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Peptides derived from protein kinase C (PKC) modulate its activity by interfering with critical protein-protein interactions within PKC and between PKC and PKC-binding proteins (Souroujon, M. C., and Mochly-Rosen, D. (1998) Nat. Biotechnol. 16, 919-924). We previously demonstrated that the C2 domain of PKC plays a critical role in these interactions. By focusing on epsilonPKC and using a rational approach, we then identified one C2-derived peptide that acts as an isozyme-selective activator and another that acts as a selective inhibitor of epsilonPKC. These peptides were used to identify the role of epsilonPKC in protection from cardiac and brain ischemic damage, in prevention of complications from diabetes, in reducing pain, and in protecting transplanted hearts. The efficacy of these two peptides led us to search for additional C2-derived peptides with PKC-modulating activities. Here we report on the activity of a series of 5-9-residue peptides that are derived from regions that span the length of the C2 domain of epsilonPKC. These peptides were tested for their effect on PKC activity in cells in vivo and in an ex vivo model of acute ischemic heart disease. Most of the peptides acted as activators of PKC, and a few peptides acted as inhibitors. PKC-dependent myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate phosphorylation in epsilonPKC knock-out cells revealed that only a subset of the peptides were selective for epsilonPKC over other PKC isozymes. These epsilonPKC-selective peptides were also protective of the myocardium from ischemic injury, an epsilonPKC-dependent function (Liu, G. S., Cohen, M. V., Mochly-Rosen, D., and Downey, J. M. (1999) J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 31, 1937-1948), and caused selective translocation of epsilonPKC over other isozymes when injected systemically into mice. Examination of the structure of the C2 domain from epsilonPKC revealed that peptides with similar activities clustered into discrete regions within the domain. We propose that these regions represent surfaces of protein-protein interactions within epsilonPKC and/or between epsilonPKC and other partner proteins; some of these interactions are unique to epsilonPKC, and others are common to other PKC isozymes.  相似文献   

A new protein kinase C (PKC)-related cDNA with unique tissue distribution has been isolated and characterized. This cDNA encodes a protein, nPKC theta, which consists of 707 amino acid residues and showed the highest sequence similarity to nPKC delta (67.0% in total). nPKC theta has a zinc-finger-like cysteine-rich sequence (C1 region) and a protein kinase domain sequence (C3 region), both of which are common in all PKC family members. However, nPKC theta lacks a putative Ca2+ binding region (C2 region) that is seen only in the conventional PKC subfamily (cPKC alpha, -beta I, -beta II, and -gamma) but not in the novel PKC subfamily (nPKC delta, -epsilon, -zeta, and -eta). Northern (RNA) blot analyses revealed that the mRNA for nPKC theta is expressed predominantly in skeletal muscle. Furthermore, nPKC theta mRNA is the most abundantly expressed PKC isoform in skeletal muscle among the nine PKC family members. nPKC theta expressed in COS1 cells serves as a phorbol ester receptor. By the use of an antipeptide antibody specific to the D2-D3 region of the nPKC theta sequence, nPKC theta was recognized as a 79-kDa protein upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in mouse skeletal muscle extract and also in an extract from COS1 cells transfected with an nPKC theta cDNA expression plasmid. Autophosphorylation of immunoprecipitated nPKC theta was observed; it was enhanced by phosphatidylserine and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate but attenuated by the addition of Ca2+. These results clearly demonstrate that nPKC theta should be considered a member of the PKC family of proteins that play crucial roles in the signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

T-lymphocytes recognize a wide variety of antigens through highly diverse cell-surface glycoproteins known as T-cell receptors (TCRs). These disulfide-linked heterodimers are composed of alpha and beta or gamma and delta polypeptide chains consisting of variable (V) and constant (C) domains non-covalently associated with at least four invariant chains to form the TCR-CD3 complex. It is well established that alpha beta TCRs recognize antigen in the form of peptides bound to molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC); furthermore, information on the three-dimensional structure of alpha beta TCRs has recently become available through X-ray crystallography. In contrast, the antigen specificity of gamma delta TCRs is much less well understood and their three-dimensional structure is unknown. We have cloned the delta chain of a human TCR specific for the MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule and expressed the V domain as a secreted protein in the periplasmic space of Escherichia coli. Following affinity purification using a nickel chelate adsorbent, the recombinant V delta domain was crystallized in a form suitable for X-ray diffraction analysis. The crystals are orthorhombic, space group P2(1)2(1)2 with unit cell dimensions a = 69.9, b = 49.0, c = 61.6 A. and diffract to beyond 2.3 A resolution. The ability of a V delta domain produced in bacteria to form well-ordered crystals strongly suggests that the periplasmic space can provide a suitable environment for the correct in vivo folding of gamma delta TCRs.  相似文献   

