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Freshwater biodiversity is globally threatened and while most conservation efforts are focussed on natural and larger freshwater systems such as rivers and lakes, in many lowland agricultural landscapes artificial water bodies including ditches may be equally important as habitats for freshwater species. Ditches occur across the agricultural landscape but in particular, those associated with coastal and floodplain grazing marsh, have high conservation value. The importance of this habitat for rare and threatened species afforded priority status under the UK Biodiversity Action Plan is explored. The characteristics of ditches that have high conservation value are described and a set of targets against which such ditches can be assessed are presented. An analysis of the current condition of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) for the wider coastal and floodplain grazing marsh habitat demonstrates the range of pressures affecting these sites and highlights that alongside generic freshwater issues such as eutrophication and non-native species, these sites have a unique set of pressures associated with their ongoing management and the vulnerable location of many sites at the coast. Wider conservation strategies for freshwater biodiversity in lowland landscapes across Europe need to factor in the different management requirements of artificial habitats such as ditches alongside more ambitious restoration projects for natural waterbodies. In low lying coastal areas the threat of coastal squeeze for many important grazing marshes will require a strategic approach to allow upstream migration of important biodiversity.  相似文献   

The role of ditches as reservoirs for or contributors to regional diversity has rarely been assessed. In this study, we aimed (1) to assess the effect of ditches on aquatic faunal assemblages of first order streams and (2) to assess the extent to which the animal communities in altered streams that are crossed by ditches resembled those found in nearby natural streams. We examined the fauna of four different aquatic habitats of the New River watershed in the Florida Panhandle: (1) natural streams, (2) altered streams, (3) ditches that cross the altered streams, and (4) ditches that do not cross the altered streams, sampling these habitats in three geographically distinct sites and visiting each location three times during a summer. Ditches did not have the same environmental features as streams and as a result their faunal community did not completely mimic those of natural streams. Streams contained 50% less aquatic vegetation and more canopy cover, while natural streams were more acidic than any other habitat. The connected altered stream and ditch habitats contained the highest biodiversity, while natural streams contained the lowest. Our ordination of taxonomic composition did not reveal any significant differences between habitats. However, natural streams were more likely to contain Hyalella spp., Oligochaetes, and Palaemonetes spp. than other sites, yet did not contain Baetidae spp., Naucorida spp., Trepobate spp., Dolomedes okefinokensis, Leptolucania ommata, or any Centrarcids. These results indicate the importance of ditches within this system as a reservoir for and contributor to regional stream biodiversity and this finding should be taken into consideration by managers for the conservation of the regional freshwater biodiversity.  相似文献   

Two neotropical freshwater fish species, Cnesterodom decemmaculatus (Poeciliidae) and Jenynsia multidentata (Anablepidae), were collected from human-made ditches, a common habitat of the house mosquito Culex pipiens in La Plata, Argentina. Cnesterodom decemmaculatus was recorded in 62 of the 100 examined ditches, whereas J. multidentata was collected from only 21 ditches sympatrically with C. decemmaculatus. Culex pipiens was the only mosquito species collected, and its larvae and pupae were found in 38 of the 100 ditches. Fish and mosquito larvae and pupae were collected together in only two ditches and were significantly negatively correlated. Siphons of larval Culex and remnants of chironomid larvae, copepods, aquatic mites, and fish were present in the gut contents of two C. decemmaculatus from mosquito-positive ditches, while diatoms and filamentous algae were recorded in every fish dissected. Adult C. decemmaculatus and J. multidentata needed approximately 6.2 h to completely digest one Cx. pipiens 4th instar larva under laboratory conditions. When fish were confined with a density of 60 or fewer Cx. pipiens 4th instar larvae, C. decemmaculatus and J. multidentata adults consumed 100% of them in one day but only 35% and 42%, respectively, when confined with 150 larvae. Eradication of Cx. pipiens from a ditch, where densities had averaged 250 immatures per dip, was achieved 17 days after the introduction of 1,700 C. decemmaculatus.  相似文献   

