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Gossypium species represent a vast resource of genetic multiplicity for the improvement of cultivated cotton. To determine genetic diversity and relationships within a diverse collection of Gossypium, we employed 120 SSR primers on 20 diploid species representing seven basic genome groups of the genus Gossypium, five AD allotetraploid cotton accessions while T. populnea served as an outgroup species. Out of 120 SSR primers, 49 pairs are polymorphic, which produced a total of 99 distinct alleles with an average of 2.0 alleles per primer pair. A total of 1139 major SSR bands were observed. Genetic similarities among all the diploid species ranged from 0.582 (between G. herbaceum and G. trilobum) up to 0.969 (between G. arboreum and G. herbaceum). Phylogenetic trees based on genetic similarities were consistent with known taxonomic relationships. The results also indicated that G. raimondii is the closest living relative of the ancestral D-genome donor of tetraploid species and the A-genome donor is much similar to the present-day G. herbaceum and G. arboreum. Ancient tetraploid cotton species were formed by hybridizing and chromosome doubling between them, then different tetraploid cotton species appeared by further geographical and genetic isolation and separating differentiation. The results showed that SSRs could be an ideal means for the identification of the genetic diversity and relationship of cotton resources at the genomic level.  相似文献   

Kang JG  Ko JH  Kim YS 《BMB reports》2011,44(12):765-771
Cancer treatment has been stratified by companion biomarker tests that serve to provide information on the genetic status of cancer patients and to identify patients who can be expected to respond to a given treatment. This stratification guarantees better efficiency and safety during treatment. Cancer patients, however, marginally benefit from the current companion biomarker-aided treatment regimens, presumably because companion biomarker tests are dependent solely on the mutation status of several genes status quo. In the true sense of the term, "personalized medicine", cancer patients are deemed to be identified individually by their molecular signatures, which are not necessarily confined to genetic mutations. Glycosylation is tremendously dynamic and shows alterations in cancer. Evidence is accumulating that aberrant glycosylation contributes to the development and progression of cancer, holding the promise for use of glycosylation status as a companion biomarker in cancer treatment. There are, however, several challenges derived from the lack of a reliable detection system for aberrant glycosylation, and a limited library of aberrant glycosylation. The challenges should be addressed if glycosylation status is to be used as a companion biomarker in cancer treatment and contribute to the fulfillment of personalized medicine.  相似文献   

Non-invasive DNA sampling is an important tool in amphibian conservation. Buccal swabs are nowadays replacing the wounding toe-clipping method. Skin and cloaca swabbing are even less invasive and easier to handle than buccal swabbing, but could result in contaminations of genetic material. Therefore, we test if external skin and cloaca swabs are as reliable as buccal swabs for genetic analysis of amphibians. We analysed eight microsatellite loci for the common frog (Rana temporaria, Linnaeus 1758) and compared genotyping results for buccal, skin and cloaca swabs regarding allelic dropouts and false alleles. Furthermore, we compared two DNA extraction methods regarding efficiency and cost. DNA quality and quantity (amplification success, genotyping error rate, in nanogram per microlitre) were comparable among DNA sources and extraction methods. However, skin and cloaca samples exhibited high degrees of contamination with foreign individuals, which was due to sample collection during mating season. Here, we established a simple low budget procedure to receive DNA of amphibians avoiding stressful buccal swabbing or harmful toe clipping. However, the possibility of contaminations of external swabs has to be considered.  相似文献   

Despite the growing interest in deciphering the causes and consequences of obesity-related disorders, the mechanisms linking fat intake to bone behaviour remain unclear. Since bone fractures are widely associated with increased morbidity and mortality, most notably in elderly and obese people, bone health has become a major social and economic issue. Consistently, public health system guidelines have encouraged low-fat diets in order to reduce associated complications. However, from a bone point of view, mechanisms linking fat intake to bone alteration remain quite controversial. Thus, after more than a decade of dedicated studies, this timely review offers a comprehensive overview of the relationships between bone and fatty acids. Using clinical evidences as a starting-point to more complex molecular elucidation, this work highlights the complexity of the system and reveals that bone alteration that cannot be solved simply by taking ω-3 pills. Fatty acid effects on bone metabolism can be both direct and indirect and require integrated investigations. Furthermore, even at the level of a single cell, one fatty acid is able to trigger several different independent pathways (receptors, metabolites…) which may all have a say in the final cellular metabolic response.  相似文献   

