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Although female catarrhine primates show cyclic changes in sexual behavior and sexual swellings, the value of these sexual signals in providing information to males about timing of the fertile phase is largely unclear. Recently, we have shown that in Barbary macaques, males receive information from females which enables them to discern the fertile phase and to focus their reproductive effort accordingly. Here, we investigate the nature of the cues being used by examining female sexual behavior and the size of sexual swelling as potential indicators of the fertile phase. We collected behavioral data and quantified swelling size using digital images of 11 females of the Gibraltar Barbary macaque population and related the data to the time of ovulation and the fertile phase as determined from fecal hormone analysis. We found that rates of female sexual behaviors were not correlated with female estrogen levels and did not significantly differ between the fertile and non-fertile phases of the cycle. In contrast, swelling size was significantly correlated with female estrogen levels and increased predictably towards ovulation with size being maximal during the fertile phase. Moreover, frequencies of male ejaculatory copulations showed a strong positive correlation with swelling size and highest rates were found during maximum swelling. Our data provide strong evidence that female Barbary macaques honestly signal the probability of fertility through sexual swelling and that males apparently use this information to time their mating activities. Honest advertising of the fertile phase might be part of a female strategy to manipulate male mating behavior for their own advantage, such as ensure fertilization with high quality sperm or influence paternity outcome.  相似文献   

Teeth chattering is seen in many primate species and has been proposed to have a range of social functions. This observational study tested specific hypotheses relating to the function of teeth chattering in a semi-free-ranging group of Barbary macaques, Macaca sylvanus. During focal watches of males, the outcome of male-male dyadic social interactions in which teeth chattering was present or absent was compared. Using these data, we tested the predictions of four hypotheses: teeth chattering functions as a signal of submission, appeasement, affiliation or reassurance. Support was found for all four hypotheses. In addition, in some contexts, an exchange of teeth chattering appeared to have a greater impact on the outcome of interactions than one male alone giving this signal. These findings suggest that teeth chattering serves an important role in coordinating the social interactions of male Barbary macaques.  相似文献   

Japanese macaques live in multi‐male/multi‐female social groups in which competition between males, female mate choice, and alternative male mating strategies are important determinants of mating and reproductive success. However, the extent to which adult males rely on female behavior to make their mating decisions as well as the effect of social rank on mating success are not clear as results are inconclusive, varying from study to study. In this study, we combined behavioral and endocrine data of 14 female Japanese macaques to examine the relationship between ovarian cycle phase and frequency of sexual behaviors, and to investigate how social rank influences sexual behavior in this species. We found that there was no increase in female proceptive behaviors during the fertile phase of the ovarian cycle, suggesting that female behaviors did not clearly signal the probability of conception. In spite of that, the frequencies of ejaculatory copulations were highest during this phase, indicating that the attractivity of females increased significantly during the period with higher probability of conception. Males, and especially the highest ranking male, were able to discriminate females nearing ovulation and to concentrate their mating effort, implying that the timing of ovulation was not concealed from them. The α male seemed able to monopolize most female matings, which is probably due in part to the low number of females simultaneously ovulating and to the limited number of inconspicuous places that the lower ranking males have to mate with females and avoid α male aggression. All together, these results suggest that different males may have access to different signals of ovulation and/or are differentially restrained as to how they can act on that information. The exact nature of the estrogen‐related cues males use to recognize female reproductive status, and to what extent males use them warrants further investigation. Am. J. Primatol. 71:868–879, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We conducted behavioral observations simultaneously with fecal sample collection on eight nonlactating females 2-3 times per week, October 1997-March 1998, to examine the relationship between ovarian hormones and the sexual behavior of female Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) during the mating season. We analyzed samples by enzyme immunoassay for fecal hormone levels. Hormone profiles of estrone-glucuronide (E1) and pregnanediol-glucuronide (PdG) were used to separate ovarian cycles into three phases (follicular, periovulatory, and luteal). Hormonal profiles indicate average cycle lengths of 27.6 +/- 4.2 days (+/- SD; n = 26). Average lengths of the luteal and follicular phases were 12.3 +/- 3.8 days (+/- SD) and 8.3 +/- 3.4 days (+/- SD), respectively. We observed female Japanese macaques engaging in sexual activity throughout the ovarian cycle, with the highest rates occurring during the follicular and periovulatory phases as compared to the luteal phase. The attractivity of female Japanese macaques increased significantly during the follicular and periovulatory phases of the ovarian cycle, when E1 levels are peaking and PdG levels drop to baseline. In addition, females displayed a significant increase in proceptive behavior during the follicular and periovulatory phases. Grooming bouts, as well as proximity between female and male macaques, also increased significantly during the follicular and periovulatory phases. We conclude that fluctuating levels of ovarian hormones in different phases of the cycle are significantly associated with variable rates of copulatory and pericopulatory behaviors in these Japanese macaque females.  相似文献   