This paper characterizes water body types harboring immature mosquitoes in a low-lying area of Haiti and investigates the relationship between immature Anopheles albimanus abundance and aquatic predator presence. Larval An. albimanus were found in permanent and semi-permanent groundwater habitats including (in order of greatest abundance) hoof/footprints, ditches, rice fields, and ground pools. High levels of species co-occurrence were observed in habitats. Among water bodies positive for immature Anopheles, 42.9% also contained immature Culex species. Significant association between An. albimanus abundance and the absence of fish predators was detected. Results from the multivariate negative binomial regression suggest that the interactive effect of increasing distance from the Artibonite River and elevation are positively associated with the abundance of immature An. albimanus. The presence of fish predators was not associated with the abundance of An. albimanus larvae in habitats while controlling for habitat distance and elevation. The results of this study provide baseline entomological information to inform vector control programs in the country.  相似文献   

Synopsis Female Gambusia affinis were collected from low salinity/near-neutral pH and tidal freshwater/low pH localities to document life history variation between these two habitats. Mosquito fish were 2.7 times more abundant in low salinity/near-neutral pH (2.37 ± 0.72 ppt; pH = 5.73 ± 0.11) than in tidal freshwater/low pH (0.27 ± 0.19 ppt; pH = 4.46 ± 0.18) habitats in Old Fort Bayou, a black-water tidal river of the Biloxi Bay estuary, Mississippi. Fish were common in both areas from June 1985 through February 1986. There were no significant differences between habitats in the length-weight relationships during the reproductive season with the exception of February. However, there were significant differences in life histories, although the areas were only 4 km apart. Ovarian recrudescence was observed in fish from both areas in February, but ovaries of low salinity fish were more developed than ovaries of freshwater fish. All fish from both areas had regressed ovaries by late September. The monthly slopes of the brood size vs. standard length regressions were significantly different between areas throughout the reproductive season with the exception of June. Although freshwater fish produced heavier tail-free embryos, fish from low salinity had significantly higher GSI values and brood size throughout the reproductive season. These observations suggest that Gambusia affonis may have a greater reproductive effort in low salinity/near-neutral pH environments than in freshwater/low pH habitats.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to characterise the ground-level larval habitats of the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus, to determine the relationships between habitat characteristics and larval abundance and to examine seasonal larval-stage variations in Córdoba city. Every two weeks for two years, 15 larval habitats (natural and artificial water bodies, including shallow wells, drains, retention ponds, canals and ditches) were visited and sampled for larval mosquitoes. Data regarding the water depth, temperature and pH, permanence, the presence of aquatic vegetation and the density of collected mosquito larvae were recorded. Data on the average air temperatures and accumulated precipitation during the 15 days prior to each sampling date were also obtained. Cx. quinquefasciatus larvae were collected throughout the study period and were generally most abundant in the summer season. Generalised linear mixed models indicated the average air temperature and presence of dicotyledonous aquatic vegetation as variables that served as important predictors of larval densities. Additionally, permanent breeding sites supported high larval densities. In Córdoba city and possibly in other highly populated cities at the same latitude with the same environmental conditions, control programs should focus on permanent larval habitats with aquatic vegetation during the early spring, when the Cx. quinquefasciatus population begins to increase.  相似文献   