Margreiter  Vera  Pagitz  Konrad  Berg  Christian  Schwager  Patrick  Erschbamer  Brigitta 《Plant Ecology》2020,221(11):1045-1067
Plant Ecology - Storing seeds in seed banks is an effective way to preserve plant diversity and conserve species. An essential step towards a valuable conservation is the validation of germination....  相似文献   

Pros and cons of inhibiting cholesteryl ester transfer protein   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Whether or not it is desirable to inhibit cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) has been an important question for over fifteen years since genetic CETP deficiency was found. Recently, some epidemiological studies which have been reported in Japan as well as Western countries help to clarify the atherogenicity of human subjects with mutations or polymorphisms in the CETP gene. In addition, some experimental atherosclerosis studies, in which CETP was inhibited in rabbits with different approaches, have been reported. There was a considerable difference in the atherogenicity of human CETP deficiency and CETP-inhibited rabbits. In this review, we summarize the recent advances in this field as well as discussing the significance of CETP in reverse cholesterol transport, a major protective system against atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Coating of liposomes with polyethylene-glycol (PEG) by incorporation in the liposome bilayer of PEG-derivatized lipids results in inhibition of liposome uptake by the reticulo-endothelial system and significant prolongation of liposome residence time in the blood stream. Parallel developments in drug loading technology have improved the efficiency and stability of drug entrapment in liposomes, particularly with regard to cationic amphiphiles such as anthracyclines. An example of this new generation of liposomes is a formulation of pegylated liposomal doxorubicin known as Doxil or Caelyx, whose clinical pharmacokinetic profile is characterized by slow plasma clearance and small volume of distribution. A hallmark of these long-circulating liposomal drug carriers is their enhanced accumulation in tumors. The mechanism underlying this passive targeting effect is the phenomenon known as enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) which has been described in a broad variety of experimental tumor types. Further to the passive targeting effect, the liposome drug delivery platform offers the possibility of grafting tumor-specific ligands on the liposome membrane for active targeting to tumor cells, and potentially intracellular drug delivery. The pros and cons of the liposome platform in cancer targeting are discussed vis-à-vis nontargeted drugs, using as an example a liposome drug delivery system targeted to the folate receptor.  相似文献   



Parkinson's disease (PD) is a slowly progressive neurodegenerative disorder which affects widespread areas of the brainstem, basal ganglia and cerebral cortex. A number of proteins are known to accumulate in parkinsonian brains including ubiquitin and α-synuclein. Prion diseases are sporadic, genetic or infectious disorders with various clinical and histopathological features caused by prion proteins as infectious proteinaceous particles transmitting a misfolded protein configuration through brain tissue. The most important form is Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease which is associated with a self-propagating pathological precursor form of the prion protein that is physiologically widely distributed in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

A fermenter is a complex system consisting of metabolically active cells suspended in a medium which is often aerated. Since the behaviour of such systems is not determined by the initial conditions fermentations must be subject to closed loop control. Closed loop control can be applied using either on-line or off-line methods.  相似文献   

被子植物系统发育深层关系研究: 进展与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾丽萍  张宁  马红 《生物多样性》2014,22(1):21-434
被子植物系统发育学是研究被子植物及其各类群间亲缘关系与进化历史的学科。从20世纪90年代起, 核苷酸和氨基酸序列等分子数据开始被广泛运用于被子植物系统发育研究, 经过20多年的发展, 从使用单个或联合少数几个细胞器基因, 到近期应用整个叶绿体基因组来重建被子植物的系统发育关系, 目、科水平上的被子植物系统发育框架已被广泛接受。在这个框架中, 基部类群、主要的5个分支(即真双子叶植物、单子叶植物、木兰类、金粟兰目和金鱼藻目)、每个分支所包含的目以及几个大分支包括的核心类群等都具有高度支持。与此同时, 细胞器基因还存在一些固有的问题, 例如单亲遗传、系统发育信息量有限等, 因此近年来双亲遗传的核基因在被子植物系统发育研究中的重要性逐渐得到关注, 并在不同分类阶元的研究中都取得了一定进展。但是, 被子植物系统发育中仍然存在一些难以确定的关系, 例如被子植物5个分支之间的关系、真双子叶植物内部某些类群的位置等。本文简述了20多年来被子植物系统发育深层关系的主要研究进展, 讨论了被子植物系统发育学常用的细胞器基因和核基因的选用, 已经确定和尚未确定系统发育位置的主要类群, 以及研究中尚存在的问题和可能的解决方法。  相似文献   



