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Further studies of human whole-body radiofrequency (RF) absorption rates were carried out using a TEM-cell exposure system. Experiments were done at one frequency near the grounded resonance frequency (approximately 40 MHz), and at several below-resonance frequencies. Absorption rates are small for the K and H orientations of the body, even when grounded. For the body trunk in an E orientation, the absorption rate of a sitting person is about half of the rate for the same person standing with arms at the sides; the latter in turn is about half the rate for the same subject standing with arms over the head. Two-body interactions cause no increase in absorption rates for grounded people. They do, however, increase the absorption rates for subjects in an E orientation in free space; the largest interaction occurs when one subject is lambda/2 behind the other (as seen by the incident wave). When these results are applied to practical occupational exposure situations, the whole-body specific absorption rate does not exceed the ANSI limit of 0.4 W/kg for exposures permitted by the ANSI standard (C95.1-1982) at frequencies from 7 to 40 MHz.  相似文献   

Portable – or “laptop” – computers (LCs) are widely and increasingly used all over the world. Since LCs are often used in tight contact with the body even by pregnant women, fetal exposures to low frequency magnetic fields generated by these units can occur. LC emissions are usually characterized by complex waveforms and are often generated by the main AC power supply (when connected) and by the display power supply sub-system.In the present study, low frequency magnetic field emissions were measured for a set of five models of portable computers. For each of them, the magnetic flux density was characterized in terms not just of field amplitude, but also of the so called “weighted peak” (WP) index, introduced in the 2003 ICNIRP Statement on complex waveforms and confirmed in the 2010 ICNIRP Guidelines for low frequency fields. For the model of LC presenting the higher emission, a deeper analysis was also carried out, using numerical dosimetry techniques to calculate internal quantities (current density and in-situ electric field) with reference to a digital body model of a pregnant woman. Since internal quantities have complex waveforms too, the concept of WP index was extended to them, considering the ICNIRP basic restrictions defined in the 1998 Guidelines for the current density and in the 2010 Guidelines for the in-situ electric field. Induced quantities and WP indexes were computed using an appropriate original formulation of the well known Scalar Potential Finite Difference (SPFD) numerical method for electromagnetic dosimetry in quasi-static conditions.  相似文献   

Compliance with the established exposure limits for the electric field (E‐field) induced in the human brain due to low‐frequency magnetic field (B‐field) induction is demonstrated by numerical dosimetry. The objective of this study is to investigate the dependency of dosimetric compliance assessments on the applied methodology and segmentations. The dependency of the discretization uncertainty (i.e., staircasing and field singularity) on the spatially averaged peak E‐field values is first determined using canonical and anatomical models. Because spatial averaging with a grid size of 0.5 mm or smaller sufficiently reduces the impact of artifacts regardless of tissue size, it is a superior approach to other proposed methods such as the 99th percentile or smearing of conductivity contrast. Through a canonical model, it is demonstrated that under the same uniform B‐field exposure condition, the peak spatially averaged E‐fields in a heterogeneous model can be significantly underestimated by a homogeneous model. The frequency scaling technique is found to introduce substantial error if the relative change in tissue conductivity is significant in the investigated frequency range. Lastly, the peak induced E‐fields in the brain tissues of five high‐resolution anatomically realistic models exposed to a uniform B‐field at ICNIRP and IEEE reference levels in the frequency range of 10 Hz to 100 kHz show that the reference levels are not always compliant with the basic restrictions. Based on the results of this study, a revision is recommended for the guidelines/standards to achieve technically sound exposure limits that can be applied without ambiguity. Bioelectromagnetics 34:375–384, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Ferritin, the iron cage protein, contains a superparamagnetic ferrihydrite nanoparticle formed from the oxidation and absorption of Fe2+ ions. This nanoparticle increases its internal energy when exposed to alternating magnetic fields due to magnetization lag. The energy is then dissipated to the surrounding proteic cage, affecting its functioning. In this article we show that the rates of iron chelation with ferrozine, an optical marker, are reduced by up to a factor of 3 in proteins previously exposed to radio frequency magnetic fields of 1 MHz and 30 µT for several hours. The effect is non‐thermal and depends on the frequency‐amplitude product of the magnetic field. Bioelectromagnetics 30:336–342, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Calculated electric-field strengths averaged over the body surfaces of grounded humans, swine, rats, horses, and cattle exposed to vertical, uniform, power-frequency electric fields are presented. To produce the same average fields over the body surfaces of grounded animals, as that experienced by a grounded man exposed to an unperturbed vertical field of 10 kV/m, the following unperturbed fields are required: swine, 19 kV/m; rat, 37 kV/m; horse, 18 kV/m; cow, 18 kV/m.  相似文献   