The bacterial tripeptide formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLP) induces the secretion of enzyme(s) with phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) activity from human neutrophils. We show that circulating human neutrophils express groups V and X sPLA(2) (GV and GX sPLA(2)) mRNA and contain GV and GX sPLA(2) proteins, whereas GIB, GIIA, GIID, GIIE, GIIF, GIII, and GXII sPLA(2)s are undetectable. GV sPLA(2) is a component of both azurophilic and specific granules, whereas GX sPLA(2) is confined to azurophilic granules. Exposure to fMLP or opsonized zymosan results in the release of GV but not GX sPLA(2) and most, if not all, of the PLA(2) activity in the extracellular fluid of fMLP-stimulated neutrophils is due to GV sPLA(2). GV sPLA(2) does not contribute to fMLP-stimulated leukotriene B(4) production but may support the anti-bacterial properties of the neutrophil, because 10-100 ng per ml concentrations of this enzyme lead to Gram-negative bacterial membrane phospholipid hydrolysis in the presence of human serum. By use of a recently described and specific inhibitor of cytosolic PLA(2)-alpha (group IV PLA(2)alpha), we show that this enzyme produces virtually all of the arachidonic acid used for the biosynthesis of leukotriene B(4) in fMLP- and opsonized zymosan-stimulated neutrophils, the major eicosanoid produced by these pro-inflammatory cells.  相似文献   

The interactions of azidothymidine triphosphate, the metabolically active form of the anti-AIDS drug azidothymidine (zidovudine), with the cellular DNA polymerases alpha, delta, and epsilon, as well as with the RNA primer-forming enzyme DNA primase were studied in vitro. DNA polymerase alpha was shown to incorporate azidothymidine monophosphate into a growing polynucleotide chain. This occurred 2000-fold slower than the incorporation of natural dTTP. Despite the ability of polymerase alpha to use azidothymidine triphosphate as an alternate substrate, this compound was only marginally inhibitory to the enzyme (Ki greater than 1 mM). Furthermore, the DNA primase activity associated with DNA polymerase alpha was barely inhibited by azidothymidine triphosphate (Ki greater than 1 mM). Inhibition was more pronounced for DNA polymerases delta and epsilon. The type of inhibition was competitive with respect to dTTP, with Ki values of 250 and 320 microM, respectively. No incorporation of azidothymidine monophosphate was detectable with these two DNA polymerases because their associated 3'- to 5'-exonuclease activities degraded primer molecules prior to any measurable elongation. Template-primer systems with a preformed 3'-azidothymidine-containing primer terminus inhibited the three replicative polymerases rather potently. DNA polymerase alpha was inhibited with a Ki of 150 nM and polymerases delta and epsilon with Ki values of 25 and 20 nM, respectively. The type of inhibition was competitive with respect to the unmodified substrate poly(dA).oligo(dT) for all DNA polymerases tested. Performed 3'-azidothymidine-containing primers hybridized to poly(dA) were rather resistant to degradation by the 3'- to 5'-exonuclease of DNA polymerases epsilon and more susceptible to the analogous activity that copurified with DNA polymerase delta. It is proposed that the repair of 3'-azidothymidine-containing primers might become rate-limiting for the process of DNA replication in cells that have been treated with azidothymidine triphosphate.  相似文献   

Tau, sigma, and delta. A family of repeated elements in yeast   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
We report here the isolation and structure of a new repeated DNA element, tau. This element, from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is 371 base pairs long and is flanked on either end by the same invertedly repeated sequence found at the ends of some Ty and sigma elements in yeast, copia elements in Drosophila and spleen necrosis virus. The tau inverted repeats are themselves flanked by a 5-base pair directly repeated genomic sequence that is present only once in a cognate tau-allele. These structural characteristics, the presence of multiple copies of tau in the genome, and the isolation of tau+ and tau- allelic pairs suggest that tau may be capable of transposition either alone or in association with some larger element. Detailed sequence analysis of the tau, sigma, and delta elements revealed that all three contain significant regions of homology, suggesting that they are probably members of a single family derived from a common progenitor.  相似文献   

Exposure to ethanol for several days increases the number and function of dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2+ channels in excitable tissues. In the neural cell line PC12, this process is blocked by inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC), suggesting that PKC mediates ethanol-induced increases in Ca2+ channels. We report that treatment with 25-200 mM ethanol for 2-8 days increased PKC activity in PC12 cells and NG108-15 neuroblastoma-glioma cells. Detailed studies in PC12 cells showed that ethanol also increased phorbol ester binding and immunoreactivity to PKC delta and PKC epsilon. These changes were associated with increased PKC-mediated phosphorylation. Ethanol did not activate the enzyme directly, nor did ethanol increase levels of diacylglycerol. Ethanol-induced increases in PKC levels may promote up-regulation of Ca2+ channels, and may also regulate the expression and function of other proteins involved in cellular adaptation to ethanol.  相似文献   