Dynamic biomedical research is currently yielding a wealth of information about disease-associated molecular alterations on cell surfaces and in the extracellular space. The ability to visualize and quantify these alterations in vivo could provide important diagnostic information and be used to guide individually-optimized therapy. Biotechnology can provide proteinaceous molecular probes with highly specific target recognitions. Suitably labelled, these may be used as tracers for radionuclide-based imaging of molecular disease signatures. If the labels are positron-emitting radionuclides, the superior resolution, sensitivity and quantification capability of positron emission tomography (PET) can be exploited.

Scope of review

This article discusses different approaches to labelling proteins with positron-emitting nuclides with suggestions made depending on the biological features of the tracers.

Major conclusions

Factors such as matching biological and physical half-lives, availability of the nuclide, labelling yields, and influences of labelling on targeting properties (affinity, charge and lipophilicity, cellular processing and retention of catabolites) should be considered when selecting a labelling strategy for each proteinaceous tracer.

General significance

The labelling strategy used can make all the difference between success and failure in a tracer application. This review emphasises chemical, biological and pharmacological considerations in labelling proteins with positron-emitting radionuclides.  相似文献   

普通小麦SSR和EST-SSR引物对冰草通用性的比较分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选用定位于普通小麦7个部分同源群的534对SSR引物和351对EST-SSR引物分别对普通小麦品种‘Fukuho’和四倍体冰草‘Z559’的基因组DNA进行扩增,结果显示:有475对(89.0%)SSR引物和314对(89.5%)EST-SSR引物对‘Fukuho’能有效扩增,226对(42.3%)SSR和258对(73.5%)EST-SSR引物对‘Z559’能有效扩增,表明小麦EST-SSR对冰草的通用性明显高于SSR;扩增强带比率SSR和EST-SSR引物分别为76.1%、84.1%,说明小麦EST-SSR在冰草上扩增带的质量亦优于SSR。选择上述在‘Fukuho’和‘Z559’基因组DNA之间有多态性扩增且带谱清晰的SSR和EST-SSR引物各60对,对‘Fukuho’、‘中国春’、‘北京8号’和二、四、六倍体冰草‘Z804’、‘Z559’、‘Z1075’的基因组DNA再行PCR扩增,结果显示,40对(66.7%)SSR和22对(36.7%)EST-SSR引物在‘Fukuho’、‘中国春’和‘北京8号’间扩增产物表现多态性,且前者高于后者;50对(83.3%)SSR和52对(86.7%)EST-SSR引物在冰草‘Z804’、‘Z559’和‘Z1075’间扩增产物表现多态性,两者相当。通用性、多态性和扩增强带比率综合比较表明,普通小麦EST-SSR和SSR经筛选虽都能转用于冰草,但两者相比EST-SSR更优。  相似文献   

Summary Optimal control theory has been used to examine the evolution of life history characters in a variety of plant and animal species. In this paper, I examine control theoretic models of reproductive allocation in female dusky salamanders and consider some practical aspects of modelling, including the appropriateness of nonlinear formulations, methods for describing semelparous reproduction, and data needed to parameterize models. The model analysed includes state variables for somatic and reproductive tissue, energy intake and requirements for physiological maintenance, and iteroparous reproduction. It predicts that female salamanders should spend the first part of their lives growing. After reaching sexual maturity, females should either spend the remainder of their lives reproducing at the expense of decreasing body size, possibly resulting in death by starvation, or maintain approximately constant body size at the expense of low reproductive output. This lack of correspondence to the observed biology of dusky salamanders suggests that not all the appropriate biology has been described. In particular, inclusion of a storage variable may be necessary in future modelling efforts.  相似文献   

Scientific debate related to possible martian life is summarized in this article. Even there is no firm conclusion yet to convince the existence of life on Mars, intensive studies on the meteorite ALH84001 have invoked many valuable findings.  相似文献   

正Investigation of protein-DNA interactions provides important information for understanding gene function and regulation,but identification and validation of specific interactions remain major challenges in the post-genomics era.Therefore,effective and economical methods to assess protein-DNA interactions are highly sought-after by molecular biologists.Choosing the appropriate method to examine a specific protein-DNA interaction also remains a crucial challenge  相似文献   

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