Despite the important role of the immune system in defending the body against infections and cancer, only few investigations on possible effects of radiofrequency (RF) radiation on function of human immune cells have been undertaken. Aim of the present investigation was therefore to assess whether GSM modulated RF fields have adverse effects on the functional competence of human immune cells. Within the frame of the multidisciplinary project "Biological effects of high frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF)" sponsored by the National Occupation Hazard Insurance Association (AUVA) in vitro investigations were carried out on human blood cells. Exposure was performed at GSM Basic 1950 MHz, an SAR of 1 mW/g in an intermittent mode (5 min "ON", 10 min "OFF") and a maximum Delta T of 0.06 degrees C for the duration of 8 h. The following immune parameters were evaluated: (1) the intracellular production of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon (INF) gamma in lymphocytes, and IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha in monocytes were evaluated with monoclonal antibodies. (2) The activity of immune-relevant genes (IL 1-alpha and beta, IL-2, IL-2-receptor, IL-4, macrophage colony stimulating factor (MCSF)-receptor, TNF-alpha, TNF-alpha-receptor) and housekeeping genes was analyzed with real time PCR. (3) The cytotoxicity of lymphokine activated killer cells (LAK cells) against a tumor cell line was determined in a flow cytometric test. For each parameter, blood samples of at least 15 donors were evaluated. No statistically significant effects of exposure were found and there is no indication that emissions from mobile phones are associated with adverse effects on the human immune system.  相似文献   

In this work, the numerical dosimetry in human exposure to the electromagnetic fields from antennas of wireless devices, such as those of wireless local area networks (WLAN) access points or phone and computer peripherals with Bluetooth antennas, is analyzed with the objective of assessing guidelines compliance. Several geometrical configurations are considered to simulate possible exposure situations of a person to the fields from WLAN or Bluetooth antennas operating at 2400 MHz. The exposure to radiation from two sources of different frequencies when using a 1800 MHz GSM mobile phone connected via Bluetooth with a hands-free car kit is also considered. The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is used to calculate electric and magnetic field values in the vicinity of the antennas and specific absorption rates (SAR) in a high-resolution model of the human head and torso, to be compared with the limits from the guidelines (reference levels and basic restrictions, respectively). Results show that the exposure levels in worst-case situations studied are lower than those obtained when analyzing the exposure to mobile phones, as could be expected because of the low power of the signals and the distance between the human and the antennas, with both field and SAR values being far below the limits established by the guidelines, even when considering the combined exposure to both a GSM and a Bluetooth antenna.  相似文献   

