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The family Caviidae is represented in modern faunas by cavies and maras, whereas the family Hydrochoeridae is represented by capybaras. The evolutionary origin of these families has been related to a diversity of plesiomorphic fossil forms (recorded from the late Oligocene up to the middle Miocene) traditionally grouped in the family “Eocardiidae”. These fossil forms were included, together with Caviidae and Hydrochoeridae, within the Cavioidea s.s. (sensu stricto), because they share high crowned cheek teeth, double-hearted occlusal surface, short lower incisors, and moderate hystricognathy. Within Cavioidea s.s., caviids and hydrochoerids were interpreted as forming its crown group, because they have unique craniomandibular and dental features. In this contribution, a new taxon of Cavioidea s.s. from the middle Miocene of central Patagonia, Argentina, is described, and its phylogenetic position is determined on the basis of a morphological cladistic analysis in which “eocardiids” were included. The study permits the understanding of the sequence of appearance of characters that originated the highly divergent morphology of crown-group cavioids. The analysis of the sequence of appearance of the characters that traditionally diagnosed the crown group indicates that these changes did not occur at the same time. On the contrary, many of these features seem to have appeared at different nodes of the evolutionary history of Cavioidea s.s. The remarkably derived morphology of modern cavioids is the result of a stepwise appearance of a mosaic of evolutionary innovations that originated gradually along the history of Cavioidea during the late-middle Miocene.  相似文献   



Caviidae is a diverse group of caviomorph rodents that is broadly distributed in South America and is divided into three highly divergent extant lineages: Caviinae (cavies), Dolichotinae (maras), and Hydrochoerinae (capybaras). The fossil record of Caviidae is only abundant and diverse since the late Miocene. Caviids belongs to Cavioidea sensu stricto (Cavioidea s.s.) that also includes a diverse assemblage of extinct taxa recorded from the late Oligocene to the middle Miocene of South America (“eocardiids”).


A phylogenetic analysis combining morphological and molecular data is presented here, evaluating the time of diversification of selected nodes based on the calibration of phylogenetic trees with fossil taxa and the use of relaxed molecular clocks. This analysis reveals three major phases of diversification in the evolutionary history of Cavioidea s.s. The first two phases involve two successive radiations of extinct lineages that occurred during the late Oligocene and the early Miocene. The third phase consists of the diversification of Caviidae. The initial split of caviids is dated as middle Miocene by the fossil record. This date falls within the 95% higher probability distribution estimated by the relaxed Bayesian molecular clock, although the mean age estimate ages are 3.5 to 7 Myr older. The initial split of caviids is followed by an obscure period of poor fossil record (refered here as the Mayoan gap) and then by the appearance of highly differentiated modern lineages of caviids, which evidentially occurred at the late Miocene as indicated by both the fossil record and molecular clock estimates.


The integrated approach used here allowed us identifying the agreements and discrepancies of the fossil record and molecular clock estimates on the timing of the major events in cavioid evolution, revealing evolutionary patterns that would not have been possible to gather using only molecular or paleontological data alone.  相似文献   

Chinchilloidea is an emblematical group of caviomorph rodents characterized by euhypsodont, laminated cheek teeth. Recent molecular analyses proposed that the extant Dinomys (and implicitly its fossil allies) is also part of this group. Their relationships with fossil caviomorphs with less derived dental features are still obscured by the deficiency of the fossil record documenting its early dental evolution. The new genus and species Garridomys curunuquem, from the early Miocene deposits of the Cerro Bandera Formation, northern Patagonia, is here described. It is represented by numerous mandible and maxillary remains with dentition. This species has protohypsodont cheek teeth with three transverse crests in all ontogenetic stages arranged in a transitory S-shaped pattern, resembling putative early dinomyids. Garridomys curunuquem is here interpreted as the sister group of the clade including the living and fossil chinchillids; both chinchillas and viscaccias would have diverged from a Garridomys-like ancestor and acquired hypsodonty independently. Garridomys and other chinchilloids would have diverged from the lineage leading to chinchillids in pre-Oligocene times, suggesting a very early, still poorly documented chinchilloid radiation.  相似文献   

