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About 25% of the double-stranded sequences isolated from pre-mRNA are able to hybridize, after melting, with either mRNA or non-melted pre-mRNA. The retention of one branch of pre-mRNA hairpin in mRNA was suggested. It was also found that in addition to the hairpin-like structures comprising about 3% of the total sequences another 15% of the pre-mRNA sequences can form double-stranded structures upon annealing over a broad interval of Cot values.  相似文献   

Melted ds RNA isolated from rabbit bone marrow pre-mRNA was hybridized with excess of globin mRNA which was prepared from rabbit reticulocytes. 7-9% of ds sequences became RNAase-stable and about 30% of the sequences could be bound to poly(U)-Sepharose through poly (A) of mRNA. The size of RNAase-stable hybrid is about 30 nucleotides, that is one fourth of the length of one strand of the ds RNA.  相似文献   

About 2% of mouse DNA reassociates at extremely low Cot values (10-7-10-6 mole-liter-1-sec). This DNA fraction was isolated with the aid of nuclease S1 and purified by chromatography on hydroxyapatite. The study of this fraction suggests that it has a structure of hairpin type. The DNA of the hairpins can hybridize with sequences forming the double-stranded regions in pre-mRNA. Probably at least some of the DNA of the hairpins, described as "reversed repeating sequences" of DNA, is transcribed with the formation of structures of hairpin type in pre-mRNA.  相似文献   

Some properties of the double-stranded regions of pre-mRNA are discribed. 1. The double-stranded regions contain approximately 80 base pairs. 2. The material contains the heterogeneous populations of sequences and some homogenous material which renatures with a COT1/2 value of (1.5-3) X 10(-4). 3. Identical sequences of fast-renaturing "hairpins" may be found in various tissues. 4. Double-stranded RNA and mRNA have some sequences complementary to each other. These results consistent with the view that the hairpin sequences may act as specific recognition sites for ribonucleases involved in processing of pre-mRNA.  相似文献   

Hybridization of labeled low molecular weight (LMW) nuclear RNA's to pre-mRNA from rabbit non-matured erythroid bone marrow cells or globin mRNA from reticulocytes revealed three RNA species having approximately 90, 100 and 160 nucleotides which are were specifically hybridized with purified cytoplasmic globin messenger RNA, while one (100 nucleotides) was also hybridized with rabbit 18S rRNA. The identity of these rabbit RNAs to LMW RNAs described for other animal species, as well as their possible hybridization sites and function are discussed.  相似文献   

The total poly(A)-containing mRNA from mouse liver or Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells was annealed with denatured ds RNA prepared from heavy nuclear 3H-labeled pre-mRNA of the same tissue. The hybrids formed were detected by binding of complexes to poly(U)-Sepharose columns through the poly(A) of mRNA. With this technique, about 30% of labeled ds RNA was bound to poly(U)-Sepharose after annealing it with an mRNA excess. The proportion of hybrid material detected by RNase treatment was two to three times lower than that obtained by poly(U)-Sepharose binding. The length of the RNase-stable acid precipitable hybrid material consisted of heterogeneous sequences of 10–100 nucleotides long when cytoplasmic, and 10–60 nucleotides long when polysomal mRNA was used in the hybridization reaction. The results obtained show that at least some of the mRNA molecules contain sequences complementary to one of the branches of the pre-mRNA hairpins. These results are compatible with the idea that the hairpin-like sequences in pre-mRNA are localized between mRNA and the non-informative part of the precursor molecule.  相似文献   

After the annealing of pre-mRNA at high Cot values, up to 20% of the material becomes resistant to the action of ribonuclease. This has been attributed to the presence of self-complementary sequences (scRNA) in the pre-mRNA. The most important properties of scRNA, which was isolated in preparative amounts, have been studied. The approximate dimensions of the complementary segments are 45-50 nucleotides. Hybridization experiments have shown that scRNA is transcribed from repeated segments of the genome. It may be postulated that the rapidly hybridizing pre-mRNA fraction consists mainly of self-complementary sequences.  相似文献   

Regulated nuclear polyadenylation of Xenopus albumin pre-mRNA.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Cytoplasmic regulation of the length of poly(A) on mRNA is a well-characterized process involved in translational control during development. In contrast, there is no direct in vivo evidence for regulation of the length of poly(A) added during nuclear pre-mRNA processing in somatic cells. We previously reported that Xenopus serum albumin [Schoenberg et al. (1989) Mol. Endocrinol. 3, 805-815] and transferrin [Pastori et al. (1992) J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. 42, 649-657], mRNA have exceptionally short poly(A) tails ranging from 12 to 17 residues, whereas vitellogenin mRNA has long poly(A). An RT-PCR protocol was adapted to determine the length of poly(A) added onto pre-mRNA, defined here as that species bearing the terminal intron. Using this assay we show that vitellogenin pre-mRNA has the same long poly(A) tail as mature vitellogenin mRNA. In contrast, albumin pre-mRNA has the same short poly(A) as found on fully-processed albumin mRNA. These results indicate that the short poly(A) tail on albumin mRNA results from regulation of poly(A) addition during nuclear 3' processing.  相似文献   