Abstract  Mosquitoes are a significant pest and human health issue in the Kingdom of Tonga. The occurrence of species and habitats used by mosquito larvae were investigated to determine the potential for control through larval habitat management. Forty-two sites, including 22 villages and 20 farm plantations on the six islands of Tongatapu, Pangaimotu, Vava'u, Pangaimotu (Vava'u group), 'Utungake and Nuku, were surveyed in April 2006. A total of eight mosquito species were collected: Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus), Ae. horrescens (Edwards), Ae. nocturnus (Theobold), Ae. tongae (Edwards), Culex albinervis (Edwards), Cx. annulirostris (Skuse), Cx. quinquefasciatus (Say) and Cx. sitiens (Wiedemann). Several species were widespread, particularly Ae. aegypti and Ae. nocturnus on the main island of Tongatapu, whereas Ae. aegypti dominated sites on islands of the Vava'u group. Comparative sampling of 17 village and 17 rural sites showed that larval habitat was more abundant in towns than in rural areas. Larvae were found in a wide range of habitats but were particularly abundant in artificial water bodies (e.g. disused concrete water tanks, 44-gallon drums and used car tyres). In rural sites, habitats were generally sparse except in rain-filled branch stems of giant taro plants. Mosquito populations in artificial habitats could be markedly reduced by seeding disused water tanks with aquatic predators already present in Tonga, using mesh-net covers over 44-gallon drums, and drilling holes in used car tyres.  相似文献   

大型底栖动物在当地生物多样性、食物链构成、水质指示和物质循环中有重要的作用, 但目前国内对森林内陆水体(湖泊、水库、溪流)中的大型底栖动物综合调查较少。作者于2019、2020年对广东车八岭国家级自然保护区的9个采样点开展了大型底栖动物的定性调查, 采样点涵盖保护区不同功能区、海拔、水体环境和水体底质。共鉴定出大型底栖动物4门6纲18目38科57种, 水生昆虫稚虫占大多数, 且多喜好清洁流动水体。在低海拔实验区即可采集到种类与数量可观的清洁水体指示物种。当地的大型底栖动物以亚热带森林典型物种为主, 多偏好栖息于流动水体, 反映了保护区的物种区系及其水体环境。本研究可为保护区的物种编目、环境评估和长期监测提供基础资料。  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the contribution of diverse larval habitats to adult Anopheles arabiensis Patton and Culex quinquefasciatus Say production in a rice land agro-ecosystem in Mwea, Kenya. Two sizes of cages were placed in different habitat types to investigate the influence of non-mosquito invertebrates on larval mortalities and the contribution of each habitat type to mosquito productivities, respectively. These emergence traps had fine netting material covers to prevent adult mosquitoes from ovipositing in the area covered by the trap and immature mosquitoes from entering the cages. The emergence of Anopheles arabiensis in seeps, tire tracks, temporary pools, and paddies was 10.53%, 17.31%, 12.50%, and 2.14%, respectively, while the corresponding values for Cx. quinquefasciatus were 16.85% in tire tracks, 8.39% in temporary pools, and 5.65% in the paddies from 0.125 m3 cages during the study. Cages measuring 1 m3 were placed in different habitat types which included paddy, swamp, marsh, ditch, pool, and seep to determine larval habitat productivity. An. arabiensis was the predominant anopheline species (98.0%, n = 232), although a few Anopheles coustani Laveran (2.0%, n = 5) emerged from the habitats. The productivity for An. arabiensis larvae was 6.0 mosquitoes per m2 for the temporary pools, 5.5 for paddy, 5.4 for marsh, 2.7 for ditch, and 0.6 for seep. The Cx. quinquefasciatus larval habitat productivity was 47.8 mosquitoes per m2 for paddies, 35.7 for ditches, 11.1 for marshes, 4.2 for seeps, 2.4 for swamps, and 1.0 for temporary pools. Pools, paddy, and marsh habitat types were the most productive larval habitats for An. arabiensis while paddy, ditch, and marsh were the most productive larval habitats for Cx. quinquefasciatus. The most common non-mosquito invertebrate composition in the cages included Dytiscidae, Notonectidae, Belostomatidae, and Ephemerellidae, and their presence negatively affected the number of emergent mosquitoes from the cages. In conclusion, freshly formed habitats are the most productive aquatic habitats, while old and more permanent habitats are the least productive due to natural regulation of mosquito immatures.  相似文献   

