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《Animal behaviour》1987,35(1):7-12
During two studies that investigated the responses of wolf packs to either human simulations or pre-recorded playbacks of wolf, Canis lupus, howling, single adult wolves from five different packs approached my location and howled on a total of six occasions. The howls uttered by these close-approaching wolves were significnatly deeper in pitch than comparable samples of howls recorded from animals that did not approach. In addition, howls of two of the five animals differed in structure from most of the other howls recorded during both studies. These close-approach howls were characterized by the presence of harmonically unrelated frequency sidebands near the end of the howl. This feature was rate in howls recorded during occasions when wolves kept their distance. These results indicate that the structure of wolf howling during aggressive interactions with strange wolves follows Morton's (1977) motivation-structural rules, which state that natural selection will favour the use of low-frequency, harsh sounds by hostile animals. This relationship follows from the physical constraints of vocal production: animals of larger size can produce sounds of lower pitch and harsher tonal quality. As body size is a primary determinant in the outcome of aggressive interactions, vocalizations signalling size (i.e.low-pitched, harsh sounds) will be of selective value for individuals engaged in aggressive interactions.  相似文献   

We investigated spontaneous howling by radio-collared wolves Canis lupus inhabiting the Białowieża Primeval Forest (BPF), eastern Poland, and elicited howling behavior in wolves of the BPF and the Western Beskidy Mountains, southern Poland. Over half (58%) of all spontaneous howls recorded throughout a year occurred in the period from July to October, with a peak in August. The daily pattern of vocal activity by wolves was characterised by a peak between 1800 and 0000 hours, which coincided with the first (dusk) peak of wolf mobility. Wolves howled from the core areas of their territories and not from the peripheries. Howls served as communication between temporarily separated pack mates (43% of cases), after re-union (18%) and before setting out for a hunt (22%). Very few spontaneous howls (2%) were targeted at a neighbouring pack. Wolves responded to human-simulated howling in June–September, with a peak in August (reply rate: 39%). The duration of elicited howling increased significantly with group size: howls by single wolves or pairs lasted, on average, 34–40 s, whereas those of five to seven wolves (including pups) had an average duration of 67–95 s, with a maximum length of nearly 4 min. In the populations of Polish wolves studied here, spontaneous howling served primarily for intra-pack communication. Nonetheless, the high reply rate to howling simulation showed that – if necessary – wolves readily advertised their presence in a territory to strangers.  相似文献   

Animals communicate in a variety of ways and calls are used for a number of important behaviors. Temperature, wind, time of day, and human activities can affect animals’ use of calls, particularly over long distances. Effects of group size on the use of calls can be particularly influential in territorial social carnivores. Where gray wolves (Canis lupus) are hunted by humans, for example, howling may make it easier for hunters to locate individuals and ultimately increase mortality. We hypothesized that a suite of factors would affect wolves’ responses to simulated howling. Specifically, we predicted that howling behavior would increase with (a) group size, (b) pup age, and (c) during crepuscular time periods and howling behavior would decrease (a) where wolves were harvested and (b) when it was hot or windy. Contrary to our prediction, larger groups did not respond as quickly to simulated wolf howls as smaller groups did and minimum and maximum daily temperatures were not good predictors of wolf howling response rates. Individuals in small litters of pups may have responded more quickly to howls than those in large litters because they are eager to seek safety from and have socialization with adults returning from foraging bouts. Although harvest did not appear to affect vocal communication by wolves, group size, pup age, time of day, wind, and number of howls emitted greatly affected wolves’ behavior and responses during howling surveys. Howling responses did not change because of harvest; response rates from wolves were nearly identical with (2.2%) and without (2.3%) harvest. The year-round benefits of long-distance vocal communication may outweigh the costs of increased mortality arising from howling during harvest season.  相似文献   

