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Lysis protein T of bacteriophage T4   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Lysis protein T of phage T4 is required to allow the phage's lysozyme to reach the murein layer of the cell envelope and cause lysis. Using fusions of the cloned gene t with that of the Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase or a fragment of the gene for the outer membrane protein OmpA, it was possible to identify T as an integral protein of the plasma membrane. The protein was present in the membrane as a homooligomer and was active at very low cellular concentrations. Expression of the cloned gene t was lethal without causing gross leakiness of the membrane. The functional equivalent of T in phage is protein S. An amber mutant of gene S can be complemented by gene t, although neither protein R of (the functional equivalent of T4 lysozyme) nor S possess any sequence similarity with their T4 counterparts. The murein-degrading enzymes (including that of phage P22) have in common a relatively small size (molecular masses of ca. 18 000) and a rather basic nature not exhibited by other E. coli cystosolic proteins. The results suggest that T acts as a pore that is specific for this type of enzyme.  相似文献   

The cell envelope of Escherichia coli was examined for changes during late stages of bacteriophage T4 infection. Late events in T4 infection are shown to result in (i) a reduction in the effectiveness of membrane separation procedures employing either isopycnic sucrose gradient centrifugation or selective solubilization of inner membrane by detergent (Sarkosyl or Triton X-100), (ii) the appearance of a 54 000 dalton host protein in membrane preparations, (iii) the adventitious presence of detergent-resistant phage morphogenetic structures in membrane preparations, and (iv) a decrease in the activity of NADH oxidase and an apparent alteration in its association with inner membrane. These modifications occur regardless of the state of the e and t genes of T4.  相似文献   

The location of the interaction of the COOH terminus of the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase with its trimeric, circular sliding clamp has been established. A peptide corresponding to the COOH terminus of the DNA polymerase was labeled with a fluorophore and fluorescence spectroscopy used to show that it forms a specific complex with the sliding clamp by virtue of its low K(D) value (7.1 +/- 1.0 microM). The same peptide was labeled with a photoaffinity probe and cross-linked to the sliding clamp. Mass spectrometry of tryptic digests determined the sole linkage point to be Ala-159 on the sliding clamp, an amino acid that lies on the subunit interface. These results demonstrate that the COOH terminus of the DNA polymerase is inserted into the subunit interface of its sliding clamp, thereby conferring processivity to the DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

利用T4噬菌体展示猪瘟病毒E2抗原   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用重组PCR技术将猪瘟病毒 (CSFV )E2蛋白主要抗原编码区基因 (mE2 )与T4噬菌体SOC基因融合 ,构建了大小为 643bp的SOC/mE2融合基因 ,再将其插入携带T4溶菌酶基因 (e)和(denV)基因的T4重组载体 (PRH) ,构建了重组载体pRsmE2。通过重组载体与缺失突变型T4发生同源重组 ,可将SOC/mE2融合基因整合入T4的基因组中 ,并成功地将大小约 2 1 5aaSOC/mE2融合蛋白展示于T4噬菌体衣壳表面。经Westernblot、胶体金免疫电镜等免疫学检测证实 ,展示于T4表面的mE2融合蛋白具有CSFV免疫学活性。  相似文献   

Double-stranded DNA packaging in bacteriophage T4 and other viruses occurs by translocation of DNA into an empty prohead by a packaging machine assembled at the portal vertex. Coordinated with this complex process is the cutting of concatemeric DNA to initiate and terminate DNA packaging and encapsidate one genome-length viral DNA. The catalytic site responsible for cutting, and the mechanisms by which cutting is precisely coordinated with DNA translocation remained as interesting open questions. Phage T4, unlike the phages with defined ends (e.g. lambda, T3, T7), packages DNA in a strictly headful manner, and exhibits no strict sequence specificity to initiate or terminate DNA packaging. Previous evidence suggests that the large terminase protein gp17, a key component of the T4 packaging machine, possesses a non-specific DNA cutting activity. A histidine-rich metal-binding motif, H382-X(2)-H385-X(16)-C402-X(8)-H411-X(2)-H414-X(15)-H430-X(5)-H436, in the C-terminal half of gp17 is thought to be involved in the terminase cleavage. Here, exhaustive site-directed mutagenesis revealed that none of the cysteine and histidine residues other than the H436 residue is critical for function. On the other hand, a cluster of conserved residues within this region, D401, E404, G405, and D409, are found to be critical for function. Biochemical analyses showed that the D401 mutants exhibited a novel phenotype, showing a loss of in vivo DNA cutting activity but not the DNA packaging activity. The functional nature of the critical residues and their disposition in the conserved loop region between two predicted beta-strands suggest that these residues are part of a metal-coordinated catalytic site that cleaves the phosphodiester bond of DNA substrate. The data suggest that the T4 terminase consists of at least two functional domains, an N-terminal DNA-translocating ATPase domain and a C-terminal DNA-cutting domain. Although the DNA recognition mechanisms may be distinct, it appears that T4 and other phage terminases employ a common catalytic paradigm for phosphodiester bond cleavage that is used by numerous nucleases.  相似文献   