Laboratory evaluations were conducted in southeastern Queensland, Australia, to determine the toxicities of two organophosphate compounds (temephos and pirimiphos-methyl), an insect growth regulator (s-methoprene), and an entomopathogenic bacterium (Bacillus thuringiensis variety israelensis de Barjac [B.t.i.]) to Culex annulirostris (Skuse), an Australian freshwater mosquito vector of arboviruses, and to Caradina indistincta Calman, a co-habiting nontarget shrimp species. S-methoprene and B.t.i. were safest for Cx. annulirostris control with lethal dose ratios (LC95 nontarget/LC95 target) of 3,300 and 846,000, respectively. In contrast, lethal dose ratios for temephos and pirimiphos-methyl were 0.05 and 0.00005, respectively, suggesting that they are environmentally unsuitable. Based on their high lethal dose ratios, s-methoprene and B.t.i. are recommended for control of larval Cx. annulirostris in Australian freshwater habitats.  相似文献   

Freshwater ascomycetes are important decomposers of dead woody and herbaceous debris in aquatic habitats. Despite evidence of their ecological importance, latitudinal, habitat and substrate distributional patterns of freshwater ascomycetes are poorly understood. In this study, we examined the latitudinal and habitat distributional patterns, and substrate recurrences of freshwater ascomycetes by collecting dead submerged woody and herbaceous debris in lentic and lotic habitats at five selected sites along a north-central-south, temperate–subtropical latitudinal ecotone in Florida. One hundred and thirty-two fungal taxa were collected during the study. Seventy-four were meiosporic and 56 were mitosporic ascomycetes, while two species were basidiomycetes. Canonical analyses of principal coordinates (CAP) and Sørenson’s similarity index of species based on presence/absence data revealed a high turnover in species composition between the northern and southern sites, indicating a change in species composition along the temperate–subtropical latitudinal ecotone of the Florida Peninsula. Results from the ordination analysis indicated that freshwater ascomycete community composition is not significantly different between lentic and lotic habitats in Florida. The geographically broadly distributed species and species commonly found in Florida occurred in both habitats, whereas a number of new or rare species occurred in either lentic or lotic habitats, but not both. The same freshwater ascomycete species did not necessarily occur on both woody and herbaceous debris; of the 132 taxa collected, 100 were reported only on woody debris; 14 species occurred exclusively on herbaceous debris; and 18 species were found on both woody and herbaceous debris in lentic or lotic habitats. Implications of data from this study to the conservation and knowledge of biodiversity for freshwater ascomycetes is discussed.  相似文献   

To compare the efficacy of bird-baited traps with standard CO2-baited Centers for Disease Control (CDC) light traps for collecting ornithophilic mosquito species, seven Latin square trials were conducted at six urban sites in Cairns and Brisbane, Australia. Traps were placed 1 m above ground level and 5–10 m according to tree canopy height. CO2-baited CDC traps consistently collected more mosquitoes of all species than the bird-baited traps at all locations. In Brisbane, CO2-baited CDC traps placed at ground level collected significantly more Culex annulirostris Skuse than those at canopy height during two trials, and more Aedes vigilax (Skuse) and Ae. procax (Skuse) during one trial each. Conversely, in Cairns, CO2-baited CDC traps placed in the tree canopy collected significantly more Cx. squamosus (Taylor) during two trials, and significantly more Aedeomyia catasticta Knab and Cx. cubiculi Marks during one trial each. Consistently low yields of ornithophilic species including Cx. australicus Dobrotworsky & Drummond and Cx. quinquefasciatus Say in all traps tested suggests the need to employ alternative trapping measures to target these species in urban areas.  相似文献   