Rodents of the subfamily Ctenomyinae differentiated during the Late Miocene in relation to the development of open biomes in southern South America. This subfamily displays a peculiar and derived dental morphology characterized by euhypsodont molars with simplified occlusal figure. We analyze both adaptive and evolutionary significance of the gross molar morphology and the enamel microstructure of ctenomyines. In accordance with the basal position of the Xenodontomys lineage, dental changes experimented by this lineage illustrate a probable evolutionary pattern of acquisition of molar design for the subfamily. We propose that morphological trends in the lower molars of the Xenodontomys lineage would include changes arisen as a by-product from hypsodonty, and other adaptive ones. These latter comprise the acquisition of a crescent-shaped occlusal morphology, and the secondary acquisition of an external layer of radial enamel in the leading edge, which would favor the development of cutting edges. Such a secondary acquisition of radial enamel had not been found so far in other rodents. The evolutionary pattern of the dental changes in Xenodontomys reinforces the idea that anagenesis is frequent in the adaptive evolution of rodents.  相似文献   

Octodontoidea is the most species-rich clade among hystricomorph rodents, and has a fossil record going back to at least the late Oligocene. Affinities of fossils previous to the late Miocene differentiation of the extant families Abrocomidae, Echimyidae and Octodontidae are controversial, essentially because these fossils may share few apomorphies with modern species. In fact, pre-late Miocene representatives of Abrocomidae had not been recognised until very recently. Here we revise the early Miocene genus Acarechimys, originally assigned to Echimyidae, and alternatively to stem Octodontoidea or to Octodontidae. A systematic and parsimony-based phylogenetic analysis of the species traditionally included in Acarechimys showed that this genus is part of stem Abrocomidae. These results are primarily supported by morphology of the mandible and lower molars. Acarechimys is here restricted to three species, A. minutus, A. pulchellus and Acarechimys pascuali sp. nov., while another species, A. constans, is here transferred to a new abrocomid genus. The remaining species were nested within Octodontidae. According to these results, Abrocomidae might have been as diverse as its sister clade Octodontidae-Echimyidae during the late Oligocene–early Miocene. Extinction of this diversity would have resulted in marked loss of evolutionary history, with extant abrocomids being currently restricted to late-diverged euhypsodont representatives.  相似文献   

Gaimanophis is an extinct boid genus represented so far by a single species (Gaimanophis tenuis) known by isolated vertebrae from the early Miocene of Patagonia. In this paper, a new species of Gaimanophis is described from the India Muerta Formation (late Miocene) of Tucumán province (Argentina). Gaimanophis powelli sp. nov. distinguishes itself from G. tenuis mainly in its larger size, prezygapophyses less slanting, neural spine shorter dorsally than ventrally, and zygosphene straight bearing an anteriorly protruding tongue. This record indicates a wider temporal and geographical distribution of the genus from the early Miocene of Patagonia to the late Miocene of northwestern Argentina. The recognition of a new species of boid in South America increases the known diversity of this group. Although boids have inhabited in this territory since the Paleocene, fossils belonging to the group only show a glimpse of the real past diversity in the continent.  相似文献   