The globin mRNA sequences present in duck erythroblast nuclei appear under non-denaturing conditions to be associated with heterogeneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA) molecules of various sizes. Under denaturing conditions, however, the bulk of the globin mRNA sequences associated with hnRNA are released as molecules of size close to that of the active globin mRNA. To find out whether hydrogen-bonded structures occur in situ or arise after RNA extraction, nuclei were treated with aminomethyltrioxalen and exposed to ultraviolet light. This treatment generates covalent links between opposite strands of double-stranded nuclei acids, which were visualised by electron microscopy. It appears that, after cross-linking, a fraction of the globin mRNA sequences present in nuclei is associated with high-molecular-weight hnRNA molecules by a link found associated with a band of 0.9 x 10(6) molecular weight approximately. It is suggested that within the erythroblast nucleus, globin mRNA sequences are associated by hydrogen bonds with RNA of high molecular weight. These structures may represent intermediate steps in globin mRNA processing.  相似文献   

Tissue distribution of bikunin mRNA, which encodes a Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor of the inter-alpha-inhibitor family (IalphaI), was studied in rats and mice by the reverse-transcripsion polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). We found that the liver as well as other tissues, such as the kidney, testis and adrenal gland, expressed bikunin mRNA. Although signals of bikunin mRNA were faint in the whole brain of rats and mice, distinct signals were found in limited portions of rat brain, such as the hippocampus, cerebral cortex and pituitary, but undetectable in cerebellum, medulla oblongata, hypothalamus, striatum, midbrain and choroid plexus. In three distinct types of cells, such as neurons, astrocytes and meningeal cells, in primary cultures isolated from the cerebral cortex and meninges of 1-day-old newborn rats, only neurons positively expressed bikunin mRNA. These results suggest that, in addition to peripheral tissues, neurons in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex produce bikunin, suggesting a potential role of bikunin/IalphaI family in these brain regions.  相似文献   

The quantitative changes of double-stranded RNA components of nuclear ribonucleo-protein particles containing pre-mRNA was investigated in the course of incubation of particles at 37 ° C. The incubation of purified nuclear particles revealed the fragmentation of long double-stranded RNA sequences into shorter stretches. The presence of nuclear sap in the incubation mixture resulted in degradation of the double-stranded RNAs into acid soluble products. Autodegradation and/or ribonuclease treatment of nuclear RNP particles is accompanied by quantitative changes in the minor protein constituents of informofer.  相似文献   

A number of antibiotics have been reported to disturb the decoding process in prokaryotic translation and to inhibit the function of various natural ribozymes. We investigated the effect of several antibiotics on in vitro splicing of a eukaryotic nuclear pre-mRNA (beta-globin). Of the eight antibiotics studied, erythromycin, Cl-tetracycline and streptomycin were identified as splicing inhibitors in nuclear HeLa cell extract. The K(i) values were 160, 180 and 230 microm, respectively. Cl-tetracycline-mediated and streptomycin-mediated splicing inhibition were in the molar inhibition range for hammerhead and human hepatitis delta virus ribozyme self-cleavage (tetracycline), of group-I intron self-splicing (streptomycin) and inhibition of RNase P cleavage by some aminoglycosides. Cl-tetracycline and the aminocyclitol glycoside streptomycin were found to have an indirect effect on splicing by unspecific binding to the pre-mRNA, suggesting that the inhibition is the result of disturbance of the correct folding of the pre-mRNA into the splicing-compatible tertiary structure by the charged groups of these antibiotics. The macrolide, erythromycin, the strongest inhibitor, had only a slight effect on formation of the presplicing complexes A and B, but almost completely inhibited formation of the splicing-active C complex by binding to nuclear extract component(s). This results in direct inhibition of the second step of pre-mRNA splicing. To our knowledge, this is the first report on specific inhibition of nuclear splicing by an antibiotic. The functional groups involved in the interaction of erythromycin with snRNAs and/or splicing factors require further investigation.  相似文献   

DNA preparations from about hundred randomly selected clones containing mouse DNA fragments were screened for the existence of sequences complementary to long double-stranded regions of pre-mRNA able to snap back after melting (dsRNA-B). Many clones containing such sequences were found. The cloned sequences can be subdivided into three groups: (1) those complementary to about a half (at least to 30-40%) of the total dsRNA, designated as sequences B1; (2) those complementary to a part of sequence B1; and (3) sequences complementary to about a quarter (at least to 15%) of the total dsRNA referred to as sequence B2. The size of DNA sequence complementary to dsRNA is about 400 base pairs.Melting experiments with hybrids show that the members of B1 family are very similar if not identical, while the divergence among B2 sequences is higher, but still the number of substitutions does not exceed 9% of bases. Thus, the major part of dsRNA-B consists of a small number of highly abundant sequences as was suggested earlier on the basis of renaturation kinetics /1-3/. Sequences B1 and B2 are represented by many copies in the mouse genome and in pre-mRNA, and many of them probably do not form hairpin-like structures.  相似文献   

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