Mosquito borne diseases have remained a grave threat to human health and are posing a significant burden on health authorities around the globe. The understanding and insight of mosquito breeding habitats features is crucial for their effective management. Comprehensive larval surveys were carried out at 14 sites in Qatar. A total of 443 aquatic habitats were examined, among these 130 were found positive with Culex pipiens, Cx. quinquefasciatus, Cx. mattinglyi, Ochlerotatus dorsalis, Oc. caspius and Anopheles stephensi. The majority of positive breeding habitats were recorded in urban areas (67.6%), followed by livestock (13.8%), and least were in agriculture (10.7%). An. stephensi larvae were positively correlated with Cx. pipien, Cx. quinquefasciatus, and negatively with water salinity. Large and shaded habitats were the most preferred by An. stephensi. In addition, Cx. pipiens was positively associated with the turbidity and pH, and was negatively associated with vegetation and habitat size. A negative association of Cx. quinquefasciatus with dissolved oxygen, water temperature, and salinity, while positive with habitat surface area was observed. Oc. dorsalis was negatively correlated with pH, water temperature, depth, and habitat surface area, whereas salinity water was more preferable site for females to lay their eggs. These results demonstrate that environmental factors play a significant role in preference of both anopheline and culicine for oviposition, while their effective management must be developed as the most viable tool to minimize mosquito borne diseases.  相似文献   

Dog attracted mosquitoes were collected in Piedmont (NW Italy) in 1992 and 1993. Sampling sites where chosen on ecological and epidemiological basis, according to the results of a previous study on the distribution and prevalence of canine filariosis in this region. Dog baited traps were operated monthly (two nights/site from June to September) in six plain sites differing in the prevalence of heartworm infected dogs (including two sites where no positivity was recorded). A single capture was carried out in July-August in three more plain and four hill localities, as well as in a prealpine and a suburban zone inside the heartworm endemic area. The following species were collected (number of specimens in brackets): Aedes caspius (2255), Ae, cantans (1), Ae. cinereus (1), Ae, geniculatus (7), Ae. vexans (58), Aedes spp. (221), Anopheles claviger (1), An. maculipennis s.l. (405), Coquillettidia richiardii (16), Culex modestus (6361), Cx. pipiens (2032), Cx. territans (2), Culex spp. (94), Culiseta annulata (1). Cx. pipiens was captured in 15 sites, Cx. modestus and Ae. caspius in 13, and 12, respectively, An. maculipennis s.l. in 7, Ae. vexans in 6, Cq. richiardii in 4, Ae. geniculatus in 3, Cx. territans in 2, Ae. cantans, Ae. cinereus, An. claviger and Cs. annulata in one. Species abundance and relative composition differed between habitats and between similar habitats with a different prevalence of microfillaraemic dogs. Regression analysis of heartworm prevalence vs. mosquitoes abundance demonstrated a positive linear relationship. Data suggest that four species (Ae. caspius, An. maculipennis s.l., Cx. modestus and Cx. pipiens) are playing a major role in the transmission of canine filariosis in Piedmont.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted between May and June, 2006 to investigate the environmental factors affecting the distribution of An. arabiensis Patton and Culex quinquefasciatus Say in Mwea, Kenya. The sampling unit comprised all non-paddy aquatic habitats and ten randomly selected paddies and canals located within a 200 m radius from the periphery of the study site. Thirteen physico-chemical variables were recorded for each sampling site in each sampling occasion and a sample of mosquito larvae and other aquatic invertebrates collected. The non-paddy aquatic habitats identified included pools and marshes. Morphological identification of 1,974 mosquito larvae yielded four species dominated by Cx. quinquefasciatus (73.2%) and An. arabiensis (25.0%). Pools were associated with significantly higher Cx. quinquefasciatus larval abundance and less diversity of other aquatic invertebrates compared with other habitat types. In contrast, the abundance of An. arabiensis did not differ significantly among habitat types. Culex quinquefasciatus habitats had higher water conductivity and exhibited a higher abundance of other aquatic invertebrates than An. arabiensis habitats. Chi-square analysis indicated that the two species were more likely to coexist in the same habitats than would be expected by chance alone. Anopheles arabiensis larvae were positively associated with dissolved oxygen and adults of family Haliplidae and negatively associated with emergent vegetation and Heptageniidae larvae. Culex quinquefasciatus larvae were positively associated with dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, Chironomidae larvae, and Microvelidae adults and negatively associated with emergent vegetation. These findings suggest that both biotic and abiotic factors play a significant role in niche partitioning among Cx. quinquefasciatus and An. arabiensis, a factor that should be considered when designing an integrated vector control program.  相似文献   