The patterns of Patagonian vegetation change suggest a strong relationship between the major thermal characters of the flora and the global paleoclimatic trends during Tertiary times. This conclusion was reached from the assessment of fossil pollen data from Patagonia throughout the Paleogene and Early Neogene periods and the subsequent comparison of palynological data to the global deep-sea oxygen isotope record. Four main time intervals were recognized based on the temporal distribution of selected angiosperm key taxa. (1) Paleocene to Early Eocene: presence of megatherm elements (e.g. Nypa, Pandanus), probably integrating mangrove communities in Patagonian lowlands. (2) Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene: rise to dominance of mesotherm and microtherm Nothofagus species. Megatherm taxa were well recorded at the beginning of this interval (e.g. Ilex) but were shown to disappear towards the end. (3) Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene: new increases of megatherm taxa such as palms, Cupania and Alchornea. First occurrences of mesotherm Asteraceae, represented by trailing Mutisieae, were reported. (4) Late Miocene: dispersal of meso-microtherm and arid adapted taxa (e.g. Ephedraceae and Asteraceae) across the non-Andean region of Patagonia. Microtherm Nothofagacean forests probably occurred on the higher rainfall regions of western Patagonia. The current vegetation was most likely reached during this last stage with the forest development under wetter conditions on the Andean sectors, and the steppe throughout the non-Andean region of Patagonia.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(6):643-662
Several systematic revisions of the Hegetotheriidae have been published in the last twenty years, but some important taxonomic work remains limited to unpublished studies. In one such thesis, the late Oligocene genera Prosotherium and Propachyrucos were revised, so that Prosotherium garzoni and Propachyrucos smithwoodwardi were considered the only valid species for each genus. Later authors loosely accepted these informal revisions, but recent phylogenetic coding has yet to accurately reflect these revisions, with character states often at odds with the known material for these genera. This study re-examines most of the fossil material assigned to Propachyrucos and Prosotherium, including both published and unpublished fossils, and contributes to a better understanding of the systematics, taxonomic diversity and early morphological evolution of the pachyrukhines. We conclude that Prosotherium garzoni and Propachyrucos smithwoodwardi are indeed the only valid species for each genus, confirming the influential but unpublished revisions that have become widely accepted. The known material for these species is clarified to aid future phylogenetic studies. At the same time, Propachyrucos aequilatus and Pr. robustus are herein considered nomina dubia. Additionally, Miocene species originally ascribed to Propachyrucos, along with unpublished material loosely assigned to the same genus, are here synonymized with other genera. Finally, several fossils previously recognized as Prosotherium sp. are here recognized as Pgarzoni.  相似文献   

Hypsosteiromys is the only New World porcupine that shows a tendency to hypsodonty. It is recorded exclusively from the Colhuehuapian Age (Early Miocene) of central Patagonia (Argentina). In addition to the type species, a second one, Hypsosteiromys nectus(AMEGHINO, 1902), is recognized, from the southern cliff of Colhuehuapi Lake (Chubut province). It differs from the type species in the lesser development of the anterolabial and posteroflexid notches of the m1-3, shorter p4 and dp4, and more slender incisors. Dental morphology suggests that the species of Hypsosteiromys lived in more open areas than most fossil and living Erethizontidae.  相似文献   

The Asian interior arid zone is the largest desert landform system in the Northern Hemisphere, and has high biodiversity. Little is currently known about the evolutionary history of its biota. In this study, we used Zygophyllum, an important and characteristic component of the Asian interior arid zone, to provide new insights into the evolution of this biota. By greatly enlarged taxon sampling, we present the phylogenetic analysis of Asian Zygophyllum based on two plastid and one nuclear markers. Our phylogenetic analyses indicate that Asian Zygophyllum and Sarcozygium form a clade and Sarcozygium is further embedded within the shrub subclade. An integration of phylogenetic, biogeographic, and molecular dating methods indicates that Zygophyllum successfully colonized the Asian interior from Africa in the early Oligocene, and Asian Zygophyllum became differentiated in the early Miocene and underwent a burst of diversification in the late Miocene associated with the expansion of Asian interior arid lands due to orogenetic and climatic changes. Combining diversification patterns of other important components of the Asian interior arid zone, we propose a multi-stage evolution model for this biota: the late Eocene–early Oligocene origin, the early Miocene expansion, and the middle-late Miocene rapid expansion to the whole Asian interior arid zone. This study also demonstrates that, for Zygophyllum and perhaps other arid-adapted organisms, arid biomes are evolutionary cradles of diversity.  相似文献   