Monitoring wolves (Canis lupus) is a difficult and often expensive task due to high mobility, pack dynamic, shyness and nocturnal activity of this species. Wolves communicate acoustically through howling, within pack and with packs of the neighbourhood. A wolf howl is a low-frequency vocalization that can be transmitted over long distances and thus it can be used for monitoring. Elicited howling survey is a current method to monitor wolves in different areas all over the world. Elicited howling, however, may be invasive to residential wolf packs and could create possible negative reactions from the human population. Here we show that it is possible to detect wolves by recording spontaneous howling events. We measured the sound pressure level of wolf howls by captive individuals and we further found that elicited howling may be recorded and clearly identified up to a distance of 3 km. We finally conducted a non-invasive acoustic detection of wolves in a free-ranging population. The use of passive sound recorders may provide a powerful non-invasive tool for future wolf monitoring and could help to establish sustainable management plans for this species.  相似文献   

Ecological studies of timber wolves (Canis lupus) in a forestedenvironment have always been difficult to undertake in the past,particularly during the summer months, because of the lack ofa suitable technique. In 1960 Pimlott devised a technique whichemployed the use of broadcast wolf howls in locating wolvesin the field. This report reviews the success of this techniquein studying the movements of two packs of wolves, and theiruse of home sites in Algonquin Park, Ontario. Wolves responded by howling a total of 476 occasions or approximately13% of the occasions that broadcast howls were given. Humanimitations were more successful than tape-recordings in inducingresponses. Wolves responded at any time of day, but dusk wasthe most favorable period. They also responded more frequentlyin July and August than in May and June. Two types of home sites were found: the den site, occupied duringthe early life of the pups, and the rendezvous site, a placeoccupied by wolves during later development of pups. All ofhe home sites were adjacent to some immediate source of water.The movement of wolves appeared also to be concentrated alongthe water courses. The locations of the home sites and the evidence obtained fromhowling responses, tracks, and scats suggested that the summerrange comprised a minimum area of eight square miles. The samerange was utilized by a pack in 1961 and 1963.  相似文献   


A variety of structural parameters were measured from wolf choruses recorded in the Superior National Forest, Minnesota, USA. Mean duration of 60s did not vary with pack size or composition. Packs replied to simulated howling after an average of 40s, often interrupting the stimulus howls. Choruses began with simply-structured howls, which became increasingly modulated as the chorus progressed. Little difference in mean fundamental frequency or other howl parameters was found among the choruses from packs of various sizes and compositions. In particular, choruses produced by single adult pairs did not differ from those of larger packs accompanied by pups. The lack of relationship between chorus parameters and pack size or composition indicates there is little useful information concerning a pack's size to be found in its chorus howling.

The observation that chorus howling by adult pairs is often perceived as that of larger groups with pups suggests that chorus structure has evolved to exaggerate the apparent size of the pack, especially those newly-established or otherwise reduced in number. If so, wolf howling choruses may represent a mammalian example of the Beau Geste effect, made particularly viable because of the relative immunity of the signal to probing.  相似文献   

P. HANSEN 《Bioacoustics.》2013,22(1):55-77
The use of amplitudes to identify individuals has historically been ignored by bioacoustic researchers due to problems of attenuation. However, recent studies have shown that amplitudes encode identity in a variety of mammal species. Previously, individuality has been demonstrated in both fundamental frequency (F0) and amplitude changes of captive Eastern wolf (Canis lupus lycaon) howls with 100% accuracy where attenuation of amplitude due to distance was controlled in a captive environment. In this study, we aim to determine whether both fundamental frequency and amplitude data collected from vocalizations of wild wolves recorded over unknown distances, in variable conditions and with different recording equipment, can still encode identity. We used a bespoke code, developed in Matlab, to extract simple scalar variables from 67 high-quality solo howls from 10 wild individuals and 112 chorus howls from another 109 individuals, including lower quality howls with wind or water noise. Principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out on the fundamental frequency and normalized amplitude of harmonic 1, yielding histogram-derived PCA values on which discriminant function analysis was applied. An accuracy of 100% was achieved when assigning solo howls to individuals, and for the chorus howls a best accuracy of 97.4% was achieved. We suggest that individual recognition using our new extraction and analysis methods involving fundamental frequency and amplitudes together can identify wild wolves with high accuracy, and that this method should be applied to surveys of individuals in capture–mark–recapture and presence–absence studies of canid species.  相似文献   