Production and outmigration of young-of-year (YOY) northern pike from natal sites in Lower Green Bay, WI, USA, were documented over three consecutive years (2013–2015). We tested the hypothesis that spawning success and outmigration characteristics of YOY northern pike would vary among natural and anthropogenically modified habitats. Sixteen focal study locations were surveyed, including a restored natural wetland, agricultural drainage ditches, a flooded forested wetland and several unimpounded tributaries. We collected 1469 YOY northern pike with most individuals (N = 1163) originating from a flooded forested wetland on the east shore. Most sites produced YOY in all years (range N = 2–1145 individuals among study years). Outmigration ranged between 1 and 40 days during 2013–2015. Greater production and extended outmigration times occurred at most sites in 2014 (range 17–40 days) when the region experienced a late spring with heavy precipitation. In contrast, the lowest production and shortest outmigration period occurred at most sites in 2015 (range 14–23 days) when environmental conditions reflected regional averages. Outmigration began nearly 3 weeks earlier in 2015 (5/8) than in other study years (8 June 2013 and 25 May 2014). Total length (TL) of outmigrating northern pike ranged between 17 and 138 mm. Total length of YOY was significantly different among sites in 2013 and 2014, with the smallest fish (17 mm TL) outmigrating from agricultural ditches in both years. There were no significant variations in size among sites in 2015 (range 21–95 mm TL). Our results indicate significant variation in YOY northern pike outmigration characteristics within Lower Green Bay that may reflect the interplay between adult spawning site selection and annual weather patterns. Our findings highlight the importance of quantifying overlooked habitats in regions of mixed development.  相似文献   

Abstract The southern province of Guangdong has long been subject to endemic mosquito‐borne diseases. In recent years, this region of China has experienced rapid, extensive economic development involving environmental change, making much of the scant knowledge of its mosquito fauna obsolete. This paper reviews previous mosquito surveys, some of which may be too old to be of relevance to present‐day conditions, and presents the results of a recent survey of adult and immature mosquitoes. The main vectors of mosquito‐borne diseases endemic to the area, such as dengue and Japanese encephalitis virus, develop in container habitats. A three‐year survey was carried out, between 2004 and 2006, of 4131 breeding containers in residential areas and in open, sparsely populated areas, of which approximately 50% were positive for the presence of mosquitoes, and 10 156 larvae and pupae were collected and identified. Twelve species were found in both residential and sparsely populated areas: Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae), Ae. lineatopennis (Ludlow), Ae. vexans (Meigen), Tanakaius togoi (Theobald), Culex barraudi Edwards, Cx dispectus Bram, Cx malayi (Leicester), Cx pallidothorax Theobald, Cx quinquefasciatus Say, Cx sitiens Wiedemann, Lutzia fuscanus Wiedemann and Tripteroides bambusa (Yamada). Armigeres subalbatus (Coquillett) was found only in containers in villages, whereas Ae. macfarlanei Edwards, Cx mimeticus Noé, Cx sinensis Theobald, Cx vegans Wiedemann, Cx wilfredi Colless and Mansonia uniformis (Theobald) were found only in non‐ or sparsely populated areas. In residential areas, the rank order of most common species, as measured by the proportion of containers colonized, was Ae. albopictus > Cx quinquefasciatus > Lu. fuscanus, whereas in sparsely populated areas the rank order was Cx quinquefasciatus > Ae. albopictus > Lu. fuscanus. Light traps in non‐ or sparsely populated areas caught 5995 adult mosquitoes of 25 species, some of which are not container breeders. The most common species were: Anopheles sinensis Wiedemann, An. maculatus Theobald, An. minimus Theobald, Ta. togoi, Cx bitaeniorhynchus Giles, Cx malayi, Cx quinquefasciatus, Cx sinensis Theobald, Cx sitiens, Cx tritaeniorhynchus Giles and Lu. fuscanus. It is noteworthy that nine species caught had not been previously recorded in Guangdong Province, highlighting the deficient knowledge of the current composition and distribution of the mosquito fauna of this part of China.  相似文献   