Complete sequence determination of gene 18 encoding the tail sheath protein was carried out mainly by the Maxam-Gilbert method. Approximately 40 peptides contained in a tryptic digest and a lysyl endopeptidase digest of gp 18 were isolated by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. All the peptides were identified along the nucleotide sequence of gene 18 based on the amino acid compositions. These peptides cover 88% of the total primary structure. Furthermore, the amino acid sequences of 9 of the 40 peptides were determined by a gas-phase protein sequencer; one of them turned to be the N-terminal one. The C-terminal peptide in the tryptic digest was isolated from the unadsorbed fraction of affinity chromatography on immobilized anhydrotrypsin and the amino acid sequence was also determined. Thus, the complete primary structure of gp 18 was determined; it has 658 amino acid residues and a molecular weight of 71,160.This article was presented during the proceedings of the International Conference on Macromolecular Structure and Function, held at the National Defence Medical College, Tokorozawa, Japan, December 1985.  相似文献   

The head protein of T4 bacteriophage requires the GroEL chaperonin for its insertion into a growing T4 head. Hundreds of thousands of copies of this protein must pass through the chaperonin in a limited time later in infection, indicating that the protein must use GroEL very efficiently and may contain sequences that bind tightly to GroEL. We show that green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to the N terminus of the head protein can fold at temperatures higher than those at which the GFP protein can fold well by itself. We present evidence that this folding is promoted by the strong binding of N-terminal head protein sequences to GroEL. This binding is so strong that some fusion proteins can apparently deplete the cell of the GroEL needed for other cellular functions, altering the cellular membranes and slowing growth.  相似文献   

Gene product 18 (gp18, 659 amino acids) forms bacteriophage T4 contractile tail sheath. Recombinant protein assembles into different length polysheaths during expression in the cell, which complicates the preparation of protein crystals for its spatial structure determination. To design soluble monomeric gp18 mutants unable to form polysheaths and useful for crystallization, we have used Bal31 nuclease for generation deletions inside gene 18 encoding the Ile507-Gly530 region. Small deletions in the region of Ile507-Ile522 do not affect the protein assembly into polysheaths. Protein synthesis termination occurs because of reading frame failure in the location of deletions. Some fragments of gp18 containing short pseudoaccidental sequence in the C-terminal, while being soluble, have lost the ability for polysheath assembly. For the first time we succeeded in obtaining crystals of a soluble gp18 fragment containing 510 amino acids which, according to trypsin resistance, is similar to native protein monomer.  相似文献   

Double-stranded DNA packaging in bacteriophages is driven by one of the most powerful force-generating molecular motors reported to date. The phage T4 motor is composed of the small terminase protein, gpl6 (18kDa), the large terminase protein, gp17 (70kDa), and the dodecameric portal protein gp20 (61kDa). gp16, which exists as an oligomer in solution, is involved in the recognition of the viral DNA substrate, the very first step in the DNA packaging pathway, and stimulates the ATPase and packaging activities associated with gp17. Sequence analyses using COILS2 revealed the presence of coiled coil motifs (CCMs) in gp16. Sixteen T4-family and numerous phage small terminases show CCMs in the corresponding region of the protein, suggesting a common structural and functional theme. Biochemical properties such as reversible thermal denaturation and analytical gel filtration data suggest that the central CCM-1 is critical for oligomerization of gp16. Mutations in CCM-1 that change the hydrophobicity of key residues, or pH 6.0, destabilized coiled coil interactions, resulting in a loss of gp16 oligomerization. The gp16 oligomers are in a dynamic equilibrium with lower M(r) intermediate species and monomer. Monomeric gp16 is unable to stimulate gp17-ATPase, an activity essential for DNA packaging, while conversion back into oligomeric form restored the activity. These data for the first time defined a CCM that is critical for structure and function of the small terminase. We postulate a packaging model in which the gp16 CCM is implicated in the regulation of packaging initiation and assembly of a supramolecular DNA packaging machine on the viral concatemer.  相似文献   