The information content of coyote (Canis latrans) vocalizations is poorly understood, but has important implications for understanding coyote behaviour. Coyotes probably use information present in barks or howls to recognize individuals, but the presence of individually-specific information has not been demonstrated. We found that coyote barks and howls contained individually specific characteristics: discriminant analysis correctly classified barks of five coyotes 69% of the time and howls of six coyotes 83% of the time. We also investigated the stability of vocalization characteristics at multiple distances from the source. Recordings were played back and re-recorded at 10 m, 500 m, and 1,000 m. Vocalization features were measured at each distance and analyzed to determine whether characteristics were stable. Most howl characteristics did not change with distance, and regardless of the distance discriminant analysis was 81% accurate at assigning howls among six individuals. Bark characteristics, however, were less stable and it is unlikely that barks could be used for individual recognition over long distances. The disparate results for the two vocalization types suggest that howls and barks serve separate functions. Howls appear optimized to convey information (i.e. data), while barks seem more suitable for attracting attention and acoustic ranging.  相似文献   

We quantified the vigilance levels of elk (Cervus elaphus) preyedon by wolves (Canis lupus) in Yellowstone National Park, betweenJanuary and May in 2005 and 2006, and used Akaike's informationcriterion to compare a set of 38 regression models for vigilancelevels. These models combined up to 9 predictor variables of3 types: characteristics of the prey group (herd size and composition),characteristics of the predator (wolf pack size, distance away,and the presence/absence of a kill), and characteristics ofthe local environment (distance to woodland edges, snow depth,and snow cover). The set of models spanned a range of complexityfrom simple univariate models to complex combinations with upto 3 variables of each type. Complex models incorporating thecharacteristics of the wolf pack, the structure of the elk herd,and the environmental conditions had higher information contentthan simple models. Although univariate models of vigilancedetect significant relationships, they have low informationcontent relative to multivariate models. These results showthat elk assesses factors of several types when assessing riskand deciding how much time to allocate to vigilance. In particular,we found that all well-supported models of vigilance includedseveral "prey" variables and several "predator" variables. Thisresult highlights the need to consider information about predatorswhen trying to explain variation in vigilance levels in prey.  相似文献   

In wolves, most offspring mortality occurs within the first 6–8 months of their life. As wolf pups pass this entire period at either the den or rendezvous sites, their selection by wolf packs may affect pup survival and recruitment. Rendezvous sites are important for pup survival as they are used during summer and early autumn, when intense human activity may increase pup mortality. Adult wolves and pups can be killed by livestock guarding dogs during summer and intentionally or accidentally during large game hunting in autumn. This study describes factors related to rendezvous site selection in order to enhance their protection and management. We studied the rendezvous site selection of 30 wolf packs in central and northern Greece between 1998 and 2010, after locating 35 sites using the simulated howling survey method and telemetry. We considered a series of environmental and anthropogenic predictors of wolf rendezvous site selection at two spatial scales. At the landscape-population scale, wolves selected rendezvous sites below 1,200 m asl, with large inter-site distance (mean, 12.9 km), and avoided partially forested or open habitats, indicating preference for covered, spaced areas with seasonally stable resources. At the home range scale, wolves selected rendezvous sites away from forest roads and villages, close to water sources, and in areas with low forest fragmentation, indicating avoidance of human presence and disturbance. In the summer of 2011, we used an ensuing resource selection model (RSF, AUC?=?0.818) to successfully locate seven new rendezvous sites outside our previous survey area, verifying the utility of prediction maps (all new sites were at areas with 0.8–1 model probability). Rendezvous prediction maps can be used to reduce field effort when monitoring wolf populations, assess livestock predation risk, design protected areas, and reduce human disturbance on reproductive wolf packs.  相似文献   

