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Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy is a late-onset disease caused by an elongation of a natural 10-alanine segment within the N-terminal domain of the nuclear poly(A)-binding protein 1 (PABPN1) to maximally 17 alanines. The disease is characterized by intranuclear deposits consisting primarily of PABPN1. In previous studies, we could show that the N-terminal domain of PABPN1 forms amyloid-like fibrils. Here, we analyze fibril formation of full-length PABPN1. Unexpectedly, fibril formation was independent of the presence of the alanine segment. With regard to fibril formation kinetics and resistance against denaturants, fibrils formed by full-length PABPN1 had completely different properties from those formed by the N-terminal domain. Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy and limited proteolysis showed that fibrillar PABPN1 has a structure that differs from native PABPN1. Circumstantial evidence is presented that the C-terminal domain is involved in fibril formation.  相似文献   

A broad range of degenerative diseases is associated with intracellular inclusions formed by toxic, aggregation-prone mutant proteins. Intranuclear inclusions constitute a pathological hallmark of oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD), a dominantly inherited disease caused by (GCG) repeat expansions in the gene that encodes for nuclear poly(A) binding protein (PABPN1). The mutation results in an extended polyalanine stretch that has been proposed to induce protein aggregation and formation of intranuclear inclusions. Here we show that normal PABPN1 is inherently aggregation-prone when exogenously expressed in either HeLa or myogenic C2 cells. Similar deposits of insoluble PABPN1 are formed by variant forms of the protein containing either a polyalanine expansion or a complete deletion of the polyalanine tract, indicating that the mutation responsible for OPMD is not essential for formation of PABPN1 inclusions. In contrast, interfering with any of the protein domains required for stimulation of poly(A) polymerase prevents the formation of inclusions. Most surprisingly, photobleaching experiments reveal that both normal and expanded PABPN1 molecules are not irreversibly sequestered into aggregates, but rather move rapidly in and out of the inclusions. These findings have important implications for the interpretation of OPMD model systems based on exogenous expression of PABPN1.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, the poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) is one of the important factors for initiation of messenger RNA translation. PABP activity is regulated by the PABP-interacting proteins (Paips), which include Paip1, Paip2A, and Paip2B. Human Paip1 has three different isoforms. Here, we report the crystal structure of the middle domain of Paip1 isoform 2 (Paip1M) as determined by single-wavelength anomalous dispersion phasing. The structure reveals a crescent-shaped domain consisting of 10 α-helices and two antiparallel β-strands forming a β-hairpin. The 10 α-helices are arranged as five HEAT repeats which form a double layer of α helices with a convex and a concave surface. Despite low sequence identity, the overall fold of Paip1M is similar to the middle domain of human eIF4GII and yeast eIF4GI. Moreover, the amino-acid sequence motif and the local structure of eIF4G involved in binding of eIF4A, are conserved in Paip1. The structure reported here is the first of a member of the Paip family, thereby filling a gap in our understanding of initiation of eukaryotic mRNA translation in three dimensions.  相似文献   

Formation of nuclear inclusions consisting of aggregates of a polyalanine expansion mutant of nuclear poly(A)-binding protein (PABPN1) is the hallmark of oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD). OPMD is a late onset autosomal dominant disease. Patients with this disorder exhibit progressive swallowing difficulty and drooping of their eye lids, which starts around the age of 50. Previously we have shown that treatment of cells expressing the mutant PABPN1 with a number of chemicals such as ibuprofen, indomethacin, ZnSO4, and 8-hydroxy-quinoline induces HSP70 expression and reduces PABPN1 aggregation. In these studies we have shown that expression of additional HSPs including HSP27, HSP40, and HSP105 were induced in mutant PABPN1 expressing cells following exposure to the chemicals mentioned above. Furthermore, all three additional HSPs were translocated to the nucleus and probably helped to properly fold the mutant PABPN1 by co-localizing with this protein.  相似文献   

Vasopressin (VP) mRNA and the non-coding BC200 RNA are sorted to neuronal dendrites. Among proteins interacting specifically with both RNAs is the multifunctional poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) consisting of four RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a C-terminal auxiliary domain. The protein/RNA interaction studies presented here reveal that PABPs association with VP- and BC200 RNA is exclusively mediated by RRMs 3+4. Quantitative binding studies with PABP deletion mutants demonstrate preferential binding of RRMs 3+4 even to poly(A)-homopolymers, while RRMs 1+2 exhibit a lower affinity for those sequences. An optimal interaction with both poly(A)- and non-poly(A) sequences is only achieved by full-size PABP.  相似文献   