Data are presented on intergroup interactions between six groups of Macaca sylvanus in the Ghomaran region of the Moroccan Rif mountains. Intergroup encounters (0.026/observation hour) were defined as two groups being near each other (< 150 m). Encounters were further classified into: 1) neutral (indeterminate) encounters, in which very little intergroup interaction took place, with the exception of male monitoring (N = 7); 2) approach-retreat encounters with intergroup displacement, in which, without any overt agonism, members of one group slowly approached another and caused it to retreat (N = 3); and 3) agonistic encounters with intergroup displacement (N = 3). These results are compared to the only other study of intergroup interactions in wild Barbary macaques, and it is concluded that 1) observations of intergroup unification and/or coordination of movement in Barbary macaques (“herding”) probably resulted from observer error, or if these phenomena do occur, they are rare throughout the range of this species; 2) approximately half of all intergroup encounters in both studies resulted in intergroup displacement and/or intergroup agonism, evidence of intergroup competition; and 3) current data on intergroup interactions in Barbary macaques conform to the predictions of Wrangham's model of mutually competitive female-bonded, multimale groups.  相似文献   

Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus), now restricted in the wild to a few isolated forested areas of Morocco and Algeria, are present in a free‐ranging colony on Gibraltar. For many decades, the Gibraltar colony was exposed to multiple bottlenecks due to highly nonrandom removal of animals, followed by repeated introductions of animals from North Africa. Moreover, because of complete isolation, Gibraltar's several social groups of macaques provide an ideal system to study the genetic consequences of dispersal in cercopithecines in situ. Predictions of genetic consequences due to male‐biased dispersal in cercopithecines will be different for autosomal and maternally inherited genetic markers, such as the control region of the mitochondrial DNA. We used a panel of 14 highly polymorphic microsatellite loci and part of the hypervariable region I of the mitochondrial control region to estimate genetic structure between five social groups in Gibraltar. Surprisingly, for autosomal markers, both classical summary statistics and an individual‐based method using a Bayesian framework detected significant genetic structure between social groups in Gibraltar, despite much closer proximity than wild Algerian and Moroccan populations. Mitochondrial data support this finding, as a very substantial portion of the total genetic variation (70.2%) was found between social groups. Using two Bayesian approaches, we likewise identified not only a small number of male first‐generation immigrants (albeit less than expected for cercopithecines) but also unexpectedly a few females. We hypothesize that the culling of males that are more likely to disperse might slow down genetic homogenization among neighbouring groups, but may also and more perversely produce selection on certain behavioural traits. This may have important repercussions for conservation, as it could lead to evolutionary changes that are not due to inbreeding or genetic drift.  相似文献   