The C2 domain is a Ca(2+)-binding motif of approximately 130 residues in length originally identified in the Ca(2+)-dependent isoforms of protein kinase C. Single and multiple copies of C2 domains have been identified in a growing number of eukaryotic signalling proteins that interact with cellular membranes and mediate a broad array of critical intracellular processes, including membrane trafficking, the generation of lipid-second messengers, activation of GTPases, and the control of protein phosphorylation. As a group, C2 domains display the remarkable property of binding a variety of different ligands and substrates, including Ca2+, phospholipids, inositol polyphosphates, and intracellular proteins. Expanding this functional diversity is the fact that not all proteins containing C2 domains are regulated by Ca2+, suggesting that some C2 domains may play a purely structural role or may have lost the ability to bind Ca2+. The present review summarizes the information currently available regarding the structure and function of the C2 domain and provides a novel sequence alignment of 65 C2 domain primary structures. This alignment predicts that C2 domains form two distinct topological folds, illustrated by the recent crystal structures of C2 domains from synaptotagmin 1 and phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C-delta 1, respectively. The alignment highlights residues that may be critical to the C2 domain fold or required for Ca2+ binding and regulation.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic membranes contain considerable regions of high surface curvature, notably at their margins, where the average radius of curvature is about 10 nm. The proportion of total membrane lipid in the outer and inner thylakoid margin monolayers is estimated at 21% and 13%, respectively. The major thylakoid lipid, monogalactosyldiacylglycerol, is roughly cone-shaped and will not form complete lamellar bilayer phases, even in combination with other thylakoid lipids. It is proposed that this galactolipid plays a role in: (a) stabilising regions of concave curvature in thylakoids; and (b) packaging hydrophobic proteins in planar bilayer regions by means of inverted micelles. This model predicts substantial asymmetries in the distribution of lipids both across and along the thylakoid bilayer plane.  相似文献   

Lag times in DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase delta holoenzyme were due to ATP-mediated formation of an initiation complex on the primed DNA by the polymerase with the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and replication factor C (RF-C). Lag time analysis showed that high affinity binding of RF-C to the primer terminus required PCNA and that this complex was recognized by the polymerase. The formation of stable complexes was investigated through their isolation by Bio-Gel A-5m filtration. A stable complex of RF-C and PCNA on primed single-stranded mp18 DNA was isolated when these factors were preincubated with the DNA and with ATP, or, less efficiently with ATP gamma S. These and additional experiments suggest that ATP binding promotes the formation of a labile complex of RF-C with PCNA at the primer terminus, whereas its hydrolysis is required to form a stable complex. Subsequently, DNA polymerase delta binds to either complex in a replication competent fashion without further energy requirement. DNA polymerase epsilon did not associate stably with RF-C and PCNA onto the DNA, but its transient participation with these cofactors into a holoenzyme-like initiation complex was inferred from its kinetic properties and replication product analysis. The kinetics of the elongation phase at 30 degrees, 110 nucleotides/s by DNA polymerase delta holoenzyme and 50 nucleotides/s by DNA polymerase epsilon holoenzyme, are in agreement with in vivo rates of replication fork movement in yeast. A model for the eukaryotic replication fork involving both DNA polymerase delta and epsilon is proposed.  相似文献   

RGS (regulator of G protein signaling) proteins are GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) for heterotrimeric G protein alpha subunits and negatively regulate G protein-mediated signal transduction. In this study, we determined the cDNA sequence of a novel Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) RGS protein. The predicted protein, termed C2-RGS, consists of 782 amino acids, and contains a C2 domain and an RGS domain. C2 domains are typically known to be Ca(2+) and phospholipid binding sites, found in many proteins involved in membrane traffic or signal transduction, and most of their biological roles are not identified. To study the function of C2-RGS protein, a series of six truncated versions of C2-RGS were constructed. When the full-length protein of C2-RGS was expressed transiently in AT1a-293T cells, ET-1-induced Ca(2+) responses were strongly suppressed. When each of the mutants with either RGS domain or C2 domain was expressed, the Ca(2+) responses were suppressed moderately. Furthermore, we found that C2 domain of PLC-beta1 also had a similar moderate inhibitory effect. RGS domain of C2-RGS bound to mammalian and C. elegans Galphai/o and Galphaq subunits only in the presence of GDP/AlF(4)(-), and had GAP activity to Galphai3. On the other hand, C2 domains of C2-RGS and PLC-beta1 also bound strongly to Galphaq subunit, in the presence of GDP, GDP/AlF(4)(-), and GTPgammaS, suggesting the stable persistent association between these C2 domains and Galphaq subunit at any stage during GTPase cycle. These results indicate that both the RGS domain and the C2 domain are responsible for the inhibitory effect of the full-length C2-RGS protein on Galphaq-mediated signaling, and suggest that C2 domains of C2-RGS and PLC-beta1 may act as a scaffold module to organize Galphaq and the respective whole protein molecule in a stable signaling complex, both in the absence and presence of stimulus.  相似文献   