Radio frequency wave (RFW) generated by base transceiver station (BTS) has been reported to make deleterious effects on reproduction, possibly through oxidative stress. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of RFW generated by BTS on oxidative stress in testis and the prophylactic effect of vitamin C by measuring the antioxidant enzymes activity, including glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase, and malondialdehyde (MDA). Thirty-two adult male Sprague–Dawley rats were randomly divided into four experimental groups and treated daily for 45 days as follows: sham, sham+vitamin C (l-ascorbic acid 200 mg/kg of body weight/day by gavage), RFW (exposed to 900 MHz RFW) ‘sham’ and ‘RFW’ animals were given the vehicle, i.e., distilled water and the RFW+vitamin C group (received vitamin C in addition to exposure to RFW). At the end of the experiment, all the rats were sacrificed and their testes were removed and used for measurement of antioxidant enzymes and MDA activity. The results indicate that exposure to RFW in the test group decreased antioxidant enzymes activity and increased MDA compared with the control groups (p < 0.05). In the treated group, vitamin C improved antioxidant enzymes activity and reduced MDA compared with the test group (p < 0.05). It can be concluded that RFW causes oxidative stress in testis and vitamin C improves the antioxidant enzymes activity and decreases MDA.  相似文献   

An applicator for in vitro cell culture exposure was developed based on a circularly polarized, cylindrical waveguide for the 1.9-GHz frequency band used by Personal Communications Services (PCS) in Canada. The applicator consists of two coaxial Petri dishes that sit on the open end of the cylindrical waveguide. The inner 60-mm Petri dish contains the cell culture while the outer 150-mm dish contains coolant water, which is circulated from a pump. A dosimetric evaluation was made using thermometric and E-field probe techniques. The latter allowed the entire inner dish to be scanned to determine the range of specific absorption rates (SARs) pertinent to the expected position of the cells. A representative SAR rate (SAR per unit of input power) of 8.6 +/- 2.1 W/kg/W (95th percentile) was determined 1 mm from the bottom, for a 10 ml sample volume of standard medium. Evaluation of the cooling system demonstrated that following an initial 0.3 degrees C temperature increase, a constant temperature was maintained for 24 h when the waveguide was energized to achieve an average sample SAR of 10 W/kg. These properties enable both acute and sub-acute in vitro bio-effect studies to be performed on a variety of cell culture samples.  相似文献   

This paper presents three-dimensional finite difference calculations of induced current densities in a grounded, homogeneous, realistically human-shaped phantom. Comparison is made with published experimental values of current density at 60 Hz, measured in conducting saline manikins with their arms down by the side. The congruence between calculation and experiment gives confidence in the applicability of the numerical method and phantom shape to other configurations. The effect of raising both arms above the head is to reduce the current densities in the head and neck by approximately 50% and to increase those from the thorax downwards by 20-30%. A sensitivity analysis was performed on the shape and dimensions of the phantom, from a 45-kg, 1.5-m-tall person to a 140-kg, 1.9-m-tall person. When the phantom is grounded through both feet the current densities range from 50 to 90 microAm-2 in the head (all values for a 60-Hz, 1-kVm-1, vertical applied field), 70 to 140 microAm-2 in the thorax, 150 to 440 microAm-2 at the crotch, and 500 to 2,230 microAm-2 in the ankle. When grounded through only one foot the current densities at the crotch range from 400 to 1,000 microAm-2 and from 1,000 to 4,400 microAm-2 in the ankle of the grounded leg. Scale transformations of the short-circuit current with phantom height, weight, and surface area are confirmed.  相似文献   

Published and new data for grounded humans, swine, and rats exposed to vertical, 60-Hz electric fields are used to determine field strengths at the surfaces of the bodies and average components of induced-current density along the axes of the bodies. At the tops of the bodies, surface electric fields are increased (enhanced) over the unperturbed field strength present before the subjects entered the field by factors of 17,7, and 4 for humans, swine, and rats, respectively. For an unperturbed field strength of 10 kV/m, average induced axial current densities in the neck, chest, abdomen, and feet are: 550, 190, 250, and 2000 nA/cm2, respectively, for humans; 40, 13, 20, and 1100 nA/cm2, respectively, for swine; and 28, 16, 2, and 1400 nA/cm2, respectively, for rats. These data are used to show that the actual electric fields experienced by animals depend strongly on the shape of the body and its orientation relative to the electric field and ground plane. This fact must be taken into account if biological data obtained with laboratory animals are to be used for the assessment of possible hazards to humans exposed to 60-Hz electric fields.  相似文献   