The function of long calling is a subject of interest across animal behaviour study, particularly within primatology. Many primate species have male‐specific long‐distance calls, including platyrrhines like the folivorous howler monkey (Alouatta spp.). Howler monkeys may howl to defend resources such as feeding trees or areas of rich vegetation from other monkey groups. This study tests the ecological resource defence hypothesis for howling behaviour in the mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) and investigates how anthropogenic forest fragmentation may influence howling behaviour. More specifically, this study examines how howling bout rate, duration, precursors and tree species richness, DBH, and canopy cover vary in 100 m anthropogenic edge and interior forest zones at La Suerte Biological Research Station (LSBRS), a fragmented tropical rainforest in Costa Rica. Results show that tree species richness and canopy cover are higher in forest interior at this site, suggesting that monkeys should howl at greater rates in the interior to defend access to these higher‐quality vegetation resources. Overall, our results supported the ecological resource defence hypothesis. The main howl precursor was howling from neighbouring groups. Although howling rate did not differ between forest zones, howling bouts from forest interior were longer, had a greater number of howls per bout and were preceded by different precursors than howls from anthropogenic edge zones, including more howls from neighbouring groups. Our findings provide some of the first evidence for behavioural edge effects in primate vocal communication behaviour.  相似文献   

Signals are shaped through selective pressures impacting their information content (i.e. ‘what’ is conveyed) and their efficacy (i.e. ‘how’ is it conveyed). In the case of long‐range communication, a signal's structure should both convey information and allow for detection and discrimination despite the effects of environmental variability during propagation. Canid howls are an ideal example of a long‐range communication signal, although research has mostly focused on the relationships between howls’ acoustic characteristics and their potential information content in wolves, Canis lupus spp., and coyotes, Canis latrans. In this study, we quantified these relationships in another canid, the dingo, Canis familiaris dingo, to determine how their howls compare to that of other wild canids. We found that dingoes’ howls are individually distinctive and may convey gender cues. Playback experiments indicate that dingoes can perform class‐level recognition of familiar and unfamiliar individuals on the basis of vocalizations alone. These results mirror findings for other wild canids such as wolves and coyotes. Lastly, propagation experiments demonstrate that this signal's structure can permit long‐distance detectability and discriminability. We discuss our results in relation to the putative functions of canid howls and propose avenues for future research.  相似文献   

One major concern in wolf (Canis lupus) conservation is the risk of genetic contamination due to crossbreeding with domestic dogs. Although genetic monitoring of wolf populations has become widely used, the behavioural mechanisms involved in wolf-dog hybridization and the detrimental effects of genetic introgression are poorly known. In this study we analysed Y-chromosome microsatellite variation in the recovering Italian wolf population and detected strikingly different allele frequencies between wolves and dogs. Four Y haplotypes were found in 74 analysed male wolves, and all of them were present in a focus wolf population in the Apennines. On the other hand, only 1 haplotype was found in the recolonizing wolf population from the Western Alps. The most common haplotype in a sample of domestic dogs, was also found in 5 wolves, 2 of which revealing a signature of recent hybridization. Moreover, another suspect hybrid carried a private haplotype of possible canine origin. These results give support to the idea that female wolves can breed with male stray dogs in the wild. The Y-chromosome variation in Italian wolves contrasts with the previously observed lack of mitochondrial variation. Further investigations are needed to clarify at what extent historical or recent wolf-dog hybridization events may have contributed to the observed haplotype diversity. In conclusion, the two molecular markers employed in this study represent effective means to trace directional genetic introgression into the wolves male lineage and have the noteworthy advantage of being suitable for analyses on low-quality DNA samples.  相似文献   