Phylogeny and domain evolution in the APETALA2-like gene family   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The combined processes of gene duplication, nucleotide substitution, domain duplication, and intron/exon shuffling can generate a complex set of related genes that may differ substantially in their expression patterns and functions. The APETALA2-like (AP2-like) gene family exhibits patterns of both gene and domain duplication, coupled with changes in sequence, exon arrangement, and expression. In angiosperms, these genes perform an array of functions including the establishment of the floral meristem, the specification of floral organ identity, the regulation of floral homeotic gene expression, the regulation of ovule development, and the growth of floral organs. To determine patterns of gene diversification, we conducted a series of broad phylogenetic analyses of AP2-like sequences from green plants. These studies indicate that the AP2 domain was duplicated prior to the divergence of the two major lineages of AP2-like genes, euAP2 and AINTEGUMENTA (ANT). Structural features of the AP2-like genes as well as phylogenetic analyses of nucleotide and amino acid (aa) sequences of the AP2-like gene family support the presence of the two major lineages. The ANT lineage is supported by a 10-aa insertion in the AP2-R1 domain and a 1-aa insertion in the AP2-R2 domain, relative to all other members of the AP2-like family. MicroRNA172-binding sequences, the function of which has been studied in some of the AP2-like genes in Arabidopsis, are restricted to the euAP2 lineage. Within the ANT lineage, the euANT lineage is characterized by four conserved motifs: one in the 10-aa insertion in the AP2-R1 domain (euANT1) and three in the predomain region (euANT2, euANT3, and euANT4). Our expression studies show that the euAP2 homologue from Amborella trichopoda, the putative sister to all other angiosperms, is expressed in all floral organs as well as leaves.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) molecular species of GH4C1 cells were analyzed after separation by hydroxyapatite column chromatography. A novel Ca2(+)-independent PKC, nPKC epsilon, was identified together with two conventional Ca2(+)-dependent PKCs, PKC alpha and beta II by analysis of kinase and phorbol ester-binding activities, immunoblotting using isozyme-specific antibodies, and Northern blotting. These PKCs are down-regulated differently when cells are stimulated by outer stimuli; phorbol esters deplete PKC beta II and nPKC epsilon from the cells more rapidly than PKC alpha, whereas thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) at 200 nM depletes nPKC epsilon exclusively with a time course similar to that induced by phorbol esters. However, translocation of PKC alpha and beta II to the membranes is elicited by both TRH and phorbol esters. These results suggest that TRH and phorbol ester activate PKC alpha and beta II differently but that nPKC epsilon is stimulated similarly by both stimuli. Thus, in GH4C1 cells, Ca2(+)-independent nPKC epsilon may play a crucial role distinct from that mediated by Ca2(+)-dependent PKC alpha and beta II in a cellular response elicited by both TRH and phorbol esters.  相似文献   

H W Wang  P J Chen  C Z Lee  H L Wu    D S Chen 《Journal of virology》1994,68(10):6363-6371
Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is composed of four specific components. The first component is envelope protein which contains hepatitis B surface antigens. The second and third components are nucleocapsid proteins, referred to as small and large hepatitis delta antigens (HDAgs). The final component is a single-stranded circular RNA molecule known as the viral genome. In order to study the mechanism of HDV RNA packaging, a four-plasmid cotransfection system in which each viral component was provided by a separate plasmid was employed. Virus-like particles released from Huh-7 cells receiving such a cotransfection were found to contain HDV RNA along with three proteins. Therefore, the four-plasmid cotransfection system could lead to successful HDV RNA packaging in vitro. The system was then used to show that the large HDAg alone was able to achieve a low level of HDV RNA packaging. Analysis of a variety of large HDAg mutants revealed that the RNA-binding domain was essential for viral RNA packaging. By increasing the incorporation of small HDAg into virus-like particles, we found a three- to fourfold enhancement of HDV RNA packaging. This effect was probably through a direct binding of HDV RNA, independent from that of large HDAg, with the small HDAg. The subsequent RNA-protein complex was packaged into particles. The results provided insight into the roles and functional domains of small and large HDAgs in HDV RNA packaging.  相似文献   

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