CD4 T cells play an important role in the initiation and persistence of CD8 T cells responses. In this review, we report on and evaluate the mechanisms by which CD4 T cells contribute to activation of CD8 T cells and the signal pathways of the down-streaming events after CD4 T cell help.  相似文献   

Molecular architecture of bacteriophage T4   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In studying bacteriophage T4—one of the basic models of molecular biology for several decades—there has come a Renaissance, and this virus is now actively used as object of structural biology. The structures of six proteins of the phage particle have recently been determined at atomic resolution by X-ray crystallography. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the infection device—one of the most complex multiprotein components—has been developed on the basis of cryo-electron microscopy images. The further study of bacteriophage T4 structure will allow a better understanding of the regulation of protein folding, assembly of biological structures, and also mechanisms of functioning of the complex biological molecular machines.Translated from Biokhimiya, Vol. 69, No. 11, 2004, pp. 1463–1476.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Mesyanzhinov, Leiman, Kostyuchenko, Kurochkina, Miroshnikov, Sykilinda, Shneider.  相似文献   

Many bacteriophages, such as T4, T7, RB49, and phi29, have complex, sometimes multilayered, tails that facilitate an almost 100% success rate for the viral particles to infect host cells. In bacteriophage T4, there is a baseplate, which is a multiprotein assembly, at the distal end of the contractile tail. The baseplate communicates to the tail that the phage fibers have attached to the host cell, thereby initiating the infection process. Gene product 8 (gp8), whose amino acid sequence consists of 334 residues, is one of at least 16 different structural proteins that constitute the T4 baseplate and is the sixth baseplate protein whose structure has been determined. A 2.0A resolution X-ray structure of gp8 shows that the two-domain protein forms a dimer, in which each monomer consists of a three-layered beta-sandwich with two loops, each containing an alpha-helix at the opposite sides of the sandwich. The crystals of gp8 were produced in the presence of concentrated chloride and bromide ions, resulting in at least 11 halide-binding sites per monomer. Five halide sites, situated at the N termini of alpha-helices, have a protein environment observed in other halide-containing protein crystal structures. The computer programs EMfit and SITUS were used to determine the positions of six gp8 dimers within the 12A resolution cryo-electron microscopy image reconstruction of the baseplate-tail tube complex. The gp8 dimers were found to be located in the upper part of the baseplate outer rim. About 20% of the gp8 surface is involved in contacts with other baseplate proteins, presumed to be gp6, gp7, and gp10. With the structure determination of gp8, a total of 53% of the volume of the baseplate has now been interpreted in terms of its atomic structure.  相似文献   

Fibritin is a fibrous protein that forms "whiskers" attached to the neck of bacteriophage T4. Whiskers interact with the long tail fibers regulating the assembly and infectivity of the virus. The fibritin trimer includes the N-terminal domain responsible for attachment to the phage particle and for the collar formation, the central domain forming a 500 A long segmented coiled-coil structure, and the C-terminal "foldon" domain. We have designed a "mini" fibritin with most of the coiled-coil domain deleted, and solved its crystal structure. The non-helical N-terminal part represents a new protein fold that tightly interacts with the coiled-coil segment forming a single domain, as revealed by calorimetry. The analysis of the crystal structure and earlier electron microscopy data on the collar-whisker complex suggests the necessity of other proteins to participate in the collar formation. Crystal structure determination of the N-terminal domain of fibritin is the first step towards elucidating the detailed structure and assembly mechanism of the collar-whisker complex.  相似文献   

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