Caviomorphs (South American hystricognaths) are recorded in the continent since the middle Eocene. The middle Eocene–early Oligocene is considered a key moment for their evolutionary history because by the early Oligocene they were differentiated into four superfamilies: Octodontoidea, Cavioidea, Chinchilloidea and Erethizontoidea. Due to their generalized dental patterns and abundance in the fossil record, Octodontoidea are interesting for analysing the origin and early history of caviomorphs. The phylogenetic relationships of the earliest octodontoids are studied herein. Results confirmed a basal caviomorph diversification in the middle Eocene (c. 45 Mya), with one lineage leading to Pan‐Octodontoidea, and another leading to Erethizontoidea, Cavioidea and Chinchilloidea, which is not in accordance with analyses based on molecular data. Three major radiations were identified: the first one (late Eocene?/early Oligocene?) occurred in low latitudes with the differentiation of Pan‐Octodontoidea and the earliest crown‐Octodontoidea. The second radiation (late Oligocene) was a large‐scale South American event; in the southernmost part of the continent it is recognized as the first Patagonian octodontoid radiation, which provided the characteristic high morphological disparity of the superfamily. The third radiation (late Miocene) is characterized by the replacement of ‘old’ by ‘modern’ octodontoids; the nature of this third event needs to be study in a broader taxonomic context. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The evolutionary pattern of the molar morphology of the small caviomorph (Octodontidae) Neophanomys from the late Miocene Cerro Azul Formation of central Argentina is analyzed. Two new species (chronomorphs) are recognized, which constitute an anagenetically evolving lineage with a gradual and directional pattern of increasing molar hypsodonty. Dental changes related to increasing hypsodonty are comparable to those of the octodontid lineage Chasichimys also recovered from the Cerro Azul Formation. However, Neophanomys shows comparatively less variation in gross morphology and there are no evidences that this lineage achieved euhypsodonty. In contrast, important changes in enamel microstructure (schmelzmuster) are observed among different populations of Neophanomys, supporting the hypothesis that these changes can occur at least partially independently from modifications in dental gross morphology. The patterns of dental evolution detected in the Neophanomys and Chasichimys-Xenodontomys lineages and the unequivocal polarity of the changes involved, related to increasing hypsodonty, reinforce the hypothesis that chronological differences exist among late Miocene outcroppings of Cerro Azul Formation in central Argentina.  相似文献   

The study of how climatic niches change over evolutionary time has recently attracted the interest of many researchers. Different methodologies have been employed principally to analyze the temporal dynamics of the niche and specially to test for the presence of phylogenetic niche conservatism. Menonvillea, a genus of Brassicaceae including 24 species, is distributed primarily along the Andes of Argentina and Chile, with some taxa growing in southern Patagonia and others in the Atacama Desert and the Chilean Matorral. The genus is highly diversified morphologically but also presents a remarkably wide ecological range, growing from the high Andean elevations, to the dry coastal deserts in Chile, or the Patagonia Steppe in Argentina. In this study, we used molecular phylogenies together with climatic data to study climatic niche evolution in the genus. The results show that the main climatic niche shifts in Menonvillea occurred between the sections Cuneata-Scapigera and sect. Menonvillea throughout the Mid-Late Miocene, and associated with the two main geographical distribution centers of the genus: the highlands of the central-southern Andes and the Atacama Desert-Chilean Matorral, respectively. Climatic niches in these lineages were mainly differentiated by the aridity and potential evapotranspiration, the minimum temperatures of the coldest month, and the temperature annual range and seasonality. Niche evolution in Menonvillea deviated from a Brownian motion process, with most of the climatic dimension best-fitting to an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model of multiple adaptive peaks. Our results also indicated that higher aridity levels and lower annual temperature ranges were associated with the evolution of the annual habit, as exemplified by the distribution of sect. Menonvillea. Finally, the results suggested that climatic niche evolution in Menonvillea exhibited some degree of phylogenetic niche conservatism, fundamentally within the two main lineages (sect. Menonvillea and sects. Cuneata-Scapigera).  相似文献   