Nuclear poly(A)‐binding proteins (PABPs) are evolutionarily conserved proteins that play key roles in eukaryotic gene expression. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the major nuclear PABP, Pab2, functions in the maturation of small nucleolar RNAs as well as in nuclear RNA decay. Despite knowledge about its nuclear functions, nothing is known about how Pab2 is imported into the nucleus. Here, we show that Pab2 contains a proline‐tyrosine nuclear localization signal (PY‐NLS) that is necessary and sufficient for its nuclear localization and function. Consistent with the role of karyopherin β2 (Kapβ2)‐type receptors in the import of PY‐NLS cargoes, we show that the fission yeast ortholog of human Kapβ2, Kap104, binds to recombinant Pab2 and is required for Pab2 nuclear localization. The absence of arginine methylation in a basic region N‐terminal to the PY‐core motif of Pab2 did not affect its nuclear localization. However, in the context of a sub‐optimal PY‐NLS, we found that Pab2 was more efficiently targeted to the nucleus in the absence of arginine methylation, suggesting that this modification can affect the import kinetics of a PY‐NLS cargo. Although a sequence resembling a PY‐NLS motif can be found in the human Pab2 ortholog, PABPN1, our results indicate that neither a functional PY‐NLS nor Kapβ2 activity are required to promote entry of PABPN1 into the nucleus of human cells. Our findings describe the mechanism by which Pab2 is imported into the nucleus, providing the first example of a PY‐NLS import system in fission yeast. In addition, this study suggests the existence of alternative or redundant nuclear import pathways for human PABPN1.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) is cleaved during poliovirus and Coxsackievirus infection by viral 3Cprotease and that 3Cprotease modification of a subset of PABP can result in significant translation inhibition. During apoptosis, translation undergoes significant down-regulation that correlates with caspase-3 mediated cleavage of several translation factors, including eIF4G, 4EBP1 and eIF2alpha. The fate of PABP in apoptotic cells has not yet been examined. Here we show that PABP levels decline significantly via proteolytic degradation in apoptotic HeLa, Jurkat and MCF7 cells. The degradation of PABP correlated with translation inhibition but lagged behind cleavage of eIF4GI. In apoptotic MCF7 cells translation inhibition occurred without modification of most translation factors and correlated with PABP degradation. PABP was not cleaved during incubation with several caspases, yet caspase 3 induced weak PABP degradative activity in cells lysates. Both the caspase inhibitor zVAD and calpain inhibitors blocked PABP cleavage in vivo, while the proteosome inhibitor MG132 induced PABP degradation. Protease(s) activated during apoptosis preferentially degraded PABP associated with ribosomes and translation factors, but not PABP in other cellular compartments. The data suggest that targeted degradation of PABP contributes to translation inhibition in apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin mu alternative RNA processing is regulated during B-cell maturation and requires balanced efficiencies of the competing splice (mum) and cleavage-polyadenylation (mus) reactions. When we deleted sequences 50 to 200 nucleotides beyond the mus poly(A) site, the mus/mum mRNA ratio decreased three- to eightfold in B, plasma, and nonlymphoid cells. The activity could not be localized to a smaller fragment but did function in heterologous contexts. Our data suggest that this region contains an RNA polymerase II pause site that enhances the use of the mus poly(A) site. First, known pause sites replaced the activity of the deleted fragment. Second, the mu fragment, when placed between tandem poly(A) sites, enhanced the use of the upstream poly(A) site. Finally, nuclear run-ons detected an increase in RNA polymerase loading just downstream from the mus poly(A) site, even when the poly(A) site was inactivated. When this mu fragment and another pause site were inserted 1 kb downstream from the mus poly(A) site, they no longer affected the mRNA expression ratio, suggesting that pause sites affect poly(A) site use over a limited distance. Fragments from the immunoglobulin A gene were also found to have RNA polymerase pause site activity.  相似文献   

During polyadenylation of mRNA precursors in metazoan cells, poly(A) polymerase is stimulated by the nuclear poly(A) binding protein PABPN1. We report that stimulation depends on binding of PABPN1 to the substrate RNA directly adjacent to poly(A) polymerase and results in an approximately 80-fold increase in the apparent affinity of poly(A) polymerase for RNA without significant effect on catalytic efficiency. PABPN1 associates directly with poly(A) polymerase either upon allosteric activation by oligo(A) or, in the absence of RNA, upon deletion of its N-terminal domain. The N-terminal domain of PABPN1 may function to inhibit undesirable interactions of the protein; the inhibition is relieved upon RNA binding. Tethering of poly(A) polymerase is mediated largely by the C-terminal domain of PABPN1 and is necessary but not sufficient for stimulation of the enzyme; an additional interaction dependent on a coiled-coil structure located within the N-terminal domain of PABPN1 is required for a productive interaction.  相似文献   

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