suppressed the Ca(2+)(o)-induced AJ formation, membrane translocation, and the complex formation of E-cadherin, catenins, and the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), although the expression of these proteins was not affected. The assembly of the E-cadherin-catenin-PI3K complex was sensitive to the pharmacologic inhibition of Src family tyrosine kinases but was not affected by inhibition of Ca(2+)(o)-induced rise in Ca(2+)(i). Inhibition of CaR expression blocked the Ca(2+)(o)-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of beta-, gamma-, and p120-catenin, PI3K, and the tyrosine kinase Fyn and the association of Fyn with E-cadherin and PI3K. Our results indicate that the CaR regulates cell survival and Ca(2+)(o)-induced differentiation in keratinocytes at least in part by activating the E-cadherin/PI3K pathway through a Src family tyrosine kinase-mediated signaling.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the field of intercellular adhesion highlight the importance of adherens junction association with the underlying actin cytoskeleton. In skin epithelial cells a dynamic feature of adherens junction formation involves filopodia, which physically project into the membrane of adjacent cells, catalyzing the clustering of adherens junction protein complexes at their tips. In turn, actin polymerization is stimulated at the cytoplasmic interface of these complexes. Although the mechanism remains unclear, the VASP/Mena family of proteins seems to be involved in organizing actin polymerization at these sites. In vivo, adherens junction formation appears to rely upon filopodia in processes where epithelial sheets must be physically moved closer to form stable intercellular connections, for example, in ventral closure in embryonic development or wound healing in the postnatal animal.  相似文献   

Cell-cell adhesion is a critical process for the formation and maintenance of tissue patterns during development, as well as invasion and metastasis of cancer cells. Although great strides have been made regarding our understanding of the processes that play a role in cell-cell adhesion, the precise mechanisms by which diverse signaling events regulate cell and tissue architecture is poorly understood. In this commentary we will focus on the Eph/ephrin signaling system, and specifically how the ephrinB1 transmembrane ligand for Eph receptor tyrosine kinases sends signals affecting cell-cell junctions. In a recent study using the epithelial cells of early stage Xenopus embryos, we have shown that loss- or gain-of function of ephrinB1 can disrupt cell-cell contacts and tight junctions. This study reveals a mechanism where ephrinB1 competes with active Cdc42 for binding to Par-6, a scaffold protein central to the Par polarity complex (Par-3/Par-6/Cdc42/aPKC) and disrupts the localization of tight junction-associated proteins (ZO-1, Cingulin) at tight junctions. This competition reduces aPKC activity critical to maintaining and/or forming tight junctions. Finally, phosphorylation of ephrinB1 on specific tyrosine residues can block the interaction between ephrinB1 and Par-6 at tight junctions, and restore tight junction formation. Recent evidence indicates that de-regulation of forward signaling through EphB receptors may play a role in metastatic progression in colon cancer. In light of the new data showing an effect of ephrinB reverse signaling on tight junctions, an additional mechanism can be hypothesized where de-regulation of ephrinB1 expression or phosphorylation may also impact metastatic progression.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,108(6):2435-2447
The generation of invasiveness in transformed cells represents an essential step of tumor progression. We show here, first, that nontransformed Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells acquire invasive properties when intercellular adhesion is specifically inhibited by the addition of antibodies against the cell adhesion molecule uvomorulin; the separated cells then invade collagen gels and embryonal heart tissue. Second, MDCK cells transformed with Harvey and Moloney sarcoma viruses are constitutively invasive, and they were found not to express uvomorulin at their cell surface. These data suggest that the loss of adhesive function of uvomorulin (which is identical to E-cadherin and homologous to L-CAM) is a critical step in the promotion of epithelial cells to a more malignant, i.e., invasive, phenotype. Similar modulation of intercellular adhesion might also occur during invasion of carcinoma cells in vivo.  相似文献   

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