The ability of radio frequency radiation (RFR) to exert irreversible nonthermal (i.e., not caused by accompanying heat) effects on biologics has been widely debated due to a relative paucity of comprehensive critical details in published reports dealing with this issue. In this study, we used rigorous control over experimental conditions to determine whether continuous RFR nonthermally affects commercially important enzymes and live bacterial and human cells using three most commonly used frequencies in current RF identification technology, namely 2.45 GHz, 915 MHz, and 13.56 MHz. Diverse biological samples were exposed to RFR under deliberately harsh conditions to increase the likelihood of observing such effects should they exist. Enzymatic activities of horseradish peroxidase and β‐galactosidase in aqueous solution exhibited no statistically discernable consequences of even very intense RFR. Likewise, with putative thermal effects excluded, the viabilities of bacteria (both gram‐positive and gram‐negative) and of human cells were not detectably compromised by such an RFR exposure. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

Several authors have reported that the meniscus as occurring at the walls of Petri dishes and flasks (solid-liquid interface) can significantly affect the SAR distribution in the entire dish and flask, while others have ignored this effect. In this study, this effect has been comprehensively analyzed by numerical means supported by theoretical considerations. The focus is on E polarization, which results in the most homogeneous exposure for monolayer cell cultures and therefore is the most often applied polarization in exposure setups for risk assessment studies. This includes setups based on TEM cells, waveguides, radial transmission lines (RTL), and HF chambers. The conclusion of this study is that the meniscus and its size have a significant effect on the strength and homogeneity of the induced SAR distribution. Hence, the meniscus needs to be accounted for in the determination of the averaged SAR as well as in the uncertainty assessment. It has also been demonstrated that a voxel size of less than 0.2 mm is needed to predict the SAR values for a monolayer of cells accurately.  相似文献   

In this article, the exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields was studied in close proximity (distances of 10, 100, 300, and 600 mm) to six base station antennas. The specific absorption rate (SAR) in 800 mm × 500 mm × 200 mm box phantom as well as unperturbed electric field (E) in air was measured. The results were used to determine whether the measurement of local maximum of unperturbed electric field can be used as a compliance check for local exposure. Also, the conservativeness of this assessment method compared to the ICNIRP basic restriction was studied. Moreover, the assessment of whole‐body exposure was discussed and the distance ranges presented in which the ICNIRP limit for local exposure could be exceeded before the limit for whole‐body SAR. These results show that the electric field measurement alone can be used for easy compliance check for the local exposure at all distances and for all antenna types studied. However, in some cases when the local peak value of E was compared directly to the ICNIRP reference level for unperturbed E, the exposure was overestimated only very slightly (by factor 1.1) compared to the basic restriction for localized SAR in a human, and hence these results can not be generalized to all antenna types. Moreover, it was shown that the limit for localized exposure could be exceeded before the limit for the whole‐body average SAR, if the distance to the antenna was less than 240 mm. Bioelectromagnetics 30:307–312, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The use of vibration is proposed as a means of controlling the settlement of marine fouling organisms. In this study, panels with embedded lead zirconate titanate, known as PZT, were placed in the field over 3?months. The panels were vibrated at different velocity levels at frequencies between 70 and 445?Hz. It was found that barnacles (Amphibalanus variegatus Darwin and Elminius sp.) were the only fouling organisms affected by the applied vibration, and these organisms settled in significantly lower numbers when the plates were excited at specific frequencies and amplitudes. Panels vibrating at relatively higher frequencies, greater than 260?Hz, exhibited reduced barnacle settlement, whilst lower frequencies in the 70–100?Hz range had little or no effect. The settlement of other fouling organisms such as tubeworms, bryozoans, ascidians and algae did not appear to be affected by the applied excitation. The experimental results showed that increasing the velocity amplitude of vibration was a contributing factor in inhibiting barnacle settlement.  相似文献   

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