In this study, the behavioral responses of Barbary macaques to seasonal and interhabitat variations in resource availability were analyzed over an entire annual cycle. Two groups, one in an evergreen cedar–oak forest (Djurdjura) and the other in a deciduous oak forest (Akfadou), were observed. In this paper, references to data on resource availability published elsewhere are made. Time budget has been studied. Variations in foraging and moving time, in day–range lengths, and in time moving in trees have been considered to estimate the variations in foraging effort and thus energy expenditure. Great monthly variations in foraging effort and other activities were observed in both habitats. In early spring, when resource availabilities were maximal, foraging effort was low while monkeys maximized their feeding time (about 5 h/day). In June, during the peak of the birth season and the rearing period, monkeys minimized their feeding time to the benefit of social interactions (to 1.6–2.7 h/day), whatever the food availability, which was low in Akfadou and high in Djurdjura. In addition, foraging effort remained low in Djurdjura, while it increased in Akfadou. Thus, at the beginning of the dry summer period, monkeys in Akfadou were in a less favorable position than those in Djurdjura. At both sites, in periods of food shortage in summer or in winter, monkeys displayed two different strategies. In the former case, their foraging effort increased, while in the second one it remained relatively low. Whatever the foraging effort, monkeys did not reach the same amount of feeding time as in early spring. In the poorest site of Akfadou, foraging effort was globally greater than in the richest site of Djurdjura, especially for adults. At both sites, adult males spent more time feeding than juveniles and less time in social interactions. Results are discussed according to rearing period, temperatures, and day length constraints. The limits of adaptability to different habitats are considered in light of the demographic parameters. Am. J. Primatol. 43:285–304, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of wild animal populations are often hindered by difficulties in obtaining blood samples. Recent advances in molecular biology have allowed the use of noninvasive samples as sources of DNA (e.g., hair or feces), but such samples may provide low-quality DNA and prevent the determination of true genotypes in subsequent DNA analysis. We present a preliminary study aimed at assessing the reliability of using fecal samples for genotyping in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). The test was performed on samples of blood and feces from 11 captive animals, using three dinucleotide microsatellites. The CTAB DNA extraction method was found to be the most relevant for Barbary macaque feces, yielding successful amplification at all loci for 70% of PCRs. All the fecal samples tested gave correct genotypes at least once for each locus when referenced against blood-derived genotypes. An average of 18.3% of PCRs displayed spurious genotypes (false homozygous or false allele). The minimum theoretical probability required to obtain a 100% accurate genotype is 0.74, based on the criterion that a correct genotype is assessed only if it was observed at least twice. The observed probability of obtaining a correct genotype from three PCRs, based on our genotyping results, was greater (0.81 on average) than the minimum threshold. In conclusion, our comparison of blood and fecal samples showed that fecal sampling is a reliable tool for the further study of wild Barbary macaque populations.  相似文献   

A cutaneous tumor was surgically removed from a 10-year-old, male Barbary ape (Macaca sylvanus). Histologically, the tumor was primarily adnexoid in nature and contained structures that resembled abortive hair follicles. The tumor was diagnosed as a trichoepithelioma.  相似文献   

Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) show an increase in vocal activity at dusk. This investigation showed that these vocalizations were mainly produced by juveniles from six to 18 months of age, during their attempts to achieve body contact with their mothers, thereby building up a sleeping cluster. The “dusk calling” consisted of protracted sequences of variable vocal patterns which always ceased when the juvenile joined its preferred sleeping cluster. The length of the sequences corresponded to the time it took the juvenile to be accepted into a sleeping cluster. One-year-old juveniles exhibited the highest vocal activity. The similarity of the results obtained in two outdoor enclosures in France and of those in the field (Morocco) indicated that dusk calling is common to this species, and not a behavior unique to captive animals. © Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In a number of primate species, females utter loud and distinctive calls during mating. Here we aim to clarify the information content and function of Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus) copulation calls by testing (i) whether or not copulation calls advertise the female fertile phase and (ii) whether and how copulation calls influence male ejaculatory behaviour. In order to do this, we combined hormone measurements with acoustic analysis and behavioural observations. In contrast to a previous study implying that the structure of copulation calls indicates the timing of the fertile phase, our results, using objective endocrine criteria for assessing ovulation, provide evidence that the structure of copulation calls of female Barbary macaques does not reveal the timing of the fertile phase. More importantly, females seem to influence the likelihood of ejaculation by calling versus remaining silent and by adjusting the timing of call onset. Females make use of this ability to influence mating outcome to ensure ejaculatory matings with almost all males in the group. In addition, calls given during ejaculatory copulations differ from those during non-ejaculatory copulations, providing information about mating outcome for listeners. We conclude that in this species, copulation calls apparently serve to enhance sperm competition and maximize paternity confusion.  相似文献   

During a long-term study of social behavior of semifree-ranging Barbary macaques, data on group transfer and sexual behavior were collected. A large population containing five groups living in a 14.5 ha outdoor enclosure was studied. Demographic data on the whole population are available for a period of six years. Data on sexual behavior of members of one large group were collected, by both focal animal and ad libitum techniques, for a period of two years. Matrilineal kinship relations of all except the oldest members of this intensively studied group were known. Males changed groups most frequently between the ages of three and five years i.e., the time at which sexual maturity was reached. While more than 30% of all males three years old and older changed groups during the study period, many males remained members of their natal group even after reaching adulthood. However, sexual interactions, especially matings between close matrilineal relatives, were found to be almost absent, suggesting that Barbary macaques are not highly inbred as formerly supposed.  相似文献   