The cosmopolitan genus Fraxinus, which comprises about 40 species of temperate trees and shrubs occupying various habitats in the Northern Hemisphere, represents a useful model to study speciation in long-lived angiosperms. We used nuclear external transcribed spacers (nETS), phantastica gene sequences, and two chloroplast loci (trnH-psbA and rpl32-trnL) in combination with previously published and newly obtained nITS sequences to produce a time-calibrated multi-locus phylogeny of the genus. We then inferred the biogeographic history and evolution of floral morphology. An early dispersal event could be inferred from North America to Asia during the Oligocene, leading to the diversification of the section Melioides sensus lato. Another intercontinental dispersal originating from the Eurasian section of Fraxinus could be dated from the Miocene and resulted in the speciation of F. nigra in North America. In addition, vicariance was inferred to account for the distribution of the other Old World species (sections Sciadanthus, Fraxinus and Ornus). Geographic speciation likely involving dispersal and vicariance could also be inferred from the phylogenetic grouping of geographically close taxa. Molecular dating suggested that the initial divergence of the taxonomical sections occurred during the middle and late Eocene and Oligocene periods, whereas diversification within sections occurred mostly during the late Oligocene and Miocene, which is consistent with the climate warming and accompanying large distributional changes observed during these periods. These various results underline the importance of dispersal and vicariance in promoting geographic speciation and diversification in Fraxinus. Similarities in life history, reproductive and demographic attributes as well as geographical distribution patterns suggest that many other temperate trees should exhibit similar speciation patterns. On the other hand, the observed parallel evolution and reversions in floral morphology would imply a major influence of environmental pressure. The phylogeny obtained and its biogeographical implications should facilitate future studies on the evolution of complex adaptive characters, such as habitat preference, and their possible roles in promoting divergent evolution in trees.  相似文献   

One of the basal Glyptodontidae groups is represented by the Propalaehoplophorinae (late Oligocene — middle Miocene), whose genera (Propalaehoplophorus, Eucinepeltus, Metopotoxus, Cochlops, andAsterostemma) were initially recognized in Argentinian Patagonia. Among these,Asterostemma was characterized by its wide latitudinal distribution, ranging from southernmost (Patagonia) to northernmost (Colombia, Venezuela) South America. However, the generic assignation of the Miocene species from Colombia and Venezuela (A.? acostae, A. gigantea, andA. venezolensis) was contested by some authors, who explicitly accepted the possibility that these species could correspond to a new genus, different from those recognized in southern areas. A new comparative study of taxa from Argentinian Patagonia, Colombia and Venezuela (together with the recognition of a new genus and species for the Pliocene of the latter country) indicates that the species in northern South America are not Propalaehoplophorinae, but represent the first stages in the cladogenesis of the Glyptodontinae glyptodontids, the history of which was heretofore restricted to the late Miocene — early Holocene of southernmost South America. Accordingly, we propose the recognition of the new genusBoreostemma for the species from northern South America and the restriction ofAsterostemma to the Miocene of Patagonia. Thus, the available data indicate that the Glyptodontinae would in fact have arisen in the northernmost regions of this continent. Their arrival to more southerly areas coincides with the acme of the “Age of Southern Plains”. The Propalaehoplophorinae are geographically restricted to Patagonia.  相似文献   

The family Caviidae is one of the most diverse groups among South American hystricognath rodents and is represented by three main living lineages: Caviinae (cavies), Dolichotinae (maras) and Hydrochoerinae (capybaras). Caviinae includes the smaller forms of caviids represented by the extant Microcavia, Cavia and Galea. They are distributed in a wide range of environments throughout South America. In addition, three other genera from the late Miocene–Pliocene (Dolicavia, Palaeocavia and Neocavia) are recognised in high latitudes. In northwestern Argentina, the fossil forms of Caviinae have been poorly studied and for most of them there is no precise stratigraphic information. We describe and evaluate the phylogenetic affinities of the most ancient caviine from the Chiquimil Formation, Catamarca province, northwestern Argentina (9.14–7.14 ma). According to the morphological analysis of the mandibular and dental morphology and the results of the phylogenetic analysis, we assigned the new species tentatively to genus Palaeocavia. The phylogenetic position of the new species suggests an earlier origin for the lineage Palaeocavia + Cavia and for the entire clade Caviinae.  相似文献   