An understanding of urban aquatic environments as mosquito larval habitats is necessary to prioritize sites for surveillance and control of arbovirus vectors in urban areas. Natural and artificial water bodies at ground level that may be larval mosquito habitats in Córdoba city, Argentina were surveyed. Data on the characteristics of aquatic sites and the presence and abundance of mosquito larvae and pupae were collected in the summer of 2006, coinciding with the first report of human WNV and following an outbreak of St. Louis encephalitis in 2005. Eight species in the genera Aedes, Culex, and Mansonia were identified. At 64.2% (34 of 53) of the sites, only one species was collected, while 3.8% (2 of 53) had three associated species, the highest richness found per site. Culex quinquefasciatus represented over 99% (out of 32,729) of the specimens. It was also the most widely distributed and detected under diverse habitat conditions. Although puddles and semi‐permanent pools harbored a greater number of species, drainages and channels may be more relevant as risk factors from an epidemiological point of view because they showed the highest larval densities, mainly of Cx. quinquefasciatus (vector of SLE and WNV). Also, higher densities of this species were associated with stormwater runoff and sewage water, thus water management systems should be targeted and closely monitored for mosquito control purposes.  相似文献   

Somaweera R  Webb JK  Shine R 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e28533
Animals almost always use habitats non-randomly, but the costs and benefits of using specific habitat types remain unknown for many types of organisms. In a large lake in northwestern Australia (Lake Argyle), most hatchling (<12-month-old) freshwater crocodiles (Crocodylus johnstoni) are found in floating vegetation mats or grassy banks rather than the more widely available open banks. Mean body sizes of young crocodiles did not differ among the three habitat types. We tested four potential explanations for non-random habitat selection: proximity to nesting sites, thermal conditions, food availability, and exposure to predation. The three alternative habitat types did not differ in proximity to nesting sites, or in thermal conditions. Habitats with higher food availability harboured more hatchlings, and feeding rates (obtained by stomach-flushing of recently-captured crocodiles) were highest in such areas. Predation risk may also differ among habitats: we were twice as likely to capture a crocodile after seeing it in open-bank sites than in the other two habitat types. Thus, habitat selection of hatchling crocodiles in this system may be driven both by prey availability and by predation risk.  相似文献   

Coastal realignment is now widely instituted in the UK as part of local flood risk management plans to compensate for the loss of European protected habitat and to mitigate the effects of sea‐level rise and coastal squeeze. Coastal aquatic habitats have long been known to provide suitable habitats for brackish‐water mosquitoes and historically, coastal marshes were considered to support anopheline mosquito populations that were responsible for local malaria transmission. This study surveyed the eight largest managed realignment (MRA) sites in England (Essex and the Humber) for mosquito habitats. The apparent absence of anopheline mosquitoes exploiting aquatic habitats at all of these sites suggests that the risk of malaria associated with MRA sites is currently negligible. However, three of the eight sites supported populations of two nuisance and potential arboviral vector species, Aedes detritus and Aedes caspius. The aquatic habitats that supported mosquitoes resulted from a) specific design aspects of the new sea wall (ballast to mitigate wave action and constructed saline borrow ditches) that could be designed out or managed or b) isolated pools created through silt accretion or expansion of flooded zones to neighbouring pasture. The public health risks and recommendations for management are discussed in this report. This report highlights the need for pro‐active public health impact assessments prior to MRA development in consultation with the Health Protection Agency, as well as the need for a case‐by‐case approach to design and management to mitigate mosquito or mosquito‐borne disease issues now and in the future.  相似文献   

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