In the course of their maturation, most young wolves leave their natal pack and disperse in search for mating partners, improved food availability and new territories. We investigated whether this dispersal is affected by anthropogenic infrastructure in a 5,000 km2 area of the eastern region of the Polish Carpathian Mountains occupied by wolves. A radio-collared male wolf covered 230 km while dispersing through forested hills and densely populated valleys. To test if such dispersal is common in the population we analysed by microsatellite genotyping 39 samples taken from live-trapped wolves or wolves found dead in the study area. Although the obtained genotypes were assigned to different clusters in Bayesian tests, we could not ascribe this structure to landscape features, but rather to shared ancestry of wolf individuals found in distant locations. Moreover, we could not detect a spatial genetic structure in the wolf population, indicating a random occurrence of genotypes within the study area. Observation of the dispersing wolf and the absence of spatial genetic structure imply that wolves are still able to roam the entire area despite high densities of roads and a dense human population. Thus, we concluded that the existing anthropogenic infrastructure does not restrict wolf dispersal in the area and the studied wolves represent a coherent part of the Polish Carpathian wolf population.  相似文献   

Captive breeding and the reintroduction of Mexican and red wolves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mexican and red wolves were both faced with extinction in the wild until captive populations were established more than two decades ago. These captive populations have been successfully managed genetically to minimize mean kinship and retain genetic variation. Descendants of these animals were subsequently used to start reintroduced populations, which now number about 40-50 Mexican wolves in Arizona and New Mexico and about 100 red wolves in North Carolina. The original captive Mexican wolf population was descended from three founders. Merging this lineage with two other captive lineages, each with two founders, has been successfully carried out in the captive population and is in progress in the reintroduced population. This effort has resulted in increased fitness of cross-lineage wolves, or genetic rescue, in both the captive and reintroduced populations. A number of coyote-red wolf hybrid litters were observed in the late 1990s in the reintroduced red wolf population. Intensive identification and management efforts appear to have resulted in the elimination of this threat. However, population reintroductions of both Mexican and red wolves appear to have reached numbers well below the generally recommended number for recovery and there is no current effort to re-establish other populations.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial-DNA (mtDNA) restriction patterns were studied in 22 wolves (Canis lupus) sampled in central-northern Italy. A total of 60 restriction sites were detected, encompassing about 2 % of the mitochondrial genome of canids. All wolves showed the same restriction pattern. Therefore, a single mtDNA haplotype was detected in the Italian wolf population. Historical information on peninsular isolation and demographic decline suggest that low genetically effective population size and random drift may have strongly reduced the mtDNA variability of wolves in Italy over the last 100–200 years. A different mtDNA restriction pattern in feral dogs sampled from a wolf range in central Italy was detected. These findings suggest that the hybridization and introgression of female dog genomes into the Italian wolf population may be rare or absent.  相似文献   

Human‐driven species annihilations loom as a major crisis. However the recovery of deer and wolf populations in many parts of the northern hemisphere has resulted in conflicts and controversies rather than in relief. Both species interact in complex ways with their environment, each other, and humans. We review these interactions in the context of the ecological and human costs and benefits associated with these species. We integrate scattered information to widen our perspective on the nature and perception of these costs and benefits and how they link to each other and ongoing controversies regarding how we manage deer and wolf populations. After revisiting the ecological roles deer and wolves play in contemporary ecosystems, we explore how they interact, directly and indirectly, with human groups including farmers, foresters, shepherds, and hunters. Interactions with deer and wolves generate various axes of tension, posing both ecological and sociological challenges. Resolving these tensions and conflicts requires that we address key questions using integrative approaches: what are the ecological consequences of deer and wolf recovery? How do they influence each other? What are the social and socio‐ecological consequences of large deer populations and wolf presence? Finally, what key obstacles must be overcome to allow deer, wolves and people to coexist? Reviewing contemporary ecological and sociological results suggests insights and ways to improve our understanding and resolve long‐standing challenges to coexistence. We should begin by agreeing to enhance aggregate benefits while minimizing the collective costs we incur by interacting with deer and wolves. We should also view these species, and ourselves, as parts of integrated ecosystems subject to long‐term dynamics. If co‐existence is our goal, we need deer and wolves to persevere in ways that are compatible with human interests. Our human interests, however, should be inclusive and fairly value all the costs and benefits deer and wolves entail including their intrinsic value. Shifts in human attitudes and cultural learning that are already occurring will reshape our ecological interactions with deer and wolves.  相似文献   