This study of wild-living Algerian Barbary macaques ( Macaca sylvanus ) was designed to examine genetic variability in subpopulations isolated in residual forest patches, in an attempt to obtain data on the effects of habitat fragmentation. The wild population of this species (estimated at a maximum of 15 000) is vulnerable and this study therefore has direct relevance for conservation measures. Data from five microsatellite loci were analysed for 159 individuals from nine different groups living in four isolates in Algeria. Genetic polymorphism was found to be relatively high (4–12 alleles per locus) compared with other genetic markers used in previous studies of this species; mean expected heterozygosity was 65%. The four isolates are all genetically distinct ( F ST = 0; P < 0.001). Indeed, the results suggest that dispersal is limited even between some social groups within a single isolate. Genetic distances based on models not assuming stepwise mutation ( F ST and chord distance) gave very similar results and are highly correlated with geographical distances within one isolate but not between isolates. This may indicate that isolation by distance exerts a significant influence within an isolate but that genetic drift prevails between the four isolates. After allowing for variation in sample size, we found no evidence of reduced allelic diversity within small isolates that may have been separated for 250 years or more. The surviving population of Algerian Barbary macaques taken as a whole still shows marked variability in microsatellite alleles, but maintenance of genetic variability over the long term will surely require effective protection of all isolates.  相似文献   

This study presents data on the expression of male-immature triadic interactions, previously termed agonistic buffering, in a captive Macaca sylvanus group. Agonistic buffering has been hypothesized as inhibiting or modifying the expression of aggression. This was tested by examining (1) the dominance ranks of the animals involved in the triadic interactions, (2) the events preceding and following the triadic interactions, and (3) the presence of an infant in nonagonistic encounters between juvenile, subadult, and adult males. The results obtained do not support the hypothesis of agonistic buffering as the single explanation for triadic interactions, but emphasize the contextual variability in the expression of these triadic interactions.  相似文献   

Grooming in primates is often considered a “currency” that can be exchanged for other “services” or “commodities” such as reciprocal grooming, coalitionary support, infant handling, tolerance around food sources, active food sharing, or mating opportunities. Previous studies on primate grooming‐for‐sex exchange viewed the males as the demanding class, with the females as suppliers of mating opportunities. In this study, we examine the broader context of grooming‐for‐mating exchange in Barbary macaques in Gibraltar. Our data show that Barbary macaque males groom females with whom they are mating more frequently and for longer periods than other females, and the relationship between grooming and mating remains significant in both sexual and nonsexual contexts. In addition, females groomed males with whom they were mating more frequently and for longer periods than other males. In both sexes, grooming was observed to be far more frequent and to occur for longer durations in sexual compared to nonsexual contexts. We did not find any difference in grooming behavior between presexual and postsexual contexts. Our data suggest that there is no simple model to describe Barbary macaque grooming patterns in sexual contexts. Although our results are partly consistent with male use of grooming as payment for mating, broadly assessed grooming‐mating patterns cannot be solely explained by a male‐driven grooming‐for‐mating exchange.  相似文献   

Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus,L.) occur at varying densities in a number of different habitat types in Morocco and Algeria. Taub (1977) has argued that the abundance of the species in cedar forests of the Moyen Atlas, Morocco, is an indication of a habitat preference. A reexamination of available data on the distribution and abundance of Barbary macaques suggests that monkey numbers reflect the distribution of habitat size rather than habitat types. Differences between populations relative to habitat types can be seen only between forest and scrub localities. Human factors are considered more important in determining the present status of this eclectic feeder. The modern distribution of the Barbary macaque is inadequate evidence for a habitat preference.  相似文献   

Although semi-free-ranging Barbary macaque females are able to outrank older females from lower-ranking matrilines (matrilineal rank acquisition), they do not systematically outrank their older sisters, as is known to be the case for semi-free-ranging rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). We test the hypothesis that differences in the support received by younger sisters against their older sisters and against older lower-ranking females might account for this interspecific difference. Thirty-one sister dyads, members of a group of 109 Barbary macaques living at La Montagne des Singes, France, were observed during 16 months. The results indicate that (1) all females were dominant to their younger sisters, and the latter were never observed to challenge their older sisters; (2) younger sisters received as much kin support against their older sisters as against older lower-ranking females; (3) only very young females received support from their kin against their older sisters; (4) younger sisters received much more support from nonkin females against lower-ranking females than against their older sisters; and (5) Barbary macaque females appear to be supported against their older sisters less frequently than rhesus macaque females are. We conclude that the lack of nonkin support is the main factor accounting for the failure of younger sisters to outrank their older sisters in Barbary macaques. Initially this might result from kin support not being sufficient to induce younger sisters to challenge and to solicit support against their older sisters.  相似文献   

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