The evolution of increased tooth crown height is considered to be an adaptation for coping with excessive rates of dental wear associated with abrasive herbivorous diets, such as grazing and(or high levels of exogenous grit (e.g. dust, sand, ash). Evolutionary trends in the crown heights of North American ungulates are grossly consistent with a transition from closed forests in the early Eocene to open grasslands in the late Miocene. However, the evolutionary proliferation of hypsodonty (high crowned teeth) in the early and middle Miocene occurs later than the apparent origin of open grassland habitats in North America. The paleoecology of species from the interval between the appearance of grasslands and the evolutionary proliferation of hypsodonty is critical to understanding the role of Cenozoic climate change in mammalian evolution. The paleodiets of late Eocene to middle Miocene oreodonts (Merycoidodontidae) were reconstructed by examining the relative facet development of molars (mesowear). A two-phase diet trend was discovered. Phase 1 suggests either an average reduction in the amount of exogenous grit from the late Eocene to early Oligocene or a decrease in fruit consumption related to the disappearance of more wooded habitats. Phase 2 is a gradual transition from early Oligocene low-abrasion browsing to high abrasion diets similar to mixed feeding and grazing in the Miocene. According to mesowear data, oreodont diets similar to those of modern grazers in terms of abrasion are not seen until the early Miocene (early Hemingfordian land mammal age). The coevolutionary relationship of molar crown height and diet, as represented by mesowear, was examined using phylogenetically independent contrasts. No significant coevolutionary relationship was found. In several instances, diet was found to shift over time despite morphological stasis (i.e. within a single species). These results do not clearly indicate that the overall trend of increasing dietary abrasion imposed sufficient selection to drive crown height evolution in oreodonts. Therefore, direct fossil evidence of dietary abrasion as a causal factor in the evolution of crown height, at least in this clade, is elusive.  相似文献   

Apathya is a lacertid genus occurring mainly in south-east Turkey and its adjacent regions (part of Iran and Iraq). So far two morphological species have been attributed to the genus; A. cappadocica (with five subspecies, A. c. cappadocica, A. c. muhtari, A. c. schmidtlerorum, A. c. urmiana and A. c. wolteri) and A. yassujica. The first species occupies most of the genus’ distribution range, while A. yassujica is endemic of the Zagros Mountains. Here, we explored Apathya’s taxonomy and investigated the evolutionary history of the species by employing phylogenetic and phylogeographic approaches and using both mitochondrial (mtDNA) and nuclear markers. The phylogenetic relationships and the genetic distances retrieved, revealed that Apathya is a highly variable genus, which parallels its high morphological variation. Such levels of morphological and genetic differentiation often exceed those between species of other Lacertini genera that are already treated as full species, suggesting the necessity for a taxonomic revision of Apathya. The phylogeographical scenario emerging from the genetic data suggests that the present distribution of the genus was determined by a combination of dispersal and vicariance events between Anatolia and Southwest Asia dating back to the Miocene and continuing up to the Pleistocene. Key geological events for the understanding of the phylogeography of the genus are the movement of the Arabian plate that led to the configuration of Middle East (orogenesis of the mountain ranges of Turkey and Iran) and the formation of Anatolian Diagonal.  相似文献   

The Oligocene Epoch was a time of major radiation of the Odontoceti (echolocating toothed whales, dolphins). Fossils reveal many odontocete lineages and considerable structural diversity, but whether the clades include some crown taxa or only archaic groups is contentious. The New Zealand fossil dolphin “Prosqualodon” marplesi (latest Oligocene, ≥23.9 Ma) is here identified as a crown odontocete that represents a new genus, Otekaikea, and adds to the generic diversity of Oligocene odontocetes. Otekaikea marplesi is known only from the holotype, which comprises a partial skeleton from the marine Otekaike Limestone of the Waitaki Valley. Otekaikea marplesi was about 2.5 m long; it had procumbent anterior teeth, and a broad dished face for the nasofacial muscles implicated in production of echolocation sounds. The prominent condyles and unfused cervical vertebrae suggest a flexible neck. A phylogenetic analysis based on morphological features places Otekaikea marplesi in the extinct group Waipatiidae, within the clade Platanistoidea. The phylogeny implies an Oligocene origin for the lineage now represented by the endangered Ganges River dolphin (Platanista gangetica), supporting an Oligocene history for the crown Odontoceti.  相似文献   

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