The golden jackal (Canis aureus) utters complex howls that can be used to monitor their population density and distribution in a specific area. However, little is known of the vocal behaviour of this species. In the present paper, we show the first results of the acoustic analysis that followed the acoustic monitoring of the golden jackal in Friuli–Venezia Giulia during 2011–2013. We estimated the number of callers by screening the fundamental frequency of the emissions within a howl. We analysed 42 vocalizations given by a single jackal or multiple individuals. The howling duration significantly increased with the number of emitters, which ranged between one and three in our estimates. Twenty-nine howls were then submitted to a quantitative semi-automatic analysis procedure based on dynamic time warping. Based on the resulting dissimilarity indices, vocal emissions were clustered in six different acoustically uniform groups, which showed a potential for these procedures to be developed into future monitoring tools. The results suggest the need for integration between jackal howling, bioacoustics and camera trapping.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Events during the denning period (parturition to first autumn) often determine the reproductive success of wolves (Canis lupus). Consequently, there is concern about the potential adverse effects of human-caused disturbance at wolf den and rendezvous sites (homesites), but relatively little information on this subject is available. We conducted standardized experimental disturbance treatments at 12 unique wolf homesites in the Northwest Territories, Canada, during summers 2002 and 2003. The treatment consisted of an intruder approaching a homesite once per day for 3 consecutive days and recording behavioral responses, response distance, and response intensity of wolves. We counted pups and estimated their ages prior to the initial treatment at each site. Adult wolves moved pups at 3 of 6 treated homesites in each year. The amount and type of known human activity within a pack's home range did not influence whether adults moved pups in response to the treatment. The response intensity of wolves to the treatment was inversely related to the amount of human activity near a homesite. There was no relationship between the distance at which wolves responded to the intruder and the amount or type of human activity. There was a positive relationship between increasing age of pups and their relocation in response to the treatment. Reproductive success was not influenced by the treatment or by the amount and type of human activity. Treated sites were used by wolves the following year in the same proportion as untreated sites. It appears that pups are most vulnerable early in the year when less mobile; therefore, managers should consider age of pups before human activity at or near wolf homesites occurs.  相似文献   

Endangered wolves cloned from adult somatic cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the world, canine species, including the gray wolf, have been gradually endangered or extinct. Many efforts have been made to recover and conserve these canids. The aim of this study was to produce the endangered gray wolf with somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) for conservation. Adult ear fibroblasts from a female gray wolf (Canis lupus) were isolated and cultured in vitro as donor cells. Because of limitations in obtaining gray wolf matured oocytes, in vivo matured canine oocytes obtained by flushing the oviducts from the isthmus to the infundibulum were used. After removing the cumulus cells, the oocyte was enucleated, microinjected, fused with a donor cell, and activated. The reconstructed cloned wolf embryos were transferred into the oviducts of the naturally synchronized surrogate mothers. Two pregnancies were detected by ultrasonography at 23 days of gestation in recipient dogs. In each surrogate dog, two fetal sacs were confirmed by early pregnancy diagnosis at 23 days, but only two cloned wolves were delivered. The first cloned wolf was delivered by cesarean section on October 18, 2005, 60 days after embryo transfer. The second cloned wolf was delivered on October 26, 2005, at 61 days postembryo transfer. Microsatellite analysis was performed with genomic DNA from the donor wolf, the two cloned wolves, and the two surrogate female recipients to confirm the genetic identity of the cloned wolves. Analysis of 19 microsatellite loci confirmed that the cloned wolves were genetically identical to the donor wolf. In conclusion, we demonstrated live birth of two cloned gray wolves by nuclear transfer of wolf somatic cells into enucleated canine oocyte, indicating that SCNT is a practical approach for conserving endangered canids.  相似文献   

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